Will the 49ers be Better or Worse in 2024?

  • last year
Analyzing whether the San Francisco 49ers will be better or worse in 2024.
00:00 Will the 49ers be better next season?
00:03 It seems like there's a scenario where this season
00:06 kind of goes off the rails.
00:07 Like if Trent Williams, if his ankle injury lingers,
00:11 they can't afford to lose him at all.
00:12 I don't know if they can win without Trent Williams this
00:14 year because their offensive line is so depleted.
00:17 - It's a big deal.
00:18 - It's a big deal.
00:19 So if something happens this year and they're just injuries
00:22 kind of derail him, can the Niners say, you know what?
00:25 We'll just fire Steve Wilks, get a new DC
00:29 and run it back or are they getting old?
00:34 - They're getting old.
00:38 This is what we feared.
00:39 This is why when you make comments about trading a player
00:44 a year ago, two years ago, you get all of these, you know,
00:51 you know, you get hate, you get called,
00:54 you're sensationalized or, you know,
00:56 or you're too reactionary or you're a hater.
01:00 You don't like the team.
01:01 But the truth of the matter is,
01:04 is that there's no such thing as guys like riding their
01:08 career off into the sunset.
01:10 That rarely happens, rarely happens.
01:13 And if it does, it just is by accident.
01:17 Nobody gets to call their own shot.
01:19 Nobody gets to step up to the plate and call when I'm going
01:22 to be done, nobody.
01:23 Okay.
01:24 So with that said, you have to understand that we're going
01:27 to be done with a player before a player is done with us.
01:31 All right.
01:32 That's the way good football teams operate.
01:34 Okay.
01:35 That's how good football teams stay young.
01:37 That's how they stay competitive.
01:39 Okay.
01:40 And that's how they stay cheap.
01:41 All right.
01:42 We ain't doing none of that.
01:44 We're holding on to old players and we're overpaying them.
01:48 Okay.
01:49 And we're giving them more money than they deserve.
01:51 All right.
01:52 We're old.
01:53 We're top heavy.
01:54 We're expensive.
01:55 Okay.
01:56 We just got a full set of picks back after one year.
01:59 We haven't had a first round pick in three years.
02:02 All right.
02:02 And what we've been doing is masking it with a window.
02:06 Okay.
02:07 But the truth of the matter is, is that what we've been doing
02:10 is lying and saying that the window is to go get a Superbowl.
02:13 The window is really to keep our franchise solvent.
02:16 Okay.
02:17 Because good, good franchises don't go bankrupt.
02:22 Okay.
02:23 It's like money.
02:25 If you're a good manager of your money,
02:28 if you're my friend, Grant, and you come to me
02:30 and you say, "Yo, I need a loan."
02:31 I'm like, "All right, yeah, man.
02:32 "How much you need?"
02:33 "I need $20,000."
02:34 "$20,000?
02:36 "Why do you need 20 grand?"
02:38 "Oh, well, I'm broke."
02:41 How are you broke?
02:43 How are you broke?
02:44 Are you that-
02:45 This is a conversation we had last week.
02:46 This is a conversation we had last week.
02:47 (laughing)
02:49 No, but do you see what I'm saying?
02:52 Like, good franchises and organizations
02:55 don't let themselves get to the brink
02:57 of being broke and destitute.
02:59 And that's what we're erring on the side of
03:01 with kicking the can, with overpaying all of these guys.
03:04 Who's gonna want a 30-plus-year-old tight end?
03:07 Who's gonna want-
03:09 It just feels like-
03:10 I don't know, but it just feels like this is their year.
03:13 And I don't know.
03:14 It doesn't feel like it's their year,
03:15 but it feels like it needs to be.
03:17 And that's why they brought in Hargrave.
03:18 Are you telling me Hargrave's gonna be better next year?
03:20 Armsa's gonna be better next year.
03:22 Bosa's gonna be better next-
03:23 Kittle is gonna be better next year.
03:24 - It smells like desperation.
03:25 It smells like desperation.
03:26 - Demo's gonna be better.
03:27 McCaffrey's gonna be better next-
03:29 Trent Williams is gonna be better next-
03:30 I don't know about that, man.
03:32 I don't-
03:33 It feels like the slow decline,
03:34 or the not-so-slow decline of the 49ers.
03:36 And they're saying they need speed.
03:38 Yeah, you need youth, man.
03:39 Where are your last two draft classes?
03:41 Where are they?
03:43 You got Brock Purdy.
03:44 - We're getting nothing out of the rookies this year.
03:46 We're getting nothing.
03:47 - How about last year?
03:48 Drake Jackson, Danny Gray.
03:50 - Yeah.
03:50 - Titus Price.
03:52 - We're getting nothing.
03:53 - Nothing.
03:54 - You know what I'm saying?
03:55 So I mean-
03:56 - Nothing.
03:57 - At one point-
03:58 - And everyone in the front office is getting promoted.
04:01 - Yeah.
04:03 Or you know what?
04:04 People are shipping out fast enough
04:06 before the books get read.
04:10 Like, they're like, "Yo, I'll elevate my career
04:13 and be a part of this circus
04:15 and get out of here as soon as possible
04:17 because this is gonna go tumbling down."
04:19 I'm gonna tell you, like, when you have as many coaches,
04:24 that many head coaches in one staff,
04:28 you can't help but have a good team.
04:30 I think teams need, I think fans need to start realizing
04:33 just how freaking good we were in 2019.
04:38 That team and that franchise for what was built up,
04:41 that took three years, two years,
04:44 to get to the culmination
04:46 of what we were supposed to be, all right?
04:48 And we were so good that it's been riding out
04:51 for the past three years.
04:52 And people think that we have a window,
04:54 but what it is is just the residual effects
04:56 of what's already gone.
04:59 That's what's happening.
05:00 There is no window.
05:02 - Can I point something out real quick?
05:03 We've talked about how the Niners
05:04 had an incredible coaching staff
05:06 when they went to the Super Bowl in 2019,
05:07 four head coaches on one team, the Niners.
05:10 McDaniel, Sala, D'Amico, and Kyle.
05:13 But also look at their front office.
05:15 How many general managers did they have on that team in 2019?
05:18 They had- - Yo, yo, yo, A Grant, A Grant.
05:20 - Wait, wait.
05:22 - White boy Rick, get him out of the chat.
05:24 - Ooh, all right.
05:25 That doesn't sound good at all.
05:27 - He's gotta go. - You're out.
05:28 You're out.
05:29 - He's gotta go.
05:30 - Yuck.
05:31 What happened?
05:32 Is he gone?
05:33 - Nah, you gotta get him out of here.
05:34 He's gotta go.
05:35 - He's out.
05:36 I think I got him. - Keep going.
05:37 Nah, keep going though.
05:38 Go ahead.
05:39 - Ooh.
05:40 You'll tell me after what he said?
05:41 - Yep, go ahead.
05:42 - What was I talking about?
05:43 I forgot what I was talking about.
05:45 - You were talking about- - Someone tell me what I was talking about.
05:47 - You were talking about...
05:48 I'm sorry, I lost my train of thought
05:53 reading that discussion.
05:54 - Someone help me out.
05:55 In the comment section, someone help me out.
05:58 I was talking about the 49ers.
06:00 - Mm-hmm.
06:02 - They play football. - You were talking about...
06:05 Yeah, you were talking about...
06:07 We were talking about the window of the 49ers being closed.
06:11 - Okay, okay, okay.
06:11 So I was talking about the front office, right?
06:13 So they had all these head coaches and their coaching staff.
06:15 Well, they had a lot of general managers
06:16 in their front office too.
06:17 It wasn't just John Lynch and Adam Peters.
06:19 Those are the guys everyone focuses on.
06:21 What about Rand Carthon?
06:22 What about Martin Mayhew?
06:24 Those guys are gone.
06:26 They helped build this team.
06:27 They were there when they drafted Drake Greenlaw,
06:29 Fred Warner, George Kittle, Debo Samuel, Brandon Ayuk.
06:34 The last two have been awful.
06:37 - Yeah.
06:39 - The last two have been absolutely awful.
06:42 - Yeah, I mean, as far as the drafts are concerned,
06:45 they haven't been panning out.
06:46 I really wanna see what we're gonna do
06:48 with this year's draft.
06:49 We finally have a first round pick.
06:50 And really, you just don't understand
06:54 how we're going to be young, innovative,
06:57 and pushing toward our goal of being a good franchise, right?
07:02 So you gotta look at it like this.
07:05 The best franchises understand
07:06 that they're not gonna win a Super Bowl every year,
07:08 nor are they gonna be in contention every year.
07:10 But there is a floor to what they will and will not do
07:14 to win a Super Bowl,
07:15 because they value the franchise being ran
07:19 with good standing and the standard
07:23 of what their fans expect
07:24 over completely just throwing it all to the wind, right?
07:28 Like a team like the Steelers, right?
07:30 With the Steelers, they'll know,
07:32 "All right, we got a shot to make a Super Bowl this year
07:36 because of what we built,
07:37 but we're not about to go trade everybody
07:40 and get rid of our best players because of a window."
07:43 That's not what solid teams do.
07:45 You see what I'm saying?
07:46 Like perennial good teams stay perennial
07:49 because they don't throw the baby out with the bathwater
07:52 and do something stupid like trade
07:54 their number three overall pick
07:56 because of the fact that they can't stomach fan scrutiny
08:00 over a fake quarterback competition.
08:02 Like the way we've been running this team,
08:04 all of it is going to come back to roost.
08:07 We're gonna have to answer for all of it.
08:09 - Agree.
08:10 Keith Murphy, the unbeaten gives you a super chat.
08:12 Says, "I see this playing out like Andy Reid.
08:14 Great for years, but can't get over the hump.
08:15 We got the team to win,
08:16 but maybe not the coach to get us over the hump."
08:19 - Yeah.
08:20 - I don't know if they have a team to win either, man.
08:21 I'm not sure.
08:22 I'm not sure about their offensive line.
08:24 I mean, I don't know.
08:25 Keith Murphy, the unbeaten says,
08:27 "And now no Aaron Banks."
08:28 It's a blow.
08:29 J. Figgs Ramone says, "The Cabo needs to score more yards
08:32 and actually take over games."
08:34 The Cabo, just the Cabo.
08:35 - Yeah, the Cabo, I like that.
08:37 I've never heard that before.
08:38 I never heard of the Cabo.
08:40 - I don't know what it means.
08:40 David Baker says, "Yesterday is gone.
08:42 Tomorrow is not promised.
08:43 We only have the present."
08:45 - Yeah.
08:46 - It's true.
08:47 - Yeah.
08:48 - That's some wisdom right there.
08:49 David Baker's wisdom.
08:50 - Mm-hmm.
08:51 - Yeah.
08:51 All right, man.
08:52 That's it for today.
08:54 It's Friday.
08:55 It's Shabbat.
08:56 For those who observe, Shabbat Shalom.
08:58 - What's Shabbat Shalom?
09:00 - Shabbat is the, you know, it's the Sabbath.
09:03 - Not to have Grant's wisdom.
09:04 Give us some Grant's wisdom.
09:05 Talk to us about Shabbat.
09:07 - So for Christians, it's Sunday.
09:10 - Okay.
09:11 - For Jews, it's essentially Saturday,
09:13 but it starts Friday sundown to Saturday sundown.
09:15 It's 24 hours.
09:15 So.
09:16 - Okay.
09:17 - I have a little holla, you know what I'm saying?
09:18 - Got a little holla.
09:19 - It's the day, holla holla.
09:23 It's the day that God rested.
09:25 We just think it's Saturday.
09:26 Christians think it's Sunday.
09:27 We have a lot of things we disagree about, us and Christian,
09:29 but essentially it's the same Bible.
09:31 They just keep going.
09:32 We stop and they kept writing.
09:34 And we're like, all right, cool.
09:34 (laughing)
09:36 And we stopped and they kept writing.
09:38 (laughing)
09:40 They wanted extra credit.
09:41 - They had to get these off their chairs.
09:43 Anyway, thanks for watching.
09:45 Hope I didn't offend your religious beliefs.
09:46 John says, we'll save you stress.
09:48 Niners finished 12 and five.
09:50 I'll take it.
09:51 - I'll take it.
09:52 That's two more losses.
09:53 That's seven and two.
09:55 That's seven and two.
09:57 - So Philly and Baltimore,
09:58 those are two games the Niners might be underdogs in,
10:01 but I mean, they probably should be favored
10:03 to win the other seven.
10:03 I can see it.
10:04 - Sweet Seattle, beat Comandos, beat Arizona.
10:08 - Beat Jacksonville, start there.
10:10 How about that?
10:11 (upbeat music)
10:13 (upbeat music)
