10 Star Wars Scenes Everyone Wishes They Could Unsee

  • last year
Remember when Rey and Kylo kissed for no reason??


00:00 From jarring CGI taking you out of the moment entirely, to kisses that made your heart sink
00:05 instead of flutter, there's just no erasing these unfortunate scenes from your mind.
00:11 The undeniable Gareth here from WhatCulture Star Wars and here are 10 Star Wars Scenes
00:16 Everyone Wishes They Could Unsee.
00:19 10.
00:20 Background Stormtroopers Detract From the Action – Obi-Wan Kenobi
00:25 Make no mistake, Debra Chow and Disney brought more than their fair share of excellence to
00:29 the Star Wars streaming service party with this year's Obi-Wan Kenobi.
00:34 But even with some outstanding performances and a rather gripping tale being told, there
00:39 was still no escaping the fact fans were taking in an epic story that unfortunately had to
00:44 be brought to life on a TV budget.
00:46 Never was this more evident than during Part 4's detour to the Fortress Inquisitorius
00:51 when Kenobi and Tala Durith attempt to sneak off the Nur base with a young Leia Organa.
00:56 On top of the majority of the Imperial forces either looking like they were jarringly added
01:00 in during post-production, a quick glance at the Stormtroopers occupying the background
01:04 during this sequence depicts the platoon seemingly walking straight at a window for some reason.
01:10 Clearly, the idea here was to simply make the setting feel as busy as possible, but
01:14 the lack of thought and attention put into something as simple as the logic behind the
01:18 direction a background Brigade are heading in ultimately ends up detracting from what
01:22 should have been an otherwise daring escape sequence.
01:25 9.
01:26 Rey and Kylo Kiss Episode 9 - The Rise of Skywalker
01:30 There's nothing wrong with pumping a little love into this galaxy far, far away in the
01:34 slightest.
01:35 Just look at the whirlwind romance experienced by the unlikely lovers that were Han Solo
01:40 and Leia Organa.
01:41 However, what separates this OG romantic story from some of the other less celebrated instances
01:46 of Star Wars loving is the fact that Solo and Organa's relationship felt organic, charming
01:52 and logical based on the circumstances offered up.
01:55 The same most definitely could not be said for the jarring development of passion that
01:59 concluded Ben Solo's big-screen journey in The Rise of Skywalker.
02:03 After spending much of the sequel trilogy at odds with one another and rarely even offering
02:07 up an ounce of sexual tension, Rey and a soon-to-be-dead Ben share a quick smooch on the back of the
02:12 latter reviving the former post-Palpatine pulverising.
02:16 With just about everyone recoiling at this odd smooch from the get-go, it came as little
02:20 surprise to see Disney attempt to backtrack on the kiss in the film's official novelisation,
02:25 classing it more as a "kiss of gratitude".
02:27 But that still couldn't erase the fact that this locking of lips was about as bizarre
02:31 as it was unearned.
02:33 8.
02:37 While the original trilogy cast looking as though their souls are escaping their bodies,
02:41 and a surreal cooking show sequence are just a few of the other minutes of Star Wars Holiday
02:46 Special fans would like to have back, it's the Life Day main event that
02:50 steals the unwanted show.
02:52 Coming together to celebrate the aforementioned Wookiee holiday while surrounded by said furry
02:56 race all dressed in bizarre red cloaks, Chewbacca, Luke, Leia, Han, C-3PO and R2-D2 all take
03:02 a moment to celebrate at the Tree of Life, before the princess begins to let loose a
03:06 celebration song.
03:08 Yep, it's as insanely cringey and painful as it sounds on paper, but props to Carrie
03:12 Fisher for smashing the vocals here.
03:15 Even if the lyrics of "to live, to laugh, to dream, to grow, to trust, to love, to be"
03:20 have haunted fans' nightmares ever since.
03:23 7.
03:28 While Disney most definitely have not been afraid to take a few risks when bringing their
03:31 small screen corner of the galaxy far, far away to life over the last few years, a few
03:36 of the more out-there occurrences found housed within the Book of Boba Fett in particular
03:40 didn't quite land with the masses in the way Jon Favreau and the gang were hoping.
03:44 Specifically, the introduction of a set of hover-vespa-boasting youths during episode
03:48 3 caused quite the stir online upon the divisive chapter's debut.
03:51 And while it's worth noting that excessively colourful vehicles and 50s-inspired aesthetics
03:56 aren't exactly new in this galaxy far, far away, some were quick to blast the arrival
04:00 of the Power Ranger scooters, and subsequent Tatooine chase sequence has not been Star
04:05 Wars.
04:06 But Boba star Timura Morrison himself seemed entirely unfazed by this largely negative
04:11 response to the vibrant youngsters and their rides, explaining, "They brought a lot of
04:15 colour to it, I thought.
04:16 They were great.
04:17 We're working hard."
04:18 6.
04:24 After laying a seemingly innocuous smacker on Luke Skywalker's cheek during their attempts
04:29 to flee the Death Star in A New Hope, Leia Organa doubles down on her fondness for planting
04:33 her lips on the Jedi in training in The Empire Strikes Back's opening stages.
04:38 And while this was clearly little more than a way of stirring up some jealousy within
04:41 an onlooking Han Solo at the time, the eventual revelation of Leia being very much Luke's
04:46 long-lost sister left most fans sharing a similar look as the one spotted by the smuggler.
04:51 With George Lucas very much making it up as he went along, despite what the creator would
04:54 have you think, it's most likely the initial plan wasn't to have Leia eventually be revealed
04:59 as the highly anticipated "other" referenced by Yoda in Episode 5.
05:03 And even if it was, that would mean Lucas was absolutely fine with showcasing a few
05:07 bites of incest in the lead-up to the reveal.
05:09 Which makes the entire scenario even more uncomfortable, doesn't it?
05:13 5.
05:16 Constantly improving technology is aiding those folks producing the latest Star Wars
05:20 adventures in pushing the boundaries as to what is actually possible to bring to life
05:25 on our screens.
05:26 And while this galaxy's simply stunning space skirmishes have become even more impressive
05:30 by the project for the most part, the utilising of everyone's seemingly new favourite CGI
05:35 toy in the form of digitally de-aging actors hasn't quite set this space-aged world on
05:40 fire.
05:41 Sure, seeing the likes of Peter Cushing and Carrie Fisher be both brought back to life
05:45 and thrown into a time machine respectively in their heavily CGI'd Rogue One appearances
05:49 as Grand Moff Tarkin and Princess Leia was interesting at a glance, but no amount of
05:53 groundbreaking technology in the world could erase the disturbing feelings conjured up when
05:58 taking in an entirely unnatural age-down performance that is primarily brought into being via a
06:03 computer.
06:04 Thanks Skywalker also getting in on the de-aged action on the Mandalorian as of late, don't
06:09 expect Disney to back away from this consistently jarring deepfake tool any time soon.
06:15 4.
06:16 NOOOOO!
06:20 After years of giddily anticipating what the moment Darth Vader officially stumbled into
06:24 the world in his iconic cyborg form for the very first time would actually consist of,
06:28 George Lucas had one hell of a surprise waiting for his passionate Darth devotees.
06:32 Hot on the heels of being incinerated by old pal Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar, and seemingly
06:38 dispatching his missus in a fit of rage, a recently turned Anakin Skywalker is kitted
06:42 out with new bionic legs and a rather noisy life support machine.
06:46 And with fans the world over gripping their cinema seats as they awaited the very first
06:50 utterances to tumble out of this legendary face covering's grills, an almost instantly
06:54 infamous scene was born.
06:56 Upon being told a lie by his new master about him being responsible for Padme Amidala's
07:01 death on the fiery planet, Vader breaks free from his restraints and unleashes his despair
07:05 in the form of crushing the surroundings with the Force and letting loose a melodramatic
07:09 NOOOOO for good measure.
07:12 Far from announcing the biggest bad in the galaxy with an almighty bang, this cyborg
07:16 Vader debut acted as simply another prequel beat better left forgotten.
07:20 3.
07:26 The musical presence felt in George Lucas' flicks has played host to some of the galaxy's
07:30 many highs and lows.
07:32 And unfortunately, despite iconic tunes like the ones heard in a New Hope's Mos Eisley
07:36 Cantina and the great many legendary themes produced by the likes of John Williams over
07:40 the years, proving that Star Wars can get things very much right on the music front,
07:44 Return of the Jedi's revised Jabba the Hutt concert sits as a painful reminder of how
07:49 so crushingly wrong Lucas and co could also get their musical occurrences.
07:53 During one of his many special edition revisits to his original trilogy, Lucas decided that
07:58 the already questionable lap-teen neck performance seen within Jabba's palace at the start of
08:02 Return of the Jedi needed both a CGI and musical overhaul.
08:06 Replacing the tune with a far more excruciating Jedi Rocks monstrosity, a number of digital
08:11 additions were also added to the mix, in the form of singer Psy's snoodles being pointlessly
08:15 CGI'd up and a grisly backing screamer most could have done without being exposed to over
08:20 the course of their lives.
08:22 2.
08:27 Despite all of George Lucas, Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen's best intentions,
08:32 the record will always show that this particular prequel tale of forbidden love became the
08:36 galaxy's most infamous damp squib.
08:38 And while it's hard to land on just one prequel-loving moment that fans could have
08:41 likely done without, with Skywalker's distaste of sand and Amidala's declaring of her lover
08:46 breaking her heart amidst the flames, both ranking pretty high in the cringe-inducing
08:50 list of love, both of these moments pale in comparison to the pair's hilariously intense
08:55 exchange in the darkness on Naboo.
08:58 Everything from a rather creepy Jedi Padawan claiming he's in agony being so close to his
09:02 love, to Pabme confessing that the couple would be living alive if they kept their lover's
09:06 secret, were enough to leave most reaching for their popcorn buckets for all the wrong
09:09 reasons.
09:10 That being said, it can't have exactly been easy having to re-dub the entire flick due
09:13 to noisy cameras, as recently revealed by Ewan McGregor.
09:17 With both lovebirds likely having to conjure up their forced attempt at some verbal chemistry
09:21 almost entirely within a recording booth some time after shooting said flickering fire scene.
09:27 1.
09:28 That Solo Origin - Solo A Star Wars Story
09:31 Disney's attempts to spin off the galaxy's favorite rebellious smuggler got off to perhaps
09:36 the most frustrating of starts humanly possible back in 2018.
09:40 Before blasting into how the lovable Han Solo became best buds with a certain towering Wookiee,
09:44 or forged part of his iconic legacy during a legendary making of the Kessel Run in less
09:48 than 12 parsecs, someone thought it would be a simply outstanding idea to have the character-made
09:53 legend by Harrison Ford be christened his immortal moniker in the most ridiculous of
09:57 circumstances in the film's opening stages.
10:01 Upon being asked by an Imperial officer who Han's people were as he attempted to sign
10:04 up to the Empire, the old and Ehrenreich younger iteration of the future general would declare
10:09 that he doesn't have any and is alone.
10:11 Feeling somewhat cheeky in the moment, said officer then quips back by branding him "Han
10:15 Solo".
10:16 What made Solo such a captivating presence in the first place was the aura of mystery
10:23 that accompanied him out of the gates, and said aura was effectively proton torpedo to
10:27 smithereens from the off-air.
10:29 Thanks to a pointless branding and film in general, Disney and Force fans would rather
10:33 have struck from the record.
10:35 And that's our list!
10:37 Know of any other Star Wars scenes everyone wishes they could unsee?
10:40 Let us know all about them in the comments section right down below and do not forget
10:43 to like, share and click on that subscribe button while you're at it.
10:46 I have been Gareth from War Culture Star Wars, thank you very much for watching this video
10:49 today.
10:50 May the Force be with you and hopefully I'll see you very, very soon.
10:53 Bye!
