• 2 years ago
Ve el episodio completo en: https://watch.wearenotzombies.com/maria-canfield


María Canfield hace pintura mural desde su conocimiento y experiencia practicando rapel. Cada nuevo trabajo la asusta; el cerebro está programado para sentir miedo al estar en una posición vertical, en las alturas, pero esta sensación le provoca placer, funciona como un reto personal, es la fuerza que la impulsa a pintar a gran escala, dependiendo únicamente de su corporalidad. Estando arriba se siente como una persona llena de poder.

La pintura la ha rodeado desde niña, es como una especie de comunicación que sostiene con las cosas. Después de estudiar formalmente decidió que su trabajo sería pintar las ciudades, regalarle un poco de arte y colorido a sus habitantes. El street art es un medio de pocas mujeres pero, pese al machismo que se pueda percibir, ha encontrado apoyo y seguridad para realizar sus pinturas.

Paint By es la docu-serie no zombie que expone el quehacer de artistas gráficos, plásticos y visuales, y explora sus pensamientos en torno a su trabajo. El arte de la mano de sus creadores.

Súmate al Movimiento No Zombie:
Web: https://www.wearenotzombies.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wearenotzom...
Youtube: https://bit.ly/39FViiC
00:00 The most incredible thing is the vertigo, being very scared.
00:03 There is a moment when you are about to test the equipment,
00:07 because everything is already installed, you have the equipment,
00:10 you are about to go down, and in that moment you are very scared,
00:16 because your brain is made so that you don't hang from that height,
00:19 so that you don't put yourself at that risk, because the vertigo scares.
00:23 And that fear is a pleasure, it is a very strong drug.
00:27 And that moment when you have to shut all your voices in your head
00:31 and feel silence, meditate for a few minutes,
00:36 there is a small space of incredible well-being,
00:39 when you meditate just before getting off a wall,
00:42 which is the most wonderful thing in the world.
00:44 I always studied painting, painting was my passion,
00:51 and a kind of language that one has with things.
00:55 But then I decided that what interested me was painting the cities,
01:00 painting outside, painting in public places, because it is for everyone,
01:04 and also because you can transform the cities a little bit,
01:06 and you can give something to all the people who are on the street.
01:09 And it is very fun because it is a very physical question,
01:12 it is as if you were doing sport and painting at the same time.
01:16 I like to be hanging, I like to make my murals independently,
01:19 and I like to feel that I don't need anyone,