• last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (upbeat music)
00:30 - Hi there, I'm Joe the dog.
00:33 Welcome to my house, it's great to see you.
00:36 You know what?
00:38 It's great to sniff you too.
00:40 You're gonna make so many animals happy today.
00:43 Farm animals and wild animals and lots of my dog pals
00:47 will be getting up close and personal with you.
00:50 They'll look at you, they'll talk to you,
00:52 they'll even sniff you.
00:54 In fact, you'll have them eating right out
00:56 of the palm of your hand.
00:58 In this video, we say please do feed the animals.
01:03 All you need is an apple, a bit of grass,
01:06 a leaf, a dog treat, and a crust of bread.
01:10 If you don't have some of these things handy, don't worry.
01:15 You can just hold out your hand when the time comes.
01:18 Here's how this feeding business goes.
01:20 When you see the food picture,
01:22 grab the food that matches the picture,
01:25 hold out your hand, and wait for your friend to eat.
01:28 You are going to have so much fun.
01:31 If you think it's a jungle out there,
01:37 try being here for a little while.
01:40 We're about to embark on a wonderful wildlife safari,
01:44 one where you can see animals from around the world,
01:47 and where they can see you too.
01:49 There's one now.
01:51 (upbeat music)
01:53 - Oh, hello.
02:01 Would you like to visit some of my giraffe friends today?
02:04 I'll take you to them, but first, I'd like it very much
02:07 if you could feed me a leaf or two.
02:09 I'm so hungry.
02:10 - Yum, yum, yum.
02:12 - Ooh, sour, stop.
02:16 All right, let's go visit my friends.
02:18 Hmph.
02:20 When giraffes get together,
02:22 it feels like nothing but necks, necks, necks,
02:25 especially when Jerry is around.
02:27 He is such a show off.
02:29 Just look at him.
02:30 Oh, well, a giraffe's neck may be really long,
02:34 but did you know that it has the same amount of bones in it
02:36 that your neck has?
02:37 Yes, just seven, but they sure are long ones.
02:41 Oh, Jerry.
02:43 Our necks help make us the tallest land animal in the world.
02:49 And this, my little cupcakes,
02:51 comes in very handy for eating.
02:53 We need to reach high to get our dinner.
02:56 - Mm, yum, yum.
02:59 Trees are my favorite food.
03:02 - Oh, did someone say food?
03:04 I'm so hungry I could eat a tree.
03:06 Well, ciao for now, kids.
03:09 - Speaking of ciao, I was just watching some antelope.
03:15 Would you like to watch them with me?
03:17 Here they are now.
03:19 (dramatic music)
03:22 I don't like the way that lion is looking at me.
03:26 Why don't we take a look at some other antelope
03:28 while I find a safer place?
03:29 - Hey, stop sniffing me.
03:35 Cut it out.
03:38 - Oh my goodness, I'm so embarrassed.
03:40 I think that will do it for the antelope part of the video.
03:43 Cut!
03:44 ♪ I feel handsome, oh so handsome ♪
03:47 ♪ It's alarming how handsome I feel ♪
03:52 I'm looking high and low,
03:55 but I can't find any animal that is as gorgeous as I am.
03:59 Can you?
04:00 Nope, I thought not.
04:02 Nobody is as handsome as a peacock.
04:05 (humming)
04:07 ♪ I feel handsome ♪
04:14 (humming)
04:17 (peacock croaking)
04:20 You know, that peacock doesn't know true beauty
04:22 when he sees it.
04:23 Actually, we warthogs don't have
04:25 very good eyesight, you see.
04:27 But I know I'm a handsome fellow
04:29 because my wife tells me that every day.
04:31 She loves me warts and all.
04:34 (humming)
04:36 - Good day, mate.
04:44 My mom is here somewhere and I'd like you to meet her.
04:47 Oh, there she is.
04:49 - Oh, Joey, I'm having a bit of a scratch right now.
04:52 Perhaps you could hop along and play, eh?
04:54 - No problem, Mom.
04:55 - Good day.
05:00 I'm a Siberian tiger, the largest of all cats.
05:04 I've been known to eat up to 100 pounds of meat
05:07 in one sitting.
05:08 That's about 400 hamburgers.
05:10 Mm, it is now my pleasure to introduce to you
05:13 some delicious, er, delightful creatures
05:15 known as meerkats.
05:17 There they are now.
05:18 - Hm, that guy gives me the heebie-jeebies.
05:22 Think, think, think.
05:23 Yes, I think I'll join my friends.
05:25 (triumphant music)
05:27 Oh, so good to see you guys.
05:29 (kissing)
05:30 Mind if I get a family hug?
05:31 (whistling)
05:33 - Oh, look at you.
05:35 So tall.
05:37 I was just kind of wondering if,
05:40 well, you're having fun, hm?
05:42 Are you?
05:43 I sure am, and I think you'll enjoy
05:44 what's coming up next, too.
05:46 Whoa, I like your shirt.
05:48 Those buttons edible?
05:49 - Hello there.
05:52 So good to see you.
05:53 I'd like to recite a poem about elephants.
05:56 I wrote it just for you.
05:57 Are you ready?
05:58 ♪ I'm an African elephant, how can you tell ♪
06:01 ♪ My ears are big and shaped like Africa as well ♪
06:04 ♪ Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well ♪
06:06 ♪ Well, well, well, well, well, well, well ♪
06:08 ♪ An elephant's skin is a sight to behold ♪
06:10 ♪ It may be very wrinkled, but that doesn't mean we're old ♪
06:13 ♪ Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish ♪
06:15 ♪ Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish ♪
06:17 ♪ Our trunks are amazing, they feed us like hands ♪
06:20 ♪ There's lots to eat in Africa's grasslands ♪
06:22 ♪ Munch, munch, munch, munch, munch, munch, munch, munch ♪
06:24 ♪ Munch, munch, munch, munch, munch, munch, munch, munch ♪
06:26 ♪ We're social and gentle and we like to play ♪
06:29 ♪ When we're together, it's a really good day ♪
06:31 ♪ Play, play, play, play, play, play, play ♪
06:33 ♪ Play, play, play, play, play, play, play, play ♪
06:35 ♪ I hope you enjoyed my little poem ♪
06:38 ♪ Now I'll shuffle off and go back home ♪
06:40 ♪ Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm ♪
06:42 ♪ Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm ♪
06:44 ( humming )
06:50 Oh.
06:51 Tweet.
06:52 Stick? What stick?
06:54 Mama, a human child is watching me.
06:57 Baba!
06:58 Oh, don't worry about it.
06:59 You're a gorilla.
07:00 Why don't you tell the child a little bit about us gorillas, okay?
07:03 Okay, Mama.
07:05 A lot of people think gorillas are fierce and scary,
07:07 but we're really very gentle and sociable.
07:09 In fact, we're vegetable-gul-tarians.
07:12 Vegetarians.
07:14 That means we eat lots of leaves and fruit.
07:16 No meat.
07:18 That's my Uncle Bob.
07:19 He's very nice.
07:21 I personally wouldn't hurt a fly,
07:24 although it might be kind of fun to catch one.
07:26 I love my Mama so much, just like you love yours.
07:30 She's my pal.
07:31 ( sniffing )
07:32 Yuck.
07:33 Wait up, Mama.
07:34 ( music playing )
07:36 ( sniffing )
07:37 Mmm.
07:38 ( sniffing )
07:40 Mmm.
07:42 Yum.
07:43 You smell marvelous.
07:45 It is now my pleasure, my friend, to sniff--
07:47 er, I mean to introduce to you my good friend Peter Penguin.
07:51 Hey there, kid.
07:52 Today's your lucky day.
07:53 I got some extra time on my wings, huh?
07:55 You want to come with me on a little tour of Penguin Land?
07:58 Great. Let's go.
08:00 This is my house.
08:01 Some say it's just a hole in the wall,
08:02 but to me it's home sweet home.
08:04 And now we're coming to the house of my great friend Peggy.
08:06 Come on out, Peg.
08:07 Come on, say hi to everybody.
08:08 Come on, come on, hurry up.
08:09 Uh, hello?
08:11 Who on earth am I saying hello to?
08:14 Hmm.
08:15 Okay, I'm going to go in for a little swim now.
08:17 Hey, hey, watch me, everyone.
08:18 Watch me. This is really good.
08:19 Is everyone watching?
08:20 Are you watching, Peggy?
08:21 Watch me. Here I go.
08:22 Here I go. Wee!
08:23 ( making bubbling sounds )
08:26 Huh.
08:27 Where did he go?
08:28 Oh, it's getting a little warm in the old condo here.
08:31 I wonder where everyone is.
08:33 Ah, they must be at the swimming hole.
08:36 I kind of feel like doing the penguin paddle myself.
08:39 One, two, three.
08:43 ( making bubbling sounds )
08:44 Hey, Polly, glad you could join us.
08:47 You too, Pat.
08:48 Hey, let's go hiking, huh?
08:49 Hmm, hmm.
08:50 A little bit of a bump there.
08:52 ( making bubbling sounds )
08:54 ( grunts )
08:56 One, two, I'm going to do it.
08:59 ( grunts )
09:02 Ooh-wee!
09:04 Hey, where are we going anyway?
09:06 I don't know, but I hope we find some fish.
09:09 I'm hungry.
09:11 ♪ Oh, hiking we will go, hiking we will go ♪
09:14 ♪ Oh, yes, sirree, I love being a leader ♪
09:16 ♪ My friends obey everything I say ♪
09:18 Okay, everybody, stop while I scratch.
09:20 Hmm.
09:26 Where'd everybody go?
09:29 I am a rhinoceros, and I love to get muddy.
09:33 Mud keeps me cool and protects my beautiful tank-like body
09:37 from the sun's harsh rays.
09:39 But I am a special rhino,
09:41 and I have a talent I think you will love.
09:44 I will show you what I mean.
09:46 Follow me. This way.
09:48 ( clears throat )
09:49 ( making bubbling sounds )
09:52 Thank you.
09:57 ( music playing )
10:00 Oh, there you are.
10:04 Hello.
10:05 Thank you for joining me.
10:07 Pardon the chewing, but I'm ruminating right now.
10:10 That means I'm chewing something I've already swallowed.
10:13 Go figure.
10:14 Anyhow, today I am going to ruminate in another way
10:18 about an animal that I and many others
10:21 consider to be the most truly amazing creature
10:24 in the entire world.
10:26 You may have already guessed.
10:28 Because I know you're very smart, I do.
10:31 But I'm talking about me, the camel.
10:34 Let's take a look at me, hmm?
10:36 The camel.
10:37 Regal profile, hmm?
10:40 Everything about a camel is perfectly adapted
10:43 to surviving in the hot, dry climate of the desert.
10:47 Why, we can even go an entire winter
10:50 without taking a drink.
10:51 Dromedary camels, like my friends here, have one hump.
10:55 Tony, will you stand still a minute
10:57 and model your hump for the boys and girls, please?
10:59 Sure thing, Sam.
11:00 Our humps are filled with fat, not water.
11:03 We can live off that fat until our humps shrink so small
11:07 they flop over to one side, not a pretty sight.
11:11 Well, that's all the time we have today.
11:14 I hope you've enjoyed--
11:15 Tony, that's enough posing, Tony boy.
11:18 But I love being on camera.
11:19 As I was saying, that's all the time.
11:21 Tony, I'm going to turn off the camera now.
11:23 Tony!
11:24 Go right ahead, but I'll warn you,
11:25 my fans won't be happy.
11:27 Oh, you hairy dromedary!
11:29 Camels. Oh, howdy.
11:31 It was becoming a zoo out there,
11:33 so I've decided to take you to one of my favorite places,
11:36 the farm.
11:37 [sniffs]
11:38 Farm animals set my nose a-quiver.
11:40 Nothing makes me quite as giddy as the smell of a horse.
11:44 I'm crazy for horses.
11:46 Any more horses around here?
11:48 Over here!
11:49 And I can't wait to get out of here.
11:51 I'm going to get out of here
11:52 and stretch my legs just a little bit, you know?
11:55 Mmm.
11:56 Something sure smells good.
11:58 Yeah. Mmm.
12:00 Hey, that's you, kid.
12:02 You smell as good as an apple on a crisp fall day.
12:06 Yeah. Mmm.
12:07 Mmm.
12:08 Finally, I'm free.
12:09 Oh, and I've got an itch I've got to take care of.
12:12 Oh, right there, right there.
12:14 [clears throat]
12:16 Here. [clears throat]
12:18 Yes, oh, got it. I think I got it.
12:20 I think I got it.
12:21 Get that one on the back.
12:23 I think I got it. I think I got it.
12:25 [grunts]
12:26 Boom!
12:27 Oh, that's it.
12:28 Oh, man, one more.
12:29 Oh, that felt good.
12:30 Oh, yeah, I'm on a roll now.
12:32 [laughs]
12:33 One more.
12:34 Yes, sir. Mmm.
12:36 I feel good.
12:38 [sniffs]
12:41 [sniffs]
12:42 Oh, you smell so good.
12:44 And you taste pretty good, too.
12:46 Since you have such good tastes,
12:48 I think you'll enjoy what's coming up next.
12:51 His voice is so dreamy.
12:54 Oh.
12:55 ♪ Baa, baa, pluck sheep ♪
12:58 ♪ Have you any wool? ♪
13:01 ♪ Yes, sir, yes, sir ♪
13:03 ♪ Three bags full ♪
13:06 ♪ One for my master ♪
13:08 ♪ One for my dame ♪
13:11 ♪ One for the little boy ♪
13:14 ♪ Who lives down the lane ♪
13:17 ♪ Baa, baa, pluck sheep ♪
13:20 ♪ Have you any wool? ♪
13:23 ♪ Yes, sir, yes, sir ♪
13:26 ♪ Three bags full ♪
13:28 Actually, Harry, you're brown, not black.
13:32 Actually, you're more rust-colored,
13:35 but not black.
13:37 Get out of here!
13:39 Well, let him live in his nursery rhyme fantasy.
13:43 Oh...
13:46 You know, he gives me the woolies.
13:50 Hey, speaking of wool, take a look over there.
13:53 I'm going to tell you something about wool.
13:55 Oh, drats, I got some on my horn again.
13:58 Never fails.
13:59 Sheep get all the credit for wool.
14:01 But we goats make some of the world's most sought-after wool.
14:04 Wouldn't you just love to run and jump into a pile of that?
14:07 Goat wool comes in all kinds of beautiful colors and textures.
14:11 You can make a gorgeous sweater out of this stuff.
14:14 In fact, I'm wearing one right now.
14:16 Say, where'd Ralph go?
14:18 Oh, there you are, Ralph.
14:20 Now, that's what I call pulling the wool over your eyes.
14:24 Hey, do you know where the starting line for the sheep race is?
14:28 Anyone here know?
14:30 We're just following each other like a bunch of sheep.
14:33 Could someone please tell me where the starting line is?
14:36 Ah-ha!
14:37 [music playing]
14:40 Hey, wait for me!
14:54 Animal food, 25 cents.
14:57 Oh, and I don't have a quarter.
15:00 And that food looks so good.
15:02 What's a goat to do?
15:04 I'm such a clever old goat.
15:07 Why didn't I think of this years ago?
15:09 25 cents, ha!
15:11 [music playing]
15:14 I'm so itchy, itchy, itchy.
15:18 Oh, hello.
15:20 I'm just itching to tell you about what's going to happen next.
15:23 All I can tell you is to get your apple ready
15:26 because it's going to be fun.
15:28 Right, Fred?
15:30 [music playing]
15:33 Hey, kid.
15:34 That's an old goat joke.
15:36 Feed me, feed me.
15:37 Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.
15:40 Look, I'm being a cow.
15:42 Moo!
15:43 Did you see that?
15:44 I look just like a cow.
15:46 Here I go again.
15:47 Moo!
15:48 Well, I never.
15:50 That was an insult to cows everywhere.
15:53 I can't believe that goat.
15:56 That wasn't a very good imitation.
15:58 I'm with Percy.
16:00 Hmm, I like that goat.
16:02 I wish I could eat like he did.
16:04 Well, you children at home, it looks like one of our herd
16:07 wants to be like that silly goat and have a snack from your hand.
16:10 So if you have any grass, now would be a good time to get it out
16:14 because I think she's very hungry.
16:16 Go ahead, dear.
16:17 Oh, I'm drooling.
16:18 I'm so hungry.
16:19 Please give me some grass.
16:21 [sniffing]
16:22 Oh, yum.
16:24 Delicious.
16:25 Thank you so much.
16:27 What more?
16:28 Mm, mm, yum, yum, yum.
16:31 I'm so full.
16:34 She never has had a very big appetite.
16:36 Eats like a bird, that cow.
16:40 Oh, hi.
16:41 Yeah.
16:42 [sniffing]
16:43 Yeah, we're just rolling around for food, you know.
16:45 Pigs have a great sense of smell.
16:47 Yes, we do.
16:48 And you smell great.
16:49 [sniffing]
16:50 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
16:51 I'm going to sniff around a little more, but sit tight
16:53 so I can tell you a little more about us piggies, okay?
16:57 Pigs are really quite clean animals.
16:59 I don't know why we have a reputation of being dirty.
17:01 Oh, yeah, the mud thing.
17:04 Actually, we wallow in mud to keep cool
17:06 and protect our skin from the sun.
17:08 Oh, and the mud feels so good, too.
17:11 Pigs love to run and play, but we also love to sleep.
17:14 A happy pig will sleep most of the day away,
17:16 if you give them a chance.
17:18 [snoring]
17:20 Sweet dreams, piggy.
17:22 Okay, well, I'm going to sniff around a little more
17:24 and then try to find my three pals.
17:26 [snoring]
17:28 Where are they, anyway?
17:29 Oh, there they are.
17:31 Hi there.
17:35 Check out the sign Farmer John just put up.
17:39 It says, "Please don't feed fingers to the horses."
17:43 By the way, did anyone ever tell you that you smell delicious?
17:48 [laughing]
17:50 Hello, children.
17:52 I'm Della Donkey.
17:54 This is my daughter, Dory.
17:56 Donkeys are kind of like horses,
17:58 but smaller and with very, very long ears.
18:03 What's that you say, Dory?
18:05 You hear some of the other farm animals calling us to play?
18:09 Let's go find them.
18:11 Oh, here's everybody.
18:13 Hey, there's Zenith the zebra.
18:16 Whee!
18:17 And Hannah with her beautiful horse coat.
18:20 Hee-haw!
18:22 Okay, I know what you're thinking, kids.
18:25 A zebra on a farm?
18:27 Shouldn't I be with wild animals?
18:29 No, I love it on the farm.
18:31 How many striped animals get to live on a farm?
18:34 Not many.
18:36 By the way, did you know that no two zebras have the same stripes?
18:40 My friend Zazu is modeling her stripes for you.
18:43 A zebra's stripes are as unique as your fingerprints.
18:46 Thank you, Zazu. Nicely done.
18:48 Ha-ha, no problem.
18:50 Well, I've said a mouthful.
18:53 Hey, there's a silly goose over there.
18:56 I'm not silly. I'm just a goose, as are these characters behind me.
19:04 Did you know that geese make great watchdogs?
19:07 We don't bark, but we sure can chase and hiss.
19:10 Listen.
19:12 [quacking]
19:14 Geese care a lot about each other.
19:16 When we find a mate, we usually stick together for life.
19:19 Looks like these geese are out on a double date.
19:22 They have a lot to talk about.
19:24 Geese are pretty neat animals, aren't we?
19:27 Hey, I can almost see you in there.
19:30 Hello?
19:32 Now introducing a bunny who's sure to tickle your whiskers.
19:37 Eee-oh!
19:39 Hey, what's up, Doc?
19:42 I always wanted to say that.
19:46 [theme music]
19:49 ♪ ♪
19:54 ♪ ♪
19:59 ♪ ♪
20:04 ♪ ♪
20:09 ♪ ♪
20:14 ♪ ♪
20:19 ♪ ♪
20:24 ♪ ♪
20:29 ♪ ♪
20:34 ♪ ♪
20:39 I'm really tired.
20:41 This looks like a peaceful place to have a nap.
20:44 [yawns]
20:46 [yells]
20:48 [yawns]
20:51 [yells]
20:53 Get a little sleep around here.
20:55 [laughs]
20:57 Hi, I'm a baby goat.
21:01 They call me a kid.
21:04 Are you a kid too?
21:07 [theme music]
21:10 Ah, life on a farm pond.
21:12 Beautiful, bucolic, blissful.
21:16 [laughs] He quacks me up.
21:18 My favorite B word is "bread."
21:20 So if you have any bread you can spare,
21:22 I'd sure appreciate a bite.
21:24 [quacks]
21:26 That was great.
21:28 You know, he's right.
21:30 Life on a farm pond really is the best.
21:32 Hey, I was just thinking, you know,
21:34 if you got any more bread, well, you know.
21:36 Do ya?
21:38 [quacks]
21:40 I'm such a lucky duck.
21:42 Thanks, kid.
21:44 [quacks]
21:46 Look at me.
21:48 I'm a big, giant llama.
21:50 Come along, dear.
21:52 You'll be a big, giant llama soon enough.
21:54 Oh, Mama Llama.
21:56 Oh, hello there.
21:58 I'm a camel.
22:00 Okay, that wink gives me away.
22:02 Okay, I'm not really a camel.
22:04 I do look like a camel, don't I?
22:06 Well, camels and llamas are close relatives,
22:09 as you can probably tell.
22:11 Well, look at that stately profile.
22:14 That regal muzzle.
22:16 Okay, my ears are like bananas,
22:18 and I'm sure you can tell
22:20 by my eyes are spitting image.
22:22 [chuckles]
22:24 Speaking of spitting,
22:26 I don't think it's fair that--
22:28 [coughs]
22:30 Anyway, I don't think it's fair--
22:32 Oop.
22:34 As I was saying, it's not fair
22:36 that we llamas have such a bad reputation
22:38 for spitting at people.
22:40 If we're treated right,
22:42 we generally don't spit at people.
22:44 Other llamas, yes, but not people.
22:46 Oh, around spitting on anyone they don't like
22:48 makes me so mad I could spit.
22:50 Oop. Just an expression, kids.
22:52 Pay no attention.
22:54 [kissing]
22:56 [neighing]
22:58 Oh, look, Sam.
23:00 Wow, a kid.
23:02 Ooh, and I smell apple.
23:04 Whoa there, buddy.
23:06 I smelled it first, right, kid?
23:08 Oh, yum, that does smell good.
23:10 Hey, as we say,
23:14 "Check this out, kid.
23:16 "I've eaten all my hay, and now it's time for dessert,
23:18 "so you stay out of the way."
23:20 Oh, the nerve.
23:22 He's so pushy.
23:24 You should feed your apple to the polite horse.
23:26 That would be me.
23:28 Yoo-hoo, over here, over here.
23:30 Oh, smells wonderful.
23:32 Yes, yes, I want that apple.
23:34 It's a vision of loveliness.
23:36 I should know a horse's eyes can see
23:38 almost all the way around his body,
23:40 and we have the biggest eyes of any land mammal.
23:42 That escapes my vision.
23:44 So I see that you're going to give me that apple, yes?
23:46 And that means you don't get it.
23:50 Come on, kid, you can give it to me now
23:56 while he's not looking.
23:58 Oh, boy.
24:00 Mm-hmm.
24:02 You're the greatest.
24:04 Thanks, pal.
24:06 I'm here at a huge park
24:10 where animals can be their doggy selves
24:12 and run around without leashes.
24:14 It's like dog heaven here.
24:16 This park has sand
24:18 and trails and ocean
24:20 and great things to sniff
24:22 and lots of fun dogs.
24:24 I just know you're going to love it here.
24:26 If you have a dog treat,
24:28 be sure to have it handy
24:30 because a couple of my friends
24:32 are bound to be hungry.
24:34 Hello, I'm Stanley, the Labrador Retriever.
24:36 Yum, yum, yum, you smell wonderful.
24:38 Buffy, Buffy, come on over here.
24:40 Meet my new friend.
24:42 I can't see a thing.
24:44 Hey, kid, your TV's all steamed up.
24:46 How could that have happened, huh?
24:48 Ah, that's better.
24:54 Oh, I am so special.
24:56 One of a kind.
24:58 Oh, I'm so special. One of a kind.
25:00 Huh? Hey, what up, you gorgeous creature, you?
25:02 Oh, hi. How are you?
25:06 (sniffing)
25:08 You smell so good.
25:10 Who likes to play?
25:14 Dogs love to play.
25:16 (laughing)
25:18 Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
25:26 I'm ready for that dog treat.
25:28 There, yum, yum.
25:30 Come on.
25:32 You got more? You got more? I know you got more.
25:34 Come on, come on.
25:36 I can smell them. I can smell them.
25:38 Give them. Give me.
25:40 Oh, thank you. You're the greatest kid in the whole world.
25:42 I feel someone behind me.
25:52 What? Just another dog.
25:54 What? Whoa, another dog?
25:56 Looks just like me.
25:58 (sniffing)
26:02 I don't need a treat.
26:04 I just want to sniff you and look at you.
26:06 You look like such a great kid.
26:08 (sniffing)
26:10 Mmm.
26:12 You made my day.
26:14 I smell Stanley the Steamer.
26:16 I mean, Stanley the Retreater.
26:18 I can't watch.
26:20 So good to sniff you again. Hi, how are you?
26:22 Anything for me? Get a treat? Oh, thank you.
26:24 Thank you very much. Thank you.
26:26 Hi, Sam.
26:30 Hi, Rolf.
26:32 Bye, Sam.
26:34 Bye, Rolf.
26:36 (sniffing)
26:38 Hey, watch your sniffing.
26:40 Ugh, P.U.
26:42 What dog breath?
26:44 Hey, know what?
26:52 I learned a trick just for you.
26:54 Watch me. Watch.
26:56 (panting)
26:58 Not bad, huh?
27:00 Hey, kid, look at my ball.
27:02 Can you see it?
27:04 Yuck.
27:06 Slimy, stinky.
27:08 Thank heavens for this refreshing breeze.
27:10 Oh, look, look, look.
27:12 Come on. I'm a good dog.
27:14 Oh, yes, yes, yes. I'm a good dog.
27:16 Come on, come on, come on. I'm a good dog.
27:18 Kisses, kisses. Hey, Stanley.
27:20 That's too much slobber on the screen.
27:22 We need a windshield wiper.
27:24 He did it again?
27:26 Hey, guess where I've been.
27:28 The beach.
27:30 And I think Joe's going to be there right now with a friend.
27:32 Let's go look.
27:34 Wahoo!
27:36 Oh, I love the beach.
27:40 Rolling, digging in the sand.
27:42 It's my favorite place.
27:44 I'm not big on swimming in the ocean.
27:46 But my friend Nisha sure is.
27:48 You should see her.
27:50 (music)
27:52 (music)
28:20 It's been a long and wonderful day.
28:22 I'm pretty pooped.
28:24 Ah.
28:26 Oh, there's no place like home.
28:32 I'm one poop pooch.
28:34 What a day.
28:36 I'm sure glad you spent it with me.
28:38 You're a lot of fun.
28:40 Here's looking at you, kid.
28:42 (music)
28:44 (music)
28:46 (music)
28:48 (music)
28:50 (music)
28:52 (music)
28:54 (music)
28:56 (jazz music)
28:58 (jazz music)
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29:05 (jazz music)
29:08 (jazz music)
29:10 (jazz music)
29:13 (jazz music)
29:15 (jazz music)
29:17 (jazz music)
29:20 (jazz music)
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