• 2 years ago
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00:00 Hit it!
00:00 Put your seatbelt on.
00:20 Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
00:24 Slow...
00:28 And put in the hole.
00:30 It's a team of international criminals.
00:37 The biggest oil heist in history.
00:39 It's not personal.
00:42 These guys are a little bit on edge.
00:47 You guys do nicknames?
00:47 Bald Eagle.
00:49 Tomb Raider.
00:50 Full disclosure, there's a lot going on here.
00:55 I think they're going to shoot you.
00:58 Why?
00:58 Because the first time I see you, I want to shoot you.
01:01 Go, you bastards!
01:02 See it?
01:04 I'm just taking back what they owe us.
01:11 Looks like we got ourselves an old-fashioned standoff.
01:15 You go high, I'll go low.
01:18 Okay.
01:19 I'm okay. You okay?
01:26 Get off me.
01:28 Okay.
01:28 Sorry.
01:42 Shame you have to do this on your own.
01:46 I'm not alone.
01:47 Hit it!
01:52 [Lightning strikes]
01:53 [Sigh]
01:56 [Lightning strikes]
01:58 [Screaming]
02:01 [Lightning strikes]
02:02 [Lightning strikes]
02:06 [Screaming]
02:08 [Lightning strikes]
02:09 [Lightning strikes]
02:10 [Lightning strikes]
02:11 [Lightning strikes]
02:12 [Lightning strikes]
02:13 [Lightning strikes]
02:14 Would any remaining passengers for flight KA29
02:18 please make their way to gate B15.
02:21 [Lightning strikes]
02:22 Good morning, everyone. This is Captain Robin Allen speaking.
02:25 Flight time today is 6 hours 54 minutes.
02:29 [Lightning strikes]
02:30 [Lightning strikes]
02:31 [Lightning strikes]
02:32 [Lightning strikes]
02:33 [Lightning strikes]
02:34 [Lightning strikes]
02:35 [Lightning strikes]
02:36 [Lightning strikes]
02:37 [Lightning strikes]
02:38 [Lightning strikes]
02:39 [Lightning strikes]
02:40 Stay in your seats!
02:41 Get down! Now!
02:42 Get down!
02:43 [Lightning strikes]
02:44 Operation has commenced.
02:45 Rows, tablets.
02:47 The plane is under control.
02:50 You need to see this.
02:51 The plane did, of course.
02:52 Someone is calling for help.
02:55 [Lightning strikes]
02:57 [Lightning strikes]
02:58 [Lightning strikes]
02:59 Got family? Loved ones?
03:01 We got one job to do right now, just get through to them.
03:04 I got a message from the plane.
03:06 Dad says incident on board.
03:09 What exactly does your dad do for a living?
03:12 It's difficult to explain.
03:13 Sam's the best at handling it.
03:15 Handling what?
03:16 The negotiation.
03:18 [Lightning strikes]
03:19 [Lightning strikes]
03:20 There are 200 people on this flight.
03:23 If they try something,
03:25 and then this plane goes down,
03:27 I don't get home to my family.
03:29 [Lightning strikes]
03:30 Let me make you an offer.
03:32 [Lightning strikes]
03:33 I've been handed demands.
03:36 If it's all going wrong in the first hour,
03:38 imagine the next six.
03:40 We need to get a message to the whole plane.
03:42 [Lightning strikes]
03:43 We just need to be ready.
03:45 [Lightning strikes]
03:46 [Lightning strikes]
03:47 [Lightning strikes]
03:48 There's other stuff going down.
03:50 Five passengers on that plane do not exist.
03:53 It's a network running all across Europe.
03:56 To them, we're an incoming missile.
03:58 [Lightning strikes]
03:59 [Lightning strikes]
04:00 [Lightning strikes]
04:01 [Lightning strikes]
04:02 It's either us or them.
04:05 And I can tell you it's not going to be us.
04:08 [Lightning strikes]
04:09 [Dramatic music]
04:13 [Lightning strikes]
04:16 [Lightning strikes]
04:17 [Lightning strikes]
04:18 [Lightning strikes]
04:19 [Lightning strikes]
04:20 [Lightning strikes]
04:21 [Lightning strikes]
04:22 [Lightning strikes]
04:23 [Lightning strikes]
04:24 [Lightning strikes]
04:25 [Lightning strikes]
04:26 [Lightning strikes]
04:27 [Lightning strikes]
04:28 [Lightning strikes]
04:29 [Lightning strikes]
04:30 [Lightning strikes]
04:31 [Lightning strikes]
04:32 [Lightning strikes]
04:33 [Lightning strikes]
04:34 [Lightning strikes]
04:35 [Lightning strikes]
04:36 Why are you swimming with the Megs, you Meg?
04:38 I'm conducting an experiment.
04:40 Is the experiment "Do I Taste Good?"
04:42 [Lightning strikes]
04:43 [Lightning strikes]
04:44 You're taking bigger and bigger risks
04:46 each time you go out.
04:48 I guess we both know about that.
04:50 [Lightning strikes]
04:51 It's me?
04:52 Just a calculation of the juice.
04:54 [Lightning strikes]
04:55 A Meg?
04:56 It's not trainable.
04:57 [Lightning strikes]
04:58 [Lightning strikes]
04:59 [Lightning strikes]
05:00 [Lightning strikes]
05:01 [Lightning strikes]
05:02 [Lightning strikes]
05:03 [Lightning strikes]
05:04 Morning, everyone.
05:05 Let's get this show on the road.
05:07 [Lightning strikes]
05:08 [Lightning strikes]
05:09 [Lightning strikes]
05:10 [Lightning strikes]
05:11 Where are we going now?
05:13 Into the unknown.
05:15 [Lightning strikes]
05:16 We've got company.
05:18 [Lightning strikes]
05:19 [Lightning strikes]
05:20 [Lightning strikes]
05:21 Pull through! Pull through!
05:23 [Lightning strikes]
05:24 No engines. Minimal motion.
05:26 The wound looks like food.
05:28 I still think we look like food.
05:30 [Lightning strikes]
05:31 [Lightning strikes]
05:32 [Lightning strikes]
05:33 [Lightning strikes]
05:34 [Lightning strikes]
05:35 That's the biggest thing I've ever seen.
05:37 [Lightning strikes]
05:38 [Lightning strikes]
05:39 Help! Help!
05:40 [Lightning strikes]
05:41 [Lightning strikes]
05:42 We have to save her!
05:44 [Lightning strikes]
05:45 [Lightning strikes]
05:46 [Lightning strikes]
05:47 [Lightning strikes]
05:48 [Lightning strikes]
05:49 [Lightning strikes]
05:50 [Lightning strikes]
05:51 Come on, you ugly person.
05:53 [Lightning strikes]
05:54 [Lightning strikes]
05:55 [Lightning strikes]
05:56 [Lightning strikes]
05:57 [Lightning strikes]
05:58 [Lightning strikes]
05:59 [Lightning strikes]
06:00 [Lightning strikes]
06:01 [Lightning strikes]
06:02 [Lightning strikes]
06:03 [Lightning strikes]
06:04 [Lightning strikes]
06:05 [Lightning strikes]
06:06 Well, it looks like this is home for the night.
06:08 Great.
06:09 Goddamn wind.
06:11 [Lightning strikes]
06:12 [Lightning strikes]
06:13 [Lightning strikes]
06:14 [Lightning strikes]
06:15 Clarence?
06:16 [Lightning strikes]
06:17 [Lightning strikes]
06:18 [Lightning strikes]
06:19 [Lightning strikes]
06:20 [Lightning strikes]
06:21 Local officials have declared a statewide emergency
06:23 as these unprecedented storms continue to rage.
06:27 [Lightning strikes]
06:28 [Lightning strikes]
06:29 Sheriff, we've got a bus full of prisoners heading our way.
06:33 We've got a cop in the storm.
06:34 We need a place to hunker down until it's safe.
06:36 Watch on your best behavior while we're here.
06:39 Let's get a few things straight.
06:40 You're in my house now.
06:42 I will not hesitate to shoot you if I have to.
06:45 Y'all don't think this is cruel and unusual right here?
06:48 [Lightning strikes]
06:49 You hear that?
06:50 [Lightning strikes]
06:51 [Lightning strikes]
06:52 Can you please tell me how an alligator got in your damn police station?
06:55 The storm brought him in.
06:56 Could be infested with him by now.
06:58 If you want to survive the night, we're going to have to find a way to get along.
07:01 Keep an eye on him.
07:02 That's a bona fide cop killer right there.
07:04 [Lightning strikes]
07:07 [Lightning strikes]
07:08 [Lightning strikes]
07:09 We're all going to get eaten alive.
07:11 Shoot this mother-
07:12 [Lightning strikes]
07:15 [Lightning strikes]
07:16 [Lightning strikes]
07:17 Move, move!
07:18 [Lightning strikes]
07:21 You got one shot, Sheriff.
07:23 [Lightning strikes]
07:26 [Lightning strikes]
07:27 [Lightning strikes]
07:32 [Lightning strikes]
07:49 Look, Margaret.
07:50 An invisible man plagues the town of Iping.
07:53 What rot.
07:54 Clearly the folk of Iping have lost the ability to hear the words coming out of their own mouths.
07:59 It ain't your ears that be deceiving you.
08:04 Marvel.
08:07 This is a manhunt.
08:10 [Lightning strikes]
08:12 Have you experienced any suspicious occurrences?
08:16 Strange noises?
08:17 Adeline.
08:19 Broken window?
08:21 No. No.
08:23 Nothing like that.
08:25 [Adeline grunts]
08:26 I can do many things while invisible, Adeline.
08:30 Things that ordinary men cannot.
08:33 She's in league with him.
08:35 Asker is written all over her lying face.
08:40 What part did you play in this?
08:43 He's crazed and he's dangerous.
08:46 It's time you chose a side.
08:48 [Lightning strikes]
08:52 [Adeline screams]
08:55 [Adeline grunts]
08:58 [Adeline screams]
09:02 Shut yourself, you flier!
09:04 [Lightning strikes]
09:06 This is blood on your hands, Addie!
09:09 It's blood on your hands!
09:12 [Lightning strikes]
09:14 [Adeline groans]
09:17 [Lightning strikes]
09:35 The Osage took their name from Missouri and Osage rivers.
09:40 [Lightning strikes]
09:45 Miu Konska.
09:47 [Lightning strikes]
09:49 Children of the Middle Waters.
09:53 [Lightning strikes]
09:58 "Move!" said the Great White Father.
10:04 There are many, so many hungry wolves.
10:11 Can you find the wolves in this picture?
10:16 [Lightning strikes]
10:24 [Lightning strikes]
10:28 [Lightning strikes]
10:35 [Lightning strikes]
10:49 Can you find the wolves in this picture?
10:54 [Lightning strikes]
10:57 Rejoice, his shame remains unknown.
11:01 But he had almost set a throne.
11:06 I don't know that poem.
11:08 It's about an uprising.
11:12 [Lightning strikes]
11:20 Over a hundred years ago, Harry Selton stood where you are now.
11:26 He claimed he could establish a foundation to read the future and shorten the coming age of darkness.
11:36 Can they read the future?
11:42 There are things happening here that you don't understand.
11:46 It's time.
11:47 Empire had a reckoning.
11:50 [Lightning strikes]
11:58 All empires fall.
12:00 [Lightning strikes]
12:12 I graduate law school in two weeks.
12:16 How do we define who's at fault?
12:20 Tommy.
12:23 Are you with us, Tommy?
12:24 Yeah.
12:25 Sorry.
12:26 I'm sure you must feel some pressure having your dad as the guest lecturer.
12:29 How's your job search going?
12:31 Maybe this will help.
12:32 You're Dan Olsen's son.
12:34 With his recommendation, you could work anywhere.
12:37 Okay.
12:39 I prefer to follow my own path.
12:42 Leave me alone, Dad.
12:45 I'm hiring you on to help with our workload.
12:47 I'll need you to start taking assignments.
12:49 Low pay, long hours.
12:50 Could be a good place for a new hire to show initiative.
12:54 You think you can handle the pressure?
13:00 Tommy, are you listening to me?
13:02 I've been having these nightmares.
13:05 Tommy!
13:06 They feel so real.
13:10 And I'm seeing things.
13:14 This is your fault.
13:15 Should we be worried?
13:18 This job is having a negative impact on your mental and physical health.
13:21 So now you'll do whatever it takes to be successful here.
13:24 This job, it takes a toll.
13:26 I can't treat you.
13:28 Tommy, where are you going at night?
13:30 The truth is complicated.
13:34 Having a bad day?
13:35 I am not okay.
13:39 [Music]
13:45 I have a story to tell.
13:48 Ready and action!
13:53 When we start Secret Invasion, Nick Fury has been off planet.
13:57 And Maria Hill has just really been trying to, you know, maintain order.
14:02 But this current threat is getting out of control.
14:05 Five global terrorists strikes within the past year.
14:08 Each one playing by a different group.
14:11 Business as usual.
14:12 That's precisely what they want you to think.
14:18 Nick comes back having lost whatever power he had before.
14:24 So we try and solve things without being too superhuman.
14:29 You going to shoot me?
14:30 Maybe.
14:31 Well, probably.
14:33 But not right now.
14:35 I'm excited to jump into Nick Fury's world, which is very spy versus spy.
14:40 The kind of grittiness, the locations, the way it feels, the way it's written.
14:44 It's a thriller.
14:47 Fury, we've got to be very careful now.
14:51 I had to pinch myself many mornings when I would step on set with Olivia Colman, Sam Jackson, Don Cheadle,
14:58 Emilia Clarke, Ben Mendelsohn, Kingsley Benadir.
15:01 I mean, some of my favorite actors in the world.
15:03 Alone at last.
15:04 After every Marvel film released, I would phone my agent and say, "Please can I be in a Marvel thing?"
15:09 I never imagined it would happen.
15:11 What makes you think you can get him to speak?
15:14 Oh, I can be quite persuasive.
15:17 Looking at the MCU through these different lenses, you get to see all these different sides of the characters.
15:22 So we get to really sort of dig into who they are.
15:24 How much do you know about your security detail?
15:27 What do you mean, how much do I know about it?
15:30 This idea of who can you trust, that is really the heart of the show.
15:35 It could be talking to somebody you have a very close relationship with,
15:39 and then you find out that that's not who you thought it was.
15:44 It becomes sort of a cat and mouse game that we build toward to the end of the show.
15:51 You can't predict it, and you can't preempt it, and you can't fathom it until it happens.
15:57 I'm Nick Fury.
15:59 Even when I'm out, I'm in.
16:01 What's heaven?
16:11 It's a peaceful place in the sky.
16:13 Are you going to heaven?
16:16 No.
16:20 Why not?
16:23 You gotta be a good person to go to heaven.
16:31 Ten years ago today, the artificial intelligence created to protect us
16:36 detonated a nuclear warhead in Los Angeles.
16:39 For as long as AI is a threat,
16:46 we will never stop hunting them.
16:51 This is a fight for our very existence.
16:58 Whatever's in there, they're sure worried about someone getting in.
17:01 Yeah, we're getting out.
17:15 We're the same.
17:20 We can't go to heaven,
17:22 'cause you're not good.
17:28 And I'm not a person.
17:33 Did you locate the weapon?
17:35 Yeah, it's a kid.
17:36 Seatbelts.
17:39 What do you want with the child?
17:51 We are this close to winning the war.
17:54 Execute her, or we go extinct.
17:57 They're coming to get me.
18:26 Welcome to Wilson.
18:28 This is it. This is it.
18:30 How long do we have to stay here?
18:32 I used to spend my summers here when I was a kid.
18:34 Come on, Peter.
18:36 You all settled in?
18:39 Sleep well?
18:42 [GASPS]
18:43 [SCREAMS]
18:47 The armory!
18:48 The prophecy has delivered our king.
18:56 Does this mean I get to be queen?
19:00 You are to restore the clock of the citadel,
19:03 to defeat the Shroud,
19:06 and reset time.
19:12 Sorry, what did you say?
19:16 Your Majesty, you will need a guardian.
19:23 We concur.
19:24 Statistically speaking, flying is the safest form of transport.
19:27 And you will need a navigator.
19:31 I don't think this is the right way.
19:34 [SCREAMS]
19:38 Can you wait until now to tell me this?
19:40 Uh...
19:41 You can't hide from me forever.
19:45 I control you.
19:47 Shroud's minions are everywhere.
19:53 Take cover!
19:55 [SCREAMS]
19:56 I'm scared!
20:01 Hold tight!
20:02 Who goes there?
20:05 Your king!
20:08 All you need is within you.
20:11 This is the fastest I've ever...
20:18 I can't believe it. I just can't believe it.
20:25 No, I can't. I...
20:27 I feel like I just saw him.
20:29 Yeah, he just called me last week.
20:35 He was a butt dial, but still.
20:38 What are we gonna do?
20:41 Exhaustion.
20:42 Where was Durfee the happiest?
20:43 Easy. Harrison.
20:45 It's perfect, you know? You think about it, that is where it all began.
20:48 Oh my God, it's spring break.
21:00 You remind me of my granddad.
21:06 Granddad? How old do you think I am?
21:08 I don't know. Old. 40?
21:10 It's time for the party game!
21:15 Oh, this son of a bitch straight up stole our games!
21:21 [SCREAMS]
21:25 [SCREAMS]
21:26 [GROANS]
21:28 Oh my God!
21:30 I get her number?
21:31 Welcome to the ultimate game.
21:33 This is our reminder to be mindful.
21:37 Be mindful of history and herstory and theystery.
21:42 Just kill us now.
21:44 Come! Your chariots await.
21:48 This is gonna be fun, isn't it, buddy?
21:52 These people suck.
21:54 What will your journey be?
21:56 You guys want some?
21:57 Those are magic mushrooms.
21:58 I just ain't tired of these things.
22:00 Come on, you got a trip with me.
22:02 I'm not taking any mushrooms.
22:03 I'll eat these pink things, though.
22:04 Ooh.
22:09 You wanna play?
22:11 What the?
22:12 Let's play!
22:14 [SCREAMS]
22:15 Good job, guys.
22:17 You got a little mustache.
22:20 Why'd you grow your hair out?
22:22 [SCREAMS]
22:23 One tap of the tongue is the most powerful hallucinogen.
22:29 What are you doing?
22:30 You're welcome, sweetheart.
22:32 [LAUGHS]
22:40 [AUDIO OUT]
