Detienen al Dr. Fernando Vázquez cuando visitaba a madre de preso político

  • last year
Autoridades del régimen cubano detuvieron el jueves en la ciudad de Camagüey al Dr. Fernando Vázquez cuando visitaba a Ailex Marcano, madre del preso político del 11J Ángel Jesús Véliz.
Según contó la madre cubana a ADN Cuba este viernes, el arresto se produjo en su vivienda, donde Vázquez iba a quedarse para regresar a La Habana este 10 de noviembre. El doctor había publicado un video en su perfil de Facebook desde la casa de Ailex Marcano, donde dejaba clara su posición con relación a los represores.
Ailex Marcano comunicó recientemente a través de sus redes sociales que el doctor Fernando Vázquez ya se encuentra en su casa en La Habana.
00:00 Cuban authorities arrested Dr. Fernando Vásquez in Camagüey on Thursday
00:07 when he was visiting Ilex Marcano, mother of the 11-J political prisoner, Ángel Jesús Vélez Marcano.
00:13 According to the Cuban mother, the arrest took place in her home,
00:18 where Vásquez was going to stay to return to Havana on November 10.
00:23 My brother Wilber, you know that Dr. Fernando came to visit Camagüey, the house of Mayor Ignacio Agramonte, to see the museum.
00:32 He came to do a tour of the historical center and the historical places in our history.
00:40 He came to my house to see me, to greet me, to share a moment with me,
00:45 and he received messages from the State Security.
00:48 He told me that it was Agent Luisito who was going to be arrested as soon as he left my house.
00:53 The doctor had published a video on his Facebook profile from Ilex Marcano's house,
01:12 where he made clear his position regarding the repressors.
01:16 They are not going to look for you, the opposition, the relatives, with their suffering and pain,
01:22 nor the prisoners. They are going to look for the mafia, the mafia for which you do the dirty work.
01:27 The dirty work of death, blackmail, repression, pain.
01:33 Goodbye to all political prisoners.
01:35 Freedom!
01:36 Keep up with those dirty methods, of slander.
01:40 The Museum of the History of the Republic of Chile
01:45 The Museum of the History of the Republic of Chile
01:48 (wind whooshing)
