Rahul Dravid on unbeaten India's final group world cup game against Bangladesh

  • last year
Rahul Dravid on unbeaten India's final group world cup game against Bangladesh
00:00 Happy Diwali to all of you.
00:03 Thank you so much.
00:04 What are the boxes you want to kick off the season with?
00:08 So that we can prepare for the semi-finals.
00:11 I think just kicking the box of what we have been doing really well,
00:19 which is I think we have maintained some really high standards
00:23 in terms of our execution, our intensity.
00:27 And I think it's just continuing on that journey.
00:32 So I think when we started off, and I think I answered this question,
00:38 I think it was your question only, in Chennai,
00:43 that we have been playing in nine cities and nine venues.
00:46 And I think we have travelled the length and breadth of this country
00:50 and played in eight venues, and this is our ninth venue.
00:52 And I think what this team has done really well is it has
00:55 really represented India fantastically.
00:59 It's played a really good brand of cricket.
01:02 And we've done that in eight venues, and this is a really great venue,
01:07 even if I say so.
01:10 I certainly think it is.
01:12 As do a lot of other people, to be honest, in our team.
01:16 It's a truly passionate crowd and a great venue to play cricket in.
01:21 And we would like to do the same.
01:23 We know we have nine boxes to tick, and we've ticked eight.
01:27 And we would certainly like to put on another really good display.
01:30 Do our best.
01:31 It's all we can ask for and hope for from the boys.
01:34 Hopefully, if we do our best, then the results will look after themselves.
01:41 Rahul, a team like Netherlands, which has impressed everybody,
01:45 how do you see them, especially when you take on the mindset
01:49 and all those things come into play?
01:51 Very impressive.
01:52 I think I've been very impressed with the way they have played in this tournament.
01:57 The effort that they've gone through to be able to qualify.
02:01 I have some, I wouldn't say first-hand experience,
02:06 but I certainly know how difficult it is for associate teams
02:11 to be able to reach this level and play.
02:14 Having spent some time in Scotland myself in the early part of the--
02:17 in early 2000, spent some time there.
02:21 And I know things have improved for the associates since then.
02:24 Certainly over the last 20 years, the ICC has done a really good job
02:28 of trying to improve their standards and try to give their players
02:35 the same amount of opportunities.
02:37 Of course, it's never going to be the same.
02:39 The kind of professional setups now of some of the more established teams.
02:44 But certainly, I think the performances of teams like Netherlands
02:48 certainly go a long way in boosting the morale of a lot of the other
02:52 associate nations that they can certainly compete,
02:55 that they've got some very good players.
02:57 And it's quite inspiring to see that in spite of the challenges
03:00 that they do face, that they're able to compete at this level,
03:03 to play at this level.
03:05 So, yeah, it's been great to see the way they've performed.
03:08 I know they'll be a well-prepared, well-coached cricket team.
03:14 And we're looking forward to playing them.
03:17 Hi, Rahul. Over here.
03:21 Hi. Sorry.
03:23 You're playing such a pressure-filled tournament at home.
03:26 So, Rohit, you've always been a cool, calm, composed player on the field.
03:31 And you've been together for a long time now.
03:34 So, how do you see Rohit's captaincy, especially in the World Cup, or otherwise?
03:38 Yeah, Rohit has certainly been a leader, without a doubt.
03:42 I think he's led by example both on and off the field.
03:46 Some of the starts that he's given us, the way he's cracked open games for us.
03:51 A lot of times, people have looked at one...
03:55 I mean, I can't go into the specific games.
03:57 I'm sure that you will be able to look into it.
03:59 But there have been some games where it could have been tricky for us.
04:02 But the fact that he's been able to get us to those kinds of starts has literally cracked open the game.
04:07 So, in the end, it's actually looked easy.
04:09 But on reflection, as a coaching staff, when we looked at it,
04:13 we've realized the impact that innings like that, of his innings have had on games like that,
04:18 that have made it look easy for us.
04:20 And certainly made it easier for the guys who followed in that department.
04:23 So, I think he's been fantastic.
04:25 With his batting, the leadership that he's shown, and taking on the game.
04:29 In leading from the front, we've talked about playing in a particular way.
04:33 You cannot do that unless your leader really buys in and actually shows by example.
04:40 And it's been terrific to see the way Rohit's done that.
04:43 And I think his captaincy has obviously been fantastic as well.
04:46 It's been very good for a long time.
04:48 He's someone who's certainly got the respect of the group and the team.
04:51 Certainly got the respect of our coaching staff.
04:54 And it's been a pleasure to see him operate the way he has, both on and off the field, like I said.
05:02 And I think he's truly someone who deserves all the success that he's been getting.
05:10 And hopefully it may continue.
05:12 Rahul, since this is the last league game and India is assured of a top finish,
05:21 is there a possibility of giving a chance to the guys who haven't played much in the tournament?
05:26 Or do you want to maintain the same 11 and take on the intensity to the semi-final?
05:31 Honestly, we've had six days off from the last game.
05:35 So, we're pretty well rested.
05:37 And the guys are in good shape, is all I'll say without giving away the level.
05:45 So, we've had six days off.
05:47 We've got one game before the semi-final.
05:49 Boys are rested.
05:51 So, that's all I'll say.
05:53 Rahul, make the inferences.
05:56 Rahul, the bowlers have enjoyed bowling under the lights.
06:00 Going into the semi-final, would you prefer having them bowl first over here
06:03 and just to get accost to the conditions of the Wankhede?
06:06 We've done both things.
06:07 To be honest with you, we bowled first, we batted first in this tournament.
06:10 I think that's been the really good thing for us in eight games.
06:12 I think in the first four or five, I think we batted first.
06:17 And then we had to chase in the last three.
06:19 So, we've actually done both things and we're pretty comfortable with both things.
06:22 So, I'm not too worried about it.
06:24 We'll have a look at the wicket and see what we need to do and decide what we want to do.
06:29 So, there are advantages of both things.
06:32 I mean, there are arguments both ways of batting first and putting up a score
06:37 and hopefully setting the tone that way.
06:40 And there's also an argument of chasing as well,
06:43 which means that you probably have to bowl in the sun and stuff.
06:47 But look, again, toss is not in our hands.
06:49 It's not going to be in our hands in the semi-finals.
06:51 And I think we're comfortable both ways.
06:53 I mean, we'll just make it.
06:55 We'll look at the wicket today and come tomorrow and have a look at the wicket as well.
06:59 And then, you know, whatever call it makes, we'll go with it.
07:03 Yeah.
07:04 Rahul, you said you can make your own inferences,
07:08 but I'm just saying, how do you balance somebody like Prasidh,
07:10 who has just come into the side, hasn't had a lot of cricket in the recent past?
07:15 So, how do you balance that between sticking to the guys who have rested
07:19 and who have done the job for you so far
07:21 and keeping him ready in case the need might arise at some stage?
07:24 To be honest with you, you're at a pointy end in a tournament now.
07:27 So, now at this stage, it's about just focusing on getting the guys
07:31 who you think are going to be playing in the XI
07:33 in the best possible space mentally and physically
07:37 to be able to play that semifinal and hopefully the final if we earn it.
07:42 So, that will be the single-pointed thinking.
07:44 It's not about…
07:46 There are times for larger picture thinking
07:48 and there are times for narrow focus thinking, in my opinion.
07:51 And now is the time for sheer narrow focus thinking, if everyone is fit.
07:55 Hi, Rahul.
08:00 Just a question on the medal order.
08:02 You know, they have done well this World Cup.
08:05 Two, three games we saw where they stepped out well.
08:07 So, a word on the medal order?
08:09 Yeah, it's terrific.
08:10 I mean, I think, again, I answered this question, if I remember, in Chennai.
08:16 And I said that, you know, a medal order is…
08:18 In one day cricket, somebody asked me about it
08:20 and I said medal orders are going to be very, very important in a tournament like this.
08:23 You know, they're going to…
08:25 How well your medal order performs in sometimes very tricky conditions
08:29 and challenging situations under pressure
08:31 is actually going to probably decide how well you do.
08:34 While our top order has also performed exceptionally well, you know,
08:37 I think our medal orders played very critical roles.
08:40 Sometimes you can't judge them by sheer numbers.
08:43 It's obvious that when you look at a leaderboard of scores and runs,
08:46 it will always be someone in the top three.
08:47 I mean, it's pretty obvious.
08:48 You know, you look at that whole board
08:49 and it's all filled with guys from any country who are in the top three.
08:53 So, that only gives you one half of the picture
08:56 but it's actually some of those 30s, 40s, critical knocks, you know.
08:59 I can look back on this whole campaign
09:02 and look at the contributions of our medal order
09:04 and they'll come only in sort of spurts.
09:06 So, one knock here or two knocks there
09:08 and somebody done something there or a Shreyas or a KL or a Surya's knock here
09:12 and Jaddu's important knock in Dharamshala.
09:14 You can look at a lot of these small, small things
09:16 and actually that's what really gives you those ticks
09:19 or gives you those wins at the end of the day.
09:21 So, it's a combination of things and, you know,
09:23 touch wood our medal order has been truly exceptional in this tournament.
09:26 Rahul, you mentioned Shreyas just now
09:30 and, you know, there's a lot spoken about him externally, of course,
09:35 I'm sure not within the team.
09:37 After those couple of dismissals, playing the pull shot and stuff
09:40 but then he's come back and like, you know,
09:42 he's played two fantastic knocks since then.
09:44 Like, what does he bring to the table
09:48 that makes him such a special player, you know,
09:50 at that number four spot?
09:52 He brings temperament.
09:54 I think one of the things Shreyas has shown us
09:56 is right from the time that I've seen him
09:59 as sort of an India A,
10:01 he came and played India A when I was coaching those days.
10:04 And I think one of the things that's really stood out about me
10:06 is his temperament, you know, the way he handles success, failure.
10:10 You just look at even some of his knocks under pressure,
10:14 you know, how he's able to actually
10:16 bring the best out of himself under those pressure situations.
10:19 So, it's about, you know, you can go on about
10:22 everyone will have areas that they need to work on
10:24 and they need to improve, you know, it's not,
10:26 it's not, you know, someone might have some other area.
10:29 There's no complete batsman who can say that I can,
10:32 I know everything or I'm very good at everything.
10:34 I mean, you know, you're always going to need areas to improve.
10:37 But in the end of the day, you have to be judged by the results you produce
10:40 and the runs you score and when you score them.
10:42 And I think Shreyas, you know, one of the things that does stand out,
10:44 look at some of his test innings,
10:46 look at how he started his test debut,
10:48 look at some of the critical knocks he's played for us.
10:50 I mean, even in the two years that I've been here,
10:52 I mean, Bangladesh, you know, that game,
10:54 you know, you look at who's the guy who stands up,
10:56 you know, Ash and Shreyas, guys like that who,
10:58 incredible temperament, incredible strength of mind,
11:02 you know, and I think, you know,
11:04 that's what has held him in really good stead.
11:06 He's terrific temperamentally.
11:08 So when someone like him does well, you know,
11:10 he's going to make big contributions.
11:12 And not always work out, but when it does,
11:14 you know, someone like him is going to make a big play.
11:16 Rahul, you mentioned associate cricket a little earlier.
11:20 Do you think more can be done outside of ICC events
11:23 in terms of giving them opportunities,
11:25 perhaps through the A-team or some similar programs?
11:29 Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't go into the exact details
11:32 of how to go about it in a press conference like this,
11:34 but certainly, you know, I think,
11:36 and I think it's really good and it's heartening to see,
11:39 I think the next 2020 World Cup had 20 teams participating in it.
11:43 Crickets in the Olympics as well in 2027, I think.
11:48 28.
11:49 28, so crickets in the Olympics as well.
11:51 So I think these are really good signs that show that,
11:54 you know, we're trying to embrace more teams into it.
11:57 It's complex. It's not easy.
11:58 I mean, there are only 365 days in the year.
12:00 There's so much of cricket being played.
12:02 It's becoming harder even for, I mean,
12:05 I know how tough our schedules are.
12:07 And it's very harder for normal, the more established teams
12:10 or the more, the sort of the non-associate teams itself
12:14 to be able to fit in time and calendar to play each other.
12:17 You know, to find that balance.
12:18 Yeah, but, you know, like you said,
12:20 the best route is to go down 18 cricket.
12:22 And then these specific tournaments like this, you know,
12:24 their qualifiers, their tournaments, like,
12:26 like having 20 people in a T20 World Cup Olympics.
12:30 So I think it's, it's growing and it's good to see that
12:33 it's going in the right direction, I think.
12:36 Rahul, hi.
12:38 A word on, you know, about the 4-5 injured players.
12:42 They were injured till two to three months before the World Cup.
12:45 They have managed to hit the ground running and also a word on the NCA itself
12:49 how they have managed this quick turnaround.
12:51 Yeah, so I think that's been a really good thing for us.
12:55 Obviously, a lot of thought and planning has gone into it.
12:59 You know, I think you need, so there's a combination of things
13:01 and these things, you need a little bit of luck as well.
13:03 You know, you need a bit of luck to go your way.
13:06 Unfortunately, we've had, I think it's been great for us
13:13 to have those guys back fit and ready for this tournament,
13:16 you know, just in time for this tournament.
13:18 Our margins were tight, our lines were tight.
13:21 You know, we knew that some of them would be coming in just at the Asia Cup
13:25 prior to this tournament.
13:27 So we had to make some contingency plans.
13:29 We looked at other stuff.
13:31 But the fact that they were able to come in into this tournament
13:35 is a tribute and to their own efforts and hard work,
13:40 the efforts of the NCA, the physios, the trainers at the NCA
13:44 for ensuring that, you know, we stuck to those timelines
13:47 and managed to hit those timelines as and when, you know, as soon as we could.
13:51 And a little bit of luck as well.
13:52 You know, you need a little bit of luck in these things.
13:54 Sometimes, you know, they go this way.
13:55 Sometimes they go that way, knowing that three weeks here, four weeks here,
13:59 and you can lose a player.
14:00 So it's a combination of all of those things.
14:02 But yeah, I think, you know, when you're playing big tournaments like this,
14:06 you want your best players playing.
14:09 You know, unfortunately, at the T20 World Cup,
14:11 we probably didn't have a little bit of that luck,
14:13 especially when you lose players like Booms and Jaddu
14:16 at the World Test Championship.
14:17 We missed a couple of guys.
14:19 Here, to be honest, we have missed a couple of guys, you know,
14:21 one before the tournament and one during the tournament.
14:24 But we've been able to respond really well so far, you know,
14:26 and I think that's been, again, something I'm very proud of.
14:30 We had a balance.
14:32 We knew what a balance is.
14:33 We've structured the whole thing around certain things.
14:36 But when that hasn't happened, you know, we've had the ability,
14:40 the skill and the mental fortitude to be able to bounce back
14:43 and to be able to still compete and do really well.
14:47 So yeah, I think, you know, credit to the guys, credit to, like I said,
14:50 even the NCAA for all the work that they do.
14:52 A lot of the stuff is behind the scenes.
14:54 People don't get to see it.
14:55 People don't see it.
14:57 And it's not easy, some of these things, to get people right in professional sport.
15:02 Sometimes people think, oh, you know, it's easy to get injured players playing.
15:06 Again, it's not that simple, you know.
15:09 It's easy to get people playing.
15:10 When you have an injury in normal life and getting back in the park
15:14 and getting back to normal office work is easy,
15:16 but getting back to people to professional sport is not easy.
15:19 So, yeah, well done to everyone so far.
15:22 Hi, Rahul.
15:23 Hi.
15:24 There's just a two-day gap after tomorrow's match before the semifinal.
15:27 In terms of the mindset, is a shift required in terms of when a team is playing a knockout game?
15:33 Does that require a mindset shift?
15:35 And if yes, how do the players approach that?
15:37 Not really.
15:38 I mean, I think we just want to focus one game at a time.
15:40 You still have to play good cricket, whether you're playing in a league game, as we've done,
15:46 or whether you've got to play a semifinal.
15:47 I mean, you've just got certain skills you've got to execute,
15:50 and execute really well and execute better than the opposition.
15:53 So you've just got to focus on that, focus on what you can control,
15:57 which is your skills, your ability.
16:00 Prepare yourself both mentally, physically, as best as you can for the game.
16:04 And then just play that game and try and do the best in that particular game.
16:08 Rahul sir, recently we have seen a few incidents which has created a lot of debate,
16:17 especially on the other side of the ground,
16:19 is that playing with the spirit of cricket and maintaining the rule of cricket.
16:24 So there is a lot of debate on this.
16:26 So just wanted to know your view or the views of the players,
16:30 those who perform on the field, how they take on a situation like this.
16:35 Especially you have been, during your playing career,
16:39 you have been a part of a situation where MS Dhoni recalled Ian Bell.
16:42 So under these circumstances, how do players think?
16:46 So I think like you rightly, like you just said yourself,
16:50 I mean, everyone thinks differently.
16:51 We are all unique creatures and we have our own minds and our own thoughts.
16:56 And the players will be the same, you know.
16:58 Each one of us will think differently about a particular situation.
17:01 And there is no real right and wrong.
17:05 I mean, you can go and debate both the situations.
17:07 You can debate whether we have to stick to the rules as they are
17:12 or you have to sometimes give a little leeway for a little bit of spirit of cricket.
17:16 And there will be people on both sides of the camp.
17:18 And I think just understanding that it is okay to have those differences is fine.
17:24 It is fine to have those differences.
17:25 And some people might agree or not agree with certain decisions that were taken.
17:29 Others will say, "No, it's in the rules, so I am allowed to do it."
17:32 And that's the way it is, you know.
17:34 You can't...
17:35 When someone wants to take the letter of the rule law to the last nth degree,
17:41 I don't think you can complain about it.
17:43 Because honestly, he is just following the rules as he sees it.
17:48 Yeah, I mean, you might not do it yourself.
17:50 I mean, you know, we might not do it.
17:52 But you can't blame somebody for following it because you put that in place.
17:56 And you have to give scope for that level of understanding of somebody.
18:00 Whether you choose to do it or not is completely your decision.
18:04 And, you know...
18:05 Thank you.
18:08 Thank you.
18:08 Thank you.
