SMQ - Northwestern Game Prediction

  • last year
Sunday Morning Quarterback - Northwestern Game Prediction
00:00 Welcome to Sunday Morning Quarterback with Jay Stockwell and Bob Frady.
00:06 Hey, who got the, you got the memo on the hat, man.
00:08 How'd you end up with the same hat?
00:10 That's beauteous.
00:11 You know what this is?
00:12 This is the original.
00:13 If you go to our website and look at the picture, this is the hat I'm wearing in that picture.
00:18 Doesn't come out that often, only special occasions.
00:20 And today's a special occasion.
00:22 It's the return from no football!
00:25 Let's get that out of the way.
00:26 Go to and sign up for your email and click subscribe.
00:32 Guess where I'm going to be tomorrow or this weekend, Bobby?
00:35 At the football game.
00:36 There we are.
00:37 Yes.
00:38 At the foosball game.
00:39 Yes.
00:40 I'll be at the Champions Club from noon on.
00:43 If you see me in the same jacket that's on our website at, come up and say
00:48 hi.
00:49 That'd be amazing.
00:50 Okay.
00:51 Be very careful.
00:52 He's like a bear.
00:53 He's got his kid with him.
00:54 He's got the cub.
00:55 The bear's going to come out and I'm not there to protect him this time.
00:56 I'm not there to be the shield of protection that protects Stockwell from all the extracurriculars
01:05 so you're on your own.
01:06 I am a pussycat.
01:07 You know you're the fighter in the group.
01:11 I bring the cat, so there you go.
01:15 So this weekend is the 100th year anniversary of Memorial Stadium and apparently they're
01:20 going to bring all the stops out for the game.
01:22 So pretty excited about that.
01:24 Are you going to be stalking the former player line looking for guests on the show?
01:29 Yeah, maybe.
01:30 Maybe.
01:31 We'll see.
01:32 Hey, Chase Stockwell, send him on to quarterback.
01:33 Want to be a guest on our show?
01:36 Our main man Tyler Kai didn't hook me up with the on-field presence, but we'll see.
01:41 We'll see what happens.
01:43 Poor baby.
01:44 You only got Champions Club passes in season one game.
01:48 Don't be like that.
01:49 Don't be like an Ohio State fan.
01:51 Nebraska fan.
01:52 Be thankful that you're there.
01:54 I am.
01:55 Look, this is a dream come true for me because I grew up in a little town called Hardington,
01:59 small 1500, and from the time I was as knee-high to a grasshopper, Nebraska has been in my
02:07 blood.
02:08 So I'm excited about this.
02:09 I did see a listing in Hardington for a home that was $600,000.
02:18 In Hardington!
02:20 We got a message for the Don Miller Land Company.
02:22 That's a little bit much, but if you want Bob Frady and I to buy a Sunday morning quarterback
02:29 headquarters in Hardington, we're going to have to come off that price a little bit.
02:33 Yeah, yeah.
02:34 Even though it is next to the golf course, which is lovely.
02:37 We like that.
02:38 We like that.
02:39 We could never, we'd never be home.
02:42 That's our retirement home.
02:43 Like two old dudes, like are they straight?
02:44 Are they gay?
02:45 What's going on?
02:46 I don't know.
02:47 We could play golf together every day.
02:48 It's like, "Oh, we're going to go play nine and come back in.
02:49 Hey, what's up?"
02:50 Our daughter's wives, they wouldn't do that.
02:54 See that woman in the background of Jay's face right now?
03:01 She's going, "Ha ha ha, no."
03:04 Exactly.
03:05 Yeah, so that's exactly what she's saying.
03:08 She has had a bit of a difficult relationship with Nebraska.
03:12 It started with the fact that she couldn't get cell service down there.
03:16 Then the big thing was one of our trips to Hardington, we were kind of hungry coming
03:21 in and we were looking up the top restaurant in Hardington.
03:24 What was it, Bob Frady?
03:25 You know the story.
03:26 It was Casey's.
03:27 Casey's, exactly.
03:28 Listen, Casey's has some excellent food, especially the one in Hardington.
03:29 It's very modern.
03:30 I walked in there, I was like, "They're going to have some good food in here."
03:41 Yeah, yeah.
03:42 Casey's is, I think, a major player in pizza.
03:44 I think it's the number three pizza chain in the US.
03:48 Let's not trivialize Casey's because they seem to have gone.
03:52 Okay, let's move on to more important things.
03:54 See, we're rusty.
03:55 We're rusty.
03:56 We took the Bible off when we're coming back.
04:01 By the way, Uncle Kelly listened to the Fun with Corn cast and was very critical of Bob
04:08 Frady.
04:09 He's like, "You know what he is?
04:10 He's an uppity East Coaster.
04:11 That's what he is.
04:12 He lives in Connecticut.
04:13 I live in Connecticut and I know about corn.
04:15 Keep listening there, East Coaster.
04:16 I see you with your East Coast values.
04:17 Go and plant some corn."
04:18 He does not think you've ever detested corn, Yubi.
04:19 I've de-silked corn.
04:20 I don't know what I've done.
04:21 I take the silk off the corn.
04:22 I don't know what the detesting actually is.
04:23 Believe me, I got corrected after that podcast by my wife who grew up on a farm.
04:24 She's like, "You are full of crap.
04:25 You don't know what you're doing."
04:26 I'm like, "I'm not going to listen to you.
04:27 I'm going to listen to you."
04:28 I'm like, "You're going to listen to me."
04:29 I'm like, "I'm not going to listen to you.
04:30 I'm going to listen to you."
04:31 You called the Ogallala Aquifer an aquifier.
04:55 Listen, man, I don't deal with underground stuff all that well.
04:58 I don't like being underground.
04:59 I don't want to be underground.
05:00 I'm an on-the-ground guy.
05:01 I would call it a lake or a pond, but you want to call it an aquifer, fine.
05:07 I stand corrected.
05:08 I hope you're happy.
05:09 Look at that.
05:10 All that positivity we bring.
05:11 We bring dozens.
05:12 We bring good jokes.
05:13 We bring good facts, and all I hear about it is, "He mispronounced aquifier."
05:20 He did say that the jokes were funny.
05:23 He did say that.
05:24 He did say that.
05:25 Okay, well, you didn't send me that part.
05:26 We love you, Kelly.
05:27 Just keep listening.
05:28 All right.
05:29 Make sure you view the ads twice.
05:30 Let's look at the game here, Bob, the Husker Max stats.
05:35 I have seen them stats.
05:38 Okay, listen.
05:39 Let's talk meta before we get too deep into the stats.
05:43 Yeah.
05:44 Northwestern's a weird team.
05:45 They are a weird team.
05:46 I think I've dated Northwestern in the past because I never really know what's going to
05:52 show up when it's at the door.
05:56 I think, and then no, and then I think, and then yes.
06:00 Who knows what's going to show up?
06:02 They come roaring back to beat Minnesota when they were down by 21, I think, and win the
06:09 game in overtime.
06:10 Then they barely squeak by Howard, get thrashed by Illinois.
06:14 Illinois is another bipolar team.
06:16 Excuse me for those of you who are bipolar.
06:19 I don't mean that in a bad way.
06:20 I mean it in the most positive way.
06:21 Because they beat Maryland last week.
06:24 Or did they beat Maryland last week or did they almost beat Maryland last week?
06:27 I love what Matt Ruhle and some of the writers, I know you don't like the writers, are saying.
06:31 Nebraska...
06:32 It's not that I don't like the writers.
06:34 You've got to get that out of your head.
06:36 It's not that I don't like the writers.
06:38 I like writers who are more fact-based than opinion-based.
06:41 If I wanted crap from you, I'd squeeze your head.
06:44 Just tell me the facts.
06:46 But both Ruhle and the writers are saying, "Look, we could win every game.
06:50 We could lose every game."
06:51 What I like about what Ruhle is doing with the team, he's just getting the focus on the task at hand.
06:58 The game that week.
06:59 Don't think about the Big Ten West or going to a bowl game.
07:03 Think about going 1-0 this week.
07:05 Coming off the bye week, we've got two or three of our Luke Reimers coming back.
07:10 We've got our defense coming back.
07:12 He's named Heinrich Harbord the starter.
07:15 Jeff Sims continues to be the greatest teammate.
07:18 He's fully healthy.
07:19 I just think we're in a much stronger position than we've been.
07:23 I really like the posture coming in.
07:25 Plus, we are at a statistical advantage versus our friends at Northwestern.
07:31 They're a terrible running team.
07:32 They only got .6 turnovers in their favor per game.
07:38 I think we've got a chance here to run the ball really strongly and not turn the ball over.
07:43 Heinrich's going to have another great performance, and our defense is going to play well.
07:49 I'm very, very excited.
07:52 Let me just look at the latest line.
07:54 I think it was 9 points.
07:55 11.5!
07:57 It was 11.5?
07:59 Yeah, did it come down?
08:00 I checked this morning.
08:01 I think it was 11.5.
08:02 Let's look here in the Big Ten.
08:05 10.5 and the over/under is 40.5.
08:10 Wow, it's come down.
08:12 Yeah.
08:13 Did you see that?
08:14 The over on the Iowa game is 32.5.
08:18 In the Pac-10, that's like the over/under for a quarter.
08:22 I'm coming out with this prediction right now.
08:24 I think Nebraska is going to score 28 points, and I think Northwestern is only going to score 7.
08:30 So I'm going to take Nebraska and the under, and we are going to win this game and go to 4-3.
08:36 I think there is a victory on the horizon.
08:38 I think that the final score will be more like 21-10.
08:42 So again, it's the under.
08:43 But there is one factor in this game that we have not considered in all of our analysis.
08:49 That factor is that you will be at this game.
08:53 I know!
08:54 When is the last time you attended a winning Nebraska game?
08:57 Well, I should mention that I was at the Northwestern game last year in Dublin.
09:02 Yeah, I know that one.
09:04 That was going great right until Scott Frost decided to go for an onside kick with a 14-point lead.
09:11 Right about then, the credit card machines at the beer stands stopped working.
09:16 So the only good part about that onside kick was they started giving beer away for free, which was kind of nice.
09:22 Hey, listen, that's the trade I'll take.
09:24 All right, onside kick, but free beer.
09:28 You know what kind of beer you want to drink, Jay Stockwell.
09:31 Free beer!
09:34 Dublin is a fantastic town, and if you ever get there, I highly, highly recommend the Marion Hotel.
09:41 It happened to be the hotel where the Ryans from Northwestern were staying.
09:45 Just a gorgeous downtown hotel, and Dublin's such a walkable city.
09:50 Is that because it's your daughter's name as well?
09:53 Yes, I recommend the George Hotel and the Marion Hotel.
09:58 No, it's M-E-R-I-O-N.
10:00 There's a Jake Hotel and a Frankie Hotel, and of course, the Rachel Hotel.
10:07 Get the whole family in there.
10:09 Anyway, so that was a painful thing to watch last year.
10:12 And you went to the Minnesota game this year, and it was going really well until the fourth quarter when they decided to give the game away.
10:19 And then last year, we went to the Georgia Southern game, which was going well until they gave the game away at the end.
10:25 There's a theme here, Stockwell, and I don't like this theme.
10:28 You need to reverse course.
10:30 That's what I love most about what Matt Ruhl's doing.
10:33 He's like, "We're not going to be that team. That's not a team I'm going to coach.
10:36 That's not a team anybody wants to be on.
10:38 We are going to focus and win this thing one game at a time, and whatever happens, happens."
10:44 And I think he's getting the mindset.
10:47 I don't know if you've been seeing it, Bob, but out on social media, they're letting out some of his pre- and post-game speeches.
10:54 And I just watched a post-game Michigan speech, and this guy is as good as anybody else.
11:01 And what's interesting to see is that some of the teams that got out to a fast start now, Colorado, is now struggling a little bit.
11:10 And I think Matt is sort of steadily building, one step at a time, one percent better every day.
11:17 So I'm excited to see the continued evolution of the Huskers this weekend on the 100th anniversary.
11:24 And I have just as much excitement about it as I did when I was seven years old.
11:29 It surprises me that people don't think that way.
11:31 It's like everybody's so concerned about what's going to happen three, six, nine months from now.
11:35 It's like, "You don't even know what you're going to have for lunch tomorrow."
11:37 It's like, "Just focus on the day. Focus, focus, focus on what you can do today to make the place a little bit better than you left."
11:45 That's it. You do that, you're going to have a successful life, and that's $250 worth of therapy.
11:50 Thank you very much. I like that.
11:52 But I love that philosophy. Like you can't worry about – and this is why I have not a beef, but I have an opinion about some sportswriters.
12:02 It's like they're thinking, "What's going to happen nine months from now?"
12:04 It's like focus on today. All you can control is today.
12:08 Control today as best you can, and tomorrow will come tomorrow, and then you focus on tomorrow.
12:15 Having a little bit of a long-term plan is good, but your execution is day by day.
12:20 It's not long-term strategy. It's day by day.
12:23 Amen.
12:24 Get up and do the work.
12:25 I've got a list that I work through day by day.
12:28 Every morning I come in here and I just strike them off, strike them off, strike them off.
12:31 Just get them what you can get them every single day.
12:34 Another thing I like, they've been really working on preventing turnovers, so I think that's good.
12:39 Heinrich just doesn't turn the ball over. He holds that ball up high and strong.
12:43 Again, I think some of the weaknesses that we've shown in the past we're going to successfully deal with this weekend.
12:50 Now, Uncle Bob, what is your prediction? What's your quantitative prediction for the game? I'm at 28-17.
12:56 Sometimes when you're talking, your ears go into mute mode. 21-10. Does that sound – 21-10.
13:02 Okay. So for all of our friends in Nebraska, if you happen to see Jay, just say hello.
13:10 He's very gregarious. He's a lovely, lovely person.
13:13 Don't mess with the kid. That would be bad.
13:16 And always – and don't say anything negative about Nebraska, the state, or the kid, because he's already said all of them in private.
13:23 So –
13:24 That's not true.
13:28 And go by the War Memorial. You can see his name there, and you can see my name near it.
13:36 It's the plaques without wives, which is bad.
13:41 Right outside of the M&M building. There you go.
13:43 Yeah, so take some video when you're there and see if we can put it in next week.
13:49 Yeah. By the way, if I meet any – again, I'm going to be at the Champions Club at around noon.
13:55 If I meet any of you out there, I'll take some video and we'll put it on the weekend podcast.
14:01 Jay is easy to spot. He's 6'4" tall. He's got a giant head like me.
14:07 So it's like – you can spot him from across the planet. So just go say hello to Jay.
14:14 And we have a big surprise coming – big surprise guest coming, which we may combine the weekend podcast with.
14:21 But we're not going to give up who that is. We're going to record that tomorrow. So that'll be exciting.
14:27 All right, so there you have it. 28-7 from Commander Stockwell of the American Navy.
14:32 UB's out there at 20-10. Is that right? Is that what it had?
14:36 21-10. Actually, you know what? 24-10. I'm going to give the kicker some love. 24-10.
14:41 Okay. 24-10. And you're the under?
14:45 I'm the under.
14:46 Yeah, yeah. 24-10 and the under. Okay.
14:49 All right, so there you have it, guys. Bob, why don't you take us out?
14:52 Go Big Red!
14:56 Go Big Red!