• 2 years ago
Wait...there's a difference between Hollywood and the real LA? You don't just make it when you hop off the flight?
00:00 This is "We Need to Talk About America."
00:02 - The show where first-generation comedians
00:04 - Break down life in the USA.
00:06 - On today's show, we're talking about
00:08 - Entertainment.
00:09 - Hollywood.
00:10 - Social media.
00:11 - Curious what your algorithm on your TikTok is.
00:14 - Oh my God, okay.
00:14 Sherry, what is wrong with you?
00:17 (laughing)
00:19 - I think America's like entertainment
00:21 because everything sucks and they need to like
00:23 take their minds off of how much everything sucks.
00:25 Entertain yourself, 'cause if you're laughing,
00:27 at least you're not crying or whatever.
00:29 - Yeah, I definitely think immigrant parents
00:31 learn a few words from American pop culture
00:34 'cause they'll say weird things once in a while.
00:36 Holy moly, like what?
00:38 - Other countries outside of the world
00:41 have a different perception of America
00:44 because they only see what they see in movies
00:45 and stuff like that.
00:46 They come to America, they think everyone's gonna be fit
00:49 and beautiful and buff and everybody's a celebrity,
00:51 but nah man, a lot of people still ugly out here.
00:54 - Entertainment here in America has definitely
00:56 kind of painted this false picture.
00:58 For me, I think people need to remember
01:00 that LA doesn't equal Hollywood, you know?
01:03 It's like we have that side, we have the celebrity side,
01:06 and then we got the real LA, you know?
01:09 I always meet people who come to Hollywood
01:10 to pursue their dreams, be a movie star.
01:13 They become a Starbucks barista for six months.
01:16 They feel like they failed.
01:17 They move back to Oshkosh, Wisconsin
01:20 and say, "Oh, LA's so fake."
01:22 Nah bro, you just suck.
01:23 - You have these blockbuster dreams
01:26 and then you gotta tone it down to an indie budget.
01:28 - I do like the symbolism of Hollywood, of hope,
01:33 and your dreams can come true here.
01:36 You go to LA and you go for it, you know what I mean?
01:39 - I just try to emulate what I saw on television and movies.
01:43 I wanted to be an American, so I'd watch American Pie
01:47 and it's like all these kids are trying to have sex
01:50 and they're doing all these crazy things.
01:53 I live among mostly Vietnamese people.
01:55 We weren't even allowed to leave the house.
01:56 - My parents did love Nollywood movies, and they still do.
01:59 They watch a lot of movies that were actually made
02:01 in Nigeria, really great movies.
02:03 A lot of times the acting was a little bit different,
02:05 just very, it was always like, everything was a big deal.
02:08 You know?
02:09 "You didn't put peanut butter on my bread!"
02:12 You know, it was just a lot, it was just different.
02:15 But some were pretty, pretty fun to watch though, for sure.
02:18 (upbeat music)
02:21 (static)
