Abandoned Dog Wanders Beach Looking For His Owner

  • last year
Abandoned dog wanders the beach every day looking for his owner — until this woman sees him ❤️
00:00 (soft music)
00:02 It was quite heartbreaking seeing how intent he was
00:06 to try and find his owner.
00:09 Each day I visited, that's where he would be.
00:11 He'd be in the water, just scouring the sea.
00:14 When I got close enough for him to see me,
00:17 he just bolted.
00:18 That's when I really was so determined
00:21 to catch him and help him.
00:23 I immediately posted to our community Facebook pages.
00:28 So many people wanted to help.
00:30 The community determined that he was abandoned.
00:32 They would come and drop food, water.
00:36 He was scared of people.
00:38 I was going down there multiple times a day
00:40 trying to find him, catch him.
00:43 We are about 15 days in.
00:47 When we didn't see him for almost three weeks,
00:51 I became really worried that something had happened to him.
00:54 And I ended up with three cameras
00:57 that I set up in three different areas with food.
01:00 And he's back.
01:02 We saw ocean, huge relief,
01:05 and everyone was so happy to see that footage.
01:08 He'd lost a lot of weight,
01:09 but it was such a beautiful sight seeing him again
01:12 and giving me that peace of mind
01:14 that he definitely was there.
01:16 I knew right before Easter
01:18 that we really had one more chance
01:20 because it is a place that would become busy.
01:23 This morning, 7.42, he's back.
01:27 So I went back to the beach and hid in the bushes.
01:32 And I heard a rustle in the bush.
01:34 And I looked up and Ocean was staring right at me.
01:36 Hello, come here, you want this?
01:40 Then I just started throwing chicken towards him
01:43 and he was starving.
01:44 So he came closer and closer.
01:46 Good boy.
01:49 Hey, you can sit.
01:52 He literally sat on my lap.
01:54 He let me put the lead on him
01:57 and he was just Velcroed to my side.
01:59 You're a good boy, aren't you?
02:01 You wanna come with me?
02:03 Let's go.
02:04 So he came home with me.
02:05 Are you feeling loved tonight?
02:09 He just seemed so happy to be around people again.
02:14 Is he squatching you?
02:16 After everything he's been through,
02:18 he still trusted people.
02:21 I realized that he knew nothing about being a dog.
02:24 He didn't know any commands.
02:27 - Ocean, my toys.
02:28 (laughs)
02:29 - Ocean, they are those toys.
02:31 Sit.
02:32 Good boy, good boy.
02:34 Within the first week, he had learned,
02:36 sit, stay, down, roll over.
02:40 Good boy, rolling.
02:42 So I think it was just lack of someone
02:44 spending time with him.
02:45 There's a housing crisis where we live
02:49 and we were soon to move out of our house
02:52 into a two bedroom unit where we couldn't take Ocean.
02:54 It wouldn't be fair for him.
02:56 I did put it out there that Ocean would be looking
03:01 for a new home and there was a lady that responded.
03:04 It completely breaks my heart to say goodbye to him.
03:09 Such a good boy.
03:10 But it just can't bring me any more joy
03:13 that we found this incredible home for him.
03:17 It's really bittersweet.
03:19 She'll send me photos of him.
03:21 He's just loving life.
03:23 (upbeat music)
03:25 (upbeat music)
03:28 (upbeat music)
03:30 (music fades)
