Materie prime critiche: la sfida di Iren per il recupero

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Del Fabbro (Presidente Iren):" Tema sottovalutato ma dipendere dall'estero è rischioso"


00:00 Critical materials are a very undervalued topic in recent years,
00:05 but to give you an idea, we are the second most industrialized power in Europe,
00:10 we depend on about 5-6 critical materials that we import from abroad.
00:15 We have seen how geopolitical tension can determine a reduction or even the elimination of raw materials supplies for the Italian market.
00:27 So it is essential to become more self-sufficient,
00:31 which means that where there is an opportunity to recover, we must recover.
00:35 We have open-air mining of critical materials such as electro-technical and electronic waste.
00:41 What is IREN doing? IREN has a plant in Volpiano, in Turin,
00:45 which recovers critical materials from video cards,
00:49 and we are installing, we have just had the authorization,
00:53 an innovative plant that uses hydrometallurgy to recover critical materials from the RAE to Arezzo.
00:59 To tell you what, IREN is candidated to be the Italian leader in the recovery of critical materials.
01:05 Think that with about twenty new plants in Italy,
01:09 we can recover up to 20% of the critical materials that we import today.
01:14 So a strategic choice, an economic choice, a very important choice for our country, IREN is there.
