Eddie Howe and Fabian Schar on Newcastle attempts to get UCL campaign back on track against Dortmund

  • last year
Eddie Howe and Fabian Schar on Newcastle attempts to get UCL campaign back on track against Dortmund
00:00 Good evening and welcome to our press conference ahead of tomorrow night's match against Borussia Dortmund.
00:10 We'll start with Sky Sports and if you want to ask a question please raise your hand and we'll come to you.
00:16 Hi Eddie. Hi Keith.
00:18 How are the lads all feeling physically and I guess emotionally after what has been two huge performances and two huge wins for your team in the last week?
00:27 Yeah, I'd say very good. Physically I think we'd be fine.
00:33 We haven't done any training, we prepared the game tactically but physically laid right off the players which we have to in this moment.
00:42 Emotionally very good, obviously feeling good about the last two results.
00:47 So fine Simon?
00:53 You obviously don't have your injury problems to seek at the moment. Dan Byrne got injured with his back at the weekend.
01:00 How is he ahead of this one? Is there any chance of him featuring?
01:03 Unfortunately not. Dan will be out for some time I think.
01:06 So it's another long-term problem. A couple of months is sort of a speculative number for us.
01:17 He landed on his spine. I think he's got a problem with the base of his spine so a huge blow.
01:23 I guess a huge blow for you in terms of what he brings to the team but also his character behind the scenes and what he's like in the dressing room.
01:30 Yeah, absolutely. He's been gigantic for us since he signed for lots of different reasons as I've continually said.
01:38 His character, his determination to win, his experience and his versatility as well.
01:44 So it's not just one position we're losing, we're losing his ability to play centre-back as well.
01:49 But it's something we have to roll with.
01:52 OK, anyone else? Lee Ryder?
01:55 Eddie, it's two years since you've taken over as the new Castlemaggio.
02:01 Would you have believed you'd be in Dortmund two years after that?
02:05 No. As I said, when we took over the vision was very short-term, it was can we stay in the Premier League?
02:14 And we hadn't won for some time. So it was firstly getting that first win and building the confidence from there really.
02:21 And once it came, I think we steadily improved.
02:25 But to be in this point so soon after those moments is something we don't take for granted.
02:32 You've instilled so much belief back into the football club, a lot of people say you've got the club back now.
02:38 That must give you immense satisfaction.
02:41 I think the whole feeling at the club gives us immense satisfaction.
02:46 The working environment the players have got, the culture we have at the training ground is very strong.
02:50 The relationships are really strong through the spine of the club,
02:53 which I feel for a successful football club gives you the best opportunity.
02:57 And most importantly, I think the relationship with our supporters and the players and us is really healthy and it's in a good place.
03:04 I think that combination is so strong for us at the moment.
03:08 Just finally, on the game tomorrow, a lot of people saying it's a must-win because of the situation with Dortmund overtaking.
03:17 Do you see it that way?
03:20 It's inbuilt in me, I think every game is a must-win.
03:24 The term is probably overused in football because I just feel that's the only way we prepare.
03:29 We prepare to try and win every game.
03:32 We never have anything else in our minds, so that's what we'll try and do in this one.
03:36 OK, I'm going to go to Jordan and then Luke.
03:39 You mentioned the injuries there as well, obviously you've got Emil Kraft unavailable alongside Mark Ritchie.
03:46 How do you pick a bench tomorrow? I've counted, you've actually got 16 first-team players unavailable.
03:53 Yeah, like that really. You just see who's fit and who's available.
03:57 We've added a couple of younger players to the squad, but we'll go with that.
04:02 That's all we can do. I think you're always going to get injuries.
04:06 I think the problem for us is a lot of the injuries we've got currently are on the longer-term scale,
04:11 which means there's no relief coming around the corner, which then leaves every game that you play...
04:18 You're in a dangerous position, but we wouldn't have it any other way.
04:24 I've said we've really enjoyed the games that we've had,
04:27 it's just the games have come at a cost recently, with injuries that you can't prepare for.
04:31 So Dan again going up for a header, falling on his back, that could happen at any moment.
04:35 But unfortunately for us it's come at the wrong time.
04:38 You mentioned Damian Ozil, a left-back on Matar,
04:41 what's the diagnosis, how long will he be out for potentially?
04:44 We don't know 100 per cent, I think he's seeing a specialist tonight,
04:47 but we'll get clearer information.
04:49 It's not going to be a short-term fix for Mat, he will definitely be out for...
04:53 I'd probably say around three months, but again that's a rough estimate.
04:59 Just to give you guys...
05:01 He'll be around that figure regardless of whether he has surgery or not.
05:05 We'll go to Luke and then Scott Wilson.
05:08 Hi, I was going to make a joke about you turning up on time for this game,
05:13 probably now with all these injuries it's taken the wind out of my sails a bit.
05:17 Sorry to draw you back to what happened at the weekend,
05:20 but Mikel Arteta's comments are still causing quite a stir back home,
05:24 it's everywhere, all over the media.
05:26 Have you had any further reflections on it, on what he said on Saturday evening about your victory?
05:33 No, I've had no reflections because I've been preparing for this game
05:37 and looking immediately at Dortmund and reflecting on our game against them,
05:41 which was just a short time ago,
05:44 and trying to get their margins in our favour from that, because it was a tight game.
05:47 There was very little between the two teams, I thought,
05:50 but they deserve to win ultimately,
05:52 and now we have to try and play better than we did a couple of weeks ago.
05:58 And with these injuries, your squad is stretched now, isn't it?
06:02 It's fair to say that you are really, really stretched in key areas.
06:06 We are, no denying that.
06:09 I think we've been stretched for a few weeks,
06:12 but with every player that we lose the problem looms a little bit larger,
06:17 because if we lose players from this position then we become in a very difficult position.
06:23 But there's nothing we can do, there's no transfer window.
06:27 As I say, a lot of the players have longer-term issues,
06:30 but the players that we do have have stepped up and they've all given more,
06:34 and that is the mentality we're going to need in the coming weeks.
06:37 All we can do is approach the next game in the best way we can,
06:40 and then the international break will come at a good time.
06:43 But we'll get very little relief from that in terms of players back after that.
06:47 Just one more about Arsenal, if I may.
06:50 Jamal said that he was very disappointed that people wouldn't shake his hand after the game.
06:55 What did you make of that?
06:56 I haven't seen that, Luke.
06:58 Scott, and then Matthew Roosebeck.
07:01 Eddie, you say about reflecting on the first game and the margins being tight.
07:06 How much do you feel you can tweak the way that your side plays?
07:10 Because it feels like, to a certain extent, Newcastle style is Newcastle style
07:15 in terms of pressing high, trying to be adventurous with the ball.
07:19 Is it easy to be able to make those kind of tweaks?
07:24 We always make tweaks for every game, for every opponent, because every game is different.
07:30 No two games are ever the same and we never prepare that way.
07:33 So as much as it might be difficult to see that, which I understand it would be,
07:38 unless you're seeing how we work, there will always be in-game changes, pre-game changes.
07:46 Looking back to the Dortmund game, it is a useful exercise, I think, the first game.
07:51 But it's not definitive because they may change the way they play,
07:55 we may change the way we play.
07:57 But I think it was two evenly balanced teams going against each other.
08:02 That game could have gone either way.
08:04 Of course we hit the woodwork a couple of times late in the match.
08:07 But I think the players have a good idea of what to expect.
08:09 They are a top team and they've got players that can hurt us.
08:13 So I think there's full respect from us, but hopefully we can get the margins on our side this time.
08:18 Matthew and then Martin Hardy.
08:26 Trent Owen has done well for you in recent weeks and came on at half-time for Burn at the weekend.
08:32 How ready would you say he is for the Champions League,
08:35 because he hasn't featured for you yet in the competition?
08:38 I think Tino's a very good player.
08:41 I think he showed that coming on to a difficult moment on Saturday,
08:45 because that game was evenly poised, the atmosphere was red-hot.
08:50 He's playing against a very good opponent, he's come on and he's done really well again.
08:54 And Kieran did really well as well, having to switch his position.
08:59 So we'll make the decision based on all the information we have
09:05 in terms of how we go with the team selection.
09:07 And fingers crossed the back four is unaffected.
09:10 Joe Willett made his comeback for you from injury in the previous match
09:15 against Dortmund in the Champions League.
09:17 After having a couple of outings since then,
09:20 what sort of level would you say he's at in terms of his fitness?
09:24 I'd say he's done really well.
09:26 I thought he made a real positive impact coming on against Arsenal.
09:29 Of course he played a part in the goal.
09:32 But his all-round performance and physical wellbeing has looked really strong,
09:36 so I'm delighted with his return to the team.
09:39 He always gives us a different balance in midfield,
09:43 he always gives us something different that we haven't got.
09:46 Martin Hardy and then Chris Wolf.
09:48 You're in Dortmund in the Champions League,
09:51 you've beaten Manchester City, Manchester United and Arsenal in recent weeks.
09:55 Does it bother you if you upset them,
09:57 or is that part of the process to become a regular team at this level?
10:01 Upset the...?
10:02 The English teams.
10:04 We've got no desire to upset anybody, just to try and win.
10:08 And however we do that, I've got no issue with that
10:11 as long as we do it within the spirit of the game.
10:13 We are competitive, we're hugely ambitious,
10:18 and a full compliment to the players on how they handled Saturday.
10:23 And is the desire you have matched by your players in terms of progression?
10:27 Yeah, absolutely.
10:28 I think you can see that from how we've performed,
10:32 the spirit within the group.
10:34 I think the players have handled themselves magnificently this season
10:37 in difficult situations.
10:39 Chris and then Craig.
10:42 Hi, Eddie.
10:43 Hi, Chris.
10:44 For Sandro, have you had clarity yet
10:46 as to whether he's allowed to play in friendly matches going forward?
10:49 I know you said he was going to be potentially involved with the team flying places.
10:52 Has he come out on this trip as well?
10:55 No, he hasn't travelled with us.
10:57 He trained this morning, and trained well.
10:59 Have we got clarity on that?
11:00 We haven't yet, Chris, no.
11:02 And in terms of, obviously, there was the information on Friday
11:05 that the FA are going to look into it as well,
11:07 has there been anything further that the club's heard on that?
11:10 Nothing that I'm aware of.
11:12 OK, Craig.
11:13 Eddie, you've been on the receiving end of some perceived VR injustices this season and last.
11:20 Do you see the worth in clubs' recent statements, such as Arsenal did?
11:24 I'm not going to comment on that.
11:26 That's nothing to do with me, how another team decides to handle that situation.
11:34 I know we've been here before, but I heard you refer to this morning as 'athletico townside',
11:39 which is a nod to the old Diego Simeone comparisons in light of Saturday.
11:43 What do you think about that, and is it a case of,
11:45 "You guys will do what you've already done to win a football match"?
11:48 Does that show versatility, almost?
11:50 Sorry, I missed the start of that. Who said that?
11:52 We just mentioned something on 'athletico townside' you referred to,
11:56 a nod to Atletico Madrid.
11:58 We just play the game, Craig, honestly.
12:02 I think we play hard, I think we play the game in a really strong way,
12:06 because we want to win, but I think we play fair, and we'll do the same again.
12:10 Damien Spurman, about the pack?
12:13 Firstly, can I just ask what kind of response you'd expect to what happened to Borussia Dortmund?
12:24 You're a long way away, Damien. That's what the problem is.
12:28 These things can happen, and I thought it was a really good game,
12:34 actually, watching it back. I thought Bayern played very well.
12:38 They got the goals at a good time for them,
12:41 but it was two really good teams going against each other.
12:44 I think when you come here, one thing we're guaranteed is a brilliant atmosphere
12:51 to play the game in. I think we will be prepared for that,
12:54 but then managing that through the game will be all down to our performance,
12:58 and how well we perform in the match and how well we start is going to be key.
13:01 But certainly we know the power of the home fans here.
13:04 Secondly, just going back to Martin's question about ruffling feathers,
13:09 does your message have to be as a group that get used to where we're here to stay?
13:13 No, we're not intentionally ruffling any feathers. We're just trying to win.
13:19 As I said, I want the players to stand up for each other.
13:22 I want them to play competitive football.
13:24 I want us to be strong in certain moments, which we have to be.
13:27 I think we did all of those things on Saturday.
13:30 We've got no issue at all with how we played.
13:32 OK, a few to finish. Simon Bird, then Oscar.
13:35 Hi, just a back to the Jamal comment after the game on Saturday.
13:39 He said he was fuming that Jorginho didn't shake his hands.
13:42 Should players always shake hands after the game,
13:44 no matter how competitive and tough it's been?
13:47 I can only speak for myself, I can't speak for other people.
13:53 I'd always like to think I'll shake the opponent's manager's hand
13:56 as a mark of respect to him, but that's just how I feel.
13:59 Would you always shake hands? Obviously you would.
14:02 Yeah.
14:04 On the injury situation, can you keep playing this core of your first team
14:09 repeatedly every three or four days, or will there become a breaking point
14:12 where you've got to throw some younger players in and mix the squad up more?
14:16 I think we're running out of younger players to do that with, Simon.
14:21 I believe players can.
14:24 I think Liverpool showed not so long ago in the Champions League,
14:27 the Premier League, they went on all fronts and they played, near enough,
14:31 the same group of players.
14:33 We're almost having to do that through necessity at the moment.
14:36 It wouldn't have been my preferred option,
14:38 I would love to have rotated with the real strength of the group,
14:41 but, yeah, we're not going to be able to do that for a while.
14:44 Last few, Oscar, and then Aaron.
14:46 Eddie, the England squad is out on Thursday,
14:49 Anthony Gordon continues to knock on the door.
14:52 Based on his form this season, do you believe he's deserving of a first?
14:57 I'm sure he'll be in the frame.
14:59 I'm sure he will be, because Gareth has been at a few of our games,
15:02 he'll have seen first-hand how well Anthony's doing.
15:05 But he's competing with very good players in his position as well,
15:09 that has to be noted.
15:11 So, let's wait and see what Gareth does.
15:13 You imagine Gareth will probably be watching tomorrow night,
15:16 surely performing on a stage like this can force his hand somewhat?
15:20 There's no better place to do it for Anthony,
15:23 or for any player wanting to get into the international team.
15:26 So this is the stage that you want to perform on.
15:29 Aaron?
15:30 Eddie, obviously we saw Kieran Tripp move to left-back the other night,
15:35 given the injuries you've just mentioned at left-back,
15:38 do you see you having to do that more regularly from the start
15:41 in the next couple of months?
15:43 It's an option for us.
15:45 I'm not going to say with any certainty what we're going to do,
15:48 because I'm not going to give my team away.
15:51 But, yeah, that's one of the options we have.
15:53 Another option is Lewis Hall,
15:56 what have you made of his start in the last couple of weeks,
15:59 and how close to him is he probably filling in for Burnham in the Premier League?
16:03 Again, Lewis would be another option for us.
16:06 I'd go back to the Manchester United game,
16:08 where I thought he started the game really well,
16:10 he was a real attacking option for us, scored a great goal.
16:15 So, yeah, I think he's in a good place.
16:17 OK, that's all we have time for, guys.
16:19 Thank you very much, everybody.
16:21 Nice to see you.
16:22 Cheers.
16:50 There's a way some come in now.
16:52 Good evening, everyone.
17:18 Fabian will answer any English questions in English and German in German,
17:22 and then translation will come simultaneously through the headsets.
17:25 We'll start with you, Keith, when you're ready.
17:29 Fabian, how are you feeling after the weekend?
17:32 It's obviously been an intense time for the players,
17:35 I know you had the rest at Old Trafford last week,
17:38 but how are you feeling physically and mentally,
17:41 and what is a very small squad just now,
17:43 given the amount of injuries that there are?
17:45 Yeah, I'm feeling good, actually.
17:47 Obviously a win always helps.
17:49 I think especially winning against a top team gives you a boost in confidence,
17:56 and obviously over the last few weeks I think the team does really well.
18:00 Everyone who steps in the team performing on a high level,
18:05 and I know we have a few injuries,
18:09 but I'm really proud of the team and the quality we have,
18:13 so I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
18:17 The manager was just telling us a moment ago about Dan,
18:20 the fact that he's going to be out for a few months with his back injury.
18:23 For someone who plays alongside him,
18:26 you've got to know him very well over the last year or so.
18:29 How big a blow is that for you guys as a team?
18:32 Yeah, a big blow to be fair.
18:35 Obviously Dan is so important for us, he's been brilliant,
18:40 and obviously not just on the pitch but also off the pitch.
18:44 So, yeah, another blow in terms of injuries.
18:50 But now there is time for other players to step up,
18:55 and obviously I'm really confident in the team.
18:58 Just finally from me, what are your experiences of playing here at the stadium?
19:06 Well, the game I played we lost, so not great to be fair.
19:11 No, I mean the stadium I know is going to be very tough for Newcastle tomorrow.
19:19 When we play at home, obviously the crowd gives us so much,
19:28 so it's going to be the same for them tomorrow.
19:31 But we have to focus on ourselves and just forget the noise and what's going on around us,
19:40 and just focus on our performance.
19:43 What has it been like over the last few weeks to play alongside Jamal Lassells again at centre-back?
19:52 Yeah, I think it's been brilliant with his stepping in
19:58 and his performance on a really high level.
20:01 So I'm really happy for him as well,
20:05 obviously before it wasn't probably easy, not playing too much.
20:11 I know how it is, I was in similar situations maybe.
20:15 But he's so professional and obviously a great character off the pitch as well,
20:22 and I think he performed really well.
20:24 So, yeah, I'm really happy for him.
20:27 Sven Botten's injury has meant that you've moved from the right of central defence to the left.
20:32 How comfortable are you with that positional change?
20:35 Well, it's going all right.
20:39 Maybe it's a bit different when you play the first game,
20:43 but now I've been in that position a few games,
20:47 so it's not too big a difference if you're playing on the left or the right.
20:53 So, yeah, I'm really confident.
20:56 Scott, and then Chris.
21:01 Hi, Fabian.
21:02 There's been a lot said over the last few years about money that Newcastle have spent and things,
21:08 but if you look at the team that played at the weekend,
21:10 Jamal, yourself, Sean, Callum, Jacob before he went off,
21:15 you've got players there who have gone on this entire journey with Newcastle.
21:19 What do you think it says about you as a group?
21:22 And just talk a little bit about the kind of journey that that group of players has been on with Newcastle.
21:30 Well, I think it's just improvement from not just the club, also every individual.
21:35 I mean, since the last two years, we've been on a brilliant journey, to be fair,
21:41 and everyone stepped up.
21:44 I think the togetherness we have in the squad, I've never had this in my career before.
21:53 It's unbelievable.
21:54 Everything's unbelievable, so I'm just really happy to be part of it.
22:00 I think that's the same for many other players.
22:04 We just try to fight for each other, and I think we've been so much better
22:11 and so much improvement over the last few years.
22:14 That's just great to see.
22:17 And how much praise do you think that Eddie and the rest of the coaching staff need for that?
22:23 Because at various stages, a number of that group have been written off.
22:28 Are they going to be sold? Are they ever going to make it at Newcastle?
22:31 And yet here you are, playing Borussia Dortmund in the Champions League.
22:34 Yeah, obviously, I would say the main character are the managers.
22:41 They've done unbelievable.
22:43 They just made it possible, the way they're coaching, the way they put this group together.
22:52 The togetherness we are in now, I think that's huge praise for them.
22:58 Obviously, I speak for myself, but I wouldn't be in that position possibly without him.
23:07 So I'm just really thankful for him and obviously the club that they brought him in.
23:16 I just try to give everything back, what I can do, and just leave the heart on the pitch.
23:25 Hi Fabian, obviously you played European football earlier in your career,
23:31 but when you signed for Newcastle, did you envisage yourself playing in the Champions League
23:35 with the club, given where they were at the time?
23:38 Probably not, no, to be honest.
23:41 At that stage, I wouldn't even think about it.
23:46 It was different times.
23:48 Also the years I played, the first three or four years in Newcastle,
23:54 were almost more or less you play against relegation, which is obviously very different.
24:02 That makes it even better for myself to still be at this club, which I love so much,
24:13 and now playing in the Champions League and having these good times over the last few years.
24:19 I'm just enjoying the moment.
24:22 You mentioned how much you love the club.
24:25 Obviously, you've said before you had some tough times when you weren't in the team.
24:29 Where does this stage in your career rank in terms of enjoyment and fulfilment?
24:34 Yes, definitely the best time of my career, to be honest.
24:39 Just playing in the best league, playing for myself, I feel really comfortable.
24:49 I feel like a second home, I've said that a few times.
24:54 I've been here now over five years, so I feel really confident.
25:01 Obviously, the city and the club gave me a lot, and I just want to give something back.
25:09 Just see the enjoyment also for the fans and the good times they have.
25:15 I think they really deserve it, and I'm just really thankful for that.
25:19 Craig, and then Lee.
25:23 Obviously the night against Paris Saint-Germain was arguably the highest point of your career.
25:27 At Newcastle, you then go into the Dortmund game, and it's totally the opposite.
25:31 Not for you personally, I mean as a team.
25:33 That's a reminder of how difficult this competition is.
25:35 Can you just compare the two nights from the high of Paris to the low of Dortmund,
25:40 and what happened there?
25:41 Well, it's the Champions League.
25:44 We have a very tough group.
25:47 Obviously, against Paris I think it was probably one of our best games and performances.
25:55 Then you see what Saint-Germain's Park can do as well.
26:00 I just want to see this picture, because that's where we want to be,
26:07 and the level we want to be game by game.
26:11 Obviously you can't reach it all the time, but that's the process we're in.
26:16 Obviously we can learn a lot from the Dortmund game and do it better next time.
26:22 On Saturday we saw a different side, you guys, a nastier side perhaps at times.
26:30 Do you guys enjoy playing like that, playing hard when you have to?
26:33 I enjoy to play whatever it takes to win a game.
26:38 Sometimes it's what's needed.
26:42 A game can go different ways, and I think we know what we need to do.
26:49 Sometimes it's not, obviously, you play unbelievably nice football.
26:54 Maybe sometimes you have games like Saturday where it's really tight,
26:58 and details and a lot of fouls, I would say.
27:02 And things off the pitch as well, which I don't really care about,
27:06 because at the end it's just the three points that matter.
27:10 Obviously we were really happy to keep them in Newcastle.
27:14 You played in Newcastle when you played five at the back,
27:20 parking the bus in relegation battles,
27:23 but now it's been a much more attacking style, which obviously you enjoy.
27:27 How much happier as a person does that make you on a day-to-day basis,
27:32 knowing you're going to play this good, entertaining football?
27:38 Well, the most entertaining for me is good results.
27:42 Obviously we have better results now than we had a few years ago.
27:47 I don't really care how you get a win or how you play.
27:52 Like I said, on Saturday it wasn't probably our best game,
27:56 but we won and it was perfect for us.
28:00 I'm just enjoying being on the team, like I said,
28:06 obviously the way we've been through and where we came from and where we are now,
28:10 it's just really nice to see and obviously I want to continue like that.
28:15 You obviously always wanted to stay at the club,
28:18 but did it come to a point where you thought you might have to leave the club?
28:22 There was a time when your contract situation was in the air, wasn't there?
28:26 Well, obviously there was a time where I was thinking what was going to happen,
28:31 because I was in a difficult situation,
28:34 I wasn't sure if the club is still here for me or they still want me to be fair.
28:42 But as soon as the new manager Eddie walked in, I thought,
28:48 "That's my chance." I kind of knew him before,
28:52 so since then everything has changed and I'm just really glad for the moment.
28:58 Would you complain if you finished your career as a Newcastle player?
29:02 Complain? No, I mean, I would love to, to be fair.
29:07 You signed a two-year contract at the club a year and a half ago,
29:17 what's the current situation on that and how keen would you be to extend that?
29:22 Well, he just said what the situation is,
29:26 and I said how much I love the club, how much I want to be here.
29:32 So I think I don't have to say anything else.
29:36 You've beaten Manchester United, Man City, Paris Saint-Germain, Arsenal,
29:45 how great is the desire of the players to keep doing that?
29:48 Because as a footballer you want to win games,
29:52 we want to achieve things and I think we've seen last year what's possible.
29:58 For that you have to beat the best teams in the world,
30:04 and especially now when I speak for tomorrow,
30:07 this group is so tough, so you have to compete against the best teams and win games.
30:14 That's why you play football.
30:16 And we all saw how tough it was on Saturday,
30:19 do you think other teams in England have been unsettled
30:22 or unhappy at the rise of Newcastle at the minute?
30:25 I don't know, and I don't really care to be honest.
30:30 It's just...
30:32 I'm not thinking what other people or clubs think about us,
30:40 I just try to achieve the best possible thing for Newcastle as a club,
30:46 and I think we're doing quite well and just focusing on that.
30:50 Finally, can I just ask, what are players' thoughts on VAR at the minute,
30:54 because there's so much controversy?
30:56 Do the players talk about it and what are their thoughts?
30:59 I think the media speak more than us players, to be fair.
31:05 I know there's a lot of things going on, decisions,
31:09 people have different opinions and stuff like this,
31:14 but as a player you're on the pitch and you want to play football
31:18 and you can't really change anything.
31:21 So I think for us it's best just to focus on the game and forget the rest.
31:28 Obviously sometimes you have decisions where you're not happy with,
31:35 but there's nothing you really can do, so forget it and just focus on football.
31:40 Oscar, to finish off, please.
31:42 You've alluded to the tough times you had here before Eddie came in,
31:46 you're out of the side considering your future,
31:49 here on the eve of the huge Champions League game,
31:52 have you proved the former manager wrong?
31:54 I don't know. You have to ask him.
32:00 I think I've had two great years now under Eddie,
32:07 I think I've performed on the highest level and I've improved a lot under Eddie.
32:15 He made me a better player and obviously when the team is doing well
32:19 it's easier as a player to improve.
32:22 I'm just happy to see the way the club has been and where I was as well and where it's now.
32:32 There was this perception that maybe you couldn't play in a back four,
32:37 what did you make of that at the time?
32:39 Are you able to laugh now at those?
32:41 I don't know, who said that?
32:43 There was this idea potentially under the previous manager that you weren't comfortable in a back four.
32:47 Yeah, well, I feel quite comfortable in the back four.
32:52 Did you say a minute ago that you knew Eddie before?
32:57 Before he joined the club, did you say a moment ago you'd had dealings with Eddie before?
33:02 Yeah, we had contact before when he was manager at Bournemouth.
33:07 A few years ago, yeah.
33:10 Thanks very much everyone.
33:13 Thank you.
