Carriker Chronicles: Injuries on Offense

  • last year
00:00 Welcome to the Carriker Chronicles, the people show, Chicken with Pulse of Husker Nation.
00:13 Ladies and gentlemen, it's a banged up Husker Nation as my book falls while I'm recording
00:19 this show.
00:20 This is my reaction to the plethora, I've been told I use that word too much, but I
00:25 enjoy saying the word, but unfortunately there's been a plethora of injuries on Nebraska's
00:32 football teams, particularly on the offensive side of the ball.
00:34 Alright, real quick, if you want to wish those guys a speedy recovery, and you've got the
00:39 mentality that I have, which is the "next man up" mentality, wish them a speedy recovery
00:45 and next man up mentality, smash the like button.
00:48 Alright, real quick, now Nick Henrich has been a little bit banged up, knee then shoulder,
00:53 that's all we know at this point so far, Ben Scott is healthy and expected to play, but
00:57 Turner Corcoran and Ethan Piper have already started coaching the young guys, also Jadon
01:03 Doss will start in the slot, and here's why that's important if you don't already know,
01:08 Ethan Piper is out with a knee injury, Turner Corcoran is out for the season with a foot
01:16 injury, Nardine Nwili is out for two weeks or so, Billy Kemp is out with multiple weeks
01:21 with an MCL sprain, Tommy Hill is day-to-day, now Teddy Prochaska is back and he's going
01:27 to be starting, and when we walk out on the field on Saturday, per Matt Rule, all but
01:35 two guys that start on offense will be underclassmen.
01:40 Here's something else that should be noted, Jacob Hood, the Georgia offensive lineman
01:44 transfer is back and playing as well.
01:48 Only four, four day-one starters remain in the starting lineup on offense, that's it.
01:57 Ben Scott at center, Bryce Benhart at right tackle, and Thomas Fedoni and Nate Borkeshire
02:03 at tight end.
02:04 And the only two upperclassmen in the starting rotation on offense that are starting on offense
02:10 are Bryce Benhart and Ben Scott, that's it.
02:14 Alright, ladies and gentlemen, here it is, I wish them all a speedy recovery, nothing
02:20 but love, I'm happy to hear that some of these guys are already taking a coaching/leadership
02:25 role with some of the younger guys, but it's next man up mentality.
02:29 That's how it has to be, that's the only way it can be, and that's how football is.
02:32 Alright, now there's always a silver lining, as much as this sucks for the individuals,
02:38 for the team, for the program, and the like, there's always a silver lining.
02:43 There's always a silver lining, some young guys are going to get a chance.
02:47 Some young, talented guys are going to get more opportunities.
02:50 I am excited to see what Teddy Prochaska can do at that left tackle spot.
02:55 I get the feeling that maybe there was a little bit more to this than just his health, because
02:59 he played at tight end against Northern Illinois earlier this season in certain situations.
03:06 So I know he's been building back up his health, but Coach Rule mentioned he was OOU, one of
03:12 us.
03:13 So maybe there was more to it than just his health, don't know, but I'm excited to see
03:17 him back and starting at wide receiver.
03:21 We're going to have some pretty good speed at wide receiver.
03:22 Doss is fast.
03:25 He's a young guy.
03:26 Rule's already commented after the bye week how he was going to get more reps before all
03:31 these injuries.
03:32 When you combine Doss and Malachi Coleman, who is a speedster himself, I've commented
03:38 on that, we got speed at wide receiver.
03:40 Yes they're young, yes they're inexperienced, yes they've got to get better all around,
03:43 yes they're getting opportunities because other guys are banged up.
03:46 There's always a silver lining.
03:48 Two of the most talented receivers we have are now going to get a lot more opportunities
03:51 and experience.
03:52 They're going to learn on the go.
03:56 Get thrown into the fire, so to speak.
03:58 The offensive line.
03:59 We clearly need some guys to step up.
04:03 Guys to keep your eye on.
04:05 Hedry Litovsky, a sophomore.
04:07 Freshman, Justin Evans Jenkins.
04:11 Also the aforementioned Jacob Hood.
04:12 Now he's back and playing.
04:14 Six foot eight, 350 pounds.
04:15 He's a mountain of a man.
04:17 Transferred from Georgia and he was one of the nation's top recruits coming out of high
04:22 school.
04:23 Now here's the other thing.
04:25 I'm always curious.
04:26 Whenever there's a specific position group that gets banged up, who else is going to
04:31 surprise us?
04:32 Who else is going to step up that otherwise wouldn't have gotten as many opportunities?
04:38 Who's going to surprise us?
04:40 Obviously O-line, wide receivers.
04:42 Think about a guy named Heinrich Harburg.
04:45 A year ago, and I know this for a fact, he wasn't even in the plans to be quarterback
04:52 this time last year.
04:54 With the previous staff, they were talking about tight end and they really weren't paying
04:58 attention to him.
04:59 He wasn't even going to meetings, ladies and gentlemen.
05:02 Now he's our starting quarterback a year later.
05:04 Who's going to surprise us?
05:07 Think of guys like Brooke Berenger.
05:09 Especially with Tommy Frazier going down, that opened the door for Brooke Berenger that
05:13 would have never otherwise have happened.
05:16 Now I'm going to go to other teams, even the NFL.
05:20 Look at Nick Foles.
05:21 His story has always enamored me for two reasons.
05:23 Number one, he got an opportunity through injury and he came back and helped the team
05:28 win their first ever Super Bowl.
05:30 The team that drafted him and then got rid of him.
05:33 So Nick Foles, drafted in 2012 by the Eagles, let go by the Eagles, brought back in 2017.
05:38 He was assigned to be the backup quarterback to Carson Wentz, who was on pace, if you remember,
05:42 that particular season to win the MVP.
05:44 And then he got hurt.
05:45 Okay, Carson goes down.
05:47 Foles leads the Eagles to their first ever franchise Super Bowl.
05:51 Alright, think about a guy named Tom Brady.
05:54 He only got an opportunity because the number one overall pick in the NFL draft a few years
05:59 earlier, Drew Bledsoe, went down.
06:00 Think about Kurt Warner.
06:02 He was bagging groceries and now he's in the NFL Hall of Fame.
06:04 And I know, these are some extreme examples.
06:07 I get that.
06:08 But stuff like this happens all the time.
06:09 They just don't get the notoriety that the names that I just mentioned have gotten.
06:14 And rightfully so in those cases.
06:16 But you never know and there's always a silver lining.
06:20 I'm a firm believer in that, even in life, ladies and gentlemen.
06:24 Okay, now it doesn't mean the silver lining is always better.
06:27 Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't.
06:29 You never know.
06:30 That's what's interesting me, to me, to find out who's going to surprise us, who's going
06:33 to step up, who's going to be that next man up.
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06:58 Alright, next man up mentality, ladies and gentlemen.
07:00 Okay, you look at the rest of this season.
07:03 We don't have a murderer's row schedule.
07:05 We don't have Ohio State, Penn State, Michigan, USC, UCLA, Oregon, Washington, aren't in the
07:11 Big Ten yet.
07:12 Every game is winnable.
07:14 But here's how I believe we have to approach it, because all of our goals are still in
07:17 front of us, starting with making a bowl game.
07:21 Just focus on that.
07:23 But like Matt Rule says, it's a process.
07:25 Day by day, right?
07:27 Okay, start with Purdue.
07:30 Then Michigan State.
07:31 Take it day by day, game by game, and week by week.
07:36 One day at a time, one game at a time, one week at a time, starting with Purdue.
07:40 Don't even worry about whoever's next.
07:43 I know, but I'm going to pretend like I don't.
07:45 Purdue's two and five.
07:47 Ladies and gentlemen, we also have a defense.
07:49 The Blackshirts have given up a combined 16 points in the last two games.
07:54 Just take it day by day, game by game, week by week.
07:56 Alright, I got some questions for you fine folks at home.
07:59 Number one, which player on our team do you think needs to step up the most?
08:03 Number two, do you still believe we will beat Purdue with all these injuries?
08:08 Number three, should we cut Marcus Satterfield a little bit of slack or not?
08:13 That's an intriguing one to me.
08:14 Alright ladies and gentlemen, as always, go check out
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08:21 Go Big Red, and always remember to THROW THE BALL!