Ghous e Azam Ki Talimaat o Aqwal - Shan e Ghous e Azam RA - Episode 3 - 19 Oct 2023 - ARY Qtv

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Ghous e Azam Ki Talimaat o Aqwal - Shan e Ghous e Azam RA - ARY Qtv

Speaker: Pirzada Syed Atiq ur Rehman

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00:00 Quran-e-Hakeem, Sirat-ul-Nabi (SAW)
00:04 Ahadith-e-Mubarka, Fiqh-e-Wasail-e-Bayan
00:07 and many more, God willing, with the best of scholars.
00:11 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
00:20 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
00:23 Allah says in the Holy Quran and the Wise Surah
00:28 "My Lord, increase me in knowledge"
00:31 Allah says in the Holy Quran and the Wise Surah
00:33 "And His Messenger, the Trustworthy, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful"
00:37 It begins with "My Lord, who is not yet, but by blessing and great name"
00:42 who is the one who loves more than seventy million mothers
00:46 and the four Durood and Salam are seen as the life of the world
00:51 whose teachings Allah has made knowledge a light.
00:57 On the platform of AYQ TV,
01:00 we are here to present to you the teachings of Huzoor,
01:04 his biography, his thoughts,
01:07 and a beautiful session of his.
01:12 We would like to begin with the heartfelt greetings.
01:14 Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
01:17 In the last session, we discussed the statements
01:22 of the Ghosul Aalameen in relation to the Shariah of Allah and the light of faith.
01:28 In today's session, I would like to say that
01:32 the person who wants to guide his time
01:37 from a spiritual perspective,
01:40 it is necessary for him to be strong in his knowledge.
01:45 It is not possible that he cannot find problems for himself
01:50 and cannot find a solution to the problems.
01:53 It is not possible that he has not read the Holy Quran in detail.
01:56 It is not possible that he has not found the strength of argument
02:00 in the Hadith of the Holy Prophet (saw)
02:03 and that his words are not full of meaning and
02:06 that he is not fully aware of the knowledge of his time.
02:11 And yet he comes to guide his time.
02:14 And this is the reason that today,
02:16 we have left this one thing and started to find a guide for ourselves.
02:22 We have started to make actions.
02:24 So, those levels of respect and value for us are no longer there.
02:28 I would like to say that a famous Sheikh of the time of the Ghosul Aalameen,
02:33 a famous Sheikh Hazrat Omar bin Masood says that
02:37 my eyes have not been able to see in my time,
02:40 in my knowledge, in my correctness, in my firmness and in my strength,
02:47 a Sheikh like Abdul Qadir Jilani,
02:50 I have not seen any scholar greater than him.
02:54 And he further explains that
02:57 you explain the most difficult issues in a very simple and simple way.
03:05 And the way the scholars understand,
03:07 this is the biggest thing, that you do not just put the knowledge in the dustbin.
03:11 You have to explain to everyone.
03:12 The purpose is that you have to do reformations.
03:15 So, he said that the way the scholars understood,
03:18 the same way the public also understood.
03:21 And your tongue had such an effect that
03:23 people would have repented of alcohol before getting up from your gathering,
03:26 after listening to the expertise of your knowledge,
03:29 after getting benefit from your righteousness and purity,
03:32 before getting up from your gathering.
03:36 They would have become habitual of prayer.
03:39 They would have been disrespected, disrespected, disrespected,
03:43 and those who had broken their relationship with Allah and the Prophet,
03:46 they would have re-established their relationship.
03:49 Hazrat Imam Samani says about Huzoor Ghosul Aalimeen that
03:54 "Kaana Abdul Qadir min Ahlil Jilan,
03:57 Imamul Hanabila wa Sheikhuhum fee Asrihee"
04:01 This is such a big thing that I am saying in your service.
04:04 That your spirituality and your loyalty is not enough.
04:10 And we only take your miracles,
04:12 which some people accept and some people have doubts about,
04:17 we take it to them.
04:19 Why is your miracle not shown?
04:22 Why is your steadfastness not shown?
04:24 Your status, rank, your status, your value,
04:28 your Allah's grace, and your knowledge,
04:31 why is it not shown that you are so easy to be out of the realm of knowledge
04:34 and it comes into your lap and you are always in love with it?
04:40 Hazrat Imam Samani says that
04:43 "I have seen Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani as the biggest Imam of Fiqh and Hanbali in my time,
04:53 and he is the greatest of the scholars of his time,
04:57 the greatest of the scholars, the greatest of the scholars."
05:02 Ibn Taymiyyah, when he mentioned Huzoor,
05:07 he wrote his name in such a way that
05:11 "Qutubul Aarifeen Aba Muhammad Abdul Qadir bin Abdullah Al Jaili"
05:16 See, you are Qutubul Aarifeen,
05:19 you are the ocean of knowledge, meaning, and desire,
05:24 and you are the one who teaches those who come to you.
05:27 You are the expert of knowledge, you are the expert of sainthood,
05:31 you are the expert of generosity.
05:33 As Huzoor, Ghusul Alameen, said at one place that
05:37 "Every saint has a guide, and who is my guide?"
05:42 This is such a beautiful statement.
05:44 He said, "My guide is the Master of the two worlds,
05:48 whom Allah has given more brightness than the moon of Kamal in the fourteenth."
05:55 How great is this, that the degree, the perfection,
05:59 the glory that has been bestowed upon the Master of the two worlds,
06:02 is more bright than the moon of Kamal in the fourteenth.
06:05 He has come as the Badr-e-Kamal,
06:07 and I take the blessings from the Master and transfer those blessings to the Ummah.
06:12 Hazrat Imam Yafi says that
06:14 "Am I the Uloom-e-Deeniya or Uloom-e-Asriya in my time?"
06:19 See, these are two things.
06:21 That a scholar should have both eyes open.
06:24 Today, all our Madaris,
06:27 those Madaris will have to take the blessings from the Jamia's of Huzoor Ghusul Alameen.
06:32 They will have to understand.
06:33 Today, when we read about Nikah and Talaq in a special environment,
06:37 in a different environment,
06:40 in a different environment,
06:42 when we read about our specific beliefs,
06:44 and it is spread in a different environment,
06:47 and it is spread from the point of view of doubt,
06:49 then how can we change the world?
06:51 How can it be that again,
06:53 to read the Kalima to 9,00,000 people,
06:55 a man should come to the world of colors and smell?
06:58 If the disciple of Huzoor Ghusul Alameen comes to the world of Karam,
07:01 then what is the reason?
07:03 That he knows all the sciences of his time.
07:05 That is why we should read the journal sciences of today.
07:10 We should read the Deen,
07:11 read the journal sciences,
07:12 read the social sciences,
07:13 read the modern sciences,
07:15 and read the medical sciences.
07:17 We should also know about astronomy.
07:19 We should also know about biophysics and chemistry.
07:21 Our children should also be graduates.
07:24 And then what should happen?
07:26 That the sciences of the modern languages of the world,
07:30 they should be covered with the sciences of Deen.
07:33 And the doctor who has studied medical,
07:36 but along with that he is a true Muhammadi from within.
07:40 He is a true Muhammad,
07:42 a true Mustafa.
07:44 Tell me what will be the glory of that doctor?
07:47 What will be his status and what will be the cure in his hands?
07:49 Will he only collect wealth from people for no reason?
07:52 Or through Huzoor Ghusul Alameen,
07:54 when three sentences come out of his tongue,
07:59 the whole disease of the one who comes will be cured by his patience and wisdom.
08:03 So let us see.
08:05 Hazrat Imam Jafi says that
08:07 "Whatever I have judged Huzoor Ghusul Alameen,
08:10 I have accepted him as my Imam.
08:12 I have accepted him as my Imam.
08:15 From knowledge to loyalty,
08:17 he is the son of a saint of perfection.
08:20 And why not?
08:21 The Holy Prophet (saw)
08:23 had given this good news to his father,
08:26 that the son whom Allah will give you,
08:29 his saints and scholars will have the same status
08:32 as my prophets and messengers.
08:34 As my prophets and messengers.
08:37 Let us move forward.
08:38 Hazrat Abdul Rahman Ibn Jauzi
08:40 writes a very beautiful incident.
08:42 Hazrat Abdul Rahman Ibn Jauzi
08:44 was a great scholar of his time.
08:47 But he was aware of Huzoor Ghusul Alameen's loyalty.
08:50 But he was not aware of the truthfulness,
08:53 sincerity, and sincerity of Huzoor's words.
08:56 He says that he was very fond of the Quranic commentary.
08:59 And moving forward from the physical meaning of the Quran,
09:02 I used to see many commentaries of each verse.
09:05 I used to see 4, 5, 6 commentaries of a verse.
09:09 So one time I got the opportunity to sit in the assembly
09:12 of Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (ra).
09:16 So a discussion started on a verse of the Holy Quran.
09:20 He says that he thought that he was the most knowledgeable
09:24 about this verse in the assembly.
09:27 Because he knew 11 commentaries.
09:30 So he was sitting there with pride
09:33 that Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani had set up a city.
09:37 And he started to narrate the commentaries in a way.
09:41 He narrated 5 commentaries.
09:43 I said that he will stop at 10.
09:45 He narrated 10.
09:47 I said that he will stop at 11.
09:49 I said that I know 11.
09:51 I am not the most knowledgeable about this.
09:53 So how will he go beyond this?
09:55 He went up to 15.
09:57 He went up to 20.
09:59 He went up to 25 commentaries.
10:01 When he narrated his 39th commentary,
10:03 he said that he was amazed.
10:05 He was astonished.
10:07 I had never seen such a grip on a religious scholar.
10:11 But he says that when he reached 39th commentary,
10:14 he said that
10:16 "We move from the past to the present."
10:19 What a big sentence!
10:21 He said that now we move from the past to the present.
10:26 First I have told you the knowledge,
10:29 the meaning and the meaning of the commentaries.
10:32 Now I will tell you with knowledge.
10:34 First I have told you the knowledge of the outward.
10:37 Now I will tell you the knowledge of the inner.
10:40 After narrating 39 commentaries,
10:43 you started to open the spiritual doors.
10:46 You started to comb the spiritual hair.
10:49 So in today's time,
10:51 the true follower of Huzoor Ghosul Aalameen,
10:55 he will have to love the Holy Quran.
10:58 This is the message of Huzoor Ghosul Aalameen.
11:01 Your Shahzada says,
11:03 "Look, you did not spend time in worship,
11:06 you did not spend time in Taqwa,
11:08 you did not spend time in monitoring.
11:11 Before Huzoor Ghosul Aalameen,
11:14 13 sciences, 13 sciences,
11:17 listen to what I am saying,
11:19 13 sciences were taught to their students.
11:24 There were Asri sciences and Deen sciences.
11:28 I have mentioned this in my previous QTV recordings.
11:31 Do watch it.
11:33 But the biggest thing is that
11:35 till the age of 90,
11:38 Huzoor Ghosul Aalameen,
11:41 before Zuhr prayer,
11:43 would teach the knowledge of the Holy Quran and Qiraat.
11:46 He would teach the Holy Quran
11:49 with the permission of "Waratilil Quran Atartila".
11:53 He would create the passion of the Holy Quran.
11:56 The Holy Quran is our true booklet.
11:59 Keep in mind that a person will only be successful
12:02 when he lives his life according to the Holy Quran.
12:06 If he does not live his life according to the Holy Quran,
12:09 then he will be a destruction,
12:11 a disgrace, a disgrace,
12:13 a disgrace, a disgrace,
12:15 if he lives his life according to the Holy Quran,
12:18 then he will be a satisfaction of the heart,
12:20 he will be a real satisfaction.
12:22 Huzoor Ghosul Aalameen was a great scholar.
12:25 You have to see from all these things.
12:27 You see, in the gathering of Huzoor Ghosul Aalameen,
12:30 in the "Nuzhatul Khatir",
12:32 all the difficult and complicated issues,
12:35 you would solve them all at once.
12:38 You would solve the most difficult issues.
12:41 And I would like to say a very big thing,
12:44 you did not only prepare a teacher,
12:46 you did not only make a teacher in your time,
12:51 you did not only prepare an Imam for Muslims,
12:54 but Sultan Sulahuddin Ayubi,
12:57 to conquer Al-Quds,
12:59 the army he had prepared,
13:01 in that army, many people were
13:04 the recipients of the "Dassar Khan-e-Ilm" of Huzoor Ghosul Aalameen.
13:09 They studied from you,
13:11 they were trained from you,
13:14 they sat in your training,
13:16 they learned from you,
13:18 they learned Taqwa from you,
13:20 they learned Taharat,
13:21 they were the first ones to stand up
13:24 in the true sense of "Jihad for the sake of Allah".
13:26 This is the reason that they
13:28 put many great powers under their feet.
13:33 And wherever they told that
13:35 a believer fights with a sword later,
13:38 in the true sense,
13:40 a perfect believer fights with the skill of knowledge.
13:44 Our respected Ustaz,
13:46 Zia-ul-Ummat Pir Karam Shah Rahmatullah Alai,
13:48 used to say to us,
13:50 "Son, this 21st century will be such a century,
13:53 in which wars will not be fought on borders,
13:56 in which wars will not be fought only with bullets,
13:59 guns, swords, arrows and such things,
14:04 but wars will be fought in classrooms.
14:07 Wars will be fought with the development of intellectuals,
14:10 wars will be fought with technologies.
14:13 The environment of the country's classrooms
14:15 will be according to the way Huzoor Ghosul Aalameen taught,
14:18 will be according to the etiquettes Huzoor Ghosul Aalameen taught,
14:22 will be according to the character and teachings of Huzoor Ghosul Aalameen.
14:25 Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani,
14:28 who was the greatest scholar of religion of his time,
14:31 and is still the greatest scholar of religion today,
14:33 who has discussed everything from Fiqh to the knowledge of the names of religion and Rijal,
14:39 and from the drawing of the skull to all the medical skills of his time,
14:44 he has spoken on everything in a perfect way.
14:47 And from the death to teaching the truth of the Holy Quran,
14:51 he has fulfilled his right.
14:53 You did not just teach, you fulfilled your right.
14:56 So the institution that will live its life according to all these etiquettes,
15:00 will be victorious on the borders.
15:02 That country will win, that country will win, that country will win.
15:06 And with these same intentions, Huzoor Ghosul Aalameen has prepared for the Mujahid,
15:09 the Sipah Salar and the Imam Muslims,
15:12 who were the unyielding soldiers,
15:15 who forced all the superpowers of their time to bow down,
15:20 and achieved that Al-Quds which is our first Qibla.
15:23 Today when we see this state of Al-Quds,
15:26 then this thing should be a burden on us,
15:29 that why did we become victorious then?
15:31 Why are we not victorious today?
15:33 Today we have only and only in a special way,
15:37 praised Huzoor Ghosul Aalameen.
15:39 If you will completely and fully worship Huzoor Ghosul Aalameen,
15:43 then believe me, you will not need to go to someone else's door and beg.
15:50 May Allah support and help you all.
15:52 May He send down millions of blessings.
15:54 Wassalamualikum.
15:56 Waalaikumassalam.
15:58 Al-Fatiha.
16:00 Al-Fatiha.
16:02 Al-Fatiha.
16:04 Al-Fatiha.
16:06 Al-Fatiha.
