Inilabas na revised guidelines, mas magpapadali sa proseso ng PUV modernization

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Inilabas na revised guidelines, mas magpapadali sa proseso ng PUV modernization;

Pagpasa ng application for consolidation, hanggang December 31 na lang
00:00 revised guidelines and other updates on the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program
00:05 and Transport Cooperatives, we will discuss with Jesus Ferdinand Ortega,
00:11 the Chairperson of the Office of Transportation Cooperatives in the Department of Transportation.
00:18 Sir Ortega, good afternoon.
00:20 Good afternoon to you.
00:21 Good afternoon.
00:22 Good afternoon, sir.
00:23 Welcome back to the new Philippines.
00:26 Okay, for those who are wondering, I am here with the legal expert of Radyo Pilipinas.
00:33 I would like to introduce my co-host, Atty. Galang.
00:36 He has a program in Radyo Pilipinas, right, Atty.?
00:40 Good afternoon to everyone.
00:42 I invite you to watch "Usapin Legal" every Saturday, 11am to 12 noon,
00:48 on Radyo Pilipinas, 7 to 8am.
00:51 Okay, so it's tomorrow?
00:53 Tomorrow, every Saturday.
00:55 Okay, it's good that we have a lawyer with us in the program.
00:59 You will be the one to ask the legal issues.
01:02 Let's talk about it.
01:03 Okay, first of all, what are the revisions that we can say will be facilitated
01:09 in the process of this PUV Modernization Program?
01:13 First of all, after months and months of traveling around the Philippines,
01:21 we will have an amended or revision of the franchising guideline,
01:26 which will be released in a week or two.
01:30 We will see positive revisions.
01:33 The initial one is that the equity subsidy will be increased.
01:37 From Php 160,000, the government has already made it to Php 280,000
01:42 which will be the government's help in buying a modern vehicle.
01:46 On the part of OTC, you need to have paid-up capital of Php 300,000
01:51 for one co-op, right?
01:53 You can split it.
01:55 What we did is we are giving them a year to produce that amount,
01:59 not just a few.
02:00 And among others, there are many more regarding the loan to banks.
02:05 A certain certificate is needed.
02:07 Now, it's an alternative certificate.
02:10 So those are the things that are revision and more
02:14 to make it easier to join the modernization
02:17 and to make it easier to join our transportation sector.
02:21 Okay.
02:22 Sir, on the revised guidelines,
02:24 when is the deadline for the application for consolidation?
02:28 Yes.
02:28 The deadline for consolidation is for the joining of the transport sector,
02:33 the drivers and operators,
02:35 to form a cooperative, which is under my office,
02:39 or a corporation.
02:41 The deadline is December 31, 2023.
02:44 And for your info, the government extended it seven times.
02:48 It's more of a help.
02:50 The extension is more of a help from our government
02:53 so that they have more time.
02:55 But for now, it is firm, it is final, and that is the deadline.
02:59 That's why we are doing it twice, three times,
03:02 to really reach out to these sectors so that they can join.
03:06 Okay. So there's no extension for that, sir?
03:08 No.
03:09 No. That's it.
03:10 That's it.
03:10 That's right.
03:11 Okay. So after the filing of the application for consolidation,
03:16 what is the next step?
03:19 The next step is to get modern vehicles.
03:24 That's why we told them not to worry about it,
03:27 not to think about it,
03:29 that you will be in a hurry to buy modern vehicles
03:32 because there is still the next step.
03:35 So once they are consolidated,
03:38 so starting January, they will be given a certain period of time.
03:41 As of now, as far as I know, it will take almost three years.
03:45 This doesn't mean that it's hopeless.
03:47 They have time to buy modern vehicles.
03:51 Meaning, those who have consolidated,
03:53 those who have joined the modernization,
03:55 their traditional jeepneys,
03:57 as long as roadworthy, they can still use them.
04:02 Sir, will you have a dialogue with the transport cooperatives
04:06 about the revised guidelines
04:08 so that they can be more involved
04:11 in the implementation of the POV modernization in the country?
04:15 Like what I said earlier,
04:20 we have visited several times in the past months in the Philippines.
04:25 On the part of OTC,
04:27 we will finalize Luzon,
04:29 we will go to Visayas, to Mindanao,
04:31 more, we will extend it a bit.
04:33 Then after that,
04:35 the major consultation is also over.
04:37 We just had the major consultation two weeks ago.
04:40 So, that's over.
04:41 So, there will be a re-release of the new guidelines.
04:45 And that's what everybody is waiting for.
04:47 Okay.
04:48 So, as of now, sir, how many percent
04:51 of the operators and drivers have consolidated?
04:55 We are reaching between 60 to 70 percent.
04:59 That's our target at present.
05:01 And our target is a little more.
05:04 But the government, we are aware that there are some
05:08 who don't want to be drivers,
05:10 to be operators.
05:11 So, like the last time I was here in Niña,
05:13 we have a program in Dole and in TESDA.
05:16 It's a livelihood program that we will give to those who don't want to.
05:20 And good news is,
05:21 based on the revision of the guidelines,
05:24 we will improve that.
05:25 We will make it more attractive
05:28 so that we can help more drivers and operators.
05:30 I'm just curious,
05:32 are there a lot of people who expressed
05:35 that they are interested in the alternative program
05:37 that you are giving?
05:38 Yeah.
05:39 In fact, Dole and TESDA is waiting for our list.
05:44 So, we went around Luzon at the moment.
05:48 Like last year, there were like 4,000 to 5,000
05:51 who said that they are interested.
05:53 This year, I cannot say exactly how many.
05:56 But definitely, if they don't want to be drivers and operators,
06:01 the government is here to give them that support.
06:04 I just have a follow-up question.
06:06 The 4,000 to 5,000 who expressed interest,
06:08 out of how many?
06:09 It depends.
06:11 Because we have around 150,000 Jeepney drivers and operators.
06:15 So, those 4,000 were on the part of the OTC.
06:19 There is a list of DOTR,
06:21 there is a list of LTFRB.
06:22 So, definitely, the number will be big.
06:25 That's why they still have time if they don't want to join.
06:29 And what are the usual jobs that they are interested in?
06:34 - It's like this. - For TESDA and Dole?
06:35 Right.
06:36 It's like they are ordering on the TESDA menu.
06:38 Dole has a menu.
06:41 So, they want to have a vulcanizing shop.
06:44 Or they want to be a baker.
06:46 Or the loading of cellphones.
06:50 So, they have a lot of choices in TESDA and Dole.
06:55 And it's really up to them what is close to their hearts.
06:58 Sir, what are the other things that you do
07:01 in the Office of Transportation Cooperatives?
07:03 So, like what we are saying,
07:07 so that the drivers can have a chance to join the cooperatives.
07:11 What we are doing now is we are doing the last 2 minutes.
07:15 We are already going around Luzon.
07:17 We will be winding up Luzon next week.
07:20 After that, Visayas, Mindanao.
07:22 And then, that's reaching out.
07:24 Reaching out for the support and the invitation.
07:27 And then, on the part of OTC, our board meeting,
07:30 we make it more than once a month.
07:32 We'll try to make it twice or more
07:34 so that we can have more people to approve
07:37 to those who apply to be cooperatives.
07:39 Those are the things that we are doing.
07:41 Okay. So, about your program earlier,
07:45 I still want to expound further
07:46 because this is a very exciting opportunity.
07:49 Because not all of them,
07:49 some are old and they don't want to be drivers.
07:53 Or maybe they have other talents.
07:55 You said that they are bakers.
07:57 Okay. So, how will they do this?
08:00 Do they have capital?
08:01 Yes. Because it's like this.
08:02 They have capital.
08:03 They will have around 30,000.
08:06 It's not really in cash.
08:08 It's more of products that can help them
08:11 jumpstart into being a businessman
08:13 or to become an entrepreneur.
08:15 What's good about this is that their family is here.
08:19 Their spouse, their children.
08:21 Who could join to train
08:23 to be an entrepreneur.
08:25 So, it's not just for drivers or operators.
08:28 It could be extended to their family members.
08:31 So, they will be a family corporation.
08:33 Is there also for senior citizens?
08:36 Because there are other drivers,
08:38 seniors who don't want to train.
08:39 We don't have an age limit here.
08:41 There is no age limit here.
08:42 As long as they are willing to train
08:44 to be ready to be an entrepreneur
08:47 or to be a businessman,
08:48 they will be included in the requirements
08:51 regarding this program.
08:53 Sir, this is the last question.
08:55 What is your message
08:56 or what do you want to remind
08:57 the transport groups and cooperatives?
09:00 First of all, thank you for this opportunity.
09:04 The government is ready to help
09:06 and help everyone
09:08 to join in modernization.
09:10 For those who are not allowed,
09:12 we have a program through DOLE and TESDA
09:15 to help you.
09:17 But we need to know
09:19 that we have a deadline on December 31.
09:22 And after the deadline,
09:23 everyone who joins the program
09:26 will enjoy all the changes,
09:28 all the good news,
09:30 in the revision of the guidelines
09:31 so that the program of modernization
09:35 is not only for the benefit
09:36 of our drivers and operators,
09:38 but most especially,
09:39 for our investors.
09:42 Okay, for those who still don't want to join,
09:45 you might have a message for them.
09:47 There is still time, right?
09:49 How are you?
09:50 Well, do you think there is still time
09:53 to join
09:54 to the remaining percentage
09:55 that you are not joining?
09:57 You can say that there is still 20%
09:59 who are not joining.
10:00 In fact, there is one who came to us
10:01 from Pangasinan.
10:03 They are an association.
10:05 Of course, there were some discussions.
10:07 More than half of the association
10:09 came to us
10:10 and formed a cooperative.
10:12 So, the point here is
10:13 the office of OTC is open,
10:16 LTFRB, DOTR,
10:17 because we expect
10:19 and I feel confident
10:20 more people will apply
10:22 in the next few weeks.
10:24 Yes, especially now
10:25 that the deadline is near, sir.
10:28 But thank you so much for coming.
10:30 And at your time,
10:33 Jesus Ferdinand Ortega,
10:35 the chairperson
10:36 of the Office of Transportation Cooperatives
10:39 of the Department of Transportation.
