kmfm launches toy appeal for children in hospital this Christmas

  • last year
KMTV's sister station kmfm is asking Kent residents to donate unwanted toys all to be given to children in hospital this Christmas.
00:00 KMFM's Give A Gift with the Bargain Hunter UK app.
00:04 A massive thank you from all of us at KMFM for your support for our Give A Gift appeal.
00:09 All your epic donations meant we could make such an impact to children in hospitals and
00:14 care across Kent.
00:15 So Rob, Give A Gift, what's it all about?
00:17 Give A Gift, what is it all about?
00:19 So last year we did it for the first time.
00:22 It's kind of evolved over the years where we did a shed load of toys, but ultimately
00:27 what it is, is we're trying to deliver as many toys as possible to kids in hospital
00:32 care or in at least less fortunate circumstances, but right here in Kent and Medway.
00:37 And you did that last year of course, as you said, what was the sort of response you got
00:42 from people not only donating the gifts but from those receiving it?
00:45 What did it mean to them?
00:46 Well let's start with the donation.
00:47 I would be lying if I said I wasn't super nervous because if you think back to this
00:52 time last year, it's where the fuel prices were going crazy, petrol was really expensive,
00:56 the food was going out of control as well and it's not much better now but it is slightly
01:00 better.
01:01 We were kind of going into it going, we're asking people to dig deep and that could go
01:08 wrong because it's not the right time.
01:12 So when we finished the campaign and we're having to ask the boss for more rooms to put
01:18 toys in because we filled them, we did 10,500 toys, it was quite, it was something special
01:24 you know.
01:25 Was it a good problem to have?
01:26 It was a good problem to have.
01:27 And what did it mean to people?
01:28 The thing is that it's the one bit that you don't see on the cameras because we can't
01:33 show you obviously many of the kids that are receiving the presents but these are kids
01:38 that are going to be in hospital the day that me and you are tucking into a turkey dinner
01:43 right?
01:44 These are the kids that are not going to wake up and see presents under a tree.
01:47 These are kids that might not even be waking up on Christmas Day with their own families.
01:52 So the way we've been talking about it on air is it's just that little bit of a smile.
01:57 It's just that five minute escapism.
01:58 It's that little bit of light relief that they wouldn't necessarily have otherwise.
02:03 So the difference it made last year was incredible and it's just the one bit that I wish we could
02:08 visually share but we can't.
02:11 As you say, you've set the bar so high and it means so much for those children.
02:14 Is it something you're going to keep doing?
02:16 Is this an annual thing?
02:17 Is it going to get bigger and better?
02:18 I hope so.
02:19 I mean listen, we'll find out if it's going to be bigger and better.
02:20 This is the thing with this stuff is that we're in this room now, we can't see, and
02:26 we spoke about this on Tons of Tins right?
02:28 We can't see anybody.
02:30 So it's not like you're walking out onto stage and you're pitching to 200,000 people, could
02:36 you all bring a toy and then you see them all holding it.
02:38 You don't get that.
02:40 So we'll have to see.
02:41 We'll do our very best.
02:42 We'll not only work with our audiences but also with some of our customers as well to
02:47 see if there's anything that they can bring to the party.
02:51 But I'm confident.
02:53 Ask me in a few more weeks.
02:55 It's day one and we'll see how it goes.
