Ghous e Azam Ki Talimaat o Aqwal - Shan e Ghous e Azam RA - Episode 4 - 20 Oct 2023 - ARY Qtv

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Ghous e Azam Ki Talimaat o Aqwal - Shan e Ghous e Azam RA - ARY Qtv

Speaker: Pirzada Syed Atiq ur Rehman

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00:00 Quran-e-Hakim, Sirat-ul-Nabi (SAW)
00:04 Ahadith-e-Mubarka, Fiqh-e-Wasayl-e-Bayan
00:07 and many more, God willing, with the best of scholars.
00:11 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
00:19 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:22 Allah says in the Holy Quran and the Wise Surah,
00:26 "And who is better in speech than he who calls to Allah?"
00:30 Allah says in the Holy Quran and the Wise Surah.
00:32 "And his Messenger, the Most Trustworthy, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate, has spoken the truth."
00:37 It begins with "Rabbilam Yazal" which means "With blessings and greatness"
00:41 which has made knowledge and character a fragrance.
00:45 And the four Durood and Salam are seen as the essence of the world
00:49 whose excellence has been beautified by their Master.
00:54 Respected viewers, from the platform of ARYQ TV,
00:58 we have a beautiful session with the teachings of Huzoor,
01:02 the Master of the Universe,
01:05 with a special program, Sayyidati Quraiman is here
01:08 and with heartfelt greetings,
01:10 As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.
01:14 In this holy month of Huzoor, the Master of the Universe,
01:20 is trying to find the true essence of the world
01:26 and is seeking blessings from those who are discussed in a limited time.
01:35 But if you look at all those Jihad,
01:38 then you will find the easy way to understand the true essence of the world.
01:46 Today, I have brought the excellence of Huzoor to you
01:51 because he was a great preacher of his time.
01:55 Allah the Almighty had blessed him with a blessed tongue.
02:00 When he would start speaking, he would cry like a pearl.
02:04 He would give such enlightening and heartfelt speeches
02:09 that the world of people's hearts would change in his gatherings.
02:14 Hazrat Ibn Rajab Hambali says that Huzoor, after 520 Hijri,
02:22 remember I have pointed out this in many places,
02:26 that he completed his teachings in 496 Hijri.
02:30 But Ibn Rajab Hambali says that after 520 Hijri,
02:34 he presented himself as a preacher, a teacher, a teacher.
02:42 And then Allah the Almighty blessed him so much
02:45 that the acceptance that Huzoor received,
02:50 no one else could have received in his time,
02:53 in the time of later times, in the time of near and far later.
02:58 Huzoor's son, the Prince, Sayyiduna Sheikh Abdul Wahab Gilani
03:05 says that my father used to give a speech three times a week.
03:13 On Fridays and Tuesdays, he would give a speech in his mosque,
03:22 and on Sundays, he would give a speech in his home.
03:27 And his speech was not ordinary.
03:29 In fact, while describing the quality of his speech,
03:35 Sheikh Abdul Haq Muhaddas Delvi says that 400 people
03:39 would take pen and paper and write the points of Huzoor's speech.
03:45 They would note the minutes of his speech.
03:49 The pearls of wisdom that he would give,
03:52 he would make them the adornment of the page.
03:56 So that in the future, when people like us come,
04:00 they too can be adorned with the true adornment of faith.
04:05 In fact, he said that when he would come to the Masnad-e-Wa'iz,
04:12 the crowd would be as large as possible.
04:14 People would come from far and wide.
04:16 There is the door of Sultan-ul-Auliya,
04:18 there is the court of Sultan-ul-Auliya,
04:20 so people would come from far and wide.
04:22 Just as the people sitting near him would get the cleanliness and sweetness of his speech,
04:28 similarly, the people sitting far would hear his speech
04:33 and would try to improve it.
04:37 But there is a very necessary condition
04:39 which is missing in our time.
04:42 If we read the lives of all the Sufis from Abdul Rahman Jami to today,
04:51 then this is a very important element on which they have worked.
04:54 And that is when you mention the state of Qaal-e-Sahal,
04:58 the knowledge which only the honorable people can understand,
05:01 whose hearts Allah has adorned and whose hearts Allah has given His recognition,
05:06 the knowledge which only those special people can understand,
05:10 when you start discussing those knowledge,
05:12 if you enter the Sultanate of Qaal-e-Sahal,
05:15 then the Wa'izeen sitting in front,
05:17 the attendees sitting in front,
05:19 the students sitting in front,
05:21 the teachers sitting in front,
05:23 the people of every class sitting in front,
05:25 they would not control their hearts,
05:27 they would become like a hen,
05:29 they would become like a fish in the water,
05:31 and their condition would become strange,
05:33 and they would touch the levels of spirituality,
05:36 and Allah and His beloved's praise would be placed on their hearts and bodies.
05:42 Huzoor (aba) says that there are two aspects of my speech.
05:46 I will say this for the Wa'izeen like me.
05:49 Huzoor (aba) said that there are two aspects of my speech.
05:52 One aspect is knowledge,
05:54 which you give with your own tongue.
05:56 And the second aspect is action.
05:58 The combination of knowledge and action
06:01 is like the words of a perfect believer.
06:05 The words of a perfect believer
06:07 are made by the grace, kindness and kindness of Allah,
06:10 the combination of knowledge and action.
06:12 Huzoor (aba) used to give examples in Arabic,
06:14 but for the ease of understanding,
06:17 I would like to say something.
06:19 Huzoor (aba) said that knowledge is like a skin.
06:22 Like anything that has a skin,
06:24 knowledge is like a skin and action is like a brain.
06:27 Anything that has a skin,
06:29 the grace of Allah that comes out of it is like a brain.
06:33 Huzoor (aba) says that the protection of the skin
06:36 is actually the protection of the brain.
06:38 And the protection of the brain,
06:40 is the protection of the oil and juice in the brain.
06:45 If you take a fruit in the world,
06:48 which you call Malta,
06:50 there is a skin on it,
06:51 you take it off,
06:52 the Malta comes out of it,
06:54 that is the brain.
06:55 But the juice that you put in your mouth
06:58 is the oil.
07:00 Huzoor (aba) said that the skin is of no use
07:02 if there is no brain in it.
07:04 The skin is of no use
07:06 if there is no brain in it.
07:08 The oil is of no use if there is no skin in it.
07:10 It is disposable.
07:12 Similarly, the knowledge is of no use
07:14 if there is no action in it.
07:16 And if there is knowledge and action,
07:18 then there is no juice in it.
07:20 So, the meaning is that you are explaining
07:22 the knowledge that is stuck in the worldly
07:24 and the worldly.
07:26 You have to get out of all these matters of knowledge.
07:29 And you have to bring the glory of the
07:31 preachers of the world into your life.
07:34 I have given you the 90 points
07:36 out of the 90 points that I have given you.
07:39 How you spoke about the Shariah,
07:42 its obedience,
07:44 its restriction,
07:46 how you spoke about the light of faith
07:48 and the belief in the truth,
07:50 how you brought yourself to the level of a scholar.
07:53 And the sentences that you used to speak today
07:56 were not as common as mine and yours.
07:59 I would like to tell you a very important thing.
08:02 If you give it a place in your heart,
08:04 then a very big message for the preachers of today's time
08:07 has come from Darbar Durr Bar-e-Ghusul Aalameen.
08:10 Remember this.
08:11 You say "Waaz".
08:13 So, after saying "Waaz",
08:15 when the number of people began to increase,
08:17 you said,
08:18 "I do not want any compensation for "Waaz" from you.
08:22 There is no compensation for "Waaz".
08:25 I do not ask anything in return for "Waaz" from you.
08:28 The compensation for my "Waaz" is that
08:30 you act on it in the right way.
08:33 And invite people to act on it.
08:36 The Prophet (pbuh) used to say,
08:39 "Take my message from those who are present,
08:42 and convey it to those who are not present.
08:45 And tell them the right religion."
08:47 Then you used to say,
08:49 "I am not afraid of your swords,
08:52 nor do I desire your gold."
08:55 I am not afraid of your swords,
08:58 nor do I desire your gold.
09:02 This tells us that
09:04 you were not concerned about anyone's wealth,
09:07 nor did you want to gain any worldly benefit from anyone.
09:11 You used to say what you said,
09:13 for the true pleasure of Allah and His Messenger.
09:17 As I read in the "Qarardat" in the sermon,
09:21 how fortunate are those "Waaz"
09:24 who give true invitation to people to Allah.
09:28 So, you used to convey that invitation.
09:30 I will tell you a famous incident.
09:33 A caliphate of his time,
09:36 Mustanjad Billah,
09:38 came to the service of the "Ghusul Aalameen".
09:41 After his arrival,
09:43 he should have given you some gifts.
09:48 You refused once, twice, three times.
09:51 There are different narrations.
09:53 But from this, we will know how selfless you were.
09:56 How selfless you were.
09:58 How much Allah had protected you from worldly things.
10:04 How you were a man of piety, purity, and purity.
10:09 You were a man of good conduct and a man of good conduct.
10:12 You grabbed his bags.
10:15 As soon as you grabbed it, blood started to flow.
10:19 Blood started to flow in a rapid manner.
10:21 The "Ghusul Aalameen" came to the "Jalal".
10:24 He said, "You have brought blood, sweat and tears of common people to me.
10:27 You have brought the wealth of common people to me.
10:31 If I had not been worried that Allah has made me Najeeb-ul-Tarfain,
10:36 I would have drawn so much blood from it,
10:38 that your palace would have been destroyed like a well.
10:42 This is how you conveyed this message.
10:45 And you protected yourself with a strong way
10:48 from the love of the religion of Islam.
10:51 Whenever I read the sentences of the "Ghusul Aalameen"
10:54 that I am going to tell you,
10:56 I feel a strange wonder.
10:58 What a status, what a rank, what a rank!
11:00 Despite having such a high status,
11:05 you had no arrogance, no arrogance, no arrogance.
11:11 The one whom Allah has given so much glory,
11:14 the one whom Allah has given so much status,
11:17 if he has such a strict view of his status,
11:21 how can he not express his gratitude for the real appreciation of Allah?
11:25 The "Ghusul Aalameen" says,
11:27 "The One who has given me the guidance of creation
11:31 through his generosity,
11:35 and has made the way with this passion,
11:37 and has made my life with this purpose,
11:41 O people, leave the way of luxury and accept greatness.
11:45 And the way of greatness is for men."
11:48 You will face difficulties when you will walk on the path of goodness,
11:51 when you will walk on the path of truth.
11:53 My teacher, the great and noble Sheikh, used to say,
11:56 that the path of religion, the path of goodness,
11:58 is full of difficulties.
12:00 It is not a bed of roses.
12:02 It is a bed of thorns.
12:04 You have to walk on this bed of thorns.
12:06 And also, the fruits of this path will be in time.
12:09 My Lord tests you completely,
12:11 He sees you.
12:12 When your righteousness, your purity,
12:14 your matters become perfect,
12:16 then the fruits will be in time.
12:18 But listen, when the fruits of the path of religion
12:20 are in time, then it is always springtime.
12:24 Then it is always springtime.
12:26 And always this fruit is in your matters,
12:29 it is in your fate.
12:31 My dear brother, Dr. Ali Naseem,
12:33 in one of his research papers,
12:35 he writes that Dr. Abdul Razzaq Gilani,
12:38 in his book, "Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani",
12:42 that the Imam of the Sufis,
12:45 whose books and whose words,
12:47 the state of the Imam inside the book,
12:50 is changed, one of them is
12:52 Shaykh Abdul Qadir Samdani,
12:54 and the other is Imam Ghazali.
12:56 And this is the reason that
12:58 Hazrat Sayyiduna Ghosul Aalameen said,
13:01 that the Lord has bestowed upon me
13:04 such a great favor that He gave me
13:06 the title of Muhayyuddin.
13:08 And he said this about himself.
13:10 He said, "I am Al-Jaili,
13:12 Muhayyuddin ismi,
13:14 Wa 'alaami 'ala Rasil Jibal."
13:16 And he said this about Sayyiduna Aalameen,
13:18 in this blessed hadith,
13:20 "Verily, Allah sends down to this Ummah,
13:23 upon the head of every nation,
13:25 I will renew for them their religion."
13:28 That every 100 years,
13:30 when there is a turmoil in the affairs of religion,
13:33 when there are conflicts,
13:35 people become victims of different kinds of conflicts,
13:39 and the message of the true religion,
13:42 which does not reach the ears of people,
13:44 and people start interpreting the religion
13:46 in their own way,
13:48 then the Lord gives a unique man,
13:51 a person who is chosen by Allah,
13:54 and he comes to this world,
13:56 and then he combines the true knowledge of religion
13:59 with the true perspective of religion.
14:01 That is, it is not a new religion,
14:03 but the religion is being renewed,
14:05 which is filled with doubts and doubts
14:07 from the events of the world,
14:09 and they are finished.
14:11 Today, the message I have put in front of you,
14:14 the message of Huzoor Ghosul Aalameen,
14:16 I would like to say in your service,
14:18 our Baba Huzoor, Hazrat Zia Siddique Shah,
14:21 always has this message,
14:23 that son, come,
14:25 on the path of Ghosul Aalameen,
14:27 become a true scholar,
14:29 and then become a perfect saint.
14:31 When the outer and inner will be aligned,
14:33 in the true sense,
14:35 every obstacle will be overcome by the power of love,
14:37 the name of Muhammad will be illuminated in time.
14:40 I pray for my entire institution,
14:42 may Allah accept us all in His presence.
14:45 Al Fatiha.
