Salute: Innovazione e sostenibilità, un nuovo capitolo in ortopedia per J&J Medtech

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - L’osteoartrite è una patologia cronica che colpisce oggi oltre 250 milioni di persone in tutto il mondo, guidata dai cambiamenti demografici e dalle complicanze di alcune patologie in aumento come l’obesità. Questo è lo scenario emerso nel 106° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Ortopedia e Traumatologia (Siot) tenutosi a Roma. Durante il congresso Johnson & Johnson MedTech ha annunciato il suo ingresso nel campo della robotica chirurgica in ortopedia.


00:00 Osteoarthritis is a chronic pathology that affects more than 250 million people around the world today,
00:10 driven by demographic changes and the complications of some pathologies such as obesity.
00:15 This is the scenario emerged in the 106th National Congress of the Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology, SIOT, held in Rome.
00:22 In the event, it was underlined that the growth of this pathology, which is generating an increase in the volume of orthopedic interventions of arthroplasty, especially of the knee,
00:30 confirms an urgent need to continue to innovate in this area in order to improve the quality of life of patients and, at the same time,
00:37 optimize the surgical processes, advantage of the sustainability of health systems, which have increasingly limited resources.
00:44 Orthopedics is having a huge evolution in recent years. Robotics, first of all, is clearly taking more and more steps and is showing that the results are actually better.
00:57 Orthobiology, which is clearly a preventive treatment, gives you the possibility to treat the patient before getting to the prosthesis.
01:06 And then everything that concerns virtual reality, which could be a very important tool for teaching, for teaching, let's say, of the surgical activities for the youngest.
01:16 Our commitment is linked to the production and introduction of technological innovations that improve the patient's care path
01:26 and, at the same time, generate better outcomes in terms of the sustainability of the entire system.
01:32 The CIOT 2023 was fundamental for J&J MedTech to highlight how much the company is committed to improving the entire patient care path,
01:42 from the best prosthetic technology to the robotic approach and the optimization of surgical wound management.
01:48 For this reason, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of one of the most innovative solutions for the intervention of knee arthroplasty,
01:55 Johnson & Johnson MedTech announced its entry into the field of surgical robotics in orthopedics.
02:00 In these 10 years, we have focused on knee prostheses, which represent a technological solution that is able to generate significant outcomes for the improvement of the patient's care path.
02:14 We combined the 10 years of the launch of our knee prosthesis with the robotic assisted in the total knee replacement intervention.
02:27 Thanks to robotics, a standardized, simple, safe intervention is obtained and contributes to the reduction of costs and, in general, to the sustainability of the health system.
02:42 Focus also on the prevention of infections in operating rooms thanks to a symposium that involved a board of experts on the subject of standardization and wound management in orthopedic surgery.
02:53 We all know that the infection of the wounds is the main reason for the failure of the prosthesis, and therefore the second replacement of a prosthesis that is called a revision prosthesis.
03:08 The commitment of Johnson & Johnson is not only aimed at the scientific community, but also at patients. In fact, we launched a communication campaign called "difference points" to raise awareness of the importance of wound management in a surgical act.
03:28 The correct management of the wound, the correct control, the possibility of providing information to the patient on how the wound should be managed, is one of the most important factors in prevention.
