00:00 [music playing]
00:02 [music playing]
00:05 [music playing]
00:07 [music playing]
00:09 [music playing]
00:11 [music playing]
00:13 [music playing]
00:15 [music playing]
00:17 [music playing]
00:19 [music playing]
00:21 [music playing]
00:23 [music playing]
00:25 [music playing]
00:27 [music playing]
00:29 [music playing]
00:31 [music playing]
00:33 [music playing]
00:35 - Die!
00:35 (coughs)
00:36 - Oh.
00:37 (coughs)
00:38 Smoked.
00:39 (coughs)
00:40 (whimsical music)
00:43 (whimsical music)
00:46 (whimsical music)
00:48 (door slams)
00:59 (dramatic music)
01:02 (dramatic music)
01:05 (dramatic music)
01:08 (dramatic music)
01:10 (dramatic music)
01:13 (roaring)
01:23 (crashing)
01:26 (growling)
01:30 (whimsical music)
01:34 (dramatic music)
01:37 (dramatic music)
01:42 - Temper, temper, shame on you.
01:47 You never see me lose my temper, do you?
01:50 - No.
01:51 - Well, I'm not going out with you again
01:53 until you cure that temper.
01:55 - Oh, Jessie, I'm sorry.
01:57 The gate.
02:00 - Go!
02:02 (dramatic music)
02:05 - Temper, temper, temper.
02:13 Temperature of my mail.
02:16 The Tootsbury Institute of Temperation.
02:19 Oh boy, oh boy.
02:22 (dramatic music)
02:25 - Let's be brief and get right to the point.
02:30 I'm an insult machine
02:31 representing the Tootsbury Institute of Temperism.
02:33 If you can take my insults for 10 minutes
02:36 and still control your temper,
02:38 you'll be cured forever.
02:40 - Wonderful.
02:41 - You promised to give me your attention,
02:42 your whole attention,
02:44 nothing but your attention to help you, Hannah.
02:45 - Uh, uh, I don't.
02:47 - That's fine.
02:48 Now will you please look behind you?
02:49 (dramatic music)
02:51 (growling)
02:53 Sucker.
02:54 (laughing)
02:56 - Oh, that's not what I...
02:59 - Come over here.
03:00 (clicking)
03:02 - I'll kill you!
03:03 (growling)
03:04 - Hey, just a minute.
03:06 Ah, control yourself.
03:08 - Ah, I almost forgot.
03:11 For a moment.
03:12 - Psst, have you heard this one?
03:14 It's about the...
03:14 It seems there were two men...
03:15 (mumbling)
03:17 (growling)
03:20 (growling)
03:22 - Remember, before you lose your temper,
03:26 count to 10.
03:27 - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
03:30 eight, nine, 10.
03:31 - Hey, you're doing fine.
03:33 In fact, I'm going to give you a nice surprise.
03:35 (sneezing)
03:36 - Ouch!
03:37 (laughing)
03:39 - Don't lose your temper now.
03:42 You've only got a minute to go.
03:43 - 10 minutes to what?
03:45 - Now relax yourself.
03:47 - A what?
03:48 (growling)
03:51 (clicking)
03:52 (sucking)
03:54 - Now close your eyes and hold out your hand.
03:57 (clanging)
03:58 (growling)
04:00 - Well, and you made it.
04:01 (thunder)
04:03 (upbeat music)
04:07 - I want to be a new man.
04:09 - Congratulations, you're a new man.
04:12 (screaming)
04:17 - Daisy, it's the new me.
04:28 It's the new me.
04:29 - Daisy, it's the new me.
04:33 It's the new me.
04:34 - We'll see.
04:36 Test him out on the window.
04:38 Would you mind opening the window for me?
04:41 (growling)
04:55 (mumbling)
04:57 (growling)
05:10 (mumbling)
05:16 - You may.
05:17 (growling)
05:22 (thunder)
05:25 - Daisy, it's open.
05:39 (laughing)
05:48 - Wonderful.
05:49 After all that, you're still smiling.
05:52 - I know, I'll go out with you.
05:55 Already?
05:57 (laughing)
06:01 - Why don't you take that to the train?
06:04 - Oh, you don't like my hat.
06:07 - You can't come and try, you big bugger.
06:10 - Come on, you gotta go.
06:21 (upbeat music)
06:24 ♪ No one but Donald Duck ♪
06:27 (upbeat music)
06:30 (upbeat music)
06:32 (upbeat music)
06:35 (upbeat music)
06:37 (upbeat music)
06:40 (upbeat music)
06:43 (upbeat music)
06:45 (screaming)
07:02 (upbeat music)
07:11 (screaming)
07:13 (snoring)
07:20 - Oh, isn't it wonderful?
07:29 (upbeat music)
07:33 (upbeat music)
07:36 - Ah, you don't like that.
07:43 (upbeat music)
07:49 (screaming)
07:51 (growling)
08:00 (upbeat music)
08:02 (whistling)
08:12 (upbeat music)
08:14 (thunder)
08:26 (upbeat music)
08:29 (crying)
08:33 (whistling)
08:40 (thud)
08:49 (upbeat music)
08:55 (whistling)
08:57 - Gary Duck, river boy number six.
09:07 - Six?
09:09 (gasps)
09:12 - Hey, come on, let's get going.
09:24 (whirring)
09:26 (groans)
09:34 - Oh, please.
09:35 (coughing)
09:40 (tires screeching)
09:46 (upbeat music)
09:50 (upbeat music)
09:53 (upbeat music)
09:55 (sneezes)
10:04 (sniffing)
10:07 (groaning)
10:09 (upbeat music)
10:17 (sniffing)
10:19 (thunder)
10:29 (laughing)
10:35 - Okay now, put it on.
10:37 Put it on.
10:39 (gunshots)
10:42 That's better.
10:46 (upbeat music)
10:48 (upbeat music)
10:51 (sneezes)
10:56 (upbeat music)
11:00 - No.
11:05 (mumbles)
11:09 No.
11:13 (upbeat music)
11:15 (upbeat music)
11:18 (clapping)
11:22 (groans)
11:24 (groans)
11:34 Well, he got away.
11:36 I guess I'll go home.
11:38 (upbeat music)
11:40 (laughing)
11:45 (upbeat music)
11:48 - Oh, wasn't that a heavenly ride?
11:53 Where's that big beautiful number six?
11:55 - Ha, the games.
11:56 (upbeat music)
11:59 - Oh, no.
12:09 (laughing)
12:12 (upbeat music)
12:15 (roaring)
12:38 (upbeat music)
12:41 (roaring)
12:43 - Sally, ho!
12:46 (screaming)
12:50 (upbeat music)
12:52 (dramatic music)
13:06 (dramatic music)
13:09 (dramatic music)
13:12 (dramatic music)
13:15 (dramatic music)
13:18 (speaking foreign language)
13:21 (speaking foreign language)
13:25 (speaking foreign language)
13:28 (speaking foreign language)
13:32 (laughing)
13:34 (speaking foreign language)
13:38 (laughing)
13:52 (upbeat music)
13:56 (singing in foreign language)
14:00 (upbeat music)
14:02 (singing in foreign language)
14:06 (upbeat music)
14:31 (speaking foreign language)
14:59 (speaking foreign language)
15:03 (speaking foreign language)
15:06 (speaking foreign language)
15:10 (speaking foreign language)
15:14 (speaking foreign language)
15:25 (speaking foreign language)
15:40 triple the plus root form.
15:42 (dramatic music)
15:45 (screaming)
15:47 (thudding)
15:50 (groaning)
15:54 (speaking foreign language)
15:59 (speaking foreign language)
16:03 (speaking foreign language)
16:07 (speaking foreign language)
16:11 (speaking foreign language)
16:15 (speaking foreign language)
16:18 (screaming)
16:22 (meowing)
16:26 (dramatic music)
16:31 (speaking foreign language)
16:37 (upbeat music)
16:44 (upbeat music)
16:46 (meowing)
16:54 (screaming)
16:58 (speaking foreign language)
17:12 (clock ticking)
17:15 (meowing)
17:41 (panting)
17:43 (speaking foreign language)
17:48 (meowing)
17:52 (meowing)
17:57 (meowing)
18:09 (meowing)
18:11 (panting)
18:14 (speaking foreign language)
18:22 (meowing)
18:27 (speaking foreign language)
18:37 (meowing)
18:39 (speaking foreign language)
18:51 (meowing)
18:58 (speaking foreign language)
19:06 (meowing)
19:08 (speaking foreign language)
19:35 (meowing)
19:37 (alarm ringing)
19:41 (meowing)
19:44 (speaking foreign language)
19:49 (meowing)
19:53 (thunder rumbling)
20:05 (splashing)
20:07 (speaking foreign language)
20:15 (upbeat music)
20:20 (meowing)
20:27 (upbeat music)
20:30 ♪ With all the bad luck ♪
20:37 ♪ No one but Donald Duck ♪
20:39 (meowing)
20:41 - Have you ever heard of a Boodle Beetle?
20:45 Well, confidentially, neither have we.
20:48 But it seems that long ago,
20:49 these little creatures were plentiful.
20:51 But because of an inborn love for travel and adventure,
20:55 the Boodle Beetle is now a rare little bug.
20:57 The bug collector, or the entomologist,
21:01 regards this little bug as a prize for his collection.
21:04 - Going somewhere, sonny?
21:10 I wouldn't be in too much of a hurry if I were you.
21:16 There's danger lurking out in them woods,
21:19 and you're just setting yourself for a heap of trouble.
21:22 You know, there's not many of us Boodles left,
21:26 and it's just because too many of them
21:28 have set out across that stream and never come back.
21:32 And here you go, setting your cap for the same medicine.
21:36 Sit down, sonny, and let me tell you a story.
21:39 When I was a young pup and full of vinegar,
21:46 just like yourself, I had ideas of adventure, too.
21:52 So I packed my bag and said goodbye to my home.
21:56 I'm a little funny about this sentimental stuff.
22:00 And set out for what was going to be
22:02 the doggone-dest adventure.
22:04 I'll have to admit, it was pretty fascinating at first.
22:09 (playful music)
22:14 (sniffing)
22:16 (panting)
22:18 Well, I never had anything like this happen.
22:26 Uh-oh, what's this?
22:29 Big, tall things that disappear in the sky.
22:33 (dramatic music)
22:35 (thunder rumbling)
22:45 (dramatic music)
22:47 (thunder rumbling)
22:49 Phew, a bug sure has to be careful
22:52 when he's out looking for adventure.
22:55 But unknown to me at the time,
22:56 there was lurking in the forest a horrible monster.
23:00 (grumbling)
23:05 (grumbling)
23:11 (dramatic music)
23:14 I give up.
23:15 Well, I guess I must have walked
23:18 hundreds of miles that first day.
23:21 I was just picking them up and laying them down.
23:25 I just didn't feel up to it.
23:29 So I thought I'd lay down for a little shut-eye
23:32 and tackle it in the morning.
23:34 Suddenly, I had the feeling I wasn't alone.
23:40 And there on top of the mountain,
23:42 I saw a most amazing thing.
23:45 Well, being a curious little fellow,
23:46 I decided to investigate.
23:48 And there it was, a horrible monster,
23:52 millions of feet high.
23:54 I sneaked out to get a better look,
23:55 and suddenly it moved.
23:57 I looked again.
24:00 Two hideous eyes glared at me.
24:02 (dramatic music)
24:09 It's Booger Beagle.
24:10 It's him.
24:11 Hooray, I found him, I found him.
24:13 (laughing)
24:15 Come on, small fry.
24:17 You're stuck most of the time.
24:19 (laughing)
24:21 Oh, no, you don't, you little shrimp.
24:24 You're gonna get a lot of that, you little.
24:28 (explosion)
24:32 I'll get you, you little brat.
24:35 (dramatic music)
24:38 (barking)
24:45 (sighing)
25:00 (barking)
25:05 - Good shrimp.
25:06 How do you like it, shorty?
25:08 (laughing)
25:10 There you are, little fellow.
25:14 Safe and sound.
25:15 - So, there I was, headed for I don't know what.
25:21 It was simply terrifying.
25:24 I tried again and again to escape,
25:27 but it was no use.
25:29 If only I had listened to Mama.
25:33 - Just think of it, you're famous Professor Duck.
25:38 Oh, boy, I shall just ignore you.
25:40 - Now what?
25:42 (slurping)
25:44 The door opened and there he was.
25:46 Suddenly, I realized that this was my last chance.
25:49 It was now or never.
25:51 - He's gone.
25:53 (siren blaring)
26:03 (barking)
26:05 - Well, sir, I was one happy little bug.
26:29 And do you think I cared what folks thought
26:31 about the sentimental stuff?
26:33 - No, sirree.
26:34 - So, you see, sonny,
26:40 home isn't such a bad place after all.
26:43 (laughing)
26:49 Oh, I was just thinking.
26:52 For all I know, that monster may be looking for me yet.
26:59 Oh, Mr. Biggle, what's an Einstein I do?
27:03 - One of the world's least appreciated scientists
27:13 is the ornithologist, or egg collector to you,
27:17 whose trail penetrates the wildest
27:19 and most difficult of mountains, the Andes.
27:23 Let us observe this brave scientist
27:25 as he goes in search of a giant conger egg.
27:28 (screeching)
27:31 Once the nest is sighted,
27:39 the egg collector's trouble really begins.
27:42 - Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
27:47 What a beauty.
27:48 (screeching)
27:52 Shut up!
27:53 Why, you stupid thing.
27:57 - Care should be taken to remove the egg
27:59 during the mother's absence.
28:01 If this is not accomplished,
28:03 it becomes necessary to seek cover.
28:06 (screeching)
28:08 - What is it?
28:11 (screeching)
28:26 - One should not be too hasty in selecting a hiding place,
28:29 for one may find oneself in a very hot spot.
28:33 - Come, let's have a talk.
28:49 Come.
28:53 (crackling)
28:55 (screeching)
29:12 (whistling)
29:14 - The big moment in the life of a baby condor
29:32 is when his mother takes him from the nest
29:34 for the very first time and teaches him to fly.
29:37 (whistling)
29:40 Sometimes storm clouds appear without a moment's notice.
29:55 (dramatic music)
30:06 A great deal of urging is sometimes needed
30:09 to get the young condor off the limb.
30:12 - Plano, Plano.
30:16 (clapping)
30:18 (groaning)
30:20 - But once the fledgling gets the feel
30:33 of the wind in his wings,
30:36 he comes in for his landing with all the self-assurance
30:39 of a veteran pilot.
30:41 (screeching)
30:51 (squawking)
31:02 (burping)
31:04 (gulping)
31:06 (laughing)
31:08 (squawking)
31:11 (thudding)
31:14 (squawking)
31:16 (splashing)
31:19 (dramatic music)
31:21 (whistling)
31:24 (whistling)
31:26 (dramatic music)
31:30 (whistling)
31:32 (thudding)
31:45 - Plano, Plano.
31:53 I got him, don't trip him.
31:58 (laughing)
32:00 - If the mother condor shows favoritism,
32:08 there's bound to be jealousy.
32:10 (laughing)
32:13 - Aw.
32:17 (squeaking)
32:22 (thudding)
32:27 (clanging)
32:29 (whistling)
32:40 - The egg collector often finds himself
32:53 in a predicament which calls for strategy
32:56 and he must even use a decoy.
32:58 (clanging)
33:06 - Get slits and rocks and dog straw and then you'll forget.
33:11 (squeaking)
33:22 (laughing)
33:24 - At last, the egg collector triumphant.
33:36 (scatting)
33:40 (whistling)
33:42 (scatting)
33:44 (laughing)
33:52 (dramatic music)
34:01 (whistling)
34:05 (whistling)
34:07 (dramatic music)
34:10 (whistling)
34:16 (squeaking)
34:24 - So you can see how difficult it is to get the egg
34:35 without getting the bird.
34:38 (dramatic music)
34:40 (scatting)
35:04 (whistling)
35:06 (scatting)
35:08 (dramatic music)
35:11 (scatting)
35:13 (dramatic music)
35:16 (scatting)
35:27 (whistling)
35:43 (dramatic music)
35:45 (whistling)
35:48 (dramatic music)
35:51 (dramatic music)
35:53 (whistling)
35:56 (dramatic music)
35:58 (whistling)
36:01 (scatting)
36:09 (dramatic music)
36:14 (whistling)
36:20 (dramatic music)
36:22 (whistling)
36:26 (whistling)
36:28 (crashing)
36:31 (whistling)
36:34 (crashing)
36:36 (whistling)
36:42 (clanging)
36:51 (scatting)
36:55 - Now, all together, boys.
36:57 One, two, three, four.
36:59 (dramatic music)
37:01 (laughing)
37:09 (dramatic music)
37:22 (whistling)
37:25 (clanging)
37:27 - The dog tags.
37:32 Yellow goes to the camper and four goes to the other one.
37:41 - Yeah, that's right.
37:42 - Now, boys, you must be lost.
37:46 - That's the way, guys.
37:52 One, two, three, four.
37:54 (dramatic music)
37:57 (splashing)
38:14 (scatting)
38:18 (dramatic music)
38:20 (scatting)
38:23, four.
38:24 (scatting)
38:26 (scatting)
38:48 (dramatic music)
38:51 (screeching)
38:53 (scatting)
38:57 - That's all, boys.
39:01 Sit down.
39:04 (speaking gibberish)
39:15 That's all, good boys.
39:17 And that's a hamburger to hold.
39:19 Thank you very much.
39:22 You're a goody.
39:24 (speaking gibberish)
39:26 Come in.
39:27 (dramatic music)
39:30 This is very exasperating.
39:43 (dramatic music)
39:46 (speaking gibberish)
39:51 (screeching)
39:58 (speaking gibberish)
40:04 (screeching)
40:07 (speaking gibberish)
40:10 (speaking gibberish)
40:18 (screeching)
40:36 (speaking gibberish)
40:39 (speaking gibberish)
40:42 (speaking gibberish)
40:45 (dramatic music)
40:50 (speaking gibberish)
40:56 (speaking gibberish)
41:09 (chewing)
41:11 (dramatic music)
41:18 (screeching)
41:22 (speaking gibberish)
41:25 (splashing)
41:31 (speaking gibberish)
41:35 (dramatic music)
41:38 (speaking gibberish)
41:43 (screeching)
41:51 (dramatic music)
41:54 (speaking gibberish)
42:02 (dramatic music)
42:05 ♪ Donald Duck ♪
42:19 Gosh, but I'm hungry.
42:28 Me too.
42:29 Hey, look up there.
42:31 (dramatic music)
42:34 (speaking gibberish)
42:40 (speaking gibberish)
42:43 Look what you've done.
42:50 Hey, look up there.
42:52 (speaking gibberish)
43:00 Oh boy, oh boy, oh.
43:01 Hey, wait a minute, stupid.
43:06 That's Walker.
43:08 Don't you know you can't walk on water?
43:10 Then how are we ever gonna get him?
43:13 Hey, look.
43:13 (dramatic music)
43:17 There's how we do it now.
43:20 (speaking gibberish)
43:29 (speaking gibberish)
43:32 (speaking gibberish)
43:46 Hey, look what I found.
43:51 Hey, turn it on.
43:52 (singing gibberish)
43:58 (dramatic music)
44:01 ♪ It's time to slow the man down ♪
44:04 (speaking gibberish)
44:07 (dramatic music)
44:12 (speaking gibberish)
44:15 (dramatic music)
44:29 (speaking gibberish)
44:32 Whoa, I can do it while you're gone.
44:37 (speaking gibberish)
44:40 (dramatic music)
44:43 (speaking gibberish)
44:50 (dramatic music)
44:53 (snoring)
44:55 (snoring)
44:57 (choking)
44:59 (thunder)
45:05 (thunder)
45:13 (snoring)
45:20 (whimpering)
45:21 (thunder)
45:24 Uh-oh.
45:25 Head overboard.
45:29 (speaking gibberish)
45:32 (thud)
45:33 (screams)
45:35 (whistles)
45:39 (speaking gibberish)
45:41 Aye aye, sir.
45:42 Hey, wait.
45:44 Don't go up there.
45:45 (speaking gibberish)
45:47 Oh.
45:49 Oh.
45:49 (whirring)
45:53 (whirring)
45:55 Ouch.
45:57 (screams)
45:59 (speaking gibberish)
46:03 (whirring)
46:05 (whirring)
46:07 (whistles)
46:10 Ahoy, chick ahoy.
46:12 (dramatic music)
46:15 (whirring)
46:20 (dramatic music)
46:23 (panting)
46:26 (singing)
46:28 Hey, Gale, get up.
46:35 Look out there.
46:37 They're coming after us.
46:38 Don't worry, skipper.
46:40 (laughing)
46:44 Huh?
46:45 Hey, Gale, look what he's doing now.
46:50 Calm yourself, Captain.
46:52 (laughing)
46:56 Gale, come on.
46:59 Quick, he's coming in trouble.
47:02 Fear not, the situation is well in hand.
47:05 (dramatic music)
47:10 Quick, get up.
47:16 Here we come.
47:19 Look, he's coming in on three o'clock.
47:22 (laughing)
47:24 (dramatic music)
47:27 Ouch.
47:28 (whistles)
47:30 (dramatic music)
47:35 (laughing)
47:40 (dramatic music)
47:43 (whirring)
47:45 Gale, look what he's doing now.
47:58 (laughing)
48:03 (dramatic music)
48:08 (whirring)
48:10 (singing)
48:20 (bell ringing)
48:35 (dramatic music)
48:37 (bell ringing)
48:40 (screams)
48:44 (singing)
48:48 (dramatic music)
48:51 (singing)
48:53 (dramatic music)
48:56 (sighs)
48:58 (dramatic music)
49:01 (screams)
49:03 (dramatic music)
49:06 (whirring)
49:08 (dramatic music)
49:11 (whirring)
49:13 (dramatic music)
49:16 (dramatic music)
49:18 (whirring)
49:21 (dramatic music)
49:23 (thunder)
49:36 Oh, sorry.
49:38 (dramatic music)
49:43 (whirring)
49:49 (laughing)
49:52 (dramatic music)
49:54 (screams)
49:58 (dramatic music)
50:02 (yells)
50:04 (yells)
50:08 (dramatic music)
50:11 (thunder)
50:15 (thunder)
50:20 (dramatic music)
50:23 (speaking gibberish)
50:26 (dramatic music)
50:31 (speaking gibberish)
50:47 - Are you a well man?
50:49 I think so, but you probably need a doctor.
50:52 Call Dr. Quack at Main 1300,
50:54 or you may be a dead duck.
50:58 (dramatic music)
51:02 (speaking gibberish)
51:08 (thud)
51:17 (dramatic music)
51:20 (speaking gibberish)
51:28 Blackout?
51:28 (screams)
51:43 (screams)
51:47 (screams)
51:49 (speaking gibberish)
51:52 (screams)
51:54 (screams)
51:57 (whirring)
51:59 (speaking gibberish)
52:03 (thud)
52:07 (screams)
52:09 (speaking gibberish)
52:17 (groans)
52:23 (dramatic music)
52:25 (whirring)
52:28 (groans)
52:32 - Huh?
52:46 My heart.
52:47 (speaking gibberish)
52:52 (whirring)
52:54 (speaking gibberish)
53:13 (growls)
53:18 (dramatic music)
53:21 (whirring)
53:23 (speaking gibberish)
53:28 (dramatic music)
53:32 (speaking gibberish)
53:35 (speaking gibberish)
53:42 (speaking gibberish)
53:49 (speaking gibberish)
53:59 (speaking gibberish)
54:02 (speaking gibberish)
54:08 (dramatic music)
54:19 (beeping)
54:21 (beeping)
54:23 (beeping)
54:25 (beeping)
54:28 (beeping)
54:30 (beeping)
54:32 (beeping)
54:34 (dramatic music)
54:37 (whirring)
54:39 (chirping)
54:56 (screams)
54:58 (chirping)
55:01 (dramatic music)
55:04 ♪ All the bad luck ♪
55:15 ♪ No one ♪
55:16 ♪ But Donald Duck ♪
55:17 (speaking gibberish)
55:21 (speaking gibberish)
55:24 Oh boy.
55:31 Yum yum.
55:37 (speaking gibberish)
55:42 (dramatic music)
55:45 (whirring)
55:47 (speaking gibberish)
55:54 (speaking gibberish)
55:59 (speaking gibberish)
56:06 (speaking gibberish)
56:12 (speaking gibberish)
56:15 (speaking gibberish)
56:22 (dramatic music)
56:26 (whirring)
56:29 (speaking gibberish)
56:40 (dramatic music)
56:42 (speaking gibberish)
56:47 (speaking gibberish)
57:00 (dramatic music)
57:05 (whirring)
57:07 (crashing)
57:11 (dramatic music)
57:14 (speaking gibberish)
57:21 (speaking gibberish)
57:33 (speaking gibberish)
57:36 (dramatic music)
57:41 (speaking gibberish)
58:02 (speaking gibberish)
58:05 (whirring)
58:15 (bells ringing)
58:19 (whirring)
58:21 (screaming)
58:27 (tires screeching)