• last year


00:00 there is turbulence in the lung
00:03 if the particles are small, they will come out again
00:06 but if asbestos, because it is
00:08 sharp
00:10 sharp, it will pass straight through
00:13 to the inside
00:15 well, the lung is a balloon
00:17 we breathe in the air, the balloon expands
00:19 we exhale the air, the balloon
00:22 narrows, narrows
00:24 well, if it keeps getting hit by the fiber earlier
00:29 it will continue to form a fiber
00:32 well, if there is a wound, there is a fiber
00:35 well, when the fiber is formed
00:37 we call it fibrosis
00:39 experiencing a contraction
00:41 it means the ability to
00:44 expand and narrow it
00:47 will decrease and disappear
00:51 it causes a chronic debilitating disease
00:57 it causes mesothelioma, asbestosis, lung cancer
01:02 duh, the danger of asbestos is really scary, right guys?
01:09 well, from the explanation earlier
01:11 maybe the world friends have to think again
01:13 if you want to use asbestos
01:15 but that thing is also not excluded
01:17 due to the extreme heat conditions
01:20 so it can cause the earth to be in a dangerous condition
01:26 well, the world friends need to know
01:29 according to 29 experts in the Science Advance magazine
01:32 said that if the earth is no longer suitable for use
01:36 in a study on the condition of the earth
01:38 the results if the thing happens
01:40 because the earth is getting older
01:42 and the activities done by humans
01:44 which make the earth more damaged
01:46 in addition, the researchers also made 9 standards
01:50 or limits for the earth-worthy planet
01:54 and what's surprising is that
01:57 the earth has passed 6 limits of the standard
02:00 it's really scary, right?
02:02 as a result, the ozone layer on the earth is getting thinner
02:06 there are many droughts in various places
02:08 lack of clean water supply
02:10 and the global heat is getting more extreme
02:13 well, for that, we have to keep the earth
02:16 because if we don't live on the earth
02:18 where else do we want to live?
02:21 besides protecting the earth
02:24 we also have to protect our health
02:26 so we don't get heat stroke
02:28 because of the extreme heat conditions
02:30 heat stroke can occur because
02:36 the body receives too much sunlight
02:39 and causes the body temperature to rise up to 40 degrees Celsius
02:43 as a result, the health of the body weakens
02:45 and causes some symptoms such as dizziness
02:47 heart beat, to be tense, faint, to die
02:52 heat stroke case that causes someone to die
02:58 has happened before
03:00 experienced by a tourist
03:01 because of the exposure to hot sun
03:03 which is quite long at 56 degrees Celsius
03:06 when visiting the Dead Valley of the United States
03:09 well, for that, there are several ways
03:13 to avoid heat stroke
03:15 when doing activities under the hot weather
03:18 such as wearing loose clothes
03:20 bright colors and light materials
03:22 and absorbing sweat like cotton
03:25 then, using a head cover like a hat
03:28 don't forget to always use a sunshade with a minimum SPF of 30
03:33 so that the skin remains protected
03:35 besides that, don't forget to drink mineral water
03:37 to keep the fluid in the body
03:40 what's more, drinking mineral water
03:42 cold drink with ice cubes
03:44 hmm, it's more refreshing, guys
03:46 but, do you know that ice cubes have a lot of benefits
03:55 besides refreshing your drink
03:57 well, for girls, here's a tip
04:00 ice cubes can be used for beauty
04:03 such as to remove acne
04:06 to overcome puffy eyes
04:07 to remove eye bags
04:09 and to reduce redness
04:12 besides that, ice cubes can also help brighten the face
04:25 because it can smooth the circulation of blood and oxygen
04:28 the way is to compress and apply the ice cubes
04:31 which has been wrapped with a cloth to the face slowly
04:34 [music]
04:39 besides the hot weather that attacks the earth
04:46 recently, it was also excited by a comet
04:48 which is three times bigger than Mount Everest
04:50 which exploded
04:51 and now, the comet is heading to the earth
04:55 a comet named 12V Ponce-Brookes
04:58 exploded in outer space on October 5, 2023
05:02 the comet is about 315 km in size
05:06 as a comparison, Mount Everest is about 88.5 km in size
05:11 can you imagine, how big this comet is?
05:15 even though it's heading to the earth
05:19 this comet won't hit the earth, guys
05:22 the comet is only at the lowest point of the earth on April 2024
05:26 and the brightest comet phenomenon
05:28 will happen in the night sky on June 2, 2024
05:32 let's wait, friends
05:34 if you take a plane
05:46 usually, the plane fails to fly
05:48 because of technical problems or bad weather
05:51 but unlike these two planes that failed to fly
05:54 because of excess of capacity
05:56 [music]
05:59 how can it be?
06:02 let's take all 27 athletes
06:05 [music]
06:08 the 27 athletes are divided into two groups
06:11 in two different planes
06:12 one group flies from Haneda Airport, Tokyo
06:15 and the other departs from Itami Airport, Osaka
06:18 you need to know this, friends
06:22 the maximum weight of a plane is 79,010 kg
06:27 while the weight of the comet is 120 kg
06:31 not to mention the other passengers
06:34 who usually have 70 kg
06:37 the weight of the load also affects the need for fuel
06:41 so, the more the load, the more fuel the plane needs
06:46 as a result, the airline also provides special flights
06:49 to take the comet to Amami Oshima
06:53 maybe, in the future, the athletes need their own plane
06:57 to make the athletes proud of Japan
07:00 [music]
07:05 the comet is a heritage of Japanese culture
07:09 to be a comet, you need to be 173 cm tall
07:14 and weigh 75 kg
07:17 to be a comet, they need to live a normal life
07:23 not only the large portion of food
07:25 the comet is allowed to eat twice a day, day and night
07:29 in the morning, the comets are required to train
07:33 but, after lunch, the comets are required to sleep until dinner
07:39 [music]
07:42 [music]
08:02 talking about the overload
08:04 this woman has a bad experience about her weight
08:07 she felt uncomfortable because of the body shaming by the taxi driver
08:12 [talking in the taxi driver's voice]
08:27 sir, please take care of my life
08:30 but, the netizens are so annoying
08:34 some netizens think that it is just an acting
08:38 I share this story
08:41 because my friend share this story in the group
08:44 to help my friend to stand by
08:47 because my friend and I feel so unsafe
08:50 so, be careful for the online friends
08:53 if there is a police, be careful
08:58 because it is so scary
09:01 sir, please take care of other people's life
09:04 especially, the body shaming
09:06 it makes people feel so sad
09:08 for the online and offline transportation
09:11 you have to be careful
09:13 and make sure that the driver is in a good condition
09:17 and there is no one else in the car except you as the driver
09:20 [music]
09:30 talking about the body posture
09:31 this woman from Bandung has a problem with her body posture
09:34 and she had to undergo surgery
09:36 this woman named Gita had scoliosis
09:39 with a 40 degree tilt when she was 15 years old
09:42 it started when Gita felt pain in her back
09:46 after the examination, Gita was diagnosed with scoliosis
09:51 [Gita's story]
10:16 [music]
10:19 scoliosis is a bone deformity
10:21 with a curved back like the letter C
10:24 the longer it lasts, the more tilted Gita's scoliosis
10:27 up to 70 degrees
10:29 as a result, she decided to undergo surgery
10:31 because the condition of the bone can press the lungs
10:34 heart and digestive organs
10:36 [music]
10:39 after undergoing surgery, not only the body feels stiff
10:42 the body posture is also higher
10:44 which was originally only 152 cm high
10:48 now it's 157 cm
10:51 but in curing scoliosis
10:54 not only by surgery
10:56 but also by physical therapy and the help of brace
11:00 one of the people who also uses brace therapy
11:02 to pull the back bone is Cinta Kuya
11:04 who has scoliosis with a 33 degree tilt
11:08 [music]
11:12 from some therapies
11:13 many people think that the brace therapy can cure scoliosis
11:18 but in fact, it's not true
11:20 this therapy is only intended to loosen the muscles and reduce the pain
11:24 not to cure the bone that causes scoliosis
11:28 so if you feel scoliosis
11:32 it's better to go to the doctor for further examination
11:36 [music]
11:39 [music]
11:45 friends, there is a drama about the package
11:49 if not about the package that is sometimes out of order
11:51 there are also customer behaviors that are beyond the limit because of the package
11:55 like this one, the motorcycle was detained by the customer
11:59 because the package was received not according to the order
12:01 [music]
12:04 there is a package problem
12:08 so it's not in accordance with the order
12:10 the motorcycle was detained
12:12 it's funny when the courier's task was explained
12:15 the package only delivered goods
12:17 the husband and wife still argue
12:19 and still ask for the motorcycle key to be detained
12:22 [music]
12:27 [laugh]
12:30 [talking]
12:39 [music]
12:42 clearly, the package drama event that happened in Kresek, Tanggrang, Banten
12:48 immediately got unique comments from netizens
12:51 this is called COD system, guys
12:53 cash or duel
12:55 buy it in the market, sir
12:56 if you don't want to buy online
12:58 don't make it difficult for the courier
13:00 it's a pity that other buyers are waiting for the package that should be delivered
13:03 but it's delayed
13:05 usually shopping in the market, but shopping online
13:07 no wonder the market is empty
13:09 remember, friends
13:11 about the order matter that has been agreed between the seller
13:15 and the buyer or customer
13:17 if there is something that is not appropriate, don't blame the courier
13:19 because the courier is only responsible for delivering the goods
13:23 so don't make a mistake again
13:25 [music]
13:27 [talking]
13:33 if the courier is in trouble because the motorcycle is detained
13:36 the mini market staff is confused
13:38 because there is a buyer who wants to pay with a credit card
13:41 [music]
13:49 what a dream, I can meet you like this last night
13:53 what for?
13:55 let's say you're good
13:57 how can you pay with a credit card?
14:00 you can pay with debit card
14:02 [music]
14:07 after checking, the courier tried to run away with his shopping
14:11 but fortunately, one of the shop staff managed to get his shopping back
14:16 rather than being good, it's better to work
14:19 find a legal money, right?
14:21 [talking]
14:24 [music]
14:27 friends, who likes to eat chili?
14:30 many of you raise your hand
14:32 but if you eat the hottest chili in the world
14:35 don't hurry to raise your hand
14:37 if you don't want to deal with the UGD
14:39 [music]
14:41 are you curious?
14:42 what kind of chili is considered as the hottest chili in the world?
14:46 official Guinness World Record for Pepper X is 2.693 million Scoville heat unit
14:57 [music]
15:01 it's called Pepper X chili
15:04 Pepper X chili is nominated by Guinness Book of World Records
15:08 as the hottest chili in the world
15:10 it's moved to the previous position by Carolina Reaper chili which has a heat unit of 2.2 million Scoville
15:18 the hottest chili in the world is planted by Ed Curry
15:22 as the founder of Bud Pepper Company located in the United States
15:26 Pepper X chili is similar to Carolina Reaper
15:30 but the color is yellowish green
15:33 Pepper X has many curves and bulges
15:36 which means there are more areas for the seed growth that contains Capsaicin
15:42 how about you?
15:43 do you dare to try this chili?
15:45 you'd better not to be afraid
15:47 because the excessive hot effect can be dangerous especially for the lungs
15:51 [music]
15:57 [music]
16:02 [siren]
16:08 [music]
16:12 we will help you to return your safety
16:16 [music]
16:18 sister
16:19 [laugh]
16:21 it's good, right?
16:22 for whom?
16:23 for my teacher
16:25 drink milk first
16:26 Bebelag is great because it contains Fosgos which is a clinical trial and AAA with higher DHA
16:31 it supports good digestion, creative mind, and big heart
16:35 happy birthday
16:37 I don't have a birthday
16:39 why do you have to wait for a birthday?
16:41 you can give a gift anytime
16:44 Bebelag, the beginning of all greatness
16:47 move, join, Sprite cheat, and hit the promo
16:51 win Vespa and other chili gifts
16:54 see, it's easy
16:57 the winner will be announced every week
16:59 just follow the rules
17:02 are you sure you have washed your face?
17:04 use Garnier's number one water mist
17:07 with a missile like a magnet, 99% makeup, even the dirt that is not visible is transparent
17:13 stay soft without feeling attracted
17:15 use Garnier's water mist
17:17 [music]
17:21 [music]
17:27 don't stick to your teeth
17:29 [music]
17:32 [music]
17:40 Kansai Property
17:41 with Japanese technology
17:42 easy to paint
17:43 the result is calm
17:45 from Kansai Bin
17:47 for wood and iron
17:48 put it in
17:49 ready
17:50 shine Kansai Eftalin paint
17:52 Japanese Kansai Paint technology
17:54 tough to face difficult challenges
17:56 the color is maintained from year to year
17:59 Kansai Eftalin
18:00 from Kansai Paint
18:02 Aldi, why didn't you go to school?
18:06 Aldi is sick
18:07 yes, now the child is easily sick
18:09 the child is not easily sick, but the human is stronger and more dangerous
18:14 uh
18:15 regular soap is not enough to fight it
18:19 [music]
18:21 take a bath with Lifebuoy new multivitamin
18:23 100% stronger, effective, against dangerous germs
18:26 take a bath with multivitamin
18:28 just use Lifebuoy
18:29 Lifebuoy with multivitamin
18:31 [music]
18:34 to face various conditions every day
18:36 [music]
18:39 make sure the purity that accompanies you
18:42 [music]
18:44 BareBrand, feel the purity
18:47 [music]
19:02 Bing Bing Share Eat One Hub Challenge
19:04 put it in your mouth in one bite
19:06 say Bing Bing Share Eat
19:08 [laughing]
19:10 [laughing]
19:12 the chocolate and caramel melt in your mouth
19:14 Bing Bing Share Eat, it's as good as that
19:17 I believe in wisdom and the miracles of nature
19:21 I come from the chosen mountains
19:23 not an easy place to get stuck
19:25 I am swept by layers of protective rocks
19:29 without the process of recreation
19:31 I contain natural minerals
19:33 without the addition of dangerous substances
19:35 [music]
19:37 so I feel cold
19:39 without being cooled
19:41 explain if not all water is aqua
19:44 aqua 100% pure
19:47 difficult to cover, easy to cover
19:51 difficult to die, easy to die
19:55 Kansai Property with Japanese technology
19:57 painting becomes easy, the result is made of soil
20:00 from Kansai Pen
20:02 for wood and iron
20:03 put it in
20:04 believe in Kansai Eftalin paint
20:06 Japanese Kansai Pen technology
20:09 bravely face difficult challenges
20:11 the color remains from year to year
20:14 Kansai Eftalin from Kansai Pen
20:17 Let's have an Energen cereal breakfast
20:19 I made it, I want vanilla
20:21 I want chocolate
20:22 Energen, the number one cereal in Indonesia
20:25 made from Australian wheat
20:27 nutritious and refreshing
20:29 delicious
20:30 nutritious
20:31 [music]
20:32 UKONG, good for the throat
20:34 natural turmeric plus is already appearing
20:36 with active turmeric and black pepper
20:38 processed at low temperature
20:39 so the active ingredient is preserved
20:41 faster to overcome hair loss
20:43 strong body resistance
20:44 natural turmeric plus is already appearing
20:46 good
20:47 Gentle Gen now has a sachet
20:49 buy 3 get 1 free
20:51 hands still soft
20:52 clothes are also soft
20:53 the fragrance also lasts long
20:56 no need for a fragrance softener
20:58 Gentle Gen, 8 liters of growth
21:01 [music]
21:07 [music]
21:08 calm down, this is not the end of the world
21:11 the node remains, just wipe
21:13 with the latest formula Dulux Easy Clean
21:15 [music]
21:16 Usually, toothpaste is not good and makes you sick
21:20 now we use Barakat new toothpaste
21:23 the post-grinting toothpaste
21:24 makes the teeth more comfortable, clean and fresh
21:27 strong teeth also change since one brush
21:30 Barakat new
21:31 healthy teeth, sure Barakat
21:32 people say I work the most
21:34 work all day, suddenly I have a headache
21:36 Oskadon is OK for headaches
21:38 work actively in the center
21:39 can be drunk before eating without getting sleepy
21:42 Oskadon OK solution
21:43 complete the relief of headaches and anxiety
21:45 Panjen Oye
21:47 Galon Le Mineral 100% free of BPA
21:50 safe for children and family
21:52 the characteristic of Galon Bebas BPA
21:53 clear and transparent
21:54 marked with the icon in the third corner number 1
21:57 Galon Le Mineral
21:59 for the health of the family
22:02 from Indonesia
22:04 the best spice selection combined with quality chicken extract
22:07 present Sajiku Fried Rice
22:10 the delicious chicken aroma, the spice seasoning is felt
22:13 Sajiku Indonesian Sajian Delicacy
22:16 [music]
22:17 where is the sun brain?
22:18 eh, not arrived
22:20 why not arrived?
22:21 nutrition plays an important role in helping growth
22:23 give Pediature with triple protein
22:25 help real growth
22:27 arrived
22:28 Pediature Classic Milky
22:29 available at Alfamart
22:31 [music]
22:32 we all want to eat nutritious food
22:34 but how do they like it?
22:36 do not worry
22:38 Royco new recipe
22:39 more rich in flavor
22:42 with chicken that has been boiled for a long time
22:44 the broth is more flavorful
22:45 and rich in spices
22:47 make the food richer in flavor and nutritious
22:50 more vegetables
22:52 for the family's favorite nutritious chicken soup
22:54 [music]
22:55 let's eat more nutritious
22:57 by changing the contents of your plate
22:59 Royco new recipe
23:00 more rich in flavor
23:02 this exercise is not afraid of sweating in clothes
23:04 I'm not worried about sweating in clothes
23:06 we use Soaping Puwangi Active Sport
23:08 new, quick absorb sweat, clothes stay dry
23:10 protect clothes from bad smell
23:12 clothes stay fresh
23:13 Soaping Puwangi Active Sport
23:14 smell free, sweat in clothes
23:16 no way, winske
23:17 Aqua believes in the miracle of nature
23:20 so we don't use a rag at all
23:23 our rag is sanitized together
23:26 before being re-filled
23:28 [music]
23:29 Aqua 100% pure
23:31 want a free vacation?
23:33 it's time for Fresh Tee Fresh Break
23:35 get the chance to win vacation and thousands of other prizes
23:39 buy Fresh Tee with the golden cover of any variant
23:41 scan QR and enter the code behind the bottle cap
23:44 hurry to join before it runs out
23:46 [music]
23:52 [music]
24:06 Teman Dunia, Kebakaran Hebat hit a factory in Karangasem, Surabaya
24:11 the fire is so big that it needs 15 fire engine cars
24:15 and it takes 5 hours to burn the red corn
24:19 the factory is called Lelin, Teman Dunia
24:22 the materials in the factory will be easily burned
24:26 it's hard for the fire engine car to put out the fire
24:30 and the factory is near the villagers' house
24:34 the fire engine car has to work faster
24:36 so the fire won't spread to the buildings
24:39 you can see the video of the fire engine car near the factory
24:47 it's a pity for the villagers
24:50 fortunately, no one was injured
24:55 the fire was caused by the power outage
24:59 I hope this fire won't happen again
25:03 this is the sport that millions of Indonesians love
25:13 badminton
25:14 it's so popular that we can easily see people playing badminton
25:18 wherever and with whatever clothes
25:20 like these men
25:22 they look so professional playing badminton
25:26 [music]
25:41 why is he so clumsy?
25:44 the brake is broken
25:46 the net is torn
25:48 maybe he's not that sick
25:52 but he's so embarrassed
25:54 the villagers are also happy to comment
25:59 they are quiet like a pro
26:02 they are moving to break the net
26:03 the villagers are like, "don't bother him anymore"
26:06 "he's making everyone drop the net"
26:10 the netizen is not empathizing with him
26:13 but he's making the situation more interesting
26:15 now, we're moving to the floor of the mall
26:24 which is known as the badminton field
26:27 is it okay to play badminton in the mall?
26:30 it's okay
26:37 because the badminton match is held in the ground floor
26:40 which is the WTC Mangga 2
26:41 which is already turned into the badminton field
26:43 most of the tenants are closed
26:51 so, the use of the mall to be the badminton field
26:55 is the strategy of the mall to attract the visitors
26:57 this is because of the phenomenon of the lack of visitors
27:00 which hit many malls in Jakarta
27:02 including the mall located in North Jakarta
27:04 the field was opened in early October
27:08 so, it's only been two weeks
27:10 although it doesn't look like the visitors are increasing
27:12 but hopefully, this way
27:14 it can facilitate the talent of badminton players
27:18 don't you agree, friends?
27:30 the world friends who are just like kids
27:32 always attract the attention of the adults
27:34 like this smart kid who is sad
27:37 the funny thing is, the little brother who used to sit in the car seat
27:43 is trying to calm himself
27:45 cuk, cuk, cuk, you're so smart, De
27:58 don't cry anymore, De, so that you won't lose your beauty
28:01 there are also the world friends who are just like kids
28:21 who are so creative
28:23 they don't have any friends or dolls to be pampered
28:26 but don't worry, just look at this little brother
28:28 who is busy doing his make-up for his customer
28:31 just using a simple tool
28:39 he can pamper his dog
28:41 the funny thing is, the dog also looks obedient and quiet
28:45 when he is given more eyebrows and pink eye shadow
28:48 how about the world friends and the result of the make-up?
28:51 it looks different, right?
28:54 the world friends who are just like kids
28:57 this time, there is a kid who tries to use a trick
29:07 so that his pet cat becomes a mess
29:10 in the video, we can see a girl sitting with a cat in front of her
29:15 this little girl also seems to be enjoying using the trick
29:19 and applying it to the cat's face
29:22 cat
29:23 the strange thing is, the cat doesn't seem to be disturbed at all
29:47 and sits comfortably on the chair
29:49 hmm, maybe it's all for a bowl of rice, right?
29:52 until finally, the little girl decides to apply the trick to her own hand
29:58 although it looks funny and the cat's trick is considered cool by the netizen
30:03 but it's better if the other little girls don't copy this
30:06 because the cat is so cute
30:18 this time, there is a story of a friendship between a boy and a chicken
30:22 it looks like a girl is hugging a chicken
30:25 while drawing the chicken's legs on the book
30:28 not only the legs, the girl also puts the chicken's head on a piece of paper
30:37 with her patience, she asks the chicken to sleep on the paper
30:41 and immediately covered by the red-browed chicken
30:44 the friendship between the girl and the chicken is well-established
30:48 even the boy from Makassar named Hafizah Nur Azara
30:52 also decorated his favorite chicken's nails with nail art
30:56 one by one, he decorated the chicken's nails with colorful fake nails
31:02 in another video, it also shows the girl playing by herself
31:08 while the chicken sits sweetly on the table waiting for her human friend to play
31:13 the friendship between the girl and the chicken is so sweet
31:18 this one must be congratulated because he is kissed by a cow
31:31 he intends to take a picture with a cow
31:36 but he got a kiss from the cow
31:39 the cow is ready with its pose by giving a surprise by kissing the man
31:44 the cow is also cute, the man is so tempted
31:55 a little kiss doesn't affect it
31:58 the man is so happy that he is giving a kiss to the cow
32:02 the man is so happy that he is giving a kiss to the cow
32:07 the man is so happy that he is giving a kiss to the cow
32:11 the man is so happy that he is giving a kiss to the cow
32:14 the man is so happy that he is giving a kiss to the cow
32:20 the man is so happy that he is giving a kiss to the cow
32:25 Adek, it's good, for whom?
32:31 for my teacher
32:33 drink milk first
32:34 great, Bebelak, has a clinical false gauze and triple A with higher DHA
32:39 supports good ennui, creative mind and big heart
32:43 happy birthday
32:45 I don't have a birthday
32:47 why should you wait for a birthday?
32:49 you can give a present anytime
32:52 Bebelak, the beginning of all greatness
32:55 tired, drink clinical false gauze
32:58 the formula of chili that has been perfected 100% herbal
33:02 drink after doing activities and before going to bed
33:04 smooth blood circulation, maximum rest
33:07 I believe in clinical false gauze, president only drinks herbal
33:10 sure after washing your face, it's clean
33:12 use the number one water mist from Garnier
33:15 with a mistle like a magnet, 99% makeup, even impurities that are not visible, clear
33:21 stay soft without feeling attracted, use the water mistle from Garnier
33:25 where is it?
33:27 just try it, only Pucuk Harum tea from Pucuk Tea Pilihan
33:32 keep your spirit up to face the challenge
33:36 make your day more exciting
33:38 Pucuk Harum tea
33:40 still sleepy, how?
33:43 use the new Pantene, formula with micro-provitamin that absorbs
33:47 stronger hair from inside to 10 times stronger against the eye
33:52 new Pantene
33:55 calm down, this is not the end of the world
34:04 the remaining notes can be wiped with the latest formula Dulux Easy Clean
34:08 Dulux
34:10 Sarimi
34:11 new, Sarimi price Rp. 2,500, must enter
34:14 Sarimi for the cow, the taste is
34:16 fall, fall, fall
34:18 the crispy chicken, the taste is
34:20 good, good, good
34:21 Sarimi, new, price Rp. 2,500, must enter
34:25 from Indonesia, the best spices mixed with high quality chicken extract
34:30 present to you, Sajiku Fried Rice
34:33 the delicious chicken aroma, the spices flavor is felt
34:36 Sajiku, Indonesian delicacy
34:40 Le Mineral, very different, smoother, fresher
34:44 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals
34:49 which is important for the body and also makes the water taste fresher
34:53 and lighter
34:54 Le Mineral
34:55 hard to cover, easy to cover
34:59 hard to die, easy to die
35:03 Kansai Property with Japanese technology
35:05 painting becomes easy, the result is made calm
35:08 from Kansai Bin
35:10 for wood and iron
35:12 believe Kansai Eftalin
35:15 Japanese Kansai Paint Technology
35:17 bravely facing difficult challenges
35:19 the color from year to year remains
35:22 Kansai Eftalin
35:24 from Kansai Paint
35:25 I always choose S Game Explore
35:27 because only with Iron Sea
35:29 my child's support grows maximally
35:32 hmm, let me do it
35:34 come, tie it here
35:36 wow, cool
35:38 S Game Explore
35:40 Mipon Spotless Plus
35:43 with stain guard, easy to clean
35:46 and silver ion, protect from germs
35:51 Mipon Spotless Plus
35:52 beautiful home, free of germs and germs
35:55 new Pocky Almond
35:57 happier with next level Pocky
36:00 new, the fiber stick becomes crispier
36:03 soft and thick chocolate becomes tastier
36:06 more yummy, happier with new Pocky
36:10 Girls, now you have to protect your body
36:12 when you're 35 cm tall
36:13 longer, wider back protection
36:16 triple guard zone with 3 zones
36:18 can absorb more
36:19 extra duress, no leak
36:21 want to sleep more comfortably
36:22 buy Hurst Protects Comfort Night now
36:24 Coffee together like a cafe
36:28 anytime
36:30 anywhere
36:39 this is my cafe
36:40 from Indonesia
36:42 the best spices choice
36:43 mixed with high quality chicken extract
36:46 present, Sajiku Fried Rice
36:48 the delicious chicken aroma, the flavorful spices
36:51 Sajiku, Indonesian delicacy
36:54 hey yo, red, hot, very hot
36:58 in a thin layer
37:00 fresh, thin, smooth
37:02 only in a thin layer
37:05 thin, smooth, yo, a little thin, yeah
37:08 the texture
37:10 what do you want to cook?
37:11 want to cook delicious, Pak?
37:12 use Kedulai Hitam Special delicious soy sauce
37:14 only Rp. 1,000 can cook delicious
37:16 wow, there's a bonus chef's meal reception, Bro
37:18 the black kedulai is thicker
37:19 Rp. 1,000 becomes a delicious meal
37:21 Parape, delicious soy sauce, special black kedulai
37:23 buy 2 packs, free shipping
37:24 from Wings Food
37:25 usually, the toothpaste is not delicious and make you want to throw up
37:28 now we use the new toothpaste, Baraka
37:31 the toothpaste and green tea content
37:32 the point is to brush your teeth more comfortably, clean and fresh
37:35 strong teeth, also empty after one brush
37:38 Baru, Baraka, healthy teeth, sure Baraka
37:40 want noodles, please
37:42 calm down, there's an oven noodles
37:44 healthier choice
37:45 the product is in the oven, not fried
37:48 the noodles are chewy, the taste is more delicious
37:51 delicious
37:53 healthy oven noodles, delicious again
37:55 all this time
37:56 only we are good at cutting
38:02 why don't you use a new way?
38:06 especially in Indonesia
38:10 time, now can be bought on Aksis
38:13 control the internet with Play and Pause
38:18 download Aksisnet
38:20 Aksis, we are different
38:25 Galon Le Mineral, 100% free of BPA
38:28 safe for children and family
38:30 free of BPA, clear and transparent
38:33 marked with an icon on the third corner, number 1
38:36 Galon Le Mineral, for the health of the family
38:40 big discount up to 50%
38:43 at Transmart Full Day Sale
38:45 plus additional discount 20%
38:47 with Aloe Prime, Mega Credit Card or Mega Sharia Bank
38:51 starting from daily needs
38:53 fresh products, home appliances
38:56 department store products and electronics
38:59 shopping now, pay later
39:02 starting tomorrow from the store until 10 pm
39:05 at Transmart all over Indonesia
39:08 Galon Le Mineral, 100% free of BPA
39:13 safe for children and family
39:15 free of BPA, clear and transparent
39:18 marked with an icon on the third corner, number 1
39:21 Galon Le Mineral, for the health of the family
39:25 great, Bebelak
39:27 like a phosgos that is clinical
39:29 support good skin and triple A with higher DHA
39:33 creative mind stimulation, C Kecil
39:35 both help grow a big heart
39:38 Bebelak, all of God's greatness
39:40 Aqua believes in the miracles of nature
39:43 so we don't use galon at all
39:46 our galon is sanitized together before being re-filled
39:51 Aqua, 100% pure
39:56 [music]
40:03 world friends who travel to Italy
40:05 don't just enjoy the beauty of Romanesque buildings
40:10 if you happen to be visiting Italy
40:13 try to visit Capri Island in southern Italy
40:17 surrounded by blue sea with beautiful scenery
40:20 Capri Island also has the uniqueness of several sea caves
40:23 with blue interior
40:25 Blue Grotto, or Blue Cave
40:31 is a cave located on the edge of a large limestone rock
40:34 and filled with sea water
40:36 Blue Grotto has a length of 60 meters
40:40 20 meters wide and a depth of about 150 meters
40:44 with a sand-like base
40:46 to see the beauty in this cave
40:49 visitors must enter the cave with a wooden boat
40:52 which is made of sand
40:54 it's a bit challenging, right?
40:57 but once you enter the cave
41:01 visitors will be amazed by the scenery inside
41:04 the sea water in the cave is calm blue
41:08 with black walls and cave sky
41:11 makes the blue color perfect
41:13 like blue light
41:15 it turns out that the beauty of Blue Grotto
41:18 has been found since the time of Emperor Romawi Tiberius
41:21 in 27 AD
41:23 when he moved the capital of the Kingdom of Romawi to Capri Island
41:26 fascinated by its beauty
41:28 makes the emperor make Blue Grotto as a private bath
41:32 many statue artifacts are decorated on the cave wall
41:35 but unfortunately, after that, the glory of Blue Grotto disappeared
41:38 and turned into a nesting nest
41:43 now in the era of people who no longer believe in the nesting
41:46 Blue Grotto has become one of the tourist destinations that never gets lonely from visitors
41:50 everyone who has entered the cave
41:53 will definitely agree and call this cave as a magical blue cave
41:57 I'm more curious to see the magic of Blue Grotto
42:01 [music]
42:04 [applause]
42:06 [music]
42:15 a fisherman must experience a terrible fate
42:19 he was drowned and died
42:22 [music]
42:24 the chronology of events began when the fisherman with the initial M
42:28 was looking for fish in the river
42:30 only at that time the net thrown by the victim was caught
42:34 M then tried to release the net caught in the river
42:38 unexpectedly, the fisherman came slowly
42:42 and immediately recorded the incident
42:45 [music]
42:47 the victim was forced by a large-sized fisherman
42:50 the tragic event was recorded by the camera of a resident
42:54 some residents heard that the incident was also hysterical
42:59 [music]
43:07 seen in the video, the fisherman forced the victim brutally
43:11 right on the edge of the river
43:13 the victim was drowned by the fisherman
43:16 then appeared to the surface in a few seconds
43:19 it was seen that the fisherman bit the victim's feet
43:22 then released it and then forced it
43:25 [music]
43:30 the terrible incident was reported in East Kolaka, South Sulawesi
43:35 after that, the victim's body was taken away by the fisherman until it was gone
43:40 [music]
43:49 the M body was found by SAR team
43:52 around 10 o'clock at night
43:54 at a place about 890 meters away from the initial location recorded
44:00 [music]
44:01 when evacuated, the victim's legs and knee bones were gone
44:06 while the other body parts were still intact
44:10 [music]
44:15 [music]
44:23 unfortunately, a 3-year-old boy was hit by a boat
44:27 a resident of Cidura, Bandung
44:29 he fell into the well
44:32 [music]
44:34 the terrible incident happened to us last Thursday
44:38 it started when the victim was playing near the well
44:42 he stepped on the cover of the well which was already covered
44:47 he fell into the well