49ers are Feeling the Loss of Jimmie Ward This Season

  • last year
The drop off from Jimmie Ward to Isaiah Oliver as the nickel cornerback is massive and the 49ers are paying for it.
00:00 Four years ago, the Niners went to the Super Bowl.
00:03 On that team, they had Kyle Shanahan, Mike McDaniel,
00:07 Robert Sala, and D'Amico Ryans, four head coaches.
00:11 Right now, Robert Sala might be the coach of the year.
00:14 What he's doing with the Jets is remarkable.
00:16 He's a terrific head coach.
00:18 Mike McDaniel seems to be a terrific head coach
00:21 with the Dolphins.
00:22 He's clearly a brilliant offensive mind.
00:24 And then D'Amico Ryans in his first year,
00:26 he's coached a few games.
00:27 So far, so good.
00:29 He looks promising.
00:30 Now you got Kyle on his own.
00:32 It's Kyle and Steve Wilkes.
00:35 And it's fair to wonder if this team has
00:38 lost a whole lot of leadership.
00:41 Because one loss to PJ Walker turned into three.
00:44 And at the bye week, you got--
00:46 it seems like you got Kyle and Steve Wilkes pointing
00:48 the finger at each other.
00:49 Like, this guy doesn't know the defense.
00:51 And Steve Wilkes is like, well, what did you expect from me?
00:54 And now they're like, well, maybe we
00:54 should bring him out of the booth
00:55 and put him on the field.
00:56 Like, that's where they're at.
00:57 I don't know, dad.
00:58 Kyle Shanahan on his own.
01:01 Is he a leader?
01:02 Was he benefiting from other people's leadership
01:04 in the past?
01:04 And is this a leadership issue on this team?
01:06 I think there's a leadership issue on the team.
01:09 And I don't think he's a leader.
01:10 I want to make very clear what I think he is.
01:13 I think he's a doodler.
01:15 And what I mean is, he's a doodler.
01:17 He likes to sit in a room by himself
01:20 and doodle and make plays.
01:21 He's very-- it's a game.
01:22 It's like playing video games.
01:25 He's a video game guy.
01:26 And I don't know how he makes his plays on a screen,
01:29 on a pad.
01:29 Bill Walsh made it on a pad, but they didn't
01:31 have screens in those days.
01:33 Bill Walsh was more than a mere doodler.
01:35 This guy is a dweeb.
01:37 He's a doodler.
01:38 And he's very comfortable doing that.
01:40 When he had Salah on the team, Salah was on the sideline
01:43 as a post-itist remote guy they have now up in the booth.
01:47 And Salah would get excited, and he'd curse,
01:50 and he'd run up to the players when the play was over,
01:52 and they were coming off the field.
01:54 And he gave all of the emotion.
01:56 It's an emotional game.
01:58 It's not just doodling.
02:01 It's not just doodling.
02:03 And Kyle doesn't seem to have emotions,
02:06 except to be kind of sour sometimes.
02:10 Salah gave-- and then Ryans was the same way.
02:13 And Ryans has such a lovely smile, and he was so positive.
02:18 And he was an arm around the back guy.
02:20 Kyle isn't an arm around the back guy.
02:22 Kyle's the kind of guy you wouldn't
02:24 want to touch him on the shoulder,
02:25 because maybe he doesn't like to get touched.
02:27 And maybe he doesn't like to touch you.
02:29 He wants to be in a dim room doodling.
02:31 So he got saved.
02:34 This is all speculation.
02:35 He doesn't want to cheer you on either.
02:37 He wants to knock you down a peg and tell you how you messed up.
02:40 Yeah, it's probably how his dad did with him.
02:42 Correct.
02:43 My guess-- again, these are all my theories.
02:45 I don't know these people.
02:47 But I think he was saved from himself in the past
02:52 by having these ebullient, bubbly, brilliant, outgoing
02:58 guys at defensive coordinator.
03:00 Now he has a guy like himself.
03:02 He has a guy who doesn't want to be with the players.
03:05 He wants to sit on Mount Olympus.
03:07 He doesn't want to talk to anybody.
03:09 You see him.
03:09 He's looking at his screen all the time.
03:11 See, he got two doodlers.
03:13 And on a football team, you need someone
03:16 to make up for the doodlers.
03:18 You can't have doodling doodlers.
03:19 You can't have doodling doodlers.
03:21 You can't have doodling doodlers.
03:22 So one of the problems they have is, where's the leadership?
03:27 Yeah.
03:28 Where?
03:29 It ain't from Kyle.
03:30 It never was Kyle.
03:32 It was Robert Sala's team.
03:34 He was leading from the backseat.
03:35 Then it was D'Amico Ryan's team.
03:37 He was leading from the backseat.
03:38 Now, whose team is this?
03:41 And Iggy, may I say something else?
03:43 On really good teams, if you have a head coach who's weak,
03:49 if-- sometimes it's the quarterback.
03:52 It could be Aaron Rodgers.
03:54 It could be-- what's his name?
03:57 The kid from San Mateo.
03:58 Why am I blanking on his name?
04:00 Goff.
04:01 No, I don't mean him.
04:02 I mean the famous one who was with--
04:04 Sorry, that's Marin.
04:05 That's Marin.
04:05 Brady.
04:07 No, Goff is Marin.
04:09 That's what I'm saying.
04:10 Brady is Mateo.
04:11 Sorry.
04:12 So you could have the quarterback--
04:14 I'm sorry, guys.
04:15 I'm old and I'm getting over COVID.
04:17 I know Tom Brady.
04:19 But on this team, the quarterback
04:21 can't be the leader because he's under scrutiny himself.
04:25 He's last of the list.
04:27 Under my thumb.
04:29 You know the song about the rolling stones?
04:31 I do.
04:32 Yeah.
04:32 Yeah.
04:33 He's under his thumb.
04:34 And so he can't be the leader because he's--
04:37 people write-- I like to try to make an excuse.
04:39 He's a virtual rookie.
04:41 Well, he's not a virtual rookie, but he's a virtual rookie.
04:43 So he can't take the leadership role.
04:45 So it's not the coaches and it's not the quarterback.
04:48 You've got a problem.
04:50 Who is it?
04:51 Kyle Juszczak?
04:52 He's going to get up and he's going to tell--
04:54 he's going to enforce the standard.
04:55 And people will say to him, what do you do?
04:57 Who are you?
04:59 Fred Warner.
04:59 You're a passenger.
05:00 This must be Fred Warner, right?
05:01 Fred Warner went up after the game, after the Bengals lost.
05:04 And the first question he got was,
05:07 do you still have confidence in Brock Purdy?
05:10 And he stood there as the leader of the team and said,
05:13 what do you expect me to say to that?
05:16 That's the best he could do.
05:18 So yeah, this team--
05:19 that's why I mean, they never should have lost three in a row.
05:22 That, to me, is the mark of a team that has no leadership.
05:25 Wouldn't have happened with Demiko Ryans on the team.
05:26 Wouldn't have happened with Robert Soto on the team.
05:29 This has been a team whose head coach was a defensive
05:32 coordinator for six years.
05:33 And now it's a team with no head coach.
05:35 We've been saying for years, look,
05:37 say what you want about Kyle Shannon.
05:38 He's not a head coach.
05:40 It's manifesting in front of our eyes right now.
05:42 And if they're going to turn this season around,
05:44 Kyle's going to have to become the head coach he never has been.
05:47 Right.
05:48 I don't know if he's got it in him.
05:49 And stop being a mere doodler.
05:52 Got to stop doodling, man.
05:54 You got to stop doodling.
05:56 He's doodling.
05:57 Listen, wait, I want to finish.
05:58 I want to-- but someone pointed out,
06:01 he's always looking at his play sheet.
06:02 He's never looking at players.
06:04 He's behind the play--
06:06 he lives behind the play sheet.
06:08 Even on the field, he's doodling.
06:11 Even on the field, he's doodling.
06:13 That's a problem.
06:17 (upbeat music)
