Video Information: Samvaad Session, 16.1.16, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Delhi, India
What is Spirituality?
Who is Rishi?
How to know life?
Verse: नाहं कालस्य | अहमेव कालम् |
Narayan Upanishad .
Music Credits: Milind Date
What is Spirituality?
Who is Rishi?
How to know life?
Verse: नाहं कालस्य | अहमेव कालम् |
Narayan Upanishad .
Music Credits: Milind Date
00:30 How did the Rishi come to that?
00:32 That's what you're asking?
00:34 It's hurt, nothing else.
00:37 It's hurt.
00:40 Life hurts all of us, does it not?
00:46 Anybody here who has not been hurt?
00:49 Anybody here who is not carrying wounds?
00:52 Several times, right?
00:55 In fact, every day, daily,
00:58 the ego is a wound.
01:00 A wound that doesn't heal.
01:03 A festering sore, is it not?
01:06 Is it not?
01:08 Most of us
01:12 learn to live
01:15 with the perpetual sense of hurt.
01:18 Most of us become numb towards our hurt.
01:21 We say this is life, this has to be accepted.
01:24 And that's what we also teach to our children.
01:29 The Rishi is one who says, no,
01:34 life was not meant to be suffering.
01:38 He says, no.
01:41 I do not believe that I was born
01:44 to face hurt,
01:50 to bleed,
01:56 to tremble in fear,
01:58 to be suspicious,
02:00 to be struggling in doubt.
02:03 He says, no, no, no, I do not like this.
02:06 Like kids who stamp their feet.
02:11 I do not like this candy.
02:14 Seen kids like that?
02:18 The Rishi resembles those kids so much.
02:26 No, no, no, no, no, no.
02:30 This is not my nature.
02:36 This cannot be life.
02:38 This cannot be life.
02:43 And then he says,
02:46 what else is there? Only this is there.
02:48 I must know why is it the way it appears to be?
02:51 Why does it hurt?
02:53 More importantly,
02:55 who is it that gets hurt all the time?
02:58 He asks him out.
03:02 He dares him to show his face.
03:04 He says, you are always hurt.
03:07 You are always feeling bad.
03:09 Who are you?
03:10 Show your face, reveal your identity.
03:13 And that is Koham.
03:18 That is Koham.
03:22 Without being a little dissociated from Aham,
03:27 you cannot ask Koham.
03:28 He's asking, who is this?
03:30 And because this, this is so proximate to I,
03:35 he's asking Koham.
03:37 Again, again, again, he asks.
03:44 Again, you are hurt.
03:46 Again, mistaken.
03:48 Again, defeated.
03:50 Another error.
03:54 Another humiliation.
03:57 More tears.
04:00 Why? Why?
04:03 Who are you?
04:05 Who am I?
04:10 That which sparks
04:19 the process in Rishi,
04:23 which can be called process only as long as
04:27 you are the hurt entity,
04:29 later on, you surely say, no, it was not a process.
04:33 But that which sparks the process
04:37 is available to all of us.
04:39 It is life itself.
04:43 Life with all its movements,
04:45 excitements, ups and downs.
04:47 Something brushes you.
04:56 Something goes past you.
05:00 You are attracted to somebody.
05:02 Somebody appears pleasant.
05:04 Somebody insults you.
05:06 There are achievements, there are failures.
05:08 The Rishi says, what is all this happening?
05:11 I trust somebody.
05:14 And nobody appears to be worthy of trust.
05:18 He hurts me.
05:26 And the one who hurts me is himself hurt.
05:28 He is asking,
05:31 is there something that is fully trustworthy?
05:36 Is there something which is not a cause of pain?
05:39 That is spirituality.
05:48 That is so intimately intermeshed with life.
05:58 To live life honestly is to be spiritual.
06:02 Nothing else is spirituality.
06:04 Rituals, traditions, reading of scriptures,
06:07 no, not all this.
06:13 To be sensitive to yourself.
06:17 To really go into the stuff of your own mind.
06:21 That is what it means to be spiritual.
06:59 Has something really taken him there?
07:15 We compared the Rishi to the child.
07:19 Now is that example not a revealing one?
07:25 Has the child been taken somewhere or have we been taken somewhere?
07:30 And if the Rishi is similar to the child,
07:33 then has the Rishi been taken to some special position?
07:37 Or are we the ones who have been taken somewhere?
07:41 The Rishi has not been taken somewhere.
07:47 He is where he is in the childlike stage.
07:51 He is innocent.
07:53 If he sees X, he says X.
07:57 If he sees Y, he says Y.
08:00 Z is Z for him.
08:03 For us, X is not X.
08:07 For us, X is Gulab Jamun.
08:10 Y is not Y.
08:16 Y is sweetheart.
08:21 Yes, and what is that?
08:23 That is God.
08:25 So he has not been taken anywhere.
08:31 He is standing where he was at least as a child.
08:37 We have been taken somewhere.
08:39 We have covered a lot of distance.
08:41 We have covered a lot of distance from our center.
08:44 We have covered a lot of distance from our nature.
08:47 And because we have covered a lot of distance,
08:49 let this distance itself become the tool.
08:54 See how far you have come and see that you do not really like this distance.
09:01 Let us please drop the notion that the Rishi is special.
09:10 He is not.
09:12 We are special.
09:14 Can we please drop our extraordinary specialties?
09:20 Somebody likes to put a doctor in front of his name.
09:25 Somebody is so proud of his knowledge.
09:34 Special.
09:38 Somebody looks pretty.
09:43 Special.
09:45 Somebody has a fit body.
09:48 Somebody is so smart.
09:51 Somebody is entitled because of a relationship.
09:55 Special.
09:57 The Rishi is not special.
09:59 Ordinary. Very ordinary.
10:01 Very, very ordinary like a child.
10:03 [silence]
10:06 [music]