Sedrick Van Pran Talks About Missouri Matchup, Georgia Football Offense

  • last year
Sedrick Van Pran Talks About Missouri Matchup, Georgia Football Offense
00:00 >> All right, we're ready to begin with Cedric.
00:03 Reminder, just raise your hand if you have questions.
00:05 We'll get one of the remote mics to you.
00:08 Go ahead, please.
00:19 >> The game at Missouri last year, the way you won that, because every other game,
00:23 including the SEC Championship, if I've ever been to more,
00:27 if you don't win that game that way, do you think you guys have what it takes,
00:30 mentally or resilience-wise, to beat Ohio State?
00:33 >> That's a great question.
00:36 So I think ultimately, you would like to believe that, of course you do,
00:40 because it's the preparation that you put in throughout the whole season,
00:44 January, summer.
00:45 Even just summer events, you kind of deal with through life.
00:50 Just being a college student sometimes, life comes up.
00:53 It's not always just peach and cream.
00:54 So of course you wanna believe that you have, but I think ultimately,
00:58 that game last year was such a essential role to what that team became.
01:05 So I think ultimately, I think we had the opportunity to
01:11 kinda create our identity through that game.
01:13 So I think we could have, but definitely we're grateful that we were able to
01:18 have that game to help build us.
01:22 >> Yes, sir, 53 points against Kentucky,
01:24 a pretty rushed road, 240 yards against Vanderbilt.
01:28 Obviously this past weekend, you guys are looking really well in the offense,
01:30 don't give up a sack.
01:31 You guys feel like you're in rhythm as an offensive line, and
01:34 just speak to how well you guys are playing right now.
01:37 >> So I think that the guys have done a tremendous job.
01:39 I think that they've done a tremendous job protecting.
01:40 I think they've done a tremendous job communicating in the run,
01:43 because of course there's a lot of things that's going on.
01:45 There's a, you know it, there's the game inside of the game,
01:51 there's the infliction schemes, slants, all types of stuff to try and stop.
01:54 You know, first and second down progress, right?
01:58 So it's trying to get you behind the stick so you end up at third and long.
02:01 So I think we've done a tremendous job of being able to communicate on first and
02:04 second down what's going on on the sideline,
02:06 making adjustments to try and hinder that, you know, trying to stop it a little bit.
02:10 But I think the most encouraging thing is I think that we've done a tremendous job
02:14 and we've done a great job.
02:16 And I wanna give my guys the flowers, but I think just being myself,
02:21 I kinda look at some of the things that we aren't doing well.
02:23 And some of the things that we would like to clean up and
02:25 some of the things that we want to be better at,
02:28 to possibly have even a better product.
02:29 So definitely grateful for the way the Lord has allowed us to play so far, but
02:33 definitely, I guess, conscious of some of the things that we have messed up and
02:39 that we wanna be able to fix.
02:41 >> Quick follow up, what are some of those things?
02:43 >> So I think it just kinda depends, so I can start with myself personally.
02:47 I think that for myself, there's times that I get caught in bad positions, right?
02:51 So sometimes your eyes kinda lie to you,
02:53 you're kinda looking at a little bit too much.
02:56 Maybe you're looking at a safety,
02:57 you're supposed to be blocking this defensive lineman right in front of you.
03:00 Just trying to see if you need to make a call for the backside to try and see if
03:03 you need to bypass this guy, just different things like that.
03:06 And sometimes those things can get you in bad positions.
03:09 So I think just some of those, I guess, maybe small things and
03:11 just trying not to overcomplicate the game at times.
03:16 I would say for myself.
03:17 >> This is kinda along those same lines as an offense overall, but
03:23 is there any sort of relief on the part of everybody in the offensive team,
03:28 in terms of what you were able to do against Florida?
03:32 Knowing that you were having to make that adjustment with Brock out and
03:35 all that kind of stuff, Ladd.
03:36 So is there some confidence and
03:38 belief that came with what y'all were able to do last week?
03:41 >> So I think ultimately, we are very grateful for what we were able to do last
03:45 week, I think Florida has a great defense.
03:48 They presented a lot of challenges, I know some third downs.
03:51 It was literally like seven guys just walking around the ball,
03:53 no idea what's going on.
03:55 So I think they're a great defense, I think they're doing an amazing job.
03:58 But ultimately, we have to get back to work.
04:00 We can't bring any of those points with us to Missouri.
04:02 That won't help us this week, what we've done in the past.
04:06 So I think it's just being humble enough to understand that you may have had,
04:10 I guess, a relatively good game, but ultimately, it's time to get back to work.
04:15 >> Cedric, what did you see from Lawson against Florida and
04:20 just the progress he's made over the course of his freshman year?
04:23 >> So I think I've seen the same thing that I saw, really, just at fall camp.
04:29 He was a guy that when you first saw him, he kind of pops,
04:32 he kind of flashes to you.
04:34 That that guy would be a good player if he continues to work and
04:36 just stay true to who he is.
04:38 I was really impressed by what he was able to do.
04:41 I don't think he played perfect.
04:42 But what I do think is I think he gave tremendous effort.
04:45 I think he knew what he was doing.
04:46 And I think that he was always in the right position to be able to make
04:49 those plays.
04:50 And that's really half the battle when it comes to football,
04:53 is being able to know what to do and being in those positions to possibly be able to
04:57 make those plays.
04:57 So I think Lucky is a tremendous player, and
04:59 I'm really happy from what I've seen.
05:00 >> You're a veteran, been around, played in a lot of big games.
05:07 What is the mindset, there's this Georgia standard, and
05:09 it's about you guys and nothing else.
05:11 But yet everybody that's on your schedule wants to take their shot, number one,
05:15 two time defending national champion.
05:16 So just the mindset of preparing every week.
05:19 Missouri's coming in highly ranked, and
05:21 just you know they're gonna give you their best shot.
05:24 Just your mindset of preparing for that.
05:27 >> So I think that the first thing is taking all of that out, right?
05:32 Taking away the previous championships, taking away the previous games won,
05:36 all of that.
05:37 And I think when you break it down to who Missouri is as a team,
05:41 they're a great football team.
05:42 So seeing some things on them,
05:44 haven't had a chance to fully break down their film yet.
05:47 But of course, being a fan of football, you watch and you look, and
05:51 you just kinda pay attention.
05:54 And they have an amazing football team, doing some amazing things on offense,
05:57 on defense.
05:57 They're creating a lot of havoc.
05:59 They really like to bring a lot of cover zero and
06:01 different things like that to create some of those issues for the offense.
06:04 So I think they're a great team.
06:06 And when you take away all of the previous accolades and all of that stuff,
06:10 you have to break it down to, it's us versus them.
06:12 And that's just kind of the bottom line, is just understanding your opponent.
06:16 Understanding what they're trying to do, and
06:18 having the level of respect for them that they deserve.
06:20 Because they've been a tremendous team this year, and
06:23 they will continue to be a tremendous team, because they're a great team.
06:26 So I think it's just understanding that none of that stuff can come with you.
06:29 It's having, I guess, the humility to understand that this is who this team is,
06:34 and you have to accept the challenge and
06:35 be able to go out there and execute at your highest level as well.
06:37 >> Yeah, Carson let it be known after the game that the floor game,
06:43 then a little bit more to him, being from Jacksonville,
06:45 he was a little bit more excited going into that.
06:47 But having seen him over the course of the game, and
06:49 after the game, and around the facility, obviously, what have you seen since then,
06:53 from him, in terms of getting back to being the usual Carson Beckman,
06:56 in terms of leading this team?
06:58 >> After the floor game?
06:59 >> Yeah.
06:59 >> [LAUGH] So, I mean, he's the same guy.
07:03 I mean, of course, the night after the game, you wanna enjoy it, right?
07:07 So in the locker room, super ecstatic, excited,
07:11 just really taking in the moment, but I think there's a,
07:15 there's kind of a level of, I don't know how to say it, but
07:20 it's just something that kind of brings you down to earth.
07:21 So just kind of noticing, watching him talk to his family and
07:25 friends after the game, watching how excited he is with them.
07:28 And just kind of seeing those things, talking to them on the bus ride back,
07:31 playing right back, and you just kind of casually see, or gradually, excuse me,
07:35 see somebody, I guess, kind of come back to just the reality.
07:39 And the reality is that, played an amazing game, but
07:42 ultimately that's not the last game of the season, that's not our end goal.
07:45 So you have to be able to move on and get past that, and
07:48 I think that he's done a tremendous job since being back in the building today.
07:52 Of not really walking around high and mighty, like he's the big shot on campus,
07:56 but understanding that he played a great game, but
07:59 it's now time to get to the next one.
08:01 >> Interesting age we live in with the transfer portal and everything.
08:07 Dominic Lovett this week, it was against his old team, he just left.
08:10 Two questions, what have been your observations of just Dom overall,
08:16 how he's fit in and being part of this team now?
08:19 And then, have you talked to him, do you sense anything with him getting ready,
08:24 being particularly excited about playing his old team?
08:29 >> So I think the thing I love the most about Dom is just the fact that
08:34 he's really a person that wants to soak up everything he can.
08:37 So when he first came to Georgia, the first thing I noticed about him is that
08:41 he was really quiet as far as he wasn't the first one to speak.
08:45 In the conversation, he wasn't the first one to be loud, say something.
08:48 He wanted to learn, listen, and just observe.
08:51 Just kind of learn the way that we've been doing things for
08:54 previous years and kind of be a part of that.
08:55 So I think he's done a tremendous job of acclimating himself without,
09:01 I guess, changing himself to what the Georgia standard is,
09:04 to what Georgia wants to be.
09:05 And I think that's an amazing thing.
09:07 And I love that about him is because he wants to learn,
09:12 he wants to do it right, he wants to win.
09:14 And that's something that you can't coach,
09:16 that's something that you can instill in somebody, it has to be natural.
09:19 So I absolutely love that about him.
09:21 But I'm sure he wants to play well in this game,
09:25 because being his own team, but ultimately, I do know Don,
09:28 I do know that winning the game is more important to him than anything.
09:33 So if he has to play the game and he gets zero receptions, zero targets,
09:37 whatever it may be, but we win the game, I know six of you have to.
09:41 >> Two more questions, please.
09:42 >> Missouri's defensive line ranks in the top half of Texas,
09:47 the loss in SAC and the SEC, and they kind of gave you a little bit of a fit last year.
09:50 How are you all preparing to kind of combat that attack?
09:53 >> Well, I think it's still early in the week,
09:55 definitely haven't had the chance to go out there and
09:58 practice against it a little bit, so I can't give you all of that yet.
10:01 But one thing I can say is that we're definitely aware of how good those guys
10:05 are, that they're a tremendous team.
10:08 Just watching some of the games on TV, you can see some of the havoc and
10:13 pressure that they're able to create.
10:15 They have a bunch of great players, 99-6, if I'm not mistaken, number 90 as well.
10:20 All of these guys create a lot of havoc and they do some great things for them.
10:23 So it's just understanding that those guys have been the heartbeat of their
10:29 defense, it's been a way that they've been able to kind of dominate.
10:33 So I think it's just understanding what they are there for, and
10:37 just kind of understanding through film and different things like that,
10:41 ways to try and, I guess, minimize their effect.
10:45 >> You said you've got to play a lot of different running backs here at Georgia,
10:50 what's the difference about De'Jaun Edwards?
10:56 >> So I think 30, since day one, has had a very unique running style in
11:01 the sense of he's very patient, but he also has a very unique burst tone,
11:07 if that makes sense.
11:09 So he's patient in the sense of he's not just gonna hit the first hole that he
11:14 sees and just hit it 20 miles an hour, that's not him.
11:19 But what he will do is he'll be patient, he'll let blocks develop,
11:22 he'll help set those blocks up even.
11:25 He's very slippery when it comes to getting them down on the ground,
11:28 tackling.
11:29 I really don't know how he does some of the things that he does,
11:33 with being able to stop on the dime and cut the way he does.
11:36 But I think from a very, very early time here at Georgia,
11:40 it was very evident that 30 had a very unique running style,
11:43 and it's one that we're very grateful for.
11:46 >> Thank you. >> Thanks, Cedric.
11:47 >> God bless y'all.
