Fetita cu chibriturile - Desene Animate (dublate in romana)

  • last year


00:00 [music]
00:11 [music]
00:12 The Little Mermaid
00:15 [music]
00:35 [music]
00:58 [music]
01:21 [music]
01:46 [music]
01:53 [music]
01:57 Everything happened on the last night of the year.
02:01 Still in the morning, it was snowing non-stop and it was very cold.
02:06 But the passers-by were happy and with big packages under their arms,
02:10 they hurried home to celebrate the New Year's Eve.
02:14 Everyone was happy, except for the child.
02:17 [music]
02:44 [music]
02:54 [music]
02:57 [music]
03:17 [music]
03:30 Buy the Christmas tree, please!
03:35 It costs only a few pennies. Please, buy it!
03:39 [sniffing]
03:41 [music]
03:52 Oh, Grandpa!
03:56 The girl sat down with her mind on the happy days she spent with her grandmother.
04:04 Hello, Grandpa!
04:06 [crying]
04:10 It's hot and cold on your knees!
04:12 My child, you are so lovely!
04:15 Grandpa, tell me a beautiful story!
04:18 [laughing]
04:19 Tell me, dear, which one should I tell you?
04:24 Let me think.
04:28 Tell me about the stars, Grandpa!
04:30 Well, as you wish. I know a story that resembles your situation.
04:35 You should know that once upon a time, there was a little girl.
04:38 Tell me, Grandpa, how was she? Was she taller or shorter than me?
04:42 She was very sweet, sweet and kind, just like you, my little girl.
04:47 So, one day, the child I was talking about decided to go to find her.
04:53 Grandma was very good to her and was always willing to tell her very beautiful stories when the child asked her for them.
05:01 So, to finish the story, did you like the little girl?
05:04 A lot!
05:07 Oh! Did you see that, Grandpa? A star fell! Who knows where it landed?
05:12 My dear, when you see a falling star, it means that someone's soul is going to heaven to stay close to God.
05:19 Oh! I didn't know!
05:22 Unfortunately for the child, that happy period didn't last long.
05:32 Grandpa! My dear Grandpa!
05:39 His beloved grandmother, the only one who took care of her, went to heaven.
05:54 I miss you, Grandpa!
05:57 You usually spend your time here, don't you? Come home right now!
06:02 But, Grandpa, I...
06:05 After the death of her grandmother, her life became harder and harder.
06:11 Look, keep in mind! Sell all the kibriti and remember! If you come back with your hands empty, I won't let you go home!
06:29 Buy kibriti, gentlemen! Nobody wants to buy kibriti! Buy kibriti! It costs very little!
06:39 (rain)
07:04 Do you want kibriti, sir?
07:27 It's a good thing they didn't get wet!
07:35 Buy kibriti, gentlemen! They are of the highest quality!
07:45 Give me one!
07:49 Of course! Look!
07:53 But there are too many!
07:54 It doesn't matter! Keep the rest, little Tico!
07:57 I'm sorry, but I can't accept, sir!
08:00 Well, then we'll give you more kibriti, so everything will be in order!
08:06 Thank you very much! And now, please receive a small gift from me!
08:11 A happy Christmas, little one!
08:14 Oh, thank you! Thank you, sir!
08:20 And so, day after day, the girl was wandering the streets of the city, trying to sell the kibriti.
08:29 But sometimes, she happened to come home with her bag still full.
08:34 (doorbell)
08:59 When this happened, her father would beat her and kick her out of the house, leaving her without food.
09:09 Our story takes place on the last day of the year.
09:21 Today is the last day of the year!
09:23 If you don't manage to sell all the kibriti, we won't have money for food!
09:27 So, don't come back until you've sold the last box, got it?
09:30 Yes, I got it!
09:32 But what am I going to do with these pants? They're all torn!
09:36 What?
09:41 Eh?
09:47 Here, take them!
09:54 Those pants were once her mother's.
09:57 And she could see them with her eyes open.
09:59 They were too wide, but it was better for her than to walk barefoot.
10:04 The girl walked fast and, without saying anything, she went out into the snowy night.
10:22 Oh, my little girl!
10:34 Buy my kibriti, please!
10:39 Stop buying them! They're cheap!
10:43 Please, buy them!
10:46 Buy my kibriti, please!
10:49 Kibriti!
10:52 Nobody wants to buy my kibriti!
10:54 Kibriti!
11:04 Kibriti!
11:24 Kibriti!
11:41 Buy my kibriti, please!
11:43 Stop buying them! They're cheap!
11:49 Buy my kibriti, please!
11:55 Please!
11:58 Ladies and gentlemen, would you like to buy my kibriti?
12:03 They're cheap!
12:05 Please! Please!
12:09 Kibriti!
12:30 The poor girl felt so tired, hungry and frozen, that she couldn't stand up and walk.
12:39 Poor me! If I can't sell these kibriti, my father will beat me and lock the door, leaving me outside.
12:46 But I'm very scared.
12:51 I can't even move.
12:53 I'm afraid that if I light a few kibriti, I'll be able to warm up and keep working.
13:03 However, my father will punish me if I burn kibriti.
13:10 But if I light just one, he won't notice.
13:18 Kibriti!
13:32 What is this heat?
13:41 Oh!
14:08 Oh!
14:24 Excuse me, ladies, are you kind enough to dance for me?
14:29 Of course! With pleasure!
14:31 Thank you!
14:55 If you have to dance with us, let's start the dance!
15:01 Hurray!
15:03 Bravo!
15:05 Hurray!
15:07 Faster!
15:09 Faster!
15:11 Hurray!
15:13 Oh!
15:41 Oh!
15:43 Oh!
15:45 Oh!
16:05 Oh!
16:19 Oh, my God! I've never seen such a beautiful Christmas tree in my life!
16:26 Oh!
16:29 Oh!
16:41 Now you have to come with us! Come on, we'll have fun!
16:59 Oh!
17:02 Oh!
17:04 Look a little further! Santa Claus is coming!
17:13 Welcome to my little Santa's crib!
17:16 Thank you! I'm very happy to meet you!
17:18 Now I will accompany you on a very beautiful journey into the sky!
17:32 Everything is wonderful!
17:34 Isn't it? Now I'll show you some more wonderful things! Let's go!
17:49 Oh!
18:16 Oh!
18:19 Oh!
18:21 Oh!
18:24 Oh!
18:27 Oh!
18:31 Oh!
18:36 Oh!
18:39 Oh!
19:00 Oh!
19:12 Oh!
19:25 Oh!
19:31 Oh!
19:34 Oh!
19:37 Oh!
19:41 Oh!
20:04 Oh!
20:12 Oh!
20:41 Oh!
21:08 Oh!
21:13 Oh!
21:20 Oh!
21:22 Oh!
21:51 Poor kid!
21:53 Sarmana tried to warm herself by holding onto the toys.
21:55 Poor baby! It must have been very cold!
21:59 Everyone who passed by there felt a great pain
22:02 when they saw the frozen little girl,
22:04 but no one could have known
22:06 that this child had seen amazing things
22:09 and that no one could have imagined
22:10 that the little girl with the toys
22:12 was climbing up to the sky
22:14 to celebrate the New Year's Eve
22:17 together with her grandmother
22:19 and that she was finally happy.
22:21 Poor little girl!
22:23 The dubbing was made in the Empire Video Production studios.
22:33 They dubbed in Romanian
22:35 Anca Maria Florea, Radita Rosu, Gabriel Rauta and George Petcu.
22:40 Sound engineer - Alexandru Butnariu.
22:43 Director - Laurean German.
22:45 Coordinator - Ana Maria Chibu.
22:47 Vocal - Venetia Ghita.
22:49 I know you miss her,
22:54 Your dear little grandmother.
22:59 Sweet child, you need love,
23:05 A lot of warmth and happiness.
23:11 I know you miss her,
23:17 Your dear little grandmother.
23:22 You have a sad and cold face
23:27 since your grandmother left
23:30 because she was the only one who took care of you.
23:35 From above your grandmother is watching you
23:38 and next to you, she doesn't even know
23:41 how you will sleep in her arms.
23:47 You have a sad and cold face
23:50 since your grandmother left
23:53 because she was the only one who took care of you.
23:58 In a wonderful place you will find her again,
24:04 she will tell you a story and will warm you up.
24:11 www.mooji.org
24:16 (upbeat music)
