• il y a 2 ans
Retrouvez toutes les émissions de France Bleu Bourgogne sur le site www.francebleu.fr/bourgogne


00:00:00 sur France 3 Bourgogne, France Compté.
00:00:02 Ici, c'est France Bleu Bourgogne.
00:00:09 A la radio, sur l'appli Ici,
00:00:11 tous les réseaux, et sur France 3.
00:00:14 Salut à tous, c'est le 6.9 France Bleu Bourgogne
00:00:17 qui continue maintenant aussi en image
00:00:19 sur France 3 Bourgogne et l'appli Ici
00:00:21 avec toute l'équipe. Il y a Arnaud Racapet,
00:00:23 bonjour. Oui, c'est moi, bonjour.
00:00:25 Et c'est elle aussi, Anne-Laure Labalette, bonjour. Bonjour à vous.
00:00:27 Ici, on vous informe, ici, on vous
00:00:29 réveille, on vous divertit avec toute la
00:00:31 Côte d'Or. Bienvenue, France Bleu Bourgogne.
00:00:33 Il est 7 heures.
00:00:35 Voici les infos chez vous.
00:00:43 Alors, on a de la pluie. Toute la journée, ça a commencé
00:00:45 déjà à tomber et ça va tomber jusqu'à ce soir.
00:00:47 14 degrés maxi, alors que sur les routes,
00:00:49 les conditions de circulation sont tout à fait
00:00:51 normales. Mais rassurez-vous, on va voir
00:00:53 tout ça et en détail dans un instant.
00:00:55 Arnaud, chalons sur zone capitale nationale.
00:00:58 C'est la zone capitale nationale de l'industrie aujourd'hui.
00:01:00 Et pas moins de 3 ministres sont attendus
00:01:02 pour assister à l'Assemblée Générale de
00:01:04 Territoires d'Industrie. Celui de l'industrie,
00:01:06 justement, Roland Lescure. Celui de la Transition
00:01:08 écologique, Christophe Béchut.
00:01:10 Et celui des Collectivités Territoriales,
00:01:12 Dominique Faure. Une industrie présente
00:01:14 historiquement en
00:01:16 Saône-et-Loire, mais on n'a pas à rougir non plus
00:01:18 de notre côté en Côte d'Or,
00:01:20 Dimitri Morgado. Et bien, selon les dernières données
00:01:22 de 2020, un peu plus de 27 000
00:01:24 personnes travaillent pour l'industrie
00:01:26 en Côte d'Or. Ça paraît beaucoup,
00:01:28 mais c'est de moins en moins. En 10 ans, le secteur
00:01:30 a perdu 6 000 travailleurs.
00:01:32 Chez nous, un peu plus d'un actif sur
00:01:34 10 bosse dans l'industrie.
00:01:36 En Côte d'Or, cette industrie, justement,
00:01:38 se concentre surtout sur le domaine
00:01:40 pharmaceutique, Urgo à Chenauve
00:01:42 et à Cheveny-Saint-Sauveur, ou encore
00:01:44 Proteor à Sœur. Alors, on a aussi
00:01:46 d'autres entreprises dans le département,
00:01:48 comme Schneider ou Safran à Dijon,
00:01:50 Titanobel à Pontaillé-sur-Saône,
00:01:52 ou Refresco, par exemple, à Nuit-Saint-Georges.
00:01:54 La bonne nouvelle, c'est qu'on est
00:01:56 dans une dynamique de quasi plein emploi,
00:01:58 et ça, on le doit surtout aux intérimaires.
00:02:00 Ils permettent à nos entreprises
00:02:02 de faire tampon en cas de besoin.
00:02:04 Alors, Emmanuel Macron avait fait du renouveau
00:02:06 industriel, un objectif majeur
00:02:08 de ses deux mandats. On en est où en Bourgogne ?
00:02:10 Fabien Rossignol, le président du
00:02:12 MEDEF de Saône-et-Loire, va venir
00:02:14 nous en parler ce matin dans le 6.9
00:02:16 France Bleu-Bourgogne. C'est à 8h moins le quart
00:02:18 et puis on s'intéresse à votre métier, à vous
00:02:20 aussi ce matin, celui que vous exercez
00:02:22 maintenant, celui que vous avez exercé
00:02:24 pendant votre carrière, est-ce que vous l'avez aimé ?
00:02:26 Est-ce que vous l'aimez ? On s'appelle, dès maintenant
00:02:28 au 03 80 42 15 15.
00:02:30 - Un métier au pays de
00:02:32 Mickey et Minnie, peut-être que vous en avez rêvé,
00:02:34 quand vous étiez enfant, ou même
00:02:36 d'ailleurs, pour vos enfants, vos petits-enfants,
00:02:38 ils auront envie peut-être d'aller là-dedans. Ça tombe bien,
00:02:40 le parc Disneyland recrute. - Une équipe de
00:02:42 recruteurs était présente à Dijon hier,
00:02:44 en effet, parmi les candidats, on a trouvé
00:02:46 Tom, 22 ans, Dijonais,
00:02:48 prêt à rejoindre l'Île-de-France,
00:02:50 Marne-la-Vanée,
00:02:52 la vallée, pour vivre au pays
00:02:54 des héros de son enfance. - Alors,
00:02:56 j'ai toujours été bercé par
00:02:58 Walt Disney, ses films,
00:03:00 et du coup, venir travailler sur le lieu
00:03:02 mythique du Parc des Attractions, c'est vrai
00:03:04 que ça pourrait être une chance, puisque je suis un peu dans le domaine
00:03:06 artistique, donc je cherche tout
00:03:08 ce qui est création, tout ça. Alors là,
00:03:10 du coup, on m'a proposé
00:03:12 à l'entrée des attractions, accueillir les gens,
00:03:14 maintenir à la sécurité,
00:03:16 aussi, bien sûr. Aussi, on m'a
00:03:18 proposé vendeur dans les boutiques.
00:03:20 Après, c'est un job alimentaire,
00:03:22 mais dans un cadre idyllique.
00:03:24 - Alors attention, visiter le Parc des Attractions
00:03:26 à Marne-la-Vallée, c'est
00:03:28 une chose, travailler dedans, c'en est une autre.
00:03:30 Cécile Balta, la responsable des
00:03:32 ressources humaines de Disneyland Paris, met en garde
00:03:34 les candidats. - Il y a un univers particulier,
00:03:36 il ne faut pas se tromper, c'est magique,
00:03:38 mais en fait, la magie, elle est pour les visiteurs,
00:03:40 et les salariés sont en charge
00:03:42 de créer cette magie et de la maintenir.
00:03:44 Donc ça demande quand même, ben, une expertise,
00:03:46 un apprentissage,
00:03:48 de la rigueur aussi, et du sérieux,
00:03:50 mais dans un travail qui est effectivement
00:03:52 unique, parce qu'on voit
00:03:54 le visage des enfants, leur étoile dans les yeux,
00:03:56 et c'est aussi extrêmement
00:03:58 agréable de travailler dans un cadre comme ça.
00:04:00 - Le salaire de base à Disneyland, c'est
00:04:02 1700 euros bruts. Le parc cherche
00:04:04 en priorité des personnes qui maîtrisent l'anglais.
00:04:06 Le recrutement se poursuit,
00:04:08 on vous met tous les détails sur francebleu.fr.
00:04:10 Une info France Bleu, ce matin,
00:04:12 dans le 6/9, une réunion entre
00:04:14 syndicats et direction de
00:04:16 Kéolis, Dijon, ce sera lundi
00:04:18 prochain, notamment sur la question
00:04:20 des salaires. En attendant, on en est au
00:04:22 8ème jour d'un mouvement de grève
00:04:24 qui perturbe toujours le trafic
00:04:26 des bus dans la métropole, jusqu'à
00:04:28 50 minutes d'attente, aujourd'hui encore.
00:04:30 - Si vous avez des paires de collants abîmés
00:04:32 à la maison, ne les jetez pas, on peut enfin les
00:04:34 recycler. - Oui, et bonne nouvelle, cette filière
00:04:36 de recyclage en question est
00:04:38 100% borguignonne. Pour la collecte, ça se passe
00:04:40 à Dijon, à la boutique de lingerie
00:04:42 temporelle. Sa patronne,
00:04:44 à la belle piquet, récupère
00:04:46 ses collants, elle se mobilise pour filer
00:04:48 un coup de main à une jeune entreprise
00:04:50 au Cerrois, qui s'est mis en tête
00:04:52 de donner une seconde vie aux collants abîmés.
00:04:54 - C'est même un truc qui se faisait
00:04:56 jamais, alors que les collants,
00:04:58 c'est quand même un déchet non négligeable,
00:05:00 ça représente quand même plus de 7000 tonnes
00:05:02 de déchets de collants par an.
00:05:04 Et sachant que les collants, c'est en majorité
00:05:06 du nylon et de l'élastane, en fait, ça reste
00:05:08 un déchet plastique,
00:05:10 qui jusque-là n'était jamais recyclé
00:05:12 et jamais recyclable non plus. C'est une
00:05:14 start-up qui a mis au point cette manière
00:05:16 de recycler les collants
00:05:18 et de les réintégrer dans la boucle
00:05:20 de l'industrie textile, en fait, pour que ça redevienne
00:05:22 après d'autres collants,
00:05:24 des chaussettes, des maillots de bain, etc.
00:05:26 Donc on teste d'abord un mois, mais bien sûr, l'idée
00:05:28 c'est que si jamais
00:05:30 le projet est bien accueilli, si jamais les femmes
00:05:32 sont enthousiastes avec cette idée de recyclage
00:05:34 des collants, je pense que
00:05:36 c'est quelque chose qui va soit se refaire plusieurs fois
00:05:38 dans l'année, soit se prolonger.
00:05:40 - Et la jeune entreprise au Cerroise en question, elle s'appelle
00:05:42 Ecolans, elle a déjà collecté
00:05:44 10 tonnes de vieux collants cette année,
00:05:46 elle les transforme notamment en
00:05:48 vêtements ou bien en billes de plastique.
00:05:50 On va pouvoir passer
00:05:52 l'hiver au chaud en Bourgogne.
00:05:54 Un an après la panique générale
00:05:56 concernant d'éventuelles coupures de courant,
00:05:58 on avance beaucoup plus sereinement
00:06:00 selon RTE en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.
00:06:02 La production d'électricité nucléaire
00:06:04 est en forte hausse, la production
00:06:06 d'électricité hydraulique aussi.
00:06:08 Et puis nos efforts n'ont pas servi à rien,
00:06:10 nous dit RTE.
00:06:12 - C'est-à-dire que certains pesticides sont plus
00:06:14 dangereux que prévus pour l'environnement
00:06:16 et donc aussi pour la santé. - Oui, c'est la conclusion
00:06:18 d'un rapport de Génération Futur.
00:06:20 L'association révèle la présence de
00:06:22 nombreux PFAS dans les pesticides.
00:06:24 Ce sont des molécules chimiques
00:06:26 ultra persistantes. L'Europe
00:06:28 cherche officiellement à les bannir,
00:06:30 mais il en reste donc dans l'agriculture.
00:06:32 Etienne Monin. - Le PFAS
00:06:34 est à la fois la substance miracle dans
00:06:36 notre vie quotidienne, puisqu'elle permet de fabriquer
00:06:38 les poils téphales ou les emballages des burgers,
00:06:40 mais c'est aussi une molécule très
00:06:42 problématique qui peut rester pendant des
00:06:44 générations dans l'environnement. L'Europe
00:06:46 essaye de s'en débarrasser, plusieurs pays
00:06:48 ont déposé une proposition de restriction
00:06:50 et c'est en épluchant ces informations
00:06:52 que Génération Futur a mis le doigt sur
00:06:54 l'usage agricole des PFAS.
00:06:56 D'après l'association, plus de
00:06:58 2300 tonnes de pesticides contenant
00:07:00 des PFAS ont été vendues en France
00:07:02 il y a deux ans, c'est en forte augmentation,
00:07:04 30 substances sont toujours
00:07:06 autorisées, presque un tiers
00:07:08 contiennent des molécules persistantes
00:07:10 ou très persistantes. Pour Génération Futur,
00:07:12 c'est une introduction, donc
00:07:14 une contamination délibérée
00:07:16 des PFAS dans notre alimentation et dans l'environnement.
00:07:18 Et pourtant, ça reste un
00:07:20 angle mort dans les efforts qui sont faits
00:07:22 par l'Europe pour tenter de sortir de cette
00:07:24 molécule. - Etienne Monin pour France Bleue.
00:07:26 Un rassemblement pour la paix à
00:07:28 Dijon ce soir devant la préfecture, c'est le collectif
00:07:30 Abba, la guerre qui l'organise
00:07:32 pour réclamer un cessez-le-feu
00:07:34 immédiat dans la bande de Gaza, ça se passe
00:07:36 à 18h. - La journée nationale de
00:07:38 lutte contre le harcèlement scolaire aujourd'hui en Bourgogne.
00:07:40 - Oui, les élèves à partir du
00:07:42 CE2 vont prendre connaissance du questionnaire
00:07:44 imaginé par le gouvernement pour
00:07:46 détecter les situations de harcèlement
00:07:48 à la racine. 33 à 44
00:07:50 questions selon les âges soumises
00:07:52 à tous les élèves jusqu'à la terminale.
00:07:54 Deux heures de cours seront banalisées d'ici la
00:07:56 semaine prochaine dans tous les établissements pour prendre
00:07:58 le temps d'y répondre. Et puis la
00:08:00 bronchiolite arrive en Bourgogne, franchement, la région
00:08:02 vient d'entrer en phase épidémique, un peu en décalé
00:08:04 par rapport au reste du pays.
00:08:06 Vigilance donc, la maladie peut être assez grave
00:08:08 notamment chez les nourrissons.
00:08:10 De la pluie aujourd'hui encore sur la Bourgogne.
00:08:14 Elle est de retour. - Elle est là
00:08:16 la pluie, il a fait hyper beau hier après-midi.
00:08:18 - C'est vrai que c'était une belle journée d'automne. - C'était fou,
00:08:20 ciel bleu, etc. Et puis là, aujourd'hui
00:08:22 c'est la pluie qui s'invite sur
00:08:24 toute la région. Légère accalmie d'immédiat
00:08:26 du météo. France, ce sera pour le tout début d'après-midi
00:08:28 mais sinon il pleut jusqu'à ce soir.
00:08:30 Des rafales de vent aussi, jusqu'à 55 km/h.
00:08:32 Du coup, ça ne fait pas forcément
00:08:34 augmenter les températures. A ce lieu, il va faire
00:08:36 10. A Dijon, à Beaune, à Issurti,
00:08:38 à Châlons-sur-Saône, on aura 12. Maxi,
00:08:40 aujourd'hui, alors qu'à Montbain et Châtillon-sur-Seine,
00:08:42 on est sur du 13. - Aucune
00:08:44 difficulté à signaler sur les routes, c'est une
00:08:46 bonne nouvelle. - Oui, ça se passe très bien.
00:08:48 Si vous devez circuler dans le centre-ville de Dijon,
00:08:50 tout va très bien sur les grands boulevards, les grandes avenues.
00:08:52 On a toujours ces perturbations liées
00:08:54 à une grève chez Divia Mobilité.
00:08:56 Alors, tout roule normalement sur T1
00:08:58 et T2, les trams. En revanche, il y a
00:09:00 des perturbations sur les bus, les lianes, notamment.
00:09:02 On a un bus toutes les 10 à 15 minutes
00:09:04 et pour les autres, je pense au Corolle ou au
00:09:06 F, etc., vous avez
00:09:08 un bus toutes les... ça va de 15
00:09:10 à 50 minutes quand même.
00:09:12 Voilà, vous avez toutes les infos sur notre
00:09:14 site internet. Sinon aussi, pour vous préciser
00:09:16 que tout se passe bien pour l'instant,
00:09:18 en gare de Dijon-Ville. Par contre,
00:09:20 on pense vraiment aux gens
00:09:22 qui devaient prendre le TGV de 6h59
00:09:24 en direction de Paris-Gare de Lyon. Il a 1h20
00:09:26 de retard ce TGV.
00:09:28 Bon courage à vous. Peut-être qu'ils sont en train d'écouter
00:09:30 la radio. Ils sont là "Eh, on est bien
00:09:32 arrêtés, on est bien bien arrêtés". Bon courage
00:09:34 et bonne route avec France Bleu Bourgogne.
00:09:36 Il est
00:09:38 7h09 ici, vous êtes chez vous.
00:09:40 Le 6/9 France Bleu Bourgogne.
00:09:42 Ciri Hinault.
00:09:44 Avec le chiffre du jour, c'est 700
00:09:46 pour 700 m2. C'est la surface
00:09:48 de cette immense photo
00:09:50 de Dijon qui est installée en ce moment
00:09:52 à la foire de Dijon. Je vous ai invité
00:09:54 la boîte dijonnaise qu'il a réalisée parce que c'est
00:09:56 une vraie prouesse, une vraie innovation.
00:09:58 Ils l'ont imprimée d'un seul tenant,
00:10:00 d'une seule fois. C'est plutôt incroyable
00:10:02 et on va vous le raconter tout à l'heure dans l'écho d'ici.
00:10:04 Ça se passe sur France Bleu Bourgogne. Pour vous
00:10:06 réveiller, pour vous emmener jusqu'au boulot,
00:10:08 pour réveiller tout doucement les enfants.
00:10:10 C'est In Excels maintenant sur France Bleu et France 3
00:10:12 Bourgogne.
00:10:14 [Musique]
00:10:16 **Acide**
00:10:26 **you might know of=
00:10:33 **you might know how the original sin
00:10:40 ** you might
00:10:41 have
00:10:44 **you might have admitted
00:10:47 **in the name of love
00:10:50 **you thought were defeated
00:10:55 **dream on white boy
00:10:58 **dream on black girl
00:11:02 **then wake up to a brand new day
00:11:08 **you were born to be a man
00:11:15 **you were born to be a man
00:11:20 **you were born to be a man
00:11:25 **you were born to be a man
00:11:30 **you were born to be a man
00:11:35 **you were born to be a man
00:11:39 **you were born to be a man
00:11:43 **you were born to be a man
00:11:47 **you were born to be a man
00:11:51 **you were born to be a man
00:11:55 **you were born to be a man
00:11:59 **you were born to be a man
00:12:03 **you were born to be a man
00:12:07 **you were born to be a man
00:12:11 **you were born to be a man
00:12:15 **you were born to be a man
00:12:19 **you were born to be a man
00:12:23 **you were born to be a man
00:12:27 **you were born to be a man
00:12:31 **you were born to be a man
00:12:35 **you were born to be a man
00:12:39 **you were born to be a man
00:12:43 **you were born to be a man
00:12:47 **you were born to be a man
00:12:51 **you were born to be a man
00:12:55 **you were born to be a man
00:12:59 **you were born to be a man
00:13:03 **you were born to be a man
00:13:07 **you were born to be a man
00:13:11 **you were born to be a man
00:13:15 **you were born to be a man
00:13:19 **you were born to be a man
00:13:23 **you were born to be a man
00:13:27 **you were born to be a man
00:13:31 **you were born to be a man
00:13:35 **you were born to be a man
00:13:39 **you were born to be a man
00:13:43 **you were born to be a man
00:13:47 **you were born to be a man
00:13:51 **you were born to be a man
00:13:55 **you were born to be a man
00:13:59 **you were born to be a man
00:14:03 **you were born to be a man
00:14:07 **you were born to be a man
00:14:11 **you were born to be a man
00:14:15 **you were born to be a man
00:14:19 **you were born to be a man
00:14:23 **you were born to be a man
00:14:27 **you were born to be a man
00:14:31 **you were born to be a man
00:14:35 **you were born to be a man
00:14:39 **you were born to be a man
00:14:43 **you were born to be a man
00:14:47 **you were born to be a man
00:14:51 **you were born to be a man
00:14:55 **you were born to be a man
00:14:59 **you were born to be a man
00:15:03 **you were born to be a man
00:15:07 **you were born to be a man
00:15:11 **you were born to be a man
00:15:15 **you were born to be a man
00:15:19 **you were born to be a man
00:15:23 **you were born to be a man
00:15:27 **you were born to be a man
00:15:31 **you were born to be a man
00:15:35 **you were born to be a man
00:15:39 **you were born to be a man
00:15:43 **you were born to be a man
00:15:47 **you were born to be a man
00:15:51 **you were born to be a man
00:15:55 **you were born to be a man
00:15:59 **you were born to be a man
00:16:03 **you were born to be a man
00:16:07 **you were born to be a man
00:16:11 **you were born to be a man
00:16:15 **you were born to be a man
00:16:19 **you were born to be a man
00:16:23 **you were born to be a man
00:16:27 **you were born to be a man
00:16:31 **you were born to be a man
00:16:35 **you were born to be a man
00:16:39 **you were born to be a man
00:16:43 **you were born to be a man
00:16:47 **you were born to be a man
00:16:51 **you were born to be a man
00:16:55 **you were born to be a man
00:16:59 **you were born to be a man
00:17:03 **you were born to be a man
00:17:07 **you were born to be a man
00:17:11 **you were born to be a man
00:17:15 **you were born to be a man
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00:17:23 **you were born to be a man
00:17:27 **you were born to be a man
00:17:31 **you were born to be a man
00:17:35 **you were born to be a man
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00:17:43 **you were born to be a man
00:17:47 **you were born to be a man
00:17:51 **you were born to be a man
00:17:55 **you were born to be a man
00:17:59 **you were born to be a man
00:18:03 **you were born to be a man
00:18:07 **you were born to be a man
00:18:11 **you were born to be a man
00:18:15 **you were born to be a man
00:18:19 **you were born to be a man
00:18:23 **you were born to be a man
00:18:27 **you were born to be a man
00:18:31 **you were born to be a man
00:18:35 **you were born to be a man
00:18:39 **you were born to be a man
00:18:43 **you were born to be a man
00:18:47 **you were born to be a man
00:18:51 **you were born to be a man
00:18:55 **you were born to be a man
00:18:59 **you were born to be a man
00:19:03 **you were born to be a man
00:19:07 **you were born to be a man
00:19:11 **you were born to be a man
00:19:15 **you were born to be a man
00:19:19 **you were born to be a man
00:19:23 **you were born to be a man
00:19:27 **you were born to be a man
00:19:31 **you were born to be a man
00:19:35 **you were born to be a man
00:19:39 **you were born to be a man
00:19:43 **you were born to be a man
00:19:47 **you were born to be a man
00:19:51 **you were born to be a man
00:19:55 **you were born to be a man
00:19:59 **you were born to be a man
00:20:03 **you were born to be a man
00:20:07 **you were born to be a man
00:20:11 **you were born to be a man
00:20:15 **you were born to be a man
00:20:19 **you were born to be a man
00:20:23 **you were born to be a man
00:20:27 **you were born to be a man
00:20:31 **you were born to be a man
00:20:35 **you were born to be a man
00:20:39 **you were born to be a man
00:20:43 **you were born to be a man
00:20:47 **you were born to be a man
00:20:51 **you were born to be a man
00:20:55 **you were born to be a man
00:20:59 **you were born to be a man
00:21:03 **you were born to be a man
00:21:07 **you were born to be a man
00:21:11 **you were born to be a man
00:21:15 **you were born to be a man
00:21:19 **you were born to be a man
00:21:23 **you were born to be a man
00:21:27 **you were born to be a man
00:21:31 **you were born to be a man
00:21:35 **you were born to be a man
00:21:39 **you were born to be a man
00:21:43 **you were born to be a man
00:21:47 **you were born to be a man
00:21:51 **you were born to be a man
00:21:55 **you were born to be a man
00:21:59 **you were born to be a man
00:22:03 **you were born to be a man
00:22:07 **you were born to be a man
00:22:11 **you were born to be a man
00:22:15 **you were born to be a man
00:22:19 **you were born to be a man
00:22:23 **you were born to be a man
00:22:27 **you were born to be a man
00:22:31 **you were born to be a man
00:22:35 **you were born to be a man
00:22:39 **you were born to be a man
00:22:43 **you were born to be a man
00:22:47 **you were born to be a man
00:22:51 **you were born to be a man
00:22:55 **you were born to be a man
00:22:59 **you were born to be a man
00:23:03 **you were born to be a man
00:23:07 **you were born to be a man
00:23:11 **you were born to be a man
00:23:15 **you were born to be a man
00:23:19 **you were born to be a man
00:23:23 **you were born to be a man
00:23:27 **you were born to be a man
00:23:31 **you were born to be a man
00:23:35 **you were born to be a man
00:23:39 **you were born to be a man
00:23:43 **you were born to be a man
00:23:47 **you were born to be a man
00:23:51 **you were born to be a man
00:23:55 **you were born to be a man
00:23:59 **you were born to be a man
00:24:03 **you were born to be a man
00:24:07 **you were born to be a man
00:24:11 **you were born to be a man
00:24:15 **you were born to be a man
00:24:19 **you were born to be a man
00:24:23 **you were born to be a man
00:24:27 **you were born to be a man
00:24:31 **you were born to be a man
00:24:35 **you were born to be a man
00:24:39 **you were born to be a man
00:24:43 **you were born to be a man
00:24:47 **you were born to be a man
00:24:51 **you were born to be a man
00:24:55 **you were born to be a man
00:24:59 **you were born to be a man
00:25:03 **you were born to be a man
00:25:07 **you were born to be a man
00:25:11 **you were born to be a man
00:25:15 **you were born to be a man
00:25:19 **you were born to be a man
00:25:23 **you were born to be a man
00:25:27 **you were born to be a man
00:25:31 **you were born to be a man
00:25:35 **you were born to be a man
00:25:39 **you were born to be a man
00:25:43 **you were born to be a man
00:25:47 **you were born to be a man
00:25:51 **you were born to be a man
00:25:55 **you were born to be a man
00:25:59 **you were born to be a man
00:26:03 **you were born to be a man
00:26:07 **you were born to be a man
00:26:11 **you were born to be a man
00:26:15 **you were born to be a man
00:26:19 **you were born to be a man
00:26:23 **you were born to be a man
00:26:27 **you were born to be a man
00:26:31 **you were born to be a man
00:26:35 **you were born to be a man
00:26:39 **you were born to be a man
00:26:43 **you were born to be a man
00:26:47 **you were born to be a man
00:26:51 **you were born to be a man
00:26:55 **you were born to be a man
00:26:59 **you were born to be a man
00:27:03 **you were born to be a man
00:27:07 **you were born to be a man
00:27:11 **you were born to be a man
00:27:15 **you were born to be a man
00:27:19 **you were born to be a man
00:27:23 **you were born to be a man
00:27:27 **you were born to be a man
00:27:31 **you were born to be a man
00:27:35 **you were born to be a man
00:27:39 **you were born to be a man
00:27:43 **you were born to be a man
00:27:47 **you were born to be a man
00:27:51 **you were born to be a man
00:27:55 **you were born to be a man
00:27:59 **you were born to be a man
00:28:03 **you were born to be a man
00:28:07 **you were born to be a man
00:28:11 **you were born to be a man
00:28:15 **you were born to be a man
00:28:19 **you were born to be a man
00:28:23 **you were born to be a man
00:28:27 **you were born to be a man
00:28:31 **you were born to be a man
00:28:35 **you were born to be a man
00:28:39 **you were born to be a man
00:28:43 **you were born to be a man
00:28:47 **you were born to be a man
00:28:51 **you were born to be a man
00:28:55 **you were born to be a man
00:28:59 **you were born to be a man
00:29:03 **you were born to be a man
00:29:07 **you were born to be a man
00:29:11 **you were born to be a man
00:29:15 **you were born to be a man
00:29:19 **you were born to be a man
00:29:23 **you were born to be a man
00:29:27 **you were born to be a man
00:29:31 **you were born to be a man
00:29:35 **you were born to be a man
00:29:39 **you were born to be a man
00:29:43 **you were born to be a man
00:29:47 **you were born to be a man
00:29:51 **you were born to be a man
00:29:55 **you were born to be a man
00:29:59 **you were born to be a man
00:30:03 **you were born to be a man
00:30:07 **you were born to be a man
00:30:11 **you were born to be a man
00:30:15 **you were born to be a man
00:30:19 **you were born to be a man
00:30:23 **you were born to be a man
00:30:27 **you were born to be a man
00:30:31 **you were born to be a man
00:30:35 **you were born to be a man
00:30:39 **you were born to be a man
00:30:43 **you were born to be a man
00:30:47 **you were born to be a man
00:30:51 **you were born to be a man
00:30:55 **you were born to be a man
00:30:59 **you were born to be a man
00:31:03 **you were born to be a man
00:31:07 **you were born to be a man
00:31:11 **you were born to be a man
00:31:15 **you were born to be a man
00:31:19 **you were born to be a man
00:31:23 **you were born to be a man
00:31:27 **you were born to be a man
00:31:31 **you were born to be a man
00:31:35 **you were born to be a man
00:31:39 **you were born to be a man
00:31:43 **you were born to be a man
00:31:47 **you were born to be a man
00:31:51 **you were born to be a man
00:31:55 **you were born to be a man
00:31:59 **you were born to be a man
00:32:03 **you were born to be a man
00:32:07 **you were born to be a man
00:32:11 **you were born to be a man
00:32:15 **you were born to be a man
00:32:19 **you were born to be a man
00:32:23 **you were born to be a man
00:32:27 **you were born to be a man
00:32:31 **you were born to be a man
00:32:35 **you were born to be a man
00:32:39 **you were born to be a man
00:32:43 **you were born to be a man
00:32:47 **you were born to be a man
00:32:51 **you were born to be a man
00:32:55 **you were born to be a man
00:32:59 **you were born to be a man
00:33:03 **you were born to be a man
00:33:07 **you were born to be a man
00:33:11 **you were born to be a man
00:33:15 **you were born to be a man
00:33:19 **you were born to be a man
00:33:23 **you were born to be a man
00:33:27 **you were born to be a man
00:33:31 **you were born to be a man
00:33:35 **you were born to be a man
00:33:39 **you were born to be a man
00:33:43 **you were born to be a man
00:33:47 **you were born to be a man
00:33:51 **you were born to be a man
00:33:55 **you were born to be a man
00:33:59 **you were born to be a man
00:34:03 **you were born to be a man
00:34:07 **you were born to be a man
00:34:11 **you were born to be a man
00:34:15 **you were born to be a man
00:34:19 **you were born to be a man
00:34:23 **you were born to be a man
00:34:27 **you were born to be a man
00:34:31 **you were born to be a man
00:34:35 **you were born to be a man
00:34:39 **you were born to be a man
00:34:43 **you were born to be a man
00:34:47 **you were born to be a man
00:34:51 **you were born to be a man
00:34:55 **you were born to be a man
00:34:59 **you were born to be a man
00:35:03 **you were born to be a man
00:35:07 **you were born to be a man
00:35:11 **you were born to be a man
00:35:15 **you were born to be a man
00:35:19 **you were born to be a man
00:35:23 **you were born to be a man
00:35:27 **you were born to be a man
00:35:31 **you were born to be a man
00:35:35 **you were born to be a man
00:35:39 **you were born to be a man
00:35:43 **you were born to be a man
00:35:47 **you were born to be a man
00:35:51 **you were born to be a man
00:35:55 **you were born to be a man
00:35:59 **you were born to be a man
00:36:03 **you were born to be a man
00:36:07 **you were born to be a man
00:36:11 **you were born to be a man
00:36:15 **you were born to be a man
00:36:19 **you were born to be a man
00:36:23 **you were born to be a man
00:36:27 **you were born to be a man
00:36:31 **you were born to be a man
00:36:35 **you were born to be a man
00:36:39 **you were born to be a man
00:36:43 **you were born to be a man
00:36:47 **you were born to be a man
00:36:51 **you were born to be a man
00:36:55 **you were born to be a man
00:36:59 **you were born to be a man
00:37:03 **you were born to be a man
00:37:07 **you were born to be a man
00:37:11 **you were born to be a man
00:37:15 **you were born to be a man
00:37:19 **you were born to be a man
00:37:23 **you were born to be a man
00:37:27 **you were born to be a man
00:37:31 **you were born to be a man
00:37:35 **you were born to be a man
00:37:39 **you were born to be a man
00:37:43 **you were born to be a man
00:37:47 **you were born to be a man
00:37:51 **you were born to be a man
00:37:55 **you were born to be a man
00:37:59 **you were born to be a man
00:38:03 **you were born to be a man
00:38:07 **you were born to be a man
00:38:11 **you were born to be a man
00:38:15 **you were born to be a man
00:38:19 **you were born to be a man
00:38:23 **you were born to be a man
00:38:27 **you were born to be a man
00:38:31 **you were born to be a man
00:38:35 **you were born to be a man
00:38:39 **you were born to be a man
00:38:43 **you were born to be a man
00:38:47 **you were born to be a man
00:38:51 **you were born to be a man
00:38:55 **you were born to be a man
00:38:59 **you were born to be a man
00:39:03 **you were born to be a man
00:39:07 **you were born to be a man
00:39:11 **you were born to be a man
00:39:15 **you were born to be a man
00:39:19 **you were born to be a man
00:39:23 **you were born to be a man
00:39:27 **you were born to be a man
00:39:31 **you were born to be a man
00:39:35 **you were born to be a man
00:39:39 **you were born to be a man
00:39:43 **you were born to be a man
00:39:47 **you were born to be a man
00:39:51 **you were born to be a man
00:39:55 **you were born to be a man
00:39:59 **you were born to be a man
00:40:03 **you were born to be a man
00:40:07 **you were born to be a man
00:40:11 **you were born to be a man
00:40:15 **you were born to be a man
00:40:19 **you were born to be a man
00:40:23 **you were born to be a man
00:40:27 **you were born to be a man
00:40:31 **you were born to be a man
00:40:35 **you were born to be a man
00:40:39 **you were born to be a man
00:40:43 **you were born to be a man
00:40:47 **you were born to be a man
00:40:51 **you were born to be a man
00:40:55 **you were born to be a man
00:40:59 **you were born to be a man
00:41:03 **you were born to be a man
00:41:07 **you were born to be a man
00:41:11 **you were born to be a man
00:41:15 **you were born to be a man
00:41:19 **you were born to be a man
00:41:23 **you were born to be a man
00:41:27 **you were born to be a man
00:41:31 **you were born to be a man
00:41:35 **you were born to be a man
00:41:39 **you were born to be a man
00:41:43 **you were born to be a man
00:41:47 **you were born to be a man
00:41:51 **you were born to be a man
00:41:55 **you were born to be a man
00:41:59 **you were born to be a man
00:42:03 **you were born to be a man
00:42:07 **you were born to be a man
00:42:11 **you were born to be a man
00:42:15 **you were born to be a man
00:42:19 **you were born to be a man
00:42:23 **you were born to be a man
00:42:27 **you were born to be a man
00:42:31 **you were born to be a man
00:42:35 **you were born to be a man
00:42:39 **you were born to be a man
00:42:43 **you were born to be a man
00:42:47 **you were born to be a man
00:42:51 **you were born to be a man
00:42:55 **you were born to be a man
00:42:59 **you were born to be a man
00:43:03 **you were born to be a man
00:43:07 **you were born to be a man
00:43:11 **you were born to be a man
00:43:15 **you were born to be a man
00:43:19 **you were born to be a man
00:43:23 **you were born to be a man
00:43:27 **you were born to be a man
00:43:31 **you were born to be a man
00:43:35 **you were born to be a man
00:43:39 **you were born to be a man
00:43:43 **you were born to be a man
00:43:47 **you were born to be a man
00:43:51 **you were born to be a man
00:43:55 **you were born to be a man
00:43:59 **you were born to be a man
00:44:03 **you were born to be a man
00:44:07 **you were born to be a man
00:44:11 **you were born to be a man
00:44:15 **you were born to be a man
00:44:19 **you were born to be a man
00:44:23 **you were born to be a man
00:44:27 **you were born to be a man
00:44:31 **you were born to be a man
00:44:35 **you were born to be a man
00:44:39 **you were born to be a man
00:44:43 **you were born to be a man
00:44:47 **you were born to be a man
00:44:51 **you were born to be a man
00:44:55 **you were born to be a man
00:44:59 **you were born to be a man
00:45:03 **you were born to be a man
00:45:07 **you were born to be a man
00:45:11 **you were born to be a man
00:45:15 **you were born to be a man
00:45:19 **you were born to be a man
00:45:23 **you were born to be a man
00:45:27 **you were born to be a man
00:45:31 **you were born to be a man
00:45:35 **you were born to be a man
00:45:39 **you were born to be a man
00:45:43 **you were born to be a man
00:45:47 **you were born to be a man
00:45:51 **you were born to be a man
00:45:55 **you were born to be a man
00:45:59 **you were born to be a man
00:46:03 **you were born to be a man
00:46:07 **you were born to be a man
00:46:11 **you were born to be a man
00:46:15 **you were born to be a man
00:46:19 **you were born to be a man
00:46:23 **you were born to be a man
00:46:27 **you were born to be a man
00:46:31 **you were born to be a man
00:46:35 **you were born to be a man
00:46:39 **you were born to be a man
00:46:43 **you were born to be a man
00:46:47 **you were born to be a man
00:46:51 **you were born to be a man
00:46:55 **you were born to be a man
00:46:59 **you were born to be a man
00:47:03 **you were born to be a man
00:47:07 **you were born to be a man
00:47:11 **you were born to be a man
00:47:15 **you were born to be a man
00:47:19 **you were born to be a man
00:47:23 **you were born to be a man
00:47:27 **you were born to be a man
00:47:31 **you were born to be a man
00:47:35 **you were born to be a man
00:47:39 **you were born to be a man
00:47:43 **you were born to be a man
00:47:47 **you were born to be a man
00:47:51 **you were born to be a man
00:47:55 **you were born to be a man
00:47:59 **you were born to be a man
00:48:03 **you were born to be a man
00:48:07 **you were born to be a man
00:48:11 **you were born to be a man
00:48:15 **you were born to be a man
00:48:19 **you were born to be a man
00:48:23 **you were born to be a man
00:48:27 **you were born to be a man
00:48:31 **you were born to be a man
00:48:35 **you were born to be a man
00:48:39 **you were born to be a man
00:48:43 **you were born to be a man
00:48:47 **you were born to be a man
00:48:51 **you were born to be a man
00:48:55 **you were born to be a man
00:48:59 **you were born to be a man
00:49:03 **you were born to be a man
00:49:07 **you were born to be a man
00:49:11 **you were born to be a man
00:49:15 **you were born to be a man
00:49:19 **you were born to be a man
00:49:23 **you were born to be a man
00:49:27 **you were born to be a man
00:49:31 **you were born to be a man
00:49:35 **you were born to be a man
00:49:39 **you were born to be a man
00:49:43 **you were born to be a man
00:49:47 **you were born to be a man
00:49:51 **you were born to be a man
00:49:55 **you were born to be a man
00:49:59 **you were born to be a man
00:50:03 **you were born to be a man
00:50:07 **you were born to be a man
00:50:11 **you were born to be a man
00:50:15 **you were born to be a man
00:50:19 **you were born to be a man
00:50:23 **you were born to be a man
00:50:27 **you were born to be a man
00:50:31 **you were born to be a man
00:50:35 **you were born to be a man
00:50:39 **you were born to be a man
00:50:43 **you were born to be a man
00:50:47 **you were born to be a man
00:50:51 **you were born to be a man
00:50:55 **you were born to be a man
00:50:59 **you were born to be a man
00:51:03 **you were born to be a man
00:51:07 **you were born to be a man
00:51:11 **you were born to be a man
00:51:15 **you were born to be a man
00:51:19 **you were born to be a man
00:51:23 **you were born to be a man
00:51:27 **you were born to be a man
00:51:31 **you were born to be a man
00:51:35 **you were born to be a man
00:51:39 **you were born to be a man
00:51:43 **you were born to be a man
00:51:47 **you were born to be a man
00:51:51 **you were born to be a man
00:51:55 **you were born to be a man
00:51:59 **you were born to be a man
00:52:03 **you were born to be a man
00:52:07 **you were born to be a man
00:52:11 **you were born to be a man
00:52:15 **you were born to be a man
00:52:19 **you were born to be a man
00:52:23 **you were born to be a man
00:52:27 **you were born to be a man
00:52:31 **you were born to be a man
00:52:35 **you were born to be a man
00:52:39 **you were born to be a man
00:52:43 **you were born to be a man
00:52:47 **you were born to be a man
00:52:51 **you were born to be a man
00:52:55 **you were born to be a man
00:52:59 **you were born to be a man
00:53:03 **you were born to be a man
00:53:07 **you were born to be a man
00:53:11 **you were born to be a man
00:53:15 **you were born to be a man
00:53:19 **you were born to be a man
00:53:23 **you were born to be a man
00:53:27 **you were born to be a man
00:53:31 **you were born to be a man
00:53:35 **you were born to be a man
00:53:39 **you were born to be a man
00:53:43 **you were born to be a man
00:53:47 **you were born to be a man
00:53:51 **you were born to be a man
00:53:55 **you were born to be a man
00:53:59 **you were born to be a man
00:54:03 **you were born to be a man
00:54:07 **you were born to be a man
00:54:11 **you were born to be a man
00:54:15 **you were born to be a man
00:54:19 **you were born to be a man
00:54:23 **you were born to be a man
00:54:27 **you were born to be a man
00:54:31 **you were born to be a man
00:54:35 **you were born to be a man
00:54:39 **you were born to be a man
00:54:43 **you were born to be a man
00:54:47 **you were born to be a man
00:54:51 **you were born to be a man
00:54:55 **you were born to be a man
00:54:59 **you were born to be a man
00:55:03 **you were born to be a man
00:55:07 **you were born to be a man
00:55:11 **you were born to be a man
00:55:15 **you were born to be a man
00:55:19 **you were born to be a man
00:55:23 **you were born to be a man
00:55:27 **you were born to be a man
00:55:31 **you were born to be a man
00:55:35 **you were born to be a man
00:55:39 **you were born to be a man
00:55:43 **you were born to be a man
00:55:47 **you were born to be a man
00:55:51 **you were born to be a man
00:55:55 **you were born to be a man
00:55:59 **you were born to be a man
00:56:03 **you were born to be a man
00:56:07 **you were born to be a man
00:56:11 **you were born to be a man
00:56:15 **you were born to be a man
00:56:19 **you were born to be a man
00:56:23 **you were born to be a man
00:56:27 **you were born to be a man
00:56:31 **you were born to be a man
00:56:35 **you were born to be a man
00:56:39 **you were born to be a man
00:56:43 **you were born to be a man
00:56:47 **you were born to be a man
00:56:51 **you were born to be a man
00:56:55 **you were born to be a man
00:56:59 **you were born to be a man
00:57:03 **you were born to be a man
00:57:07 **you were born to be a man
00:57:11 **you were born to be a man
00:57:15 **you were born to be a man
00:57:19 **you were born to be a man
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00:59:07 **you were born to be a man
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00:59:55 **you were born to be a man
00:59:59 **you were born to be a man
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01:04:59 **you were born to be a man
01:05:03 **you were born to be a man
01:05:07 **you were born to be a man
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01:05:59 **you were born to be a man
01:06:03 **you were born to be a man
01:06:07 **you were born to be a man
01:06:11 **you were born to be a man
01:06:15 **you were born to be a man
01:06:19 **you were born to be a man
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01:06:35 **you were born to be a man
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01:30:51 **you were born to be a man
01:30:56 France Bleu Bourgogne, ici on parle d'ici
01:31:00 Le 6/9 est le début de la journée en musique avec Charles et Eddy dans un instant
01:31:04 Il est 8h30, on a de la pluie pour aujourd'hui, il pleut déjà ce matin sur la Côte d'Or
01:31:08 Il va pleuvoir jusqu'à ce soir, on a 14° maxi alors que sur les routes, les premières difficultés sur la métropole digenaise
01:31:14 Je vais y revenir, c'est promis, on va tout détailler
01:31:16 Alors cette semaine, la Saône-et-Loire est au cœur du renouveau de l'industrie en France
01:31:21 Après la visite du ministre de l'économie Bruno Le Maire hier à Montceau-les-Mines sur le site de l'ancienne centrale thermique, Lucie
01:31:27 Aujourd'hui, c'est la première assemblée générale des territoires d'industrie, qui se tient à Châlons
01:31:32 Pour l'occasion, trois ministres sont présents
01:31:34 Ils seront notamment accueillis par le président du MEDEF en Saône-et-Loire, Fabien Rossignol, qui était notre invité tout à l'heure
01:31:40 Alors on va leur montrer qu'on a un territoire d'industrie fort et surtout, chose très importante
01:31:45 Que les collectivités comme les chefs d'entreprise sont main dans la main pour faire avancer les territoires
01:31:53 Pour créer de la valeur ajoutée, pour créer de l'emploi
01:31:56 On est là pour travailler tous ensemble et c'est ce qu'on veut montrer à nos ministres
01:31:59 C'est qu'au niveau local, on a une vraie synergie entre les collectivités, les élus et les chefs d'entreprise
01:32:04 La principale performance, j'aurais tendance à dire, elle est sur le capital humain
01:32:08 Donc c'est vrai que dès l'instant où on a du personnel qui se sent bien dans son entreprise
01:32:12 Ça crée une forme de fierté de venir travailler et de produire ce qu'on a à produire
01:32:16 Fabien Rossignol, le président du MEDEF de Saône-et-Loire
01:32:19 Son interview complète est à retrouver dès maintenant sur francebleu.fr
01:32:23 Pendant ce temps, à Paris, c'est le salon du Made in France qui ouvre ses portes aujourd'hui
01:32:27 Neuf entreprises de Côte d'Or y participent, les Anit Flavigny, le Cassissium, l'Alambic Bourguignon
01:32:33 Encore la Compagnie Européenne des Parfums
01:32:35 Le salon se tient jusqu'à dimanche, porte de Versailles
01:32:38 Mesdames, vous vous êtes sûrement déjà demandé où jeter vos vieux collants déchirés et filés
01:32:43 Eh bien déjà pas à la poubelle, parce que ça se recycle, figurez-vous
01:32:47 Et à Dijon, la boutique de lingerie, un temps pour elle, rue Bossuet, a décidé justement de les collecter
01:32:52 Ces collants, vous avez jusqu'à la fin du mois pour les déposer dans le magasin
01:32:56 Des collants qui seront ensuite transformés en billes de plastique
01:32:59 Dont certaines peuvent par exemple servir à la production de sièges dans les stades de foot
01:33:04 Et qui veut aller travailler au château de la Belle au bois dormant ?
01:33:07 Et à Dijon, le parc d'attractions Disneyland
01:33:09 Organisé une grande journée de recrutement avec plus de 8000 postes à pourvoir
01:33:13 Et les candidats étaient au rendez-vous, sévés sous le bras, comme Tom, indigéné de 22 ans
01:33:18 Prêt à rejoindre Marne-la-Vallée pour vivre au pays des héros de son enfance
01:33:22 Alors j'ai toujours été bercé par Walt Disney, ses films
01:33:26 Et du coup venir travailler sur le lieu mythique du parc d'attractions
01:33:30 C'est vrai que ça pourrait être une chance, parce que je suis un peu dans le domaine artistique
01:33:33 Donc je cherche tout ce qui est création, tout ça
01:33:36 Alors là du coup, on m'a proposé à l'entrée des attractions
01:33:40 Accueillir les gens, maintenir la sécurité, aussi bien sûr
01:33:43 Aussi on m'a proposé vendeur dans les boutiques
01:33:47 Après c'est un job alimentaire, mais dans un cadre idyllique
01:33:51 Alors visiter le parc d'attractions, oui ça c'est une chose
01:33:54 Mais y travailler, c'est bien différent
01:33:56 Cécile Balta est la responsable RH de Disneyland Paris
01:34:00 Et elle met en garde les candidats
01:34:01 Y a un évier particulier, il faut pas se tromper, c'est magique
01:34:04 Mais en fait la magie elle est pour les visiteurs
01:34:06 Et les salariés sont en charge de créer cette magie et de la maintenir
01:34:10 Donc ça demande quand même une expertise, un apprentissage
01:34:14 De la rigueur aussi, et du sérieux
01:34:16 Mais dans un travail qui est effectivement unique
01:34:19 Parce qu'on voit le visage des enfants, leur étoile dans les yeux
01:34:22 Et c'est aussi extrêmement agréable de travailler dans un cadre comme ça
01:34:26 Le salaire de base pour travailler chez Disney s'élève à 1700 euros brut
01:34:30 Le parc cherche en priorité des personnes qui maîtrisent l'anglais
01:34:33 Le recrutement se poursuit et on vous a mis toutes les infos sur francebleu.fr
01:34:38 Le collectif 21 Abba la guerre appelle à une manifestation ce soir à 18h
01:34:43 Devant la préfecture de Côte d'Or à Dijon
01:34:45 Un rassemblement pour exiger que la France et les gouvernements européens
01:34:48 S'engagent à travailler pour un cessez-le-feu au Proche-Orient
01:34:51 C'est le deuxième appel de ce genre
01:34:53 Le précédent avait rassemblé une trentaine de militants
01:34:55 C'était le 5 octobre dernier
01:34:57 Alors certains pesticides en Europe seraient bien plus nocifs qu'on l'imagine
01:35:01 C'est la conclusion d'un rapport très sérieux de l'association Génération Futur
01:35:05 Elle a mis en lumière la présence de nombreux Péphaces dans les pesticides
01:35:09 Les Péphaces ce sont des molécules très persistantes que l'Europe cherche à bannir
01:35:13 Mais pas pour l'agriculture, Etienne Monin
01:35:15 Le Péphace c'est à la fois la substance miracleuse dans notre vie quotidienne
01:35:19 Puisqu'elle permet de fabriquer les poils téphales ou les emballages des burgers
01:35:22 Mais c'est aussi une molécule très problématique
01:35:24 Qui peut rester pendant des générations dans l'environnement
01:35:27 L'Europe essaye de s'en débarrasser
01:35:29 Plusieurs pays ont déposé une proposition de restriction
01:35:32 Et c'est en épluchant ces informations que Génération Futur a mis le doigt sur l'usage agricole des Péphaces
01:35:38 D'après l'association, plus de 2300 tonnes de pesticides contenant des Péphaces
01:35:42 ont été vendues en France il y a deux ans
01:35:44 C'est en forte augmentation
01:35:46 30 substances sont toujours autorisées
01:35:49 Presque un tiers contiennent des molécules persistantes ou très persistantes
01:35:53 Pour Génération Futur, c'est une introduction, donc une contamination délibérée
01:35:58 des Péphaces dans notre alimentation et dans l'environnement
01:36:01 Et pourtant, ça reste un angle mort dans les efforts qui sont faits par l'Europe
01:36:04 pour tenter de sortir de cette molécule
01:36:06 Etienne Monin pour France Bleu
01:36:08 Vigilance rouge depuis ce matin pour les crues dans le Pas-de-Calais
01:36:11 après la tempête Domingo, c'est les très fortes pluies de ces derniers jours
01:36:14 Chez nous, on surveille de près le niveau de la saune
01:36:17 Il a un peu baissé hier soir à 2,59 mètres
01:36:20 Pour un débit de 536 m3/s
01:36:23 Et ça va te décoiffer aujourd'hui en Bourgogne Cyril ?
01:36:27 Oui, parce qu'il y a du vent, 55 km/h
01:36:29 Et aussi parce qu'il y a de la pluie et que quand il pleut, on a des têtes pas ouf
01:36:33 C'est bien vrai !
01:36:35 Sortez votre parapluie de la pluie qui tombe jusqu'à ce soir
01:36:38 Avec une légère accalmie en début d'après-midi, problème météo France
01:36:41 A Saultlieu, on va jusqu'à 10 degrés
01:36:43 A Dijon, à Beaune, à Issoutil et Châlons-sur-Seine, on en aura 12
01:36:46 Alors qu'à Montbarth et Châtillon-sur-Seine, on est plutôt sur du 13 en ce jeudi matin
01:36:49 Et le trafic est toujours très dense sur la rocade de Dijon notamment
01:36:52 C'est le cas quand vous remontez cette rocade que vous arrivez du sud
01:36:55 De Beaune ou de Lyon, après la barrière de PH de Dijon Sud
01:36:58 Vous allez trouver un trafic dense, puis ensuite c'est juste ralenti
01:37:01 Pour à nouveau se densifier dans l'autre sens de circulation
01:37:04 Donc toujours sur la rocade, mais cette fois entre Tois-en-Dor et Saint-Apollinaire
01:37:08 Voilà pour les principales difficultés, il peut y en avoir d'autres
01:37:11 Dans ce cas, vous nous appelez au 03 80 40 2 15 15
01:37:14 Toujours des perturbations sur le réseau d'Evia Mobilité
01:37:17 Alors le service est normal sur les trams
01:37:19 En revanche, vous avez un bus Lian toutes les 10 à 20 minutes
01:37:23 Et un petit peu plus pour les autres bus jusqu'à 50 minutes d'attente
01:37:27 Bienvenue à Salewo, si vous venez tout juste d'arriver, pas de problème
01:37:32 Vous êtes les bienvenus, montez dans le train, c'est France Bleu Bourgogne
01:37:35 Impossible, il y a comme ça des moments qu'il ne faut pas rater
01:37:43 Dans le 6/9, on est 100% sport, maintenant avec le DFCO féminin
01:37:47 Qui ne doit absolument pas rater ce rendez-vous face au PSG dimanche
01:37:53 Dans le championnat de France, il y a 3 grosses écuries qui se démarquent
01:37:57 Il y a Lyon, il y a le Paris FC et donc le Paris Saint-Germain
01:38:00 Comme elles l'ont dit à Clément Lebas pour Madeleine Rott et Pauline Sierra
01:38:04 Du DFCO féminin, il n'est pas question de faire de la figuration
01:38:07 Acte de présence, non clairement pas
01:38:10 On va faire en sorte que ces deux matchs nous servent pour ensuite Saint-Etienne
01:38:14 C'est des matchs super importants, on va essayer de prendre la confiance
01:38:20 Sans pour autant pécher défensivement
01:38:24 C'est le plus important de ne pas prendre de gros scores
01:38:27 Mais en tout cas, ce sont des matchs qui vont nous servir pour les matchs Saint-Etienne, Bordeaux etc
01:38:34 Vous l'avez prouvé, vous l'avez prouvé que vous êtes capable de faire des matchs nuls
01:38:38 Ou aller chercher quelque chose contre un club comme le PSG
01:38:41 Lyon c'est autre chose, parce que Lyon on sent vraiment que sans vouloir être méchant
01:38:45 Il y a comme une division d'écart
01:38:47 Parce que Lyon a quand même quelque chose de très particulier
01:38:50 C'est à dire que les filles ont 30 ans d'avance, clairement
01:38:52 Sur le foot féminin, Jean-Michel Aulaz a fait un travail exceptionnel
01:38:57 Avec un nombre de titres consécutifs, on ne les compte même plus
01:39:00 Ligue des champions aussi
01:39:01 Pauline, par contre le PSG, c'est pas perdu, c'est pas perdu avant de commencer
01:39:06 Non, nous on y va, on aborde ce match, je ne dirais pas non plus comme un match
01:39:11 Comme contre toutes les autres équipes
01:39:14 C'est pas un match habituel
01:39:16 Mais sincèrement, on y va sans complexe
01:39:19 On va tout donner comme à chaque match
01:39:22 Et pour prouver qu'on peut faire un résultat contre le PSG
01:39:28 Et qu'il n'y a pas de statut ou quoi
01:39:30 La défaite d'ailleurs contre le Paris FC, Madine, elle a fait mal ou pas ?
01:39:34 Vous en prenez 6 dans la tête, alors qu'en vrai le pire c'est que vous ne faites pas en fait match
01:39:39 Clairement c'est ça, pour moi on fait vraiment des bonnes choses offensivement
01:39:44 Elles ont été ultra efficaces
01:39:46 À tiers quoi ? À tiers 6 ou 7 fois ? Je sais plus
01:39:48 Je ne sais pas, mais en tout cas c'est clair qu'elles ont été ultra efficaces dans la première mi-temps surtout
01:39:52 Où on est à 4-0 à la mi-temps
01:39:56 On a su être dangereuse aussi dans cette première mi-temps
01:40:00 Et pourtant on ne le voit pas au score
01:40:02 Le match de FCO féminin face au PSG féminin, ce sera dimanche à 21h
01:40:07 On vous attend à Gaston Gérard et on vous en reparlera évidemment sur France Bleu Bourguignes
01:40:11 100% sport, rendez-vous tout à l'heure à partir de 18h avec Clément Lebas et ses invités
01:40:17 Émission enregistrée à partir de 14h à la Foire de Dijon
01:40:20 Il y a du monde dans votre radio pour vous accompagner tout au long de la journée
01:40:23 Nicolas Mollaret et Charlotte Millet, bonjour !
01:40:25 Bonjour, c'est marrant parce que quand vous avez dit notre télé, vous avez inversé
01:40:28 J'ai dit Nicolas Mollaret, je me suis tourné vers Charlotte
01:40:30 Charlotte Millet, bonjour !
01:40:32 Je ne me suis même pas fait gaffe
01:40:33 Vous n'avez pas la voix de Charlotte Millet vous, c'est bizarre
01:40:35 Bonjour ! Mais on a la même barbe
01:40:39 Dans un instant Nicolas, vous allez nous emmener dans un lieu, dans un spectacle, dans un univers particulier
01:40:44 On va prendre le prétexte d'une belle soirée de musique et de convivialité organisée
01:40:48 demain soir au réseau Fêtard à Dijon
01:40:50 Pour vous parler d'une association qui ne s'est jamais aussi bien portée
01:40:53 Les Dux
01:40:54 Vous aimez le ukulélé ?
01:40:55 Oui !
01:40:56 On va en jouer ce matin
01:40:57 Ukulélé ?
01:40:58 Oui
01:40:59 Ukulélé ?
01:41:00 Oui, alors attendez, vous inquiétez pas
01:41:01 Ukulélé, comment ?
01:41:02 Vous inquiétez pas, c'est prévu
01:41:03 Ok, ok
01:41:04 Ukulélé, ukulélé
01:41:05 Avec un Y ?
01:41:06 Alors ?
01:41:07 Ok, on voit ça, on voit ça dans un instant
01:41:09 Juste après Charlotte Millet, vous prenez le relais à partir de 9h tous les jours
01:41:12 On évoque en fait des sujets qui vous concernent
01:41:15 Et ce matin on prend le pari d'essayer de comprendre
01:41:18 Les fantômes bourguignons
01:41:19 Attention, roulement de tambour
01:41:20 Ce matin, on ouvre nos chakras
01:41:23 On sort les bougies, on s'enferme dans le noir, dans un manoir hanté
01:41:27 Et on part à la recherche d'événements paranormaux, les...
01:41:30 Les fantômes ?
01:41:31 Et les fantômes de...
01:41:32 Ah bon, j'étais trop pris dans la musique
01:41:34 De qui de ?
01:41:35 Bah voilà, exactement
01:41:37 Avec cette chanson du film "Ghostbusters"
01:41:39 On imagine une chasse aux fantômes digne de ce nom
01:41:42 Alors je pense que je vais le regretter
01:41:43 Mais est-ce que vous croyez aux fantômes, messieurs ?
01:41:45 Bah oui
01:41:46 C'est vrai ?
01:41:47 Bah évidemment
01:41:48 Nicolas ?
01:41:49 Moi, une fois que j'ai disqualifié les courants d'air
01:41:51 Les voisins, les poutres qui craquent
01:41:54 Peut-être que je peux commencer à y croire
01:41:56 Alors, on vous pose la question ce matin
01:41:58 Si vous en avez déjà croisé des événements paranormaux
01:42:00 Au 0380 42 15 cam
01:42:02 On a invité deux bourguignons qui en rencontrent tous les jours
01:42:05 Alors pas forcément des fantômes
01:42:07 Mais des événements vraiment un peu étranges, l'invisible
01:42:09 C'est comme ça qu'ils l'appellent et ils enquêtent
01:42:11 Ils ont une chaîne Youtube, ils ont quand même 3 millions d'abonnés
01:42:13 Ah oui, quand même ?
01:42:14 Ah quand même, c'est pas n'importe qui
01:42:15 Bravo
01:42:16 Spirit Experience est une association
01:42:18 Ils nous racontent leurs aventures de fantômes
01:42:20 À partir de 9h en direct avec vous
01:42:21 Parce que nous sommes à votre service
01:42:23 Vous y croyez pas aux fantômes, vous ?
01:42:24 Bah oui, bien sûr
01:42:25 Parce que dites bonjour au monsieur qui est à côté de vous là
01:42:27 Ah, quel talent de comédienne !
01:42:29 Bah moi j'ai regardé à côté, je me suis dit "il y a un gars ?"
01:42:33 Bah non !
01:42:34 Allez, à tout de suite avec toute l'équipe
01:42:36 Bien évidemment, votre 6/9 continue sur France Bleu Bourgogne
01:42:38 Charles et Eddy, je vous l'ai promis
01:42:40 Would I Lie to You pour vous et rien que pour vous
01:42:42 Bon courage pour le boulot 08h42
01:42:45 Ma vie j'en ai marre
01:42:48 Would I lie to you baby
01:42:50 Would I lie to you baby
01:42:53 Look into my eyes
01:42:55 Can't perceive their open lies
01:42:57 Would I lie to you baby
01:43:00 Would I lie to you
01:43:02 Oh yeah
01:43:03 You know it's true
01:43:05 Girl there's no one else but you
01:43:07 Would I lie to you baby
01:43:10 Yeah
01:43:13 Everybody wants to know the truth
01:43:16 In my arms is the only proof
01:43:21 I hang my heart behind the bed of gold
01:43:26 Now there's something I could do no more
01:43:30 I'm telling you baby
01:43:33 You will never find another girl
01:43:36 In this part of my world
01:43:41 Look into my eyes
01:43:43 Can't perceive their open lies
01:43:45 Would I lie to you baby
01:43:47 Would I lie to you
01:43:49 Oh yeah
01:43:50 You know it's true
01:43:52 Girl there's no one else but you
01:43:54 Would I lie to you baby
01:43:57 Yeah
01:43:58 Everybody's got their own
01:44:03 History
01:44:05 On every page a mystery
01:44:08 A mystery
01:44:09 You can read my diary
01:44:11 Know it every line
01:44:13 Jealous mind
01:44:15 I'm never satisfied
01:44:17 I'm telling you baby
01:44:20 You will never find another girl
01:44:23 In this part of my world
01:44:27 Look into my eyes
01:44:30 Can't perceive their open lies
01:44:32 Would I lie to you baby
01:44:34 Would I lie to you
01:44:36 Oh yeah
01:44:37 You know it's true
01:44:39 Girl there's no one else but you
01:44:41 Would I lie to you baby
01:44:44 Yeah
01:44:45 Would I lie to you
01:44:48 Once in a day
01:44:50 Would I lie to you
01:44:53 Ten thousand kisses
01:44:55 Would I lie to you
01:44:58 Think I'd give my love away
01:45:00 Would I lie to you
01:45:02 That's not kinda game I play
01:45:06 I'm telling you baby
01:45:08 You will never find another girl
01:45:11 In this part of my world
01:45:14 In this part of my world
01:45:16 In my heart
01:45:17 Woo
01:45:18 Look into my eyes
01:45:20 Can't perceive their open lies
01:45:22 Would I lie to you baby
01:45:24 Would I lie to you
01:45:26 Oh yeah
01:45:27 You know it's true
01:45:29 Girl there's no one else but you
01:45:31 Would I lie to you baby
01:45:34 Yeah
01:45:35 Would I lie to you
01:45:37 Look into my eyes
01:45:39 Can't perceive their open lies
01:45:41 Would I lie to you baby
01:45:43 Would I lie to you
01:45:45 Oh yeah
01:45:46 You know it's true
01:45:48 Girl there's no one else but you
01:45:50 Would I lie to you baby
01:45:53 Yeah
01:45:54 Come on, come on, come on, come on
01:45:56 Would you listen baby
01:45:58 Charlie Hedy, votre début de jeudi en musique sur France Bleu Bourgogne avec du ukulélé
01:46:03 Dans un instant, rendez-vous qu'on vous donne à Dijon, c'est Nicolas Mollard qui l'a repéré pour vous
01:46:07 Il a fait une croix dans son agenda, il a dit "il faut y aller"
01:46:10 Et vous allez dans un instant nous expliquer pourquoi avec votre invité
01:46:13 Ici matin, revient dans un instant
01:46:17 Tout se mange dans la charolaise sauf les cornes et les sabots
01:46:21 Mais par contre, entre la tête et la queue, tout se mange
01:46:24 Elle est bonne ?
01:46:25 Elle est bonne hein
01:46:26 Dans une charolaise, je crois que j'aurais du mal à avoir un morceau préféré
01:46:32 Bonne viande de bœuf, tendre, goûteuse
01:46:35 La charolaise reste quand même une viande qui a beaucoup de goût dû à sa facilité d'avoir du persillé
01:46:39 Et voilà, le tartare, extraordinaire
01:46:43 Dans Succulents, la star c'est le produit
01:46:46 La charolaise et dans Succulents, samedi à 11h10 sur France 3 Bourgogne-Franche-Comté et sur la plateforme France.tv
01:46:55 8h47, si vous cherchez une idée de sortie qui change un peu de l'ordinaire dans un endroit dans lequel vous n'allez peut-être pas très souvent
01:47:16 On a trouvé Nicolas, on vous conseille d'aller au Réseau Fêtard à Dijon de Mainzant pour une soirée bon enfant et bonne ambiance
01:47:23 On en parle avec le président des Diux de l'association Yucoulélé Club Dijon
01:47:26 Bonjour Yannick Fromont
01:47:27 Bonjour à tous
01:47:29 Merci d'être là, vous allez enfin pouvoir répondre à la question que tout le monde se pose depuis ce matin qu'on entend parler de votre venue au sujet du Yucoulélé
01:47:35 Parce que les enfants se posent la question, les parents ne savent pas quoi leur répondre
01:47:39 Comment ça s'écrit Yucoulélé ?
01:47:41 Ça s'écrit U K U L E L E
01:47:45 Pourquoi j'ai envie de mettre un Y moi au début ?
01:47:47 Ouais bon, le prononce parfois comme ça
01:47:49 Une soirée scène ouverte au Réseau Fêtard demain soir
01:47:52 Ça va ressembler à quoi en quelques mots ?
01:47:54 C'est pas la première qu'on organise mais en gros ça va ressembler à une soirée faite de Yucoulélé en majeure partie
01:48:02 Mais pas que en fait, notre association Yucoulélé organise ces scènes ouvertes pour pouvoir permettre des rencontres un peu en dehors des cours ou des concerts qu'on peut donner
01:48:11 Donc ça va commencer par une initiation Yucoulélé en tout début de soirée
01:48:14 Ensuite on a invité un groupe comme on fait régulièrement pour faire l'ouverture de cette soirée
01:48:19 Donc ça sera On a Monday
01:48:21 Ensuite on fait une petite démo avec tous les membres de l'association pendant une petite demi-heure
01:48:26 Et puis ensuite, c'est scène ouverte, donc chaque personne qui a envie de venir jouer un morceau, chanter une chanson, il sera invité à le faire à ce moment là
01:48:35 Donc ça va durer 2h30 cette scène ouverte et ensuite on va terminer avec une petite boum avec 2 DJ qui vont être là pour l'occasion
01:48:41 Pour la scène ouverte, si on vient avec une guitare plutôt qu'un Yucoulélé ou une basse ou une suite de band, ça le fait ?
01:48:47 Oui, c'est vraiment ouvert à tous les instruments après, ça nous est même arrivé d'avoir des trompettes, des saxophones
01:48:52 Donc ça dépend des fois mais en tout cas c'est vraiment ouvert
01:48:55 Les Dux, ça fait déjà quelques années qu'on entend parler de cette association qui compte 130 membres
01:49:01 Il paraît que vous n'avez jamais été aussi nombreux cette année
01:49:03 C'est vrai qu'on a toujours tourné dans les plus belles années autour de 100 personnes et là on a atteint 130 personnes
01:49:08 On a fait un festival l'année dernière, peut-être que ça aussi ça a drainé un peu de monde
01:49:12 Et ensuite c'est vrai qu'à chaque fois qu'on fait un concert avec les Dux, il y a toujours une ou deux personnes qui nous demandent comment faire pour vous rejoindre, pour apprendre, ce genre de choses
01:49:18 Je tiens à préciser que je ne suis pas le président de l'association
01:49:21 Moi je suis le chef d'orchestre et le créateur du groupe Les Dux mais je ne suis pas le président de l'association
01:49:26 La présidente s'appelle Lolita Hugdun
01:49:28 Mais c'est en train de devenir malgré tout une petite institution à Dijon
01:49:30 Parce qu'on connaît tous quelqu'un de près ou de loin qui va répéter au réseau Fêtard une fois par semaine, tous les 15 jours
01:49:37 À chaque fois qu'on va dans une manifestation à Dijon en Côte d'Or, une fois sur deux, il y a un groupe tout en orange avec des yukulélé
01:49:44 C'est vrai, vous êtes devenu un groupe qui compte, une association qui compte à Dijon
01:49:48 Je pense, déjà le fait du nombre d'adhérents, c'est vrai que ça augmente, c'est vraiment chouette
01:49:53 Après ça fait 8 ans que le groupe Les Dux existe et 7 ans que l'association a été mise en place
01:49:58 Et c'est vrai qu'on fait maintenant peut-être un peu partie du paysage culturel
01:50:02 En tout cas, nous c'est un groupe complètement amateur, avec lesquels on a le plaisir de se retrouver et de partager ce moment ensemble
01:50:08 C'est ce qui se retransmet au public et aux gens qui nous voient
01:50:12 C'est un peu l'impression qu'ils ont, c'est pour ça que c'est assez bon enfant et bonne ambiance
01:50:16 Je pense aussi à ce qu'il plaît
01:50:17 Vous n'êtes pas venu tout seul ?
01:50:18 Je suis venu avec Monsieur Moustache
01:50:20 Ah, Monsieur Moustache, ah bah oui !
01:50:22 C'est l'occasion de rappeler que c'est Movember en ce moment
01:50:25 Ça se voit un petit peu quand on vous regarde
01:50:27 Ça fait un an, moi, déjà
01:50:29 Le mois de sensibilisation contre les maladies masculines
01:50:32 Est-ce que Monsieur Moustache peut s'exprimer lui aussi ce matin ?
01:50:35 Bah oui !
01:50:37 Monsieur Moustache, il a toujours souhaité
01:50:41 Monsieur Moustache, devenir aventurier
01:50:46 Monsieur Moustache, il a réussi
01:50:50 Vivre sa passion tout au long de sa vie
01:50:55 Monsieur Moustache, voilà ce qu'il m'a appris
01:51:00 Ah, c'est génial !
01:51:01 Pourquoi ça rend heureux, le ukulélé ?
01:51:04 Alors, je sais pas
01:51:05 Quand on écoute, ça rend heureux
01:51:06 Quand on joue, je sais pas
01:51:07 Mais quand on l'écoute, ça rend heureux
01:51:08 Quand on joue aussi
01:51:09 Je pense que ça évoque le sable, les vacances, la plage, le soleil, ce genre de choses
01:51:14 Après, en majeure partie, ça rend heureux
01:51:16 Il y a certaines personnes, comme c'est aigu
01:51:18 Au bout d'un moment, ça hérite
01:51:20 Ça peut hériter aussi
01:51:21 Mais c'est vrai que ça a cette image de soleil, de vacances et de plage
01:51:25 C'est ça, je pense, qui fait que ça rend un peu heureux
01:51:28 Et on en a besoin, sous cette grisaille
01:51:30 Et avec cette météo plus que Mossade, depuis quelques semaines, dans l'agglomération des jeunesses
01:51:34 Venez faire la fête, venez récupérer un petit peu de sable dans les oreilles
01:51:37 Et un petit peu de soleil dans le cœur avec les Dux
01:51:39 Qui vous donne rendez-vous à partir de 19h
01:51:42 Pour une soirée scène ouverte avec Initiation Ukulélé
01:51:45 Avec le concert de On Monday
01:51:46 Ce sera donc au réseau Fêtard demain soir
01:51:49 Merci beaucoup
01:51:50 Chef d'orchestre des Dux
01:51:52 Oui, bonjour Madame la Présidente
01:51:54 Oui, Madame la Présidente Lolita
01:51:57 Merci Nicolas pour ce bon conseil
01:51:59 Avec plaisir
01:52:00 Très bonne idée
01:52:01 Autre rendez-vous à ne pas rater tout à l'heure à 11h avec vous
01:52:09 Avec Pascal Obispo quand même
01:52:11 Oui, absolument, des places pour Pascal Obispo
01:52:13 Qui sera en concert au Zenith de Dijon dans une dizaine de jours
01:52:15 Vous les remporterez en jouant aux Jeux en Murette à 11h
01:52:18 Si le Ukulélé nous aide à sourire un petit peu plus
01:52:21 Dans cette période un petit peu hivernale
01:52:23 Le docteur France Bleu, Gérald Kiersegg
01:52:25 Va nous dire comment on fait
01:52:26 Mais cette fois de manière un peu plus médicale
01:52:28 Pour aller un peu mieux, pour sortir un peu de cette période anxiogène
01:52:31 On y revient avec lui juste après
01:52:33 Aimé, Simon sur France Bleu, Bourgogne et France 3
01:52:35 Je suis seul à l'intérieur de mon esprit
01:52:40 Je ne sais pas ce que j'ai ressenti
01:52:45 Ça m'a laissé en colère, je n'ai pas raison
01:52:50 Ces jours-ci de l'éternité
01:52:54 Des rêves qui ne sont pas réalisés
01:52:58 Chaque fois que tu me dis que tu m'aimes
01:53:02 Je suis en colère
01:53:06 Tout ce que j'ai besoin c'est que tu m'aimes
01:53:10 Tout ce que je veux c'est que tu sois là
01:53:14 Tout ce que j'ai peur c'est d'être sans toi
01:53:18 Ou de l'éternité
01:53:23 J'ai été seul la plupart de ma vie
01:53:31 L'isolation m'a fait tomber chaque fois
01:53:39 Mes jours sont de la solitude
01:53:43 Et les rêves se font tomber en lumière
01:53:47 Chaque fois que tu me dis que tu m'aimes
01:53:51 Je suis en colère
01:53:55 Tout ce que j'ai besoin c'est que tu m'aimes
01:53:59 Tout ce que je veux c'est que tu sois là
01:54:03 Tout ce que j'ai besoin c'est que tu m'aimes
01:54:07 Tout ce que je veux c'est que tu sois là
01:54:11 Tout ce que j'ai besoin c'est que tu m'aimes
01:54:15 Tout ce que je veux c'est que tu sois là
01:54:19 Tout ce que j'ai peur c'est d'être sans toi
01:54:23 Ou de l'éternité
01:54:29 Tout ce que j'ai besoin c'est que tu m'aimes
01:54:33 Tout ce que je veux c'est que tu sois là
01:54:37 Tout ce que j'ai peur c'est que tu sois sans moi
01:54:41 Ma lumière brillante
01:54:45 La lumière brillante
01:54:49 La lumière brillante
01:54:53 Shining Light à 8h54 c'est dans votre 6/9
01:54:57 C'est France Bleu Bourgogne et France 3 Bourgogne ensemble
01:54:59 Et là maintenant, avant d'aller jusqu'aux infos de 9h
01:55:02 Je vous propose les bons conseils de Gérald De Geerzac
01:55:04 Le docteur de France Bleu Bourgogne vient nous rejoindre
01:55:07 Pour nous parler de notre moral aujourd'hui
01:55:09 C'est vrai qu'il est souvent en berne ce moral
01:55:12 Avec toutes ces actualités, avec ces anxiogènes
01:55:14 Et avec le mois de novembre
01:55:16 Comment on peut se préserver un peu ?
01:55:19 Bonjour à toutes et à tous
01:55:21 Depuis le Covid, depuis l'Ukraine
01:55:23 Et maintenant les attentats, la guerre au Proche-Orient
01:55:25 On voit que l'actualité est très anxiogène
01:55:27 Et il est important de se protéger
01:55:29 De protéger en particulier sa santé mentale
01:55:31 Parce qu'à force d'être abreuvé de mauvaises nouvelles
01:55:33 Notre santé mentale peut être affectée
01:55:36 Et on devient dans un état de stress chronique
01:55:39 Voire dans un état de stress post-traumatique
01:55:42 Ça s'apparente un peu à un sentiment d'anxiété généralisé
01:55:45 Et puis on peut avoir différents symptômes
01:55:47 On peut ressentir cette anxiété, on peut se sentir angoissé
01:55:50 Mais ça peut être un peu plus subtil que ça
01:55:52 Avec une fatigue, des difficultés d'endormissement
01:55:55 Des maux de tête qu'on ne rattache pas toujours à cette santé mentale
01:55:58 Ça peut être aussi d'autres symptômes
01:56:00 Comme un inconfort abdominal, des palpitations
01:56:02 Mais tous ces signes, ce sont des signes d'anxiété
01:56:04 Qui montrent que notre état mental est plutôt troublé
01:56:07 Une fois qu'on a reconnu ces symptômes
01:56:09 Et qu'on les a rattachés à l'état de stress
01:56:11 L'objectif c'est de relâcher un peu la pression
01:56:13 Qui peut nous envahir, relâcher cette anxiété
01:56:16 Un moyen simple c'est d'éviter d'être sans arrêt
01:56:18 Devant des écrans par exemple
01:56:20 Ou d'être sans arrêt avec une information
01:56:22 Et un flot continu d'informations anxiogènes
01:56:24 Donc l'idée c'est de ne pas se couper complètement
01:56:26 Mais entre se couper complètement
01:56:28 Et regarder en boucle toute la journée
01:56:30 Ou avoir un fil d'actualité en permanence
01:56:32 On voit bien qu'il y a eu une différence
01:56:34 Donc l'idée c'est peut-être de passer sur de la presse papier
01:56:36 En plus de votre flash info sur France Bleu
01:56:39 Et puis après de pouvoir faire d'autres activités
01:56:41 Ok mais comment on fait concrètement pour limiter l'anxiété ?
01:56:44 Il y a plusieurs stratégies pour diminuer l'anxiété
01:56:46 Et notamment des activités que les psys appellent
01:56:48 De décentration
01:56:50 On va arrêter de se focaliser sur des actions
01:56:52 Sur lesquelles on ne peut pas agir
01:56:54 Pour aller sur des actions sur lesquelles on peut agir
01:56:56 Par exemple ça peut être participer
01:56:58 A du bénévolat, à des associations
01:57:00 Alors soit en lien avec des sujets qui vous intéressent
01:57:02 Par exemple d'aider aux victimes
01:57:04 Ou soutenir des problèmes quotidiens
01:57:06 Ou complètement autre chose
01:57:08 Pourquoi pas faire une activité de loisir
01:57:10 Écouter de la bonne musique, rire avec des amis
01:57:12 L'idée c'est de pouvoir décentrer
01:57:14 De l'actualité anxiogène pour participer
01:57:16 A des activités qui sont plaisantes
01:57:18 Et là il n'y a pas de culpabilité à avoir
01:57:20 Souvent on dit "mais oui mec tout ce qui se passe
01:57:22 Moi je m'en veux un peu d'avoir des activités plaisantes"
01:57:24 Et bien non, il faut au contraire
01:57:26 Ne pas culpabiliser
01:57:28 Et participer à des choses positives
01:57:30 De toute façon que vous participez ou pas à des choses positives
01:57:32 Ça ne changera rien sur ce qui se passe dans le monde
01:57:34 Autant que vous soyez bien vous aussi
01:57:36 Et c'est comme ça en étant bien que vous pourrez aider les autres
01:57:38 D'ici là portez-vous bien
01:57:40 Merci docteur et pour limiter cette anxiété
01:57:42 Pas de problème, restez sur France Bleu Bourgogne
01:57:44 On est là pour vous accompagner, dans un instant on va essayer
01:57:46 De comprendre les événements paranormaux
01:57:48 Peut-être qu'il se passe des choses autour de vous
01:57:50 Et vous essayez de comprendre
01:57:52 Il y a des invités entre 9 et 10 dans "A votre service"
01:57:54 Il faut qu'on en parle
01:57:56 Qui vont bien évidemment nous aider dans ce domaine là
01:57:58 Et puis on va aller faire un tour dans le domaine de la biodiversité
01:58:00 Sur France 3 Bourgogne
01:58:02 Quelle nature pour demain, enquête de région
