Teaching Donald Duck in GTA 5. Old Cartoons

  • last year


00:00 (Music)
00:22 Alright Donald, you ready to learn how to drive today?
00:26 Yeah, sure!
00:28 Don't call me sir, you can call me Raymond. That's my name.
00:31 Oh, okay Raymond. Thank you very much for this opportunity to learn how to drive.
00:38 You know, so yeah.
00:40 Alright, so how about you hop in the car and we get started?
00:44 Okay!
00:45 What are you doing?!
00:48 Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!
00:50 You just fucking wrecked my car, man!
00:53 Oh, did I?
00:55 Yeah, now we gotta fucking take it to the shop. Awesome.
00:59 Oh, wow. I'm sorry.
01:01 Yeah, yeah, alright. It's fine, man. It's a rookie mistake. I get it.
01:06 Just, uh, why don't you just pull up to, uh, take a left right here.
01:10 Okay!
01:12 Alright, you got your signal? Okay.
01:15 I just wanna say sorry, man. I didn't mean to break your car.
01:19 It's alright, it's alright. Alright Donald, get in the car, man.
01:23 Okay!
01:24 So now, what's the first thing you do once you get into the car?
01:28 Oh, uh, drive?
01:32 Do I, uh, drive it?
01:34 No, you don't drive it.
01:36 What's the first thing you do when you get in the car?
01:39 Drive it!
01:40 No, put your seatbelt on. That is the first thing you do.
01:44 Okay? Safety first, Donald. Don't forget that.
01:48 Whatever, whatever.
01:50 Alright Donald, now I want you to take a right turn right here.
01:53 Okay! I want to go right now!
01:55 Look both ways.
01:57 Okay, okay, okay.
01:59 Alright, go ahead.
02:00 Okay!
02:01 You just cut that guy off, man!
02:04 What do you mean?
02:06 You cut him off. You took his right of way.
02:08 Alright Donald, this is a red light. You wanna stop.
02:11 Stop! Hit the brake! Hit the brake!
02:13 You idiot!
02:15 Alright, go, go, go, go, go, go.
02:17 Okay, okay, I'm going! I'm going!
02:20 I'm going, man!
02:21 Alright, you're doing well. You're doing-
02:23 Okay, you just- you should go a little faster, Donald.
02:26 This is pretty slow. You gotta go fa-
02:28 Hit the gas!
02:30 Go a little faster!
02:31 Oh, okay. Here we go!
02:33 Aaaaaah!
02:35 No, no, no! Slow down!
02:37 No, I can't go on! What do I do?
02:39 Aaaaaah!
02:41 Are you fucking stupid?
02:43 Are you stupid, Donald?
02:45 Are you retarded?
02:46 No, I am!
02:47 Alright, Donald, we're gonna try a U-turn right now on this next light.
02:51 So, you gotta do a U-turn. You know what that is?
02:54 Yeah! I'm gonna do a U!
02:56 Okay, I want you to take your left lane.
02:58 Okay, okay!
03:00 Alright, now, once this light turns green, and it's your right of way to go,
03:05 I want you to, um, do a U-turn.
03:07 You're just gonna do a U, okay?
03:09 So, a U. You know?
03:12 Yeah, yeah, I know how to do it!
03:14 Alright, go! It's your turn!
03:17 Okay.
03:18 Okay! I'm doing it! I'm doing it!
03:21 No, a U! I- no! Turn! You're-
03:24 Aaaaaah!
03:25 No! No! NOOOOOO!
03:26 Donald, stop being an idiot.
03:29 What are you doing, Donald? What are you doing?
03:31 Aaaaaah! Don't do it!
03:33 FUUUCK! No! That was a person!
03:35 Oh my god! Oh my god, is he okay?
03:39 Oh my god! I killed him! No! Oh, he's alright!
03:42 Oh, but he wants to fight you!
03:44 Oh shit!
03:45 Aaaaah!
03:46 What the fuck was that?!
03:47 Aaaaaah!
03:50 How are you running so fast?
03:52 I don't know!
03:53 Alright, you're gonna have to, uh, face this guy.
03:56 Like a real duck.
03:58 Okay, Donald, I know you don't want to hit this guy, but you might have to.
04:01 Alright, he's not leaving you alone, so you're gonna have to hit him, man.
04:04 Okay, I'm ready! I'm ready!
04:06 Aaaaaah! Yeah!
04:09 Oh shit!
04:10 Aaaaah! What the fuck?!
04:12 Aaaaaaah!
04:16 Alright, stop running around! Stop running around!
04:18 He's gonna hit you! He's gonna hit you if you don't hit him back.
04:20 You have to kill him.
04:22 Great!
04:24 Come on, Donald, you gotta learn self-defense. This is a good lesson.
04:27 Ow! The fuck? Ow!
04:29 Oh yeah!
04:30 Holy shit!
04:32 What?!
04:33 Run, Donald! Gangsters!
04:35 Oh my... Aaaaaah!
04:41 Okay, Donald, we're gonna teach you how to fly.
04:44 Fly?
04:45 Yeah, you're a duck. You can fly.
04:47 Yeah, okay, okay.
04:49 Alright, so let's get up in the air.
04:51 Okay!
04:52 Alright, we're in the sky now, Donald.
04:54 Alright, you know how to fly, right, Donald?
04:56 Yeah!
04:57 Okay, I hope you know. I hope you're rea-- Okay.
05:00 Okay, alright, you're pretty good at this.
05:02 I'm not gonna lie, this is pretty easy for you.
05:05 Alright, Donald, what you wanna do is, um, find the nearest lake or, uh, water around you.
05:13 Oh, there's water right there!
05:15 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, not that water, not that water!
05:18 Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!
05:20 Ah, I can't make it out!
05:22 Aaaaaah!
05:23 Fucking idiot!
05:25 Oh my god, I didn't mean a puddle!
05:28 Alright, Donald, we're gonna teach you how to socialize with people, okay?
05:32 'Cause you're not very good at this. Okay.
05:34 Yes, I am!
05:36 Alright, well, prove it to me. Say hello to these guys.
05:38 Hey, what's up?
05:40 You see what I said? I told you you were bad at socializing.
05:46 No, I'm not!
05:48 Watch.
05:49 Hey, bud, what's up?
05:51 What the fuck, bitch? What the fuck?
05:56 Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Fuck you!
05:59 Donald, you can't just go around killing people 'cause they don't say hi to you.
06:03 Oh, I can't?
06:06 Yeah, you'll go to jail for that.
06:08 Oh, okay.
06:09 Alright, Donald, this should be pretty easy for you.
06:12 I want you to walk up these stairs.
06:15 Okay.
06:17 Uh, uh, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup!
06:21 You fucking idiot!
06:23 Ow!
06:24 Dumbass.
06:25 Alright, the second flight of stairs is kinda bigger than the first one,
06:30 so you got to, uh, really focus on this one, alright?
06:33 Okay, let's go!
06:35 Bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup!
06:39 Oh, my God.
06:41 Alright, how about you go down the stairs now, okay?
06:44 You wanna go down the stairs?
06:45 Okay!
06:47 Bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup!
06:49 Are you kidding me?!
06:51 Okay, okay, I want you to go down these stairs now,
06:55 but this time I want you to not jump.
06:58 Don't, don't, don't feel like you need to jump to go down the stairs.
07:01 Just normally walk down the stairs.
07:04 Okay!
07:05 Ah!
07:07 Okay!
07:08 Alright, then!
07:09 At least we're on the floor now.
07:10 Alright, I want you to approach this woman and ask her out.
07:13 Okay!
07:15 What's up, baby?
07:17 What?
07:22 What did I do?
07:23 No!
07:24 Come back!
07:25 What are you doing?
07:27 What the fuck, bitch?!
07:28 What the fuck?!
07:29 Fucking bitch!
07:30 Fuck you!
07:32 Okay, Donald, I want you to shoot these plywoods.
07:35 These, uh, I want you to shoot the wood on this, uh, construction site.
07:39 Okay!
07:41 What are you doing?
07:43 What are you doing, Donald?
07:45 I'm shooting them!
07:46 No, no!
07:47 Oh, no!
07:48 You shot a cop!
07:50 You shot a cop!
07:52 What?
07:53 No, I didn't!
07:54 Yeah, you did!
07:55 See that police sign on the car?
07:57 That means he's a police officer.
07:59 Oh, my God, are you sure?
08:01 Yeah, I'm pretty sure!
08:02 Now you got cops on you!
08:03 Run!
08:04 Ah!
08:05 Ah!
08:06 Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry!
08:08 Alright, you gotta take a left right here!
08:09 Okay!
08:10 Ah, ah, ah!
08:11 Jump over this wall if you can. Come on!
08:13 Ahh! What the fuck?
08:16 You're gonna get caught! Oh my god, oh my god.
08:18 What?
08:20 It's a dead end, man. It's a dead end! What do we do?
08:24 I don't know! Oh! I wanna fly! Yeah!
08:30 That's right, you know how to fly!
08:32 Yay!
08:34 Okay, so... how do we land?
08:37 What?
08:39 How do we land?
08:40 I don't know!
08:41 What do you mean you don't know?
08:43 I don't know!
08:45 Uh... uh... uh...
08:49 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Land in the water. Land in the water.
08:51 Okay! Whaaaaaaaa!
08:56 I said the water, man!
08:57 Okay! Whaaaaaaaa!
09:00 Alright. Alright. Get out of here, Donald.
09:02 Oh, it's still fresh there. It's fresh. Fresh. Look. It's fresh.
09:10 Okay, I understand. You're running out of breath, Donald. You don't know how to...
09:13 Oh my god. Donald, you gotta go up. Get some air.
09:16 Oh no. Don't play with the fishes, Donald.
09:18 Go up! Get up, Donald!
09:20 Okay! Okay!
09:22 Whaaaaaaaa!
09:29 [Music]
