Thousands of pro-Palestine protestors gather in Sydney's CBD

  • last year
Thousands of people have gathered in central Sydney to show their support for Palestinians trapped in Gaza.
00:00 The crowd is loud and passionate. This is the square next to Sydney's Town Hall. As
00:07 you can see it is a sea of red, white, green and black. There are thousands of people here.
00:14 This protest is authorised. These protesters have approval to march from Town Hall towards
00:22 Belmore Park. We've heard chanting, we've heard prayers. The organisers are rallying
00:28 the crowd. They've also warned protesters that anti-Semitic shouts won't be tolerated
00:33 and neither will flag burning. They're calling for discipline in this protest and to have
00:40 a unified voice and send a message to the world. That message is that they want an end
00:46 to the war in Israel, an end to the bombings of Gaza, an end to the blockade. They talk
00:54 about a feeling of helplessness. Here on the other side of the world, they're seeing the
00:58 terrible images from Gaza. Many people here of course have loved ones, many of them on
01:05 the Gaza Strip. So the passions are really running high here. It is pretty noisy. The
01:12 crowd is getting revved up. They're a chance. This is just beginning. The speeches have
01:20 just begun and this group will be marching shortly through the city towards Belmore Park.
01:27 towards Belmore Park.
