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00:33 (thunder rumbling)
00:34 - Colossians chapter three, verse one to two
00:36 and second Corinthians 11.
00:38 Corinthians that will give us a sort of different flavor.
00:44 (upbeat music)
01:00 Amen, you may be seated in the presence of the Lord.
01:05 In Colossians chapter three, verse one to two
01:08 and second Corinthians 11, one through three.
01:12 And Paul writing to both churches,
01:18 says something in Corinthians that will give us
01:24 a sort of different flavor as it relates
01:29 to the power of the mind.
01:35 In Colossians chapter three,
01:37 and even though it comes after Corinthians
01:41 in its layout, we would read it first.
01:49 If he then be risen with Christ,
01:54 seek those things which are above,
01:58 where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
02:03 That is another intercessory concept.
02:07 So you wanna seek in verse one and in verse two,
02:12 set your affection on things above,
02:17 not on things on the earth.
02:21 For ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God.
02:27 I want you to know this now, seek and set.
02:33 In second Corinthians 11,
02:36 Paul in writing extremely personal book,
02:41 this book is the most personal except for maybe Philemon,
02:44 because he's trying to get the Corinthian church
02:49 not to be angry because of the first letter that he wrote.
03:01 I think of it, this letter is after the spanking,
03:04 he becomes extraordinarily personal
03:07 because of the first letter that he wrote.
03:11 So he tells them things that he wouldn't normally
03:14 talk about, it is extraordinarily lacking
03:17 in its theological eloquence as the book of Ephesians.
03:22 It's very personal.
03:25 So he says to them, would to God ye could bear with me
03:27 little in my folly, and indeed bear with me.
03:32 And here's where we go for theology.
03:34 For I am jealous over you, not with a personal jealousy,
03:37 but with a godly jealousy.
03:40 For I have espoused you to one husband,
03:44 that I present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
03:49 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve
03:57 through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted
04:02 from the simplicity that is in Christ.
04:06 I want you to notice in one aspect, he says,
04:10 now since you are risen with Christ,
04:13 you should seek and set.
04:16 But I'm afraid that as the serpent beguiled Eve,
04:25 there's always a danger.
04:27 No matter what position you're in as a child of God,
04:31 no matter who you are striving to reach higher,
04:34 there is always a danger that you'll be distracted.
04:41 Look at somebody and say, I will not be distracted.
04:46 Amen, I will not be distracted.
04:54 It would take so long to reiterate
04:56 the definitions of mind.
05:00 But we have to understand based on the Hebrew thought
05:08 and also on the Greek thought,
05:09 that mind, your mind and my mind,
05:14 is not just a detached room in the house
05:19 of a human being, but when you deal with the mind,
05:24 you actually deal with life, with soul, with heart,
05:32 with all of who and what we are.
05:37 Because we can be no different than what we are
05:40 in our minds.
05:42 This is the second part of the power of the mind.
05:48 I will not be distracted.
05:49 Mind.
05:52 And so based on where we're placed
05:54 and based on the influences,
05:56 and for those who were not here,
06:00 the mind is influenced for those of us who know God
06:06 by the spirit of God.
06:10 And it is still influenced by the world.
06:17 And the reason is because God did not detach our flesh.
06:22 So he did not cut off a source of influence
06:28 that messes with the mind
06:32 in a negative sense because he's kept our flesh
06:38 connected to us.
06:40 Oftentimes I wish I didn't have to battle with the flesh.
06:45 I wish I didn't have to battle with it.
06:47 I thought, you know, I said, now Lord,
06:49 why don't you just don't let it bother me?
06:52 One sign of being a child of God is the fact
06:59 that there is a struggle that you are fighting.
07:04 Do I have any fighters here?
07:05 Because the mind becomes the place
07:13 where all of our emotions and contradictions are fought.
07:18 The mind is the battlefield.
07:22 I remember early the preachers would say,
07:26 if you think it, you should just, you know,
07:29 you do it, you've already sinned in your mind.
07:32 That's what they'd say.
07:35 Yeah, you've heard it, you know, you thought it,
07:38 you know, so you're already going to hell
07:41 'cause you thought it.
07:43 Well, the point is that it's in the mind
07:47 where I have to battle to find my victory
07:52 because even if I thought about being with the woman
07:55 in my mind, I haven't been with her physically.
08:00 So she hasn't sinned.
08:02 Are you all with me?
08:04 I thought I'd catch your attention.
08:05 Now I know I'll wake up.
08:06 So now if I can defeat it in my mind and not act on it,
08:13 you cannot say it's the same as doing it.
08:17 Are you following me?
08:19 You're still with me?
08:20 Because you have to defeat it in your mind.
08:23 You don't get into an action before it comes to your mind.
08:28 If you can defeat it in your mind,
08:31 then you don't have to play it out.
08:33 See, what they failed to understand was
08:36 when Jesus said, he that looketh upon a woman to lust
08:40 hath already sinned in his heart.
08:42 But what they failed to understand was
08:46 that that was when the will and the desire came together
08:51 and then it only needed opportunity.
08:56 Are you following me?
08:57 If I get the opportunity, I will steal this thing
09:02 or I will kill this person or I will take this thing
09:06 because you have already put your will
09:10 and your desire together and all you need is a chance.
09:15 Are you following me?
09:16 So then the Lord now, he does not have to wait
09:19 till the action exhibits itself.
09:22 He can deal with it when it's conceived in your mind.
09:27 So he does not have to wait until he sees the final result
09:33 because he knows what's going to lead to the final result
09:37 and that has already been triggered in your mind.
09:40 Now, if the Lord can catch you in your mind
09:45 and reverse your mind,
09:49 then he can reverse the action that would proceed.
09:53 How many times has God caught it in your...
09:56 (audience applauding)
09:57 I wanna talk to some real people.
09:59 Amen, see, I wanna talk to some real folk in this church.
10:05 Amen.
10:06 Look at neighbor say,
10:07 "I wanna talk to no stiff folk today."
10:09 Amen, 'cause now where we going today,
10:12 it's gonna be a rough ride.
10:13 We can talk to some real folk.
10:15 The mind, the mind, it's not true
10:20 that you have not brought the action out
10:23 if you stop it in your mind.
10:26 There are times when many things get in our minds
10:30 and they distract us from the purpose
10:32 that God has called us to,
10:35 but it's in our minds that we battle to balance ourselves.
10:39 And if I can push this thing out of my mind,
10:43 then it loses its power over me.
10:46 The strength then of the man or woman walking with God
10:51 is that the Lord has to declare to us where we are.
10:55 And he does this when he opens in Colossians,
10:58 Paul does this by taking what seems to be subjunctive
11:02 and hypothetical, if you study it carefully,
11:05 you will find that the Greek A here
11:08 is the particle of a fulfilled condition.
11:12 And now he follows it by an indicative mode.
11:15 And what he says is, "You are risen with Christ."
11:19 And so he says, "Now, if then should be interpreted
11:22 "in view of the fact, therefore,
11:26 "that you were raised with Christ,
11:29 "I want you to do two things.
11:31 "I want you to seek and I want you to set."
11:35 Now, you cannot seek or set
11:39 if you don't have a spiritual side.
11:42 Because if you go by your flesh, you do not set.
11:47 Now, you may seek, but you can't set with the flesh
11:51 because the flesh is changing too much.
11:54 The flesh is moving from one thing to the other.
11:57 It's responding to too many different impulses, you see.
12:01 You see, that's the thing that keeps us
12:03 from having our mind set,
12:06 is when our flesh is in control.
12:09 You can't set your mind on anything
12:13 when you are moving by the impulses
12:15 of your bodily and physical desires.
12:20 Why?
12:21 Because have you ever been in a situation
12:23 where you just didn't know what you wanted?
12:26 Have you been there hungry one night
12:28 and you went and you ate something sweet,
12:31 but then you wanted some meat?
12:33 And then you ate a little meat,
12:35 but then, my God, I just can't get what I taste.
12:40 Have you ever been there?
12:43 Maybe you want to get stiff on me.
12:45 But I've been there to where you end up eating
12:48 a whole lot of different things,
12:49 blowing the diet, blowing everything away,
12:52 because you just couldn't find what the taste was.
12:57 Because any time you deal in reaction to your flesh,
13:03 you deal with different stimuli,
13:06 and different things seem to jump off on you,
13:10 and you really don't know what you want.
13:12 Before you met the Lord,
13:14 you dealt with a lot of different stimuli,
13:18 and you had to jump from one thing to the other,
13:21 seeking satisfaction.
13:23 You didn't know what you wanted to drink.
13:25 You didn't know whether you wanted to drink or smoke dope.
13:28 You didn't know whether you wanted to do both.
13:30 You didn't know whether you wanted to be out
13:32 with somebody tall or somebody short.
13:34 You didn't know what you wanted.
13:35 You just, well, I'll just go with the flow.
13:38 Whatever's happening, I'll do.
13:40 Now, y'all don't look at me like Alice in Wonderland.
13:43 Amen, some of you still fighting right now
13:46 over what you used to do that's now in your mind.
13:51 And unless I can get it out of my mind,
13:54 I can't do what God would have me to do,
13:57 because I got too many things floating around,
14:01 distracting my mind.
14:04 You see, it's important to understand this,
14:06 because we are fed by the stimuli
14:10 through our flesh of the world,
14:13 and the control is for the mind.
14:16 If I can get your mind,
14:18 I can hold you when I'm not even around.
14:21 If I can get your mind,
14:24 I can control your emotions, your will,
14:28 and I don't even have to be around.
14:31 All I need you to do is think about me,
14:34 and I don't have to be there.
14:35 You don't have to see me,
14:37 because I am in your mind.
14:42 You see, that's the thing that Satan wants to do
14:44 with everybody who declares themselves
14:47 to be a child of God,
14:48 is I want to get to your mind.
14:51 I don't care if you go to church,
14:53 as long as I got your mind.
14:55 I don't care if you carry a Bible,
14:57 as long as I have your mind.
15:00 I don't care if you jump and shout,
15:02 because whenever I get ready,
15:04 I'll trigger your mind and shut down your joy.
15:08 All I got to do is get your mind.
15:10 If I can get your mind,
15:12 I can make you crawl.
15:13 If I can get your mind,
15:14 I can make you call me in the middle of the night.
15:17 If I can get your mind,
15:18 I can fix it so you can't sleep,
15:21 unless you know where I am.
15:22 If I can get your mind,
15:24 I can fix it so you can't even eat.
15:27 Every time you get ready to eat,
15:28 and I come cross your mind,
15:30 you'll push the food back,
15:32 because if I can get your mind,
15:34 I've got control of you.
15:36 (audience cheering)
15:38 Oh, I wish somebody'd help me in here.
15:40 (audience cheering)
15:40 Oh, God.
15:42 (audience laughing)
15:44 You see what he's saying?
15:46 And what he does is,
15:50 he wants us to realize
15:52 that you have been risen with Christ.
15:56 If you have been risen with Christ,
15:57 then there's something else that fights back.
16:00 I'm not just a mindless creature
16:03 being manipulated by the devil,
16:05 and neither does my flesh run my soul or my spirit.
16:11 Oh, God, I don't think I ought to go there, Lord.
16:14 Oh, God, no.
16:16 (audience laughing)
16:17 Because these saints just want to act, Lord,
16:19 like they ain't never been there, Jesus.
16:22 And I'm trying to get a point across
16:24 to somebody trying to be free.
16:26 You see, the truth of the matter is,
16:27 you have been there where
16:30 whatever your flesh said, you did.
16:33 Uh-huh, you have been there.
16:35 And one of the things that that has done is,
16:38 you have stretched the parameters
16:41 of your responses to the stimuli of your flesh
16:46 until you have just about done everything
16:49 that could be done with a body.
16:51 It's some folks in here
16:54 who have done just about everything
16:57 that can be done with a body, period.
17:02 They have perpetrated it,
17:03 and they've been the victims of it.
17:05 They have, and everything that's been done with the body
17:10 has put something in the mind.
17:14 Oh, God, it's not that you're in the place
17:19 where the stuff was done anymore.
17:21 You have been removed from the place.
17:24 But what you did in the place hasn't been removed from.
17:28 (audience cheering)
17:30 Somebody's gonna come with me here.
17:35 That battle you had last night,
17:37 it was not in the place, it was in your mind.
17:43 And if you did not win the battle in your mind,
17:48 you would be back in the place.
17:52 Uh-huh, because the struggle was,
17:54 should I or shouldn't I?
17:57 Well, God wasn't over there, we know that.
18:00 But what stimulated the flesh is still there.
18:04 I told the church once, I went down to Jamaica,
18:06 I went with my little girl, Tiffany,
18:08 and we were on vacation together.
18:10 And I was up in Ocho Rios,
18:12 and I remembered a place that used to be on the backside,
18:17 on the other side of the desert.
18:19 And while I was there with my daughter on vacation,
18:22 saved and sanctified, full of the Holy Ghost,
18:24 got the power of God just rushing me night and day,
18:28 something popped up in my mind.
18:32 And what's in my mind came like this,
18:34 is it still over there, that little spot over there
18:37 where stuff just went real radical over there?
18:41 And I said to myself, maybe I ought to just ease over there
18:45 and see are they still in business over there?
18:48 Well, I fought the battle in my mind.
18:52 Now, am I ashamed that I thought it?
18:56 No, I'm not, because it just came back out of the resources
19:01 of what had been planted years ago.
19:05 The thing that I'm glad about was I did not seek
19:09 or I did not set my mind, because God has released my mind.
19:14 I can put it anywhere I want.
19:19 Oh God, I wish you're here with me.
19:21 Victory comes when you have control of your mind.
19:30 Oh, I wish I could preach in here.
19:32 You can take my money and I still have joy
19:36 because you ain't got my mind.
19:38 You can take my car and I still have joy
19:42 'cause you don't have my mind.
19:44 You can tell me goodbye, I don't wanna see you again.
19:48 And I still, 'cause I got,
19:51 I wish somebody to help me here.
19:54 Woo, God.
19:56 Touch somebody and tell them, get your mind back.
20:00 Uh-huh, so you can be what God would have you to be.
20:03 Get your mind back, so you can overcome
20:07 what God wants you to overcome.
20:09 Get your mind back, because as long as I got your mind,
20:14 you can't be all that you should be,
20:16 'cause I got the best piece of you
20:19 sitting over here with me.
20:20 I refuse to go crazy on somebody else's agenda.
20:25 I'm going to use my own.
20:27 (audience cheering)
20:29 I feel like having church in here.
20:31 Oh, it's some stuff
20:34 that you have done that has put some things in your mind.
20:40 And every now and then, Satan just goes down the list
20:46 because he know where you've been,
20:49 he know what you've been exposed to.
20:52 Every now and then, even though you are in Christ,
20:56 he runs down the list and say,
20:58 what do you feel like today?
21:00 I know you're over here in Jamaica,
21:04 you're real close to, do you feel like it today?
21:07 Sometimes you run into people
21:16 that bring certain things back to your...
21:19 (audience cheering)
21:25 Doing fine, just serving the Lord,
21:28 in your little vacuum and feeling good.
21:31 Oh, I beat the devil running and I'm so glad.
21:35 But then the devil let somebody give you a call on the phone
21:39 that triggers a lot of stuff in your mind.
21:42 One minute you're on cloud nine, praising God,
21:46 and the next minute you're in a battle
21:49 to hold yourself together
21:51 because somebody's trying to seduce your mind.
21:56 I feel God in this place.
21:59 I feel like having church here.
22:03 The mind, the mind, the mind, and the mind.
22:08 And sometimes folks have got your mind
22:11 because you've exercised your flesh
22:14 to a point where it's gratification was set in your mind.
22:21 And as you stretch its parameters,
22:23 as you widen its field of pleasure,
22:27 as you open it up to all of the devious things
22:30 that the flesh likes to enjoy,
22:33 because flesh, you give it so much and then it gets bored.
22:38 So you know how it is.
22:40 So you've got to give it a little more
22:41 and then it gets bored.
22:43 It gets used to that.
22:45 And then you give it a little more and then it gets bored.
22:49 So you stretch the parameters out.
22:51 Some folk don't understand that just for you
22:54 to be in a church is a miracle all by itself.
22:58 Just for you to come through somebody's church door
23:01 and sit down is a battle already run
23:05 because where you are coming from,
23:10 nobody understands what God had to do in your mind
23:14 to get you to even think about the house of God.
23:19 And every time I overcome something that's in my mind,
23:23 I can give God the glory.
23:25 That's why when I praise him,
23:27 just get out the way and let me praise him
23:30 'cause you don't know the battles I have.
23:32 (congregation cheering)
23:34 Glory to God.
23:35 In my mind, you stretch it and you allow it.
23:41 And the devil keeps a record
23:44 of all the things that you have done.
23:46 And every now and then the stimuli of your experiences
23:51 that are lodged in your mind come alive.
23:56 We call it in some circles, a flashback.
24:00 It's just like, you know, I'm doing all right with Jesus,
24:03 but I just got a flashback somewhere alone
24:08 in the middle of the night in the house
24:11 and wondering what your partners are doing
24:13 that you haven't called in six years.
24:17 And the devil seems to know
24:19 when the flesh is moving to that level
24:23 where it's just not acting like it ought to behave itself.
24:27 It's just out of control.
24:28 Every now and then you have these flashes of out of control
24:32 where your flesh begin to stimulate you.
24:36 Oh God.
24:37 And then sometimes when you can't get to who used to,
24:41 you wonder if who's around you can.
24:44 I wish I could talk to y'all.
24:48 I'm trying to make heaven my home y'all.
24:51 Touch somebody, say, I'm going to heaven.
24:53 And I got to tell on myself 'cause I got to go to heaven.
24:57 I just can't keep it pent up.
24:59 You got to fight it in your mind
25:03 because the devil wants to play with your mind
25:06 to get you to set your affections lower
25:10 than you ought to set them.
25:11 You got to pick up your mind sometimes
25:14 and set it over there
25:17 and tell the blood of Jesus to surround my mind
25:21 'cause I don't want to think it.
25:23 I don't want it running through my head
25:25 because I'm trying to get out of it.
25:28 And if I stay in my mind, I'll lose the battle.
25:32 You have to win the battle in your mind
25:35 and tell the devil I have set my affections
25:40 on things that are higher and I refuse to go back down.
25:45 (audience cheering)
25:49 Touch a neighbor, say, it's just a distraction.
25:55 That's all it is.
25:58 It's just a distraction.
26:00 Just as soon as you start moving with God,
26:03 here comes another distraction.
26:06 Just as soon as you get yourself together,
26:09 overcoming some things and getting up the ladder
26:12 with God moving and blessing
26:14 and just before it's time to open another door,
26:17 here comes another distraction.
26:19 (audience cheering)
26:22 I feel God in this place.
26:24 Touch a neighbor, say, it's just another distraction
26:27 that I got to get through.
26:29 I can't put my mind on it.
26:31 It ain't worth it.
26:33 It ain't enough in it for me to put my mind on it.
26:36 I got to put my mind somewhere where I can be blessed.
26:41 Going in and coming out is just another distraction.
26:46 Hoo, y'all sit down.
26:47 We're gonna try to be here.
26:50 You've got to understand the power of the mind here.
26:54 And so he wants everyone to know
26:56 that you have been risen with Christ.
27:00 And because of that, you have the power of will.
27:04 So I want the things above to be sought constantly.
27:09 You've got to link your mind to something else
27:14 other than what has been controlling your flesh.
27:19 Because when the flesh controls the mind,
27:22 you're in for a yo-yo ride, you know, up and down.
27:26 You're in for whatever somebody stimulates
27:29 because I know your mind.
27:31 I put it in your mind for your mind to respond to me.
27:36 Oh God, I don't want to get mad in here.
27:40 I don't want to get mad.
27:41 That's why sometimes when people have relationship
27:45 with folks, they give them little drugs.
27:47 They give them a little drugs, just a little drugs,
27:50 just to deal with their mind.
27:52 That's why they tell you when you're in a battle
27:55 and you're trying to maintain yourself sexually,
27:58 that ain't the time to go drinking, honey.
28:00 Because the liquor will, you know,
28:02 sort of ease you down a little bit, you know.
28:04 And I give you one and how is that?
28:07 And then they give you two.
28:08 And how is, have another, have another.
28:12 And then what that does is it breaks down
28:15 your ability to fight back.
28:18 And then once your ability to break down is down,
28:21 then of course I can get to your mind.
28:24 Because if I give you a mind altering drug,
28:28 then you will not respond in your right mind.
28:31 Now, haven't you just messed up and touched stuff,
28:36 been with stuff, had something to do with stuff
28:39 you would have never had anything to do with
28:41 if you were in your right mind.
28:44 You see, if I can just mess with your mind,
28:49 I can destroy your outcome.
28:53 But when I have set my mind to the purpose of God,
28:58 what God says is you are risen with me,
29:02 which means I'll give you power over your mind
29:07 through faith in the spirit.
29:09 So you can look at the devil and say,
29:12 devil, this is just a distraction
29:16 and I already been there and I ain't going there.
29:20 (audience cheering)
29:23 Tell somebody I'm getting ready to break through right now.
29:28 I'm getting some ready to break through.
29:29 I'm getting ready to break through.
29:33 It's some things that's been holding my mind
29:36 that God is going to send an anointing to release.
29:41 I feel God in here.
29:44 I wonder must I preach this thing in here.
29:48 Oh God, your mind, your mind, your mind, your mind.
29:52 Tell somebody, say your mind's a terrible thing to waste.
29:55 You can't waste your mind.
29:57 Woo, God.
29:59 Satan will try to play with your mind
30:02 and he'll tell you you don't have the power.
30:06 I'm not gonna keep you long,
30:08 but notice who he brings up in Corinthians.
30:11 Because he is trying to show us something.
30:14 If a person sets an affection of frontier,
30:18 it is to direct the mind to a thing
30:20 and lock it on that thing.
30:23 You have to use your will then
30:25 to determine where you're going to put your mind.
30:29 And that's why the spirit of God operates in your mind
30:33 to open your mind, not to intellectual comprehension,
30:38 but the spirit of God gives you discernment
30:41 because God understands that wherever you set your mind,
30:46 it's going to determine the outcome of your future.
30:51 My future is wherever my mind is.
30:55 If it's positive,
30:57 then my mind has to be placed in positive things.
31:01 If it's negative,
31:03 then my mind in a negative is going to bring me down.
31:08 I've been in hell long enough
31:10 and I ain't thinking about staying.
31:13 I'm going to hook my mind
31:15 to something that will bring me out
31:18 of the hell of my environment.
31:21 Because if I get my mind set,
31:24 there ain't no devil in hell
31:27 that can break a mind that the Holy Spirit has directed.
31:32 Ooh, I feel God in here.
31:34 God, I'm trying to behave myself.
31:39 Touch somebody, say, "Put your mind on it,"
31:42 and God will guarantee it.
31:45 If you want victory, put your mind on it.
31:48 If you want power, set your mind on it.
31:51 If you want a good deliverance, set your mind on it.
31:55 And don't let anything distract you.
31:58 It's already yours if it's in your mind.
32:01 (audience cheering)
32:03 Ooh, I feel like shouting.
32:06 Oh God, I feel your power in here.
32:09 Oh, touch somebody, say, "I'm coming out
32:11 "'cause my mind is already out."
32:14 Tell somebody, "I got victory
32:16 "'cause I already have it in my mind."
32:19 Tell somebody, "I'm breaking loose
32:21 "because my mind has already."
32:25 (audience cheering)
32:26 Mm, I feel God in this place.
32:29 You understand then, just give me a little more time.
32:33 You understand then that the affections here,
32:37 they're the direct one's mind,
32:39 and you must not only seek, but you must think.
32:43 You got to think it until it becomes pervasive
32:46 within the parameters of your intellectual,
32:48 emotional, and volitional self.
32:51 You've got to make it you.
32:54 That's it, I'm success.
32:56 Because what a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
33:00 I'm victory.
33:01 You're looking at victory when you look at me
33:04 because that's what I think.
33:05 I'm successful because when you look at me,
33:09 you look at what I think.
33:12 I'm not weak 'cause I don't think weak.
33:15 I'm not sad 'cause I don't think sad.
33:18 I'm not broke 'cause I don't think broke.
33:21 I feel like preaching in here.
33:23 Touching neighbor, say, "I might not have any money,
33:25 "but I ain't cheap.
33:26 "I don't think I'm cheap 'cause I ain't got no money,
33:29 "'cause I don't think cheap.
33:31 "When I ain't got no money, I'm somebody
33:34 "because I think I'm somebody."
33:37 Woo, I feel God in here.
33:39 (audience cheering)
33:41 We lost it out, we work it.
33:43 And so I'm not just seeking purpose.
33:46 I am purpose.
33:48 And then he brings up the fact
33:52 that there has always been a move of Satan
33:56 to limit how much and how far you set your mind.
34:01 And the thing he does is he influences
34:06 where you set your mind with the failures of the past.
34:11 Woo, I feel God in here.
34:13 You have already been through so much stuff
34:17 that the devil can't bring you no new thrill.
34:20 Ah, I wish I could talk to you.
34:22 (audience cheering)
34:25 I feel the Holy Spirit in here.
34:33 You know you've been through, ain't no new thrill for you.
34:39 So the only way the devil can deal with your mind
34:42 is to cause you to flashback.
34:45 He's got to remind you 'cause he can't bring you nothing new.
34:49 He threw it all at you up front.
34:51 Early in your life, you did all there was to do.
34:54 The only way he can get you now is to bring a flashback.
34:58 But you got to tell him like Paul,
35:00 forgetting those things which are behind.
35:04 (audience cheering)
35:08 I feel God in this place.
35:10 (groaning)
35:12 Somebody look at the devil and say, "Too late.
35:16 "I got a new mind."
35:18 If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.
35:27 All things happen.
35:28 And behold, all things have become new.
35:35 I got a new mind.
35:37 Shake somebody's hand, say, "I got a new mind.
35:40 "I got victory in my mind, power in my mind,
35:45 "joy in my mind, and I shall overcome
35:50 "'cause I got a new mind."
35:55 Y'all sit down a minute, we got a little more to go.
35:58 Woo, somebody hold up.
36:02 (audience cheering)
36:07 Oh, glory.
36:07 Mm.
36:10 Woo, I feel it in here.
36:12 Oh, once your mind is set.
36:15 Hey, hey, hey, hey.
36:18 That's why they can't get to you like they used to.
36:21 That's why they can't reach in and control you.
36:24 That's why they don't understand what happened to you.
36:27 I got a new mind.