• last year


00:00 The car also hit several visitors, causing one of the victims to run to the hospital.
00:06 From this incident, the car dealer has communicated with the police and said he is ready to take responsibility.
00:13 Meanwhile, the mall said that the car accident was purely an accident.
00:20 Hopefully, this incident can be a lesson to be careful at work so as not to harm others.
00:30 Not long ago, a motorcycle theft occurred on Raya Samarang Street, Sirnajaya, Garut.
00:48 From the footage, it can be seen that the motorcycle is parked in front of a shop.
00:52 It is suspected that the motorcycle is parked in a state of a lock still sticking to the motorcycle.
00:56 Shortly after, two men who were in a fight using a motorcycle suddenly approached the motorcycle.
01:03 It didn't take long, in seconds, the perpetrator managed to bring the victim's motorcycle to the middle of the crowd.
01:10 The victim, who realized that his motorcycle was being taken away, was in a panic and was unable to chase the perpetrator.
01:17 It's a pity, hopefully this incident can be a lesson so that the world's friends won't be disheartened when leaving their vehicles.
01:25 In addition to the store, the theft also took place at a mini market on Jalan Lautimur, Kelurahan Bejen, Karanganyar District.
01:38 The worst thing is that the perpetrator came with a firearm when launching the robbery.
01:44 Fortunately, the perpetrator's action was successfully failed by two mini market workers.
02:07 With his courage, one of the workers tried to fight the perpetrator when he tried to escape, although the perpetrator had a chance to point a firearm.
02:14 It can be seen that the two workers tried to snatch the airsoft gun and the bag belonging to the thief.
02:19 From this incident, the perpetrator had a chance to fire up to three times.
02:24 Two shots were fired to threaten, while one of them hit the victim's collar.
02:30 Fortunately, the actions of these two heroes did not cause them to suffer serious injuries.
02:35 The perpetrator was successfully arrested and brought to Polres, Karanganyar to be questioned.
02:40 Wow, salute to the courage of these mini market workers.
02:46 Hopefully there will be a reward from the boss for your courage.
02:50 [Music]
02:55 Allahu Akbar!
02:58 A Palestinian said, "We will not sell the Al-Aqsa Mosque, we will not steal the Baitul Maktis, and we will not leave the Palestinians."
03:17 Millions of Indonesian citizens gathered in Monas on Sunday to defend Palestine.
03:23 The majority of the people wearing white clothes were covered with shawls with the Palestinian flag on them.
03:28 From the flag, shawl, to the headband.
03:32 [Music]
03:50 Not only the citizens, but also figures such as Puan, Anis Baswedan, Yusuf Kala, Retno Marsudi, and Yakut Honil Komas,
03:58 also participated in the Palestinian defense action.
04:02 Not only demanding to immediately stop the attack on Palestine,
04:10 Minister of Religion Yakut Honil also invited Muslims to join the prayer of the unseen and prayed that the Palestinian citizens would immediately get their independence.
04:24 Not only the figures, but also the artists such as Ari Untung,
04:28 Al-Ghozali, Dara Arafah, Abizar, and others also participated in the freedom of Palestine.
04:51 Not only to go down to the streets, but also to share their courage to be a support for the Palestinian citizens.
04:56 Just like what Najwa Sihab did, who also shared a thousand of courage as a reminder that what happened in Gaza was not a religious conflict, but a tragedy of humanity.
05:07 [Music]
05:36 Until now, the Israeli attack on Palestine is so hot.
05:40 Israeli attacks are beginning to target public facilities such as hospitals, shelters, and places of worship.
05:46 The number of people who died in the world has also increased due to the attack.
05:52 We pray that friends in Palestine will soon find justice, friends of the world.
05:58 Do you want to marry me?
06:05 [Music]
06:09 The happy moment was just felt by the ex-wife of the Muslim, Nathalie Hocher,
06:14 who was just proposed by her boyfriend, Ladislao Kamara, at the top of Mount Gede.
06:19 But there is an interesting and romantic story behind the proposal of Nathalie and her boyfriend.
06:27 At first, Ladislao's boyfriend had planned this proposal at the top of Mount Gede.
06:34 So he deliberately invited Nathalie to climb together.
06:38 You heard it, right? I came here because I ...
06:43 Actually, I don't know why.
06:44 So you don't know why.
06:46 So I actually invited Nathalie here because I want to propose to her at the top of Mount Gede.
06:52 Why did I choose the mountain?
06:54 Because there is a philosophy.
06:56 What is the philosophy?
06:57 To achieve beauty, there is a process.
07:00 But, shh, don't say anything. Let's just go.
07:05 If they are in love, their struggle is not just for fun.
07:09 Proposing at the top of Mount Gede, even the cold person asks for forgiveness,
07:12 there is nothing for them.
07:15 I knew you were the one.
07:20 I don't want to make it like a lie.
07:28 We have a new culture.
07:30 I'm really in love with you.
07:36 And I bring you here to Mount Gede.
07:41 Even though I know you're really mad at me.
07:44 I'm just here.
07:45 But, there is one thing that I want to give you.
07:52 (Nathalie's proposal)
07:54 Ladislau's plan was successful.
08:18 Nathalie couldn't say anything other than accepting the proposal.
08:21 It's so romantic.
08:24 What? I didn't hear anything.
08:28 Finally, she said yes.
08:34 (Nathalie's proposal)
08:36 Even Ladislau's boyfriend said yes to Nathalie.
08:55 I promise you one thing.
08:57 You and Azam, I'll take care of you.
09:03 Maybe you're tired of hearing me say this.
09:06 But, I told you from the beginning.
09:09 I know where I'm stepping.
09:11 I know where I'm stepping.
09:13 And I really know what I'm doing.
09:16 Even though you're a stubborn person, I know.
09:21 But, if we all start with Bismillah,
09:27 there will be a way.
09:30 (Nathalie's proposal)
09:32 As the saying goes,
09:46 "It's better to be together than to be apart."
09:49 If Nathalie is stubborn, she'll be proposed later.
09:52 Congratulations, Nathalie and her boyfriend.
09:55 I hope you can be together forever.
09:59 Amen.
10:01 There's no end to the world friends who talk about kids.
10:19 There's always a kid who's so naughty.
10:22 He even made a headband.
10:25 Just like some of these kids.
10:27 Like this girl who's showing her special ability.
10:33 Even adults are not good at using this food.
10:38 Even though she's still a kid,
10:44 her little sister, Arumi, is very naughty when using chopsticks.
10:50 Look at her.
10:51 Even though she failed to pick up the bowl,
10:54 she managed to pick up the bowl with chopsticks.
10:59 Of course, the comments from netizens are amazed.
11:08 "I'm embarrassed with my sister who's 20 years old and can't use chopsticks."
11:12 "The team can't use chopsticks, so we're gathering here."
11:15 "I'm 24 years old and I can't use chopsticks."
11:18 "I'm insecure."
11:20 It turns out that there are many adults who can't use chopsticks.
11:27 Don't be embarrassed if you lose to your little sister.
11:29 Is there any world friends who can't use chopsticks?
11:45 Who would think that this is the stone from the movie "Avengers"?
11:49 No, guys.
11:56 Even though it's small, this stone has a miracle.
12:00 This unique stone was found by Eric Rintamaki.
12:03 Yes, it's the one who gave the name "Europa Light".
12:14 Even though it's a miracle,
12:16 these stones look like the crickets that are often found on the beach.
12:19 The difference is that these stones can shine when exposed to ultraviolet light.
12:23 At that time, the sparkles appeared,
12:26 starting from the color blue and green from the stones.
12:30 Wow, it's beautiful, right?
12:34 "We found a big one."
12:36 "Let's use this light instead, just for the video."
12:42 "Oh my God."
12:44 "There you go, pick that up."
12:46 "Pick that up, Shirley. Oh, it's amazing."
12:49 "Wow."
12:55 According to the experts,
12:58 this Europa Light stone is a shenite stone
13:01 that contains sodalite fluorescent.
13:03 Sodalite is what makes the stone shine when exposed to UV light.
13:08 If you want to hunt this stone,
13:11 you have to come to Temenanjung atop Michigan
13:13 because this stone can only be found there.
13:17 Wow, I want to see it right away.
13:19 Maybe when I hold this stone, I'll have super power.
13:22 "Let's try it."
13:30 It's no less than the pro with the little sister, Teman Dunia.
13:33 This one action is no less than the expert with the adult.
13:37 Who is Teman Dunia who still likes to go around in circles if you make eyebrows?
13:41 For those who still like to get dizzy when making eyebrows,
13:43 Teman Dunia can learn first from the little sister who is smart to give a trick for eyebrows.
13:48 Yup, with the help of eyebrow molding,
13:50 this little sister in blue clothes immediately shows how easy it is to make eyebrows.
13:57 "Don't forget to click the yellow button below."
14:00 And it's true, when you finish shaping your eyebrows with the help of the molding tool,
14:04 it turns out that the eyebrows are really neatly drawn.
14:07 If this is the way, fix, go straight to the orange button.
14:23 Because it's proven that the little sister can make eyebrows like this.
14:28 "Don't forget to click the yellow button below."
14:34 "What's your right?"
14:45 "What's my right? Why are you driving a motorcycle?"
14:47 "What's your right?"
14:48 "What's your right? You can't stop me."
14:50 "Who are you? Why are you here?"
14:52 "What's your right?"
14:54 "What's your right?"
14:56 See you tomorrow morning on Trent TV.
14:59 [Credits]
15:02 I'm worried about my skin.
15:03 Use Sovel Daun.
15:05 Suitable for soft and soft skin.
15:09 100% of leaves.
15:13 Sovel Daun, no damage to the skin.
15:16 Sarimi.
15:18 New Sarimi, price Rp. 2,500.
15:20 Panti Bakso.
15:21 Sarimi Iga Sapi.
15:22 It's so dry.
15:23 False, false, false.
15:24 Sarimi Ayam Keremes.
15:25 It's so delicious.
15:26 Yes, yes, yes.
15:27 New Sarimi, price Rp. 2,500.
15:29 Sovel Daun, no damage to the skin.
15:31 I want to win.
15:33 Oops, I fell.
15:34 I have to find a reason to win.
15:36 Aha, follow me.
15:38 Be patient, hurry up.
15:39 Give Fruition Flake PimaGro with 4x DHA.
15:42 Support the smart brain.
15:44 There's a smart one.
15:46 The smell is delicious.
15:56 Stir-fried Chicken with Soy Sauce.
15:57 Masako Style.
15:59 Real pleasure from Masako with your favorite meat.
16:15 New Month, that's right.
16:20 As fun as November.
16:27 There's more in Prime Video.
16:30 Bebelag is great.
16:33 Rich in Fosgos that's clean.
16:35 Support good digestion.
16:36 And triple A with higher DHA.
16:39 Stimulate the creative mind of the child.
16:41 Both help build a big heart.
16:44 Bebelag, all-rounder.
16:46 Guys.
16:48 Al, introduce him.
16:49 He must be cool.
16:50 New, Benz Puree Bright Expert.
16:54 Soft foam with 5x Vitamin B3.
16:56 Clean the black spots.
16:58 Auto-bright face.
16:59 Benz Puree, Bright Face Expert.
17:01 It's time to eat.
17:05 Yum.
17:07 Want to eat?
17:09 Only 2,000 won.
17:11 At the nearest store.
17:13 Yum.
17:14 Yum, yum, yum.
17:15 Exciting for everyone.
17:16 Tired.
17:17 Tired.
17:18 Drink Tolak Limo.
17:19 Chili Pepper Formula that has been perfected.
17:21 100% herbal.
17:23 Drink after activities and before going to bed.
17:26 Smooth blood circulation.
17:27 Maximum rest.
17:28 I believe Tolak Limo.
17:30 Just rinse and drink.
17:31 Dry lips.
17:33 Swipe all with Lip Eye Sheer Color.
17:35 Magic color.
17:36 Not pale anymore.
17:37 Follow the natural color of your lips.
17:40 Moisturize, nourish and protect.
17:43 Lip Eye Sheer Color.
17:45 Healthy lips.
17:46 Black spots appear again.
17:48 New, Garnier Vitamin C Serum Morning and Night.
17:50 Every morning, brighten up quickly.
17:52 Every night, 10% pure vitamin C.
17:55 Serum Night, brighten up black spots twice faster.
17:58 Now available at a better price.
18:00 Natural at Garnier.
18:01 This is Adit from Bandung.
18:06 The winner of Mercedes-Benz, Kapal Api.
18:08 Let's make the spirit of billion.
18:10 Let's find the unique code and send it via WhatsApp.
18:13 I'm tired of waiting.
18:14 Hurry up.
18:15 There are still many prizes.
18:16 Get ready for an amazing achievement and cross your limits.
18:26 Stargazer X. Unleash the X in you.
18:30 Alex often gets fat,
18:36 flustered,
18:37 and uncomfortable.
18:38 This is a sign of a sensitive stomach that often happens to children at this age.
18:43 I recommend Envagro A+ MFGM Pro Gentle Care.
18:46 With higher DHA for a faster learning process and easier to use php formula.
18:51 Envagro A+ MFGM Pro Gentle Care.
18:58 Healthy digestion for A+ kids.
19:00 Finally, we can be together.
19:04 Why does it look like tree skin?
19:06 To make it not look like tree skin,
19:08 use Emerald Lovely Natural Intense Moisturizing every day.
19:12 With honey, avocado oil, vitamin A and B5.
19:16 Make your skin moist and soft.
19:21 WB Protection protects your skin from the sun.
19:24 From tree skin to soft skin.
19:26 Extra soft for your skin.
19:28 Emerald Lovely Natural Intense Moisturizing.
19:31 Live.
19:32 Live your best in every moment.
19:43 Envagro A+ MFGM Pro Gentle Care.
19:47 [Music]
19:50 Stay in good condition.
19:52 Make sure purity accompanies you.
19:56 Drink one can of Bear Brand every day.
19:59 Bear Brand. Taste its purity.
20:02 Cough. Maybe because of low immunity.
20:06 New. Imbus Cough.
20:07 New cough syrup from Imbus.
20:10 Natural ingredients combination helps reduce cough.
20:12 Maintain immunity.
20:13 Cough reduction. Activity maintained.
20:15 Imbus Cough.
20:16 Imbus.
20:17 This is a new way of internet.
20:19 When you can play on AXIS.
20:23 Control the internet as you want with Play.
20:26 N+ AXIS.
20:29 Our MRI is different.
20:32 ABC Clefon Coffee.
20:33 New and refreshing sensation.
20:35 Coffee mixed with savory coconut,
20:37 sweet of palm sugar and pandan aroma.
20:39 Practical. Use it directly when it's cold.
20:41 New. ABC Clefon Coffee.
20:43 New and refreshing sensation.
20:45 It's hard.
20:49 Let me show you how.
20:51 SGM Explore.
20:53 One by one with Iron Sea.
20:55 Support 2x intake.
20:57 Help the baby grow to the maximum.
20:59 Let me do it.
21:05 I have an idea.
21:06 Come on, Ika.
21:08 Wow, cool.
21:10 Ready to fly.
21:11 SGM Explore.
21:13 Support the next generation who think fast and brave.
21:16 Sajiku.
21:18 From Indonesia, one of the best spices producer.
21:22 Choose and combine with high quality chicken extract.
21:26 Sajiku Fried Rice.
21:29 Chicken aroma.
21:34 Hmm, delicious.
21:37 Chicken flavor and spices.
21:39 The chicken flavor is great.
21:41 Delicious.
21:42 Sajiku.
21:43 Indonesian delicacy.
21:45 Sajinomoto.
21:46 I love Royal Perfume Series by Soklin.
21:49 Because the scent is inspired by world celebrity perfume.
21:52 Hmm, the scent is elegant and makes me always dare to take a step.
21:57 Because Royal Perfume Series by Soklin, I win the world.
22:01 Drink Milo, it has a lot of nutrition.
22:04 Milo with 2x extract of milk, vitamin and mineral.
22:07 Come on, cheer up.
22:09 With energy of nutrition, everything will be possible.
22:13 Delicious.
22:14 Milo, energy for active everyday.
22:16 Aqua believe in the miracle of nature.
22:19 So, we don't use any garland.
22:22 Our garland is sanitized together before being re-filled.
22:27 Aqua 100% pure.
22:32 [Music]
22:35 If you're having a bad day, don't be happy.
22:45 It can be worse.
22:47 From the video, it looks like a teenager is going down the stairs.
22:55 Unfortunately, either he's not focused or he's having a bad day,
22:59 the man in black jacket is sliding down the stairs.
23:01 But, let's see.
23:03 The friend behind him is not helping, but he's laughing.
23:07 Suddenly, he's still laughing at his friend.
23:10 Eh, an unexpected event in his nature.
23:13 Yes, suddenly, this blue jeans man is also having a bad day.
23:18 He's also falling down the stairs.
23:21 He's having a bad day.
23:23 He's having a bad day again.
23:27 He's falling down the stairs.
23:28 The same place.
23:30 Of course, this unexpected moment is immediately flooded with comments from netizens.
23:34 Oh, the second one is having a worse day.
23:38 His head is hit by a nail.
23:40 It's like a life lesson.
23:42 People who like to make others laugh are falling down.
23:44 In the economy, one day, they will feel worse.
23:48 Karma is real.
23:50 Plot twist, the one who's watching this CCTV, will fall down when he's passing by.
23:54 That's why, don't be happy when you see your friend who's having a hard time.
23:59 It's hard to join in.
24:15 Eight football players are trapped in an elevator.
24:18 The more complicated the problem, the bigger the eight players' body.
24:22 It makes the elevator full of mistakes.
24:24 One of the trapped players, Zach Banner,
24:27 has posted some videos of their trapped players on Twitter.
24:31 At first, Zach only told how hot it was in the elevator which was filled with eight big-bodied players.
24:40 I was stuck in my room.
24:42 How long was it?
24:43 30 minutes?
24:44 I love you guys.
24:45 Everybody, I love you.
24:46 In the other video, it's dramatic.
24:48 Hopeless is crying and asking for help.
24:50 Then, he's shouting.
24:51 It's okay to break the mood.
25:08 In the other video, Zach and his friends
25:10 are singing a song with a catchy note while rapping.
25:14 Actually, the lyrics of the song tells their suffering trapped in the elevator.
25:19 Let's listen to the song.
25:21 It's good.
25:22 In the other video, Zach said that his cell phone battery was 2%.
25:38 My phone's on 2%.
25:39 While the fire extinguisher was preparing to help them,
25:42 they managed to get out of the elevator.
25:45 Yay!
25:47 I'm relieved.
25:48 Are you serious?
25:49 That was a good one.
25:51 In the other video, Zach and his friends were screaming.
25:53 I'm going to the toilet, Zach.
25:56 In this one,
26:11 a man's funny video was viral when he was in the elevator.
26:14 He was about to deliver the food, but he was scared.
26:18 He was trapped with a man.
26:22 Who's scared of a man?
26:25 The man was approaching him while he was panicking and shouting.
26:32 He tried to avoid the man by using his hand to lift him up.
26:39 He panicked and couldn't reach the elevator.
26:45 The man was scared of the man's shouting.
26:49 The man was confused whether he should go out or not.
27:03 He was so loud.
27:06 What should I do?
27:08 I'm scared.
27:10 Oh my God.
27:11 I'm going crazy.
27:13 This video shows a woman who was panicking.
27:20 She was at the edge of the road to try to start her motorcycle.
27:27 But she couldn't because her motorcycle didn't start.
27:31 A woman came to her and said that her motorcycle's standard hasn't been raised.
27:37 So, it won't start.
27:40 That's right.
27:42 It can't because it's the first standard.
27:44 No, it can't.
27:46 It can't start.
27:47 It should be the second standard.
27:48 This is the second standard.
27:50 That's the first standard.
27:52 It won't start.
27:53 But she didn't listen to her.
27:55 She was afraid that her motorcycle's standard has been raised.
27:59 It's still low.
28:01 It won't start until next year's Eid.
28:05 What will you do if you meet a woman like her?
28:10 This woman from Madura chose to celebrate her happy day simply.
28:28 She prepared a carpet and a carpet for the guests.
28:33 She only used the floor of her house.
28:36 She only decorated the carpet with some fabric.
28:40 It seems that the bride and groom came to the carpet with sandals.
28:47 Happiness can be obtained in a simple way.
28:53 The guests even gave the bride and groom a handkerchief.
28:57 And, ma'am, a lot of sawer, please.
29:00 I hope you'll have a happy and prosperous wedding.
29:05 Amen.
29:08 The bride and groom are ready.
29:11 The bride and groom are ready.
29:15 The groom and the bride's parents are ready.
29:20 God willing, the wedding will be successful.
29:24 The same thing was done by the couple from Banjar.
29:34 They chose to hold a low-budget wedding without fear of the gangsters.
29:38 In the middle of the wedding, the couple chose to celebrate their wedding in a grand way.
29:43 The bride and groom are ready.
29:45 The carpet is prepared with fire, sandals, carpet and all the materials.
29:54 God willing, the wedding will be successful.
29:58 The bride and groom are ready.
30:00 They held a small wedding at the bride's house with only the parents and the family.
30:24 They even chose to celebrate it casually without decoration or fancy decorations.
30:52 Even though it was a simple wedding, it was a successful one.
30:57 The couple's good intentions were conveyed and they got the blessing from the parents.
31:03 Who's the winner?
31:17 Aqua believes in the miracle of nature. Therefore, we don't use any garland.
31:23 We sanitize the garland together before we fill it up again.
31:27 Aqua 100% pure.
31:31 The new month is...
31:35 ...as exciting as this November.
31:41 More on Prime Video.
31:46 Prime Video
31:47 It's hard.
31:49 Let me show you how.
31:51 S Game Explore.
31:53 One by one with Iron Sea.
31:55 Supporting two times the intake, help the baby grow to the maximum.
31:59 Let me do it.
32:05 I have an idea.
32:06 Let's tie it here.
32:08 Wow, cool.
32:10 Ready to fly.
32:11 S Game Explore.
32:12 Supporting the next generation who thinks fast and bravely.
32:16 Guys.
32:18 Al, introduce him.
32:19 He must be a smart guy.
32:21 The new Men's Biore Bright Expert.
32:24 Soft foam with 5 times vitamin B3.
32:26 Quickly clean the black spots.
32:28 Automatic face bright.
32:29 Men's Biore.
32:30 The expert of bright face.
32:32 This is Adit from Bandung.
32:36 The winner of Mercedes-Benz Kapal Api.
32:38 Let's cheer up the billionaires.
32:40 Let's find the unique code and send it via WhatsApp.
32:43 I'm tired of waiting.
32:44 Let's join.
32:45 There are still many prizes.
32:46 Advertisement of Nippon Elastex 3-in-1.
32:49 One day, a family is watching TV.
32:52 Suddenly,
32:53 The wall is torn.
32:55 The phone is dropped.
32:57 Everyone ran away.
32:58 There is a painter who brings Nippon Elastex 3-in-1.
33:02 In one jar.
33:04 With Hydroflex technology.
33:07 Maximum protection.
33:08 Easy to absorb into the pores of the wall.
33:11 The spread is wide.
33:12 The drool must be cleaned using Nippon Elastex.
33:15 How are you?
33:19 What does it mean?
33:21 Come let's play.
33:25 Play.
33:26 Learn new languages, the smarter you are, the more optimal.
33:30 Envagrow Essential.
33:32 With important nutrition and higher DHA.
33:34 Help optimize your intelligence.
33:37 Come play.
33:38 Come let's play.
33:41 The smartness is not the goodness.
33:45 Envagrow Essential.
33:46 Good morning with Dulcolax.
33:49 Good morning, make you happy.
33:51 BAB is smooth again.
33:52 Bye bye, the pimples are all over.
33:54 Drink Dulcolax.
33:56 Work with 3 steps.
33:58 Help smoothen the difficult BAB.
33:59 Sembilit, overcome with Dulcolax.
34:01 Entering the age of 30,
34:04 bone, spleen and muscles condition is declining.
34:07 Drink Unlean now.
34:08 High in calcium, high in protein and collagen.
34:11 Unlean, the number one adult milk in Indonesia.
34:14 Also available in sachet packaging.
34:16 I always study in this program.
34:19 I'm sick, I'm sick.
34:21 Rans TV is always accompanied by the latest talk show program.
34:25 Open the day with the program of Siraman Rohani,
34:29 which is full of Islamic learning.
34:31 Islam is beautiful every day at 5 am.
34:34 Continue to the talk show that makes your morning spirit.
34:38 Discuss everything that is becoming a mouthpiece in society with a different package.
34:43 Ambiar Morning, airs Monday to Friday at half past nine.
34:48 Don't miss the talk show that accompanies your afternoon rest.
34:52 Everything is peeled off with a fresh style and that must make you laugh.
34:58 Brownies, Monday to Friday at half past one.
35:01 Don't miss the talk show that discusses everything that is viral.
35:05 Rumpin No Secret, every day at 2 o'clock.
35:09 The talk show that is most loyal to accompany is only available on TransTV.
35:14 We've used white, but why is his shirt whiter?
35:25 Oh, white.
35:26 We use Funnish White.
35:28 Forget the white, use Funnish White every time you wash.
35:31 With the innovation of Crystal White, the tone is gone.
35:35 Extra white shirt, really white.
35:39 Cool, the tone is gone, really white.
35:43 Forget the white, choose Funnish White.
35:46 ABC Coffee, a new sensation that is unique.
35:50 Coffee mixed with coconut, sweet, sweet and fragrant pandan.
35:54 Practical, use it directly when it's cold.
35:56 New, ABC Coffee.
35:58 The taste is unique, you will be amazed.
36:00 Hi, I'm Riel.
36:03 While I'm working in Tokyo, my body condition is still stable.
36:06 I always drink Indomil Steril.
36:08 The benefits are real.
36:09 Riel.
36:10 Indomil Steril, the milk is real, the honey is real, the deliciousness is real.
36:13 Indomil Steril, the benefits are real.
36:15 From Indonesia, the best spices are combined with high quality chicken extract.
36:22 Quality, present Sajiku Fried Rice.
36:25 The chicken aroma is delicious, the spices are delicious.
36:28 Sajiku, Indonesian delicacy.
36:31 I'm ready.
36:33 My mother is different, but my mother is great.
36:38 Since I was a child, she always knew what I needed.
36:42 Nutrisy and you always support mother's love.
36:46 They are dedicated women.
36:52 Independent women.
36:54 Always optimistic.
36:56 For health, they believe in windpipes, which are scientifically tested.
37:02 To maintain the strength of the body, so it doesn't get sick easily.
37:05 Wherever I go, I always drink windpipes.
37:08 Drink windpipes every day.
37:10 I have prepared a series of information to accompany you.
37:19 Don't go anywhere, stay with us only on TransTV.
37:22 We are with you.
37:24 TransTV is always accompanied by a series of infotainment that is always awaited.
37:29 Starting from the morning, we are the first to report the world of your idol artist.
37:33 Insert morning every day at half past seven.
37:36 In the afternoon, we have prepared a current update of celebrity life.
37:40 The following screen.
37:41 Insert afternoon, now present at the following time.
37:45 Accompany your rest, enjoy various news of artists that are packed differently.
37:50 Insert today, Monday to Friday at three in the afternoon.
37:53 What happened in the world of celebrities today, get the information only on Insert Story.
37:59 Monday to Friday at half past seven, and Saturday and Sunday at seven in the evening.
38:04 A deep analysis of every celebrity problem.
38:08 Insert Investigation, Saturday and Sunday at three in the afternoon.
38:11 The latest infotainment is only available on TransTV.
38:16 I love Royal Perfume Series by SOKLIN.
38:19 Because the scent is inspired by the world's celebrity perfume.
38:23 Hmm, the scent is elegant and makes me always dare to take a step.
38:27 Because Royal Perfume Series by SOKLIN, I won my world.
38:31 Wingscare, new!
38:33 Real Good sushi is available in 80 ml.
38:35 Real Good, 2,000 bigger!
38:38 2,000 more!
38:40 2,000 more!
38:42 Real Good sushi, the taste is really good!
38:46 New! WPC Porcelain Economic Packaging, only 5,000.
38:50 With strong active power, clean the cracks and kill germs, without damaging the surface of porcelain.
38:56 WPC Porcelain Economic Packaging, only 5,000.
39:00 Wingscare, so nice, play the prize!
39:04 Get 50 N-Max and billions of rupiahs.
39:07 Buy so nice, find unique code, register to WA.
39:12 Then send the code and free photo book.
39:15 Let's follow!
39:17 Indomie Hai Babis, the hot one, viral!
39:20 Hot Gua Seblaknya, literally, so viral!
39:27 Krupuk Seblaknya, crunchy, the wide noodles, chewy pong!
39:33 Hot Gepreknya, trending, the crunchiness, crazy!
39:37 Indomie Hai Babis Seblak Hot Jeletot dan Ayam Geprek, the hot one, viral!
39:45 Wingscare, new!
39:49 Real Good sushi is available in 80 ml.
39:51 Real Good, 2,000 bigger!
39:54 2,000 more!
39:56 2,000 more!
39:58 Real Good sushi, the taste is really good!
40:02 Wow, Moist has a new one!
40:04 Besides making your skin glow,
40:06 Moist Luminous White Brightening Cream, new!
40:08 8 times glowing skin, with luminous glow!
40:12 SPF 36 PA++
40:14 Love my Moist Cream!
40:17 Drink Milo, lots of nutrition!
40:19 Thank you!
40:20 Milo, with 2 times extra milk powder and minerals!
40:23 Come on!
40:25 With energy-nourishing, everything is possible!
40:29 Delicious!
40:30 Energy for daily activities!
40:32 Want a free vacation?
40:34 It's Fresh Tee Fresh Break time!
40:36 Get the chance to win vacation and thousands of other prizes!
40:39 Buy Fresh Tee with the gold-covered version of anything,
40:42 scan QR and enter the code behind the bottle cap!
40:44 Hurry to join before it runs out!
40:58 Don't be surprised if you're invited to this place.
41:02 Because far as your eyes can see,
41:05 there are only a few desolate and desolate sand dunes.
41:08 But this is a famous tourist attraction in Australia.
41:12 It's called Coober Fetty City.
41:15 Don't get me wrong, this is actually a city
41:23 that you won't find a building standing on top of it.
41:27 How come?
41:28 Well, that's because almost all the buildings in this city
41:31 are built underground.
41:33 People in the city choose to build houses underground
41:36 because the air temperature in this city can reach 52 degrees Celsius.
41:41 Wow, I can't imagine how hot it is!
41:44 Initially, these houses were built by the opal miners in 1916.
41:52 But after 100 years living there,
41:54 the workers were amazed and finally they were equipped
41:57 with various facilities like a normal house.
42:01 It seems like it's fun to live underground,
42:06 so you're free from the noise outside.
42:08 Anyone wants to try?
42:10 [Music]
42:17 It's crazy!
42:33 Two men are seduced by a female body carrier
42:36 using a bicycle in the 10th market district of Deli, Serdang, Bedan.
42:40 In the video, it seems that the female body is carried by one man
42:47 using a bicycle that is usually used to carry goods.
42:53 The body is lying on the bicycle and is only covered with a black cloth.
42:57 Meanwhile, another actor seems to be riding a motorcycle.
43:04 Apparently, the two men intend to put the body in one of the residents' houses.
43:10 A number of residents who are seducing the two actors
43:18 then asked them to bring the woman to the hospital.
43:23 The condition of the woman looks like a bruise on the face.
43:28 Her clothes are also smelled like iron.
43:30 According to the explanation of the man who brought the bicycle,
43:33 the woman is his girlfriend and they just came from a cafe.
43:39 Seeing the residents coming, the two men panicked
43:43 and then went to bring the body.
43:47 We didn't expect it.
43:48 We didn't expect it.
43:49 If it's a body, we wouldn't have expected it.
43:51 If it's still alive, we wouldn't have expected it.
43:53 We saw it was already pale.
43:54 We asked him to open it, but he didn't want to.
43:56 We forced him to open it.
43:58 So it's not a resident here?
43:59 No.
44:02 After being investigated, it seems that a man,
44:05 initially a resident of Rengas Pulau,
44:08 went to Medan Marelan District to bring the body
44:12 by ambulance to his family's house in Dusun Pau,
44:16 Hamparan Perak Village, Deli Serdang District.
44:20 The resident turned out to be a friend of the victim's husband
44:23 who stayed at their house for about two months.
44:27 The victim's family admitted that the victim died
44:31 from a car accident in the three markets of Medan Marelan.
44:36 However, the family doubted the victim's statement
44:39 and immediately reported this case to the Hamparan Perak Police.
44:44 Unfortunately, the victim managed to escape.
44:47 The victim's family hoped that the police could help.