Chip N Dale S1E07 Adventures in Squirelsitting

  • last year


00:00 Give it up you rescue rodents. The Maltese Mouse is mine!
00:06 No way, fat cat. It's going back to the museum where it belongs.
00:10 Marty! Stop us!
00:19 I'd love to, Gadget, but me brakes are out!
00:29 Wonderful. We'll lose them in the traffic.
00:32 Prepare a bus.
00:34 Get going!
00:35 Hang on, mates!
00:42 Steady, steady!
00:47 My mouse!
00:54 A bus.
00:56 No!
00:59 La la la la, la la la la, la la la la la.
01:03 Stay close, kids, and keep out of trouble.
01:06 We did it!
01:12 We saved the Maltese Mouse!
01:14 Put us down!
01:15 Help!
01:16 My babies!
01:17 I'm so glad you're prompt. I didn't want to keep the little ones hanging.
01:26 Quite a dilemma, isn't it, my ridiculous rangers?
01:30 Save the kitties or keep the statue?
01:33 Mama!
01:36 Go ahead. Give it to him.
01:38 Hand it over, rat bag.
01:41 Now let him go, fat cat.
01:43 Your wish is my command.
01:51 You're safe now, Princess.
01:54 Oh, Monterey jerkers, ya!
01:56 Are you all right?
01:57 Uh-huh. You saved me.
02:00 You're my hero.
02:03 Fat cat's gone.
02:05 And he took the Maltese Mouse with him.
02:07 You saved my girls. How can I ever thank you?
02:12 Gollum, this place is a mess!
02:19 Really? Looks better than Gale's room.
02:22 Do you realize what you've done?
02:24 I have guests coming tonight.
02:26 Pinky!
02:27 Golly, guys, this mess is our fault.
02:31 Maybe we could offer to babysit.
02:33 What a marvelous idea!
02:35 You can keep them the night.
02:37 That way I can clean and entertain my guests.
02:39 It'll be fun.
02:41 A real adventure.
02:43 Mother!
02:44 I'm too old to be babysat.
02:47 But I'll go along to help Chipper with the baby.
02:50 And over here, we monitor all sorts of news reports.
02:54 I bet you invented all this, didn't you, Chipper?
02:58 Actually, it was Gadget. She's a real genius.
03:01 No further information on the mysterious museum theft of the Maltese Mouse.
03:06 The artifact is valued at...
03:08 It's all so exciting, Chipper.
03:10 I want to see everything.
03:13 Uh, sure.
03:14 But could you not call me Chipper?
03:16 Are you guys coming?
03:18 Be there in half a blink, Chip.
03:22 Oh, I could cook the most wonderful meals in the kitchen like this.
03:26 I'll learn all your favorite recipes.
03:28 Monty!
03:30 Looks like the little messy could use a bit of a snack.
03:35 Okay, Gadget and I will show Tammy the workshop.
03:38 Oh, Gadget doesn't have to come, Chipper.
03:40 It's her workshop. And don't call me Chipper.
03:45 I learned to slice an apple this way from a food-crazed ninja gerbil.
03:50 Isn't Gadget the greatest? What a girl.
04:02 She's okay if you like that sort of person.
04:04 Chipper, I'm sure there's much more exciting stuff to show me than Gadget's smelly old workshop.
04:11 Hey, wait for me.
04:14 Oh, shoot.
04:15 I ain't seen an appetite like that since I fell into a river of Amazon piranhas.
04:25 Wow!
04:29 What? You lost, Bink?
04:39 No problem, Chipper. There she is.
04:43 She's such a child.
04:45 I'm a pilot.
04:53 Hold on, Bink.
05:04 We'll save you.
05:09 Oh, no.
05:10 I'm stuck.
05:22 Look out!
05:24 [bubbling]
05:26 I got you.
05:41 Whoa!
05:42 Ooh.
05:49 [barking]
05:50 Boo!
05:53 This babysitting business may end up killing us.
06:04 Great shot, Gadget. That harpoon of yours saved the day.
06:07 Golly, thanks, Chip.
06:09 But, Chipper, you were the brave one. So heroic.
06:14 Oh, yeah, Chipper. So heroic.
06:17 Isn't Chipper wonderful?
06:20 But, Chipper, we have Rescue Ranger stuff to do.
06:27 You are not a Rescue Ranger. You are just a kid.
06:31 But, Chipper--
06:32 And don't call me Chipper.
06:34 I am not a kid.
06:46 I'll do something to prove to Chip that I can be every bit as good as Gadget.
06:51 Those kids are a pain. I'll sure be glad when they're gone.
06:55 I'm surprised at you, Chip.
06:57 Huh?
06:58 You hurt Tammy's feelings. How could you be so hard on her?
07:02 She likes you, you big dummy.
07:04 No. I was just-- I mean, I--
07:07 [sighs]
07:12 [knocking]
07:14 I'm, uh, sorry I was mean, Tammy.
07:22 I like you. Really. It's just that--
07:25 What?
07:26 Biff!
07:32 She's taken Big! They've gone to Fat Cat's to get the Maltese Mouse!
07:38 [music]
07:41 [music]
07:43 [splat]
07:53 [music]
07:55 [boing]
08:09 [music]
08:11 [music]
08:36 See, Panties? I told you those cats would be no problem.
08:39 This is still a stupid plan.
08:42 No, it's perfect. They think we're the night's entertainment.
08:46 And who could turn away a couple of cuties like you?
08:50 [laughs]
08:51 We are doomed.
08:55 All right, mates. Do your stuff.
08:57 [growls]
08:58 [music]
09:01 [music]
09:03 [music]
09:09 There's your chance.
09:14 Just keep 'em busy while we look for the kids.
09:18 Come on, baby. If you want this back,
09:24 you have to pucker up for Wardipoo.
09:27 The casino is really jumpin' tonight.
09:30 Yeah. Fat Cat ought to be real pleased.
09:34 Uh, let's you and me get a little cozy.
09:41 I think this elevator leads to Fat Cat's office.
09:44 Go down and--
09:45 Now, my precious Mousie,
09:49 I must find the proper place to display you.
09:53 And now, ladies and gents,
09:59 for a bit of toe-tapping merriment,
10:01 brought to you by your host,
10:03 that extraordinary master of mischief,
10:06 Big Fat Daddy Teef--
10:08 [grunts]
10:09 I didn't order any entertainment.
10:12 [music]
10:14 Sorry, mates, but Gadget needs some cover.
10:19 No problem.
10:20 Yo, you cats, don't sit and stare.
10:25 Swing your tails. Get out of those chairs.
10:28 Put down your milk. Turn up the juice.
10:30 The bird's gonna fly when we all cut loose.
10:32 So, baby, stop chomping.
10:34 Let's start stomping with Big Fat Daddy Teef.
10:37 It's as hot as jalapeno at Fat Cat's casino.
10:40 That's the place to be.
10:42 Do the Fat Cat stomp with Big Fat Daddy Teef.
10:45 How very interesting.
10:56 Oh, Gadget, I'm so happy to see you.
10:59 I thought it was Fat Cat.
11:01 Don't worry, Tammy. We'll get you out of here.
11:03 But you shouldn't have come.
11:05 Oh, I'm working undercover.
11:07 Well, maybe I can help.
11:09 No, I don't want your help.
11:11 I'm gonna show Chip that I'm just as special as you.
11:15 Golly, Tammy, I'm not trying to prove anything to Chip or anyone else.
11:20 You don't get someone to like you by acting like someone you aren't.
11:23 And you are Tammy.
11:25 That's special enough.
11:27 Really?
11:29 Darn right. Now, let's find Bink and go home.
11:35 Time to be shoving off, Pallies.
11:52 You got that right. But I haven't found Bink yet.
11:56 Uh-oh. I'm afraid I just did.
12:00 Here goes.
12:09 Here's one cat I'd like to see
12:13 Cheek to cheek, dancing with me
12:16 Come on, Fat Cat. It's your turn.
12:18 The dance floor's hot and I got nine lives to burn.
12:21 So maybe start chomping, let's start stomping
12:23 We'll make Fat Daddy see
12:25 It's as hot as jalapeno, a fat cat's casino
12:28 That's the place to be
12:30 Do the Fat Cat Stomp with me, Fat Daddy see
12:34 So maybe start chomping, let's start stomping
12:37 We'll make Fat Daddy see
12:39 It's as hot as jalapeno, a fat cat's casino
12:42 That's the place to be
12:44 Do the Fat Cat Stomp with me, Fat Daddy see
12:49 Do the Fat Cat Stomp with me, Fat Daddy see
12:52 Do the Fat Cat Stomp with me, Fat Daddy see
12:57 Uh-oh.
12:59 Levy, we'd hoped we'd get another song.
13:02 But your piano seemed just the teensiest bit out of tune.
13:07 Right about...
13:13 here.
13:17 There's the problem.
13:19 You had squirrel minors in your C major.
13:23 [laughing]
13:25 It's as hot as jalapeno, a fat cat's casino
13:40 That's the place to be
13:42 Do the Fat Cat Stomp with me, Fat Daddy see
13:46 Do I?
13:48 [laughing]
13:50 Oh, thank you. You're too kind.
13:54 Nothing like a night of dancing to build up an appetite.
13:58 Living over a cat food factory does have its advantages
14:02 But sometimes I tire of their ingredients.
14:07 That's why I'm going to let this machine
14:09 Put you lovely rescue rangers
14:12 Into a nitty-bitty can, just like this.
14:16 Well, at least we'll be together.
14:18 Yeah, real together.
14:21 You won't win in the long run, Fat Cat.
14:23 You might stomp us, but there'll be others to take our place.
14:26 You mean the junior league here?
14:29 [laughing]
14:30 Consider them dessert.
14:34 [music]
14:36 Chomp him, Fink!
14:44 [chomping]
15:02 They're saved!
15:04 Wee! Woo!
15:06 That will be quite enough.
15:13 [screaming]
15:16 Oh, bother. You made me miss the best part.
15:24 [music]
15:26 [screaming]
15:36 Still close for comfort, eh, Perry?
15:47 Oh, they didn't even come close.
15:50 [music]
15:52 We've got to find our way out of here.
15:58 [screaming]
16:03 [screaming]
16:10 You know, I could corrupt these children.
16:18 Over the years, I could guide their innocent minds
16:21 toward a life of wrongdoing.
16:23 Yes! I could mold them in my image,
16:26 hone them into criminal geniuses,
16:29 the only ones capable of carrying on my empire.
16:33 Ah, but who's got the time? Toss 'em in.
16:37 [screaming]
16:40 [screaming]
16:46 [music]
16:48 Look alive, mates! Time to do a bit of chugging!
16:56 [music]
16:59 We can't keep this up forever.
17:11 Sorry, I'm out of ideas.
17:13 Maybe I have one.
17:16 [music]
17:18 What is taking so long? I want my range of pate.
17:22 [panting]
17:24 It's the best we can do, Chipper. I mean, Chipper.
17:27 It's great, Tommy.
17:29 [music]
17:31 You can do it, Monty.
17:39 [music]
17:42 [chomping]
17:44 Thanks for cheerleading, Bink.
17:49 Now it's up to you, Zipper.
17:51 [music]
17:54 It's that disgusting little fly.
18:05 Get him!
18:07 [music]
18:10 [chomping]
18:12 Hey, what's going on out there?
18:32 [chomping]
18:35 [music]
18:37 As always, when you want something done right, do it yourself.
18:49 No! You little beast!
18:54 [gasping]
18:59 My mouse!
19:01 Stop the machine! Stop the machine!
19:04 [music]
19:06 Phew!
19:15 Nearly hit a monorail flipjack.
19:18 Get down there and get my statue!
19:21 Gosh, it sure is dark.
19:23 Get down there!
19:27 [music]
19:29 [chomping]
19:31 Lose something, Fat Cat?
19:41 Be careful with that. Give it to me.
19:44 Here you go. Oops.
19:46 No!
19:48 [laughing]
19:53 My mouse!
19:55 [music]
19:57 [chomping]
19:59 Looking for this?
20:06 [music]
20:08 You numbskulls!
20:21 Get me out of this thing!
20:23 [music]
20:26 [chirping]
20:28 I hope they weren't too much trouble.
20:31 Nah, a couple of bonzer princesses they was.
20:35 [snorting]
20:37 [laughing]
20:39 Well, I guess you are ready to be a rescue ranger.
20:42 Well, maybe. Or maybe not.
20:45 But I still think you're cute.
20:48 Tammy!
20:52 [laughing]
20:54 [music]
20:57 [laughing]
20:59 [music]
21:04 [music]
21:06 [music]
21:09 [music]
21:12 [music]
21:15 [music]
21:18 [music]
21:20 [music]
21:22 [music]
21:24 [music]
21:26 [music]
21:28 [music]
21:30 [music]
21:32 you
