• last year


00:00 Of course, because turtles are identical to slow animals.
00:03 Slow as long as it's safe.
00:05 Maybe that's the charm of this fighting animal.
00:08 Eh, are you sure that turtles are slow animals?
00:14 Let's watch this first video.
00:16 One, two, three.
00:19 See, it's so fast.
00:26 But because it's so fast, many people doubt that it's a turtle.
00:32 Some say it's a labi-labi, not a turtle.
00:35 Some say it's because it's so fast.
00:42 What do you think, friends?
00:47 [Music]
00:51 Still from the fauna world,
00:58 this time from an animal that usually flies,
01:00 swimming in the air.
01:02 Yup, a bird.
01:03 It's a fish bird.
01:05 A viral video recorded the unexpected action of a bird
01:11 that is quite easy to find on the shore.
01:14 While a woman is enjoying the coldness of ice cream
01:17 and the beautiful view in front of her eyes,
01:19 suddenly someone bites her ice cream.
01:23 She was confused and looked for someone
01:26 who would steal her ice cream.
01:28 Finally, the woman realized that the one who bit her ice cream
01:31 was the white bird that had been flying above her head for a while.
01:42 Yup, the fish bird is the one who wanted to taste the ice cream.
01:47 A bird that lives almost everywhere except Antarctica
01:51 is known as the big eater.
01:54 So, it's not surprising that it was hungry
01:57 when it saw a woman enjoying the ice cream on the shore.
02:00 Notably, it's the territory of power.
02:03 If you want it, just ask for it.
02:06 I think you'll get it.
02:08 [Music]
02:13 [Music]
02:16 [Music]
02:21 [Music]
02:25 An unexpected and unpleasant incident
02:28 must have happened to this group of tourists.
02:31 [Music]
02:35 While they were enjoying playing banana boat on the sea,
02:38 suddenly they were hit by a speedboat.
02:41 The seven people on the banana boat
02:43 immediately rolled and fell into the sea.
02:46 [Bleep]
02:48 [Bleep]
02:52 It's said that some of them shouted at the speedboat driver.
02:56 There is no continuation to this incident,
02:58 but it looks like everything is fine.
03:03 Oh my God, the ending of every banana boat ride
03:06 is the speedboat being turned upside down
03:08 so that all the passengers are thrown into the sea.
03:10 But, who didn't get hit first?
03:13 [Music]
03:16 [Music]
03:21 [Music]
03:24 [Music]
03:27 [Music]
03:32 [Music]
03:35 [Music]
03:36 Oh my God,
03:38 are you nervous to hear them singing?
03:41 Yes, recently there was a video of a voice duo
03:43 that was accompanied by a group of men
03:45 singing the song "Yangkorambe Yangko".
03:48 In this 4-minute 5-second video
03:51 entitled "Papua Ni Pace",
03:53 we were presented with a cool appearance
03:55 from Florida State University Choir.
03:58 Recorded in the video, before starting to sing,
04:00 an Indonesian man, Henry Pranoto,
04:03 who became the voice duo leader,
04:05 that they will sing the song of Papua Indonesia
04:08 entitled "Yangkorambe Yangko".
04:10 This song is from Papua,
04:12 which is the eastern part of Indonesia,
04:15 which is really far, close to Australia.
04:19 After the brief introduction,
04:21 the song "Yangkorambe Yangko",
04:22 the arrangement of Agustinus Bambangjusana,
04:24 was also started.
04:26 [Music]
04:30 [Music]
04:33 [Music]
04:42 [Music]
04:53 [Music]
04:56 From the beginning to the end,
05:01 the song that was still debated by the netizens
05:04 was brought so perfectly.
05:07 Did you feel it, world friends?
05:09 How it makes anyone who listens nervous.
05:11 One word for their appearance,
05:14 proud.
05:15 Proud because our song is getting more and more world-famous.
05:20 [Music]
05:23 Not only has Taj Mahal as a wonderful tourist destination,
05:29 India also has other regions that have millions of monuments with its natural beauty.
05:34 [Music]
05:37 Who wants to be the winner?
05:45 I will be the winner.
05:46 [Music]
05:49 Ouch, it's hard.
05:51 Come here, let me show you how.
05:53 S Game Explore, one with Iron Sea.
05:57 Support two times the intake,
05:59 help the little one grow to the maximum.
06:01 Let me do it.
06:07 I have an idea.
06:08 Come on, let's go here.
06:10 Wow, cool.
06:12 Ready to fly.
06:13 S Game Explore, support the next generation who think fast and brave.
06:19 Feeling itchy when drinking cold water.
06:21 Then the condition of the teeth is sensitive.
06:23 If left longer, there is a possibility of deterioration.
06:26 Sensodyne provides protection up to 24 hours.
06:29 I recommend Sensodyne for dental care.
06:32 [Music]
06:38 [Music]
07:05 Aldi, why didn't you go to school?
07:07 Aldi is sick.
07:08 Yes, now the child is easily sick.
07:11 Children are not easily sick, but now the sebum is stronger and more dangerous.
07:15 Oh.
07:16 Regular soap is not enough to fight it.
07:20 Bathe with the new Lifebuoy Multivitamin.
07:23 100% stronger, effective against dangerous sebum.
07:26 Bathe with Multivitamin?
07:28 Just use Lifebuoy.
07:29 Get free doctor's consultation with Lifebuoy Halodoc.
07:32 Lifebuoy with Multivitamin.
07:35 So good crispy chicken nugget.
07:36 So good.
07:38 Crispy and juicy.
07:39 More crispy.
07:40 So good.
07:42 The winner is So good crispy chicken nugget.
07:44 The winner is delicious.
07:45 The other is losing.
07:46 Better.
07:47 So good.
07:48 From Indonesia.
07:51 The best spices are combined with high quality chicken extract.
07:54 Present Sajiku Fried Rice.
07:57 The aroma of chicken is delicious.
07:58 The spice is flavorful.
08:00 Sajiku, Indonesian delicacy.
08:02 From Indonesia.
08:04 Don't you wish your phone was fun like this?
08:08 Don't you wish your phone could fit in here?
08:11 Don't you?
08:12 Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 and Z Flip 5.
08:16 Get it now.
08:17 (Preview of the next episode)
08:19 (Preview of the next episode)
08:49 Aqua believe in the miracle of nature.
08:51 Therefore, we don't use any handkerchief.
08:55 We sanitize our handkerchief before we fill it again.
08:59 Aqua 100% pure.
09:04 (Commercials)
09:20 Sister.
09:21 Good.
09:24 For whom?
09:25 For my mom.
09:27 Let's drink milk first.
09:28 Great, Bebelak.
09:29 Contains phosgos that is high in glycine and triple A with higher DHA.
09:33 Support good ennui, creative mind and big heart.
09:36 Happy birthday.
09:39 I don't have a birthday.
09:41 Why do you have to wait for your birthday?
09:43 You can give a present anytime.
09:46 Bebelak.
09:47 The beginning of all wonders.
09:49 (Commercials)
10:04 What's this?
10:06 Mitu Baby change your butt.
10:13 With the smell of the smell-free.
10:16 To accompany meaningful moments.
10:18 (Commercials)
10:34 (Commercials)
10:49 Wait for me, okay?
10:51 Okay.
10:52 (Commercials)
11:01 (Commercials)
11:25 (Commercials)
11:32 (Commercials)
11:49 Every ten years, he's looking for a victim.
11:54 To fill his power.
12:00 Do you think this is the solution to all problems?
12:02 Power is not a problem.
12:03 A promise with a hot love.
12:08 That will last forever.
12:12 As a pillar of the mountain.
12:15 This is the secret of restaurant cuisine.
12:23 Soury with quality original oyster.
12:25 The taste is balanced.
12:27 Make all dishes delicious with the restaurant.
12:30 Soury with quality original oyster.
12:33 Don't be sad, bro.
12:34 Don't be sad, bro.
12:35 Top coffee, milk, sugar, and sand.
12:37 Tubruk.
12:38 Combination of Tubruk coffee, milk, and sugar.
12:40 Crazy.
12:41 The sand is smoother, brother.
12:43 The sand is delicious.
12:45 Top coffee, milk, sugar, and sand.
12:47 Tubruk. From Wings Food.
12:48 I believe in wisdom and natural miracles.
12:53 Aqua comes from the chosen mountains.
12:55 Not a place that is easily polluted.
12:57 Aqua is sucked by layers of protective rock.
13:00 Without any recreational process.
13:02 Aqua contains natural minerals.
13:05 Without any harmful additives.
13:07 So that Aqua feels cold.
13:11 Without being cooled.
13:12 Explain.
13:14 If not all water is Aqua.
13:16 Aqua 100% pure.
13:18 [Music]
13:23 [Music]
13:27 Not only has Taj Mahal as a tourist destination that is amazing.
13:32 India also has other regions that store millions of treasures with its natural beauty.
13:37 This is Puga Valley.
13:39 Located in Lembah Camtang in the south of Ladakh to India.
13:46 Puga Valley is very special because it is famous for its beautiful nature and hot earth activities.
13:51 Yes, from a distance, the hot steam from the source of the water has been seen.
13:56 In Puga Valley, there are many hot springs that contain coral.
14:00 And a mud pool with a teraputic content.
14:03 According to some information,
14:06 Sinking in the hot water pool located in Puga Valley can help cure some skin diseases and rheumatism.
14:13 This is because the Puga Valley water has a very high content of coral.
14:18 Lembah, 30 kilometers long, is a real natural wonder.
14:24 Not only swimming, tourists can also ride around Lembah while looking at the mountain views surrounding this area.
14:32 When the season changes, the green moss on Puga Valley will turn into white snow when the cold season comes.
14:41 But Puga Valley still looks charming even though it has changed color.
15:08 Two acrobatic jet planes crash and explode around the Italian airport.
15:13 The explosion caused a fireball to explode.
15:18 The Italian Air Force jet plane is known to be practicing for the 100th anniversary of the Italian Air Force on the same day,
15:32 exactly on September 17, 2023.
15:36 Unfortunately, one of these acrobatic jets must have an unexpected incident.
15:42 The jet planes just took off from the Castelletturin airport.
15:47 One of the jets began to lose altitude and fell, causing a black fireball to hit the air.
15:53 The fireball's line is a jet plane that was thrown into a car and exploded.
16:02 The plane was thrown into a car and the car was hit by a family member.
16:08 This incident caused a 5-year-old child to die and another 9-year-old child to be injured.
16:19 However, the parents and the jet pilot were saved from death.
16:26 The pilot was seen throwing himself with an open parachute a few moments before the plane hit the ground.
16:33 He is now being treated for burns at Giovanni Bosco Hospital in Turin.
16:41 The Italian Air Force is still investigating the main cause of the plane crash.
16:47 However, they suspect the result of hitting a bird friend when it took off.
16:54 The plane crashed into the air.
16:58 The plane crashed into the air.
17:02 The plane crashed into the air.
17:05 The area of ​​the school was stabbed in the eye.
17:10 The school was hit by a plane.
17:13 A primary school student in Gresik, East Java, suffered a blindness.
17:17 The ball of his eye was injured by a satay shot by his own classmate.
17:22 This incident began when the victim was participating in a competition in the August 17th warm-up at school.
17:32 When the victim was playing in the school's playground,
17:35 suddenly he was pulled by a student who was suspected to be his classmate to one of the school's halls.
17:42 Apparently, the perpetrator forced the victim to give him his money.
17:49 However, because the request was not fulfilled,
17:52 the perpetrator directly injured the victim's right eye using a satay shot.
17:57 As a result, the victim's eyes were injured and he was blind.
18:03 According to my son's statement, it was more than once, 10 or 5 times.
18:13 But usually given?
18:14 From my son's statement.
18:16 But usually given by your son?
18:18 Usually given by my son.
18:20 If not given, we usually take it ourselves.
18:26 The bag is taken directly.
18:29 Although it looks normal,
18:35 the victim's eyes are no longer functional, so he can't see.
18:41 Not only that, a month after the incident,
18:43 the victim still suffered a severe trauma, so he didn't talk much as usual.
18:49 The victim's family was angry and demanded justice from the school
18:54 by checking the CCTV to find out who the perpetrator was who blinded his son's eyes.
19:00 However, the school seemed to cover up
19:04 and didn't want to get involved in the school's students' problems
19:07 because the CCTV was broken.
19:11 I have the right to do that.
19:13 Oh, really?
19:15 Thank you, ma'am.
19:17 From here, the victim's father reported the incident that hit his daughter
19:23 to the police station.
19:25 Now, the local government is doing a mediation process
19:30 between the school and the victim's parents.
19:33 However, the legal process is still underway.
19:39 We are doing a mediation process.
19:41 Next, we will hand over the victim's family to the police station
19:48 to find a way to stop the incident.
20:04 A cat gave a sign that there would be a disaster in Sidoar, East Jojo.
20:09 The accident happened in a moment
20:12 as the motorcyclist crossed the rail road and was hit by a train.
20:18 But who would have thought that before this incident happened,
20:21 a cat mysteriously appeared
20:24 as if it gave a sign that there would be a devastating incident.
20:30 It seems that a few seconds before the victim, Giniati, was hit by a train,
20:35 in the CCTV footage, the cat appeared at the 26th second
20:40 while hit two seconds later.
20:43 If you look closely, the cat looks like it came out of a train rail
20:51 as if it wanted to cross along with the victim's motorbike.
20:56 When the cat appeared, the victim managed to cross in the direction of the cat.
21:00 Unfortunately, in the crossing without a door post,
21:03 the victim did not cross right and left.
21:06 In fact, at the same time, the train was crossing in the middle.
21:10 Therefore, the people of Ganet are in a lot of opinions
21:14 if the cat had known about the accident
21:19 and tried to warn the motorcyclist.
21:22 According to the police investigation,
21:25 the victim was suspected of being careless and not careful
21:28 so the victim died and hit the train.
21:31 Because the employer did not want to buy two ART phones,
21:43 the stolen Rp212 million worth of gold was stolen.
21:47 A woman named Retna Dewi is being surprised
21:52 by the actions of two housekeepers who dared to steal her belongings.
21:57 The initials N and L,
21:59 live in an apartment with her employer every day.
22:03 Apparently N and L were in a fight to steal when her employer left.
22:08 It turns out that the two ART phones
22:10 quietly found out where the safe box keys were stored by her employer.
22:15 The jewelry in the safe box
22:20 were then gradually taken.
22:23 First N and L took one gold bar,
22:26 then they sold it to the market and sold for Rp18 million.
22:31 Successfully with the first theft,
22:33 the two of them repeated their actions.
22:36 They took one by one of the jewelry in the safe box until there was none left.
22:41 The total jewelry they stole was worth Rp212 million.
22:46 The result of the sale of the jewelry,
22:48 they split it in half, each of them received tens of millions
22:52 and they spent the money.
22:55 This was finally found out by Retna when she wanted to wear a bracelet.
23:00 Apparently the jewelry was fake.
23:03 The two actors initially did not admit to stealing the jewelry,
23:07 they only admitted after being taken by their employer to the police station.
23:11 The motive for the theft was because the employer did not fulfill their wishes,
23:15 to buy a cell phone.
23:18 They even sold the jewelry to buy a cell phone and also pay the bill.
23:41 A 25-seater ship was burned in the US-USPO.
23:48 The incident began when a large family was having a weekend vacation
23:53 and was sailing on a ship.
23:56 But surprisingly, after 45 minutes they were on the ship,
24:01 one of the family members heard an explosion from inside the ship.
24:06 The big explosion is suspected to be from the fuel on board.
24:11 Not long after, the fire quickly spread across the ship.
24:16 The members of the family were panicked and shouted hysterically.
24:20 As a result, they had to jump to avoid the fire and swim to a safe place.
24:26 The exciting moment was recorded by someone who was also on board
24:34 and was not far from the burned ship.
24:37 There was also a panic video recording.
24:40 The incident was so dramatic, because when saving each other,
24:45 it was seen that a mother was carrying her baby who was still 2 months old.
24:50 In the incident of the ship fire, no casualties or injured victims,
25:00 all were safe.
25:02 Fortunately, the victims were wearing life jackets so they did not drown.
25:07 Some residents were surprised by a shark that was stranded on the Florida Pensacola beach.
25:27 In the video, the shark was seen in the open, right on the beach.
25:32 The shark was stranded in a living condition and was found by some residents.
25:37 The residents tried to help the shark along the 3 meters to return to its habitat in the open sea.
25:45 The size of the shark made the residents have to pull it in a crowd.
25:49 But a moment later, suddenly the shark was rumbling and almost injured them.
25:56 After feeling calm, the three men pulled the shark body again.
26:02 Until finally the shark was released back to the sea in a living condition.
26:23 A dangerous cargo truck carrying nitroxide was in a major accident and exploded.
26:30 The accident in Germany also caused 5 other vehicles to be destroyed,
26:37 causing the truck to explode.
26:41 The horrible moment was recorded from another vehicle's dashboard camera.
26:46 In the video, some people got out of the car and seemed to be panicking.
26:50 They tried to save themselves by anticipating the explosion.
26:56 Shortly after, firefighters arrived at the scene.
27:05 After the fire was extinguished, the truck was destroyed and the wreckage was not formed.
27:10 The wreckage was also scattered.
27:13 As a result of this fatal accident, two drivers died on the spot,
27:17 while the other drivers were injured.
27:21 After retiring in 2019, the American actor and wrestler The Rock returned to WWE.
27:42 Recently, the man who grew up in the car was invited to the WWE Smackdown event
27:47 on Friday night at the Denver Bowl Arena.
27:51 This is The Rock's first appearance since 2019,
27:55 after his life as an actor, film producer, and ex-mayor of Miami.
28:00 His presence was welcomed by fans and fellow wrestling fans.
28:05 As his name suggests, WWE or World Wrestling Entertainment
28:10 is one of the most popular wrestling events in the world,
28:15 especially in the United States.
28:18 The Rock and John Cena are the icons of WWE wrestling,
28:22 which decorated television in 1990s to 2010s.
28:28 No wonder, his presence surprised the audience.
28:32 This time, The Rock vs Austin Theory, who is a 1997 born wrestler.
28:39 With his iconic Rock Bottom and Fist Elbow techniques,
28:43 he managed to beat his opponent in a few minutes.
28:48 The winner this time will certainly be welcomed by the audience
28:55 who are surrounding the wrestling ring.
29:00 What?
29:02 Online gambling, you must bring a wallet.
29:04 Bring a wallet?
29:05 Yes, I'm a victim.
29:07 The name of the comedian Sule is now a mystery
29:12 because he is suspected of promoting a gambling site online.
29:16 When interviewed, the father of Fabian said,
29:20 calmly, that he was just a victim.
29:24 What?
29:25 Online gambling, you must bring a wallet.
29:27 Bring a wallet?
29:29 Yes, I'm a victim.
29:30 Is there a promotion?
29:31 I don't know.
29:33 If you are invited to the wrestling event?
29:36 Yes, I will come.
29:37 But how do you get to know him?
29:39 There are a few artists who are also a part of the event.
29:41 It's okay, there are friends.
29:43 There are friends too, we don't know.
29:46 That's why it's been a long time, since 2018.
29:51 The reason is not that.
29:54 It's a game.
29:57 It is known that at least 26 public figures
30:01 are involved in 15 videos of online gambling promotion.
30:05 They are suspected of promoting an online gambling site
30:09 with online gambling.
30:11 Many of them are now dealing with the police.
30:17 [The most popular online gambling site]
30:19 [The most popular online gambling site]
30:22 [The most popular online gambling site]
30:25 [The most popular online gambling site]
30:27 It's hard.
30:30 Let me show you how.
30:32 S Game Explore.
30:34 Only with Iron Sea.
30:36 Support 2x absorption.
30:38 Help the child grow as much as possible.
30:45 Let me do it.
30:46 I have an idea.
30:48 Let's tie it here.
30:50 Wow, cool.
30:51 Ready to fly.
30:52 S Game Explore.
30:54 Support the next generation who think fast and bravely.
30:57 Pollution.
31:00 Use Plosa.
31:02 Apply Plosa on the neck.
31:04 Inhale deeply.
31:07 Plosa.
31:09 Relieve breathing due to air pollution.
31:11 Plosa.
31:13 Sido Muncul has 70 years of experience in herbal treatment.
31:16 With the simplest product variant.
31:18 The latest innovation, wind turbine soft capsule.
31:21 We believe in Sido Muncul.
31:23 If you get in the wind, smart people drink the wind turbine.
31:27 Aldi, why didn't you go to school?
31:31 Aldi is sick.
31:32 Yes, now the child is easily sick.
31:35 The child is not easily sick, but the tumor is now stronger and more dangerous.
31:41 Regular soap is not enough to fight it.
31:44 Bathe with Lifebuoy new multivitamin.
31:47 100% stronger, effective against dangerous tumors.
31:50 Bathe with multivitamin?
31:52 Just use Lifebuoy.
31:53 Get free consultation with Lifebuoy.
31:55 HelloDoc, Lifebuoy with multivitamin.
31:57 Good morning with Dulcolax.
32:00 Good morning, happy morning.
32:02 BAB is smooth again.
32:03 Bye bye, fat, fat, fat.
32:05 Drink Dulcolax.
32:07 Work with 3 steps.
32:09 Smooth and easy BAB.
32:11 Smooth, work with Dulcolax.
32:13 Sister.
32:15 Good, for whom?
32:19 For my teacher.
32:21 Drink milk first.
32:22 Great, BABELUG.
32:23 Contains false ghosts that are linked to the kidneys.
32:25 And AAA with higher DHA.
32:27 Support good entertainment, creative mind and big heart.
32:31 Happy birthday.
32:33 I don't have a birthday.
32:35 Why should you wait for your birthday?
32:37 Give a gift anytime.
32:39 Great.
32:40 BABELUG, start all the great.
32:42 New, Pocky Almond.
32:44 More happy with next level Pocky.
32:47 New, fiber stick, more crispy.
32:50 Soft and thick chocolate, more delicious.
32:53 More yummy, more happy with new Pocky.
32:56 Sister.
32:58 Sister.
32:59 Good, for whom?
33:03 For my teacher.
33:05 Drink milk first.
33:06 Great, BABELUG.
33:07 Contains false ghosts that are linked to the kidneys.
33:09 And AAA with higher DHA.
33:11 Support good entertainment, creative mind and big heart.
33:15 Happy birthday.
33:17 I don't have a birthday.
33:19 Why should you wait for your birthday?
33:21 Give a gift anytime.
33:24 Great.
33:26 BABELUG, start all the great.
33:27 Stir-fried chicken with soy sauce, ala Masako.
33:35 Real enjoyment, from Masako.
33:37 So many spiders.
33:42 Too much bath makes the skin dry.
33:44 Use Lifebuoy Mildcare.
33:46 100% stronger against spiders.
33:48 With 10 times moisturizer, extra soft on the skin.
33:51 Lifebuoy Mildcare, stronger against spiders, soft on the skin.
33:54 Oh, it's hard.
33:56 Come here, let me show you how.
33:59 SGM Explore.
34:02 SGM Explore, the only one with Iron C.
34:05 Supports 2 times absorption, helps the baby grow up to the maximum.
34:09 Let me do it.
34:15 I have an idea.
34:17 Come, Mika, here.
34:19 Wow, cool.
34:21 Ready to fly.
34:22 SGM Explore.
34:23 Support the next generation that is fast and brave.
34:27 Mami Poko, new era, extra dry.
34:30 Comfortable, free from itch and itch.
34:32 Mami Poko Pen, extra dry.
34:34 Absorb extra much, up to 12 hours.
34:36 2 times more elastic, free from itch and itch.
34:40 Mami Poko, extra dry.
34:42 Great, BABELUG, enriched with Fosgos that is clear.
34:46 Supports good skin and triple A with higher aloe DHA.
34:49 Stimulation of the creative mind of the child.
34:52 Both help grow a big heart.
34:55 BABELUG, all the great things.
34:57 This is the secret of restaurant cuisine.
35:02 Sauri with quality original oyster.
35:04 The taste is balanced, makes all the dishes as delicious as the restaurant.
35:09 Sauri, oyster, original.
35:12 I believe in the miracle of nature.
35:30 So, we don't use a single-use soap.
35:33 Our soap is sanitized together before being re-filled.
35:39 Aqua, 100% pure.
35:42 Good, right? For whom?
36:04 There is for Bu Uru.
36:06 Drink milk first.
36:07 Great, BABELUG, enriched with Fosgos that is clear.
36:09 Supports good skin and triple A with higher aloe DHA.
36:12 Supports good skin and triple A with higher aloe DHA.
36:14 Stimulation of the creative mind of the child.
36:16 Happy birthday.
36:18 I don't have a birthday.
36:20 Why should we wait for a birthday?
36:22 We can give a gift anytime.
36:25 Great, right?
36:26 BABELUG, all the great things.
36:28 Prepare yourself for an amazing achievement.
36:32 And cross the limit.
36:35 Stargazer X, Unleash the X in You.
36:41 I believe in the wisdom and miracle of nature.
36:47 I come from the chosen mountains, not a place that is easy to be crowded.
36:51 I am swept by layers of rock protection without the reenactment process.
36:56 I contain natural minerals without the addition of hazardous substances.
37:03 So, I feel cold without being cooled.
37:07 It's clear, right?
37:08 If not all the water is me,
37:10 I am 100% pure.
37:31 Stir-fried chicken with soy sauce, a la Masako.
37:34 Real enjoyment from Masako.
37:58 I believe in the wisdom and miracle of nature.
38:02 I come from the chosen mountains, not a place that is easy to be crowded.
38:06 I am swept by layers of rock protection without the reenactment process.
38:11 I contain natural minerals without the addition of hazardous substances.
38:16 So, I feel cold without being cooled.
38:21 It's clear, right?
38:23 If not all the water is me,
38:25 I am 100% pure.
38:28 Oh, it's hard.
38:30 Come here, let me show you how.
38:32 S Game Explore.
38:34 One by one with Iron Sea.
38:36 Support two times the intake, help the baby grow to the maximum.
38:40 Let me do it.
38:46 I have an idea.
38:47 Come on, let's do it here.
38:49 Wow, cool.
38:51 Ready to fly.
38:52 S Game Explore.
38:53 Support the next generation who think fast and bravely.
38:56 Various moments of events are recorded when doing such dramatic rescue actions.
39:17 Here is the action without any limit.
39:20 The lion.
39:21 The video recording of dramatic rescue actions
39:35 against a man trapped in a car when a flood hit the Atlanta area a while ago.
39:45 The rain was so heavy that the drainage system in Atlanta could not balance it.
39:50 Roads, buildings, vehicles, and others were flooded.
39:55 When the incident happened, the victim was in the car,
39:58 he was trapped and could not get out of his car
40:01 because the car was flooded with deep enough flood water.
40:05 A police officer heard the sound of shouting,
40:08 then tried to approach the victim's car.
40:11 He started to pour the flood water to get to the car.
40:16 Apparently, there was a white-collar officer
40:22 who was trying to help the man.
40:25 He shouted and asked the victim to stay away from the car's window.
40:30 The victim was saved.
40:32 The police finally broke the car window with a stick
40:57 so that the victim could get out of his car.
41:00 They then tried to pull the victim's legs out
41:04 and tried to reach his body
41:06 until finally the victim's entire body could be removed from the car.
41:11 Fortunately, the man was successfully rescued
41:20 before the car was only flooded.
41:24 The two officers then brought the man to a safer place.
41:29 When they arrived at the officer's car,
41:31 the man looked exhausted and still in shock
41:35 after facing the shocking incident.
41:38 While the two officers looked relieved
41:41 after successfully rescuing the man.
41:45 The man was taken to the hospital.
41:49 The horrific incident happened when a cave explorer
41:58 from the United States was trapped more than 1,000 meters
42:02 in one of the deepest caves in Turkey until 9 days later.
42:09 The explorer named Mark Dickey was on an international exploration mission
42:14 in the Morca Cave, in the Taurus Mountains.
42:18 On September 2, 2023, he was reported to have suffered
42:22 gastrointestinal bleeding at a depth of 1,040 meters.
42:27 Evacuation was also underway.
42:32 More than 150 rescue teams were involved in the rescue effort.
42:38 Some of the officers from other countries,
42:41 including Croatia and Hungary,
42:44 flew to Turkey to assist in the rescue effort.
42:48 The footage also shows a moving team
42:51 descending the cave with ropes and passing through a very narrow hole.
42:56 The rescue team said this was one of the biggest
43:00 and most complicated underground rescues ever done.
43:07 Mark Dickey was seen being evacuated using a pole.
43:11 He was seen wearing protective clothing, gloves and a helmet.
43:16 The rescue team tried to get Mark Dickey out of the cave
43:20 by passing through the narrow gap.
43:23 Meanwhile, the cave was very cold and dark,
43:27 with a room full of water and vertical cracks.
43:30 The rescue team used explosives to blow up the narrowest part
43:35 to make room for Mark Dickey to pass through.
43:39 Fortunately, the rescue was successful,
43:46 even though it took days.
43:49 He was released on September 12.
43:53 Mark Dickey said he thought he would not be safe
43:57 after his condition deteriorated in the cave.
44:01 [Music]
44:04 [Music]
44:07 [Music]
44:10 [Music]
44:13 A pair of men and women were trapped on a burning roof.
44:18 The footage shows the terrible fire
44:22 that struck a high-rise building in Xinjiang, China.
44:25 [Music]
44:28 The fire quickly engulfed the entire building,
44:31 causing a thick black smoke.
44:35 It was seen that a man and a woman were trapped on the roof of the building.
44:40 Both seemed to be trying to save themselves
44:43 while carrying a white cloth.
44:46 They seemed confused and looking for a way to survive.