Bengals WR Andrei Iosivas on Earning Joe Burrow and Coaches' Trust, Facing Bills in Week 9

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Bengals WR Andrei Iosivas on Earning Joe Burrow and Coaches' Trust, Facing Bills in Week 9
00:00 Alright Andre, Joe Burrow was just speaking about how he's built trust with you and how
00:05 he knows that when he throws the ball up in your direction you're going to make a big
00:09 play on it.
00:10 What does it feel like going through your rookie season and have a quarterback like
00:14 Joe rely and trust you?
00:16 Yeah, I mean it's just you want any quarterback that you're playing with to trust you so I
00:20 mean just the fact that it's Joe means a lot obviously as probably like one of the best
00:25 or the best quarterback in the league so it means a lot but you just want that with any
00:28 quarterback you're playing with so I just know I have to go out there and make the plays
00:31 when they come to me and just do the right thing when my name's called as well so I'm
00:35 just hoping I build that trust with him and the coaching staff.
00:38 And I know you went to Princeton, I know you're very smart, but how much work went into making
00:43 sure that you knew the playbook in and out and you know exactly what's expected of you
00:48 on the field?
00:49 Yeah, I mean that was what camp was, I mean even still yeah I'm still learning kind of
00:53 the offense as we go because there's wrinkles we put in, little new game plan stuff so I'm
00:57 still trying to get super comfortable but you know that was the biggest part for me
01:01 just knowing multiple positions so that I could be the dude that they plug and play
01:04 anywhere if they need it and that's kind of what I expected my role to be and it's panning
01:09 out well for me so far.
01:10 Have you gotten any feedback from Darren Simmons at all on special teams?
01:14 Yeah I mean he's hard on everybody you know but it makes you like a good, it makes you
01:18 a really good player, it makes you like a dog.
01:21 Yeah that play after my touchdown too where I just sprinted as fast as I could and just
01:25 when we made the tackle you know that's just because he's always hard on me and it's always
01:29 good criticism you know like you understand that he just wants the team to be great and
01:34 so you want to be great and make good plays and so yeah it's been a good process with
01:39 him so far this year.
01:40 I've got to imagine as a player it's easier to trust a coach when you know that he just
01:44 wants you to be your very best.
01:47 Yeah I mean that's the good thing about this organization I feel like every coach here
01:50 wants you to be your best not for their sake but also for your sake you know they want
01:55 to bring out the most potential that they can in you so that you can be a great player
01:59 and I mean in return it helps the team so yeah.
02:02 I remember in I think it was OTAs maybe you had mentioned that you admired Jamar Chase's
02:08 route running abilities.
02:10 Have you picked his brain at all on his ability to run the routes the way he does?
02:15 Well I mean Jamar does some things well but T was one guy that I tried to emulate as well
02:20 a lot but yeah there's some things like speed cuts like Jamar's really good at doing that
02:25 so I'll just I don't really ask him I more watch him because it's kind of like a bodily
02:29 like you have to understand your own body yeah so you have to understand how your body
02:33 moves and try to emulate it and maybe you can do some things that he can't he can do
02:37 some things that you can't you know so it's all about understanding what like the max
02:40 potential that your body can do.
02:42 Yeah I don't know if that made any sense.
02:46 I understood exactly what you meant.
02:48 Who on the team have you learned the most from though?
02:53 I mean Coach Troy probably or Darren you know what I mean Coach Simmons so those two guys
02:59 have been super influential in my time here for sure and Coach Troy especially like during
03:05 OTAs and even at the beginning of camp you know he was always working with us really
03:09 hard on individual like in the individual periods he was always making sure we were
03:13 on it like you'd always see him like when the rookies were up he was going super hard
03:17 just making sure that we understood why we were doing stuff that we were doing same with
03:21 Coach Darren so I mean I think those two guys have really influenced my time here a lot.
03:25 One of my last questions for you.
03:28 Do you I know you tweeted about this I think that you hope that one day you will get a
03:32 touchdown without a flag in the NFL.
03:35 How anxious are you to finally get a touchdown that doesn't have a flag thrown on it?
03:40 I think the next time even if there is a flag it's kind of because it kind of ruins my celebrations
03:44 so like this past one I kind of like half danced a little bit the first one I had to
03:47 like wait through the ball so I think this time flag or not I'm just going to hit whatever
03:53 dance I'm going to do and if it's called back it's called back but I'm just going to go
03:56 hard.
03:57 Do you have anything planned for when you have a touchdown without a flag?
04:00 Do you have any celebration special?
04:02 Not a special but there's like a rotation of dances that are in play at all times so
04:10 yeah.
04:11 Next question for you what do you expect the atmosphere to kind of be like on Sunday
04:15 night here prime time the Bills back in town it seems like the last few years Cincinnati
04:20 the Chiefs the Bills have been the top three teams talked about.
04:24 Yeah I think I mean I know everyone is super excited for this game prime time game a lot
04:28 of people are talking about it it's a huge rivalry game you know we're done with the
04:32 NFC now we're going to go back to the AFC make our mark here and just you know the crowd
04:38 knows that as well not only the team but the community knows it and so I just can't wait
04:42 for this place to be loud get rocking and get that home field advantage.
04:45 Andre thank you.
04:46 Thank you.
04:53 Thank you.
04:54 Thank you.
04:54 Thank you.
04:59 Thank you.
