Israele, Tajani: "Cessate il fuoco? Non finché Hamas spara missili"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Non si può chiedere a Israele di "non difendersi", mentre Hamas dalla Striscia di Gaza continua a "sparare missili" contro le città dello Stato ebraico. "Vediamo cosa accade". Lo dice il ministro degli Esteri Antonio Tajani, a Lussemburgo a margine della riunione del Consiglio Ue, a proposito della richiesta, avanzata stamani dalla Spagna, di un cessate il fuoco tra Israele e Hamas.


00:00 We are working to guarantee security in the country,
00:05 as it has been decided to suspend Schengen
00:09 in the border between Italy and Slovenia.
00:13 But we know that in the Balkans
00:16 human traffickers are the same as those who trade weapons.
00:21 So we cannot allow the risk of armed people entering
00:27 the country to commit an attack.
00:30 We are also aware that there may be some people
00:35 who are radicalizing on their own via the internet.
00:41 But we have not reported any possible attacks in our country.
00:47 This does not mean that we should not raise the guard
00:51 and increase vigilance, especially in places
00:54 frequentare dei nostri concittadini di religione ebraica.
