• 2 years ago
PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) kembali menyelenggarakan, Capital Market Summit & Expo (CMSE) 2023. Kegiatan Capital Market Summit & Expo ini diharapkan, dapat mendorong lebih banyak lagi investor di pasar modal.


00:00 You're still with News Screen. PT Pursa Efek Indonesia is hosting Capital Market Summit & Expo 2023.
00:07 This event is expected to attract more investors in the capital market.
00:13 PT Pursa Efek Indonesia is hosting Capital Market Summit & Expo 2023 for three days at Main Hall and Lobby of PT Pursa Efek Indonesia.
00:26 Capital Market Summit & Expo 2023 is a competent source of 9 seminars and 1 co-public workshop.
00:34 There are also 83 exhibitors and 65 booths from capital market industry players,
00:41 which makes it easier for investors to find information about the capital market.
00:46 PT Pursa Efek Indonesia's Chief Director, Iman Rahman, said that Capital Market Summit & Expo 2023
00:54 is a great opportunity for investors to find information,
01:01 so that they can attract more investors in the capital market.
01:23 According to data from Central Efek Indonesia's custodian,
01:26 the number of investors in the capital market continues to increase, reaching more than 11 million SID.
01:31 Out of 5 million SID among stock investors, 2.7 million SID or 57% of total investors are between 18 and 30 years old.
01:45 From Jakarta, Rikki Anwar, DITX Channel.
01:50 For more information, visit www.efek.org.au
