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How I Learned to Fly Movie Trailer HD - US Release Date: December 1, 2023
Starring: Cedric the Entertainer, Lonnie Chavis, Marcus Scribner, Michele Selene Ang
Director : Simon Steuri
Synopsis: Two African-American teenage brothers suddenly find themselves on their own after being mysteriously abandoned by their parents. Deeply haunted by the mental and physical abuse inflicted by their father (Wu-Tang Clan's Cliff "Method Man" Smith), elder brother Daniel (Marcus Scribner, ABC's Black-ish) is determined to prevent their lives from falling apart. He maintains a daily routine, works as a dishwasher and does his best to keep a roof over their heads. Younger brother Eli (Lonnie Chavis, NBC's This Is Us) struggles to cope with the absence of his mother, leaving her voicemail messages in search of answers. Embarking on a journey of survival and self-discovery, they uncover moments of beauty, newfound meaning and enduring love that strengthen their bond despite the uncertain road ahead. Featuring supporting performances by Cedric the Entertainer and Michele Selene Ang, How I Learned to Fly is a poignant story of determination and resilience in the face of profound adversity.
00:00 There's certain moments in life when you gotta speak up.
00:04 And there's these other moments when you gotta stand down.
00:09 Look away.
00:11 Ever since Dad left us,
00:17 I keep having these dreams.
00:20 Where are your parents?
00:21 Mom is on a holiday.
00:29 You don't talk much, huh?
00:30 Last night though,
00:32 something strange happened.
00:38 That's when it occurred to me.
00:45 No, no!
00:46 That where our thought goes,
00:50 the energy flows.
00:54 Are we homeless?
00:58 No, no, we have this.
01:01 We have each other.
01:04 So you know, we're kind of rich.
01:07 This whole thing right here, all this, see?
01:15 This is a spectacle.
01:16 Read it!
01:17 You have no control over it.
01:19 Read it!
01:20 The one thing you do have the power to control
01:22 is yourself.
01:25 (screaming)
01:27 You care about the people that you love.
01:30 Sometimes when I look at the night sky,
01:32 I think about how small we like to make ourselves.
01:35 But I guess that's just a way of looking at things.
01:41 Like I'd much rather believe we're hovering
01:43 high above it all.
01:45 See, that's how minds work.
01:47 You're a, you're a--
01:48 Weird, yeah, you said that.
01:50 You're blessed.
01:51 So this is where we float, high up.
01:56 (gentle music)
01:59 (gentle music)
02:01 (gentle music)
02:04 (gentle music)