Arsenal boss Arteta on Newcastle being title challengers (Full Presser part 2)

  • last year
Arsenal boss Mikel Arteta on whether Newcastle are title contenders with them or not
00:00 Do you consider Newcastle title contenders this season?
00:04 I think it's too early for anybody.
00:06 We are or we are not.
00:07 I think we are still really early in the season.
00:10 You know, they gave signs last season and this season
00:13 and in Europe again that they can compete to any other team.
00:16 So when a team is able to do that, they are for me.
00:19 With the resources they've got,
00:21 do you think it's inevitable that they will be,
00:24 if not this season, that they will be title challengers in the near future?
00:28 Yes, but I think we all have resources.
00:30 And when you look at the teams around, everybody has it.
00:33 It's after how you make those resources,
00:36 use them in the best possible way.
00:38 And then there are many factors that are going to contribute
00:42 the success or no success of your season.
00:44 And some of them you cannot control,
00:45 even though you have tried to make all the right decisions.
00:48 Eddie Hamm has only been in that job two years.
00:51 And I think when he took over the appointment table,
00:54 it is a remarkable transformation.
00:56 And obviously they've got the resources,
00:58 but it is even so, a lot of clubs have spent money
01:00 and not really achieved anything that they've done.
01:03 Taking away the resources while he's done is remarkable,
01:06 regardless of what.
01:07 And you should not take any merit of what they've done,
01:11 because it's very impressive.
01:13 As a young manager in the league,
01:19 in terms of generally across the Premier League,
01:21 what do you think are the main key factors to succeeding
01:24 as a manager in this league?
01:27 Have the best players.
01:29 Simple as that.
01:30 For sure.
01:31 You have the best players,
01:32 gives you the best chance.
01:35 And then creating an incredible environment around them.
01:38 Yeah.
01:39 After there are many factors,
01:41 but having the best players for 10 months available
01:44 with good spirit and a lot of confidence,
01:46 that gives you a big chance.
01:47 Recently you've had Takira Tomiase,
01:50 who's obviously done really well,
01:51 has been on the crowd really, got behind him.
01:54 What do you make of his performances
01:55 and how crucial could he be as a squad player this season?
01:59 We expect from him in the moment that he has some stability
02:02 and availability is high,
02:06 he's a player that is going to give so much to the team,
02:08 he's got different qualities to any other player
02:11 and I'm really pleased with him.
02:12 You've had a number of players that have signed long-term contracts
02:15 in the past year or so.
02:16 What are the reasons why so many players
02:20 are happy to commit their future to Arsenal during this period?
02:24 It probably is a question more for them.
02:26 Hopefully I feel it because they're in a place that,
02:29 first of all, they feel valued,
02:32 they enjoy what they do,
02:34 they enjoy working with us
02:36 and they still feel really challenged
02:38 in a very competitive environment,
02:41 that this is the place for them to grow and win trophies.
02:44 Darren?
02:45 You have had seven players come off the bench so far this season
02:50 and the score holds to rescue points from in-games.
02:55 How have you managed to change the culture
02:58 from which there were players previously
03:01 who'd be frustrated at being on the bench,
03:03 but now you've got everybody all seeing it from the same image again?
03:06 Has that been difficult to do?
03:09 I think there are two main factors.
03:10 One is when we went from three to five subs,
03:12 obviously that gives managers a lot of ability to change
03:16 as well the course of the game.
03:17 And then obviously the extended time that we are playing now,
03:20 the 100 minutes, over 100 minutes that we are playing,
03:23 when you are getting subbed on the 70th,
03:25 you're almost playing half an hour,
03:26 you know, and that's a lot, one third of the game.
03:30 And then the players understanding the importance of that role
03:33 and we want to be there
03:34 and we want to need everybody at their best to try to change games,
03:38 to try to lock games,
03:40 to try to rotate the team
03:41 and have the freshness in every department.
03:44 And they've been brilliant at that.
03:46 There was frustration after last year's game,
03:48 the time wasting and the accriminations all around that.
03:52 Are you happy that you've got the players with the finishes
03:56 that you talk about,
03:58 who might kind of render that academic this time around?
04:01 Sorry?
04:02 Is there any kind of lasting frustration from that experience back then
04:06 and you don't want that to happen again?
04:08 We've seen some of your team talks where you talk to the players
04:10 about where they've been before
04:12 and how not to have that feeling again.
04:15 Is this one of those occasions?
04:18 Yeah, obviously game management is a big thing in football
04:21 and expecting what the opponent can do
04:24 and dealing with that emotionally
04:26 to stay in the mindset and the frame that you have to be,
04:32 it's key.
04:33 And tomorrow there will be factors that can get you out of that
04:36 and it's very important to control them.
04:38 When you went there last year,
04:40 they had one of the best defensive records in the Premier League.
04:43 It's not really said that much,
04:45 but Arsenal have the second best defensive record in the Premier League
04:48 so far this season.
04:51 Are you happy for that to continue to go under the radar
04:54 or do you feel the players maybe need a bit more credit?
04:58 Well, I think it's a key thing to success.
05:00 If you can clean sheets in this league,
05:02 in any league to win a championship,
05:05 to be at the top,
05:06 you have to do that and you have to do that in a really consistent way.
05:08 You have to do that as well,
05:10 especially in big matches.
05:11 And that's the task and I think we're in the right direction.
05:14 OK, last couple now. John, did you have one?
05:17 You mentioned Ben White and the need to get him a new contract sorted.
05:23 Is his situation with England something he needs sorted?
05:27 Would that be a part that you sort through?
05:29 That's not something for me to get involved in.
05:32 Is that something that you feel the player himself needs?
05:37 We need a top player at the top club.
05:40 It seems strange he's not...
05:41 Does he have the ability?
05:43 Yes, and then it's a conversation for them to have.
05:47 But you're not involved in that at all?
05:49 No.
05:49 Would you prefer if he didn't play because he wouldn't be going away?
05:53 What I want is a player who feels happy
05:55 and a player who represents his club and his country in the most possible way.
06:00 OK, finally we'll go to Hamza from The Times.
06:02 Good morning, Mikael.
06:03 Just to build on what was just mentioned,
06:05 in the Delta draw last season,
06:07 do you think that your team has improved on dealing with frustration,
06:11 for example, when the ball is out of play,
06:13 the time-wasting and stuff like that?
06:16 We are so used to a lot of things that we as well do.
06:19 You know that every team tries to use the tactics
06:22 and manage the game in the right way for themselves.
06:24 And it's not something new.
06:26 And we try to get better at everything for sure.
06:29 And tomorrow this will be something very minimal
06:32 within the course of the game, I think.
06:34 How do you prepare for today's training session?
06:39 Do you find anything in particular to make sure the ball is straight up
06:42 and you're on the ball quicker?
06:43 You can make sure that restart's under way.
06:44 We have to practice something today for tomorrow.
06:47 I think we are late.
06:48 [LAUGHTER]
06:49 OK, everyone. Thanks very much.
06:51 Cheers.
06:52 Good luck.
06:54 Thank you.
06:55 Thank you, Mikael.
06:58 Thanks.
06:59 Go ahead.
