Episode 74: Terrence Oglesby On The Champions Classic + Major Takeaways From Opening Week

  • last year
Mark Titus | The Mark Titus Show
00:00:00 Today's episode of the Mark Titus show. Maybe it is not Duke's year after all, huh?
00:00:04 How about that Arizona goes into Cameron takes down the number two team in America on Friday?
00:00:09 By my count that means that every preseason top five team in the country has lost an exhibition or a real game
00:00:18 In the last couple of weeks so
00:00:21 Yeah, all the top five have gone down only Duke and Michigan State
00:00:27 Accounted everyone else it did not count because it was not a real game all five starters and double figures for Arizona
00:00:32 They got 15 offensive boards in Cameron Indoor Stadium huge W Arizona's jumped up to number three in the polls
00:00:38 I'm obviously very high on this Arizona team now
00:00:40 We'll talk about that on the show this Arizona, but what a fun game to watch
00:00:46 Well, it's exactly what college basketball needed in terms of an opening week game
00:00:50 I wish it was like a opening night game, but I wish it wasn't on a Friday night
00:00:54 I don't know how many people actually watched I frankly don't really give a shit because I was watching and it was an awesome
00:00:58 awesome basketball game and
00:01:00 Arizona got the big win. Um
00:01:02 So now the Champions Classic is tonight. It was an event that I was very excited about. It's an event that
00:01:09 You know my interest wanes and waxes year to year. It depends on a lot of factors. Sometimes I'm really into it
00:01:15 Sometimes I'm not this year. It was turning towards me really being into it. It is in Chicago
00:01:19 I will be going to the United Center. I know Jake Marsh is going I think Rico Bosco might be going
00:01:24 haven't haven't double-checked with him, but
00:01:26 Yeah, we're gonna be boots on the ground for this thing and I was very excited about it
00:01:31 But now we have a Duke versus Michigan State matchup that has been ruined by Arizona and JMU
00:01:35 And suddenly those two teams that were in the top five in the preseason
00:01:38 aren't quite as
00:01:41 Aren't quite as interesting as they were a week ago
00:01:44 I guess the Michigan State's case a little over a week ago, but anyway, uh, Champions Classic is tonight, Duke, Michigan State, Kansas
00:01:50 Kentucky I got Terrence Oglesby here or on zoom I should say
00:01:54 to break it all down for us to Tio's a
00:01:56 An analyst for the Hornets now, he's juggling two jobs. He's he wears a lot of hats
00:02:01 he's also he also works for field of 68 does a podcast with a Rob Doster and
00:02:05 who I've been trying to get on the show forever, by the way and
00:02:08 John Fanta who is you know an absolute legend in the college basketball world, but uh
00:02:15 Terrence and I talked about these four teams playing the Champions Classic some of the coaches
00:02:19 Yeah, I don't know just all it was a Champions Classic preview. You know what it was
00:02:23 We're gonna get we're gonna talk to him, but I want to talk about some of the the opening weekend
00:02:27 Big thoughts I have before we do that fun show coming up. Let's get to it
00:02:33 All right, Terrence Oglesby coming up first. I got some opening week weekend more weekend takeaways. I got three big
00:02:40 Let me see here three big. Well, how do I call this? I guess just play. I don't know there
00:02:47 I guess now I'm looking at my notes. I just listed three players three players
00:02:50 I want to talk about but they beyond just like they had good games and
00:02:54 Good for them and giving them an attaboy. It was three things that stood out to me as like
00:02:58 huge
00:03:01 you know like
00:03:03 culture shifting type things that that I got very excited about and and three guys I want to point to and be like that's why
00:03:08 I'm excited about that team
00:03:10 We will talk about Arizona spoiler one of them is going to be about Arizona
00:03:14 but first the first the first player I want to talk about is Dalton connect to Tennessee who I've
00:03:19 Absolutely fallen in love with if you've listened to every show or watched every show
00:03:22 In the last few weeks since since I since don't connect came into my life
00:03:27 When Tennessee played it at Michigan State and the exhibition game that was on TV
00:03:32 That was like last Sunday. That was a couple weeks ago. I
00:03:35 Have been just absolutely in love with this kid and one it's his game obviously like he's got it all his offensive package is incredible
00:03:43 He's going to play in the NBA. He's he looks like a pro guard on a college basketball court
00:03:47 He's he's so so good. Well beyond that. He is a breath of fresh air. He is a
00:03:54 You know a gallon of water for a thirsty, Tennessee T
00:04:00 Whatever metaphor you want to use Dalton connect is is the oasis in the desert for Tennessee basketball?
00:04:06 And that's why I'm so fired up about him. He is exactly what this program has needed for the last few years
00:04:12 24 points 8 for 15 from the field 5 boards 5 assists and 36 minutes at Wisconsin on Friday
00:04:18 the Vols win by 10 a Wisconsin team that
00:04:21 You know aunt right was on the show last and he's very high on them. I'm sure he still is long-term
00:04:26 I think Wisconsin will be a pretty good team
00:04:28 And frankly that is a game that Wisconsin wins
00:04:31 Wisconsin is a program that wins a game like that on Friday where you have a Tennessee team that has some question marks just in
00:04:37 terms of like you know I
00:04:40 Ziegler's a Kai Ziegler who actually played in this game how healthy is he going to be invest give he wasn't around because he had
00:04:45 the personal matter and he was back home and
00:04:47 you know they lost some pieces, but they brought in some other pieces and how much is is
00:04:51 Is Barnes gonna trust connect because he's not always the best defender, but he is great offensively and like
00:04:58 Wisconsin feasts in those situations where they're where they're at home
00:05:02 They're an underdog and you have a team that like is it's early in the season and that team is slowly trying to figure some
00:05:08 stuff out I
00:05:09 Kind of expected Wisconsin to win this game. I I think Tennessee. I thought to go into the game
00:05:14 I thought Tennessee is going to be the better team long term
00:05:16 But that just feels like a game Wisconsin usually wins as a program
00:05:20 And so for Tennessee to go in and win by 10 and kind of be in control the entire game
00:05:25 I mean I if you're a Tennessee fan
00:05:28 You have to be over the moon especially with how dog shit your football program look like a hard pivot away from football and let's get
00:05:33 Basketball rolling if I'm a volunteer fan
00:05:35 I mean, I'm just I'm flushing the football program down the drain and saying enough of that last year was fun. Who cares whatever
00:05:42 We're basketball school now, and I could not be more excited about Dalton connect
00:05:46 But yeah, it's I by by my estimation. I would say like 2019 was the last time that Tennessee
00:05:52 Like Grant Williams the Admiral Schofield that that do that that team was like kind of the last time Jordan bone was on that team
00:05:59 - he was a bucket
00:06:01 The last time that Tennessee had a guy that you could just give the ball to and be like go get us a bucket now
00:06:05 Tennessee the last few years has had great teams. They've been defensive minded and not only defensive minded
00:06:11 I would I would argue they've been kind of one-dimensional and and played gross basketball and
00:06:15 as much as
00:06:17 People like making the argument that defense wins championships and that that's the that's the ticket to the final four
00:06:24 That's the ticket to the national championships and SEC championships and all that you do at the end of the day
00:06:29 You have to be balanced like you can't just be one day defense is very important and you're probably not winner national championship
00:06:36 You can't guard people no matter how good your offense is
00:06:38 But it doesn't it the opposite is true, too
00:06:41 Like you still have to be able to put the ball in the basket and I think you know when teams can score
00:06:46 But can't play defense. It's very easy to point them out as frauds when teams can guard but can't score
00:06:52 There's a little more trust put put in them and and I don't necessarily think
00:06:58 That that should be the case and and what I'm saying is like, Tennessee
00:07:02 To Rick Barnes credit like I think he reached a point where he realized like no matter how good your defense is
00:07:08 It almost doesn't matter because you are going to always hit a wall
00:07:13 Offensively and at some point you are going to have to you have to make shots to win at this level folks
00:07:17 That's that's something I say on the show all the time
00:07:20 It's something Tennessee has learned in NCAA tournaments in the past few years
00:07:23 and I think I
00:07:25 Think getting a guy like Dalton connect that can that can get you that bucket like I could not be more bullish on this Tennessee
00:07:30 Team now because that is that is exactly exactly exactly what they needed. Um, there are exceptions by the way
00:07:37 I mean like San Diego State I guess played gross
00:07:39 They played gross offense for most of last year pretty much through the tournament, too
00:07:44 And then they they made it to the national championship lost to you kind of think of Tennessee
00:07:48 were to have done that the last few years you would obviously consider that a massive success, but
00:07:54 One I think that was an exception and two
00:07:56 I do think Matt Bradley for San Diego State was a guy who theoretically could go get a bucket now
00:08:01 he last year wasn't as awesome as he was the year before but he was a
00:08:06 a
00:08:07 he had that he had the tools the package the the ability to go to be a
00:08:12 guy who could score the basketball
00:08:15 and
00:08:16 Tennessee as as much talent as they've had they haven't really had that guy
00:08:21 Since really 2019 and and now they have him they have him and Dalton connect and he's fucking awesome
00:08:26 And I love him so much and I think Tennessee is very much a national title threat
00:08:31 And that's that's one of my big I guess it's an overreaction, but I don't think it is
00:08:34 That's what I mean
00:08:35 I think like like the overreaction part of me is like Tennessee's winning the national championship after Friday the the even the rational part of
00:08:41 Me though is like listen, they're gonna lose a lot of games along the way
00:08:44 There will be times where shots aren't falling for connect and he's for maybe more of a liability on on
00:08:50 Defense than what he brings to the table on offense and you know trying to figure out the the roster
00:08:55 Like bring as a Kai Ziegler off the bench investigate like they kind of have a almost too much talent now
00:09:00 And how do you manage all that? Maybe that'll catch up to him as whatever
00:09:03 But the long-term vision of this Tennessee team is has become very clear to me
00:09:08 Simply because they went out and I mean Ganey is another dude obviously a transfer that they picked up who can who could score a little
00:09:14 Bit but let's not let's not kid ourselves connect is that dude and and 24 points
00:09:19 Played 36 minutes, which tells me Rick Barnes gets it to that. He understands like that's a horse. You're gonna have to ride
00:09:24 when the time comes I
00:09:27 Think we're it's setting up for him to have a really special season
00:09:31 I think Tennessee could be very very good. So that was that was opening week
00:09:34 Takeaway number one number two another guy. I want to talk about Samson Johnson on UConn this UConn team. I
00:09:41 I
00:09:43 Don't know. I don't think I was a hater
00:09:45 I had some sort of doubts which I think I was pretty clear
00:09:49 Throughout the preseason that the doubts weren't that I didn't think you kind of be good
00:09:53 It was more of like I just loved the core that they had last year Hawkins Sanogo and Jackson are three dudes that I just
00:09:58 Was was frankly I I was obsessed with them as basketball players. I loved watching them last year
00:10:04 I love that national title team that you caught had last year
00:10:08 and losing those three guys I was just like, you know, I
00:10:13 Those guys are awesome and they're not gonna be on the team anymore. So I want to see what you can looks like
00:10:17 um, I
00:10:19 Don't necessarily think we have our answers yet. You can't hasn't really, you know played that type of schedule obviously
00:10:24 but uh, one thing that stood out to me with with Samson Johnson, who's a a kid that's
00:10:29 In his junior year now at UConn
00:10:32 If you don't pay super close attention to UConn basketball, you might think he's a freshman and I guess that's my point is I
00:10:39 just want to call attention to what Dan Hurley is doing in Connecticut because
00:10:43 He really is running his program like an old-school basketball an old-school college basketball program and Samson Johnson's a great example of that
00:10:52 You have a kid that's like been around for a couple years waiting for his big opportunity
00:10:56 It's finally coming and so far again, the schedule has been light. I understand that but like he plays so hard. He's uh
00:11:03 You know, which is something that you can't take for granted. I think big men in college basketball are
00:11:09 often times dudes that do not go hard and when you find a guy who runs the floor hard and he had the one play
00:11:14 against uh,
00:11:15 I
00:11:16 forget which game that was where he like blocked the shot and then and then had a rim run on the other end and got
00:11:20 The ball and dunked it
00:11:21 He's been he's been a lot of fun to watch the energy he brings
00:11:24 He's not gonna be their best player at any point this year. I don't think he's you know, like a guy that's going to
00:11:30 Put up monster numbers for them, but I do think he's he's
00:11:35 we're in the midst of the start of the the the Samson Johnson breakout season and
00:11:40 He's kind of playing the Donovan Klingon role of last year. And I guess that's like that's my overarching point
00:11:47 I want to make is just that that UConn
00:11:49 very consciously obviously
00:11:52 Is the old school basket old school college basketball program where last year?
00:11:56 They they do take transfers. Obviously last year
00:12:01 They the they get Tristan Newton and they get Calcaterra and Naheem Alin was from Virginia Tech
00:12:06 I think is where he transferred from you have your freshman who were Klingon and caravan
00:12:10 But at its at their core
00:12:13 Dan Hurley is winning these games with guys that have been around for a couple years and Sunogo and Jackson and and Hawkins was
00:12:20 Sunogo and Jackson, I think were juniors last year and Hawkins was a sophomore last year
00:12:24 But it's all these dudes that are from the core those three guys were the core of the team last year
00:12:29 And those were three guys that were not in their first year at UConn. They had been there a year
00:12:34 They had learned the ropes. They learned the culture. They learned the system all that sort of thing
00:12:37 And that would that made up the core and then you decorate
00:12:41 That's the foundation of the cake and then the icing on the cake is these talented transfers these talented
00:12:46 You know freshmen that you plug in around the core, right?
00:12:50 That's the same thing with this team this year. You have Klingon now who has moved on to be a sophomore
00:12:55 He's the best player on the team. You have caravan who I think is leading the team and scoring right now
00:12:59 Tristan Newton who did transfer in last year, but now he's you know won a national title stuck around he's here
00:13:04 Oh you get Cam Spencer. He's the transfer. That's kind of like the added bonus to fun castles like the freshman. That's the added bonus
00:13:10 But yeah, the way UConn is going about roster construction and and kind of being smart about like we do want transfers
00:13:19 But like we want to make sure our transfers fit in with like the rest of what we're doing and at our core
00:13:23 We need guys that have been around for a little while and and and know the system and know
00:13:29 What we're trying to do here. I don't know
00:13:30 It's it's not like you can see only team doing it this way
00:13:33 but the fact that they want a national title and we're living in a time in college basketball where
00:13:37 There's a lot of you know
00:13:40 chicken little type
00:13:41 conversations about NIL and transfer portal and all that shit and that like everything's different now and you know the key to winning in college
00:13:47 basketball I remember
00:13:49 Not too long ago that we were saying all this shit about one-and-done guys and that people were losing their minds that like oh shit
00:13:55 Now the now the formula to winning college basketball is recruiting all the one-and-done team like getting
00:14:00 five five-star freshmen
00:14:02 every single year and the only teams that are ever going to compete or Duke in Kentucky and then you look up and like Duke in
00:14:07 Kentucky each only won one national title playing that way and I guess that's kind of
00:14:12 another point I wanted to make is just that like UConn is
00:14:15 for as much as every all the bellyaching about like
00:14:19 The key to success now in college basketball is just a revolving door of transfers
00:14:24 You have to go pay a shit ton of money for these
00:14:27 Recruits in IL which isn't to say that these these UConn guys aren't getting their their NIL money
00:14:32 I'm sure they are but uh, I
00:14:34 Think seeing a guy who just won a national championship and he's doing it with like a little bit of an old-school way
00:14:39 We're like if you didn't even know the transfer portal was was so hot these days
00:14:43 You wouldn't even really think anything of it that of what Dan Hurley's done the last couple years
00:14:48 I think like, you know, I think they took taking three transfers last year. Maybe maybe they had another one
00:14:53 I'm forgetting about that's probably a lot in a given year
00:14:56 Like if the year was like 1997 and you had three transfers on your team and then won a national title
00:15:01 I'm sure that would have been massive news
00:15:03 But yeah, like this year camp Spencer seems to be the only guy that I can think of
00:15:06 I don't know. Maybe I'm not paying enough attention
00:15:08 But like it's not like they're loading up on a ton of freshmen a ton of transfers, whatever
00:15:12 It's a it's a it's a it's a foundation that's built with the core and Samson Samson Johnson
00:15:19 Who seems poised for a breakout year is a great example of that. It feels very much like a Jay Wright Villanova
00:15:25 Situation where it's a guy who you know, maybe in a lot of programs were to transfer by now one or more minutes
00:15:31 And now he's seen the fruits of his labor because he's been awesome for them early
00:15:37 We'll see it's a long season
00:15:39 I know all that but
00:15:40 The fact that you can has found themselves right back in a situation where they can bring a big man off the bench
00:15:45 Who's incredible is almost unfair after after doing it with Don McClain in last year and now they get to do a Samson Johnson
00:15:51 I'm very jealous
00:15:52 But props to them. All right number three. I want to talk about
00:15:56 Another Johnson. We're talking Johnson's on the show today folks. Oh
00:15:59 You like the one teacher? Yeah
00:16:02 I was trying to leave a third
00:16:06 Johnson that I could put on here and just make the segment big Johnson's these are the biggest Johnson's in
00:16:11 in college basketball, but Keisha Johnson for Arizona who I
00:16:16 don't want to say was completely difference maker for Arizona because they had all five starters were in double figures and
00:16:21 They were all they all played their part and the win over over Duke
00:16:26 But Keisha Johnson did have the an one by the way when Duke slapped the floor when Duke I think took the lead
00:16:33 I think they were up and then all five guys slapped the floor because of course they do it's like an instinct
00:16:38 They can't even help it. They didn't even do it consciously. In fact, if you ask the Duke players
00:16:41 Why did you slap the floor? I don't think they would say they did they'd be like dude
00:16:43 I didn't even know we did like we were just we were just you know running on instinct out there
00:16:48 I had no idea that all five of us slapped the floor at the exact same time and then immediately gave up an a and
00:16:52 One and never led the game after that
00:16:54 Yeah, Keisha Johnson had the end one if I remember right, uh, but I want to talk about him and this Arizona team because
00:17:01 Keisha Johnson obviously started for San Diego State and the national championship game this past season
00:17:10 Started for them. I believe every single game the year before he started every single San Diego State game for two straight seasons
00:17:15 culminating in a national championship appearance and then transferred to a power five six, I guess it's six in college basketball
00:17:23 school and
00:17:25 I don't want to say it was like
00:17:27 Unreported or like, you know flew completely under the radar
00:17:30 But the fact of the matter was that he wasn't even the biggest
00:17:34 splash of a transfer to Arizona on
00:17:37 It wasn't the biggest splash of a transfer on his own team Caleb love transferring Arizona was the far bigger story
00:17:42 some of that obviously was Caleb love situation going to Michigan first and and that a whole sticky mess, but
00:17:48 The fact that there was a national champion starter a national championship starter who transferred to Arizona
00:17:54 And I feel like it kind of flew under the radar a little bit
00:17:57 that that's like unheard of but anyway fast forward to the game and Cameron and
00:18:04 You're seeing why Keisha Johnson is so important as this Arizona team
00:18:08 I mean having Kylan bought Boswell having Keisha Johnson having Caleb love
00:18:12 Who whether you think they're they're three of the most talented players in the world or not?
00:18:17 They have immense talent for what it's worth
00:18:18 but those three dudes are some motherfuckers now and I say that lovingly like those three dudes are
00:18:23 Just like Keisha Johnson is bringing a culture to Arizona that I don't want to say they didn't have
00:18:30 Benedict Matherin was that dude? I fucking love him
00:18:34 There have been some they've had some some dogs through the years
00:18:37 But haven't having a tough nose son of a bitch like him having Caleb love I can talk about in a second is very erratic
00:18:44 basketball player
00:18:45 Was not exactly awesome on offense
00:18:47 Against Duke
00:18:49 But as much as you want to rip on him for turning the ball over and taking dumb shots and all that he brings it
00:18:54 On defense he brings effort. He's busting his ass. He he's playing with the swagger
00:19:00 And then Kyle and Boswell is the same way dude. Like he's he's like, uh, he somehow gets younger every year
00:19:05 I don't know how that happens. But every time you talk about Kyle and Boswell, he's he's a year younger than he was the year
00:19:10 Before I swear to God, that's how it works
00:19:12 But those three dudes are tough as nails
00:19:14 And and I felt like I felt like Arizona punked Duke. I feel like that was the story of the game
00:19:19 I mean Arizona does have a ton of talent Duke probably has more though and Arizona just punked the shit out of him
00:19:24 and Keisha Johnson's a big reason why and I just I
00:19:27 Wanted to call attention to like having a guy like him who can guard any position his offense
00:19:33 He still got that San Diego State in him, you know, he's capable. He can shoot the ball. He can score
00:19:38 I would love to see him shoot the ball a little bit better or shoot the ball a little less often
00:19:43 I don't I still feel like we're gonna look up and in February
00:19:47 He's going to be shooting like 21% from the three-point line, but he is capable. He can he can hit threes. Um
00:19:53 But yeah this this this Arizona team obviously coming off a big win at Duke
00:19:57 Everybody's gonna be high on them. But I think that was what stood out to me
00:20:00 It wasn't just that they want it was how they won
00:20:02 And they won with some dudes that were just tough as shit man and Keisha Johnson was a massive massive massive massive
00:20:08 The biggest transfer pickup that nobody was talking about including myself
00:20:13 I mean I mentioned it every so often but like every time we'd have a guest on in the offseason and we were talking about
00:20:17 transfers, uh, I
00:20:19 Keisha Johnson was probably like the the 10th 11th guy
00:20:22 I would list um when you're ripping through the the noteworthy transfers in college basketball and and he might go down as the most impactful
00:20:29 I mean
00:20:30 Hunter Dickinson will be the most impactful. He might go down as let me let me try that again
00:20:34 He might go down as the second most impactful because hunter will almost certainly be number one
00:20:38 but just a huge huge pickup for for Arizona and and
00:20:42 Yeah, Arizona is a team that is also sort of flying under the radar in the sense that they lost to Princeton
00:20:49 I've talked about it a little bit, but it is
00:20:52 interesting that Purdue losing to a 16 seed kind of made everybody forget that Arizona also had a pretty good team last year and
00:20:59 And shit down their leg when the tournament came around lost to Princeton blew it
00:21:03 kind of I
00:21:06 Don't I don't feel like they choked the year before but they were the best team in the country
00:21:10 I felt the year before the Matheran team and and that team
00:21:13 Kind of they look what they losing the the sweet 16 to Houston, I think
00:21:19 So yeah, the the last couple Tommy Lloyd Tommy Lloyd start has been incredible in the regular season
00:21:25 I don't think it's way too early to start forming narratives that he can't get it done in March, but
00:21:29 That's you know, they are coming off a season where they just lost to a 15 seed and there were some questions about Arizona
00:21:36 Just say I mean there are questions about every team. It's college basketball, but
00:21:38 for them to go into
00:21:41 Cameron Indoor Stadium against a Duke team that I still I'm still kind of high on I love Kyle Filipowski
00:21:48 I think Duke's gonna be incredibly talented by the end of the year
00:21:51 But for Arizona to go into
00:21:53 Cameron Indoor Stadium and completely punked Duke and come out with a win
00:21:57 with the balance that they showed and all that sort of thing and and
00:22:01 Defensively, I thought they were great. I don't know
00:22:04 I'm very excited to see what this Arizona team can can become especially because I
00:22:09 Mean speaking of bringing Samson Johnson off the bench for UConn and how unfair it is to bring a big guy like that off the bench
00:22:16 What the hell is this shit that that Arizona's pulling where they have a litho a seven foot two
00:22:20 Lithuanian that they just pull off the bench and can play dude. He was incredible
00:22:24 What was the crevice crevice was that is it? Yeah
00:22:28 Dude, I don't know where this guy came from
00:22:31 But he I had no idea he existed until this Duke game and he was he was awesome for them
00:22:36 And then you forget that they got they got V star who was a seven footer that played from last year who's hurt
00:22:42 He's apparently gonna come back at some point now. I don't know how great he is
00:22:45 But he's another seven. They literally have four seven footers on this roster TJ, Arizona
00:22:50 I've always been in the opinion that those should be distributed evenly around college
00:22:54 But you cannot have more than one so you should you definitely should be allowed to pull a seven foot guy off the bench
00:22:58 Just like halfway through the game. No, that's horseshit. They have four now. Are they actually seven feet tall?
00:23:03 Are they you know fudging the numbers? I don't know you look at the roster. I'm looking at it right now on
00:23:08 Actually, I'm not I lied. I lied. I'm gonna tap my chest. I just lied to my audience
00:23:13 I was not looking at it right now thought I had it pulled up. I am now looking at it. I am on sports reference
00:23:18 Which is my database of choice
00:23:21 They have I just Henry V star is a sophomore seven footer. He's on the team last year
00:23:29 I don't think he played a ton, but he yeah, he averaged two points a game last year
00:23:33 But you know, he's said it says it right there seven foot tall Dylan Anderson also a sophomore seven foot tall
00:23:39 Omar Omar Ballou, I'm sorry seven foot tall who obviously starts for me is awesome and then
00:23:45 Crevis Monti just Crevis this freshman kid from Lithuania who is is
00:23:51 He's awesome, dude. He's got great touch great hands seven foot two
00:23:56 Yeah, I I'm fired up about Arizona. The big question will be Caleb love
00:24:02 How comfortable can he be being like the fourth best player on this team?
00:24:07 Will he be okay with that and
00:24:09 Pella Larson
00:24:11 Pella Larson and Caleb love have like opposite problems
00:24:14 Excuse me. I'm burping Pella Larson
00:24:16 Is immensely talented but doesn't always realize it and disappears at times Caleb love is immensely talented
00:24:23 But realizes it a little too often a little too much and thinks he's better. Yes
00:24:27 If they can find if if Caleb love can take some of his confidence and give it to Pella Larson and they can meet in
00:24:34 The middle air is the sky's the limit for this Arizona team. I just that that would be my big question is is can Caleb love
00:24:40 Handle a situation where like he's not really necessary. I mean Kylen Boswell is incredible. Kylen Boswell is I
00:24:48 Fucking love watching that kid play basketball
00:24:51 And Pella Larson has all the talent in the world. Like I said, it's just sometimes he doesn't always bring in he'll disappear for stretches
00:24:58 I there will be a couple games that Arizona will probably lose this year that are head-scratchers
00:25:02 But I I think they're there what there there is no drop-off in my mind
00:25:07 There's probably gonna be no drop-off with Tommy Lloyd in Arizona and it felt like coming into the year
00:25:11 There might be they had two great years
00:25:13 This might be a little bit of a dip where Arizona's turning towards like a three or a four seed in the tournament
00:25:17 It's obviously very early. It's been one week of the season
00:25:20 We're not we're not doing bracket ology on this show yet
00:25:23 but I I see no reason why this Arizona team can't win a national championship and have those aspirations and
00:25:29 Yeah, they're now ranked third in the country. So I guess that's how that works
00:25:33 once you're once you touch top five and they people baby, it's time to lock in and start changing your expectations and
00:25:39 Think you got final four written all over you. So anyway, Keisha Johnson huge pickup wanted to call attention to that because I
00:25:46 For all for all the headlines that Caleb love made going to Tucson. I think he shot Johnson is a far far far more important
00:25:53 Pick up for Arizona and I and I mean I don't base it off of one game and I don't I'm not even really a Caleb
00:25:59 Love hater. I don't mean to shit on him too much
00:26:00 I just think he shed Johnson is is going to bring an element to Arizona all year
00:26:05 He's just gonna be a Swiss Army knife defensively and he's he's got the experience
00:26:11 But he just has a toughness that that they will lean on heavily and I'm fired up to see what he can do to Tucson
00:26:18 All right enough of that. Let's talk about the Champions Classic with Terrence Oglesby
00:26:21 Quick break to talk about our friends at game time a lot of fun stuff going on around the country shows
00:26:27 There are obviously sports going on a ton of sports going on hockey's going on. I get to get to a hockey game
00:26:32 I gotta go to a United Center watch a Bedard play sometime soon. I am going to United Center
00:26:37 To go to the Champions Classic and if you're listening to this and you would like to go to United Center
00:26:42 So you could go to the Champions Classic. It's not too late. That's the thing about game time
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00:26:47 Game time has deals on tickets right up to the start of the event and even an hour after it starts
00:26:52 So if you're someone that's like I want to go but the event started I'm what I really cared more about the second game Duke
00:26:58 And Michigan State have already lost and but I got to be honest man, Kansas
00:27:01 Kentucky could be a pretty good game great news
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00:28:10 All right, Terrence Oglesby is here the Champions Classic tonight in Chicago an event that's been going on for how many years?
00:28:18 Is this now that this thing is 20 2011 it says was the first one is that true um I?
00:28:23 Guess my first question to you is like
00:28:26 Does this still pop for you is this still an event has this?
00:28:29 Has this event jumped the shark as I do remember when it was first announced we all got very excited about it
00:28:34 There have certainly been some legendary moments along the way
00:28:37 But I don't want to say that like it's it's an afterthought now, but I don't know how much juice it has anymore
00:28:43 So that's why I'm asking you that like for you personally. Yeah on the on the college basketball calendar does the Champions Classic still have juice
00:28:51 It's it still has some juice. I think it has more juice when it's like on opening day. Yeah, I agree
00:28:58 I agree like because then it's like the whole kickoff
00:29:01 And you don't have like people playing Presbyterian on day one right November 6, and that's nothing against Presbyterian
00:29:07 But you get what I'm saying like yeah, I see the big dogs big dogs eat
00:29:10 So it's like it does have some cachet don't get me wrong
00:29:13 But I think sometimes when you have all this it can get lost in the mix a little bit cuz like Gavit games are coming
00:29:19 Up to and there's right great games in the Gavit games. Yeah, it's like
00:29:21 It's just kind of another one of these
00:29:25 You know good games as opposed to it being like the main show it like it was in 2011 through
00:29:30 I mean what two years ago. They were doing it an opening day. Yeah, not someone told me they they moved it because of
00:29:37 Elections like they started realizing that every Tuesday the first Tuesday of November is not exactly a great night to compete with
00:29:43 But I don't know I was like just started on a Monday this year
00:29:48 Yeah, just do it on the Monday that like why do we get but then ESPN wants to do it?
00:29:51 I guess for the college football playoff
00:29:54 Nonsense, I don't know it's all still I agree though cuz like I mean
00:29:58 I was really excited about the Champions Classic a week ago, and then Duke lost at home to Arizona and Michigan State lost at home
00:30:03 I guess a little over a week ago before the season start and then Michigan State loses at home to James Madison and now we're
00:30:08 Looking up at a Duke, Michigan State game that you know has a little bit of the wind has been taken out of the sails
00:30:13 But I'm fired up
00:30:14 I'm fired up for this year because I think
00:30:16 This feels like one of the few Champions Classic where it's less of an NBA event
00:30:21 Which isn't to say that there aren't NBA players in this event there always will be when these four programs are playing
00:30:26 but like you have a
00:30:28 situation where the best players on each team are like Tyson Walker and Hunter Dickinson and
00:30:33 Maybe arguably Antonio Reeves you probably won't end up being the best player for Kentucky, but like you know he's he's kind of
00:30:39 He's probably not their best player, but for the sake of my argument. He is and even Philip house
00:30:43 He is he's gonna be a lottery pick, but like I'm he's he's an incredible college player, and I he's back for a sophomore year
00:30:52 So yeah, I'm excited for that part. I think cuz usually it's it feels like an NBA event
00:30:58 More so than a college basketball event which is very very different, but for you
00:31:02 You're I mean you're an NBA guy now to you so like the the lines have been blurred so
00:31:06 Yeah, I'm both right like no I agree with that to an extent like I loved Juan Harris
00:31:13 And and you know 100 Dickinson going down to Kansas which by the way
00:31:17 I thought he would get a lot more deep post touches. He just hasn't seemed to do that
00:31:20 He's been getting a lot of like short rolls. Yeah foot floaters like
00:31:25 That's I was just kind of rewatching the first half before we jumped on here like it
00:31:29 Just kind of confusing where some of his shots have come in he still gets 18 and 8 so it's like
00:31:34 You know that's one of the things - it's been great about the you know
00:31:39 NIL and all that stuff the guys are hanging around instead of like being potentially second round picks, but you know Tyson Walker
00:31:46 As a as a as a shooter as you like yourself
00:31:50 How upsetting is it how upsetting is it that Michigan State's 2 for 31 on the year?
00:31:55 I it does not make a lick of sense to me
00:31:58 I mean Joey Howes was really good, but I didn't realize he was the only guy that could make a shot for that team
00:32:03 Yeah, it's
00:32:05 Making contagious man. I'm just blown away
00:32:07 But no I liked I like having Tyson Walker around like not an NBA guy big wings usually go to the league right so it's
00:32:14 Kind of one of those things you know the best positions
00:32:17 Going into this thing outside of Kentucky. You know point guards and five men. Yeah, which you know aren't at a premium right now
00:32:25 In the NBA just because everybody's looking for these big positionless dudes right right um alright
00:32:32 So let's talk about I guess the games. I don't want to prognosticate too much
00:32:37 but at the same time just kind of
00:32:40 Talk about like what what we're trying to accomplish with these these two games tonight
00:32:44 And and what the teams look like and all that sort of thing so first game is Duke, Michigan State
00:32:48 like I said two teams that have already lost which I
00:32:50 think honestly I may I
00:32:53 Was really really excited to see this game
00:32:56 And it has it has impacted my excitement to see that like Duke
00:32:59 I was really high on Duke coming into the year, and then they just against Arizona it felt like I mean
00:33:05 They missed Derek Lively immensely they have they had no like interior defense whatsoever. I do love Filipowski though
00:33:12 The Duke freshmen did not show up for that game whatsoever
00:33:16 And Michigan State I mean they they are an inch. I've been talking about them for a while now
00:33:22 Okay, because they lost so long ago, but like they are just an interesting case of like
00:33:26 They brought everyone back
00:33:27 But also like the team they brought back was a seven seed and also like their most talented players might actually be their freshmen
00:33:33 But their freshmen don't seem to be ready. It's just like a whole mix
00:33:36 How do you read like both of these teams like I guess I guess maybe we'll frame it this way like who do you?
00:33:40 Who do you think?
00:33:41 so far
00:33:43 Whose loss?
00:33:45 Who are you more concerned about I guess like who long-term do you like more and all that sort of thing I?
00:33:50 Think if I'm looking at it. I'm a little bit more bullish on Duke than I would be Michigan State because like
00:33:57 You go to for 31. There's there's issues there
00:34:01 And I'm not sure how they really fix it and that frontcourt the insistence on playing Madison Soko is is maddening yes
00:34:08 He's just he's just there
00:34:10 And you got Xavier Booker who was depending on who you talk to the top high school guy in the country coming in and he's barely
00:34:16 Seeing the floor Duke's got problems though. I mean what you said about Derek Lively
00:34:21 I've I've been on board with since the preseason that where's the rim protection?
00:34:24 That's the scary part about it you play Mark Mitchell who's really good defender on the ball
00:34:29 He had two blocks
00:34:29 But he's not like this mega rim protector that they've had in years past shall we even go back to Sheldon Williams days?
00:34:35 Which is you know right around when me and you played like that. They've always had somebody there
00:34:39 You were kind of wondering like was Sean Stewart gonna be able to be that guy yeah, and
00:34:45 He's not he's he's more Trevor Booker than he is Derek Lively like super athlete jumps out the jumps out of the gym
00:34:53 But like he's got to have his body on you first
00:34:55 And he's not really this intimidating presence at the rim and not to mention him and Reeves together
00:35:00 There are two potential shot blockers combined for six minutes, so I'd be more worried about that those guys aren't ready
00:35:06 Yeah, and that's that's kind of the reason why these coaches want to push it back a week
00:35:12 But it's a week like how much you really gonna figure out and I?
00:35:15 Think it's strange that they want to move it back, and I understand was for the election for one day
00:35:19 But then they wanted to keep it that way because they're like well
00:35:21 I want to be able to have a game under my belt that yeah, you don't lose anything by playing this game
00:35:25 Yeah, and the guy's very lucky to have this game like it doesn't make sense to me
00:35:29 The guy's not being ready as a feature. That's what we're there for is like
00:35:32 That's what makes it fun is like you're just throwing them into the fire and see who's gonna sink
00:35:35 And who's gonna swim you know and yeah?
00:35:37 And how ready is Pala was Palo Banquero like did we really write he was gonna be that ready last year
00:35:42 Yeah, it was silly. Yeah, Tyrese Maxie's another day
00:35:45 I remember Tyrese Maxie in the garden came off the bench for Kentucky
00:35:48 I think that was a 1-2 game when Kentucky played Michigan State and Tyrese Maxie like couldn't miss that was awesome
00:35:54 That's what made it awesome was like I had I don't really I mean
00:35:57 I sort of follow recruiting
00:35:59 But I'm not gonna tell you I can like break down all these freshmen's games until I see them on a college court cuz I don't
00:36:04 I don't watch it. I don't follow it that closely and to have those moments where it's like I I've heard of Tyrese Maxie
00:36:09 I've never really seen a play and then like one of the first tastes I get is him and Madison Square Garden balling out
00:36:13 I was like this is awesome. This is yeah, that's what I want
00:36:16 I don't want to be I don't want to go into this Duke, Michigan State game tonight and be like I mean
00:36:19 I've heard Caleb Foster's pretty good, but I watched him almost put up a 13 trillion against Arizona
00:36:24 So like I'm not exactly I'm not exactly expecting much. Um
00:36:27 He was one. He was one foul away from a third. Yeah, truly, dude
00:36:32 Uh, so what's the what what like why does Izzo I love Izzo and I do give him the benefit of the doubt with this
00:36:38 stuff but like what is it about him that I think Michigan State can lose that opening game and
00:36:43 You know
00:36:45 All of us are seeing what you saw which is Maddie
00:36:47 Suzuko is getting way too many minutes like if Michigan State really wants to be serious about a national championship
00:36:52 They got to figure that out. But at the same time there's something about Izzo where you're like, no, no
00:36:56 No, he knows what he's doing
00:36:57 This is all part of his plan
00:36:59 Like look like the Michigan State fans have gotten so conditioned to lose a game in November be like actually this was a good thing
00:37:04 This is exactly what we needed. This is what Thomas needs. Why why is he like the one coach that gets that?
00:37:11 You know what I think I have a lot of it has to do with the fact that he has the ability to humble really
00:37:17 talented young people
00:37:18 And then get them to buy into what he wants them to do. They're not straying off track and in March
00:37:24 Yeah
00:37:25 like they're doing their jobs in March and a lot of that has to do with the build-up and I think
00:37:28 He knows that his team is good enough to make the tournament like he knows that it's a matter of getting the really good freshmen
00:37:36 to be basically sophomores by time they're in March and I
00:37:40 It's hard for me to ever question Izzo. I'm with you right there like he's done it so well for so long
00:37:47 You do kind of wonder though like Xavier Booker is really good and he's just sitting over there
00:37:51 Yeah, he did play 17 minutes against Southern, Indiana
00:37:54 I get all that but like I'm just kind of sitting here wondering like who's gonna give first
00:37:59 Because when you play a really talented team, you need him out there
00:38:02 Yeah, because he has that kind he has that next level length and you know
00:38:06 There's just as well as I do like when a pro walks in the building, you know, yeah
00:38:11 You know it and you know it in warm-ups
00:38:14 Like it's one of those things like you got to have that in order to compete at the highest level when they're playing Duke
00:38:19 They have that big size
00:38:20 They got to be able to throw another body out there
00:38:22 Like I think if they're gonna have one of their post players guard Filipowski, I would have a hard time believing it was to SoCo
00:38:29 I'd be much more apt to think that Booker would be able to get out there on a perimeter
00:38:33 Yeah, like what's gonna give first, right? Yeah, maybe tonight maybe you know Champions Classic that like Izzo might just turn Booker loose tonight
00:38:41 I don't know and see what he maybe that's his mindset is like well, I just been holding him back for yes
00:38:46 Yeah, you're not wrong. I mean, I remember Suzoko
00:38:49 The same sort of like when the reason I think he I don't know
00:38:54 But do you remember Suzoko on the aircraft carriers like the one thing I keep pointing back to when I remember Suzoko like just kind
00:38:59 Of came out of nowhere. That was like one of their first that was Michigan State's
00:39:02 Was that last year two years ago?
00:39:04 when they played Gonzaga on the aircraft carrier and
00:39:08 Suzoko wasn't it two years ago?
00:39:10 Yeah, it was like they were having some issues and then they just scrapped it for the next year
00:39:14 Yeah, talk of them trying to get back out there
00:39:15 He just uh, but Suzoko he kind of just like threw into the fire the same way where it was like
00:39:20 The big question mark was does Michigan State have a good big man?
00:39:24 And then he like played pretty decently well, and I've been waiting for him to
00:39:28 Rediscover that magic ever since but like Izzo's known to do he just plays freaking hard
00:39:32 Yeah, and like in that kind of messy game where it's windy outside
00:39:37 That's like the dude who fouls the hardest
00:39:40 That's a great way, they're still trying to play that shit up
00:39:45 Yeah, that's so funny. Oh one of the things about Duke if I'm overreacting to Duke losing
00:39:52 At home to Arizona. I felt like Arizona punk punk them
00:39:56 I mean Arizona was just like tough as shit and was like going going at him inside no room protection
00:40:01 Now, you know you're in a lot of ways
00:40:04 You are overreacting because it was a close game and the you know Duke had the lead they they slapped the floor which I think
00:40:11 Was when they did the team slapping?
00:40:13 Oh, they did a team slapping to the floor late and then immediately gave it always works
00:40:17 They immediately gave up an and one and then lost the game
00:40:20 So, you know they were right there and I don't mean to like pretend like they lost by 25
00:40:24 But I did I did notice like from the gate Arizona was like tougher and and had you know
00:40:29 They just kind of punk Duke a little bit and I guess my concern to you is is are we worried about Shire?
00:40:34 Do you think shy I like Shire as a coach? I like him as a as a human being
00:40:39 Does he have the capability to motherfuck his guys like K did that's that's my Shire. I
00:40:46 Don't know that he doesn't but I also think that he could be a little better as far as communicating with those guys
00:40:53 Like the one thing I liked about John was how many times he changed shit up last year
00:40:57 Yeah, like he went from pressure. He tried some zone full-court pressure. He decided to guard man
00:41:02 He decided and then later in the year lively started coming along and getting healthier like he changed things so much
00:41:07 The physicality things are worrisome things for me though
00:41:10 Yeah, like because you're gonna play a lot of really physical games and like I understand like I think the ACC is better this year
00:41:17 I went on and made like a crazy statement that the ACC is the second best conference in college, but it's not
00:41:24 It was a hot take show it's not I get all that trust me it's a hot take show
00:41:29 but like
00:41:31 There's gonna be some physical nights
00:41:33 There's some pretty good five minute in that league and like you're gonna have to battle around the most telling thing to me
00:41:38 Is not only was the rim protection poor, but they gave up 15 offensive boards. Yeah
00:41:43 Yeah, you can't do that. And when you're not gonna really play a true five Filipowski is not a true five
00:41:48 He's he's more Matthew Hurt than he is. Yeah, Sheldon Williams just for the sake of me already mentioning him
00:41:54 Like he's gonna be out there on the perimeter. He's gonna try to do those things
00:41:57 by and large though
00:42:00 Somebody's gonna have to step up off the bench like Sean Stewart. I'm worried about that
00:42:04 They did punk him and Omar Balo is huge. He's massive and then Arizona's bringing a massive
00:42:10 7-foot-2 freshman off the bench that was killing as well
00:42:13 Where the hell that guy come from?
00:42:17 Somewhere in Europe probably knowing he gets him how many languages?
00:42:21 Tommy speaks is beyond me. Yeah, like he's got so many guys from so many different places
00:42:26 But you throw a couple of other things in there. Keisha Johnson super physical
00:42:30 Yeah, just a bad dude, and I mean that in the most complimentary way possible. He's a bad dude
00:42:35 Pele Larson stuff is shit
00:42:37 Like they just got a bunch of guys and then they have guys who can rim attack - and we don't have anything
00:42:42 It just puts you in constant rotation. If you don't have a shot block. I think that's the bad
00:42:47 The reason I'm overreacting is just the last time we saw Duke
00:42:50 Was against Tennessee in the sweet 16 and they got punked in that game
00:42:54 I mean that was that was less of a basketball game and more of a rock fight and
00:42:58 Duke just kind of kept looking at the bench kept looking at the refs kept looking at the bench kept looking at the refs like
00:43:03 Is anybody going to do anything about this and Tennessee's like no bitch. This is the these are the terms. This is what we're doing
00:43:09 We're getting to a fight here
00:43:11 And then come around the euros plaps. It's yeah
00:43:13 That dude was that dude was in hog heaven
00:43:17 Oh, like you could just kill people. Yeah, like it just well, we'll give him a we'll give him a flagrant or whatever
00:43:23 Oh, we'll keep him in and then for the first I know this wasn't Duke's first game
00:43:27 But it's their first like meaningful game of the season to be playing, Arizona
00:43:30 And it wasn't quite as bad as Tennessee and again like Duke was right there in the end
00:43:34 But it just felt like the same sort of vibe of like oh, there's one team. That's way tougher than the other team
00:43:38 I'm a little bit worried about that about Duke, but they aren't I love Filipowski. Do you think Filipowski?
00:43:44 Like he's got I don't know. I don't know how to say this cuz I I don't know
00:43:49 I it's gonna be Edie's to lose
00:43:50 but I I've been high on the the idea of Filipowski winning national player of the year because I think he's insanely talented and
00:43:56 Yeah, I you know, I think he's I think he's first team all-american good. But yeah, you're high on him, too
00:44:02 No, I agree with that. I agree with that. I think you know
00:44:05 Here's another small thing about Duke is the fact that they're trying to call blocks on everything
00:44:12 Like and have being a guy that played against Duke when they just fell and it was a freaking charge
00:44:17 Like that is a that's a game-changer for them the fact that they can't take charges anymore
00:44:22 And then throw on top of that you don't have anybody that can contest at the rim
00:44:25 Yeah, that's like a double whammy because there's always old evil always
00:44:28 Yeah, there's there's two ways to protect the rim. You can do it with charges
00:44:33 You could do it, you know blocking shots and they don't have anybody to block shots
00:44:36 You gotta do it charges, but they're not calling charges anymore cuz everybody's tired of watching. That's a great point
00:44:40 I didn't even think about that. So yeah, those dudes love charges at Cameron indoor
00:44:45 Yeah, boy, do they the wind blows hard? It's Dukes ball. Like you play against Paulus
00:44:50 Yeah, he was there years. Yeah. Yeah, he's on my wall. Oh
00:44:54 Well, yeah, he's over there on my wall. Oh, yeah. Yeah there. Yeah. Oh my god. Yeah, there's a picture
00:45:00 You just taking it right past him. He probably
00:45:02 Great scouting great scouting report by Paulus cuz he knew I couldn't put it on the floor
00:45:07 So like I don't know if it's like a great just a great picture. I probably turned it over
00:45:10 But yeah, I got Greg up on my wall. That's amazing. I do could take a charge. Yeah, he is
00:45:15 he's the face to me of
00:45:17 Danny green dunking on him and as Paul's has taken the charge. That's that's the face of the Duke charge taker
00:45:22 I think I think if Paul he he he got dunked on so hard in our game - Jaret Grant dunked on him
00:45:28 Jeremy Jeremy grants brother his older brother. I played with he dunked on him so hard and he just trying to take charges
00:45:36 I'm not sure you should they should have done that though. Here's my here's been my kind of like
00:45:41 I think the charge calls. Okay. I think they need to move the charge circle out a foot and a half. Yeah
00:45:45 Because what happens in is is like you're gonna have to get them on the step before
00:45:51 Yeah, what they're trying to do now that would have been solved if they just move the charge circle out another foot and a half
00:45:56 Two feet. Yeah, I've been very anti charges, but I also like understand the
00:46:01 Necessity for you know, not letting players just pull people over and I also understand that like getting rid of the charges completely is not
00:46:09 Ever gonna happen
00:46:10 But yeah, I agree like move it out a little more get rid of the I just want to get rid of the emergency
00:46:16 I have no other play. So let me try to slide under him
00:46:19 Situations like I think that's the that's the shit that I mean
00:46:22 We you know, like you you know as well as I do
00:46:25 You've taken charges in your life and you know how many times those charges not like
00:46:29 That they were not like I'm gonna make a good play here and it was more like shit
00:46:33 I got nothing else to do
00:46:34 Let me just try to fall over more often than not at least when I took charge
00:46:37 I was like I was like I have no ability to do anything here except just kind of
00:46:41 Cover my balls and hope for the best
00:46:44 Yeah, well we get switched on a post player, right? Right?
00:46:48 Absolute go-to move absolutely, which I don't know. I want to clean that up a little bit
00:46:53 Let's talk about uh, let's talk about the other game
00:46:54 Which I I am very excited about Kansas the number one team in the country playing a Kentucky team that I have been way higher
00:47:00 On than most people I guess that's my food. I was about to say the same thing. You're high on Kentucky -
00:47:05 Dude, that Kentucky team is yeah, they're very good, right?
00:47:09 Why are they ranked so low? What's going like what is it? Just nobody trust Cal anymore because the last few years
00:47:15 There's something to be said for that part. Yeah, that's true
00:47:19 I think the other thing is is people including me got a little freaked out that they're going so young
00:47:23 Yeah, and but I actually looked at it whenever Cal decided to do that
00:47:28 I looked at it as a positive because he went to he was like well
00:47:31 Everybody else is going transfer portal should I go transfer portal - and what he ended up getting was the best transfers?
00:47:37 But the problem were all these transfers were really good in like their systems, right? Like severe Wheeler was great at, Georgia
00:47:42 That's because they were bringing out a ball screen high
00:47:45 He was getting downhill and they had shooters everywhere and he was able to make decisions
00:47:49 He's only like 5/8 that didn't fit Cal and then he brought the kid from
00:47:53 Just transferred to Cincinnati from Kentucky before that. He was at Iowa. Help me out. What's his name?
00:47:57 Kid, yeah, CJ Frederick
00:48:00 CJ Frederick, they brought CJ Frederick
00:48:03 It was great in Iowa system right beside Luka Garza and all this and then he gets to Cal
00:48:08 It's like he can't create anything. Yeah, and then severe couldn't shoot
00:48:11 I watched the first half of that Texas a&m commerce game, man. I loved it
00:48:15 Yeah, those guys were so fast and and not only that like he's really urging them to push the ball forward
00:48:22 Yeah, and they turned the ball over a lot
00:48:24 I think the game started out commerce was up 10-0 and I was like, yeah, but I'm not mad at how this is going
00:48:31 Yeah, because it was a couple of like sloppy turnovers that after they play a little while
00:48:36 They're gonna figure this shit out. And then it was like once they figured this out
00:48:40 They're gonna be dangerous because Dillingham gets wherever he wants
00:48:43 Wagner gets wherever he wants. They're bringing Trey Mitchell out to the top of the key Cal hadn't been doing that. Yeah, that's different
00:48:51 he's got a he's got a five man who could shoot it so there's a lot more space and
00:48:55 Our favorite guy Reed Shepard's a bad dude
00:49:00 He is a bad dude
00:49:02 He is so good
00:49:04 And he's not gonna get the credit he deserves because it's not all flash
00:49:07 But he just ends up like an offensive rebound here a made three there a help side still there
00:49:12 Like they just they're really freaking good and Antonio Reeves a good player. Yeah, like but DJ DJ Wagner can go
00:49:21 Dillingham can go and it kind of reminds me a little bit of like his old Kentucky teams with like John Wall and
00:49:27 Was it bled so and some of these guys that they could really create?
00:49:31 Yeah, they could really create put their foot on the gas and get to the cup
00:49:35 Well now their decision-making when they get there needs work, but yeah, it's back to the old cow man
00:49:40 Like I watch that game. I was like, oh shit. They might be back
00:49:43 That's exactly it for me as I think the concerns of him going young and going back to the freshman
00:49:48 Well, we're insane to me because I was like that's vintage cow, dude
00:49:51 That's like the one thing the whole reason we know John Calipari's name and the whole reason he's a Hall of Famer
00:49:56 No reason he is who he is is because of a team like this now
00:49:59 I don't think this team is as talented as like the John Wall type teams and the you know
00:50:03 Malik Monk and and Deere and Fox like like I don't think these guards are gonna be as talented as that
00:50:09 but as far as like the makeup of the team and you have like young NBA guards you have a
00:50:15 Situation where cows not over coaching because I think that's funny enough to Terrence like that was that was my
00:50:20 Conclusion coming into the season was like I think Kentucky
00:50:24 You know as much as people are piling on cow for the last few years
00:50:28 I think his problem is that he actually was coaching and you know
00:50:32 like the the narrative about cow forever was that like he just rolled the balls out and
00:50:36 And finally like he started he went away from like he was like fighting against that. He's like I'm gonna go old
00:50:42 I'm gonna coach him up and like he was spending so much time trying to put like a square peg in a round hole
00:50:46 I think this year's like fuck it. Let's let maybe maybe I do just roll the balls out
00:50:51 Maybe I get a bunch of young talented dudes, and that's not to say he's not cut you know
00:50:54 I'm oversimplifying it, but I do think that that's what Kentucky needs
00:50:57 It's just like throw all the young talent out there. Let him make mistakes let him grow
00:51:01 But trust that eventually it's going to work out because more often than not even though people rag on him for winning one national
00:51:07 Title I mean the guy goes to Final Four's all the time. He's been
00:51:10 Immensely successful like I I think this is the perfect for this Kentucky team feels like a vintage John Calipari team
00:51:17 And I think they're going to be very very good
00:51:18 And it's so surprising to me that they were ranked so low in the preseason
00:51:21 But you know it's crazy is like if there wasn't a kovat season with like a bunch of 25 year old dudes playing college
00:51:27 Basketball I think this is we're looking at this team completely different. That's true. That's true
00:51:32 You know what I mean like because my biggest holdup was like hey, man
00:51:35 You got 18 and 19 year olds those are really talented 18 and 19 year olds yeah, however that SEC
00:51:40 Those in our pockets are deep so yeah, they've been deep for a long time
00:51:45 They've been deep for a long time and like the fact that they're able to like pick and choose out of the transfer portal
00:51:50 I was like it might be hard for him because they're gonna get beat up. That's true. Damn is DJ Wagner fast
00:51:55 Yeah, this is first step is like unbelievable like he gets the spot so quick
00:52:01 And and I love the fact they got lucky they got lucky with Trey Mitchell and what happened to West Virginia
00:52:06 Yeah, they got really freaking lucky and that's not to say it wasn't easy to get him because it probably wasn't easy to get him
00:52:12 But like they got really lucky there
00:52:14 And the fact that they have somebody that they can just throw the ball to I kind of compared a little bit to what Marquette
00:52:19 Has with those so we could arrow like yeah, they can just throw it to him and everybody can just take a deep breath, right?
00:52:25 Like these guards are like super panicked. They throw it to him, and they're just like okay. Where the hell am I supposed to be?
00:52:32 Yeah, and like they have that settle down guy. I love having a settle down guy
00:52:36 I love that word like if you have somebody that you can get the ball to and everybody relaxes
00:52:39 Yeah, you're gonna be okay, and I think Trey is that for that team? Yeah?
00:52:43 He's a great passer like you good Darrow is too for for Marquette um
00:52:46 But having said all that Kentucky is going to lose tonight
00:52:49 I think Kentucky is is one in five in the last six Champions Classics, Kansas is six and one in the last seven
00:52:55 I
00:52:58 Yeah, I'm worried about Kentucky so like Trey Mitchell's awesome, but like I Kentucky does not have a ton of size
00:53:03 There are two seven footers are not really playing right now. I mean, they're not playing right now
00:53:07 I don't know if they ever will um
00:53:09 We can't this Kansas team I I
00:53:12 I've heard that a visage may play. Oh really not this game not this game
00:53:17 Not this, but he's gonna get he's gonna get cleared eventually the course of the season yeah
00:53:20 Yeah throughout the course of the season. I think people are positive all right well that would be great. I want to see yeah
00:53:26 Yeah, I I don't know we'll see um what about this Kansas team the number one team in the country
00:53:31 I've I've I'm probably down on them, but also like I've tried to like you know
00:53:37 Contextualize what being down on Kansas means which means like I think they're like the sixth best team in the country
00:53:42 You're not deferred like that's a bad year for Bill self
00:53:45 I don't necessarily think they're the best team in the country, but I do think the win tonight, but uh yeah
00:53:50 What what is your initial read on Kansas?
00:53:52 And and what do you what do you think we're gonna see from Kansas as the year progresses?
00:53:56 You know I was curious to see how this KJ Adams hunter Dickinson's four or five would would go
00:54:01 But I I think the fact that
00:54:04 Hunter is able to shoot the ball a little bit better than I think people realize it's seven foot two or whatever he is like
00:54:10 That's able to they can flop you know they can flip-flop their fours and their fives
00:54:14 And I like KJ Adams as a player. I think you know he boards. He's super athletic. He's powerful
00:54:19 The top in town I think y'all Marco Jackson has to be really really good right like cuz he's he's your guy that could end
00:54:26 Up being like top ten pick yeah
00:54:28 But you know they've just won for so long you look at all that like hunter Dickinson has he really won
00:54:34 He's had some good years in Michigan like really good years
00:54:37 I'm not taking away from that, but like they want to win a national championship and
00:54:40 Are his habits where they need to be for Bill self to be happy all the time?
00:54:45 Not yet, maybe but I still feel like
00:54:47 May Bill self just puts five men in spots to be successful so so much and where he was you know I was I'm looking
00:54:54 At the Manhattan box score like he was 7 for 14 in 20 minutes
00:54:58 Yeah, he's just gonna pit be putting
00:55:01 Spots to where it's like man. How could you not score? Yeah like the one Harris is such a good point guard
00:55:07 I I do think
00:55:08 Jackson's got to be the guy that kind of puts them over the hump if they want to win a national championship
00:55:12 But I mean for if he's a really good player
00:55:15 You know Braun came off surprised me a little bit. I didn't think he was as good as what he was they just
00:55:20 He just finds ways to get production out of guys that you're just like hmm
00:55:24 Yeah, see and then like they end up being really good and really big moments like Timberlake was 104 in 19 minutes
00:55:31 I saw him play a thousand like he was a dude
00:55:33 And he's gonna be one of those guys that kind of you know hums along the whole season
00:55:39 And then you're gonna see him like in the middle of big 12 play
00:55:42 He's gonna be a monster one game and win him a game. Yeah, and Bill just kind of figures it out. Yeah
00:55:47 I'm worried about you get 10 million a year. Yeah, exactly
00:55:52 Yeah, I'm worried about the the playmaker in terms of I mean I've been saying this for a while, but just like the
00:56:00 you know the Jalen Wilson and Grady Dick and Christian Brown and
00:56:04 Akbaje like the way the athletic wings that you can just you know your
00:56:08 settle down guy kind of which like they a lot of those guys played chaotically
00:56:12 But it was like when the offense wasn't working they could just throw the ball to them and be like please
00:56:15 Get us a bucket and they would go get a bucket
00:56:17 And I think I think Jackson has to be that for them or Dick Dickinson could be that for them
00:56:22 But like I don't he posts up far out man. Yeah, he's been posting out like 18 like 15 16 feet
00:56:28 And I think sometimes whenever they know that people are gonna trap him. They'll post him out closer away. Yeah
00:56:33 Yeah, but like I was so used to seeing
00:56:36 McCormick a couple years ago whenever they won the national championship David McCormick was getting post touches right
00:56:41 Right there right like like he was shooting 50% from the field. I don't know how he wasn't shooting 90 like he was right there
00:56:47 Yeah, maybe that maybe that's preemptive like we're gonna post you up a little bit further out because we know what traps coming
00:56:52 but there's gonna be times like
00:56:55 Top of the key post feeds where you can't double they're gonna hold those off
00:56:59 They might you might see some more of those, but I think Dickinson's your guy, but your settle-down guy. There's the Juan Harris
00:57:05 Yeah, like what better way to like have who would you rather have than the one Harris your point guard be your settle-down guy?
00:57:11 I think that's I think he's so underrated
00:57:13 He's a dog cause a book is another guy that like led the country uncalled three seconds
00:57:19 He just stood up the basket at all times. We catch it and dunk it on everybody. Yeah, that's that's my Kansas big, man
00:57:26 That's like that when I picture Kansas big men, that's what I'm seeing. I'm a little worried and I guess we'll see as the season progresses
00:57:32 Is this the hunter Dickinson is hunter Dickinson more concerned with winning an NCAA?
00:57:38 Championship or showing NBA scouts is versatility, you know, like is that going to become a concern as the season progresses? I don't know
00:57:46 Yeah, we shall see but I think the only person that can tell him to shut up and get your ass in a post is
00:57:53 Bill so yeah
00:57:54 Yeah, like that's kind of where I'm like, okay
00:57:56 Like like I was really fired up for this because he's Bill's not gonna pull any punches bill
00:58:00 Yeah, I've coached you and all these other dudes to like what that yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're an all-american sweet get in line
00:58:07 No, I the Kansas
00:58:12 Kansas is just so fascinating because I don't think that they're awesome for Kansas the standards
00:58:16 but also I said that about the team that won the national title a couple years ago that I was like
00:58:20 I don't think that this is
00:58:22 That great of a Kansas that this isn't one of Bill self's best teams
00:58:25 And they still won a national title because he's had so many damn good teams through the years that
00:58:29 Yeah, like who are his best teams? Like would you point back to that? Uh, oh gosh, who was it?
00:58:35 The one that beat Memphis Oh a Mario Chalmers team like they had all those McDonald's all-americans and all that stuff
00:58:42 The 20 team was so good. They had yeah
00:58:45 They were wrong. That's what I'm talking about. Yeah
00:58:49 Cole Aldridge was on that team. I think they were they were loaded. He was a bench player on that thing. Oh, that's right
00:58:55 Yeah, he like barely he barely got like eight twelve minutes a game
00:58:59 Yeah, he wasn't playing Darrell Arthur and all those like those were great teams
00:59:03 But he just he's found this niche after the one and done and everything part it came in like and you'll agree with this
00:59:10 But like the number 40 ranked kids do like the number 85 ranked kids and he hangs on to him for three years
00:59:16 Yeah, and then he can just kind of mold them how he wants then they end up being draft picks
00:59:21 I'll I Jalen Wilson or somebody like that their draft picks after their junior senior year
00:59:25 So you get you get them to be really good players for two years and then that third year they turn into pros
00:59:31 It's like where they've been. Well, they already know the system. They're already really good. It's like well
00:59:35 He just found this niche. Yeah
00:59:37 All right
00:59:40 Anything else? I mean, I guess that's uh, I guess we hit all four teams
00:59:44 Appreciate you making time and Doster to and fancy you guys. How's that going? How are how's it going?
00:59:49 Good once a week, baby. Once a week. You got to keep up with Fanta though, man. We have no that's what I said
00:59:54 John Fanta
00:59:56 Fancy so busy the busiest man in America
00:59:58 He's I don't know. I just saw you had to sit down with Patino today that I got to go home watch, dude
01:00:04 He's just like is he getting too powerful? Do we think like his Fanta?
01:00:08 We go. Yeah, he might be getting too powerful. His presence is too mighty in the Northeast
01:00:14 Now
01:00:16 Here's the thing like the crazy part about John Fanta people don't realize this like he'll be doing a sit-down with Patino
01:00:23 The game at UConn the game at st. John's and then turn around and do like women's Big East championship soccer game. Oh, yeah
01:00:29 Yeah, and it's like what did I hear? Yeah, it's gonna be really exciting stuff. And then he does bowl
01:00:34 I sounds good. I heard him do a bowl in this summer. I was like, what the what's going on, dude?
01:00:39 Watching Fanta in his element though is is a sight to behold watching him like filming the at the Big East tournament
01:00:45 I remember like leaving Madison Square Garden like 2 a.m
01:00:48 And I'm crocky and you know
01:00:51 As you know, it's like long nights at these conference tournaments and everything and I'm like walking
01:00:55 Walking out of the arena and I see Fanta just like bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
01:00:59 Doing a selfie video breaking down all the action as he's like walking through the tunnels of Madison. He doesn't walk into the airport
01:01:06 So yeah, yeah
01:01:09 He's the best my favorite thing like he just got married and like his wife tried to follow him a day his wife tried to
01:01:15 Follow him a day at the Big East tournament for like a four-gamer. Yeah, and she got there with him at like 8 a.m
01:01:20 And didn't finish until 2 a.m. When we did the DTF like late night. Yeah, and I
01:01:26 Turn around and look and his wife or his fiance then his wife now is on her back on the first row of chairs
01:01:38 It I could help it man, I was like god bless this woman dude, that's what she's getting into though, man
01:01:44 He gets it done and it's every day for that guy, man
01:01:46 He's got he's got energy that he needs to bottle that up man. Sell it to sell it to people
01:01:50 Yeah, I appreciate you making time and appreciate a had a fun conversation
01:01:54 Yeah, man, and of course best of luck with the season best of luck with the Hornets. How's that going?
01:01:59 The Colin Hornet's going good, you know, hey, look, it's a young team dealing with injuries dealing with some off-court stuff
01:02:04 But you know by and large I mean the NBA game
01:02:08 It's certainly an adjustment for me. Yeah
01:02:11 Just because you know, it's much more player base
01:02:14 Like I'm watching players as opposed to schemes right all that stuff because college it's about the coaches. It's about a program
01:02:21 It's about it's about the pageantry
01:02:23 NBA it's about the dudes. Yeah, and like so the what you what you have to observe is different than what?
01:02:29 You know you're doing when you're doing in college, but it's going fine. I've never done any studio
01:02:34 This is the first time I've done studio. So it's it's a lot of fun. I enjoy it
01:02:38 And it's you know, I got a drive an hour and a half every game
01:02:41 Oh, you know up and yeah up in an hour and a half back, but that's like because I live in South Carolina. Okay?
01:02:46 Yeah, so that's that's kind of the only hang-up but you know, but love it. It's been fun. It's different. It's different
01:02:54 But it feels like more and more it feels like NBA and college basketball are two completely different sports
01:02:59 Like the the divergence of sports. I don't know
01:03:02 Maybe I'm misremembered but I do remember a time like when I was growing up in the 90s. It was the same sport
01:03:07 It was just the NBA guys were way better at it. And now it feels like it's like a completely different sport
01:03:12 It feels like dude, I'll think I'll think the Hornets are having a bad offensive night. I look up and I'll have 110 points
01:03:17 Yeah, it's crazy. Like it's insane and like they'll be the like
01:03:22 Who was a Sacramento last year averaged 120 point one points game?
01:03:27 Average do what these are having some buck 50 boys do what the Pacers are doing right now is blowing my mind
01:03:33 They're they're they're rolling out like 12-man rotations and everyone's scoring double figures
01:03:37 And I'm just so confused as to how all that could possibly happen, but they've got one of those guys are gonna get paid
01:03:43 Yeah, exactly. Exactly
01:03:45 Terrence Oglesby appreciate it. We'll do it again. Thanks, man. All right, man. Thanks. All right. Thank you to to
01:03:51 Fun having him on the first time I've had him on first time
01:03:54 I met I met Terrence at the final four talked to him a little bit and said gonna have you on the show next year
01:03:59 He said anytime brother and I'll be damned man of his word reached out to him
01:04:03 he said you tell me what time and I will be there and
01:04:06 Here he was. He was a he's a better basketball player than
01:04:10 Then he gives himself credit for at times. He was he was a dude that like
01:04:15 Played at Clemson for two years and then if I remember right he like left early
01:04:19 But he knew he wasn't gonna get drafted in the NBA, but then he had an awesome
01:04:22 Uh, I don't know. Maybe it wasn't that awesome, but I thought it was awesome
01:04:25 Overseas career. I don't know to you. He's a hell of a basketball player, but he I hate that for some reason
01:04:31 I hate that when guys like downplay their basketball careers. I wish I
01:04:35 Wish people wouldn't do that, but they do
01:04:38 I if I was as good as Terrence Oglesby I would be telling everybody at all times that I was an awesome basketball player
01:04:43 Uh, all right some shout outs before we get out of here. Um, I want to start with with women's college basketball
01:04:49 this was this was
01:04:52 Probably I
01:04:54 Got a thing about it. I don't wanna get too crazy
01:04:57 Fuck it. Let's get crazy. This was the most anticipated women's college basketball season. I can ever remember
01:05:04 Yeah with Paige Becker's being healthy again LSU forms their super team wins the national championship
01:05:09 Kaitlyn Clark is back
01:05:11 There's just like so many teams that are so excited about
01:05:14 How good they might end up being and the number one of the number two teams have already lost TJ
01:05:19 It's chaos LSU lost to Colorado UConn lost the other day - uh shit. I
01:05:24 Remembered it and now I forget
01:05:27 UConn women lost
01:05:29 They just lost the other night to NC State, that's right
01:05:33 Yeah, they lost by 12 and it wasn't just that they're losing they're getting their asses kicked
01:05:36 I mean Colorado was up huge on LSU and and and NC State be UConn by 12 or 11. I'm sorry misreading it. Um,
01:05:45 So yeah, that's exciting. Ohio State was ranked high - and I think we lost a USC out of the gate
01:05:50 I think we ranked like seventh and our girls lost which actually is a good thing
01:05:54 Tom Izzo coaches the Ohio State women actually so jokes on all of you
01:05:59 That's a good thing losing early is a good thing and coach is going to use that for
01:06:02 Adversity is a good thing for us because we're gonna build off of that
01:06:06 So the Ohio State women are gonna be a force to be reckoned with but fun fun women's season to start Kaitlyn Clark
01:06:12 I saw set the record to for
01:06:15 Iowa scoring she has the she now officially is the career
01:06:18 Iowa scoring leader
01:06:19 So, I don't know
01:06:20 I wish there's a way to stay I have the same problem with women's basketball that I have with the United States
01:06:26 Men's soccer team, which is that I just never know when they play
01:06:30 All right, I never know the schedule when it's on if I'm flipping through and I see a good game
01:06:34 I'm stopping I'm watching it and I'm locked in on it. The problem is I just never know when it's on
01:06:39 I have no idea
01:06:40 I like you con could play Iowa tomorrow and I would have no idea until I turn it on and I'll be damned
01:06:46 It's halftime and you cons up for on, Iowa
01:06:48 Yeah, what the transfer news and women's college basketball - no, what happened Haley Cavender committed to TCU today
01:06:55 Hmm. Yeah, how do you transfer today?
01:06:59 I don't know the cabinet like way too late the social media stars who were at Miami who had I believe
01:07:04 retired from college basketball was the way they phrased it and
01:07:09 They're one of them's just going to TCU now starting today committed. I think that they were pursuing a WWE career
01:07:15 I'm oh, maybe that didn't phase out. They were also working for like a gambling Jake Paul's gambling company better. I
01:07:21 Go back to school. I
01:07:25 think women's basketball should be a
01:07:27 This should they should use that as the testing ground to
01:07:32 Try a scenario where there are no eligibility your requirements and you can play as long as you want
01:07:38 Yeah, I think it's done most of them make more money in college. Yeah, they make one running college. Anyway, yeah, and
01:07:43 And just see what happens see what the see what the pitfalls are
01:07:47 Just give it a test for a little bit just see like if Kaitlyn Clark wants to stay in Iowa for 12 years
01:07:52 letter
01:07:54 She'll make more money and it'll be more fun for everybody except for the WNBA, right? Nobody watches that anyway, so who cares?
01:08:00 Yeah, that would be awesome
01:08:03 But yeah, I'm fired up for women's basketball
01:08:06 It's been it's been great so far. I was watching the Colorado LSU game
01:08:09 That was last week. That was on opening night, right? That was Monday night. I was I was locked in on that
01:08:15 that was a ton of fun, but yeah, you can't losing is
01:08:18 This is something um
01:08:21 Ace Bailey's time with Rutgers. I want to talk about that too. That's been that's what we're focused on
01:08:27 We're not focused on any of anything else right now Rutgers Rutgers basketball a football game this weekend
01:08:32 It doesn't matter if we're focused on did that your basketball season? Yes
01:08:34 Did they might have scored zero points, but we're focused on 2024 2025 basketball
01:08:39 Delaware was there for some reason I feel like you wouldn't go to another person signing unless you had some sort of like
01:08:45 Duo connection to them so so what is what is the Dylan Harper situation now like what are we worried about most is it?
01:08:51 Rutgers and pro it's just waiting like he keeps saying that he's waiting till spring to like make any decisions
01:08:56 Which is he trying to get more money on you guys?
01:08:58 I don't know the longer he waits obviously the more nerves people are gonna build up about it
01:09:02 But what other schools are in the running all of them obviously, but Duke did Duke
01:09:07 It's Duke and Rutgers probably does he want to play with a so did he want to play with Cooper flag?
01:09:10 Right was he at Cooper flags. He was not signing interesting. Well there you go hmm. That's a that's certainly interesting
01:09:19 Marquette at, Illinois tonight
01:09:22 Terrence mentioned it during the show that the the gavit games are going on at the same time as the Champions Classic
01:09:28 Which is kind of cool kind of sucks. I don't know
01:09:31 That's good to have more college basket college basketball
01:09:34 But I think these games are on at the same time that part sucks
01:09:36 Marquette is playing at, Illinois, and I guess if I would have been paying more of attention
01:09:40 Maybe I would have rather gone to that game
01:09:43 I should have driven down to champagne for that one because I think that could be
01:09:45 That could be pretty awesome game Marquette obviously is
01:09:48 Very highly thought of team in Illinois is is talking to Illinois struggle with Oakland the other day
01:09:53 Oakland just might be good. Oh, Oakland almost beat, Ohio State and they gave, Illinois a good game, too
01:09:59 Shout out to Oakland and Kendrick none. That's Kendrick nuns
01:10:03 School right Kendrick none went to Oakland. I'm almost positive. He went to Oakland. I'm doing the thing where you
01:10:09 You know you're right, and then you pretend like you're not so that way oh yeah, damn there
01:10:13 He is yeah, Kendrick none transfer from Illinois to Oakland um
01:10:16 Anyway Marquette, Illinois tonight. I'm fired up to I'm not frankly not going to watch that game live
01:10:24 But I will watch it the next morning
01:10:26 And I think it could be the game of the night on a night when the Champions Classic is going on uh
01:10:31 Last shout out. I had was Ken palm the Ohio State Buckeyes lost on Friday at home to Texas A&M
01:10:38 We we Texas A&M is a good team. I think Texas. I didn't necessarily expect us to win
01:10:43 I'm not
01:10:44 I'm not really sad about that
01:10:46 I would have liked to have won
01:10:47 But but Texas A&M is a good basketball team and I think they'll be right there in the hunt in the SEC all year
01:10:51 When 25 plus games you know it's gonna be a great year for them in College Station
01:10:55 But I wanted to shout out Ken palm because Ohio State played
01:10:59 Decently well against the team that was probably better than us
01:11:03 And we lost a semi close game and Ken palm dropped us in his standings
01:11:08 Which is a nice change of pace because last year every fucking game
01:11:12 We lost he bump us up like a spot or two and then I'd have I'd go check him palm
01:11:17 And it'd be like like by the end of the year
01:11:19 I felt like we were like a top 20 team on Ken palm and we were like 15 and 18 or something like that
01:11:23 Yeah
01:11:24 It was driving me insane
01:11:25 TJ last year how like all the analytics people were telling me that Ohio State was not that bad. We just kept losing games
01:11:31 so I thought
01:11:33 After we lost Texas A&M. I said I swear to God if Ken pump does if he tries to pull this shit again this year
01:11:38 I was like no you guys played really well against a top 15 team, so I actually think you guys are good
01:11:43 I was gonna get so angry and
01:11:45 Thankfully he bumped us down because that's what I think the boys need
01:11:48 I think I think we need to get bumped down. We need to be humbled
01:11:50 Last year a little too much checking Ken palm. We were go where did we end up last year?
01:11:55 I'm gonna pull this up. That's like the argument of like the metrics
01:11:57 On paper we're good right yeah last year last year. We ended up 49th, but we were let me see
01:12:06 Yeah, we were
01:12:09 Yeah the bottom kind of fell out, but on Tuesday January 24th
01:12:15 We had lost we were 11 and 9 we lost to Illinois we had lost at that point
01:12:21 6 of 7 TJ we were 19th on Ken pop
01:12:26 At 11 and 9 and we had lost 6 of 7 yeah
01:12:31 Then we kind of gave up on the season and and it went downhill after that but even
01:12:36 Even in February in February we were 11 and 14
01:12:40 We were 11 and 13 in February we were 34th on Ken palm
01:12:45 That's what you get for cheating us
01:12:46 We're just losing every single game, and I guess we were falling a little bit
01:12:50 but we weren't falling that much and it was driving me crazy that the
01:12:53 Kim palm was torturing me in that way because I kept like talking myself into like we're not that bad of a team anyway
01:13:00 very niche complaint, but
01:13:02 Shout out to Kim palm for finally fixing his algorithm where if you lose you should go down right? That's what I think um
01:13:08 Last thing how the beards going boys bad
01:13:12 Real bad guys bailed yet. I'm about I think I'm planning on bailing what really I'll leave the mustache, but
01:13:18 Why are you bailing? We're just in patch city. It's because it just looks gross it looks horrible, but you can't really see look I
01:13:24 Can't see
01:13:27 Yeah, it's bad
01:13:29 I'm just in next city. I came to a break. I didn't see that. I haven't seen the neck
01:13:33 I've seen you all day, and I've never way to brag about being tall. Yeah, that's true I
01:13:39 Haven't seen what's going on on your neck, and that's you know they see it. That's Cody
01:13:44 You're not so bad though because you're lighter it is lighter
01:13:47 It's coming in decent, but I just can't I think I'm I think what do you mean you can't like you can't it like
01:13:53 Physically makes me uncomfortable. I keep doing this all day
01:13:57 What cuz it looks gross and it feel like I my neck just itches all day
01:14:03 It is the worst feeling in the world so I I
01:14:08 Told myself I wouldn't break
01:14:10 Got 17 days left. I don't know you made it almost halfway into the month. Yeah
01:14:15 I feel like it's too late to like give up
01:14:17 I was riding with you guys
01:14:19 I'm shaving the neck which I guess is the hardest part the neck is the hardest part
01:14:22 That that's the part that does it but uh I'm growing my beard out a little bit for you like I yeah, thanks, man
01:14:28 I'm gonna shave the chin. Can you see can you guys see?
01:14:30 Squint let me get under the light so you guys can see a little
01:14:34 I was never making it to Thanksgiving cuz I'm not showing up to see my family for the first time in four months with this
01:14:39 Going on, but yeah, yeah, it might be time to pull the parachute. Yeah, damn well best 14 days my life
01:14:46 We'll leave this - we'll leave this little
01:14:48 Yeah, grizzly don't let him go around schools. All right. What was you guys shave? Maybe I'll show I'm
01:14:53 I'm thinking to get a haircut by the way whoa yeah, I don't think I'm gonna cut it short
01:15:00 Okay, character change you do you do go through carry? Oh? Yeah when you change your I do yeah, I change my goal is like
01:15:06 If you ever Google me and look up pictures of me, it looks like 12 different people yeah
01:15:12 It's easy. It's easy to tell when something happens. Yeah, that's when he had a mustache
01:15:17 Yeah, I could I could look at pictures of myself and know exactly what like three-month window that was based on how fat
01:15:23 I am and what my hair and facial hair are doing yeah
01:15:26 I used to have nice like short hair and like yeah, clean-shaven my bed. Yeah, I was uh hey listen man
01:15:32 I grew up in the Midwest for a hard-ass father. You know you had a
01:15:35 Yeah, all the rules and then I moved to California, and I said suck it dad
01:15:39 Grow my hair
01:15:42 I'm a bad boy now dad. Sorry uh
01:15:45 No, dad my grandma gets on me more than anyone else now about the hair
01:15:49 She's she every time I see grandma. She's like when you're gonna cut that mess. Yeah good to see you too grandma
01:15:54 I don't even know you anymore
01:15:56 Love you too grandma um all right is that you guys got anything any shout outs you want to?
01:16:00 No, no breaking news TJ. What?
01:16:04 GB's
01:16:06 Done yeah game battles what happened big loss for the gaming community game battles a famous
01:16:11 Historically famous gaming website where you could challenge other people and play for money
01:16:16 Ceasing to exist in January how did that work?
01:16:19 You can like go online make an account and then like put up a call for challenge and then for like any game
01:16:25 It was mainly in cod, but yeah games around there decent amount play for money
01:16:29 There's an old old old cod community thing so you go on there and say like I'm
01:16:34 Looking to go up against the chump for $100 who wants who wants to bet me $100 that you can't beat me at Call of Duty
01:16:42 Yeah, that's kind of the idea yeah
01:16:44 Kind of Wild West, but it's an open challenge that anyone can answer
01:16:49 So if you're just like fucking nasty at Call of Duty you can get a ton of money and a bunch of pros were on
01:16:53 There like being nasty at Call of Duty. It's another piece of my childhood. Why is it gone gone?
01:16:57 Activision Blizzard bought
01:17:01 Major League Gaming years ago, so that they could start their own like
01:17:04 Competitive gaming league and then just when they buy stuff. They just let it die
01:17:08 Damn sad pour one out for your game. We're gonna pour one out for your GB's around the world your gamer boys
01:17:14 I bought that new Mario game by the way wonder
01:17:18 Are the gamers into that one yeah, it's up for game of the year is it really mm-hmm against
01:17:24 Tears of the Kingdom so the kingdom was yeah, those are the only games
01:17:29 I play I just play the Nintendo games the Nintendo games that are marketed to like 12 year olds
01:17:33 That's right my wheelhouse those are the games that I'm awesome at and I love playing
01:17:37 The like watching you play for tonight today on the yak. I respect for tonight
01:17:41 Seems like a great game, but like it's just too much for me. There is a lot
01:17:45 Yeah, there's a lot of moving parts my my eyeballs were hurting trying to keep up with everything so in my own defense
01:17:51 I had played it every day for the last four and a half years
01:17:53 All right, thank you to Terrence Oglesby joining us I'm excited to go to the Champions Classic tonight
01:18:01 It's gonna be fun, and and I guess that's probably what we'll talk about on Thursdays is the games going on gave it games going
01:18:07 on Friday
01:18:08 Friday that's right. We moved it good call TJ. We're doing that makes sense it made sense
01:18:13 That's the right call, but we are we are Tuesday Friday. Now. I'm excited to
01:18:17 Talk about the Champions Classic on Friday. I will see all of you then goodbye
01:18:21 Bye.
01:18:22 (whooshing)
