• 2 years ago
What's the weather like in Detroit right now? Cuz if it's not giving you goosebumps... this might. (zipzipzip rewind sound effects)

It’s October 14th 2006. We’re at Comerica Park in Detroit for game four of the ALCS between the Tigers and the Oakland A's. Detroit, leading the series 3 games to none, is eager to celebrate, but might not get to tonight. Because it's tied in the bottom of the ninth, with two outs.

For both teams, getting this close to the World Series is an accomplishment, but also not enough. To fully understand why fans' hearts are in throats, their fists are clenched, and prayers are streaming from the religious and nonreligious alike, we gotta rewind. (zipzipzip rewind sound effects)

Written and produced by: Clara Morris
Directed and Edited by: Charlotte Atkinson


