Trading Expert Shares Insights Into How To Find Success In The Market

  • last year
TechniTrader is an educational company focused on teaching traders and investors a complete process for trading or investing in the stock market and other financial markets. Founded in 1998, it says it has helped over 500,000 traders and investors achieve their financial goals.

The company’s courses provide a complete, comprehensive training program based on a college-style curriculum that uses what the company calls its tri-level approach to analyze assets or derivatives to trade.


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - I think you're unmuted now.
00:05 Can you hear us, Martha?
00:06 - Yes, I can hear you very well.
00:07 Thank you very much.
00:08 - Wonderful.
00:09 Thank you so much.
00:11 - Yeah, I have a couple of slides I'd like to show you
00:12 and I'd like to talk about the differences
00:14 between professional training and education
00:17 that people get and the retail side.
00:20 So do you have those screenshots for me?
00:23 - Yep, we've got that deck.
00:24 We're gonna pull it up for you really quick.
00:25 As we pull that up too, before we get into it,
00:27 because obviously you've got more context than anyone,
00:29 can you give us a quick 30 second recap
00:31 of what exactly TechnoTrader is?
00:33 - TechnoTrader is a legacy that I'm doing.
00:37 My business partner, when we closed our small fund,
00:41 'cause we both wanted to retire,
00:43 and I was in my late 30s,
00:44 we decided that we had a lot of people
00:47 that needed the education.
00:48 I was really shocked when I did my first workshop
00:51 because it took him a year to convince me to do it
00:53 'cause I didn't think we had anything to teach anybody.
00:55 But when I stood in front of the audience,
00:57 I was there about 10 minutes and I looked around
00:59 and I said, "You don't know any of this stuff."
01:00 And I had brokers, I had financial planners,
01:03 I had experts as well as retail traders in front of me,
01:06 and they knew nothing.
01:07 Our education is very different
01:09 and very unique in its approach.
01:11 So if somebody is really serious
01:13 about making money in the market,
01:15 rather than just it being a hobby
01:16 or something fun to do in the mornings,
01:19 then we have something to offer them.
01:21 So it's a really good platform for those of you
01:24 who want to become semi-professional
01:26 or really understand the market
01:27 and make some pretty good money.
01:29 Our students really love it.
01:31 And I have a lot of different things
01:32 that I just wanna show you today
01:34 that helps you decide what makes difference.
01:36 So that's us, so you can flip on through that chart.
01:39 And what I did 25 years ago, I had a trading floor
01:44 and I had to help my traders figure out
01:46 what the market was going to do.
01:48 Futures weren't working, futures are hot and cold.
01:51 Sometimes they tell you what the market's gonna do
01:53 for the day and the rest of the time it doesn't.
01:54 So I developed these scans and I've tweaked them
01:57 over the years and I give them to my students.
01:59 And then I have a market report that I give them also
02:01 that shows them what I see as far as what's going on
02:05 in the market.
02:06 It's kind of my own AI that I created.
02:08 And it's extremely accurate.
02:10 I never bothered to check it,
02:11 but my students have been tracking it for all these years.
02:14 And they say, it's 95% accurate
02:16 about what happens after the market opens.
02:18 Are we gonna have a whipsaw?
02:19 Are we gonna have a sudden reversal
02:21 from one trend to the other, intraday or day?
02:24 And so it really helps them understand
02:26 six different market conditions
02:27 and the trading conditions for the day.
02:29 Next slide.
02:30 Okay, when you are deciding to find a stock to trade,
02:36 most of you start out with your earnings news or news
02:41 and then, oh, here's a hot new IPO and everything.
02:44 And so you go, okay, that's what I'm gonna trade for today.
02:47 Your news is late.
02:49 It's always very late.
02:50 The market acts on the millisecond.
02:53 So every one second, there are a thousand trades
02:56 that can fire off on the professional side.
02:58 And you are not part of the professional side.
03:01 You are on the outside, on the public exchanges,
03:04 the ECNs and so on and so forth.
03:06 Have you ever seen a 5 million share lot go through
03:10 your level two screen?
03:12 No, because they don't occur on the exchanges.
03:15 They occur off the exchanges on ATS venues.
03:18 Well, you need to find these stocks before they're moving,
03:21 before the market opens, because the pros are already in.
03:25 They've nudged the HFTs, the high frequency traders
03:28 or the maker takers of the exchanges.
03:30 They fill the queues with thousands of orders
03:32 before the market opens.
03:34 And then they cancel those that they don't need.
03:36 And then they go ahead and start filling your orders.
03:39 And of course you get in a stock that was running up
03:41 and now it's running down and you lose money, that's why.
03:44 So you need to get into the study.
03:46 We have all these scans and sorts for students.
03:49 I have lots and lots of different scans
03:51 that they can use depending on their trading style.
03:53 There's six different trading styles.
03:55 Next screen.
03:55 So this gives you an opportunity to find stocks
04:02 before they're moving.
04:03 So I need to go on to the next slide
04:04 'cause I'd only have 10 minutes.
04:06 - We'll move one slide right here for you.
04:08 - Okay. - One second.
04:10 We're just gonna try and pull one screen over.
04:13 There we go.
04:14 - There are six different trading styles.
04:16 So you have many to choose from.
04:17 This is a slower trading style for those of you
04:19 who are work full-time or developing a career,
04:21 have a family or retired,
04:23 known to spend your every single day trading stocks.
04:26 This is actually a more lucrative income
04:29 for those who wanna make a monthly income
04:32 or augment your income per month.
04:34 And this is a very easy,
04:35 this easiest one to learn is the lowest risk.
04:38 It's called platform position trading.
04:39 And if you come to our website,
04:41 you can get more information on that.
04:42 Next slide.
04:43 All right, you day traders, you swing traders,
04:47 you intraday traders, you are using MACD,
04:51 you're using stochastic, you're using RSI.
04:53 I know 'cause I get all kinds of questions all the time
04:56 in the communities that I have on my website
04:58 for people who are wanting to learn about the market.
05:01 Those are all ancient indicators based on price and time.
05:05 There are hybrid leading indicators that are available now
05:08 that are far superior because our market is different
05:11 than it was in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s.
05:13 It's very different.
05:14 It's automated.
05:16 It's millisecond trading, 60,000 orders can fill
05:19 in one minute.
05:20 That's the scale that you run on is one minute,
05:22 60,000 orders ahead of you.
05:24 And you can't possibly keep up with that.
05:27 So you need indicators that signal before the crossover.
05:30 So this is market, this little stock was nudging down
05:33 and it got a little tick from the pro traders
05:36 and the indicator indicated that
05:37 and it moved up the next day.
05:39 Nice little run.
05:40 And then all of a sudden the indicator is showing,
05:42 okay, they're gonna start taking profits
05:45 because they're already starting to take profits
05:47 and then it runs down.
05:48 So you can see that even with a bigger black candle,
05:51 sudden reversal, and these are the things
05:52 that you're experiencing intraday
05:55 because we have a choppy market, it's not volatile.
05:57 So if you learn of hybrid leading indicators,
06:00 you're going to be in the stock with the pros
06:03 be as they nudge the stock up to trigger the HFTs
06:06 and you're gonna have higher income.
06:08 And it's just that simple,
06:10 but it's something you have to learn
06:11 and the hybrid leading indicators
06:13 are what you need to learn.
06:14 Next slide.
06:15 Okay, I love to teach.
06:18 It is my passion in my retirement
06:20 and I've been doing it for quite a while.
06:23 Nothing makes me more happy than to see a beginner
06:28 or somebody who's been struggling with day trading
06:30 suddenly have success on a consistent basis.
06:32 It just makes my day.
06:34 But you need to know about us,
06:35 you need to understand what we do
06:37 and how different we are.
06:38 We teach the Western candlestick buy-in for signals,
06:41 not the Japanese 'cause you already know the Japanese.
06:44 We teach a different kind of stop loss.
06:45 We teach all kinds of things that are different.
06:47 So come to our website.
06:49 These mini courses are designed
06:50 just like our regular courses.
06:52 You can take one or all of them.
06:54 And if you have something that you don't see,
06:56 you can write us and put a note in your registration
06:59 and say, "Hey, I'd like to learn this.
07:01 "I'd like to learn that."
07:01 'Cause I have all kinds of hidden
07:03 little mini courses as well.
07:05 So any questions, anything that you'd like to cover, Michael?
07:12 - That was really, really thorough.
07:13 You went through it really quickly.
07:14 I'm impressed.
07:15 No, I think Martha, the biggest question
07:16 that we have for you is basically,
07:19 you walk through the entire deck here.
07:20 Where should somebody start with all this?
07:22 Right, it's a lot of great information,
07:23 but we see the free introductory mini courses.
07:25 Where's the next step?
07:26 Like where should an investor that's brand new
07:28 and wants to work with you get started
07:30 to get your training?
07:30 - Okay, they need to take the mini courses.
07:32 I would say that the beginners need to start
07:34 with candlesticks and basic indicator information.
07:39 RSI is a good one, but that's a little more advanced.
07:42 Introduction to trading is great.
07:45 If you have a lot of experience,
07:48 then the swing trading or the profit hunter
07:51 is a great community.
07:52 If you're a beginner, the profit hunter
07:54 is also a great community
07:55 because I write an article every week
07:57 that explains what happened in the market this week.
07:59 So you can understand what the professional side is doing.
08:02 The professional side constitutes 80%
08:05 of the $240 billion in transactions
08:09 that change hands in the market every day.
08:11 The market is massively, massively huge.
08:15 And what most retail traders, investors think
08:18 is that it's small.
08:19 It's not small, it's massive.
08:21 And so you have to understand what the 80%
08:23 of the market is doing, not 20%.
08:26 And the indexes are great,
08:27 but there's a lot of stocks that move wonderfully well
08:31 that are not components of the indexes.
08:33 So you have to know your news is late.
08:37 So you're gonna get in late.
08:39 The futures are not reliable
08:40 to tell you what the market is going to do all day long.
08:43 And there are indicators and scans
08:46 and all kinds of tools that you can have
08:48 that make it easier for you
08:51 to follow the professional traders.
08:52 If you're trading with the pros,
08:54 then you're going to be making good money.
08:56 - Understood.
08:58 And we're a couple of minutes over, but that's okay.
09:00 I wanna ask you another question about trends
09:02 that you're seeing in traders that are taking your courses
09:04 or that you're watching them trade.
09:06 What are some of the trends in the investing space
09:07 that you're seeing right now?
09:08 - What I'm seeing right now is a lot of mine
09:11 have gone to platform position trading
09:13 because the market is choppy and sideways.
09:15 It's not volatile.
09:16 And my swing traders are doing very well out of bottoms,
09:19 completed bottoms, because there's that acceleration.
09:22 What you wanna do is trade with the pros.
09:24 So you wanna check your percentage of shares
09:26 held by institutions and make sure
09:28 that you're with the giant buy side institutions
09:31 because they accumulate large masses of inventory
09:35 for their mutual funds and ETFs.
09:38 And that causes a liquidity draw,
09:40 which causes the compression and the spring
09:44 and the big runs that we see.
09:46 So visit my website and register.
09:50 If you find that the training is right for you,
09:54 it's right for you.
09:55 If it's not right for you, that's fine.
09:57 I've been teaching this for 25 years
10:00 and my students are just incredibly happy with what...
10:04 I have students that are still with me
10:06 and check in periodically
10:07 and tell me how great they're doing.
10:09 - That's amazing.
10:10 Martha, it's really incredible
10:11 to see the success you've had.
10:12 We're very excited to get this in front of our investors
10:15 and have you help out more people
10:16 along their trading journey.
10:17 Martha Stokes, CEO, co-founder and CMT at Technitrader.
10:20 Thank you so much for being with us here this morning.
10:22 - Thank you for having me.
10:23 Bye-bye.
10:24 (upbeat music)
10:27 (upbeat music)
