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00:38 - He made a way.
00:39 Amen.
00:42 We're very glad to have with us Pastor Bishop
00:45 Audie R. Hines II
00:50 from New Breed Fellowship Church.
00:55 Where are you Bishop?
00:56 Where's the Bishop?
00:59 God bless you indeed.
01:00 Very glad to have you.
01:02 Amen.
01:03 And my dear friend, Brother Lemuel Plummer is here today
01:08 and his family, his brother, his mother.
01:12 Mother, you gotta stand up.
01:13 I don't know how you got away from church in Detroit.
01:16 Amen.
01:18 But celebrate these wonderful people, amen.
01:21 We thank God for them.
01:25 And God is still making billionaires, isn't he?
01:28 Amen.
01:29 Still making billionaires.
01:30 We thank God for the Bishop Evans from DC.
01:35 Pick TV.
01:37 God bless you.
01:38 And just to everyone that's here, I'm tired.
01:42 Amen.
01:44 I'm acting like I'm 37.
01:46 On the planes and back and forth, up and down.
01:51 But anyway, that's no excuse not to preach, is it?
01:57 Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
01:59 Let's go to Romans chapter one.
02:04 And beginning actually at verse one,
02:09 I don't know how far I should read,
02:12 but Romans chapter one.
02:15 And of course, when you deal with Romans,
02:17 you're dealing with Paul's treatise of the gospel.
02:20 And his presentation of the gospel in such a manner
02:26 that as you follow very carefully,
02:29 you will see him opening up the theological ramifications
02:35 for the gospel presentation.
02:39 It is called his treatise of the gospel.
02:45 And yet still, it does not do the historical piece.
02:49 It doesn't give you the events
02:51 of Jesus Christ's life on earth.
02:55 And yet still, it is regarded as his treatise of the gospel.
03:00 Simply because he gives us theological philosophy,
03:05 he goes behind the scenes of the geographic
03:10 and the narrative of Jesus coming into the world.
03:14 And he deals with issues like propitiation,
03:18 sanctification, adoption, redemption.
03:22 He deals with all of the behind the scenes issues
03:26 that are spiritually denoted.
03:30 He doesn't give you any of the historical events.
03:34 He doesn't give you any of the storylines
03:36 that the gospels give you.
03:39 But he takes you into that theological philosophy,
03:42 that angelology, theology, Christology.
03:47 He gives you pneumatology and all of that
03:50 in the justification of Jesus Christ.
03:54 So he opens by saying, Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ,
03:59 called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God,
04:04 which he had promised before by his prophets
04:08 in the holy scriptures.
04:11 Concerning his son, Jesus Christ our Lord,
04:15 which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh
04:18 and declared to be the son of God with power
04:22 according to the spirit of holiness
04:25 by the resurrection from the dead,
04:26 by whom we have received grace and apostleship
04:31 for obedience to the faith among all nations for his name,
04:37 among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ.
04:42 Have you seen a period yet?
04:45 (audience laughing)
04:48 To all that be in Rome, beloved of God,
04:53 called to be saints, grace to you and peace
04:58 from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
05:02 Oh, there's one.
05:04 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all
05:08 that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world
05:11 for God is my witness whom I serve with my spirit
05:14 and the gospel of his son that without ceasing,
05:17 I make mention of you always in my prayers, making requests.
05:22 If by any means now at length,
05:24 I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God
05:28 to come unto you, for I long to see you
05:31 and this is where I wanna go,
05:33 that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift
05:40 to the end ye may be established.
05:44 That is that I may be comforted together with you
05:47 by the mutual faith, both of you and me.
05:52 Now I would not have you ignorant brethren
05:54 that at times I purpose to come unto you,
05:57 but was and it's old English, let hitherto,
06:01 that I might have some fruit among you also,
06:04 even as among the Gentiles, I am a debtor,
06:07 both to Greeks and to the barbarians,
06:09 both to the wise and to the unwise.
06:12 So as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel
06:17 to you that are at Rome also,
06:19 for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ
06:23 for it is the power of God unto salvation
06:28 to everyone that believeth, to the Jew first
06:32 and also to the Greek.
06:33 I want you to look at somebody like you're angry with them,
06:37 like you're just mad with them.
06:39 Look them dead in the face
06:41 and tell them I have a blessing for you.
06:43 I have something to give you from God.
06:51 It is interesting his approach
06:56 and it seems as if he is promoting the fact
07:02 that he's got an ebullient desire to bless.
07:08 And what he wants to do is he wants to extend the blessing
07:13 to them that's coming from God
07:18 and he wants to make a withdrawal
07:21 in order to extend to them what he has received from God.
07:27 I don't think there's any better gift
07:32 that you can give anyone than a gift that comes from God.
07:38 (audience applauding)
07:39 Because anytime you can cause somebody
07:44 to get closer to God,
07:46 then you have lived the kind of life
07:50 that is pleasing to God
07:53 because God operates solely and totally in giving.
07:59 He says to me, freely receive, freely give.
08:07 Because none of us would be anything
08:10 if God was not present in our lives.
08:15 He makes the difference.
08:19 Now notice Paul in the text,
08:20 he is very careful to declare
08:23 that he is separated to the gospel of God.
08:28 And from the Greek, ap lorazo,
08:31 it simply means, ap means of, off, from.
08:36 And lorazo means to mark off by boundaries
08:40 to a point to set one apart for some purpose.
08:45 It is interesting again,
08:47 and I don't want to bog you down
08:49 with too much philosophical approaches,
08:51 but it is interesting that this being set apart
08:56 was something that didn't happen when he was born.
08:59 Because if he's set apart by God,
09:03 he is always set apart in the mind of God
09:07 because there is no quote unquote time
09:11 in the existence of God
09:13 that he did not always know all things.
09:17 Can I go over that again real slow?
09:20 It's critical to understand
09:22 that two attributes of God come into place
09:26 when he declares that you are separated
09:29 or you have been chosen.
09:32 And I've told you before, I'll tell you again,
09:35 that that is really just anthropomorphic.
09:37 It sounds like a big word,
09:39 but it has to do with man and man's understanding.
09:44 It's an anthropomorphic term
09:45 because it's something that he describes to us
09:50 to give us an idea about something
09:55 that really didn't happen.
09:57 Somebody ought to be arguing with me now.
10:02 There are two attributes that come into play
10:05 when you hear that God has done anything.
10:10 And the two that come into play is first of all,
10:13 he is eternal.
10:15 If he is eternal or since he is eternal,
10:19 subjunctive, since he is eternal,
10:21 yeah, it's a fact,
10:24 then that means he has no beginning.
10:27 And if he has no beginning,
10:29 then he has no ending.
10:32 Now, if he is eternal and he has no beginning,
10:37 and you would have put with that,
10:38 and I told you before, I'll tell you again,
10:40 I used to argue with my dad when I was a little boy
10:43 and he would say that the Lord has no beginning.
10:47 And I would say, well, if that is the case,
10:50 and if I go back into his past
10:52 and keep going and going and going,
10:55 and I can't find a starting point,
10:58 then how did he ever get to right now?
11:00 Amen, I mean, seriously, walk with me a little bit.
11:08 If we go back and back and back and back
11:10 and back and back and back and back and back and back,
11:13 and we keep going back and there is no starting point,
11:16 then how did he ever get to right now?
11:19 The problem I'm having is that I am
11:23 trying to evaluate eternity with time.
11:28 And it is totally impossible because time is antithetical
11:32 and contradistinctive to eternity.
11:37 God has no past, he has no future.
11:42 God lives in an ever present right now.
11:46 Oh yeah, the prophet told you next week
11:49 you're gonna get a blessing.
11:50 The prophet said the prophet's coming in seven days,
11:53 seven days.
11:55 Well, that blessing is already here
11:57 because God is already living seven days from now.
12:02 No plan in God's existence that he isn't living
12:06 all of it at one time.
12:09 So you have to wait seven days.
12:12 But if you're waiting seven days,
12:14 that means it's already done in the mind
12:17 and in the heart of God.
12:19 You are the creature of time,
12:21 he's the creature of eternity, and it's already done.
12:26 So when he separated him, now we bring in
12:30 the second attribute of God, and that is he is omniscient.
12:35 If he's omniscient, then that means
12:37 you can't teach him anything
12:39 because he always knows all things.
12:44 He is omniscient.
12:46 Now put that with being eternal.
12:49 If he always knew all things and he always existed,
12:54 then there is no quote unquote time in the existence of God
12:59 that he didn't know that Paul was going to be separated.
13:05 If you were chosen in him before the foundation of the world
13:09 then you were not chosen when you were born.
13:13 You were chosen before you were born
13:16 because God was already living your being born in eternity.
13:21 I hope you're still with me.
13:24 In other words, God didn't wait till you get here
13:27 in order to choose you, and he didn't wait for you
13:31 to decide whether you were good or bad
13:34 for him to choose you.
13:36 If he is choosing you, he's choosing you,
13:39 and you don't have a record to put in front of God
13:43 to say here's a reason you ought to choose me
13:46 because I am this, this, this, and the other.
13:49 If that were the case, it wouldn't be grace.
13:51 You see, what grace says is you don't deserve it.
13:55 So if you don't deserve it,
13:57 then you don't have to bring a record.
14:00 In fact, just bring your weakness.
14:03 Oh, I feel like preaching now.
14:05 Just bring whoever you are, whatever way you are,
14:10 however terrible you are,
14:13 because that's what he's looking for.
14:15 He's looking to give you grace,
14:18 which is unmerited favor,
14:23 and that's why when he looked at you and I
14:26 and all he could see was weakness,
14:28 he said, "I tell you what I'll do.
14:30 "I'll make weakness a prerequisite for salvation,
14:35 "and I'll call the thing grace."
14:39 I feel like preaching here.
14:41 Anytime you get down on your knees to pray,
14:43 don't go looking at your record,
14:45 and don't go looking at somebody else
14:47 and say, "Well, they're better than me."
14:49 Here's what the hypocrite did.
14:50 The hypocrite went before God one day,
14:53 and here's what he said.
14:54 "Lord, I am not as other men are."
14:59 And the one who got the blessing
15:04 just got down in front of the Lord and said,
15:07 "Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner."
15:10 You don't look around to decide
15:13 whether or not you should approach God.
15:15 You're going to God just the way you are,
15:19 and you're asking him to bring you out
15:22 of whatever you're in and make the plan straight.
15:25 Why?
15:26 Because if you're chosen in him,
15:28 it happened before he created the devil.
15:32 If you're chosen in him,
15:33 it happened before any spirit came about.
15:37 So there is nobody or nothing in the universe
15:42 that can stop you from a relationship with God
15:45 when God is the one who chose you.
15:48 You didn't choose him, he chose you.
15:53 And Paul said, "He separated me."
15:56 I wish somebody would understand that.
15:58 He separated me.
16:00 I have no other purpose to live
16:04 other than what God has separated me to do.
16:08 And if God separated me to do something,
16:11 I'm going to do what he separated me to do
16:16 because God does not take failure
16:20 for an answer to anything he decides.
16:24 He says, "My word will not come back to me empty.
16:29 It will perform."
16:31 I wish somebody would understand it.
16:33 You wanna know why you're here?
16:35 Because God kept you from OOD,
16:37 and God kept you from the bullet
16:40 that had your name on it.
16:41 God kept you from the madman, the mad situation.
16:45 God kept you in spite of the abuse,
16:48 in spite of how you've been treated,
16:50 in spite of your experience.
16:52 It was God who walked with you through it all
16:56 because he had his hand on you before you got here.
17:00 And the devil would have wasted you if he had the chance,
17:04 but he doesn't have the chance or the power.
17:07 So God used whatever you go through to equip you
17:11 to declare to somebody, "I am a blessing for you."
17:16 Look at your neighbor and say, "I'm a blessing to somebody.
17:19 They don't know it yet, but I'm a blessing to somebody.
17:24 They haven't met me yet, but I'm a blessing to somebody.
17:27 They haven't grown into me yet,
17:31 but when they do, they will be blessed
17:35 because God gave me something to bless them with."
17:41 Ah, I feel the Holy Spirit.
17:42 I'm going to try to behave.
17:44 Yeah, it's separated.
17:47 There's a perfect participle.
17:50 And what that says is it's an action
17:52 that took place at one time.
17:55 That means that action still continues.
17:59 In verse nine, he tells us very carefully
18:02 that he prays here without intermission.
18:06 And when the Bible says, "Pray without ceasing,"
18:10 it does not mean that you need to be on your knees
18:13 all the time and never get up and get anything done.
18:17 What it means is you have an attitude that's prayerful.
18:22 And this prayerful attitude is what connects you to God
18:27 in your own thinking all the time.
18:31 That attitude of God is present,
18:34 that attitude that God is around
18:37 and I can talk to him whenever I feel
18:40 or I can just think of him
18:42 because I've got this prayerful attitude.
18:45 And the prayerful attitude is what keeps me
18:48 from losing my temper and blessing you out.
18:52 It is that prayerful attitude that keeps me in self-control
18:57 and keeps me from losing it.
18:59 You know, some people lose it.
19:01 They lose it so bad until they need somebody
19:04 to explain to them what they did when they blanked out.
19:08 But when you have a prayerful attitude,
19:10 you know God is present.
19:12 So somebody said to me the other day,
19:15 they were just having a good time cursing very poetically.
19:19 They were, you know, some people can curse
19:21 and it just sound like poetry.
19:23 Just, just, just, oh my God, just, you know.
19:28 And they said to me, they said,
19:30 "Oh, I'm sorry, Reverend."
19:31 I said, "Don't be sorry about me.
19:34 "I mean, express yourself."
19:36 But remember God is watching.
19:39 And if God is sitting high and looking low,
19:43 he needs way more respect than I do.
19:45 So if you got a prayerful attitude,
19:49 you don't tell somebody, "Wait till I get out of church."
19:52 You say, "Uh-huh, uh-huh.
19:54 "You don't know what I used to be."
19:56 And all of that stuff.
19:57 And I'm gonna hang up my Holy Ghost for a minute.
20:00 Now, if you have a prayerful attitude,
20:03 the respect you show for your brother
20:06 is indicative of the fact that you know God is present
20:10 and you're talking to somebody who is in his image.
20:14 And he does not appreciate you discounting his image
20:19 and dealing with somebody who is in his image
20:23 like they're nothing.
20:25 That's why he says, "If any one of you think you love God,
20:29 "think it again."
20:30 Think it again because how could you love God
20:33 who you have never seen and not love your brother
20:38 who is in his image?
20:42 I wish I could preach this.
20:44 When I look at you, I have to see God.
20:48 And when I'm prayerful, I look at you with respect.
20:52 I look at you with dignity.
20:54 I look at you with significance and importance.
20:58 And you can't show me how holy you are
21:00 and how much you love God
21:02 and you're mean as nine butcher knives.
21:06 Amen.
21:07 When you love God, you treat people with dignity
21:10 and respect.
21:11 You go out of your way to show them
21:14 not only that you respect who they are,
21:17 but the God in you.
21:19 And that's why God many times loves you through people.
21:23 He brings people in your life
21:26 who he uses to express his power through them for you.
21:31 And everybody in here has something to give somebody
21:38 and came from God.
21:41 God brought you out, help somebody out.
21:45 I'm not getting in a car, running somebody down
21:47 with anybody.
21:49 Uh-huh, I get tired.
21:50 I get in the car and you start talking about somebody else
21:53 and run people down.
21:54 I don't know how you put it the other day.
21:57 Most people who run people down are unsuccessful,
22:00 unmotivated, and uh-huh, have no ambition whatsoever.
22:05 Some people only get attention when they talking about you.
22:11 I wish I could say that again.
22:14 Sometimes nobody paying them any mind
22:17 until they bring you up.
22:19 And then when you answer them, you give them more fuel.
22:23 Amen.
22:24 The devil don't know what to do
22:26 when you ain't saying nothing.
22:28 Uh-huh, he knows what to say when you said something,
22:31 but he don't know what to do when you ain't talking.
22:35 Uh-huh, you talking about me and I'm still praising God.
22:38 You talking about me and I'm still spending my money.
22:42 You talking about me and I'm enjoying my life.
22:45 You over there mad with my life.
22:48 You mad over my life and I'm glad over it.
22:51 I wish somebody'd understand what I'm saying.
22:55 You just keep on living, honey, keep on.
22:58 While they talking there,
22:59 oh, I don't know how she can be shouting as bad as she is.
23:04 All them lies she tell and she shout all over the church.
23:07 I got news for you.
23:09 If she living that bad and can shout
23:12 and you living that good,
23:14 then you ought to be shouting right beside her.
23:17 Shout on, shout, just go on and dance.
23:20 (audience cheering)
23:23 Oh, I feel like now I'm meddling now.
23:26 One writer said, "At a distance,
23:28 "the apostle cannot directly prove his love,
23:33 "but he appeals to God who hears his ceaseless prayers
23:38 "for the Romans as a witness to it."
23:41 Bengal, he puts it this way,
23:44 "There could be no other witness to his practice
23:47 "in his secret prayers but God.
23:50 "Praying for the Romans, Christians whom he had never seen,
23:54 "his appeal is to God's witness."
23:56 I am praying for you and I will pray for you
24:02 because anybody you pray for all the time,
24:05 you cannot be envious of.
24:09 You can't pray for somebody to be successful
24:13 and then get mad when their success comes.
24:16 You can't pray for somebody to be delivered
24:19 and then get mad when they're delivered.
24:22 If you wanna move envy out of your life,
24:26 and I want you to understand the difference
24:28 between envy and jealousy,
24:30 jealousy is having a zeal for what you have.
24:35 And that means I'm jealous of my wife.
24:39 I said to a man the other day, some time ago,
24:42 I said, "How you doing?"
24:43 He said, "Okay."
24:44 I said, "How's your wife?"
24:45 Don't ask me about my wife.
24:47 Don't ask me nothing about my wife.
24:49 So I understood immediately
24:52 that he is extraordinarily possessive.
24:56 That is jealous.
24:58 Now, jealousy is a sin.
25:01 I wish I could preach to you.
25:03 Jealousy is a sin.
25:06 And God says, "I am a jealous God."
25:10 Well, God, I am in church to be like you.
25:14 So how is it that jealousy is a sin for me,
25:19 but it's not a sin for you?
25:21 And you want me to be like you.
25:24 You said that you have predestinated
25:26 that I be formed into the image of your son.
25:30 So how is it okay for you to be jealous
25:34 and you call it sin for me?
25:37 Well, in order to be jealous, you got to own something.
25:41 I wish somebody would get me.
25:43 Uh-huh, oh yeah, she's your wife, but you don't own her.
25:47 He's your husband, but you don't own him.
25:52 That house is yours, but you really don't own it.
25:55 I have never seen a hearse with a U-Haul behind it.
26:00 The earth is the Lord's, the fullness thereof.
26:06 The people and they that dwell therein.
26:10 He's the only one who has a right to be jealous
26:14 because he's the only one who possesses something.
26:19 Everything you have is a loan.
26:21 I wish you'd understand me.
26:24 You better thank God for your loan, but it's only a loan
26:27 because when you leave here, it ain't going with you.
26:30 The woman, the man said to the woman, said,
26:33 "I want you to put all my money in the coffin.
26:36 "Every bit of my money, put it in the coffin.
26:40 "I want it all."
26:41 She said, "Okay, dear, yeah, I'll do it."
26:43 So her friend waits for the funeral
26:45 and her friend was looking at her wondering,
26:47 is she gonna be that crazy
26:49 as to put everything in that coffin?
26:51 And she took up a big hope chest and she said,
26:55 "Hold it, hold it."
26:56 And before they closed the coffin,
26:59 she put it in there with him.
27:02 And her friend said, "You must be crazy.
27:03 "What did you just do?"
27:05 She said, "I wrote him a check, that's what I did."
27:08 (audience applauding)
27:11 I have never seen in my life
27:16 anybody taking anything out of here.
27:19 But when you own something,
27:21 you have a tendency to be possessive, that's a sin,
27:24 but that's not envy.
27:26 Envy is when somebody is all upset over what you have.
27:31 Now, they don't have it, it ain't theirs.
27:35 Now, they may have walked through Neiman Marcus
27:37 and touched something that they couldn't buy
27:40 and all of a sudden you break up in
27:42 what they couldn't buy at Neiman
27:44 and all of a sudden they sick.
27:47 They sick over what you have.
27:49 That's not jealousy, they ain't jealous of you.
27:52 They don't own the dress, they don't own the shoes,
27:55 they don't own the car.
27:57 And one of the things that's killing us
27:59 as black folk in this country is envy.
28:03 You let one of your sons seem to be amounting
28:06 to something and some other unsuccessful,
28:10 uninspired, with no ambition will take his life.
28:15 I wonder, do you understand what I'm saying?
28:17 A lot of folk are putting other folk down over envy.
28:21 You can't blame me because I'm smart.
28:24 You can't blame me because I'm gifted.
28:27 You can't blame God.
28:28 He's the one that gave it to me
28:30 and if he gave it to me, I'm gonna use it.
28:34 I'm gonna use everything he gave me.
28:37 And if you don't like it, that's up to you.
28:39 But you better get over it and start working
28:42 in the gift he gave you.
28:44 If you quit looking at the other person's gift
28:47 and use the one you have, then you will rise up
28:52 and have something to give somebody else.
28:56 I'm almost there, Pat.
28:57 I feel some energy coming from somewhere.
29:01 It's important to understand this,
29:04 that you have to live your life in the gift
29:07 that God has made you and you can't allow yourself
29:12 to limit what God is doing in your life
29:16 because somebody else doesn't like it.
29:18 Live, give glory to God and live.
29:23 Give glory to the most high and do what God
29:27 has commissioned you to do and enjoy
29:30 whatever God has given you.
29:32 This is not a rehearsal.
29:34 This is the only life you have
29:38 and you might as well enjoy it,
29:39 what God has given you this life to enjoy.
29:43 And don't let anybody discredit your experiences
29:48 because every experience you have,
29:52 God can use it to bless somebody else.
29:56 And I know when you get over something,
29:58 when you get over it, you can talk about it.
30:01 When you get over it, you can reach for somebody
30:04 and say, I used to be where you are,
30:06 but glory be to God, he brought me out with a mighty hand.
30:11 Have I told you touch a neighbor yet?
30:13 It's on the way.
30:15 He said, I've got a spiritual gift, a pneumococcus,
30:19 a charisma, I've got a gift that I want to give you
30:23 and it's favor received without merit.
30:27 On the recipient's part, I'm bringing you something
30:31 and you don't have to do anything to get it.
30:34 I am bringing it because God gave it to me for you.
30:38 He uses gifts in two senses.
30:41 He use it in the ordinary sense
30:43 and that's found in chapter five about verse 15.
30:47 Then he uses it in a special technical sense
30:51 which denotes extraordinary power bestowed
30:55 upon the individual by the Holy Spirit.
30:59 Such gifts as healing, such gifts as prophecy,
31:03 such gifts as the word of knowledge,
31:06 some supernatural thing that God just presents in your life.
31:11 And then he gives you another ordinary gift
31:13 and that is your personal talent, that creativity,
31:18 that cognitive energy, that ability to operate
31:21 within the space that is designated for you.
31:25 And when God gifts you,
31:27 it's something that only you can use.
31:29 Now, can I go deeper?
31:31 He has to create a need for your gift
31:35 because if there is no need for your gift,
31:39 then your gift isn't valuable.
31:41 It's the need that he creates
31:44 that makes your gift valuable.
31:47 And when he creates a need for your gift,
31:50 he never takes your gift,
31:52 but he will judge you if you don't use your gift.
31:56 Can I preach like I feel it?
31:58 You see, when God gifts you, you bless others
32:02 because he created the need for you to bless others.
32:07 But that same gift that blesses others
32:10 is the gift that puts food on your table.
32:14 Uh-huh, if you're wondering why
32:16 you have not gained much in life,
32:19 then check your gift.
32:22 And check to see are you utilizing
32:25 what God has given you to utilize.
32:29 He said in one text, with the man who had one gift,
32:33 and the others had five, and no one had two.
32:36 And here's what I learned.
32:37 God does not give multiple gifts
32:40 to folk who won't use them.
32:43 Oh yeah, we got a lot of gifted folk going nowhere
32:47 because they won't use their gift.
32:50 You can't look around at what other people are doing,
32:54 look introspectively at how much power is in you
32:59 and operate in the power of the gift that God gives you,
33:04 and you will enter into the joy of the Lord.
33:09 Now I can use that eschatologically,
33:12 or I can make it right now.
33:14 I'm gonna make it right now.
33:15 When you can take a wonder car down to a dealer
33:20 and drive out with a Mercedes Benz,
33:22 you have entered into the joy of the Lord.
33:27 Well, what is the wonder car?
33:28 Wonder if it'll get there.
33:30 That's the car I'm talking about.
33:34 When you can put your kids through college
33:36 and don't ask anybody for a penny,
33:39 you have entered into the joy of the Lord.
33:43 When you, my brother and my sister,
33:46 can buy a new house or build a new church
33:49 or do something to touch somebody on a greater scale,
33:53 you have entered into the joy of the Lord
33:58 because he is getting the glory out of your life.
34:02 When he brings you from nothing to something,
34:05 he puts you up as an advertising
34:08 and he lays you out there for folk to see.
34:11 And this is why he said to Moses,
34:13 you know something about Abraham?
34:16 Do you know something about Isaac?
34:19 Moses, do you know something about Jacob?
34:21 Well, I'm their God.
34:24 I am the God.
34:26 You see, every now and then,
34:27 God needs you to introduce himself,
34:32 to introduce himself through you.
34:36 I wonder if somebody here understand what I'm saying.
34:39 When God can use what he's done in your life
34:44 to introduce himself to somebody else.
34:48 Oh, you impressed with him?
34:50 I'm his God.
34:52 You impressed with her?
34:53 I'm her God.
34:55 If you think there's something,
34:57 wait till I get through with you
35:00 because if you get up next to me,
35:03 I will bless you in a way that your enemies can't stand it.
35:08 But here is the truth.
35:10 If you ain't got any haters, you ain't that gifted.
35:15 I feel like having church in here.
35:16 Give somebody a high five.
35:19 Say, I can bless you.
35:20 I can bless you.
35:22 I've been through enough to bless you.
35:25 In the sense of power requested
35:28 for the discharge of the office of an evangelist.
35:33 He had this, he had to have it.
35:37 That's why he says, stir up the gift of God,
35:42 which is in thee.
35:43 That's what he told Timothy.
35:45 And the purpose then of the importation of these gifts
35:50 is that they might be established
35:53 both in the character and in service.
35:58 I need to build you up.
36:00 I need to make you that character
36:03 that can operate with the gift.
36:06 You see, many times God puts a break on our gifts
36:11 in order to build our character
36:14 because many of us will declare,
36:16 if I had it when I was younger, I would have blown it.
36:21 But God put me through so much
36:25 that I've learned how to wait on him.
36:28 I've learned how to serve him with humility.
36:31 I don't get carried away with what I have
36:35 because what I have is only alone.
36:38 And I cannot use what I have as an excuse
36:43 to be cocky and to be ugly.
36:46 The closer you get to God, the humbler you become
36:51 because you can't look at God
36:53 and be in the presence of God
36:55 and think that much about yourself
37:00 or who you comparing yourself with.
37:03 You look at Jesus.
37:05 And when you look at Jesus, you gotta fix everything.
37:09 Can I preach like I feel it?
37:11 When you look at Jesus, your attitudes got to change.
37:15 When you look at Jesus, you learn to shut your mouth.
37:19 Oh yeah, I had to learn to shut mine.
37:21 The closer you get to the Lord,
37:24 the less you feel like you are something special
37:28 because he is the special one in your life.
37:31 And here's a wonderful thing.
37:33 He resisted the proud,
37:36 but he give it more grace to the humble,
37:40 more unmerited favor.
37:43 I got favor with God.
37:44 Give somebody a high five for the second time
37:47 and say, neighbor, I got favor with God.
37:51 I don't know who you have favor with,
37:55 but I have favor with God.
37:58 Sometimes he makes ways out of no way
38:02 and don't even ask me.
38:04 Sometimes he puts me in situations that blesses me
38:09 and didn't even direct me.
38:11 Sometimes he stops my plans.
38:15 I had it planned out and God messed up my plans
38:20 in order to keep me on the straight and narrow
38:23 because he wants to use you and I to bless somebody else.
38:28 I used to pray a long time ago.
38:32 I don't know if I'm praying it now,
38:34 but I told the Lord when I was younger,
38:36 I said, Lord, take me out before I embarrass you.
38:41 Then I understood grace later.
38:44 Take me out before I embarrass you, but I probably did.
38:47 And he didn't listen to my prayer
38:50 or I'd have been long gone.
38:52 I've learned you don't bring God a record.
38:55 You just come as you are without one plea.
38:59 Am I talking to somebody in here?
39:01 Somebody said you'd never be right.
39:03 The devil is a liar.
39:05 Just come as you are.
39:08 Throw yourself down before him and watch him pick you up.
39:13 Somebody said you'd never get out of that situation.
39:16 The devil is a liar.
39:19 You coming out right now.
39:21 The moment you think out, you'll come out
39:25 because as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
39:30 I'm almost there.
39:32 I feel like having some church in here
39:35 instead of saying he had a gift.
39:37 I want you to see for them he wishes to add
39:42 that they have one for him also.
39:45 I want you to understand the cunning
39:47 and the wonderful way he presents that.
39:51 He says, I'm coming down to give you a gift.
39:55 And then somehow he rethinks it.
39:58 And he realizes that it's never a one-way street.
40:02 When it comes to the children of God,
40:05 I don't care if they just young in God.
40:09 Everybody's got something to give to somebody else.
40:14 And no one of us has it all.
40:17 Which means if I don't have it all
40:20 and my idiosyncratic concept of God
40:23 cannot be duplicated or imitated,
40:27 you can't think of God the way I think of God.
40:31 And I can't think of God the way you think of God.
40:35 There are too many variables that make us different people
40:40 that give us a different view.
40:42 If I were to go real heavy with it,
40:44 but I don't wanna blow your mind,
40:46 I would tell you that each individual creates the God
40:51 that they serve in their own mind.
40:55 You create your God based on the information you have,
41:00 the experience you have, the cognitive energy,
41:02 the intellectuality, the things you have gone through.
41:06 You create that God.
41:09 And because I don't have it all,
41:13 I need to know how you feel about God
41:17 in order to round me off.
41:21 So I need you and you need me.
41:24 And don't let anybody make you feel
41:26 like they are some superior Christian.
41:29 The devil is a liar.
41:31 I'm sick and tired of puffy, puffy, puffy, puffy fish,
41:35 puff fish just blow up in your own mind.
41:40 But I show you who is close to God.
41:43 That person who is easily entreated.
41:47 That person you can approach night or day.
41:50 That person you can go to in your lowest hour.
41:54 That person who will be there when you are faltering
41:58 without a judgment, just there.
42:03 I feel like preaching in here.
42:05 You can't talk to everybody.
42:07 You can't sometimes, you can hardly find anybody to talk to.
42:12 And you better keep your secrets to yourself
42:15 'cause you go sometimes to people to confess.
42:18 And next thing it's all over town.
42:21 Somebody couldn't wait to tell it.
42:23 Sat there listening to you.
42:25 Can I preach like I feel it?
42:27 I just left the meeting the other day.
42:29 And had I walked into the meeting and said,
42:32 they say, "Jones, how are you doing?"
42:35 "Oh man, the Lord is blessing.
42:37 I got this beautiful wife.
42:40 Look at her.
42:42 I'm living large."
42:44 They say, "Okay, Jones, we see you later."
42:47 Now, if I had walked in there and said,
42:48 "Jones, how are you doing?"
42:50 Oh man, I got woman trouble, man.
42:54 Some woman come out of the cracks.
42:56 I got trouble over here, money trouble.
42:59 "Jones, let's go to lunch."
43:01 You know, folk wanna take you to lunch
43:04 when you got a problem.
43:06 They wanna take you to lunch so you can tell your story.
43:10 But when you're walking with your head up
43:12 and you're lifting up the name of God
43:16 and you're walking like God is God,
43:19 then they don't wanna hang with you.
43:22 But I've got news for you.
43:24 I will bless the Lord at all times.
43:29 I'll bless him till the devil don't know
43:33 that you hurt me, devil.
43:35 But you don't know it because I didn't complain about it.
43:40 I got down on my knees and I gave God the glory
43:44 because I realized if he didn't permit it,
43:49 you couldn't have done it.
43:51 And he must be permitting it for a reason
43:56 that when I come out on the other side,
43:59 I'll have more power than I have ever had.
44:04 I feel like, give some money, high five.
44:07 So go on through it.
44:10 Hooper Mone, stay there
44:13 because he's gonna strengthen you.
44:16 But I'm so glad that Paul realized
44:20 that I'm not the only one that's got something to give,
44:25 but you have something to give me too
44:30 because I'm a debtor to the Greek and the barbarian.
44:35 Can I talk to you sanctified folk
44:39 who believe you can't be around anybody
44:42 who isn't just like you?
44:45 Well, I heard Paul when he said,
44:48 "I owe the Greeks something in their sophistry,
44:52 in their wisdom, and I owe the barbarian something
44:57 because the barbarian can bless me as well as the Greeks.
45:02 The good can bless me as well as the bad
45:07 because every bad person has some good in there somewhere
45:12 and every good person has some bad in there somewhere.
45:17 So quit getting off your horse, get off your horse
45:21 and come on down to earth
45:24 and tell the Lord, "Bless my brother."
45:27 You know, when I pray for somebody in trouble,
45:30 I pray for them, I say, "Lord, as you help them, help me.
45:35 As you bring them out, bring me out."
45:39 And I love to see how God is bringing folk out
45:44 that's got a problem.
45:46 And you say, "Why are you looking?"
45:48 I'm looking just in case it happens to me
45:53 that I can look at somebody else's life
45:57 and say, "If the Lord brought them out,
46:00 then surely he can bring me out."
46:05 I don't want you to stay in your mess.
46:08 I want you to come out of your mess
46:11 so that you and I can praise him.
46:14 Oh, magnify the Lord with me.
46:18 Let us exalt his name together.
46:23 Is there anybody in here that can share a testimony
46:28 of how God brought you out when they left you for dead?
46:33 Said you couldn't rise again?
46:38 Somebody stop by with a gift from God,
46:42 an encouraging word.
46:45 Give somebody a high five.
46:47 Say, "Neighbor, everybody can encourage you.
46:52 Everybody does not have a comforting word,
46:57 a word that came straight from the throne of God.
47:02 God ever wake you up in the middle of the night
47:05 and said, "Get on your knees.
47:08 I want you to pray for brother so-and-so."
47:12 I put a burden on you for sister so-and-so.
47:16 Get on your knees.
47:17 Don't go to the fridge.
47:19 Get on your knees and call out to God.
47:23 I feel like preaching in here.
47:25 Have you ever been going home
47:28 and when you took the turn down the street,
47:32 the Holy Ghost arrested you in the car
47:36 and you pulled over, began to talk to God,
47:40 spoke in some tongues,
47:42 and then when you got home, there was nothing but trouble.
47:46 God stopped you along the way
47:51 and fortified you for something that's about to happen.
47:56 And I heard him when he said,
47:58 "The Spirit make it intercession
48:02 with groanings that cannot be uttered."
48:06 That's not a "mmm" 'cause I uttered that.
48:11 That is no sound at all.
48:14 God doing something in your spirit
48:16 that your mind can't comprehend.
48:19 God bringing you out in your spirit
48:22 and your mind ain't got it yet.
48:25 But when the trial comes, I'm already prepared
48:30 'cause I got a gift from God.
48:33 We might as well have church.
48:35 Give somebody a high five for the fifth time
48:39 and say, "Neighbor, I got a gift for you.
48:43 If you knew where God brought me from,
48:47 if you knew how he brought me out,
48:51 if you knew how he stepped in right on time,
48:56 you would not give up on yourself.
49:00 Don't give up on yourself
49:03 because God has not given up on you."
49:08 I feel like preaching here.
49:11 He said, "I got a gift for you.
49:13 What are you bringing?
49:15 I'm not bringing a car.
49:17 I'm not bringing a house.
49:20 I'm bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ
49:25 'cause I'm not ashamed.
49:27 I'm not ashamed.
49:32 Give somebody a high five.
49:34 Say, "I'm not ashamed to dance in the church.
49:38 I'm not ashamed to speak in other tongues.
49:42 I'm not ashamed to call on Jesus.
49:46 I'm not ashamed of the blood of Christ Jesus.
49:51 I'm not ashamed when you call me a flunky.
49:55 I'm not ashamed when you say I ought to fight.
49:59 I'm not ashamed to back up with your insult.
50:04 I'm not ashamed to walk out and not raise a hand
50:08 'cause I got a God who said, "Vengeance is mine."
50:13 I will, I'm not ashamed to tell the world
50:21 he's God all by himself.
50:25 Give somebody a high five for the second to the last time
50:30 and say, "Neighbor, I'm not ashamed of what I've become.
50:35 He brought me out of darkness into this marvelous light.
50:40 I'm not ashamed.
50:42 Pick up your head, O ye gates.
50:46 Let the king of glory come in."
50:50 Who is the king of glory?
50:53 Who is the Lord God Almighty?
50:57 He's the Lord God mighty,
51:02 mighty, mighty,
51:03 mighty in battle.
51:09 I'm not ashamed.
51:11 I'm not ashamed to be called sanctified.
51:16 I'm not ashamed to praise the Lord wherever I am.
51:22 (laughing)
51:24 (upbeat music)
51:27 You can have the whole world,
51:35 but give me Jesus.
51:40 Give somebody a high five for the last time.
51:44 Say, "Neighbor, neighbor,
51:48 let us magnify him together.
51:52 Help me to shout.
51:54 Help me to rejoice.
51:56 Help me to lift up my holy hands.
51:59 Help me to tell the devil I'll serve him until I die.
52:04 I'm here to stay.
52:09 I'm here."
52:10 (congregation applauding)
52:14 (congregation cheering)
52:17 I'm not ashamed of the gospel.
52:30 It is the power.
52:34 (congregation applauding)
52:38 (upbeat music)
52:41 Do you know I'm closing?
53:05 I'm only gonna close maybe two times.
53:09 But do you know,
53:12 do you know how expensive your testimony is?
53:21 Does anybody have a clue how much you paid psychologically?
53:35 Sometimes physically, intellectually,
53:37 and definitely spiritually
53:40 to be able to walk over to someone,
53:43 say the right words at the right time,
53:48 to comfort this heart,
53:51 to bring them out of a circumstance
53:54 when they thought it was over,
53:58 and yet God appointed you
54:01 because of what you've been through?
54:04 (congregation cheering)
54:08 And it may sound like just some simple words,
54:12 but the spirit that accompanied the words
54:19 was born out of life of experience.
54:26 Good times, bad times, mediocre times,
54:31 but in everything, God fortified you
54:36 to be a spokesman for him.
54:40 You don't need a title.
54:44 You don't need a title.
54:48 God said, "I'll make your name great."
54:52 People are trying to do with titles
54:56 what they can't do with their names.
54:58 Don't nobody know you.
55:00 (congregation cheering)
55:02 You can be archbishop, whatever you wanna call yourself.
55:06 It's in your humility.
55:09 I say this again, I'm closing for the second time.
55:14 Nobody remembers takers.
55:20 People only remember givers.
55:24 Amen.
55:28 Nobody remembers.
55:30 (congregation applauding)
55:33 I'm closing for the third time.
55:38 Everybody can't comfort you at a funeral.
55:42 Amen.
55:46 You sit over there weeping, just a crying,
55:48 and you know, here comes somebody
55:51 that you know ain't got the right spirit.
55:53 Oh, well, you know, I'm really...
55:57 (mumbles)
55:59 I might be crying, but I'm blind.
56:03 Everybody can't comfort you.
56:08 And some folks will come to your funeral
56:14 who wouldn't come to your rescue.
56:16 I hate to say it.
56:19 The Lord is calling somebody today,
56:26 and He's saying, "Come, come.
56:29 "Come as you are, just as you are.
56:32 "Come.
56:32 "Just as you are."
56:37 (upbeat music)
56:42 (upbeat music)
56:45 (upbeat music)
56:47 (upbeat music)
56:50 (upbeat music)
56:53 (upbeat music)
56:55 (upbeat music)
56:58 (upbeat music)
57:00 (upbeat music)
57:03 (upbeat music)
57:06 (upbeat music)
57:08 (upbeat music)
57:11 (electronic music)