• 2 years ago
00:00 If to love a human being, as Osho says, has become an utter hell, then whom to love?
00:18 What do you mean by loving a human being?
00:24 All of us are human beings here.
00:33 Would you love any of these so-called human beings if they are dead?
00:51 Suppose the people here are freshly dead.
01:04 Just five seconds back, they gave up the ghost.
01:13 Would you love them?
01:15 Why not?
01:16 The body is still warm.
01:19 They look exactly the same as they looked while they were alive.
01:27 They are wearing clothes, they are not stinking and if they are stinking, they are stinking
01:31 only as much as they always do.
01:37 Nothing has changed in the body.
01:40 Why won't you love them?
01:42 Why do you go and bury or burn even your loved ones the moment they are dead?
01:58 Why?
02:01 Your question is whom to love?
02:03 We are going into that.
02:07 If you really love the body, would you continue being with your loved one if ways to preserve
02:18 the body after death are found?
02:23 Some people do that.
02:26 They are called psychopaths.
02:30 Sometimes you do get news of such happenings.
02:35 The wife died and the person has been preserving the body.
02:42 How healthy does that sound?
02:52 What do you mean by loving a human being?
02:54 I want to understand.
03:03 What do you mean by life?
03:08 For sure you are not going to love a dead body.
03:12 You will have to be exceptionally adventurous to do that.
03:18 Some people try that.
03:20 When nothing else stimulates them, excites them, then they try this kind of carnal adventure.
03:32 If it is not the body that you love, what do you love?
03:47 What do you mean by a living human being?
03:49 You said one loves the other person when he has life.
04:04 What do you mean by a living person?
04:05 You say you love a living person because he can help you in day to day work.
04:25 How does your one month old baby help you in your day to day work?
04:31 And don't you love the baby?
04:33 So does the baby come to buy groceries with you?
04:41 Does he clean up the house for you, one month old baby?
04:47 Does he drive your car?
04:56 In no conceivable way does he help you, but you still love him, don't you?
05:03 So it can't be a matter of getting help from someone.
05:13 You love the other person while he is conscious, right?
05:19 Even if the body is alive and he loses consciousness or his consciousness is distorted, does your
05:28 love remain the same?
05:33 Because consciousness is the entire personality of the other one.
05:37 If it gets disfigured, does your love remain the same?
05:48 So it's less about the body, more about consciousness.
05:53 There is something about consciousness that attracts you.
06:02 You want to call it the life force, you want to call it prana, whatever you might call
06:09 it, that is what you are attracted to.
06:12 And that is why you often say, "I love the liveliness in your eyes".
06:18 You love the way consciousness peeps out of somebody's eyes.
06:25 If the eyes are dead or if the eyes are that of a madman with no ordered consciousness
06:34 behind them, then you don't feel like loving.
06:37 You might feel pity, you might feel compassion, but that greatness called love is no more
06:46 there, right?
06:49 Do you love the flesh called the eyes or do you love the sparkle in the eyes?
06:58 Do you love these hollows called the eyes or do you love the light that shines through
07:07 these hollows?
07:12 Do you love the window or do you love the sun shining through the window?
07:17 Do you love the window or do you love the sky that shows through the window?
07:22 So even when you say that, "Darling, I love your eyes", you are actually loving the sun
07:26 and the sky behind the eyes.
07:28 The eyes are just windows.
07:33 So it's not so much about the body, the flesh, the eyes, it's about something behind the
07:37 eyes and when that something behind is not there, when there is death or unconsciousness
07:42 or madness, then you don't feel that magnetism, that charm anymore.
07:50 Right?
07:52 Now what is this consciousness, what is this force behind the eyes?
07:58 That is what pulls you.
08:02 What is that?
08:04 That is the subject matter of all spiritual inquiry.
08:09 When the poet saint, when the seer, when the guru, when the rishi, when the prophet meditates,
08:29 exactly and only this is what he wants to know.
08:35 Who is the one behind the eyes?
08:37 Who is the one behind the body?
08:40 Who is the one sitting at the heart?
08:42 What is this thing called prana?
08:47 What makes the body tick?
08:49 Is the body just a machine?
08:52 Are you getting it?
08:56 That is what every wise man has wanted to know.
09:03 What is consciousness?
09:08 The answer has never quite arrived because the answer is to a question that is itself
09:20 in consciousness.
09:26 Only in your consciousness do you ask what is consciousness and you ask what is consciousness
09:32 so that your consciousness may feel a little relaxed, a little eswajed.
09:41 Every question is like a pin prick.
09:45 Every question is like a hurt.
09:50 Every question is a bit of a wound.
09:53 You try to get an answer so that the wound might be healed.
10:02 So the question is in consciousness and the question is there so that the consciousness
10:06 may relax.
10:07 Do you see this?
10:10 The question is in consciousness, the question is itself in the form of a disturbance of
10:16 consciousness and the disturbance exists so that the disturbance may relax.
10:24 The question exists so that the answer may solve the problem.
10:32 The answer doesn't quite arrive.
10:35 But if one is a little meditative, if one is attentive, one gets to see that if all
10:43 that I want is relaxation and freedom from the question, then why not be directly free?
10:51 Why not just ask to be free rather than ask for an answer?
11:04 So one then gets to know that just as one discovered that one likes the consciousness
11:10 behind the body, similarly what consciousness itself likes is its own relaxation.
11:19 Higher than the body is consciousness and higher than consciousness is the relaxation
11:25 of consciousness.
11:30 Those who love body must discover that they actually love consciousness and those who
11:40 are in love with consciousness, to be in love with consciousness means to be in love with
11:46 the mind and those who love consciousness must discover that what they actually love
11:54 is a deep stillness, a silence behind consciousness.
12:05 Finally it is that silence that is the most lovable.
12:09 Finally it is that silence that enarmors you.
12:14 You are madly in love with that final stillness.
12:18 But because you are not penetrative enough, so you keep thinking that you are in love
12:25 with a superficial body.
12:28 If you will look at it a little closely, it will be easy to discover that it is not the
12:33 body that you love.
12:38 And if you love thoughts, intellect, consciousness, then too you must be a little more penetrative
12:47 and you will find that it is not even somebody's intellect or thoughts or sharpness or mental
12:55 agility that you love.
12:57 It is only his stillness that you are so crazily in love with.
13:03 Are you getting it?
13:06 That stillness, that silence is the finality.
13:13 Body is alright as long as it is a manifestation of consciousness.
13:18 As long as you love the body because the body is a physical manifestation of the mind, it
13:23 is alright.
13:26 The body is lovable if you can see that body is nothing but the mind in expansion, the
13:32 mind as material.
13:36 Then body is lovable and the mind is lovable as long as you can see that the mind is nothing
13:43 but the center, the stillness, the silence in expression, in manifestation.
13:52 The mind is an expression of the source and the body is an expression of the mind.
13:59 Then the mind and the body both are lovable.
14:06 When you are in love with the source, then the mind is lovely.
14:12 When the mind is lovely, then the body is lovely.
14:14 But if you are a body lover without knowing consciousness, then life is hell.
14:25 And if you are a mind lover without knowing the base, the source of mind, then again life
14:32 is hell.
14:34 That is why the author is saying that to love a human being is utter hell.
14:40 Because when we say that we love a human being, what we mean is that we love the other's body.
14:47 I repeat, the body is sacred when it is an expression of the mind, when it is understood
14:55 as an expression of the mind.
14:57 And the mind is sacred when the mind is an expansion, a manifestation of the center of
15:08 stillness, silence, of nothingness.
15:15 Starting from the start, everything is wonderful.
15:22 But if you are crazy after the fruit, with no reverence for the root, then life is hell.
15:34 Is that clear?
15:35 Thank you.
15:37 Copyright © 2020 Mooji Media Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
15:39 No part of this recording may be reproduced without Mooji Media Ltd.'s express consent.
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