White House Reacts To Death Of Detroit Synagogue Leader Samantha Woll

  • last year
On Monday, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about the death of Samantha Woll, a synagogue leader found stabbed near her home in Detroit.
00:00 Has the President briefed on Samantha Wall,
00:02 the leader of a synagogue in Detroit
00:05 who was stabbed to death?
00:06 So, obviously, our hearts go out to the family --
00:11 to the families there. It's a devastating,
00:13 devastating news story.
00:18 The President, obviously, is -- just like everyone else,
00:20 is paying close attention and saw those reports.
00:23 I don't have anything else to add.
00:25 Obviously, the investigation continues,
00:27 and we are willing to assist in any way.
00:29 I just don't have anything else beyond that.
00:31 >> The Press: What is his level of concern right now
00:33 about the potential rise of anti-Semitism
00:37 in light of everything that's going on in Israel?
00:39 >> Ms. Jean-Pierre: So, a couple of things.
00:40 Look, we have not seen any credible threats.
00:46 I know there's been always questions
00:47 about credible threats,
00:49 and so I just want to make sure that that's out there.
00:52 But, look, Muslim and those perceived to be Muslim
00:55 have endured a disproportionate number of hate-fueled attacks.
01:00 And certainly, President Biden understands
01:02 that many of our Muslim Arab --
01:03 Arab Americans and Palestinian American loved ones
01:06 and neighbors are worried about the hate
01:08 being directed at their communities.
01:10 And that is something you heard the President speak to
01:12 in his address just last Thursday.
01:17 And so, one of the things that the President has done
01:19 is directed his team --
01:21 Homeland Security team to prioritize prevention
01:24 and disruption of any emerging threats
01:25 that could harm the Jewish, the Muslim,
01:28 Arab Americans or any other communities.
01:30 And that is something that the President has sought to do
01:34 since day one. As you know, the President ran on,
01:37 you know, bringing -- protecting communities,
01:41 obviously, but bringing people together,
01:43 the soul -- protecting the soul of the nation.
01:45 And so, that is something that the President
01:49 takes very, very seriously.
01:51 And you know we're going to continue to denounce
01:53 any sort of hate towards any American here.
01:57 And so, that's what we're going to continue to be steadfast on.
01:59 Again, he has -- he has advised,
02:01 directed his Homeland Security team
02:04 to make sure that they're on top of this.
02:06 Are there specific
