• last year
The Shade Movie Clip - Conceived as an exploration of mental health, family dynamics, and generational trauma, The Shade follows twenty-year-old Ryan Beckman (Chris Galust) in the aftermath of the tragic loss of his father. Ryan lives with his mother Renee (Laura Benanti), and spends his days apprenticing at a local tattoo shop and looking after his younger brother James (Sam Duncan). The grieving college student struggles to hold his family together as an unspeakable darkness plagues his older brother Jason (Dylan McTee)—a collegiate athlete who has unexpectedly returned home mid-semester. When a mysterious entity begins stalking Ryan, he is forced to confront the dark presence before it destroys what remains of his family.
00:00Enjoy your food. Have a good night.
00:02See you again soon now.
00:04Fucking hope, man.
00:40Who's down there?
00:48I fucking saw you!
00:56What the hell are you doing?
00:58I think there's someone down there.
01:00Of course there's someone down there. There's another fucking apartment down there, you shitwit.
01:03No, I don't think it's someone that lives here.
01:05No, I don't care what you think. Just get your ass off my property before I call the cops, alright?
01:09Alright. I'm fucking going.
01:12I don't see you fucking walking, kid.
01:14I'm going.
01:20Fucking idiot.