Thriller (1960-61) S01 E09 'GIRL WITH A SECRET' Fay Bainter, Paul Hartman, Myrna Fahey, Rhodes Reason | Hollywood Classics movie

  • last year
Episode aired Nov 15, 1960
Stars: Fay Bainter • Paul Hartman • Myrna Fahey • Rhodes Reason
A newlywed bride must hide a secret about her husband's whereabouts. She is blackmailed by an eavesdropping maid and pressured by others to tell her secret.
00:00 [Music]
00:13 What's troubling you, Mrs. Page?
00:15 I don't know. I feel a little queasy.
00:18 It couldn't have anything to do with meeting my relatives, could it?
00:23 Well, you do make them sound awfully formidable.
00:26 Well, you are formidable. So are you. That's why I think you'll get along just fine.
00:32 And after all, it's only for a couple of days.
00:36 I know. Just a little stage fright, I guess.
00:41 Come on. Get some sleep.
00:44 [Music]
01:11 Sleeping?
01:12 I'm not used to sitting up in a plane all night.
01:14 Well, as soon as we get to Pasadena, you can catch a nap.
01:17 Darling, why don't you wait over there? This will take a few minutes.
01:19 Okay, dear.
01:38 [Music]
01:49 Toby, that man took your case.
01:51 What?
01:52 He told me he's going to offer you a case. That must be his.
01:56 You're darn right. Come on.
01:58 Hey, mister. Hey, taxi.
02:07 Well?
02:08 Well, follow him.
02:09 No, darling, it's not so tragic. I'm sure we'll find something in his case that'll tell us where to reach him.
02:14 I don't know. I hope so.
02:16 What do you mean?
02:18 Well, it looked to me as if he took your case on purpose.
02:20 On purpose?
02:21 I didn't want to say anything. You always say I'm imagining things.
02:24 But that man's been watching us on the plane ever since we left Chicago.
02:28 Oh, now, come on, darling.
02:30 Look, I'll find him. I haven't got time now. I've got to pick up a car at the rental agency.
02:35 [Music]
02:45 The Natasha case. The classical ingredient in tales of cloak and dagger.
02:50 Well, was the young lady correct?
02:53 Was it switched on purpose?
02:55 Well, as sure as my name is Boris Karloff,
02:59 the contents of that case will soon trap these two young people in a web of terror.
03:05 Alice, the bewildered bride, doesn't yet know that her husband's life will depend upon her silence.
03:11 She'll become a girl with a secret.
03:14 That's the name of our story.
03:17 Our principal players are Miss Faye Bainter,
03:21 Mr. Paul Hartman,
03:23 Miss Myrna Fahey,
03:25 Mr. Rhodes Reason,
03:27 Miss Cloris Leachman,
03:29 and Mr. Harry Ellaby.
03:31 We assure you, my friends, this is a thriller.
03:38 [Music]
03:50 [Music]
04:00 [Music]
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04:20 [Music]
04:34 Now looking at the view, it's pretty spectacular.
04:37 I'm so sleepy, dear.
04:40 Okay, the view will keep.
04:44 Go to sleep, baby.
04:46 Wake me when we get close.
04:48 I will.
04:49 [Music]
05:18 Get over! Get over!
05:20 [Music]
05:31 Get over!
05:32 Tony, look out the side!
05:34 [Music]
05:40 [Laughter]
05:42 [Music]
05:51 Tony.
05:52 [Music]
06:05 How's that?
06:06 Perfect.
06:07 You didn't even look.
06:10 They'd love you without any lipstick.
06:12 Tony, I'm still shaking.
06:18 Horrible man.
06:20 Alice, promise me you won't mention it to my family.
06:25 There's no sense in upsetting them.
06:28 I won't.
06:31 [Music]
06:37 [Music]
06:45 [Music]
06:55 [Music]
07:03 Well, Mr. Tony.
07:04 Hello, Ellen.
07:05 How are you?
07:06 I've got the lumbago, thank you.
07:08 This is my wife, Alice.
07:10 Won't you come in, please?
07:13 Let me take your things.
07:17 I'll tell Mrs. Redfern you're here.
07:22 Thank you.
07:24 My dear, we're very happy to see you.
07:27 Won't you sit down?
07:29 I know you're both tired and want to rest, but first, let's have a little talk, shall we?
07:36 Just the four of us.
07:38 So, Anthony, you're in Chicago to stay, are you?
07:41 Yes, that's right.
07:42 A job, an apartment, and a wife.
07:46 Are you a Chicagoan, Alice?
07:48 No, I come from Indiana.
07:52 A small town.
07:54 But I was working in Chicago.
07:57 You seem quite young to be holding a position.
08:00 You can hardly call typing a position.
08:03 You live alone in Chicago?
08:05 I was going to college there, working to help pay for my education.
08:10 Then I met Tony.
08:12 So, there went everything.
08:14 Education, career.
08:17 Your parents, they still live in Indiana?
08:21 Yes, my dad owns a drugstore.
08:23 Hanson's Drugstore in Boulder Creek.
08:26 They are quite well, I trust.
08:28 Oh, yes. Very well.
08:30 I'm very happy about my marrying Tony.
08:33 Alice.
08:38 Yes, ma'am.
08:39 I'm very happy that you were the instrument of Tony's salvation.
08:44 He's a reckless boy, but basically honorable.
08:48 He should give you no serious worries.
08:51 Thank you.
08:52 Ellen, will you show Mr. and Mrs. Page their room, please?
08:58 Yes, Miss Redfern.
08:59 We'll be dining at a quarter to seven.
09:04 Tony, I just want you to be proud of me.
09:15 I am proud of you.
09:17 Now, why don't you take a nap?
09:20 By the time you wake up, I'll be back.
09:23 Back? Where are you going?
09:25 Well, it's my fault. We forget to get something for Gran.
09:28 I'll go with you.
09:29 No, no. You get your sleep.
09:30 There's Uncle Greg and Cousin B coming up, remember?
09:33 And darling, please wear those earrings I gave you tonight.
09:36 For Gran's sake.
09:38 [kiss]
09:40 [music]
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11:06 [music]
11:07 You almost messed me up with that attaché case bit.
11:21 How's that?
11:22 My wife caught you at it.
11:24 If you hadn't skipped so fast, I'd have had to take it back.
11:27 [laughs]
11:28 Did you get a chance to study the information?
11:30 I don't think I can handle the assignment, Herb.
11:34 Why not?
11:35 Someone's on to me.
11:37 There must have been a leak.
11:39 There couldn't be.
11:41 A car pushed us off the highway on the way over.
11:45 We were lucky not to be killed.
11:47 Couldn't it have been an accident?
11:49 It was no accident.
11:51 Tony, I must tell you...
11:53 Tony, you're the one who's got to be careful.
12:03 Tony, you're the only man for this particular job.
12:05 Now, let me fill you in on the facts.
12:08 Then you can make up your mind.
12:09 [phone rings]
12:11 Kowalik here.
12:15 Yes?
12:17 What?
12:21 Yes.
12:24 Left the house.
12:26 The library.
12:29 I see.
12:31 Then to a food shop.
12:33 Back to the house?
12:36 Of course.
12:39 Must have been a contact at the library.
12:42 My information from Chicago was correct.
12:46 Get back to me tonight.
12:50 Stupidity.
12:54 Unutterable stupidity.
12:58 Huh?
13:01 You knocked him off the road.
13:03 Smashed his car.
13:05 He couldn't possibly have survived.
13:08 What's that?
13:09 Page.
13:11 That was a report on our friend, Mr. Page.
13:14 He got home, paid a visit to the library, then went to some food shop.
13:19 Does that sound like the activities of a dead man?
13:23 I don't know how.
13:26 I tell you, I can't figure how.
13:30 Mr. Kowalik, you said make it look like an accident if you'd let me use my gun like I wanted to.
13:35 Be quiet, Blucher.
13:36 Look, next time I'll make sure.
13:39 Don't be more idiotic than you are.
13:42 Do you think they'll let you get near him again after your blunder?
13:46 They'll keep him covered around the clock.
13:49 Mr. Kowalik, please be quiet, Blucher.
13:54 I have to work this out.
14:03 Good evening, Luntz.
14:27 Waller, I thought I'd scared you off.
14:29 You thought I'd taken pity on you.
14:32 Well, Tony, how's the bridegroom?
14:34 Very well, thank you.
14:35 Mr. Devon, this is my bride, Alice.
14:38 Walter Devon, one of our good friends.
14:41 She's lovely, Tony.
14:43 But then we expected that.
14:45 Are you going to be with us long?
14:48 A few days.
14:49 It's our honeymoon, you know.
14:51 You might call it a tour of inspection.
14:53 Except that we're the ones who are being inspected.
14:56 Anthony, that's rude.
14:58 Still the black sheep, eh, Tony?
15:01 A bit on the gray side these days, I'm afraid.
15:03 Shall we have at it?
15:05 You two still battling?
15:09 Chess isn't a battle, Tony.
15:11 It's a conversation.
15:13 Your uncle makes a move and I refute it.
15:16 Then he refutes my refutation.
15:18 It's really quite fascinating.
15:21 I can imagine.
15:23 It was your move.
15:24 Coffee?
15:25 Yes.
15:26 Yes.
15:27 Beatrice, would you please play something for us?
15:40 Will you listen?
15:43 Why, of course.
15:45 Telephone, Mr. Page.
15:52 Long distance.
15:53 Oh, thanks, Ellen.
15:55 Excuse me.
15:56 Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, sir.
16:05 Broken in two places.
16:07 That's bad.
16:08 Yes, sir.
16:20 My wife and I will be there tomorrow.
16:23 Oh, I see.
16:25 Ah, yes, I understand.
16:28 You can expect me.
16:31 Well, that does it.
16:40 Something wrong, darling?
16:43 Just a messed up honeymoon, that's all.
16:46 I have to leave in the morning.
16:48 Tony, will you please explain what you're talking about?
16:51 That was my boss, Mr. Delgado.
16:53 He broke his leg in two places.
16:55 Seems to think he's marooned at his cabin.
16:58 Very unfortunate.
17:00 I'll have to fly directly to Minneapolis and then get a boat.
17:03 I'll go with you.
17:04 I'm sorry, darling, but Mr. Delgado said there isn't room at the cabin.
17:10 Well, then, why not leave your Alice in our care?
17:14 Thank you very much, but I think it'd be better if I went home and waited for Tony there.
17:19 Now, look, darling, I don't want you alone in Chicago.
17:23 I want to know that you're safe and sound.
17:25 Well, then it's settled.
17:27 You'll stay here with us.
17:29 Unless, of course, she might be more comfortable somewhere else.
17:32 No, it isn't that at all.
17:34 Thank you. I'd be very happy to stay.
17:38 Good girl.
17:40 Come in.
17:47 [Door opens]
17:49 Well?
17:57 He's flying to Minneapolis in the morning.
18:00 Minneapolis?
18:02 No, Devon.
18:06 There is nothing in Minneapolis.
18:10 That's what he told his family.
18:12 His employer had an accident near Minneapolis.
18:15 He received a telephone call to fly there tomorrow.
18:18 It makes no sense.
18:20 Granted, he is flying somewhere tomorrow.
18:23 But we have to find out his where.
18:25 I can't very well ask him.
18:28 Devon, I don't think you realize the importance of your finding out what Page is doing.
18:35 If he succeeds, our whole operation will go down the drain.
18:38 But you may be wrong.
18:40 He may not be working for them.
18:42 In my business, I can't afford to be wrong.
18:45 I've paid you a great deal of money during the past six months
18:50 to stay close to the family and find out just what Page is doing.
18:55 I have received very little for my money.
18:58 I have told you whatever there was to find out.
19:01 Then you'd better find out a little more, Devon, and quickly.
19:05 You'd better find out where he really is going tomorrow.
19:09 I hope.
19:11 I'll do what I can.
19:13 You'll find out.
19:15 Thank you, Mr. Devon.
19:23 I hope I had...
19:32 You're going to be all right, aren't you, darling?
19:37 Mm-hmm. Of course.
19:39 I'd say you're the most entertaining people in the world.
19:43 After all, you don't have to stay around if you don't want to.
19:46 You can go over and visit the Rubens.
19:49 You remember Mal and Sally Ruben?
19:52 You're not going to Minneapolis at all, are you?
20:03 You're going to Mexico City.
20:05 Alice, I...
20:06 You were going to Mexico and you weren't even going to tell me.
20:08 You lied to me, Tony.
20:10 Alice, be quiet.
20:12 Tony, why didn't you tell me?
20:22 Shh. Keep your voice down.
20:24 Now, let's forget it.
20:25 I can't forget it, Tony. You've got to explain.
20:27 There's nothing to explain now.
20:29 I was going to Mexico.
20:31 Why couldn't you tell me, Tony? Why did you lie?
20:35 There were other lies, too, Tony.
20:37 In Chicago.
20:39 I didn't say anything.
20:41 Tony, I'm your wife. Alice...
20:43 You're in some terrible trouble, aren't you, Tony?
20:45 That man in the car yesterday, he tried to kill you, didn't he?
20:48 He tried to kill me, too, Tony.
20:50 Don't you think I have a right to know why?
20:52 All right, Alice.
20:56 Since I can't go through with it now anyway, I will explain.
21:02 I will explain.
21:04 My work in the building business, that's not my real job.
21:12 I mean, I work at it, but it's really a cover for more important work.
21:17 Are you a government agent?
21:19 I've been doing undercover work for the past two years.
21:23 With our nuclear weapons, espionage goes on constantly.
21:27 I've been working with a group of people, some in New York, Chicago, Washington,
21:32 and some right here, who deal in secret information.
21:36 Deal in it?
21:38 For money, big money.
21:40 Whatever they can get their hands on, they sell to whatever enemy government will pay for it.
21:44 I made contact with them in Chicago and pretended to be one of them.
21:48 I fed them unimportant secrets,
21:51 information about supposedly new ideas and missiles,
21:54 so they trusted me.
21:56 Now, we were never able to pinpoint the man in charge of the operation,
22:00 but now we think he's right here in Pasadena.
22:03 Why would he be here?
22:05 The university. There's a lot of nuclear planning going on here.
22:09 This Mexican trip,
22:12 I was picked because I'd already made contact with one of their couriers there,
22:17 and we figured that through him,
22:20 I might have been able to find out who was the number one man here.
22:24 Then my job would have been finished.
22:27 What do you mean, "would have been"?
22:29 I can't do it now, darling, now that you know.
22:32 You think it's very important? Very, but...
22:34 Then you've got to see it through.
22:36 I can't. If you were to make one slip,
22:39 if you were to let anyone know I went to Mexico instead of Minnesota, I'd be dead.
22:43 And I mean dead.
22:46 Tony, I can keep a secret.
22:48 It's more than just a secret.
22:50 It means you'd have to tell lies and keep lying to the family, to everyone,
22:56 and not break, even under the worst kind of pressure.
22:59 My life would really be in your hands.
23:02 Tony, don't you love me enough to trust me?
23:06 Of course I do, darling.
23:08 Even with my life.
23:12 Hurry up. I miss your plane.
23:15 I know.
23:43 I know it'll take more than a few days.
23:46 Thank you, darling.
24:11 Don't mind if I clean up a little, do you?
24:13 Of course not.
24:15 Sure is a good-looking man, your husband.
24:17 Thank you.
24:18 Just imagine, you two only married a few days and him off to Mexico City.
24:22 Tony! Tony!
24:35 Tony!
24:37 Tony!
24:39 Tony!
25:06 Mrs. Peel, how did you know my husband was going to Mexico?
25:11 You was talking real loud. Couldn't help it here.
25:15 Mrs. Peel, my husband's on business.
25:19 He might make a lot of money.
25:21 It's important that people think he's going to Minnesota.
25:25 It's oil wells.
25:28 I'd appreciate it if you'd not mention my husband's trip to anyone.
25:32 Whatever you say, Miss Page.
25:35 Say, you know you got a lot of pretty jewelry over here.
25:39 You know, I like jewelry. Gives a person class.
25:45 These earrings, they go just beautiful on me, don't you think?
25:49 Those are...
25:50 Just beautiful.
25:52 Yes, you're right, they are.
25:56 Take them.
25:57 You mean it?
25:59 But I want you to promise me that you won't say anything to anybody about what you've heard.
26:03 Oh, I promise. Us users are tight-fisted and tight-lipped. You know that.
26:09 Did Tony get away all right?
26:23 Yes.
26:26 Sort of mysterious, isn't it?
26:28 Mysterious?
26:29 He's slipping away like that, secretly.
26:33 I think something's going on.
26:35 There is something going on.
26:37 His employer's had an accident.
26:39 That isn't what I mean.
26:42 Tony used to go around with a lot of strange people.
26:46 No one ever knew what he was doing or where he was.
26:51 I'm sorry you had to get stuck here with all of us zombies.
26:55 It was really unforgivable of Tony.
26:57 I don't think you're a zombie.
26:59 Yes, I am.
27:01 We all are.
27:03 How Tony managed to escape it, I don't know.
27:06 Have you had your breakfast, Alice?
27:07 No, but...
27:08 I'll see to it.
27:13 B?
27:15 What kind of a man is Mr. Devon?
27:19 I don't know.
27:21 Alice, will you follow me, please?
27:24 Of course.
27:32 Those earrings belong to the family.
27:34 They're priceless heirlooms.
27:36 Mrs. Peel says you gave them to her.
27:38 Take them away from us.
27:39 Just a moment.
27:40 They belong to me, you know.
27:41 They're family heirlooms.
27:42 Yes, but Tony gave them to me.
27:44 You're out of your mind.
27:50 Aunt Hortense, please.
27:51 There's nothing to get upset about.
27:52 Please don't make a fuss.
27:54 Fuss?
27:55 Would you not mention this to anyone?
27:56 I have a reason.
27:57 Please believe me.
27:58 What reason could you possibly have?
28:01 And what does this cleaning woman mean to you?
28:03 What favor has she done you?
28:05 I'm sorry.
28:06 I can't tell you.
28:08 You've got to trust me.
28:10 Indeed.
28:21 Mrs. Peel, how could you?
28:23 How could I what?
28:25 Wear them in here.
28:26 You knew what would happen.
28:27 Look, I'm a human being.
28:28 I figure I can wear whatever I want where I want.
28:31 She don't scare me, that Hortense.
28:33 Not one little bit.
28:35 She's got a big house and a big mouth.
28:37 She...
28:39 Mrs. Peel, will you please take off those earrings and give them to me?
28:48 Thank you.
28:50 They was a gift from Miss Alice.
28:52 It was very bad taste of you to accept such jewelry from anyone in this house.
28:56 Especially from a very young person.
28:59 I don't think you need bother to come back here tomorrow.
29:02 If you'll tell me what's owing you in wages, I'll be glad to see that you receive it.
29:07 Alice, I'd like to see you in the drawing room.
29:16 You see that?
29:17 You see that?
29:18 Now I'm out of a job.
29:19 What?
29:20 A mistake you made.
29:21 I didn't make it.
29:22 You did.
29:23 You just wait until that Duchess finds out a few things about her precious grandson.
29:26 Mrs. Peel, you made a promise to me.
29:29 Yeah, and you see where it got me, huh?
29:32 If you keep quiet, I'll give you $300.
29:34 It's all I have.
29:36 Well...
29:38 All right, forget it.
29:39 Go in and tell him what you know.
29:41 I'm not going to bark at him.
29:42 Go on.
29:43 Now hold on, Miss Alice.
29:44 Us Indiana people, we got to stick together.
29:47 The $300 will just about tide us over till Carrie gets a job.
29:50 Carrie, that's my son.
29:51 He lives with me.
29:52 I was going to quit this job anyway.
29:54 It's too rich for my blood.
29:57 What's your address?
29:58 It's 3-1-1-2 Kenwood Avenue, 6th floor, apartment 3.
30:04 I'll have to cash some traveler's checks.
30:06 I'll be over to see you just as soon as I can get away.
30:22 Please understand, Alice, this is a conversation, not a lecture.
30:26 Why did you give these earrings to Mrs. Peel?
30:30 She admired them.
30:32 I didn't realize they were so valuable.
30:34 Monetary value is the least important consideration.
30:39 In our family, we cherished tradition, memories.
30:46 I'm sorry, Mrs. Redford.
30:51 Sorry, Gregory.
30:54 Oh, no, not again.
30:56 I'm afraid so.
31:03 Well, Alice, have you heard anything from Tony?
31:07 Just a wire saying he arrived safely.
31:10 Any idea when he'll be back?
31:11 Not yet.
31:13 He's a nice boy.
31:15 I'm glad to see he's settling down.
31:17 Don't be too sure.
31:19 How's that?
31:20 Oh, he's a mystery man, Tony is.
31:25 So is his wife.
31:26 Really?
31:27 Oh, yes.
31:29 She's got a secret.
31:31 Haven't you, Alice?
31:33 A secret you paid Mrs. Peel not to tell?
31:35 Oh, for heaven's sake, he's in one of her silly moods again.
31:38 It's true, though.
31:40 That's why she gave away that priceless set of earrings.
31:43 It's a plot.
31:45 It was an odd thing to do, Alice.
31:48 I'm afraid you're all talking a bit over my head.
31:50 What was an odd thing to do?
31:53 Alice gave away some of the family jewels to Mrs. Peel.
31:57 Got her fired, too.
31:59 Oh?
32:01 My theory is that it's blackmail.
32:05 Where are you going, Alice?
32:06 Out for some fresh air.
32:07 What you really mean is you're going out because you can't stand us.
32:10 You're very rude, Cousin Bee, but I suppose that comes naturally to you.
32:14 Alice!
32:15 You're all rude.
32:16 What is this, another tradition in this house?
32:18 Oh, we've got her where she lives.
32:21 It is blackmail.
32:24 Alice!
32:25 Let her go, Gregory.
32:26 This is quite incredible.
32:28 Quite incredible, indeed.
32:30 Well, if you ask me...
32:31 No one is asking you anything, Beatrice.
32:34 You've stirred up quite enough trouble as it is.
32:37 And you think this secret has something to do with her husband's trip?
32:46 It looks that way to me.
32:48 What could be so important that she'd want to pay off Mrs. Peel?
32:52 It is possible she knows where Paige is going.
32:57 Do you have this Mrs. Peel's address?
33:01 Yes, I do.
33:03 I'll put Blucher on it at once.
33:06 Gee, I was beginning to think you wasn't going to come.
33:16 Well, you brought her with you.
33:24 Yes.
33:26 What you've just done is blackmail, Mrs. Peel.
33:36 A crime you could go to jail for.
33:38 And if you don't keep your side of this bargain, I will see that you go to jail for it.
33:43 What are you talking about, blackmail?
33:45 Sounds like blackmail, what you're saying.
33:47 Good night, Mrs. Peel.
33:49 Who is it?
33:52 I'm a friend of the Redferns. I've got to talk to you.
33:55 Just a minute.
33:59 Well, hold on.
34:06 What do you want?
34:12 Mrs. Peel?
34:13 Yeah, what do you want?
34:15 I came here because I'm a friend of young Mrs. Paige's.
34:20 The girl's in trouble. I want to help her.
34:23 Well, I don't know nothing about that.
34:25 You don't have to lie to me. She told me all about it.
34:27 Yeah, well, if she told you all about it, why talk to me?
34:30 Well, we need your help.
34:32 Look, I don't know what you're talking about, mister.
34:34 There ain't no trouble that I know of, and there ain't going to be none either.
34:37 So I'll just say thanks and goodbye.
34:39 Look, I'm busy.
34:41 Oh, you want to play games, huh?
34:43 Well, we'll play my way.
34:48 Now, why'd Mrs. Paige give you them earrings?
34:52 It's none of your business, and you leave me alone.
34:56 You better tell me else I'm going to have to give you a going over.
35:01 And I just like to do that.
35:04 It had something to do with Mr. Paige's going away, didn't it?
35:11 You're out of your mind. Now, stop it or I'll call the police.
36:13 Alice, dear.
36:18 Tony has married you and left you here.
36:21 Won't you tell me what it is?
36:26 No, I'm sorry, I can't.
36:28 You admit there is something.
36:31 Yes, I admit that much.
36:34 Very well.
36:36 I won't press you any further.
36:38 May I go now?
36:40 Of course, child, of course.
36:42 Alice, did I see you in the drawing room?
37:06 Sit down.
37:18 Alice, Mrs. Peel is dead.
37:27 Oh, I'm very sorry to hear that.
37:29 Her son, Carrie, telephoned me.
37:31 Now, look, I want the truth.
37:34 Tell me, what do you know about this?
37:36 Why should I know anything about it?
37:39 Now, look, no lies now.
37:41 Hank Bowman of the bank was in touch with me.
37:43 You cashed $300 in traveler's checks there, didn't you?
37:47 Yes.
37:48 On Mrs. Peel's body, they found $300.
37:51 You gave Mrs. Peel that $300, didn't you?
37:56 Yes.
37:57 Why?
37:59 I was responsible for her losing her job.
38:02 When she needed money to get started someplace else,
38:05 I felt I should be helpful if I could.
38:08 Then you weren't bribing her to keep quiet about something as besuggested?
38:12 Were you there when Mrs. Peel died?
38:19 No.
38:20 But you were there sometime.
38:23 Yes.
38:24 Tell me exactly what happened.
38:27 I took a cab to her place.
38:29 I went upstairs.
38:30 I gave her the money.
38:31 And I left. That's all.
38:33 Now, listen, Alice, that cab driver who drove you to Mrs. Peel's,
38:37 if he should start putting all these things together,
38:40 we could all be in serious trouble.
38:42 He could describe you.
38:44 He knows what time he drove you there.
38:46 Can you tell me this?
38:47 Who knows what time you left?
38:49 Do you realize what I'm saying?
38:53 This is a murder case.
38:56 Alice, did you do it?
38:58 Did you kill Mrs. Peel?
39:00 Do you think that I did?
39:02 Never mind what I think. Just answer the question.
39:04 No, I didn't kill Mrs. Peel.
39:06 You can't be any help to the police at all.
39:11 I didn't see anybody there but Mrs. Peel.
39:14 But the money, the...
39:19 the earrings in the first place.
39:21 Alice, what's behind all this?
39:23 I told you.
39:24 Oh, you haven't?
39:25 I'm sorry. May I leave?
39:27 Hello, Walter?
39:52 Oh, I'm glad I caught you in it. This is great.
39:55 I'm sorry we're late. Something came up.
39:57 Let's talk about it after dinner, shall we?
40:00 Talk about what?
40:02 What's going on?
40:04 First Alice has secrets, now you two.
40:07 Everybody has secrets.
40:09 Please, Beatrice, this doesn't really concern you.
40:12 Then whom does it concern?
40:14 Alice?
40:15 Why should you be so concerned about Alice?
40:18 Always Alice.
40:19 Ever since she got here, you...
40:21 B, that'll be enough.
40:23 Just a moment, Greg.
40:25 Alice is my grandson's wife.
40:27 If this concerns her, I wish to hear it.
40:30 We'd rather hope to spare you, Mrs. Redfern.
40:33 But your Mrs. Peel is dead.
40:36 Go on, Walter.
40:39 Apparently, she was pushed down a flight of stairs by someone.
40:43 I think possibly you, Alice, might know who that person is.
40:47 Alice, I think you'd better explain.
40:50 I'll tell you all I can.
40:52 I will not be questioned further.
40:54 Please excuse me.
40:56 You can't just walk out.
40:58 Can't I?
41:00 If Alice knows anything, she must tell the police.
41:04 Must?
41:05 If I will get your attention, she won't.
41:07 Oh, what a disgrace.
41:09 Gregory, you have to make Alice tell you what she knows before it gets into the paper.
41:14 You'll all be in the papers unless we get the truth.
41:17 How do you get the truth out of that girl?
41:19 I tried.
41:21 You're not going to like my proposal, but it's the only way I know to handle this.
41:26 You're going to send a tray up to Alice, aren't you?
41:28 Surely.
41:30 I happen to know that Beatrice takes sedatives from time to time and that they're tasteless.
41:36 Isn't that right, Beatrice?
41:39 I think it ought to be possible to put enough into her food.
41:42 Oh, no, not enough to harm her in any way.
41:45 Simply to permit me to take her tonight to a friend who I think can be induced to help us.
41:52 He's a...
41:54 well, a sort of doctor.
41:56 You sure it wouldn't harm her?
41:59 Of course.
42:01 My friend would give her a bit of sodium pentothal.
42:05 She'd wake up feeling fresh and...
42:08 Well, you know, nowadays secrets are extracted as painlessly as teeth.
42:15 Bea, give me the sedatives.
42:19 Bea, come on, I know you've got them. They're in your pocket.
42:23 Beatrice, do as you've been told.
42:27 But, Mother, it isn't fair. It isn't right. You can't take a mind from her.
42:31 The sedatives.
42:33 [Music]
42:36 [Music]
42:40 [Music]
43:08 How are you, Tony?
43:09 Good. Say, tell me about Alice. Is she all right?
43:12 Well, that's just it, Tony. No one seems to know where she is.
43:15 I tried to contact you, but...
43:17 But what? Get it out.
43:19 She disappeared from your grandmother's house last Thursday around 7.15.
43:23 Seems she's mixed up in a homicide.
43:25 What the devil are you talking about?
43:27 The old woman at the house, Mrs. Peel, the cleaning woman?
43:29 Yes.
43:30 She was killed. The police think that Alice might be a witness.
43:34 So where is she?
43:35 We just don't know. You better phone the old man.
43:37 You phone him.
43:38 Tell him I've got enough to nail our friend Devon and his boss.
43:41 But first I've got to find Alice. Give me the keys to your car.
43:44 [Music]
43:47 Gran, what's happened here? Where's Alice?
44:04 Don't worry, Tony.
44:06 She kept your secret.
44:08 I don't care about that. I just want to know where she is.
44:11 They were going to drug her to force her to tell the truth.
44:15 They? Who's they?
44:18 Walter Devon.
44:20 It was his idea, of course.
44:22 And Gregory. And the others.
44:24 I couldn't allow that to happen in my house.
44:27 I went up to Alice's room to warn her.
44:30 I gave her some money.
44:33 Where is she?
44:34 Where they can't find her?
44:38 In a drug store in Los Angeles.
44:42 She worked in her father's drug store in Indiana.
44:45 Remember?
44:47 Gran, you're wonderful.
44:49 No, thank you.
44:51 I'm just a spoiled, selfish, egocentric old woman.
44:55 But I know what's right.
44:57 And I know what's wrong.
44:59 And what they were planning to do was wrong, Tony.
45:03 Do you know?
45:06 Not a thing.
45:08 Except that Alice has a secret.
45:12 I was curious, of course.
45:14 I even questioned her.
45:17 After she'd given your mother's earrings to Mrs. Peel.
45:21 But she wouldn't tell.
45:23 Not me or the others. No matter what they did to her.
45:27 And Tony, they did a great deal.
45:30 Now, Gran, you're sure that no one else knows where she is?
45:34 No one but us.
45:37 What's the address of the drug store?
45:41 Tony.
45:47 This is serious, isn't it?
45:50 Yes.
45:53 [♪♪♪]
45:56 Here he comes.
46:03 [♪♪♪]
46:06 Take one every two hours.
46:31 Mr. Ziegler?
46:33 Yes?
46:34 I'm looking for my wife, Alice Page.
46:36 We have an Alice Hanson.
46:38 That's her. Is she here?
46:40 In the stockroom. Alice?
46:43 Alice?
46:45 Yes, Mr. Smithing?
46:47 Tony!
46:49 Oh, Tony, thank God you're safe.
46:51 Are you all right?
46:53 Oh, I am now. Tony, I was so worried, not hearing, not knowing what was happening.
46:56 It's all over now, darling.
46:58 I'm so glad.
46:59 Gran told me what happened.
47:01 I'm proud of you, the way you kept my secret.
47:04 She said...
47:05 Yes, Tony. She kept it too well.
47:08 Lock it.
47:10 Too bad you double-crossed Korolek, Tony.
47:18 Now we're going to have to kill you.
47:21 Tell your friend to put the gun away, Devon.
47:24 You're all finished.
47:25 You think so?
47:27 I've had enough on Korolek's activities to put you all away.
47:30 But if they don't get the report, it won't do them any good, will it?
47:34 And you haven't had time to turn it in.
47:37 You don't know that.
47:38 Just stand there quiet, mister.
47:42 You just arrived this morning.
47:45 We figured that you'd go looking for your wife first.
47:49 Well, if we...
47:52 If we kill all three of you, nobody will ever know about that report.
47:56 They'll know you did this.
47:57 No, they won't.
47:59 It looked like a hold-up that went wrong.
48:02 All right.
48:04 Take care of the girl first.
48:06 I...
48:16 I've had this gun in the drawer for 20 years.
48:20 Never used it before.
48:23 Now, take it easy, darling. It's all right.
48:25 Don't leave, darling. Don't leave.
48:28 Mr. Ziegler, would you do one more favor for me?
48:30 What's that?
48:32 Fix my wife a tranquilizer while I call the police.
48:37 (Gasps)
48:40 (Groans)
48:43 (Gun cocks)
48:46 (Gunshot)
48:49 (Gunshot)
48:52 (Theme music playing)
48:56 (Theme music playing)
48:58 (Theme music playing)
49:00 (Theme music playing)
49:03 (Theme music playing)
49:06 (Theme music playing)
49:09 (Theme music playing)
49:12 (Theme music playing)
49:15 (Theme music playing)
49:18 (Theme music playing)
49:21 (Theme music playing)
49:24 (Theme music playing)
49:27 (Theme music playing)
49:29 (Theme music playing)
49:32 (Theme music playing)
49:35 (Theme music playing)
49:37 (Theme music playing)
49:41 (Theme music playing)
49:48 (Theme music playing)
49:51 (Theme music playing)
