Spirit Halloween Trick R Treat Flaming Pumpkin | #spookyspot 2023

  • 5 months ago
Spirit Halloween Trick R Treat Flaming Pumpkin | #spookyspot 2023


00:00 Sam would like to shed some lights on the rules of Halloween.
00:03 Here's your spooky spot on the Spirit Halloween Trick or Treat Flaming Pumpkin.
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00:33 Light up your home with this officially licensed light-up flaming pumpkin decoration
00:38 and you'll always be reminded of your favorite Halloween movie, Trick or Treat.
00:41 This flaming pumpkin will sure to protect you from a visit from Sam
00:45 as long as you don't take down the rest of your decor before November 1st.
00:49 Follow the rules of Halloween and light up your home with style
00:51 by getting this officially licensed flaming pumpkin for yourself.
00:55 Of course, we all know you don't want to be blowing out a jack-o-lantern too early Halloween night
00:59 or else you'll be getting a visit from Sam himself.
01:01 Before we get a closer look at the Trick or Treat Flaming Pumpkin,
01:04 which is a Spirit Halloween exclusive,
01:06 I'm going to grab the tape measure and show you guys how big the pumpkin stands.
01:10 As it is in its state right now, the flame isn't being projected out the top.
01:14 Once the flame is projected, the longest flame actually reaches 22.5 inches in height.
01:19 That's pretty tall.
01:20 I'm going to do my best to kind of show you guys in this video.
01:23 But just the pumpkin alone though is standing 9 inches in height
01:26 or it's going to be about 23 centimeters tall.
01:29 One thing I will say though about the pumpkin is it's intended for indoors.
01:33 This is not something that you're going to want to have outside or if it is going to be outside,
01:36 you want to make sure it's in an overhang where a part of the house is hanging over top of it.
01:40 Just because again, the flame is actually made of material
01:43 and the fact that you're also dealing with electronics,
01:46 you don't want to start messing with Mother Nature.
01:48 The one thing I will say though about the plug is that it plugs on the back of the pumpkin,
01:52 which I'll show you in a second.
01:54 But sadly though, there's no on and off switch.
01:56 There's no on and off switch on the pumpkin itself,
01:58 nor is there an on and off switch built into the cord,
02:01 which I think is one thing unfortunately about the pumpkin
02:04 because you can't ever really turn it off unless you unplug it.
02:07 Speaking of the plug though, the only one thing that comes in clue with the pumpkin
02:10 is the fact it comes in clue with the plug.
02:12 Now the outlet is a 12-volt plug.
02:14 This will plug basically into just any outlet on the wall.
02:16 And then this is the part of course that's going to plug onto the back of the jack-o'-lantern.
02:20 The thing though again about it is the fact that once you plug it in,
02:23 it's going to start right away and there's no way to turn it off again until you unplug it.
02:27 This is something I can certainly say from being a cat owner.
02:30 This is not one thing that you will want to have close to cats
02:33 that if you ever have to want to pull this out,
02:35 you don't want to just leave a cord end like this dangling around.
02:40 Because if you still have it plugged into the wall,
02:42 a cat could come around or an animal for any matter could really go up to it
02:46 and start nibbling on the end of it.
02:47 Of course you wouldn't want to have a cat or any animal for that matter
02:50 electrocuted on Halloween nights.
02:52 I'm going to plug this in for in a second.
02:54 But first though, I did want to show you guys what the pumpkin looks like.
02:56 This is the pumpkin of course we see on the inside of Mr. Krieg's room.
02:59 This is also the same pumpkin that they also use for many of the advertising things for Trick or Treat.
03:04 Usually Sam is displayed along with it.
03:05 The pumpkin is though made of plastic.
03:07 The asking price of this, now it has since sold out over on Spirit's site,
03:11 but it was at one point I think selling for like $54.99.
03:14 That's $54.99 by the way US dollars.
03:16 So I had to pay a little bit more on top of that.
03:18 The pumpkin though is made of plastic.
03:20 While the material on the top here is actually more of a fabric material,
03:23 that's the part that's going to be projecting the flame.
03:25 I will also tell you as you probably already know,
03:27 if you have any one of these things that are blowing air up,
03:30 it's going to be quite loud.
03:31 So I'm going to do my best to still talk over top of it,
03:33 but it might be very well drowned out by the sound of the fan built inside.
03:37 The pumpkin front face at least does have the star formation eyes,
03:40 and the individual slots that then make up the mouth.
03:43 The inside of this actually they've used a fabric material with sort of more of a rainbow effect.
03:48 You want to make sure that you're not putting pressure against this,
03:50 because it's only been loosely glued onto the inside of the pumpkin.
03:53 And of course if you were to say damage it,
03:55 it'd be really kind of hard to kind of get in there and glue it back in place.
03:59 You want to make sure that these don't get damaged in the process,
04:01 don't certainly drop it in the process either.
04:02 But the pumpkin is made of plastic.
04:04 I feel it's a pretty good plastic also as well,
04:07 and it's been painted pretty good too.
04:08 So you sort of have more than one color of oranging happen here.
04:11 You have the main primary color of orange,
04:13 but then they've also darkened the areas in between,
04:15 sort of like the spines or the creases of the pumpkin.
04:18 One nice touch that I also really like about it,
04:20 is if you spin it around to the back,
04:21 and let's just get the flame out of the way here.
04:23 On the back, carved into the plastic, is trick-or-treat font.
04:27 Below that of course, is the part that's going to have the plug plugged in.
04:30 But again, like no on and off switch.
04:32 The only other thing it also does have,
04:34 other than some very sightly screw holes,
04:36 keeping the front half and the back half of the pumpkin together.
04:39 But on the bottom of it as well, is the exhaust section.
04:42 Of course if it's going to be projecting a fan up to the top,
04:45 it needs to find a place to expel out all the heat that it's generating on the inside.
04:50 And it does also have that same sort of,
04:51 I don't know if you guys can actually see it or not,
04:53 but sort of has that same sort of material adhered on the inside too.
04:57 It's a well-contained pumpkin,
04:58 but it's one of those things that if something goes wrong with it,
05:01 you're going to have to then try to unscrew it,
05:02 to kind of get everything back together.
05:04 As it is right now, obviously it looks a little more like it has hair than flames.
05:08 I mean in its off configuration, there's really no way,
05:11 I mean it doesn't have again like the wow factor,
05:13 until eventually you do plug it in.
05:15 Now it does not only illuminate the flame,
05:17 but it also does illuminate the main pumpkin too.
05:20 So it is actually a quite bright color.
05:22 I'm going to do it though here in daylight,
05:24 where at least having the office light shining on it.
05:26 And then in a second, I'll also then turn off the lights,
05:29 so you guys can see what it's going to look like at nighttime.
05:32 But again, already now taking the plug,
05:33 I've plugged it into an outlet off just to the side here.
05:36 I'm going to plug it onto the back of the pumpkin.
05:38 I'm getting this all out now, by the way,
05:40 because I know the moment I plug this in,
05:42 the fan is quite loud.
05:43 And I'm even hoping, I've tried my best to kind of make sure,
05:46 I've tested it already to see if you can still hear my voice.
05:49 You will, but it's going to be quite loud,
05:51 considering the fan is again, quite loud.
05:53 So this is again, if you're going to have this in your house,
05:55 you probably may not want to have this too close to a TV,
05:57 for example, where you're trying to watch your favorite Halloween movie,
06:00 with the sound of this fan blasting in the background.
06:03 Let's go spin this around.
06:04 And you'll hear in a moment how loud this is.
06:07 The moment you literally plug this in,
06:08 is the moment it starts to project the fan.
06:11 And again, you'll hear how loud that actually is.
06:13 So we're just going to plug this in for right now.
06:16 The light will already illuminate.
06:19 And there's the flame effect already now coming out the top of the pumpkin.
06:22 It's a pretty strong fan too.
06:24 I mean, you can't feel it as much,
06:26 because of course all the material is kind of containing the fan.
06:29 And it does have again, the exhaust out from the back or the bottom of it.
06:32 It does still manage to illuminate the eyes,
06:34 whether you can hear me or not.
06:36 And it does also as well, illuminate the mouth.
06:38 But the pumpkin as a whole, does also have a very bright look to it.
06:42 Something that maybe is again, getting lost a little bit,
06:44 by having the office lights on.
06:46 So let's go ahead and cut the lights.
06:47 And you'll see what it looks like in the dark.
06:49 Now having cut the office lights,
06:52 once again, I'll go to the back here and plug the pumpkin back in.
06:55 So again, you can see how well that illuminates.
06:58 The fan is just as loud as it was when the lights were first turned on.
07:01 And I'm also going to as well, bring the pumpkin a little bit closer.
07:05 So you guys can hopefully see how well and how high that flame actually does go.
07:10 In the dark though, I will admit, it's much more impressive than when the lights were first on.
07:15 You can see as well that how much of the pumpkin is actually illuminated.
07:18 It doesn't illuminate though, as much to the back.
07:21 It seems to be that the light source, or the light bulb that they built inside,
07:25 is actually more to the front of the pumpkin.
07:27 So it's really more just the front of the face and the flame that gets the full effect.
07:31 On the topic though, of the light source for the pumpkin,
07:36 there's one other problem that eventually will face this.
07:38 And that's the fact you may have to change eventually the light bulb.
07:41 The light bulb isn't indicated anywhere on the box,
07:43 nor is included inside instructions.
07:46 So it seems to be the case that once the bulb does eventually blow out,
07:49 it could be also the end of the life for this trick or treat flaming pumpkin.
07:53 It is all again, very self-contained.
07:55 So if anything happens to go wrong with it,
07:57 the likelihood of being able to open this back and fix the things that are inside that are wrong with it,
08:02 you may then just ultimately have to go and try to buy another one instead.
08:05 The only thing again, outside of having to eventually change a light bulb, I would imagine for this,
08:10 is the disappointment that goes along with the idea that the plug doesn't have a switch.
08:14 If the plug couldn't have a switch, then at the very least,
08:17 there should have been a switch built onto the pumpkin itself.
08:19 So that if you didn't have to always have it turned on,
08:23 you could still have it plugged in and just simply go on and turn it off.
08:26 But with it being built into the plug only,
08:29 it means that every time you want to unplug the pumpkin,
08:31 you literally have to unplug the pumpkin.
08:33 And you also want to make sure that while you're doing that,
08:36 you don't then just leave the cord hanging around.
08:38 I've heard horror stories of animals, and even look, small children,
08:42 putting plugs in their mouths and electrocuting themselves in the process.
08:46 So this is one thing that if you find it's too loud,
08:48 and you don't want to have this running all the time,
08:50 you always really want to make sure it's unplugged from the outlet.
08:53 Now, whether it is worth the $54.99, it was about $55 online,
08:57 and that's again in US, could be debatable.
09:00 I mean, the fabric is obviously in its default state, sort of more like hair.
09:04 It doesn't look as impressive as it is if it was to be on.
09:07 But of course, it being fan projected alone,
09:10 it looks always the best if it's always turned on.
09:13 The pumpkin being plastic is nicely painted, I think, overall.
09:16 I like the way they've recreated the trick-or-treat jack-o'-lantern
09:20 that we see inside Mr. Krieg's house.
09:22 And again, to its credit, it's well painted,
09:24 but I don't know necessarily if I would say it's worth the $55.
09:27 Have you had the chance to get this one for yourself?
09:29 Or is there any other fan projected decorations that you put out for Halloween?
09:34 I mean, obviously, the big, much larger ones
09:36 are the ones you can put on your front door or around your front porch area.
09:39 But again, I just don't have the space available at my house
09:42 to start putting things out like that.
09:44 But again, at one point, this was available over at Spirit Halloween.
09:47 At the moment of doing this review, though, it has sold out.
09:50 And what's funny, though, is not only did it sell out,
09:53 but I had to actually go back to my original invoice on my email
09:57 to find even the listing of this.
09:59 If you were to say just to go to Spirit Halloween as it is right now
10:02 and put "flaming pumpkin," I couldn't find any results.
10:04 I also put in "trick or treat."
10:06 Couldn't find any results either,
10:08 based at least trying to find at least pinpointing this pumpkin.
10:10 So it seemed to be like one of those things
10:12 that just magically disappeared on their site.
10:14 Till hopefully it's stocked again.
10:16 I'm sure you could probably also find this locally
10:18 if you happen to have a Spirit Halloween in your area.
10:20 But if you are a fan of trick or treat,
10:22 and you don't mind shelling over the $55 plus tax,
10:25 definitely one of those good investments to use a coupon, I think,
10:28 to save yourself 20% off.
10:30 But yeah, let me know if this is something you guys could see yourselves
10:33 picking up this Halloween season.
10:35 Today's spookerific review, we were having a look at the trick or treat
10:38 "flaming pumpkin" cursing the folks over at Spirit Halloween.
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10:59 So as always, thanks for watching.
11:00 See you guys next time.
11:02 [spooky music]
