• 2 years ago
Le petit déjeuner est-il vraiment le repas le plus important de la journée ? Quel petit déjeuner prendre ? Un petit déjeuner sucré ou un petit déjeuner salé ? Petit déjeuner à la française ou à l'anglo-saxone ? Ce repas qui permet de dé-jeûner, de couper le jeûne de la nuit est important pour certains, moins pour d'autres. Si on vous oblige à manger un petit déjeuner depuis des années, cette vidéo va vous faire du bien. Certaines personnes n'ont pas faim le matin et préfèrent décaler leur prise alimentaire. Pas de problème ! La répartition alimentaire, c'est une affaire personnelle. Pain beurre, oeuf, confiture, bacon ou saucisse... Que prendre au petit déjeuner, quand et pourquoi ? Voici enfin un point de vue sur le petit déjeuner qui va faire du bien à tout le monde !


00:00 I have a lot of questions about breakfast.
00:02 Should we eat it or not?
00:04 Should we eat it salty or sweet?
00:06 Can we stop eating it from time to time?
00:08 English breakfast, etc.
00:10 I will try to answer all these questions in this video.
00:12 Welcome to Jean-Michel Cohen's channel.
00:14 The channel where we only talk about nutrition
00:16 and where we never talk about salads.
00:18 Masterclass, personalized menu,
00:22 followed by individual dietetics.
00:24 Visit the website
00:26 www.docteur.jean-michel-cohen.fr
00:28 You all know the slogan,
00:30 breakfast is the best meal of your day.
00:32 I call it a slogan
00:34 because the origin of this sentence
00:36 comes from the fact that in the 20th century
00:38 a pastor, who was also a doctor,
00:40 Mr. Kellogg,
00:42 had a dietitian who invented this slogan,
00:44 breakfast is the best meal of your day.
00:46 He said that because he absolutely
00:48 wanted to make food,
00:50 in fact religious,
00:52 products from the earth,
00:54 from the grass, etc.
00:56 He invented the breakfast slogan.
00:58 Then it became a big marketing deal.
01:00 It means that we amplified breakfast
01:02 because in the end it was a system
01:04 to make people eat things
01:06 and the agri-food industry,
01:08 its job is to make us eat
01:10 because it is not philanthropic,
01:12 it wants to find things to buy more and more.
01:14 The first question I have to answer is
01:16 is it essential to have breakfast?
01:18 The answer is no, because historically
01:20 breakfast was the breakfast of the working class.
01:22 It means that at the beginning,
01:24 as people worked hard and hard,
01:26 and especially the workers,
01:28 they had to eat before going to work
01:30 otherwise they didn't feel well.
01:32 This breakfast was essentially
01:34 made of bread and wine.
01:36 And then gradually this breakfast,
01:38 because the word "breakfast"
01:40 means "cut the fast",
01:42 because at night when you are supposed to sleep,
01:44 you fast, well in fact it was "cut the fast".
01:46 Gradually this breakfast evolved,
01:48 its model changed.
01:50 We went from breakfast with bread and wine
01:52 to breakfast cereals in the United States,
01:54 in France, we had "tartine",
01:56 "pain-beurre", "confiture",
01:58 in Anglo-Saxon countries,
02:00 we had a much more salty breakfast
02:02 with proteins, bacon, eggs, etc.
02:04 In Mexico, we had "tortillas"
02:06 on the cannon, but with beans and eggs,
02:08 so it varied a lot.
02:10 The reality in all this
02:12 is that each of us has an individual rhythm.
02:14 This means that our rhythm
02:16 means that some of us get up in the morning
02:18 without being hungry and don't need
02:20 to have breakfast.
02:22 Some people may need to have breakfast
02:24 in the afternoon, or maybe a breakfast in the evening,
02:26 or maybe no breakfast,
02:28 and they will have two meals a day.
02:30 Well, these people, not having breakfast
02:32 is not a problem for them,
02:34 they will have the same intellectual and physical
02:36 acuity as people who have breakfast.
02:38 Those who have breakfast,
02:40 no problem, they will have their breakfast,
02:42 they will have a very good
02:44 intellectual and physical acuity.
02:46 On the other hand, if people who are used
02:48 to having breakfast don't have breakfast,
02:50 they will have a decrease in intellectual
02:52 and physical acuity during the morning.
02:54 So you see that there are no rules.
02:56 It's not like, "I have to have breakfast
02:58 because it's the best meal of the day,"
03:00 or "I don't have breakfast because it's a disaster."
03:02 No, there are no rules.
03:04 Each has their own rhythm,
03:06 and that's why we use this slogan
03:08 to try to make you swallow things
03:10 at breakfast, even if you're not hungry.
03:12 What's the point of eating if you're not hungry?
03:14 Because you start a process
03:16 of digestion and starting
03:18 a food process that risks,
03:20 and people say it,
03:22 making you eat more at lunch,
03:24 especially if you're not used to having breakfast.
03:26 The second question I'm often asked is
03:28 "Should I have a salty breakfast
03:30 rather than a sweet breakfast?"
03:32 Again, I could say that it varies
03:34 according to the individual.
03:36 On the energy level, it's about the same thing.
03:38 If you have breakfast,
03:40 it should represent between 15 and 20,
03:42 or even 25% for the biggest eaters,
03:44 of the daily caloric intake.
03:46 So whether it's salty or sweet,
03:48 it will represent exactly the same caloric value.
03:50 The only difference is that when you have
03:52 a sweet breakfast,
03:54 you'll have bread, butter,
03:56 jam, fruit juice,
03:58 fruit, etc.
04:00 For a salty breakfast, you'll have bread,
04:02 butter, fat, probably
04:04 proteins, it'll be eggs,
04:06 ham, cheese, yoghurt.
04:08 So the difference is in the nutritional distribution.
04:10 Those who have a sweet breakfast
04:12 will have a little more sugar,
04:14 including fast sugars.
04:16 Those who have a salty breakfast
04:18 will have a little more fat
04:20 and a little more protein.
04:22 What are we going to say?
04:24 We're going to say that people who eat more protein and a little more fat
04:26 will have less hunger than others for lunch.
04:28 It's not inaccurate.
04:30 It means that it's true that a breakfast
04:32 made up of more protein
04:34 and maybe different breads,
04:36 I'll tell you about it later,
04:38 it's true that this breakfast
04:40 will cut people's appetite more.
04:42 But if we go back to the first part of what I told you,
04:44 that is, it's an individual
04:46 and strictly personal distribution
04:48 of food, maybe those
04:50 who have a sweet breakfast
04:52 will eat more protein for lunch and dinner
04:54 than the guy who had a salty breakfast
04:56 and who goes to lunch
04:58 to eat a salad,
05:00 but who will have a sweet thing afterwards.
05:02 So it means that it's a matter of individual choice.
05:04 I have a preference for
05:06 a salty breakfast,
05:08 but we don't eat only by intellect,
05:10 we also eat for pleasure.
05:12 There are people who will enjoy the moment of breakfast
05:14 because breakfast for them,
05:16 even if they don't like it too much,
05:18 it's a juice, not people,
05:20 it's a fruit juice, it puts them in a good mood,
05:22 and it's jam,
05:24 homemade or not,
05:26 and so it makes them feel good and happy.
05:28 And that's really important in nutrition.
05:30 The best diet and the best diet
05:32 is the diet where nothing is forbidden.
05:34 So you see, there's this parallel between
05:36 the fact that a protein breakfast,
05:38 so a richer and fattier protein and fat breakfast,
05:40 is more saturating for the appetite,
05:42 but maybe it won't bring the pleasure
05:44 that people who like sugar
05:46 would like to have a sweet breakfast.
05:48 So again, it's an individual
05:50 and strictly personal choice.
05:52 The only downside I would put to that
05:54 is that it's true that when you have
05:56 a sweet breakfast,
05:58 you trigger the insulin cycle.
06:00 It means that you will send sugar
06:02 into your blood,
06:04 you will trigger an insulin secretion,
06:06 and maybe it will stimulate you
06:08 to eat more sugar in the morning,
06:10 but it hasn't been scientifically proven to date.
06:12 Why? Because each of us
06:14 has a kind of food organization
06:16 that allows him to meet
06:18 the needs of his body,
06:20 and that's each of us.
06:22 A word about children.
06:24 It's perhaps one of the only places
06:26 where I really say that breakfast
06:28 is something important for children. Why?
06:30 It's simply a question,
06:32 a question of volumetrics.
06:34 It means that a child,
06:36 until adolescence at least,
06:38 has a small stomach,
06:40 and he needs a sufficient energy
06:42 to develop everything he needs
06:44 to develop in the day,
06:46 his intellectual activity
06:48 and his physical activity.
06:50 So it's much better for children
06:52 to split meals a lot.
06:54 That's why we give children
06:56 a breakfast, a lunch, a snack, and a dinner.
06:58 The mistake to make with children
07:00 is not to give them food
07:02 like you feed an animal.
07:04 As soon as they eat something, they're happy.
07:06 So I really...
07:08 It annoys me a lot
07:10 when I see people arriving at school
07:12 where the little one already has
07:14 his handful of fruit juice in his hand
07:16 and his little packet of biscuits,
07:18 and it's an exclusively sweet breakfast.
07:20 There's no dairy products,
07:22 no cereal products,
07:24 slow digestion, etc.
07:26 So it means that a good breakfast
07:28 for children is to come back,
07:30 that's true, to two things.
07:32 Either we have the right to take
07:34 cereal for breakfast,
07:36 but we try to take cereal
07:38 for breakfast that's not too sweet.
07:40 We put it either in a yogurt,
07:42 or in a dairy product like milk,
07:44 but we make them drink the milk.
07:46 The yogurt is really important.
07:48 We don't let them nibble on the cereal
07:50 as they want to, because it's the taste
07:52 of the sugar that they like.
07:54 So it's either the tartine or the cereal
07:56 or if they like it, a little piece of cheese.
07:58 But it's important for children.
08:00 And for children who aren't hungry
08:02 when they wake up for breakfast,
08:04 we give them a little snack
08:06 that we put in their lunchbox.
08:08 I think the best thing is to put
08:10 a slice of bread or a little sandwich
08:12 of bread with cheese inside,
08:14 because it's easy to preserve,
08:16 and to give them that to drink
08:18 with a bottle of water
08:20 where they'll have water in the fountain.
08:22 A word about breakfast cereals.
08:24 Take cereal products,
08:26 wheat, oats, whatever you want.
08:28 In general, you hydrate the product.
08:30 Once you've hydrated it,
08:32 you shape it to make the little petals
08:34 and whatever you want,
08:36 and then you dry it.
08:38 The problem is that during this operation,
08:40 you degrade the starch that's contained
08:42 in the wheat, for example,
08:44 and you turn it into fast sugar.
08:46 That's why it's quite sweet.
08:48 And to give it a taste,
08:50 because otherwise it wouldn't be good to eat,
08:52 you have to dry it in a dry bowl
08:54 to give it a taste.
08:56 You oversugar the cereal for breakfast,
08:58 so that we have cereal for breakfast
09:00 that can make up to 30% fat
09:02 when they're chocolatey or baked,
09:04 and with more than 25% sugar.
09:06 That is, a third is fat and a quarter is sugar.
09:08 So I don't like these products.
09:10 When you choose them, choose them well.
09:12 There are brands that I like,
09:14 there are Quaker Oats that I like,
09:16 there are Wheat Abyss that I like,
09:18 there are the Chocapics, which have a chocolate color
09:20 that's a bit more than that.
09:22 Go watch the video on breakfast cereals
09:24 and you'll have lots of information.
09:26 And now you're saying, "Jean-Mi,
09:28 you forgot, tell us what you think
09:30 is the best breakfast."
09:32 I can't give you a proportion
09:34 because it's each individual's weight,
09:36 size, physical activity and age,
09:38 but what I can tell you is that a good breakfast
09:40 contains a cereal product.
09:42 What are the cereal products?
09:44 The simplest possible is bread
09:46 and even breakfast cereals.
09:48 What about dairy products?
09:50 I accept plant-based products,
09:52 provided you choose them rich in calcium
09:54 and especially if you have a protein
09:56 in the back, that would be better,
09:58 but if you can't, you can't.
10:00 So in general, it's a dairy product,
10:02 Swiss cheese, white cheese, milk, of course,
10:04 and yoghurt if you can.
10:06 And the last thing you should have
10:08 is fiber in the form of fruit.
10:10 So fruits work,
10:12 smoothies work.
10:14 I don't like fruit juices at all.
10:16 I prefer fruit juices,
10:18 even if they are home-made.
10:20 Home-made, OK, if you keep the fibers,
10:22 industrial, no, because it's sweet,
10:24 flavoured water, so I don't like it.
10:26 So I prefer compote or fruit.
10:28 And then what you can do is
10:30 arbitrate this breakfast,
10:32 I gave you a classic breakfast,
10:34 and modify it.
10:36 That means the cereal product is important.
10:38 In general, the dairy product, for me,
10:40 is used to bring in proteins.
10:42 If you prefer it salty,
10:44 you can have an egg, I love it for breakfast,
10:46 because it's a very satiating product,
10:48 rich in vitamins, with proteins inside,
10:50 or even a slice of turkey or ham,
10:52 you know, the slices of chicken ham
10:54 or the slices of ham,
10:56 very short, pork ham,
10:58 if you have a food specificity.
11:00 In this way, you consume something
11:02 that is correct. If you take cheese,
11:04 you don't have to take butter.
11:06 But if, on the other hand, you didn't take cheese
11:08 and all the products you consume are relatively lean,
11:10 that's the point, to put
11:12 a little bit of fat. If you live
11:14 in the south of the world,
11:16 you will use oil, because it is easily
11:18 stored. It's true that
11:20 you can eat, I already ate in Italy,
11:22 for breakfast, a slice of bread with
11:24 a little bit of olive oil and a slice of ham,
11:26 raw or not raw, but the breakfast
11:28 that consists of taking bread
11:30 with a little bit of butter or not,
11:32 an egg, a yogurt
11:34 and a fruit, that's the ideal breakfast
11:36 if you take one. Now, don't feel guilty
11:38 if you don't take it, you know
11:40 that you will rebalance throughout the day.
11:42 A diet harmonizes,
11:44 there are not only social codes.
11:46 That's what I had to tell you, my friends.
11:48 You like, you subscribe,
11:50 you give me ideas
11:52 to make videos like this, I answer your questions,
11:54 you comment and you know
11:56 that I am at your disposal. Bye, my friends.
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