Chicago's Premier Car Seller & Gambling Personality

  • last year
Eddie | The Dog Walk
00:00 All right, everybody, today is Thursday.
00:01 It is October 19th.
00:02 Welcome to the Dog Walk presented by Barstool Sports.
00:05 In studio guest today, I am here with gambling extraordinaire
00:08 Marco Pamani, or Car Guy.
00:10 I mean, I don't want you to lose the Pamani-Car Guy thing.
00:13 - I am a car guy.
00:14 - 'Cause as a Chicago guy, like Pamani and cars
00:16 is so synonymous.
00:17 So like, while I respect your gambling acumen
00:19 and what you've built for yourself,
00:21 I don't want the Pamani name to go away from cars.
00:23 - I appreciate that.
00:25 Cars come first, I'll tell you that.
00:26 - All right, good.
00:27 I'm happy to hear that, in a weird way,
00:29 even though I love that you're in this world.
00:31 But it's good.
00:32 So how's it going?
00:33 This is a long time coming.
00:34 - It is.
00:34 First off, so excited to be here.
00:36 Eddie is the best in the world,
00:37 and he didn't pay me to say that either.
00:39 I actually mean that sincerely.
00:41 But yeah, I'm just excited to come.
00:43 I'm glad you texted me, honestly.
00:44 - No, yeah, I'm happy to.
00:45 Also, you're gonna be one of the last ones
00:47 in the old office.
00:49 You definitely gotta come to the new office.
00:50 - They said I wasn't classy enough for the new office.
00:53 They said, "Marco's white trash.
00:54 "Let's bring him to the old spot."
00:54 - Yeah, the guy who is our second Rolls Royce
00:58 in our parking lot was not classy enough to come.
01:01 You heard that here.
01:03 You're right.
01:04 - Ball buster.
01:04 (laughing)
01:05 - Hey, let's take a second here to talk about ROWBACK.
01:07 Listen, Chief, we talked about it in yesterday's episode.
01:11 It is now my mission to get you
01:12 one of these ROWBACK crew necks.
01:13 - I need it.
01:14 - And ROWBACK is so, they're so generous with the gear.
01:17 They will absolutely get you one.
01:18 I'm excited to try one on myself.
01:20 And you should try one on if you're listening.
01:21 We got a nice promo code here.
01:23 The promo code with ROWBACK as well,
01:25 they cut 'em off at the end of the week.
01:26 So this is the last day of the week.
01:28 You gotta act.
01:30 You gotta act, you gotta get one of these
01:31 performance crew necks, both in men and women's sizes.
01:34 They're breathable, soft, comfortable.
01:36 Same thing with the performance hoodies.
01:38 We said great things about it yesterday.
01:39 It's staying still today, nothing changed in 24 hours.
01:42 So go get a performance hoodie, crew neck,
01:44 or obviously, we love the joggers.
01:47 - Yeah, joggers are great.
01:48 I just got a pair.
01:50 - Oh, you did?
01:51 - Yeah, yeah.
01:51 - Good, that's nice.
01:53 White Sox Davies shirt is still all over his shirt,
01:55 but those joggers are always pristine for him.
01:57 - Well, we were doing this a week or two ago,
01:59 and Dave was like, "I'm meant to wear some ROWBACK today.
02:01 "God damn it."
02:02 And then he realized he was wearing the joggers.
02:04 (laughing)
02:05 - Yeah, yeah.
02:06 - Exactly, so kick off your fall right
02:08 and use code DOG on for 20% off
02:11 your first purchase through the end of this week.
02:13 That's spelled
02:15 That's 20% off all performance hoodies,
02:17 crew necks, joggers, and more with code DOG.
02:20 All right, let's hop back in.
02:21 But anyways, dude, so for people that don't know Marco,
02:25 you blew up, what was it, two years ago?
02:27 - Yeah, about two years ago,
02:29 was at my house betting sports,
02:31 and my friends were like, "Instead of you just betting
02:32 "and showing us, you should just start posting it."
02:36 And that's what I started doing,
02:37 and it just kind of snowballed from there.
02:39 It's kind of been crazy.
02:41 - Crazy is an understatement, dude.
02:43 - To say the least.
02:43 - Were you living this, so you're like, like you said,
02:46 like you live a nice life.
02:48 - Yeah.
02:49 - Was that the case before sports betting,
02:51 or were you kind of doing this--
02:52 - Yeah, no, life, so I try to explain to people
02:54 that sports betting to me was a hobby,
02:56 and it was something that I was always pretty good at,
02:59 and I just never really like broadcasted it,
03:01 because when you think of car guy,
03:02 you think of three things, and I want people to know,
03:04 like I always get accused of, Marco is a drug addict,
03:07 and I'm like, I've never done one drug in my life.
03:09 The only thing I've done is weed.
03:10 So when it's like car guy, cokehead gambler,
03:13 what a triple combo, like triple threat.
03:15 I'm like, no, no, no, no, guys, listen,
03:17 I am a father of three, on Sundays is my disconnect.
03:21 I love sports, and football especially,
03:23 and I happen to make a lot of money gambling,
03:26 and it just seems to work that way.
03:28 - Yeah, no, you absolutely do.
03:29 I mean, you're throwing out whoppers
03:31 every Sunday, Thursday, Monday, you name it.
03:33 I don't think it's a Sunday, like he says,
03:34 but he's throwing out, he throws some whoppers,
03:36 it doesn't matter the day.
03:38 But honestly, let's start with the cars though.
03:40 So how did, like, you were born into the business.
03:42 Like, where's the dealer,
03:44 oh, you got dealerships all over the Chicagoland area.
03:46 - So we have eight, we have eight make,
03:48 or nine makes, seven locations.
03:51 Six of the locations are here in Chicago,
03:53 Chicagoland area.
03:54 One is in Sarasota, Florida.
03:56 We just launched, we just opened a Lincoln store down there.
03:59 My mom and dad had a place down there,
04:01 so we figured it would be good to start setting some roots
04:03 in some different states.
04:05 But I'll never leave Chicago,
04:06 'cause Chicago is like,
04:07 like I was telling you before we went on camera,
04:09 I love this, like, I love this area,
04:10 I love the people, and I love the food.
04:12 I would never leave, but I like to travel a little bit.
04:15 So having a place down there is kinda nice.
04:16 - That is nice. - Yeah.
04:17 - It's always nice to have a little spot to go, right?
04:19 - Yeah. - So your father is--
04:22 - Al Pomani. - Al Pomani, okay.
04:23 - Started the dealerships in 1963.
04:25 I always have to explain this to people.
04:28 So Al Pomani is technically my stepdad.
04:31 He adopted me, though, when I was seven years old.
04:33 So it's the only dad that I know.
04:34 I have got his ring on my necklace now.
04:37 So I always have to explain it to people,
04:38 'cause they're like, well, I heard,
04:40 I'm like, yeah, well, what you heard is wrong.
04:42 Al's my stepdad, he's my best friend,
04:43 he's the dad that I always wanted,
04:45 and I'm so happy I had.
04:46 I could literally cry on camera talking about him right now,
04:48 but he's like everything that I needed
04:50 as a father growing up.
04:51 Like he helped me find the balance between friendship
04:54 and how to raise my kids that I have now
04:56 and be the man that I am today.
04:58 People only see the psychopath side to me on Instagram.
05:02 They don't get to see the father side,
05:03 they don't get to see the friend side.
05:06 - That's so interesting, 'cause I can't even
05:08 think of how car business guy is,
05:11 because what I see is on Instagram,
05:13 and it's of you, you're doing your thing.
05:15 You're playing, it's you,
05:16 but you're playing an exaggerated content character
05:18 like most people do online.
05:20 But that is interesting to see,
05:21 that there is a view in a different world,
05:24 that I kinda wanna see that.
05:25 I might just pop into a dealership one of these days
05:27 just to see how the sauce is made.
05:29 - I dress the same exact way at the dealerships,
05:31 which is a little bit taboo.
05:32 So I've taken a new approach to the automotive business,
05:35 is I've tried to do things a little bit more laid back
05:37 and not so stuffy.
05:38 Like I want people to be able to come to a dealership
05:40 and your kids are running around screaming, it's fine.
05:42 Like let them run around and scream.
05:44 Like I ran around the dealership screaming when I was a kid.
05:47 So for me, it's nice to see young ones around
05:49 and not to mention like being in the Chicagoland area,
05:53 we've sold over 10 million cars since 1963.
05:56 And I wanna say seven million of them are here in Chicago.
06:00 So being like that established in this area,
06:03 like making sure that the roots stay family owned.
06:05 Like I don't wanna sell out to a corporate conglomerate.
06:07 Like I wanna keep the city the city.
06:09 Like if that makes sense.
06:10 - No, yeah, I mean, obviously I born and raised here as well
06:13 so I appreciate the fuck out of that.
06:15 Is in it's, you know, for people that,
06:17 if you're listening, we have listeners everywhere.
06:20 But you know, a large Chicago core who listened to the show,
06:23 but you know, it's like Al Pamani, Bob Rorman.
06:25 Like those were the guys who were really holding it down
06:28 back in the day.
06:29 - And you know what's crazy is Bob was one of the nicest,
06:31 coolest guys ever.
06:33 My dad and him were good friends.
06:34 They talked often.
06:36 Funniest part is, is my wife was good friends
06:39 with Bob Rorman's daughter.
06:40 So when we met, I'm like, yeah,
06:42 you're no longer a Rorman family.
06:43 You're a Pamani family, okay?
06:46 That's who you are.
06:47 - You're getting your cars from here.
06:48 - Yeah, and tell your mom and dad that's the case too.
06:51 Yeah.
06:52 - No, that's great.
06:53 But how does it work then?
06:55 Like how does it, like is there rivalries
06:57 amongst families like that?
06:58 Like do you have a rival dealer?
07:00 - No.
07:01 - Like you don't have to like get too much into it.
07:02 - No, I mean, there's only, there's no rivalry.
07:05 I mean, all car, it's a small group.
07:07 Like there's only roughly 7,000 or 8,000
07:09 new car dealerships in the country.
07:11 So when it comes to like rivalry,
07:13 we just want everyone to be successful.
07:15 The only time it gets a little weird
07:16 is if it gets like toxic, right?
07:19 'Cause in our industry, like advertising practices,
07:22 they get a little weird, they get a little toxic.
07:24 Like you'll see like one dealer say,
07:26 well, we're gonna sell it for $10,000 off.
07:27 Then you go to the dealership and it's not 10,000 off.
07:31 Like they just got you in the door to lie to you.
07:32 And that's been the biggest, you know,
07:34 issue or problem I've had.
07:36 - Like kind of weeding out those dealerships
07:38 that do that. - Like guys,
07:39 you're making me look bad because my friends are like,
07:41 hey, well, they're offering it 10,000 off
07:42 and then I have to send them there.
07:43 You disappoint them.
07:44 And they come back to me with their tail between the legs.
07:46 And I hate that.
07:47 Like transparent pricing should just be a thing.
07:50 I'm trying to, you know, work into that.
07:52 But people just, you know what's sad
07:54 is I'm starting to think people want to be lied to.
07:56 Like they want to come into a dealership and fight,
07:58 which I hate.
07:59 Like I don't like confrontation.
08:01 Like I'm Italian and Greek, but I hate confrontation.
08:03 I just don't want to do it.
08:04 - Well, correct me if I'm wrong.
08:05 Isn't kind of that getting phased,
08:07 isn't that kind of getting phased out too?
08:09 - It is, slowly.
08:10 COVID kind of kicked that in the butt.
08:11 - The negotiating? - Yeah.
08:12 - Now, is that because of like the supply chain issues
08:15 with the chip and there was just no--
08:16 - You know, believe it or not, it's still bad.
08:19 Like getting a car five years ago,
08:22 I could tell you, hey, you want to order this car?
08:23 Give me 12 weeks and I'll have your car here.
08:26 If you order a car now,
08:27 'cause I'll show you what the strike going on,
08:28 you might not see it for a year and a half.
08:29 - Yeah, it's wild.
08:30 - So imagine that, like you need a car.
08:32 That's why prices are high and then now rates are high.
08:35 - Yeah.
08:35 - You know, life's tricky right now.
08:36 - No, you're right.
08:37 I had a, I don't know if you follow this guy on Twitter.
08:38 He's awesome.
08:39 He's a car dealership guy.
08:40 - Who?
08:41 - I think that's just his name.
08:43 - Oh, really?
08:43 - He's anonymous, but he's anonymous Twitter account.
08:44 - I'm gonna have to follow it.
08:45 - Dude, he's fascinating.
08:47 Like the way this, like I get to sit here
08:48 and talk cars all day.
08:49 Like just the market and shit interests me, you know?
08:52 But this guy, he's got like such a few,
08:54 he's anonymous, but he's somehow in the industry.
08:58 But it's fascinating the way he's like all over it.
09:01 - Yeah.
09:01 - So you gotta--
09:02 - I'm gonna check him out.
09:03 - You gotta, no, honestly, I'm shocked.
09:04 - I'm telling you, I stick with car guys all the time.
09:06 If I meet a car guy on the road,
09:07 like when we travel around, going to games,
09:09 whatever it is, if they're car guys,
09:10 like automatically, instantly connection.
09:12 I'm like, oh, you're my family, come here.
09:14 Like look, arm around the shoulder, you're my guy.
09:16 Yeah, so.
09:17 - One thing I don't understand though,
09:18 about car dealerships, I was talking to,
09:20 I think I was talking to Chief about it,
09:22 is like if you sell a dealership,
09:25 like what's the value you're getting from,
09:27 'cause you're still just basically
09:28 kind of a middleman in a sense, right?
09:30 - So you own the franchise for that location.
09:33 - Okay.
09:34 - So let's just say, let's just talk slight numbers.
09:39 I'm going off of a little bit of a figuring.
09:41 A Jeep store in Naperville, recently a friend of mine
09:46 purchased it about two years ago.
09:48 I won't name names, I won't name exactly the store,
09:51 but he paid $50 million for the dealership.
09:54 That includes the land.
09:56 And the right for the franchise and all the other,
09:58 you know, nonsense, the tools, all the stuff.
10:00 So dealerships evaluation goes off of earnings,
10:03 and then it's called blue sky.
10:05 Blue sky is what it's worth times a certain amount.
10:09 Each franchise has a different blue sky amount.
10:11 So like some are 3X, 5X,
10:13 Toyota store sometimes or a Porsche store goes for 10X.
10:16 - Oh no shit.
10:17 - So 10X earnings.
10:18 And that's what they pay above and beyond
10:20 what the book value of the store is.
10:21 Selling is great, but what I always try and tell people is,
10:25 is I, when my dad passed away,
10:27 I had these corporate conglomerates come to me and say,
10:30 "Hey, we know you just wanna be yourself,
10:32 "and you know, we'll buy you out right now.
10:35 "You don't have to ever have to work another day of your life."
10:36 And I was like, "Yeah, that doesn't work for me."
10:39 Like I couldn't imagine waking up and not working.
10:42 Like it would be depressing.
10:44 So that's why I kept the dealerships going.
10:46 Like I told you earlier, keep it family owned.
10:48 And I don't recommend selling to people.
10:50 Like I don't recommend when family owned businesses sell,
10:53 I am assuming it's 'cause they don't have somebody
10:55 to take over for them.
10:56 Because it depresses me,
10:57 because the taxes you pay immediately,
10:59 you're paying taxes to the government.
11:01 So you're losing what, 30% of your money immediately,
11:03 unless it's like capital gains, who knows.
11:06 So that's tricky.
11:07 - But don't they say most of the time,
11:08 it's like third or fourth generation,
11:10 then where things get spotty because like--
11:12 - Third generation is typically where it melts.
11:13 - Yes, because like you saw how much,
11:16 you know, blood, sweat and tears your father put in.
11:18 - Yeah.
11:19 - Where it's like, you know, if it keeps going,
11:20 is that gonna be the same?
11:21 - You know, I think that it all comes from
11:23 how you raise your kids.
11:24 - Yeah, for sure.
11:25 - I hit like a little bit of a,
11:27 what a lot of people don't know about me is they like,
11:28 "Oh, Marco lived this like easy life."
11:32 My dad was old school.
11:33 And he, as soon as I got a little sideways,
11:36 he shipped my ass to military school.
11:39 I was in military school, sixth, seventh and eighth grade.
11:41 I was in military school,
11:42 junior and senior year of high school.
11:45 I went to IMG Academy and played baseball.
11:47 That's a lot of people don't-- - Oh, no shit.
11:48 - A lot of people don't know that.
11:49 So I was a pretty good athlete growing up.
11:52 I would say I was a really good athlete growing up.
11:55 But I-- - I mean, that's just no joke.
11:56 - But when I went to IMG, my grades dropped.
11:58 So my mom and dad came, ripped me out by my hair,
12:01 and put me on a plane, said, "You're coming home."
12:02 Like, "It's over, the joy ride's over."
12:04 And they dropped me off at military school.
12:06 Buzz my head, got my ass beat for two more years.
12:08 And that's kinda why I didn't have,
12:11 I always tell my friends, "You got out of school,
12:14 "and you got to go eat dinner with your parents."
12:16 Me, I got out of school, and I had to shine shoes.
12:19 I had to do square corners.
12:20 I had to do obstacle courses.
12:21 I had to do JORTC stuff.
12:23 I had to learn how to clean rifles.
12:24 It wasn't, we didn't grow up the same.
12:26 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
12:26 - But I'll tell you, as soon as I got out of school,
12:28 the lifestyle was really good.
12:30 But it was just a pain in the ass what it was.
12:31 - Did you go right into the car business?
12:33 - I went, so I went to Northwood,
12:35 which is Automotive Marketing and Management.
12:37 It's in Michigan.
12:38 But I dropped out after a year.
12:40 I said, "This isn't for me."
12:41 And I thought my dad was gonna hire me right away.
12:43 But this is when there was a little bit of a mini recession.
12:45 It was like '08, '09.
12:47 And he told me, "You know what?
12:48 "If you're gonna drop out, no problem."
12:49 So I came home, and he's like,
12:50 "Where are you gonna go get a job?"
12:51 I said, "I thought you were gonna hire me."
12:53 He's like, "No, no, no, no,
12:54 "I don't think you understand this.
12:55 "You dropped out, so you have to go get your own job."
12:57 So I went and got a job at Schaumburg Toyota,
13:00 and I worked there for two years.
13:02 - No shit, you got rope-a-dubbed a little bit
13:04 by the old man.
13:05 - My dad's like, "If you wanna be a man,
13:06 "go be a man, go make your money."
13:08 - Yeah.
13:09 - Yeah, but I went and earned my stripes.
13:10 I always say I worked with 60 other car salesmen
13:12 on a sales floor.
13:13 I grinded it out.
13:14 I would say I was a top five sales guy
13:16 every month I was there.
13:17 Like I said, I was born into this business.
13:20 A lot of people don't know is my mom was in this business,
13:22 and that's how she met Al.
13:23 - Oh, no shit.
13:25 - And my biological father's in the car business.
13:27 This is like only thing my body knows.
13:31 - But don't you appreciate though that he did that
13:33 because then it gave you like,
13:34 "Oh, Marko, you just gotta hand it down."
13:36 No, you put your shit in.
13:38 - When people tell me like,
13:39 "Oh, you just get everything handed to you,"
13:41 I'm like, "Please."
13:41 I'd give up all the millions and dollars
13:44 and all the lifestyle to get my dad back in five seconds.
13:48 Money means absolutely nothing to me.
13:50 All I care about is my kids first,
13:53 all three of my daughters,
13:54 and then my mom and dad.
13:55 Like it's literally how it works.
13:57 - Maybe hitting a three-teamer on a couple Sundays.
13:59 - Hey, seven-teamer cuz.
14:00 Seven-teamer cuz-y.
14:03 No, I'm telling you,
14:03 you know what I'm trying to explain is
14:05 is gambling is my disconnect from the regular world.
14:08 And I think that's the best way to put it.
14:09 - No, that's honestly why I wanted to have you on.
14:11 I'm sure everyone thought we'd be sitting here
14:12 talking parlays, talking bullshit,
14:14 but like I'm so fascinated by you as a guy
14:17 and like where the root started.
14:19 - Appreciate that.
14:19 - You know, it's a different angle,
14:22 but like that's what I find fascinating.
14:24 So then you hop in and then you take over.
14:27 - So he brought me back in 2009.
14:31 Everything was going really smooth.
14:32 Life was good.
14:34 And then when my dad got sick,
14:36 it was kinda like if it wasn't for my mom,
14:38 my dad would have died 10 years earlier.
14:41 We had a chef in the house
14:42 making sure that he was eating salt-free.
14:44 We had to make sure that he went through a dialysis
14:46 cuz he had cancer.
14:47 So we went through a bunch of like toxic stuff with that.
14:49 Like that was a hard on the family.
14:51 But when 2014 hit, my dad died on Christmas Eve of 2014.
14:56 It was the worst Christmas ever.
14:57 Like I fricking hated it.
14:58 I hated Christmas until my kids came along.
15:00 But when I took over in 2014, it was with my mom.
15:03 So my mom and I technically worked together.
15:05 And my mom is like my best friend.
15:07 Like I can go anywhere with her.
15:08 She almost came with me today, to be honest with you.
15:11 She's just an A plus person, A plus personality,
15:13 and it is always positive.
15:15 Always, and at any point, I'm not myself.
15:17 Like I recently, I left better.
15:19 I think I told you that before we came.
15:21 She was like, "Listen, you need to go back
15:22 "to the roots of like, I know my son.
15:24 "And the son that I'm watching right now
15:25 "isn't the son that is,
15:27 "you're not the million dollar Marco that I know."
15:29 Like the Marco that I know films videos in his car,
15:32 takes selfies of himself talking, you know, nonsense.
15:35 And she's like, "Go back to your roots."
15:37 And that's kind of what happened in 2014.
15:39 My mom jumped in, I jumped in.
15:41 People were trying to come at us
15:42 from a million different angles.
15:43 And what's sad is, is all the people that like
15:46 you think are your friends, when my dad died,
15:49 I realized a lot of these people were enemies.
15:51 And they were just trying to take what they could.
15:54 And that was really hard.
15:55 We sat in a lawsuit with one guy for over two years.
15:57 And we finally were able to get him out of our way,
16:01 but it costed us $9 million.
16:02 And that guy was toxic.
16:05 Like he tried to paint me out to be some type of psychopath,
16:09 like gun welding, you know, rich kid.
16:12 Not true at all.
16:13 Like I'm just a normal guy, you know.
16:16 He tried to like say that my mom was, you know,
16:19 a terrible operator.
16:20 Like he tried to tear our family apart.
16:22 But my mom was so strong-willed,
16:25 'cause I mentally wasn't like at the ability.
16:27 I wasn't talented enough to handle that.
16:29 I was too emotional in that state in my life.
16:31 My dad died, I felt really lost with who I was.
16:34 And I was 24, 25, it was hard.
16:37 But I'm gonna tell you, like when we took over in 2014,
16:40 my mom and I, we looked at each other and said,
16:42 "How can we make this better?
16:44 "How can we turn Alpamonte into an auto group
16:46 "that's gonna be here for the next 300 years?
16:48 "What can we do right now?"
16:50 And she's like, "Well, we can control the next 60 years,
16:52 "you and I together."
16:53 So I was like, "All right, what do we do
16:54 "for the next 60 years?"
16:56 And she said, "We're gonna treat our employees
16:58 "even better than they've already been treated.
16:59 "We're gonna make sure that everybody has food on the table
17:01 "and we're gonna make sure that everybody is happy."
17:04 'Cause you might make a lot of money,
17:06 but if you're not happy, you'll leave one day.
17:08 - Yeah.
17:09 - Like I don't care, money means nothing
17:10 if you're not happy.
17:11 - Totally.
17:12 - So we've done that.
17:14 Our employees, I would trust in a room
17:17 with a million employers trying to take them
17:18 because they would say,
17:20 "I just like working with Marco and Rosanna."
17:23 Rosanna's my mom.
17:24 And I love that because without your employees,
17:27 what are you?
17:28 I can't do it on my own.
17:29 So I just love the people that work for us
17:31 and I wouldn't trade them for anything, nothing.
17:34 - Yeah, it's a good outlook, man.
17:35 Because if you take,
17:36 you're managing seven stores,
17:39 you gotta worry about so much shit.
17:41 But if the people are genuinely happy,
17:42 a lot of it takes care of itself.
17:44 And that's just--
17:45 - You know what people don't understand, Eddie?
17:47 In the car business, I get stolen from every single day.
17:51 Every single day I get stolen from.
17:53 So in the automotive business,
17:55 you pull your car into service.
17:57 A friend of yours works at a dealership,
17:59 let's just say he's a service writer.
18:02 Service writer goes,
18:02 "Okay, hey, we'll charge this one to policy, right?"
18:05 But it's his friend, it's not actually policy.
18:07 So policy is like when somebody comes in for an issue
18:10 and we just fix it for free.
18:11 So it's like, "Hey, wait, how is this policy?"
18:13 I have to look by that.
18:15 I can't check every single RO.
18:16 It's physically not possible.
18:18 And nor do I want to.
18:20 So every day that I wake up, I always say,
18:22 "How much am I okay being stolen from every single day?"
18:25 And as long as I manage the big stuff,
18:30 I'm not getting destroyed.
18:31 I'm like 100 here, 200 here, whatever.
18:34 Because you just can't fight every battle.
18:36 Now when I catch it, I address it.
18:38 I don't just throw someone out.
18:39 I have a conversation.
18:40 What did you do?
18:41 Well, it was my mom, she's struggling.
18:43 Okay, next time that happens, I want you to come to me
18:46 'cause I would have given it to your mom.
18:47 And then you wouldn't look like a thief right now.
18:50 'Cause right now, you look like a thief.
18:51 Now that you talked to me about it,
18:53 now I get why you did it.
18:54 You love your mom.
18:55 So it's like, that's the part about the car business
18:58 people don't understand.
18:59 Or let's talk about it like this.
19:01 What kind of car do you have?
19:02 - Me? - Yeah.
19:03 - Tesla. - Okay, boom.
19:04 You take your Tesla over to the dealership.
19:06 You trade it in.
19:07 Let's say you buy a Jeep, okay?
19:09 We take your Tesla in for, I'm gonna say 50,000.
19:11 I'm just throwing a number out there.
19:12 And you buy a Jeep that's worth 50,000, done.
19:14 You have a new Jeep, I own your car now for 50,000.
19:17 My dealership says, well, hey, Marco,
19:19 that car you took in for $50,000 is actually worth 55.
19:23 We undervalued it.
19:24 So I'm gonna sell it to a friend of mine.
19:27 No problem.
19:28 They sell it to their friend for 52,000.
19:29 Whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait.
19:30 It's worth 55.
19:31 Why did you sell it for 52?
19:33 Well, it was my friend.
19:34 Well, time out.
19:35 We're still a business.
19:37 Like, you hurt the business by not selling it for 55
19:40 'cause I could have sent it to the auction
19:41 and sold it for 55 and not paid a commission,
19:44 not done anything with it.
19:44 So that's where the stealing comes.
19:46 It's like kind of like inadvertent.
19:48 They're inadvertently stealing sometimes.
19:50 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, like a little--
19:51 - There's times where it's okay.
19:53 Like, take care of your mom, take care of your dad,
19:55 take care of your brother, take care of your sister.
19:57 But it's when they start doing it for themselves,
19:58 that's when it turns tricky 'cause I've watched it happen.
20:00 - And there's like, you know, taking a pack of gum
20:03 versus, you know, wheeling the whole slurpee machine
20:05 out of there, you know what I mean?
20:06 Like, you gotta fucking, you know, what are we doing?
20:09 - I'm telling you something, our world is crazy.
20:11 And I think that's why everyone's like,
20:13 how do you handle the stress of gambling?
20:14 I'm like, come hang out at a car dealership
20:16 for three months and you're gonna come out of there
20:18 and say, gambling's easy.
20:19 - Yeah, for real, man.
20:20 Dude, it's, and especially because I think it's gone.
20:24 Has the negative connotation gone away at all?
20:27 Like, I think like the sleazy, like, oh,
20:29 they're just trying to get you.
20:30 - The sleazy car guy thing is gone.
20:32 - Yeah, okay.
20:33 - I would say it's gone in 75% of the business.
20:37 Where it gets tricky is, I would say where it gets tricky
20:40 is where you're trying to negotiate a deal on a car
20:44 that's really hard to get and the dealership's like,
20:46 well, sorry, this has a market adjustment,
20:48 which people don't understand,
20:49 which I genuinely respect them not understanding that.
20:52 It's just, right now is a tricky time
20:54 where I can't replace this car, right?
20:57 So what I've tried to do is I'll say,
20:58 I will sell you this car without a market adjustment.
21:01 All I ask you to do is order it.
21:03 Will you please order the car?
21:04 Like, I know it might take time, but like, don't,
21:07 I need to keep this one here
21:08 so I can make the money on it.
21:10 But if you order one and put your name on it,
21:12 I'll never sell it to you for over MSRP.
21:14 Like, that's against my beliefs.
21:17 So as long as people are patient, then the--
21:20 - Things could go better. - Yeah, things are smoother.
21:22 - That, with Matilda, the Danny DeVito character,
21:24 he really fucking did you guys in.
21:27 He played a sleazy car guy.
21:27 - You know what's funny is my daughter loves that movie
21:30 and she thinks that's what the car business is.
21:32 I'm trying to like change that.
21:33 I'm doing everything I can to make sure that's not the case.
21:36 But we'll see. - I did.
21:37 You know what I mean?
21:38 I thought you ran the speedometer the other way
21:40 and that was just-- - That did happen
21:42 back in the day, man.
21:42 It really did. - Dude, I'm sure.
21:44 I'm sure. - It did.
21:45 - Obviously, things are different, but.
21:48 So all right, 2014.
21:49 So you're gambling at 24, you're in your mid-20s, though.
21:53 - Do you want a little gambling history?
21:54 I can kind of give you like a quick, like--
21:57 - Of course.
21:58 I hope you maybe hit the Maywood track once in a while.
22:00 - Of course.
22:01 Little buggy races, buddy? - Yes, exactly.
22:02 - Come on now.
22:03 So here's what happened.
22:04 In 2009, my gambling journey really took off.
22:08 That's when poker stars and full tilt were legal.
22:11 And I was like any other guy.
22:12 I was relaxing, watching football on the couch,
22:15 playing on Sunday poker tournaments.
22:20 And I ended up, I don't know, did you ever play on those?
22:22 - I didn't. - You didn't?
22:23 - I did not actually. - So at one time,
22:25 there was this tournament every Sunday.
22:27 It was a $750,000 guaranteed prize pool.
22:30 And it was $216 to join.
22:33 Every Sunday I was in for 216, no matter what.
22:37 This particular Sunday I bought into a satellite tournament
22:40 to get me into the main $216 tournament for $24.
22:44 The $24 I bought in for got me into the tournament.
22:47 Then into the tournament, I ended up coming in fourth place
22:50 out of a crazy amount of people, and it paid $47,000.
22:55 - Wow.
22:56 - My first big win gambling was $47,000 on full tilt poker.
23:00 I took the $47,000.
23:02 I was dating this chick back,
23:04 this chick Jolene back in the day.
23:05 I said, "Hey, we're going to Mexico.
23:07 "We're rich, let's party."
23:09 And what's funny is, is after that,
23:11 I ended up losing on sports a lot.
23:14 So I probably gave back about 250,000 in sports
23:18 over the course of '09 to 2000 and probably '13.
23:23 So I gave back around 50,000 a year, 60,000 a year.
23:25 - And you're in your early 20s now, correct?
23:26 - I'm in my early 20s.
23:27 So in '09, I'm 34 now.
23:30 So in '09, how old was I, 14 years ago?
23:33 So I was 20, 21.
23:35 Yeah, and back then, you're betting with a bookie,
23:37 by the way.
23:38 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
23:39 - That's the only thing that was legal back then.
23:40 So I'm handing the bookie, 10,000 here, 10,000, 8,000 here.
23:44 I was getting my ass beat.
23:45 And it humbles you quick, but what I said was,
23:47 it was like an education for me.
23:49 I learned all of the trends.
23:50 And I have like, I don't learn unless I get beat up,
23:54 if that makes sense.
23:55 So for every mistake I made, I learned.
23:57 And that's kind of what I did.
23:58 I feel like I invested in an education
24:02 of hard knocks sports gambling.
24:05 And from 2013 to now,
24:08 I've never had a negative year, sports gambling.
24:10 - No shit, really?
24:11 - I have never had a negative year sports betting.
24:12 From '13 to now.
24:14 - Wow.
24:15 - And it might be '14, I'm just giving you a rough idea.
24:17 But I'm telling you,
24:18 I have not been negative for roughly 10 years.
24:20 - And now, do you credit that directly
24:22 towards those hard years?
24:24 - 100%, because like yesterday, for instance,
24:27 like I didn't advertise this pick,
24:29 but like a double digit road dog
24:32 traveling from the West Coast to the East Coast
24:35 did never perform as well.
24:36 And that's why I had the Browns.
24:37 Like I took the Browns plus nine and a half.
24:39 I took the Browns money line.
24:40 I didn't hammer it as hard as I hammered
24:42 like the New York Jets.
24:43 But like, I understand these weird statistical traits
24:47 like that happened in sports and, or trends, I should say.
24:50 And that's kind of what I've done.
24:52 That was the angle I've taken.
24:53 And I've been totally okay going against the grain
24:57 my whole life.
24:58 And that's why this is okay for me.
24:59 Like I learned.
25:01 - Obviously someone who gambles
25:02 and people who listen to gamble,
25:04 and I'm sure you face a lot bullshit.
25:06 There's no way you haven't had a negative year.
25:08 I listen, I've, you know, I've been following you
25:12 and I've heard enough about you where I believe you for sure
25:14 but how often do you fight that?
25:16 People who are always calling bullshit.
25:17 Is it pretty frequent people call you on it?
25:20 - When I started going public
25:21 with everything that I was doing,
25:23 that's when the insults started coming out.
25:25 And I handled those the best that I could.
25:27 I was, I'm respectful for one.
25:29 I used to get like emotionally mad.
25:31 Cause I'm like, why do you think I'm lying?
25:33 Like, I don't like, everyone's like, you work for the books.
25:35 I'm like, who's cutting me a check?
25:37 Like, I would love to get paid by these books.
25:39 I don't like who's paying me.
25:41 I don't understand like where they come from.
25:44 But I looked at it from like an outsider's perspective
25:47 when someone is losing all the time.
25:49 And then you like, you see me come along
25:51 and I'm like, I haven't lost in 10 years.
25:53 Like I go through peaks and valleys.
25:55 Like this year I'm probably about even roughly.
25:59 I might be down 150 grand roughly this year.
26:01 And I got my ass kicked for baseball.
26:04 Like I lost over 2 million betting baseball this year.
26:06 - Really?
26:07 - Yeah. Like no doubt about it.
26:07 - I mean, they say what a really good gambler hits like 55%.
26:11 - Yeah. I always say if you hit 60% you're the hall of fame.
26:13 - Yeah. So you would like, when you say it's relative,
26:16 right? When you say you're up.
26:18 Last year for football, I hit over 70% of my place.
26:22 - No shit.
26:23 - No doubt about it.
26:24 - Now how do you calculate that?
26:25 - And documented.
26:26 Like everything was on my show, everything.
26:29 I never like, there wasn't,
26:30 the funny part is, is nothing's hidden.
26:32 So what I started doing was,
26:34 is I started to expose the people that would say this.
26:36 I would say, come meet me.
26:38 And I had people come to my house.
26:40 - Really?
26:41 - I had a guy that was calling me names
26:43 that you wouldn't even say with your friends.
26:45 Like telling me that I should literally go jump off
26:48 of like a bridge,
26:49 like telling me the meanest shit in the world.
26:51 And I shoot my show out of my house.
26:53 So I said, and he's actually a guy that I talk to often.
26:55 Now his name is Ben.
26:57 Ben lives in Elk Grove.
26:58 Ben was telling me literally to hang myself.
27:00 And now he's a good friend of mine.
27:01 - Really?
27:02 - I brought him to my house.
27:03 I said, where are you so mad?
27:04 Like, where did I hurt you?
27:06 And he's like, well, I just think that you lie.
27:07 I said, tell me where you think I lie.
27:10 I broke down where I showed him all my,
27:12 my win loss statements.
27:13 I showed him all my stuff.
27:15 And he didn't know what to say.
27:15 He was in shock.
27:17 And then I was like, hey, hold on.
27:18 Ali, I called my wife.
27:19 Ali, come here.
27:21 Alexa, come here.
27:21 I grabbed all my kids.
27:22 I said, here's my wife.
27:24 Here's my kids.
27:25 Ali, you know, I positive
27:26 we're not gonna sports betting this year.
27:27 My wife's a nurse.
27:28 She's not gonna, she's like, he's positive,
27:30 but it's annoying.
27:31 'Cause my wife gets annoyed
27:33 by all the sports betting stuff.
27:34 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
27:35 - Like, 'cause what happened is,
27:35 is like our family used to just be able
27:37 to post a picture of us out,
27:39 but now we have to delay everything
27:40 'cause we wanna make sure that nobody knows
27:42 that we're out of the house
27:42 and nobody knows that, like, you know,
27:45 we have to block everything out
27:46 where our kids go to school.
27:47 'Cause you just never know nowadays.
27:49 You have to be smart about it.
27:50 So she gets annoyed by all this,
27:51 but she knows that there's,
27:54 I think the future is extremely bright
27:57 for the knowledge that I know I can spread
27:59 to people sports betting.
28:00 Like, I never give anybody a pick
28:02 that I don't personally bet myself.
28:04 So when they lose, I lose too.
28:05 Like, I'm just as mad.
28:07 - Yeah.
28:08 Which is important, 'cause so many people
28:09 just throw shit off willy nilly,
28:10 and they're like, yeah, like, sorry.
28:12 We'll get 'em tomorrow.
28:13 It's like, no.
28:13 Like, actually, some people are,
28:15 you know, counting on your picks.
28:16 - Eddie, you know what makes me really mad?
28:18 People that sell picks.
28:20 - Yeah.
28:20 - If you sell sports picks,
28:21 I think it's the dirtiest thing in the world.
28:23 'Cause all you're doing is you're asking
28:24 for someone's opinion and guess.
28:26 I could give that out and get paid for it.
28:28 I wouldn't take that money.
28:29 It's dirty money to me.
28:30 Like, I just, I know it's an industry.
28:32 I just don't, like, like it.
28:33 - Yeah.
28:34 - What do you think about people that sell picks?
28:35 - It's hard.
28:36 One of my friends does it, obviously.
28:37 I'm sure you guys know, Stu.
28:39 You know, he does it and he's been doing it forever.
28:41 And it was his source of, you know, income for, you know,
28:44 when there was no internet.
28:46 - Was he good?
28:47 - I don't know, to be completely honest with you.
28:50 I can't verify his, you know,
28:52 that would be a fun podcast to have the three of us on.
28:55 - I'd love to talk.
28:56 I mean, you know why I struggle with the guys
28:58 that sell picks is 'cause I tend to see
29:00 that they always lie.
29:02 And it's hard, like, I turn into the fan, right?
29:05 I turn into the guy that hates on me.
29:07 I'm like, bro, like, I deep down know that you didn't,
29:10 like, I post my stuff before the games.
29:12 I don't hide anything.
29:13 Like, you people dog me.
29:15 Like, yesterday when I posted I was betting the Jets,
29:17 I got dogged.
29:18 If you saw my inbox, you'd have to go to rehab
29:20 for, like, to reset your system.
29:22 Because you'd feel so bad about yourself,
29:25 like, the way that people talk.
29:26 And then when the game's over,
29:27 it's so funny to see them say sorry.
29:28 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
29:29 - And that's the cool part.
29:30 Like, they're like, my bad, sorry for being a dick.
29:31 I didn't think that was possible.
29:32 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
29:33 Dude, it's fucking sports.
29:34 - It's sports, yeah.
29:35 - As funny as possible.
29:36 - But getting back into the history of sports betting,
29:37 last year was my most profitable year ever.
29:39 I netted over $10 million sports betting last year.
29:42 - Oh, shit.
29:43 - Yeah.
29:43 - Now, are you, 'cause you do a lot of parlays,
29:44 like we talked about.
29:45 - Yeah, yeah.
29:46 - You go by Marco Pomani, Marco Parlay.
29:47 - Yeah.
29:48 - Now, how do you count your record?
29:50 - So, I only count my record through straight plays.
29:53 Parlays are, I always call them lotto tickets.
29:55 I do not get to where I'm at betting just parlays.
29:58 - Okay, so I guess maybe that's some confusion then.
30:01 - I mean, I love parlays.
30:03 But it's not my, like my identity is parlay,
30:06 like Marco, who hits parlays, and I love parlays.
30:09 But it's not like what I do, and that's not all I am.
30:11 I'm a straight play guy,
30:13 and then once I build up some profit, I fire.
30:16 With no remorse.
30:18 Like, if I'm up, let's just say I go through
30:20 on the 12 o'clock slate, and I'm up like,
30:22 let's just say 60 grand.
30:24 I'll take that 60, I'll divide it by two,
30:26 we'll do two $30,000 parlays to win a million
30:28 and see what happens.
30:29 'Cause I'm not afraid to fire it.
30:30 Like, to be, I'd rather be even than be up 60 grand.
30:33 And I know that sounds crazy,
30:35 but I'd rather go for that home run hit
30:36 and try and get that dopamine high than be up 60.
30:40 What am I gonna do with 60 grand?
30:41 Like, in my head.
30:43 - Yeah. - I know it sounds terrible,
30:44 but. - Yeah, yeah, but it's all
30:45 relative to you. - Right.
30:47 - It's like, of course, someone listening might be like,
30:48 oh, what a fucking asshole, 60 grand.
30:50 - No, my-- - It's all relative.
30:51 - My unit size is between 50,000 and 100,000.
30:54 So, in my head, if I'm up a half a unit,
30:57 or if I'm up, you know, whatever, one unit,
30:58 I'm going to simply just fire it
31:01 because it's a free roll for me.
31:02 And this year, maybe a little different
31:04 because I've been a little cold, I'm gonna say.
31:07 I already told you, I'm probably down
31:09 a little bit this year.
31:10 But I'm 1,000% convinced by the end of,
31:15 by the end of December 31st, I will be positive.
31:17 'Cause football season's just so easy for me.
31:19 - Do you get, do you post your straight plays?
31:22 - Oh, yeah. - Okay, okay.
31:23 - Yeah, so like, on my show, I go through,
31:24 I say, well, here's what I'm gonna take,
31:26 here's where I'm leaning.
31:27 Yesterday's slate, I went 10 and three.
31:30 I went 10 wins and three losses.
31:32 I was this close, this close.
31:34 'Cause the three games that I lost,
31:36 one was the Saints, which came down
31:37 to like a drive to the end zone at the end of the game.
31:40 The one was the Bears, lost by six, I had 'em plus three.
31:43 You know, fields got hurt, that hurt my heart.
31:45 And then, what was the other one?
31:47 - You said he won Cleveland, you won New York.
31:51 - Yeah, I won Cleveland, won New York.
31:52 There was one other one,
31:52 my brain's not even letting me work right now.
31:54 But yeah, I went 10 and three, and I can't,
31:56 honestly, I can't complain.
31:57 It was a great day.
31:58 - No, no, that's a, people would kill for that, though.
32:01 10 and three, you kidding me?
32:02 - It was a great day, I can't lie, I can't lie.
32:04 - All the shitty gamblers we have at the company I work at,
32:06 people would fucking kill for a 10 and three day.
32:09 - Do you wanna know what's cool about sports betting, though?
32:11 Is, and I explain this to everybody,
32:13 I celebrate everyone's win, period.
32:16 I don't care if it was a $5 parlay to win 150,
32:20 I'm just as excited for that person
32:22 as I am for the guy that won 150,000,
32:24 because the numbers are all relative.
32:27 - It's all, exactly.
32:27 - And I try to explain to people,
32:28 like when somebody sent me 100,000 to one play,
32:31 and they hit it for a dollar,
32:32 I was happier for them than I've ever been for myself.
32:36 I'm like, bro, you hit 100,000 to one fucking bet.
32:39 Like, that's incredible.
32:40 Like, do you know how cool that is?
32:42 - It's awesome.
32:43 - And I try and like pump those people up,
32:44 because like, that's what the sports betting is.
32:46 It's a hobby.
32:47 And I tell everyone, bet within your means,
32:48 don't bet more than you can afford to lose.
32:50 And that's the only part about gambling that scares me,
32:53 and I try and educate as many people as I can.
32:57 Like, please don't be dumb about it.
32:58 Like, this is literally, don't feel like you have to bet.
33:02 There's games always tomorrow.
33:04 - Yeah, you're right.
33:04 - There's always something to bet.
33:06 You don't need to be--
33:07 - The no play is so much better than the play,
33:08 so many times.
33:09 - Like, sometimes I just, I'll be honest with you,
33:11 I jump on Call of Duty sometimes,
33:13 and not watch anything, just so I don't gamble.
33:14 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
33:15 - 'Cause like, sometimes I'm like,
33:16 hey, it's time to get off, play some video games.
33:18 My kids are in bed, I tuck them in.
33:20 It's time to disconnect,
33:21 and my disconnect for me is gaming.
33:23 - For sure.
33:23 And now, what do you think is your biggest strategy here?
33:26 Is it watching the games,
33:27 and just knowing the trends, like you said,
33:29 like, hey, West Coast going to East Coast,
33:31 like, I'm kind of, like,
33:33 sniffing that kind of gambler shit out?
33:35 You know what I mean by gambler shit?
33:36 - Well, here, you'll never see me bet minus points favorite.
33:40 So, you'll never see me take a favorite minus, like, 14, ever.
33:43 - Okay.
33:44 - When I take a dog, I take 'em plus their points
33:46 and their money line.
33:47 - So, did you lose the dolphins then?
33:48 Was it the third one?
33:49 - You know what?
33:50 Thank you.
33:51 I had the 13 and a half on the Panthers.
33:53 Appreciate that.
33:54 Yes, I lost the dolphins, yes.
33:56 Thank you for that.
33:57 My brain was not functioning.
33:58 You know why that one, I tried to zone that one out.
34:01 So, I live bet them plus 18,
34:03 and I don't know if you've watched that game.
34:04 They scored a touchdown at the end on third and goal
34:07 from the nine, and it frickin' spun me
34:09 into a negative mindset for the day.
34:11 - Sorry to bring it back up.
34:12 - No, it's okay.
34:13 I'm glad you did, actually,
34:14 'cause that was the third game,
34:15 and I couldn't think of it.
34:17 But yeah, so, you'll never see me take a favorite
34:19 minus their points.
34:20 You will see me sometimes--
34:21 - Well, like, a certain amount, though, right?
34:23 Or you're saying regardless?
34:24 - Certain amount.
34:25 So, any double-digit favorite,
34:26 I'm probably not gonna bet that game.
34:27 - You're out.
34:28 - I'm out.
34:29 Like, it just doesn't, like, I'm not interested in that.
34:30 If anything, I'm gonna buy the dog up,
34:33 and like, tease it up, you know, instead.
34:36 I do think that the future for sports betting
34:38 is really simple.
34:39 I think people should start messing with teasers
34:41 when they get started.
34:42 And by teasers, it means like, you get like a,
34:45 you could do a 13-point teaser.
34:47 - Yeah, is it a sweetheart?
34:48 - Yeah, it's four-point, it's four teams, 13 points each,
34:51 and you're able to literally pick four games,
34:53 and if you're off by 13 points on a game, guess what?
34:56 Like, just keep doing that until you get good at it,
34:59 and then move on to the regular spreads.
35:01 That'd be my suggestion for somebody new.
35:02 - Yeah, so, yeah, don't do it with college, though,
35:04 'cause those are fucked up.
35:06 Do you do college at all?
35:08 - I dabble in college.
35:09 It is very difficult.
35:11 I love live betting teams that were favorites
35:14 that are down big to come back.
35:17 Like, I like that.
35:18 Also, the other night, I don't know
35:18 if you watched the Stanford-Colorado game.
35:21 - I was following it.
35:22 - Did anybody watch it?
35:23 - I turned it off once it went 29-nothing.
35:24 - So, if you watched the second half,
35:27 you saw the adjustments that Stanford made.
35:29 If I wasn't at a party, some cocktail party in Hinsdale,
35:32 which, by the way, was a great time.
35:34 I'm gonna tell you something.
35:35 Some of these rich, old people know how to party.
35:37 - Really?
35:38 - Oh, man.
35:39 - Hinsdale?
35:40 - Eddie.
35:42 I was in shock how wild these people are.
35:45 - Really?
35:46 - And when I tell you wild, I'm talking wild.
35:49 Everything that people accuse me of doing on the internet,
35:51 I saw at that party, that's all I'm gonna say.
35:53 These people, these people are like,
35:55 "Hey, whatever you need, I got it."
35:57 I'm like, "I'm good, man, thanks."
35:58 Like, "I'm just gonna smoke this pre-roll
36:00 "and you guys are good, I'm good, thanks."
36:02 - You just got trench coats full of drugs?
36:03 - Bro, I'm gonna tell you something.
36:04 It's like insane to me how hard these parents party.
36:09 - Have you ever met the, you know who I'm fascinated by?
36:12 The Beanie Baby guy.
36:13 - Oh, yeah.
36:14 - Have you met him?
36:15 - I've never met him, but I won't lie to you,
36:16 very interesting.
36:17 - He's like a top five richest guy in Chicago,
36:19 and I think he lives in that city.
36:20 - In that area?
36:21 - Yeah.
36:21 - Oh, I wonder if I could find him.
36:22 - Yeah, he's like, he's a big time guy,
36:25 but he's like a recluse from what I understand.
36:27 - Really, just hides?
36:28 - I think so, but I don't know, like,
36:31 if you watch the documentary, I forget what it was called,
36:33 like Beanie Mania, I don't know what it was called,
36:35 but it was on HBO, it's fascinating.
36:38 The guy is like, he's super, he's a billionaire.
36:40 - I'm gonna tell you something, I grew up in Lake Forest,
36:42 so I grew up in the North Shore,
36:44 and now I live in Hinsdale, and it's not,
36:46 it's public knowledge, you can Google it.
36:48 So I just say it so openly.
36:49 If you ask me to pick which area
36:53 is nicer and better to live in,
36:55 Hinsdale is way better than the North Shore.
36:57 - Really?
36:58 - Not even close.
36:59 - But geographically.
37:00 - But look at me, North Shore people will,
37:02 geographically, Hinsdale is so much better.
37:06 You can get anywhere, anytime, anyplace.
37:08 In the North Shore, you gotta work your way down 41,
37:10 take 294 the other way, what, you're closer to Milwaukee?
37:14 Okay, you could shove that up your--
37:17 (laughing)
37:18 - Once you got the lake?
37:20 - Screw the lake, you're not going out on the water.
37:23 - Yeah, true, I guess so.
37:25 - If anything, you're going to Lake Geneva.
37:26 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, now listen,
37:27 I'm from scumbag Hiawatha Park in the city,
37:29 so I know nothing about this part,
37:31 but I know what you mean.
37:32 - Just a little bit of controversy,
37:33 like I've had, I'm letting everybody know,
37:35 I will tell you, the South Burbs
37:38 are way better than the North Burbs.
37:39 I grew up in the North Burbs.
37:40 Everybody is stuck up, mean, and angry.
37:42 - I was gonna say the people are what's better too.
37:44 - The people?
37:45 - Yeah, the people, people actually care.
37:46 Like, hey, how was your day?
37:47 Like, they care about it.
37:48 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
37:49 - And like, in Lake Forest, Highland Park,
37:51 Winneka, Kenilworth, they don't care how your day is.
37:54 At all.
37:55 And it's fair, 'cause you know what?
37:57 You can take your day and shove it up.
37:59 I don't care, it's fine.
38:00 - I love this, I hope this ignites a nice rivalry.
38:03 I hope it's not people bitching about your pics,
38:04 it's those people like, fuck you.
38:06 - Hey, fuck you, I live in Skokie, asshole.
38:09 - Don't you come and climb, calm motherfucker.
38:10 - I see you up in the North, buddy.
38:12 Now, I will drive up North for this place in Highland Park.
38:16 It's a, it's like a little diner,
38:19 it's called Max and Benny's Best Soup Ever.
38:21 - Really?
38:22 - And they didn't pay me to say this today,
38:23 I want you to know that.
38:24 - What kind of soup they got?
38:24 - Oh man, they've got like, all different types,
38:26 from matzo ball, chicken noodle,
38:31 chicken with like, the piece of vegetable pieces.
38:33 I mean, I drive up North just to pick that up,
38:36 to drive back, 45 minutes there, 45 minutes back.
38:38 - Wow, I gotta try their soup, though.
38:41 - I wouldn't lie to you, it's that good.
38:41 - That's dedication.
38:42 - It is, it's that good.
38:44 When we get a little under the weather,
38:45 like this weather type of stuff,
38:47 little cold going on, go get the soup and get some bread.
38:49 - No shit.
38:50 - Yeah, they're a bakery, too, so they make their own bread.
38:51 - Max and Benny's?
38:52 - Max and Benny's.
38:53 - Max and Benny's, fuck, that's an endorsement.
38:55 - Speaking of restaurants, have you been to Glucci yet?
38:58 - No, but that's the place, like,
39:00 you are very passionate about it, I know.
39:02 - I'm, let me tell you something.
39:04 So, one of my good friends opened it,
39:06 I send everybody there.
39:07 I sent Tim Anderson there yesterday.
39:10 You should see the messages him and his friend sent me.
39:12 Place was unbelievable, best food
39:13 they've ever had in Chicago.
39:15 I highly recommend going.
39:16 - Good, 'cause I know you said to send Dave there
39:18 for a pizza review.
39:20 - The fact that he hasn't gone there yet,
39:22 it's the best pizza.
39:23 - Yeah, well, here's--
39:25 - Period.
39:26 It's not his type of pizza.
39:27 - I know, I know, but is it--
39:30 - Woodfire.
39:31 - Neapolitan.
39:32 - Neapolitan, okay.
39:33 Yeah, it's not his type, 'cause I know he usually--
39:35 - He's an East Coaster, it's okay.
39:37 - Then here's what's been bothering me now,
39:39 is you guys like Chicago pizza?
39:41 - Yeah.
39:42 - Like the standard squares and like--
39:43 - I like, so I won't lie to you,
39:45 I'm deep dish over like the Chicago square pizza.
39:47 - Okay.
39:48 - But I'll tell you, I'm New York pizza over Chicago pizza.
39:50 - Okay, that's fine, I'm not saying whatever.
39:52 I'm not saying, you know, one or the other.
39:54 I'm saying now, but when you're here,
39:56 like he's going to all these New York places,
39:59 and it's like, I don't want that to become like a standard.
40:02 I don't want that to push out our tradition, our square.
40:06 - I saw you at Elmwood Park.
40:07 - Yeah.
40:08 - I was like, finally, someone's driving him
40:10 in like the right direction.
40:12 - Yeah, you gotta get him in like the Italian neighborhoods,
40:14 you know what I mean?
40:15 Like, I think--
40:16 - Well, I don't do it no more, I'm out.
40:17 'Cause the people are so crazy about it.
40:19 - What happened?
40:20 Like, were people attacking you?
40:21 - Oh my God, people were so mad.
40:23 You, how the fuck did you bring him--
40:24 - You didn't bring him over here, what the?
40:26 - You mean you brought him there instead of the place
40:28 that's down the block from me and my family
40:30 that I've been going to for years?
40:31 It's like, bro, everyone's got a place like that.
40:34 - Yeah, you know, and I get that.
40:36 That is, I know it gets that crazy.
40:38 But between you and I, Dave needs to expand his horizons
40:41 a little bit and go to some places that, you know,
40:44 aren't New York.
40:45 - Yeah, I--
40:46 - Or East Coast.
40:47 - That's the thing, like now he comes here
40:48 and he does mostly New York style in Chicago.
40:51 I was like, well, that's not really what we're--
40:53 - Hey, in this narrative that him and I look alike
40:56 is actually bothering me.
40:57 - Wait, people say that to you?
40:58 - Oh my fucking God, dude.
40:59 - Really?
41:00 - People call me, anyone ever say
41:01 that you and Dave look alike?
41:03 I said, just 'cause we have big noses
41:04 does not mean we look alike.
41:05 - There's no correlation.
41:06 - Okay?
41:07 - There's no correlation between big nose
41:09 and Dave Portnoy and I.
41:10 There's nothing.
41:11 There's nothing there.
41:12 I just, I don't like this narrative.
41:13 - Yeah, yeah, well, a couple of zeros
41:15 in the bank account you guys have similar, but.
41:17 - Oh, no, he could be my sugar daddy.
41:19 It's fine.
41:20 I'll be the broke boyfriend, it's fine.
41:22 - That's funny.
41:25 I don't even know where the fuck we were,
41:27 but I love it.
41:28 - It's on the Stanford talk, which I think hit plus 440.
41:30 - Oh, so that was plus 44.
41:32 That was plus 60 to one at one point, that game.
41:35 But long story short, if you watch that game,
41:38 that was a game that you could jump in live
41:39 and probably hit.
41:41 - Guaranteed.
41:41 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
41:42 - Like, 'cause they were plus the points
41:43 and when you're live wagering like that,
41:45 I would like to tell people,
41:47 if you're gonna live wager a big dog on a comeback,
41:49 take the plus points as the insurance
41:51 and then take the money line too.
41:53 - Yeah.
41:54 - And then all these new books now offer adjusted spreads.
41:56 If you don't have the balls to take the money line,
41:58 when they were down 29-0,
41:59 if you took plus seven and a half, it paid 30 to one.
42:03 - And to be honest with you, it going legal,
42:05 that's been one of my favorite things
42:07 is just having the instantaneous live lines is so awesome.
42:12 - You know what the most toxic thing in the world though
42:15 is a cash out offer.
42:16 - Oh, yeah.
42:17 - You just stare at it.
42:18 You just stare at it.
42:19 Look at my phone's battery.
42:20 It's like 3% for your kids today,
42:24 17,000% on cash out offers.
42:27 'Cause I'm just refreshing, refreshing, refreshing.
42:29 - It's good, it's almost like one cash out offer
42:33 that just kind of like didn't work out,
42:36 but then it worked out.
42:37 - Oh, so when I hit one of my $3 million parlays,
42:39 this is a great story.
42:40 I was watching the cash out offer go from,
42:42 so this is, I made a plus 700 on the Vikings.
42:45 They were down 31-0.
42:46 They came back and won.
42:47 This was last year.
42:48 Long story short, the cash out offer
42:50 got all the way up to $2.5 million.
42:53 And it was paying a total of 2.85 at the time.
42:56 And I said, "Fuck 2.," I want the whole thing.
42:59 - We were at his house.
43:00 - I watched the game just swing.
43:04 And I'm like, "Holy fuck."
43:05 I turned down, it went from 2.5 to 2.1, 2.1 to 1.4,
43:09 1.4 to 600, 600 to 100, 100 to 21,000.
43:14 You wanna be on suicide watch?
43:19 That was a quick fucking way to do it.
43:21 But what I'll tell you is, is that was the game
43:23 where the Patriots threw the ball backwards
43:26 and the Raiders, Chandler Jones, right?
43:30 Chandler Jones grabs the ball, pushes down Mac Jones,
43:33 runs back for a touchdown, and they win the game.
43:35 And I ended up winning that money.
43:37 That was the craziest swing of my life.
43:39 I literally needed 20 milligrams of edibles
43:42 to put myself to bed that night.
43:44 Could not function.
43:46 - The cash out offer, man.
43:47 - That's what--
43:48 - I've watched over 100 games with him.
43:51 - Yeah.
43:52 - He has never, ever taken the cash out.
43:55 - Ever.
43:56 - This was the one time where I saw
43:58 complete defeat in his face, his posture, everything.
44:02 He's like, I gotta get up, I gotta go sit over here.
44:04 He's sitting, he's shuffling cards.
44:06 - Yeah, I was just shuffling cards.
44:07 It's like a nervous twitch.
44:08 - Yeah.
44:09 - Yeah, I was--
44:10 - That's so funny.
44:11 I picture that meme where it's like,
44:12 oh, he's thinking about other girls.
44:14 And I picture like, Ali, you,
44:16 and it's like he's really thinking about the cash out offer.
44:18 You know, he's not thinking about other girls.
44:20 - My wife would be like, what are you doing?
44:22 And I'm like, nothing.
44:23 She's like, you look really distracted.
44:25 I'm like, yeah, 'cause I'm fucking pissed off
44:26 about the game that I lost last night, okay?
44:28 You wanna talk about why Matt Jones sucks and got a safety?
44:31 'Cause my buddy lost a ton of money on that yesterday.
44:33 And I feel, I was so hurt for that safety
44:37 that my friend lost on, 'cause he had plus three and a half
44:39 for the Patriots, and that safety put him down five, so.
44:44 - Yeah.
44:45 - That hurt.
44:46 - That's awful.
44:47 That was a tough one for a lot of people, for sure.
44:48 Now, so what was, what was like the first big one, though?
44:51 'Cause I think I remember, was it like 2019
44:54 you started really kind of rising?
44:56 - 2019. - I remember, yeah, yeah, yeah.
44:57 - First big one was a Monday night final leg
45:00 for a million dollar parlay.
45:01 I remember I deposited $100,000 to start the football year.
45:06 The Bulls were playing their opening night
45:07 against the Pistons.
45:08 I put all 100,000 on the Bulls to win.
45:10 I got 60,000 profit.
45:12 I took the $60,000 profit, took half of it,
45:15 and put it on a parlay.
45:16 And the final leg was Browns, and it was Carson Wentz
45:20 and Dearness Johnson as the running back to go and win.
45:24 And I cannot believe it, but they actually won.
45:28 - Yeah.
45:29 - And I won $1.2 million that night.
45:32 And where it really kind of took off
45:34 wasn't because of that one win.
45:36 - But were you posting this?
45:37 Is this why we're like-- - Oh, everyone knew.
45:38 - So, okay, so everyone was like, oh, like, you know.
45:41 - How the fuck?
45:42 - Yeah, he was, oh, the car guy, he's a better.
45:44 - You know what happened?
45:45 BR Betting took over in Bleach Report.
45:47 They jumped in and they filmed everything live.
45:50 Drake jumped into my, Drake jumped into the live
45:54 after I won, turned into a thing like,
45:57 congratulations, Marco, you just won $1.2 million.
45:59 How you feeling?
46:00 Champagne poppy pops up, congrats, my guy.
46:02 And then he followed me, and then people saw that,
46:05 and they're like, oh, Drake follows him.
46:06 Like, he's legit.
46:08 And I was like, well, I was legit before Drake followed me.
46:10 I wanted everyone to frickin' know that, okay?
46:12 Like, I wasn't some broke asshole, all right?
46:14 So, but no, where it really turned up was
46:17 is that night they filmed me, Bleach Report.
46:20 Marco, congratulations, you just won, what's your next move?
46:22 Who's winning the Super Bowl?
46:24 I said, I'm taking $100,000,
46:27 and I'm betting the Los Angeles Rams to win the Super Bowl.
46:30 October, all documented, boom,
46:32 in person, face, camera, everything.
46:34 And everybody insulted me, made fun of me,
46:37 and said I was wrong,
46:38 and then they won the Super Bowl that year,
46:39 and then everyone's like, holy fuck.
46:41 And before they won the Super Bowl,
46:43 the week before that, I won another million dollar Parlay.
46:45 So everyone's like, dude, what the fuck?
46:48 Like, who is this guy?
46:50 - So it was just like a strong string of--
46:52 - It was just a snowball effect of win after win after win,
46:55 and I know I'm not built like that.
46:57 Like, I cannot win like that all the time,
46:59 but it was just a lucky point
47:00 where everything was documented, and there was proof,
47:02 you know, and people like proof.
47:04 They like to like, it debunks the myth that it was built,
47:07 or you know, or it was a made up ticket, you know?
47:10 'Cause that's a lot of the times when people will say like,
47:12 that ticket's edited, and I'm like,
47:13 I don't even know how to power up my computer without help.
47:16 Like, I don't, I'm the worst technological,
47:19 I have friends come over to set up my gaming computer,
47:22 'cause I don't know how to fricking do anything.
47:23 So it's like, when someone tells me
47:24 that I know how to digitally edit something,
47:26 I'm like, fuck, I wish I was that smart.
47:27 - Yeah, I don't even know how to do that shit either.
47:29 But I love those stories too, that's like,
47:31 I don't know if you've ever met Megan Making Money,
47:33 she's got like a similar one,
47:34 where like her husband had a Reddit account,
47:37 and he'd be like, hey, my wife's gonna make the pick,
47:39 and she made a pick, and it won.
47:41 And she went like 15 in a row.
47:43 - What?
47:44 - And like, it just took off,
47:45 and like everyone was looking for her pics on Reddit.
47:47 - What's she betting, what is she fucking betting?
47:48 - It was, I mean, this was years ago,
47:50 but she still, she just, you know,
47:52 she got hot at the right time, you know?
47:54 And that happens, and--
47:55 - I tell everybody, it's just as hard to win every day
47:57 as it is to lose every day.
47:58 People that go on these losing streaks,
48:00 that's just as impressive.
48:01 - Yeah.
48:02 - I hate to say, I know it's a dark side,
48:03 but like, it's just as impressive to lose.
48:06 I'd love to hear that story from you, that's amazing.
48:07 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, next time she's here,
48:09 I'll talk, we'll introduce you, and it's a great story.
48:13 - That's awesome. - It really is, yeah.
48:14 It was a hell of a run.
48:16 But nah, man, and then now you're,
48:18 so you guys are independent.
48:19 So Anthony's here, if you're hearing stuff,
48:20 that's Anthony off camera.
48:22 He's the podcast partner, right?
48:23 Are you guys actually cousins?
48:25 - No. - Okay, all right.
48:26 - So, I'll tell you this, we're both only children,
48:29 so we're both only children.
48:30 We never had brothers, never had sisters,
48:32 so you know what, that's my cousin, he's my cousin,
48:34 he's my brother now, too.
48:35 - Love it, love it.
48:36 And how do you guys know each other?
48:38 - Believe it or not, our families grew up together.
48:40 - Oh, no shit.
48:41 - So like, our moms knew each other,
48:43 our dads knew, like, knew my uncle, like Elmwood Park.
48:46 - Oh, okay, Elmwood Park.
48:47 - So my mom was born and raised in Elmwood Park,
48:49 his parents were born and raised in Elmwood Park,
48:50 like it all just kinda comes together.
48:52 - Okay, all right.
48:53 - That's the crazy part.
48:54 - Yeah, it's great.
48:54 And so, now you guys are together,
48:56 you guys were doing a show for better, right?
48:58 - Doing a show for better, decided to take it private,
49:00 go on our own, no bad blood there,
49:03 just it was the best thing for us to do was to say,
49:05 you know what, we're gonna go do this on our own.
49:07 And now we're rocking it.
49:08 We started, we launched our first episode as ourselves,
49:11 just us, and it went really good.
49:13 We got over 2,000 subs on our first show.
49:16 We got over 20,000 views, first show.
49:19 Like, it was just a perfect storm, you know,
49:22 perfect storm for us.
49:23 - Yeah, no, that's awesome.
49:25 Yeah, just going independent.
49:26 And what's like, so what do you like wanna do, Mark?
49:29 Like, is it just like you wanna do content?
49:31 Like, obviously you still always be in the car game,
49:33 but what's--
49:34 - So, I'm never gonna leave the car business.
49:35 This whole thing for me is a hobby that I love,
49:38 and it's where my true passion is.
49:39 Sports is my passion.
49:40 It's like, it's what I genuinely love to do every day.
49:42 Like, when you saw me come in,
49:43 I had to go shoot the basketball.
49:45 I'm a child at heart.
49:46 Like, I love, I saw the dart board.
49:48 I almost started throwing darts.
49:49 I felt like people were staring at me,
49:50 so I'm like, all right, maybe I shouldn't do this.
49:52 But I just want to,
49:54 my goal is kind of what I told you off camera.
49:56 I want to find a partner that's willing to help me
49:59 with production and booking talent.
50:02 I don't need, like I told you, this is not about money.
50:04 I don't mind taking corporate money.
50:06 Like, if I get a sponsorship by,
50:08 I own a Chevy store, but Chevrolet comes and says,
50:10 "Hey, we wanna give you $100,000 for your show."
50:12 I would love to take that money, use it towards guests,
50:14 use it towards promoting the show.
50:16 And then if it starts doing better and better,
50:17 then I could just use, I could just not live off that money,
50:20 but I'll just take some of that money.
50:21 Like, I don't need a company salary.
50:24 I don't need, like, I don't need that.
50:26 Like, I just want partnership,
50:29 which in turn turns to friendship,
50:31 which turns to good times,
50:33 and like watching games as a group,
50:35 and being in the environment.
50:37 And we did a live show in Kentucky.
50:40 It was the most exhilarating thing I've ever done.
50:43 I loved it.
50:43 There was about 500 people there.
50:45 It was about--
50:47 - That's what we wanna do, you know?
50:49 We wanna be in front of people,
50:51 kinda getting people really hyped up.
50:52 - Yeah. - Yeah.
50:53 - Really into sports, really into what we're doing.
50:56 You know, we love everyone, man.
50:58 We love--
50:59 - Eddie, there's nobody better in front of a crowd
51:02 than, like, I would say, our personality.
51:04 - Yeah.
51:05 - Like, because I just know how to get everybody rolling.
51:07 - For sure.
51:08 - Like, I know how to fire up the people
51:09 and get 'em rocking and rolling.
51:10 - Yeah, some people are great at that.
51:10 I could see you guys have that energy, for sure.
51:12 - Yeah, I could just,
51:12 I just know how to get in front of people and just perform.
51:14 - Yeah, yeah.
51:15 - No matter what I've done,
51:16 like, I played in a celebrity basketball game,
51:17 which I'm like a Z-list celebrity in Chicago, I call it.
51:19 So, like, the lowest tier celebrity could possibly be.
51:22 And, like, I knew I needed to perform that day.
51:25 I scored 24 points.
51:26 I crushed it.
51:27 Everybody's like, "Who the fuck is this guy?
51:29 "Like, what the hell?"
51:30 When the lights go on, I'm ready to go.
51:34 Period.
51:34 Like, always.
51:35 - There you go, man.
51:36 Well, that's awesome, dude.
51:37 I'm sure, like, you know, cars have turned into this
51:41 and it's become such a cool journey, cool ride.
51:44 - Yeah, it's just that, yeah, that's our goal.
51:45 - Yeah, well, shout out to you guys, man.
51:47 I hope, I'll be watching.
51:49 - Addy, I want you to know, we are your biggest fans.
51:51 - Oh, no shit.
51:52 - I brag about you more than you would ever know.
51:55 - Oh, no shit.
51:56 - Yeah, I love everything you do.
51:57 It's pure, it's sincere, and it's Chicago at heart.
51:59 And I'm gonna tell you something,
52:00 for us, we love this city,
52:02 and we love that you're reppin' it.
52:05 - That's truly the best compliment I could receive,
52:07 'cause that's, you know, I just wanna represent,
52:08 and, you know, hear from someone like that.
52:10 I appreciate that a lot.
52:11 - You wanna laugh, I said, you know what happened is,
52:13 is Barstool did some restructuring,
52:15 and Addy told Dave, either you're gonna move
52:18 the, you know, corporate office to Chicago,
52:20 or we're gonna have a problem.
52:21 Dave got nervous, said, we're gonna move it to Chicago,
52:23 I don't want a problem with Addy.
52:24 - That's it, that's it.
52:25 But no, guys, I appreciate that.
52:27 And like I said, I'm watching you guys, too,
52:29 so that's awesome.
52:30 I just like to have more of this here,
52:32 'cause it's all New York, it's all LA, you know, Miami.
52:35 There's just not enough in this city, you know?
52:38 So it's great that you guys are here doing this.
52:40 Are these people all from different areas?
52:42 - All from different areas now, man.
52:43 - Wow. - It has become a,
52:45 like Miami, Tennessee, LA, Indiana.
52:49 - Wait, is LA Red Hat?
52:50 - He's Indiana. - He's Indiana?
52:52 Man, he looks LA.
52:52 - He lived in LA for like 10 years.
52:54 - He looks like LA. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
52:55 - Like if LA looked like somebody,
52:57 I'd be like, that guy right there.
52:58 - It's Mark Titus, if you're listening.
53:00 Yeah, yeah, so he's, he lived in LA for 10 years,
53:02 so you're right. - Love that.
53:03 - You're right, no, for sure.
53:04 But no, it's great.
53:05 Now, where can people find the show and everything?
53:07 - We have to, we're rebranding our show.
53:09 It's gonna be, it's gonna be,
53:11 our Instagram handle will be cousins.allin.
53:14 Will be our Instagram handle,
53:15 and then our YouTube page will be the same thing.
53:20 We're gonna switch it over.
53:23 - Got a timer here for parking.
53:25 All right, go follow them, go do everything.
53:28 - We appreciate it, yeah, no, you'll find us.
53:30 You can come find me at my page, Mark Opomani.
53:32 - Appreciate you so much.
53:33 - Of course, man, no, thank you guys.
53:34 We gotta run this back, and next time you'll hop in too.
53:36 We'll get it in a second.
53:38 - We'll do it monthly or something, quarterly or something.
53:40 - Listen, I'm in, I'm in. - Get the guys together.
53:42 I like it.
53:43 - Before the NFL season.
53:44 - You know what we could do?
53:45 Maybe the next episode we'll film,
53:47 and I'll bring you to the pizza spot.
53:49 - Oh, that's great.
53:50 - We'll film it there.
53:50 - Oh, I love that.
53:51 - I'll have them bring the pizza while we're live on cam.
53:54 - That'd be amazing.
53:55 - Done deal.
53:55 - I'd love to experience a Sunday with you too
53:58 in the Pomani household. - Buddy, you're invited.
54:01 - Seeing the action. - You're invited any time.
54:03 - Yeah, it'd be fun. - Any time.
54:04 - Seeing you at the, I don't wanna be on a bad day.
54:07 I don't wanna see you shuffling cars.
54:08 - You know what?
54:09 If I have a million dollar parlay, you're coming.
54:11 - Okay, all right.
54:12 - If I have one pending,
54:13 and there's like one or two legs left,
54:15 I'm coming to pick your ass up.
54:16 You're gonna be in it.
54:17 - Sweet, I'm in.
54:18 That'd be great. - Deal, love it.
54:19 - Awesome.
54:20 All right, you guys are great, man.
54:21 Thanks for coming in again.
54:21 - Thanks, Eddie, you're the man.
54:22 - That's it, everybody.
54:23 Thank you for listening.
54:24 Thank you for watching.
54:25 That's it for this week.
54:26 We'll be back on Monday.
54:26 We'll see you then.
54:27 (whooshing)
54:30 (whooshing)
