Hansel & Gretel - desene animate ( dublate in lb. romana ).

  • last year


00:00 [music]
00:12 Pencil and Gretel
00:14 [music]
00:38 [music]
01:05 Hansel and Gretel, Hansel and Gretel
01:08 You are afraid of the bad ghost
01:11 Hansel and Gretel, Hansel and Gretel
01:14 Now she just wants to eat you
01:17 Hansel and Gretel, Hansel and Gretel
01:20 Please, get close to her
01:23 Hansel and Gretel, Hansel and Gretel
01:26 Only having courage you can escape
01:29 How will she get? How will she get?
01:32 How will she get? Let's see if they will escape
01:36 How will she get? How will she get?
01:39 How will she get?
01:44 Hansel and Gretel, Hansel and Gretel
01:47 [music]
01:53 [music]
01:56 Once upon a time there was a brother and a sister
01:59 Hansel and Gretel, who lived near a forest
02:03 The father of the two children was a woodcutter
02:08 And the mother...
02:09 Come on, come and eat
02:11 Yes, we're coming now
02:13 ...was actually the mother of the woodcutter
02:16 [music]
02:20 In that year there was a full harvest
02:23 So the family of the woodcutter could barely live
02:27 [music]
02:32 Eat, children
02:35 Bon appetit, everyone
02:38 [music]
02:41 The times were changing
02:43 And the food that the mother could put on the table was getting less and less
02:48 [music]
02:50 Until one night...
02:53 [crickets chirping]
02:59 What's the matter, Gretel? Can't you sleep?
03:02 No, I can't sleep because I'm so hungry
03:06 Try to think clearly! If we continue like this, we will die of hunger
03:10 You're right, but I can't leave the children in the forest
03:13 They can't manage on their own and they could become food for the wild animals
03:18 [music]
03:22 Then at least the hungry animals won't die
03:25 But can't you see that by eating so little, we are both just skin and bone?
03:30 Yes, but...
03:32 I can't do such a thing
03:34 In the end, the mother of the woodcutter managed to convince the woodcutter
03:38 to leave the children in the forest
03:41 Listen, Hansel
03:43 Do you think they will leave us in the forest?
03:46 I have a plan. You don't have to worry
03:50 Are you serious, Hansel?
03:52 Yes
03:53 Good boy, my precious!
03:55 Shh!
03:56 [laughing]
04:00 [music]
04:13 Perfect!
04:14 [music]
04:29 The next morning, Hansel and Gretel left in the forest with their parents
04:34 Enjoy your lunch, children!
04:38 Thank you!
04:39 Don't eat it before it's time, ok?
04:42 Yes, yes
04:44 Hansel!
04:54 Come on, hurry up!
04:57 Otherwise, it will be late
05:00 [music]
05:13 Hansel, move!
05:15 Always stay behind
05:17 Yes, yes
05:19 [music]
05:35 You children stay here by the fire
05:40 We will go and gather wood and then we will come back to take it, ok?
05:43 Yes, yes
05:45 Let's get to work
05:48 Be careful, don't leave here
05:50 And don't let the fire go out
05:52 Don't be afraid, I will take care of you
05:55 Enjoy your lunch, Hansel!
06:04 Thank you!
06:05 [music]
06:08 Look how cute it is!
06:10 [music]
06:13 [laughing]
06:15 It's good, Hansel!
06:17 Take this piece of bread
06:19 Come on, Hansel!
06:21 Come closer!
06:23 Come on!
06:25 [laughing]
06:26 He ran away!
06:28 [laughing]
06:31 Mom and dad are still in the forest
06:37 Yes?
06:38 Maybe they changed their minds and they don't want to leave us here anymore
06:40 I wish it were so
06:43 But things were going very differently
06:46 In fact, mom and dad left the forest a long time ago
06:50 leaving the two children there
06:53 They left in the dark
06:56 and it was getting colder in the forest
06:59 Tired...
07:01 Tired of waiting for their parents, the children slept by the fire
07:05 [roar]
07:11 Huh?
07:13 Hey, Gretel!
07:20 Gretel!
07:21 Yes? What is it?
07:24 It's already night
07:28 [laughing]
07:36 They left us here in the middle of the forest
07:39 We will never find our way back home, Hansel!
07:42 Be brave, Gretel! You have nothing to cry about
07:45 Everything will be fine
07:47 You'll see that together we will find our way back home
07:52 You don't have to be afraid, little girl
07:57 I thought of how we can do it
07:59 Ha-ha! Look, he's gone!
08:01 See the pebbles?
08:04 Following the pebbles scattered behind them on their way
08:07 Hansel and Gretel continued to walk all night
08:10 And when day was over, they got back to their parents' house
08:14 [laughing]
08:16 Mom! Dad!
08:17 Mom! Dad! It's us! We're back!
08:19 It's us!
08:20 Mom!
08:21 Good day!
08:22 Good day, mom! We're back!
08:24 We're back!
08:25 How did you manage?
08:26 It's good you came back, kids!
08:28 [laughing]
08:29 It's good you came back home and took care of me
08:32 Oh, dad!
08:36 But shortly after, the food was scarce again
08:39 And the quarrels between the parents started again
08:42 Mom was trying to persuade the woodcutter to let the kids go back to the forest
08:48 The kids were sleeping without knowing what was waiting for them
08:53 Hey, wake up!
08:56 [knocking]
08:58 Hurry up! We have to go to the forest!
09:02 [knocking]
09:04 [knocking]
09:06 That morning, Hansel didn't have time to pick up the pebbles from the garden
09:11 Thank you!
09:12 Because mother Woodcutter was in a hurry to get to the forest
09:15 Without pebbles, the kid decided to leave behind the crumbs from the bread he received
09:21 [music]
09:41 Enjoy!
09:43 Thank you!
09:44 I'm so lucky with this piece of bread, because I was hungry
09:50 [music]
09:59 Gretel! Gretel!
10:02 Wake up! We have to go home!
10:06 Hurry up!
10:08 Oh no!
10:15 They disappeared!
10:19 The crumbs disappeared, Gretel!
10:21 And now what do we do?
10:23 Don't worry, you'll see, we'll manage!
10:26 The birds in the forest ate all the crumbs that the boy left on the road
10:31 Stay calm, sister! We'll find the way home without a hitch
10:35 Oh, Hansel, I'm so cold!
10:40 Come on, be serious, it's just a snore, it's nothing to worry about
10:45 [Gretel crying]
11:04 Hi, Gretel!
11:06 [Gretel crying]
11:12 [music]
11:28 After they ran all night, the kids ate the crumbs on the leaves and ate for a few months
11:35 But they couldn't find their way home
11:39 Easy!
11:40 So they spent three long days
12:00 [music]
12:07 [laughing]
12:09 [speaking in Italian]
12:12 [laughing]
12:22 [music]
12:31 [speaking in Italian]
12:36 [crunching]
12:38 [laughing]
12:40 [speaking in Italian]
12:44 [music]
12:47 [speaking in Italian]
12:49 [laughing]
12:50 [speaking in Italian]
12:54 [laughing]
12:56 [thunder]
12:58 [gasping]
13:01 [speaking in Italian]
13:14 [gasping]
13:15 [music]
13:18 [chewing]
13:25 [speaking in Italian]
13:32 [music]
13:33 [speaking in Italian]
13:46 [speaking in Italian]
13:53 [music]
13:59 [speaking in Italian]
14:03 [music]
14:12 [snoring]
14:14 [music]
14:19 [gasping]
14:21 [music]
14:25 [speaking in Italian]
14:30 [speaking in Italian]
14:34 [speaking in Italian]
14:40 [speaking in Italian]
14:42 [chewing]
14:43 [speaking in Italian]
14:46 [gasping]
14:49 [speaking in Italian]
14:59 [gasping]
15:01 [speaking in Italian]
15:06 [gasping]
15:07 [music]
15:10 [crying]
15:13 [speaking in Italian]
15:15 [crying]
15:19 [speaking in Italian]
15:21 [crying]
15:24 [speaking in Italian]
15:28 [crying]
15:30 [speaking in Italian]
15:34 [speaking in Italian]
15:40 [speaking in Italian]
15:47 [thudding]
15:49 [speaking in Italian]
15:57 [choking]
15:58 [speaking in Italian]
16:05 [crying]
16:10 [speaking in Italian]
16:17 [speaking in Italian]
16:19 [crying]
16:21 [speaking in Italian]
16:23 [music]
16:27 [speaking in Italian]
16:29 [chewing]
16:31 [gasping]
16:32 [speaking in Italian]
16:34 [gasping]
16:35 [speaking in Italian]
16:38 [speaking in Italian]
16:42 [chewing]
16:43 [gasping]
16:44 [speaking in Italian]
16:46 [crying]
16:51 [speaking in Italian]
16:54 [music]
17:00 [speaking in Italian]
17:07 [speaking in Italian]
17:15 [laughing]
17:17 [footsteps]
17:19 [thudding]
17:20 [screaming]
17:21 [speaking in Italian]
17:23 [footsteps]
17:24 [crying]
17:26 [speaking in Italian]
17:32 [music]
17:40 [speaking in Italian]
17:46 [music]
17:51 [speaking in Italian]
17:57 [footsteps]
17:58 [speaking in Italian]
18:02 [music]
18:07 [speaking in Italian]
18:18 [screaming]
18:19 [footsteps]
18:20 [speaking in Italian]
18:30 [music]
18:33 [speaking in Italian]
18:38 [music]
18:40 [speaking in Italian]
18:52 [thudding]
18:53 [thudding]
18:55 [speaking in Italian]
19:02 [crying]
19:08 [speaking in Italian]
19:13 [speaking in Italian]
19:18 [music]
19:24 [sighing]
19:26 [speaking in Italian]
19:30 [speaking in Italian]
19:36 [speaking in Italian]
19:39 [music]
19:40 [speaking in Italian]
19:43 [music]
19:44 [speaking in Italian]
19:47 [speaking in Italian]
19:49 [speaking in Italian]
19:52 [music]
19:53 [sighing]
19:54 [laughing]
19:55 [humming]
19:56 [speaking in Italian]
20:01 [speaking in Italian]
20:09 [screaming]
20:12 [sighing]
20:15 [footsteps]
20:17 [music]
20:22 [speaking in Italian]
20:23 [music]
20:24 [speaking in Italian]
20:27 [speaking in Italian]
20:30 [laughing]
20:31 [music]
20:33 [door opening]
20:34 [laughing]
20:35 [speaking in Italian]
20:36 [laughing]
20:37 [music]
20:40 [laughing]
20:41 [speaking in Italian]
20:49 [music]
20:55 [laughing]
20:56 [music]
20:59 [speaking in Italian]
21:04 [water flowing]
21:08 [speaking in Italian]
21:11 [speaking in Italian]
21:13 [speaking in Italian]
21:15 [water flowing]
21:17 [speaking in Italian]
21:25 [music]
21:29 [laughing]
21:32 [speaking in Italian]
21:35 [music]
21:46 [speaking in Italian]
21:55 [speaking in Italian]
22:00 [speaking in Italian]
22:05 [speaking in Italian]
22:08 [speaking in Italian]
22:16 [speaking in Italian]
22:26 [music]
22:30 [speaking in Italian]
22:36 [speaking in Italian]
22:44 [music]
22:46 [singing in Italian]
22:56 [singing in Italian]
23:06 [singing in Italian]
23:16 [singing in Italian]
23:26 [singing in Italian]
23:36 [singing in Italian]
23:46 [singing in Italian]
23:56 [singing in Italian]
24:06 [singing in Italian]
24:11 [music]
24:17 you
