Date With The Angels S2E04 - Catered Party

  • last year


00:00 [music]
00:19 You have a date with the angel, starring Betty White.
00:25 Bill Williams as Gus Angel, presented by the Plymouth Dealers of America,
00:32 who proudly sell and service the beautiful new Plymouth for $19.57.
00:42 The time, about eight months after Vicki and Gus Angel were married.
00:46 The characters, gold-plated.
00:49 The plot, aloha.
00:51 In Hawaiian, that means good day, goodbye, good grief.
00:56 [music]
01:08 What are you looking for?
01:09 Those invitations I gave you to mail.
01:11 I mailed them.
01:12 You what?
01:14 Well, you asked me to mail them, so I did.
01:16 But you never do.
01:18 [laughter]
01:20 They usually ride around in your coat pocket for days.
01:24 Gus, I've lost my nerve.
01:25 Clients or no clients, we have no business giving a party for people like this.
01:30 What's wrong with them?
01:32 Oh, it's not them so much.
01:34 It's what they're used to.
01:35 Sweetheart, I love our house.
01:37 You know that.
01:38 It's beautiful.
01:39 But these people come from the States.
01:43 They have nine million servants, and we're going to rent one maid.
01:46 Oh.
01:48 Seriously, sweetheart.
01:51 Their servants' quarters are bigger than this whole house.
01:55 They have acres of patio and fountains from Italy.
02:00 Oh, darling, I'm not complaining.
02:03 It's just an uncomfortable feeling.
02:06 Honey, the more money they have, the more insurance I can sell them.
02:11 Gus, we met the Van Normans in the receiving line at their charity party.
02:14 They won't even know us.
02:16 The Van Normans?
02:17 Of course they will.
02:19 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Norman are invited to--
02:24 Angel, Angel.
02:26 Aren't those the people we met in Rome?
02:28 No, those were the spigots.
02:31 What was that couple's name in Bermuda?
02:33 Remember?
02:34 Heavyset woman, very nice.
02:36 Looked perfectly dreadful in diamonds.
02:40 Could have been Angel at that.
02:42 What difference does it make we're not going?
02:45 Three million a day from all those oil wells.
02:48 Tall man.
02:50 Three million--
02:54 Well, they were awfully nice to us.
02:56 The least we can do is show a little common courtesy.
03:01 But how about the Fletchers?
03:02 I've never met them.
03:04 Sweetheart, that industrial policy I sold Fletcher could be just the start.
03:08 And Mrs. Fletcher?
03:09 She's the kind of a woman gets along with everyone.
03:14 That miserable woman.
03:16 Oh, honey, you've never even met young Angel's wife.
03:19 Oh, I'm not talking about young Angel's wife, whoever she is.
03:22 I'm talking about Carol Van Norman.
03:24 What, again?
03:26 It's so enchanting to meet you, Mrs. Fletcher.
03:30 She said that to me at least 10 times in the last month.
03:34 Charles, if she tells me once more that it's so enchanting to meet--
03:40 Now, now, honey, look.
03:41 You go to the Angel's party and you can forget all about Carol Van Norman.
03:46 The Fletchers will fit in now, don't you worry.
03:48 I've sold the boss and his wife.
03:50 Thank goodness for them.
03:52 But the Dupre.
03:54 Guff, we've exchanged one Christmas card.
03:57 Jim Dupre is the kind of a guy that really makes the party go.
04:00 And once he tells his story about the homesick alligator, your worries are over.
04:07 Suppose they won't come.
04:09 They'll come.
04:10 Hawaiian luau is just the sort of thing Jim Dupre will love.
04:14 Mr. and Mrs. James Dupre are invited to eat fish and poi with the Angels.
04:20 Oh.
04:22 We're going.
04:24 Why, even Hawaiians won't eat fish and poi.
04:27 For weeks I have been chained to this house by your stomach.
04:31 But a luau.
04:33 I wouldn't care if these people were giving a weenie bake at Pismo Beach.
04:37 We're going.
04:42 We're having a caterer, we're running the decorations, and you'll be a beautiful hostess.
04:47 So all you have to do is relax.
04:50 Guff, I just can't.
04:52 Sweetheart, what could possibly go wrong?
04:56 Oh, honey.
04:58 And as long as everything's going to be Hawaiian, I figured we'd put the buffet table about over there and
05:04 oh, maybe use palm fronds or something for a centerpiece.
05:07 What do you think?
05:08 Sounds wonderful.
05:11 Sounds terrible.
05:15 Honey, these are Gus's gold-plated clients.
05:18 They could put this whole patio in their barbecue pit.
05:23 Wilma, are you sure you and George can't make it to the party?
05:26 Oh, no, honey.
05:27 It's George's lodge night, and you know how--
05:29 Hello, Mrs. Angel.
05:30 Hello, Mr. Finley.
05:32 Hello, Mrs. Angel's friend.
05:36 Hello.
05:40 You remember the street?
05:42 I remember.
05:44 We love him, but it's nice when he goes away.
05:47 He likes to help.
05:51 I'd better remind Gus to lock the back gate tonight.
05:55 Forget that, Gus.
05:57 Okay.
06:00 Take it easy, honey.
06:01 Relax.
06:05 Wilma, George, come on in.
06:07 Here are your little helpers.
06:11 Well, this is a big day.
06:14 Hot chicken.
06:15 Oh, dirty.
06:16 She scrubbed the woodwork five times already.
06:19 Hey, all your Hawaiian junk get here?
06:20 I've already started to put it up out back.
06:22 Those the Hawaiian records?
06:23 Yeah.
06:24 Hey, Gus, here's a beaut.
06:26 Music to clean fish by.
06:31 Oh, am I glad to see you.
06:33 Hi, George.
06:34 Hi, Vicki.
06:35 Darling, did you clean out the incinerator?
06:37 I can't picture the Van Normans checking it, but yes, I did.
06:41 Now, you decorators go get to decorating.
06:43 Hawaiian calls, wahine.
06:45 So happens I brought my bikini.
06:49 How are you doing, George?
06:50 Ah, you know Gus, lodge and all that.
06:53 We are wahine.
07:00 Oh, gee.
07:01 Honey, the place looks absolutely spotless.
07:03 Now, the best thing for you to do is relax.
07:06 For some reason, that word just seems to tighten me up.
07:10 Oh, does Gus know where you want the palm trees?
07:13 I drew him blueprints.
07:19 I might catch one of those special delivery boys.
07:23 Royal Hawaiian caterers.
07:24 Here are the people who are doing all the real work.
07:27 What is this, an old Hawaiian custom?
07:29 Send you the bill and then send you the food?
07:33 Aloha.
07:36 Oh, that means hello.
07:37 I thought it meant goodbye.
07:40 Well, it means hello and goodbye.
07:43 It can mean both.
07:44 Aloha.
07:45 Please be informed that the Royal Hawaiian Food and Catering Service
07:48 is going out of business.
07:54 Thanking you for your past patronage, we regretfully say aloha.
08:00 That one means goodbye.
08:05 That means no food.
08:08 What are we going to do?
08:10 Now, now, don't get panicky, Vicki.
08:14 There are plenty of other caterers who will just look in the yellow pages
08:18 and find one or two and catch them, okay?
08:24 No, it has to be Hawaiian food.
08:28 Well, thanks anyway.
08:31 You can cross off the Zelda Catering Service.
08:35 What's the next one?
08:37 That's the end of the caterers.
08:39 Next comes cats.
08:43 I'll be at the cat hospital.
08:45 Call them.
08:46 See if they'll take me as a patient.
08:50 What, what?
08:53 Nothing.
08:54 Forget it.
08:55 It's too wild.
08:56 Nothing's too wild.
08:57 What is it?
08:58 Well, I was just thinking, she's too weird.
09:02 Oh, Wilma, please.
09:05 Well, Olivia Gordon.
09:07 Olivia Gordon, why?
09:09 She's just to run a rather well-known catering service.
09:13 Well, we'll call her.
09:15 What about those horrible jokes she tells?
09:18 All I care about right now is getting food into these people.
09:23 What am I doing?
09:24 I don't know her number.
09:31 George, you've got it upside down.
09:34 Gus, how can you get a fish in there upside down?
09:38 It doesn't look right.
09:39 Is it upside down or inside out?
09:41 Do you suppose Mrs. Gordon knows anything about catering a party like this?
09:45 She's better, old buddy.
09:47 Hello, Mr. Angel.
09:48 Oh, hello, Mr. Finley.
09:49 Hello, Mr. Angel's friend.
09:53 What?
09:55 Can I help?
09:57 I think we have things pretty much under control, Mr. Finley.
10:00 Well.
10:04 What are we waiting for?
10:05 Let's go out the net.
10:13 He's all right.
10:15 But I must remember to lock the back gate tonight, just in case.
10:21 Oh, he speaks soprano, too.
10:25 Mrs. Gordon.
10:29 Vicki and I can't thank you enough for helping us out this morning, Mrs. Gordon.
10:32 Nonsense, son.
10:35 As the golfer said when he teed off, that's what friends are for.
10:41 Be careful.
10:42 There's probably a $2 pistol.
10:43 There's more out in the car.
10:44 Now, don't drop it.
10:45 All righty.
10:46 Oh, my.
10:48 This is lovely, Mr. Angel.
10:51 A real live jungle.
10:53 Oh, and a monkey.
11:00 Hi, Mrs. Gordon.
11:01 Hello, Mr. Clemson.
11:02 Now, if you men will hold in the rest of the stuff, I'll get things started.
11:06 You can't miss my car.
11:07 It's the only Stanley Steber on the block.
11:11 I should look at Joe Macklin, shouldn't I?
11:16 Go on.
11:17 The Plymouth Convertible.
11:18 Scat.
11:19 Go on.
11:20 Go on.
11:21 Stanley Steber.
11:26 Gordon, I don't know how to thank you.
11:28 You have no idea how important this party is.
11:30 Don't you worry, honey.
11:31 As the bee said to the hive, I'll keep things humming.
11:35 Sorry, dear.
11:43 Did I break anything?
11:45 Mrs. Gordon, Mr. Angel's most important clients are coming tonight, and that's why they've
11:52 gone to so much trouble decorating the patio.
11:55 Looks like a low tide at Waikiki.
12:00 It looks very nice, dear, very nice.
12:03 Like low tide at Waikiki.
12:07 Mrs. Gordon, what can we do to help?
12:09 The best thing you could do is to stay out of the kitchen.
12:12 You can help more by doing that.
12:13 Oh, no.
12:14 I'll never forget.
12:15 It was back in 1908, yes, I remember.
12:19 I had to serve oysters.
12:21 That was because Mrs. Von Eckert sashayed up in the kitchen and stuck her nose in the
12:26 lobster pot.
12:27 And wouldn't you believe it, that red rascal wouldn't let go.
12:30 I nearly died laughing.
12:33 It was cruel, I know.
12:36 Now, now, now, wait.
12:38 Why don't you kiddies run in the house and tidy up a bit before your guests arrive?
12:41 It would be a good idea.
12:42 Go on.
12:43 Well, I'm just here to help.
12:44 Incidentally, if a nice old gentleman comes around wanting to help, whatever you do.
12:48 Oh, now, don't worry.
12:49 I'll take care of anything.
12:51 You leave the proposition to me.
12:52 Well, you can't.
12:53 Listen, don't argue with me, sugar.
12:55 Just run along.
12:56 No, I can't.
12:57 I'll get charged.
12:58 Don't worry.
12:59 Aloha.
13:06 Oh, aloha yourself.
13:07 I'm just a boy.
13:09 Here, wait a minute.
13:11 Are you the nice old gentleman that Mrs. Angel said wanted to help?
13:15 Well, I'm nice and I'm gentle and I always help Mrs. Angel.
13:20 Oh, you must be the one, son.
13:22 So you come with me, will you?
13:24 Pick up one of these and help me out here.
13:26 Do you know, this reminds me, it was back in 1912, I believe, in Washington, D.C.
13:34 No, it was Washington, A.C., the Washington Athletic Club.
13:38 Now, the Fletchers are from Blairsville.
13:44 And the DePrez are.
13:46 Gus, did you lock the back gate?
13:48 No, but I will.
13:50 If there's anything we don't need tonight, it's Father Finley.
13:53 Here's a little something to bolster up your courage.
13:58 It works every time.
14:02 Darling, here we go.
14:06 I haven't stopped a minute since I entered this house.
14:13 Oh, as the man said just before the dessert, "Entree."
14:18 Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, come in, come in, sir.
14:24 I'm not guilty, Your Honor, but I'll take the rap.
14:28 Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, I'd like to have you meet my wife, Mrs. Angel.
14:41 Please call me Vicki, won't you, honey?
14:43 How do you do?
14:44 Oh, thank you.
14:45 I'll get the punch, sweetheart.
14:47 Oh, Mr. Fletcher owns a factory up near Blairsville, sweetheart.
14:51 Well, as a matter of fact, it's in Blairsville, Mrs. Angel.
14:54 Oh, really?
14:55 Well, I've always wanted to go to Blairsville.
14:59 Why's that?
15:01 There's a little traffic for one thing.
15:06 Hope you like pineapple punch.
15:09 Vicki made it herself.
15:11 Everything Hawaiian here today except the people.
15:19 Oh, yes, sir, this is a sleeper jump from the kitchen outdoors.
15:24 Oh, step to the rear of the outrigger, folks.
15:32 Mr. and Mrs. Dupre, won't you come in, please?
15:36 Oh, my dear, you are just lovely.
15:40 You know, you have skin just like a banjo.
15:44 Oh, yes, such a nice tone.
15:49 I'll take those if you don't mind.
15:55 Oh, and that lovely skunk.
15:57 Mr. and Mrs. Dupre, I'd like you to meet my wife, Mrs. Angel.
16:03 Come on in. Won't you call me Vicki, please?
16:06 I'd like you to meet the Fletcher.
16:08 I'm sorry we're late.
16:09 Oh, you're not a man, ain't you?
16:10 Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Dupre.
16:12 How do you do?
16:13 How do you do, Mrs. Fletcher?
16:14 Won't you sit down, please?
16:16 I'll have one, if I may.
16:22 Thank you.
16:30 Now, wait a minute. I'll remove some of this garbage so you people can...
16:34 Mrs. Gordon, that's the pineapple punch.
16:38 Oh, my land, so his.
16:40 Is my face red?
16:43 He's so friendly.
16:55 Here you are, sir.
16:56 No, thank you. I'm on a diet.
17:00 (Coughing)
17:02 The Fletchers are from Blairsville.
17:09 Oh, Blairsville. Do you know the Carries up there?
17:12 No.
17:13 President Edna Carrie. He's in natural gas.
17:17 You sure you don't mean Canfield?
17:19 No, Carrie.
17:21 No, I don't know.
17:27 Uh, could we impose on you to tell your alligator story, Mr. Dupre?
17:33 Oh, yes.
17:34 Yes, it's a wonderful story.
17:35 Well, if you like.
17:37 You see, there was this alligator, and he was homesick.
17:40 So he said...
17:41 (Laughing)
17:43 Yes.
17:44 That is a wonderful story.
17:48 You see, the alligator finally said to his friend,
17:51 "I'm not homesick. I'm sick of my home."
17:54 (Laughing)
17:57 (Laughing)
17:59 Go on and tell it.
18:02 (Laughing)
18:04 So enthusiastic.
18:10 But she does make such wonderful Hawaiian food.
18:14 She has quite a sense of humor.
18:17 Yes, she has.
18:19 The head of Gus's firm and his wife will be here pretty soon.
18:25 Maybe you know them. The Malcolms?
18:27 No.
18:28 No.
18:29 They're so much fun.
18:31 Say...
18:35 Why don't we all go out on the patio and wait until the others get here, huh?
18:41 It's a lot cooler out there.
18:43 Right around the table and to the right.
18:46 Thank you very much.
18:47 Yes.
18:48 (Indistinct chatter)
18:50 (Indistinct chatter)
18:52 Oh, sweetheart, it'll be all right.
18:58 Good.
18:59 (Alarm buzzing)
19:01 You go in there and I'll get you.
19:03 Mrs. Gordon, I'll get...
19:07 Angel's resident, Gordon speaking.
19:09 Mrs. Gordon, please, I'll take...
19:11 Shh. Keep still. I can't hear a word the man's saying.
19:14 Well, my man, no.
19:16 No. Don't give it another thought.
19:18 (Laughing)
19:20 My stars, no.
19:22 The Angels are giving a party anyway.
19:24 All right, Mr. Malcolms?
19:26 Mr. Malcolm, there's Gus and Paul.
19:28 Wait.
19:29 (Laughing)
19:31 Aren't they coming?
19:32 No. No.
19:33 It seems he has to meet somebody important at the airport.
19:36 One of those last-minute things, I believe.
19:38 Now, that reminds me.
19:40 Back in 19...
19:42 What's the matter, Doug?
19:46 Mr. Malcolms were the only ones I actually knew.
19:49 Now I've got nobody.
19:51 That's not quite true.
19:53 You've got me good.
19:55 (Laughing)
19:57 Thank you, Mrs. Gordon.
19:58 Yes. That's it. Now off we go.
20:00 Off we go.
20:02 That's the girl.
20:03 Now go out there and host us the heck out.
20:05 (Laughing)
20:14 ♪ I love the merry, merry sunshine ♪
20:16 ♪ It makes my heart feel bright ♪
20:17 ♪ I love the merry, merry sunshine ♪
20:19 ♪ In the middle of the night ♪
20:20 Hello.
20:21 How do you do?
20:22 We're the Van Normans.
20:24 My name is Finley.
20:26 We're looking for Mr. and Mrs. Angel.
20:29 Oh. They're out in the backyard.
20:32 Backyard.
20:33 (Laughing)
20:35 ♪ I love the merry, merry sunshine ♪
20:39 ♪ It makes my heart feel bright ♪
20:40 ♪ I love the merry, merry sunshine ♪
20:42 ♪ In the middle of the night ♪
20:44 (Laughing)
20:46 Mrs. Angel, may I compliment you on the decor?
20:52 Your patio has the real feel of the island.
20:55 Thank you, Mrs. Fletcher.
20:57 Mrs. Angel, my husband and I were just commenting
21:00 on these genuine Cantonese platters.
21:02 Yes, I'm a stickler for authenticity myself.
21:04 Oh, well, I'll take them.
21:07 No, no, thank you.
21:09 I'm on a diet.
21:10 Oh, come on, have a pizza.
21:12 Mr. Dupree's on a strict...
21:14 Pizza!
21:15 (Laughing)
21:16 Oh, yes.
21:17 He can scrape off the anchovies.
21:19 It won't hurt him a bit.
21:20 Oh, try one of the pepperonis.
21:22 They're as hot as a $2 pistol.
21:24 (Laughing)
21:26 Don't you have Hawaiian food there?
21:28 Oh, Hawaiian hors d'oeuvres never was my specialty.
21:32 Oh, say, try one of these cold snails.
21:35 They're all stuffed with parmesan cheese.
21:37 Would you love those?
21:38 Oh, I think what the lady means is that...
21:41 Or they're rather international.
21:43 Oh, you're so right, Gary, you're so right.
21:46 There's nothing more international than a meatball.
21:49 (Laughing)
21:51 I'll see if I can find you something plain to nibble on,
21:54 Mr. Dupree's husband.
21:56 We'll have hot food as soon as the Van Normans get here.
22:00 What?
22:01 Uh, Sarah, you mean the Harry Van Normans?
22:05 Uh, Carol and Harry.
22:07 (Laughing)
22:09 (Laughing)
22:10 Oh, I'll see if I can find you something plain to nibble on,
22:14 Mr. Dupree's husband.
22:15 What?
22:16 Uh, I'll see if I can find you something plain to nibble on,
22:19 Mr. Dupree's husband.
22:20 Oh, I'll see if I can find you something plain to nibble on,
22:22 Mr. Dupree's husband.
22:23 What?
22:24 I'll see if I can find you something plain to nibble on,
22:26 Mr. Dupree's husband.
22:27 What?
22:28 Uh, I'll see if I can find you something plain to nibble on,
22:31 Mr. Dupree's husband.
22:32 What?
22:33 I'll see if I can find you something plain to nibble on,
22:35 Mr. Dupree's husband.
22:36 What?
22:37 I'll see if I can find you something plain to nibble on,
22:39 Mr. Dupree's husband.
22:40 What?
22:41 I'll see if I can find you something plain to nibble on,
22:43 Mr. Dupree's husband.
22:44 What?
22:45 I'll see if I can find you something plain to nibble on,
22:47 Mr. Dupree's husband.
22:48 What?
22:49 I'll see if I can find you something plain to nibble on,
22:51 Mr. Dupree's husband.
22:52 What?
22:53 I'll see if I can find you something plain to nibble on,
22:55 Mr. Dupree's husband.
22:56 What?
22:57 I'll see if I can find you something plain to nibble on,
22:59 Mr. Dupree's husband.
23:00 What?
23:01 I'll see if I can find you something plain to nibble on,
23:02 Mr. Dupree's husband.
23:03 What?
23:04 When will you try the pizza?
23:06 Pizza?
23:07 Oh, they have quite an Italian colony in Hawaii.
23:11 Mr. and Mrs. Dupree, Mr. and Mrs. Van Norman.
23:14 How do you do?
23:15 Mr. and Mrs. Van-- Mr. and Mrs--
23:20 [screaming]
23:22 [laughter]
23:24 Thank you.
23:31 Thank you, honey.
23:32 [laughter]
23:34 I don't care what they think.
23:39 You did your best.
23:40 That's all anybody can do.
23:42 Italian food at a Hawaiian luau.
23:46 And Mr. Finley, where did he come from?
23:51 Got the lock to back, Kate.
23:54 I'm no prize.
23:55 I haven't been able to string five intelligent sentences
23:58 together all evening.
23:59 I told you we should never try to give a party for people
24:02 like this.
24:03 [chatter]
24:06 [chatter]
24:33 How about a dance where I don't have to do all the work?
24:37 Let's eat.
24:38 I'm starved.
24:39 Don't rush, thank you, sonny.
24:40 As the lion said to the fish pole, how about a reel?
24:46 Hey, I told you the party would be a success.
24:49 Well, you did it.
24:51 You forgot to lock the back gate.
24:54 [chatter]
25:01 Are you all ready?
25:03 A one and a two and a three and a four.
25:06 [applause]
25:08 Got a date with an angel, going to meet her at 7.
25:22 Got a date with an angel, and I'm on my way to heaven.
25:27 [music playing]
25:31 [music playing]
25:57 Ladies and gentlemen, your Plymouth dealer
25:59 invites you to watch the Lawrence Weld program,
26:01 "Top Tunes and New Talent" on this same network.
26:04 Tom Kennedy speaking.
26:06 Good night, everybody.
26:07 [applause]
26:10 (audience applauding)