Thriller (1960-61) S01 E18 'MAN IN THE CAGE' Philip Carey, Diana Millay, Eduardo Ciannelli, Barry Gordon | Hollywood Classics movie

  • last year
Episode aired Jan 17, 1961
Stars: Philip Carey, Diana Millay, Eduardo Ciannelli, Barry Gordon
An American comes to Tangier to search for his missing brother and becomes embroiled in the search for a missing cache of heroin
00:00 [Music]
00:19 Okay. Well, that does it. Let's get out of here.
00:22 One moment, Mr. Hudson. There is something more.
00:24 What's that? Where's that stuff?
00:29 What's in those cartons?
00:31 Something very valuable. Payment to our employer, not our business.
00:35 Look, my deal was to deliver the guns, that's all.
00:46 Now, whatever's in those cartons, I don't want any part of it.
00:49 [Speaking in foreign language]
00:51 Listen, you hear me? Get that stuff off the truck.
00:56 [Speaking in foreign language]
01:02 We must leave now. There's a patrol coming down the road.
01:04 No, no, no, wait a minute. Let's get this...
01:06 We have no time. The French got us or we could be killed.
01:09 Let's get this straightened out right now.
01:11 [Music]
01:21 [Music]
01:43 Why you stop?
01:44 I gotta get some rest. I can't even keep my eyes open.
01:47 No, no, no. You rest in Tangier.
01:50 What's the rush?
01:52 Those cartons?
01:55 I've got a pretty good idea what's in them.
01:58 I'm gonna stop at the first village we get to and call him, tell him to pick up this stuff.
02:02 But I gotta get some sleep.
02:05 You drive to Tangier.
02:07 Well, you're not gonna pull a gun on me.
02:10 [Music]
02:17 [Music]
02:27 [Music]
02:37 [Music]
02:52 The frightened young man in the truck speeding away from death on a road in Morocco is Noel Hudson, an American.
02:59 He fancies himself a soldier of fortune, running guns to a group of Arab nationalists.
03:06 But now, adventure has turned to terror.
03:09 Noel Hudson has good reason to be terrified.
03:13 There is some doubt that he will ever again be seen alive.
03:17 Well, what is the mysterious cargo that Noel is so frightened of?
03:22 As sure as my name is Boris Karloff, you'll learn the answer to that and many other mysteries in Morocco as you view
03:31 "The Man in the Cage" from the novel by John Holbrooke-Vance.
03:36 Our leading players are Mr. Philip Carey, Mr. Irene Bile, Master Barry Gordon, Mr. Theodore Marcuse, Mr. Al Ruscio, and Mr. Eduardo Cianelli.
03:54 Smuggling, murder, and North African intrigue are the exciting ingredients of this thriller.
04:02 [Music]
04:21 [Music]
04:31 [Music]
04:41 [Music]
04:59 [Music]
05:02 [Bell rings]
05:04 Customer.
05:06 I wired a reservation. My name is Darrell Hudson.
05:09 Oh, yes, Mr. Hudson. Welcome to Tangier, Mr. Hudson.
05:12 Thank you.
05:13 We have a very nice room for you, if you'll be so kind to register.
05:16 Have my bag sent up to my room. I'll be going out for a while.
05:25 Certainly, Mr. Hudson.
05:27 You pay me.
05:29 Hey, mister.
05:37 Yes?
05:38 Mr. Hudson, are you Noel Hudson's brother?
05:43 That's right. You know him?
05:45 Noel and me, we're like this.
05:47 Noel Hudson's brother just arrived.
05:52 When was the last time you saw Noel?
05:54 Three weeks.
05:56 I take you to Noel's place. He live in Medina.
05:59 What's the Medina?
06:01 Well, it's same like Casbah, like a movie.
06:04 Come with me to Casbah.
06:06 Like that.
06:07 What's your name?
06:09 Everybody call me Slip-Slip.
06:11 Well, come on, boss. I take you.
06:14 One dollar. Pretty cheap, huh?
06:17 [Music]
06:45 This is it, boss. One dollar, please.
06:47 You'll get it when I'm sure this is Noel's place.
06:50 You pretty smart cookie.
06:52 What do you want?
06:58 I believe Noel Hudson lives here.
07:00 Go away. I call the police. I want no trouble.
07:04 I'm Noel's brother.
07:06 You have proof?
07:10 I have a letter. Do you know his handwriting?
07:12 Show me.
07:14 [Music]
07:36 You will find nothing, monsieur.
07:38 Twice now the room has been broken into.
07:41 What were they looking for?
07:43 Oh, I don't know. Je ne sais pas.
07:45 Do you know who they were?
07:47 I don't know.
07:49 But that boy who is with you, he is a thief.
07:53 Could be one of those who broke in.
07:56 When did you last see Noel?
08:06 Three weeks ago.
08:08 Do you know where he went?
08:09 Oh, I do not ask his business.
08:11 The letter you have from him tells you nothing?
08:15 I haven't been able to find out where he mailed it from.
08:20 Maybe you can help.
08:22 The postmark is too blurred, monsieur.
08:32 You want me to hold the room for him?
08:40 Yes.
08:42 Do you know this woman?
08:49 No.
08:51 May I have my key, please?
09:03 Oh, yes, sir.
09:05 Just one moment, sir.
09:07 Mr. McKinstry.
09:10 [Doorbell rings]
09:12 This is Mr. Hudson.
09:17 Mr. Upshaw wants to talk to you.
09:19 Oh.
09:21 And who's Mr. Upshaw?
09:22 My uncle.
09:23 Congratulations.
09:24 You're looking for your brother, aren't you?
09:26 That's right.
09:27 Then I think you'd better talk to my uncle.
09:29 Perhaps I'd better.
09:32 Over here.
09:35 [Footsteps]
09:37 Mr. Upshaw?
09:43 Mr. Hudson.
09:45 Arthur Upshaw, your servant, sir.
09:47 This is Duff McKinstry, my nephew,
09:49 and Ellen McKinstry, my niece.
09:51 Lowell's brother.
09:54 I must say he was better looking.
09:56 Was?
09:58 Do you have a reason to use that tense?
09:59 Just the cynicism of the young, Mr. Hudson.
10:02 Drink?
10:03 No, thanks.
10:04 Ellen, if you don't mind, this is men's talk.
10:07 Good luck with the men, Mr. Hudson.
10:10 Well, sir, sit down.
10:16 Sit down.
10:17 Now, sir, about your brother.
10:23 You gave him a thousand dollars three weeks ago,
10:26 care of Tangier's Express.
10:28 He did not pick up the money.
10:29 They notified you, you were worried,
10:31 and so you've come here to find out what happened to him.
10:34 How do you know this?
10:36 We know these things.
10:37 That's true.
10:38 He sent me a letter, told me he was in trouble,
10:40 needed some money, wanted to come home.
10:42 Interesting.
10:44 Do you have the letter in your possession?
10:47 Yes.
10:48 As a matter of fact, parts of it puzzle me.
10:50 Maybe I can clear it up.
10:52 The letter, please.
10:54 Here.
10:55 It's a personal letter.
11:05 It wouldn't mean a thing to you.
11:07 My uncle has a right to see it.
11:08 Hold your tongue, Duff.
11:10 Mr. Hudson, I believe I do have a right to see the letter.
11:14 When he disappeared, Noel was in my employ.
11:17 What sort of work was Noel doing for you?
11:21 I had entrusted Noel to deliver a certain cargo for me.
11:24 He delivered the cargo and received payment in return.
11:27 And then he apparently, as you Americans say, flew the coop.
11:31 Then why don't you call the police?
11:34 I don't think that would be very practical.
11:38 You see, the transaction was an illegal one.
11:40 I'm a smuggler, sir.
11:42 Still a gentleman, I hope.
11:44 I gather the payment Noel received wasn't in cash.
11:48 What was it?
11:50 That's of no consequence.
11:51 I've told you everything I know.
11:53 Now I think you have an obligation to show me that letter.
11:56 I'm sorry, Mr. Upshaw. I don't think so.
12:00 I don't think there's anything in it that can help you.
12:02 I'll be the judge of that.
12:04 We're after two different things, Mr. Upshaw.
12:08 You're after your payment, whatever it is.
12:10 I'm after my brother, and I hope he's alive.
12:12 This letter seems to be my only bargaining asset.
12:14 I'll have to do this my way.
12:19 Cairn Dews is a very dangerous city.
12:21 A stranger on such a quest as yours might make a fatal error.
12:25 Is that a threat, Mr. Upshaw?
12:27 It's advice.
12:28 From one gentleman to another.
12:31 Your servant, sir.
12:33 Or the present.
12:35 Duff.
12:36 My uncle is a judgment, Mr. Hudson.
12:39 But I'm not.
12:41 Remember that.
12:42 Come in.
12:46 [music]
12:48 Yes, sir.
13:08 Martini, please.
13:10 Well, you came to the right place.
13:12 This is the martini capital of the world.
13:15 [music]
13:17 Uh, you wouldn't happen to know a Noel Hudson?
13:32 Yeah, yeah, I know him.
13:33 I haven't seen him in quite a while, though.
13:35 You Mr. Burnett?
13:37 Nope.
13:40 Mr. Burnett sells high-quality automobiles in case you need another silver-plated sports job.
13:44 Not just now.
13:45 I'm only in town long enough to locate my brother.
13:48 You Noel's brother?
13:50 That's right.
13:51 Well, I'm glad to know you.
13:52 My name is Phil Beresford.
13:53 What's Noel done?
13:56 I don't know.
13:58 He's disappeared.
13:59 Have you checked with Arthur Upshaw?
14:01 I used to work for him.
14:02 No.
14:03 Nothing.
14:04 Huh.
14:06 [rustling]
14:08 Where did you get that?
14:14 My name's Hudson.
14:15 But his name is Hudson.
14:17 Well, that's the way the system works.
14:19 Quite often brothers have the same last name.
14:21 When was the last time you saw Noel?
14:23 That one had a dinner date with me three weeks ago and never showed up.
14:27 Just call her T-Bone.
14:29 She likes steaks.
14:30 Big, thick ones.
14:32 Are you the brother that makes so much money building highways?
14:35 I'm an engineer.
14:37 Are you married?
14:39 T-Bone, lay off.
14:40 I saw him first.
14:41 You already married.
14:43 [shushing]
14:47 Your wife.
14:48 Monsieur Darryl Hudson?
14:50 Here.
14:52 There is a call at the desk for a Monsieur Darryl Hudson.
14:54 You can take it here.
15:01 Hello, this is Darryl Hudson.
15:02 Who's this?
15:03 My name is not important.
15:05 I have some information about your brother.
15:08 That might be helpful to you.
15:10 Can you come right over to my hotel?
15:12 That would be dangerous, Monsieur Hudson.
15:14 I was employed there as clerk until a week ago,
15:17 when Mr. Upshaw discharged me.
15:19 Where can we meet?
15:21 At my apartment.
15:23 Go to the medina.
15:25 Ask there for the house of the seven widows.
15:27 I am on the second floor.
15:30 The red door.
15:31 The red door at the end of the hall.
15:34 I understand. I'll be right there.
15:36 No, no, no, Monsieur Hudson.
15:37 In one hour.
15:39 Be sure you are not followed.
15:42 Be there at seven.
15:46 [Music]
16:09 Excusez-moi.
16:11 Maison seven widows.
16:14 Merci.
16:15 [Music]
16:44 [Screams]
16:45 [Music]
16:55 [Praying]
17:17 I'll get you some water.
17:20 [Praying]
17:36 [Music]
17:52 [Music]
18:21 [Screams]
18:28 Send a drink out to my room.
18:30 Make it a double.
18:32 Thanks.
18:34 [Music]
18:56 [Music]
19:25 That's pretty fast, sir.
19:26 Mr. Darrell Hudson.
19:28 I'm Inspector Labudia, the ten-year police mayor.
19:30 Come in, please.
19:31 I was just going to bed, Inspector.
19:33 So early?
19:34 For a tourist?
19:35 Especially an American.
19:37 You're quite the reek.
19:38 It won't take too long.
19:40 First of all, may I see your passport?
19:42 It's on the bed.
19:44 I hope there isn't any trouble, Inspector.
19:47 For an Inspector of Police, there is always trouble.
19:53 [Paper rustling]
19:54 A beautiful woman.
20:00 Oh, yes.
20:02 Your brother had a taste for beautiful women.
20:05 Had a taste?
20:07 You are seeking your brother, that is not so?
20:12 Yes.
20:20 This evening in the Medina, a man was tortured to death.
20:23 That's horrible.
20:25 Yes, he had been a clerk here until a week ago.
20:27 His name was Ali Artuf.
20:30 Oh?
20:31 Yes, he had been friendly with your brother.
20:34 Perhaps you and he had been in communication.
20:37 No.
20:39 Doesn't it seem to you, Mr. Hudson,
20:43 that the first thing one should do who is interested in finding a missing person
20:49 is contact the police?
20:50 I meant to, actually I haven't had the time.
20:53 Mr. Hudson, I have taken the liberty of booking you for passage
20:57 on the next open flight from Tangier, Thursday morning.
21:01 That's only 48 hours.
21:03 Why?
21:05 When American has disappeared under mysterious circumstances,
21:10 we do not want another to disappear, you understand?
21:13 You will be on that flight.
21:17 [Music]
21:23 You don't have to be ashamed of doing your own laundry, Mr. Hudson.
21:27 While traveling I've often been forced to do the same.
21:31 Good night, sir, and a pleasant journey home.
21:34 Good night.
21:37 [Music]
21:48 I got your message.
21:50 Well, sit down.
21:52 What's on your mind?
21:56 I'm supposed to persuade you to give up that letter,
21:59 even to the point of using my womanly wiles.
22:03 Think it might work?
22:05 Not right now. Thanks anyway.
22:07 If Uncle Arthur doesn't recover the goods your brother went west with,
22:12 he's bankrupt.
22:13 Me along with him.
22:15 You can always get a job.
22:17 That's a disgusting thought.
22:19 Breakfast will be ready as soon as Mr. Burdett and Mama finish their morning tea, Tate.
22:26 Thank you.
22:29 That's your breakfast?
22:33 I'm thoroughly dissolute,
22:35 to the point of being only too willing to double-cross Duff and Uncle Arthur.
22:40 With your help, of course.
22:42 Meaning what?
22:44 The package Noel disappeared with that Uncle Arthur was so reticent to discuss.
22:50 Any idea what it is?
22:52 No.
22:54 Heroin, Mr. Hudson.
22:57 Roughly one million dollars worth of pure heroin.
23:03 Noel wouldn't have anything to do with that kind of stuff.
23:05 Let's work together.
23:07 Give me the letter.
23:09 I have a car, I speak French and Arabic, and I know my way around.
23:12 We'll help each other, hmm?
23:14 Excuse me, boss.
23:17 I found the man who knows where his young brother is.
23:20 Where is he?
23:21 You come.
23:22 Excuse me.
23:25 [Gulping]
23:26 Boss, this is the man.
23:33 What do you know about my brother?
23:37 I know where he can be located.
23:39 You have proof?
23:41 No, not with me.
23:42 There is another man you must see.
23:44 Why didn't he come with you?
23:45 He's too old. Cannot travel.
23:48 Where is this man?
23:49 In Tires.
23:50 I take you in my car.
23:53 His name,
23:54 Gilali.
23:55 Gilali,
23:59 you say you know where my brother is?
24:01 See, here is proof.
24:12 This photograph,
24:13 taken one week ago.
24:14 Your brother, alive and well.
24:22 This picture was taken a year ago.
24:24 You cut the girl out of it.
24:26 What kind of a trick are you trying to pull?
24:28 Yes, it was a trick.
24:31 A foolish trick.
24:32 But we do know where your brother is.
24:34 The French have captured him.
24:36 We know a man who can get him released.
24:38 But in exchange, we must have the letter he sent you.
24:41 If the French had him, I'd know about it.
24:44 I should have realized all you want is that letter.
24:47 [Speaking Arabic]
24:48 Do you have the letter with you?
24:49 No, and it doesn't mention your stinking heroin.
24:52 Ah, then you do know.
24:54 You and your brother were partners to Saladay.
24:56 You're out of your mind.
24:57 And I'm getting out of here.
24:58 No, you cannot go.
24:59 You're gonna stop me?
25:00 Stop!
25:05 You're dying!
25:06 Your friend speaks enough English.
25:11 Sit down.
25:15 Raise your hands.
25:16 Raise your hands.
25:17 [Speaking Arabic]
25:26 [Speaking Arabic]
25:27 Where is the letter?
25:28 Remember the man in the house of the seven widows.
25:32 In your case, I can do even more.
25:34 No, I'll murder my brother, Kazim.
25:37 He left him in the desert for the vultures.
25:39 It is only right I do the same to his brother.
25:41 No, no!
25:42 Stop!
25:43 Stop!
25:44 Once more.
25:48 Where is the letter?
25:49 I mailed it to myself.
25:53 Cure of Tangier Express.
25:56 In Tangier?
25:57 In the october!
26:06 October!
26:07 You will write Tangier Express.
26:16 Tell them to give the letter to the man who brings your passport.
26:19 Write.
26:20 Write!
26:21 Turn around.
26:35 Get in.
26:36 Get in.
26:55 Look, you're going to get the letter what more you want.
26:59 Nothing.
27:00 If the letter helps us.
27:01 If not, we'll kill you.
27:03 If not, we'll see when we come back.
27:05 Do you know what happened to my brother?
27:07 No.
27:08 Meanwhile, this is a good place for you.
27:11 We keep the animals here.
27:12 Get in.
27:13 If you do not obey, I will kill you now.
27:17 You fool! You fool!
27:31 You fool!
27:32 You fool!
27:34 You fool!
27:36 (Sounds of a fire)
27:39 (Sounds of a fire)
27:41 (Sounds of a fire)
27:46 (Sounds of a fire)
27:51 (Music)
27:59 (Music)
28:01 (Music)
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28:15 (Music)
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28:49 (Music)
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30:00 (Music)
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30:30 (Music)
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30:55 (Music)
31:15 (Music)
31:17 (Music)
31:23 (Music)
31:30 (Music)
31:40 (Music)
31:42 (Music)
31:50 (Speaking in a foreign language)
31:55 Tell the old man to hand me his gun.
32:04 (Speaking in a foreign language)
32:07 (Speaking in a foreign language)
32:09 Now the letter, passport and wallet.
32:15 Quick now.
32:17 Okay, turn around.
32:23 This is impossible.
32:26 You were in the cage.
32:28 (Speaking in a foreign language)
32:31 I was.
32:33 What did he say?
32:35 He said you might as well kill us.
32:37 If you do not, our people will.
32:39 We have failed.
32:41 What do you mean your people?
32:43 Arthur Upshaw?
32:45 No, no, you do not understand.
32:47 Upshaw was to deliver us a certain number of weapons
32:49 in exchange for the heroin.
32:51 We only received two shipments out of a promised 20.
32:53 The letter really means a lot to you.
32:57 The letter means our lives.
32:59 Suppose I let you read it
33:03 and you give me straight answers.
33:05 Is it a deal?
33:07 (Speaking in a foreign language)
33:09 All right. What are your questions?
33:15 What was the name of the place
33:17 Noel delivered the guns?
33:19 El Masida.
33:21 Some 200 kilometers south.
33:23 He pick up the heroin in the same place?
33:25 Yes. And then he disappeared.
33:27 He was driving a truck, wasn't he?
33:29 A man can disappear into thin air, but a truck?
33:31 No, we have searched the whole area.
33:33 We know the spot where my brother was killed.
33:35 He drove from there, then,
33:37 to a hotel some 12 kilometers south.
33:39 He stayed at the hotel overnight.
33:41 Then in the morning, he drove away.
33:43 What was the name of the hotel?
33:45 The Régit d'Etape.
33:49 The letter.
33:53 You did not intend to let us read it, eh?
33:55 Help yourself.
33:59 (Rustling)
34:01 "Dear Darrell,
34:05 "trouble has caught up with me
34:07 "and I've got to yell for help.
34:09 "I need a thousand dollars
34:11 "to settle a few bills
34:13 "and buy a ticket home.
34:15 "Wire the money to me,
34:17 "care of Tangier Express.
34:19 "I'll collect when and if I get there.
34:23 "I just figured a way
34:25 "to copper my bets.
34:27 "I think I'll be safe as far as Tangier.
34:29 "See you soon, I hope.
34:31 "Noel."
34:33 Well, it says nothing.
34:37 That's what I told you.
34:39 (Speaking French)
34:41 Well, there is one question.
34:49 What he means,
34:51 "copper my bets"?
34:55 I wish I knew.
34:57 Uh, the gun, please.
35:01 I think I'll keep it.
35:05 Mr. Hudson?
35:08 Phil?
35:09 What do you have?
35:11 Well, boss, the man gave you word about Noel.
35:13 You learn something?
35:15 You keep your double-dealing carcass away from me.
35:18 Far away.
35:21 (Thud)
35:23 Nice going, Mr. Hudson.
35:27 That little beggar's the biggest pest in town.
35:29 Au revoir, Burdette.
35:32 Oh, Mr. Burdette.
35:36 Good evening, Mr. Hudson.
35:39 Uh, you got a good car to rent?
35:41 We sometimes make deals to lease cars.
35:43 I just want it for a day.
35:45 Where are you going?
35:46 I've got a tip about Noel.
35:47 Might not mean anything,
35:48 but I've got one day to check it out before I leave here.
35:50 Oh.
35:51 Well, I'll get you one of our demonstrators.
35:53 How soon do you want it?
35:54 Tomorrow morning will be fine.
35:55 Say, about seven?
35:57 I'll be waiting out front.
35:58 Good night.
35:59 Thank you.
36:00 How did you get in here?
36:16 I bribed the clerk.
36:18 Did you go through all my stuff?
36:23 I have to talk to you, Darryl.
36:25 Darryl?
36:26 Well, now it's those womanly wiles, huh?
36:29 Uncle Arthur kicked me out.
36:31 Why?
36:33 Because you couldn't get me to change my mind this morning?
36:36 I came here to warn you.
36:39 This letter of yours has become an obsession.
36:42 He'll get it if he has to kill you.
36:45 Nice of you to warn me.
36:47 Now what's your gimmick?
36:49 Gimmick?
36:51 Your angle.
36:52 Everybody in this town has got a gimmick.
36:55 If you'd pay for my passage to the States.
37:00 Good evening, Ellen.
37:15 [Door opens]
37:16 I don't remember inviting you in.
37:32 I'm afraid, Mr. Hudson, there's no longer time for the social amenities.
37:36 You're way over my head, Mr. Upshaw.
37:38 The letter, please. Now.
37:41 I thought I made myself clear on that.
37:44 Stop it!
37:45 Back up! Back up!
37:49 You push me one inch further and I'll load this thing in both of your...
37:52 Darryl!
37:53 Get out.
37:59 Move!
38:00 You'll regret this, Mr. Hudson.
38:06 You better go with him.
38:09 No.
38:11 [Door opens]
38:12 [Door closes]
38:15 You all right?
38:23 You're leaving tomorrow?
38:25 I guess so.
38:26 Then you're giving up.
38:28 No, I found out that Noel stayed overnight at a hotel called the Jete Op or something.
38:33 I've arranged for a car. I'm going there in the morning.
38:35 Why don't we go now?
38:38 I know the place and I have a car.
38:40 Why wait? We can be there in the morning.
38:42 You know something? I'm beginning to like you.
38:46 Oui.
39:03 C'est quoi, à t'il?
39:05 Twelve ten AM, he phoned the Balmoral Hotel Tangier, person to person for...
39:10 Mr. Duff McKinstry.
39:13 Duff obviously never got the call.
39:15 Well, somebody did look. There's a charge of twelve hundred francs.
39:18 He was there that night.
39:20 He and Uncle Arthur were eagerly awaiting Noel's arrival.
39:23 Midnight.
39:26 I think he was in the bar, but he never got the message.
39:29 Then somebody intercepted the message and used the information to hijack...
39:34 to hijack the stuff.
39:35 Have I earned the money, monsieur?
39:39 Just one more question.
39:40 Did he mail a letter from here to the United States?
39:42 Ah, that he would do in post, Duffy.
39:45 Just next door.
39:47 Please, do not bother. I will question the postmaster for you.
39:53 Bon.
39:55 [Door opens]
39:56 Allo, monsieur le Duke?
40:07 C'est Jean Duvel.
40:08 Écoutez, faites-moi le service de regarder votre livre pour le 16e du mois dernier.
40:14 Est-ce que un Marocain, il s'appelle Noel Hudson, a envoyé une lettre aux États-Unis?
40:21 Oui, merci, je t'enverrai.
40:24 [Humming]
40:27 Oui, j'écoute.
40:29 Une carte postale et des colis?
40:33 Pas que chose.
40:35 Ah, deux colis!
40:37 Bien, merci mille fois.
40:40 He did send the letter, monsieur.
40:51 Good.
40:52 Not only that, he also send two heavy cardboard boxes to Tangier.
40:59 Did he have the address?
41:01 Mais non, contents soap powder.
41:06 Not worth insuring, so no receipt.
41:09 I have earned the money, monsieur.
41:13 In spades, thanks.
41:15 Merci mille fois.
41:21 So that's what Noel meant by coppering his bets.
41:23 He sent the heroin ahead to Tangier safely by parcel post.
41:26 Why?
41:28 To save his life, I guess.
41:30 He thought he'd be allowed to live till whoever was got the stuff.
41:33 Noel got as far as here.
41:35 Then what?
41:37 I'm beginning to wonder how much farther he got.
41:40 Let's take the road back to Tangier, maybe we'll find some answers.
41:48 Whoever it was could have ambushed Noel at any blind curve in the road.
41:51 The person who got the phone message.
41:54 Right.
41:55 We're starting to pass some of those places now.
41:58 Let's see. I'm the hijacker.
42:16 I sit here and wait behind that rock.
42:18 Noel comes around that turn in the truck.
42:21 I still think he has the stuff with him.
42:24 I pick him off.
42:26 And afterwards I have to get rid of a truck.
42:29 The truck could stay hidden down there for years.
42:43 [Music]
42:46 [Music]
42:49 [Music]
42:51 [Music]
43:05 [Music]
43:07 [Music]
43:33 [Music]
44:01 [Music]
44:03 He was in the truck?
44:23 Shot through the head.
44:25 Why?
44:29 He didn't have the heroin with him.
44:31 They must have shot him before they knew that.
44:35 What a way to find him.
44:38 [Sigh]
44:40 The world was just a merry-go-round for Noel.
44:44 He was always reaching for the brass ring.
44:47 [Music]
44:55 I'd swear that car followed us all the way from Tangier.
44:59 Let them enjoy the ride. There's no point to it now.
45:01 Still the heroin, Ralph.
45:05 Where do you think he mailed it?
45:07 If it was me, I'd have mailed it to myself. We'll see.
45:10 And then we'll tell the police.
45:13 [Music]
45:21 [Music]
45:23 Excuse me.
45:47 [Music]
45:49 Oh, the poor. To die so young. I am very sorry.
46:09 The cartons are down here?
46:12 But of course. They came two days after he left. With a letter which said to keep them but to tell nobody.
46:18 This is why I didn't even tell you.
46:20 I was not sure.
46:22 Two lousy cartons of white powder and Noel had to die.
46:40 You wish to take them with you?
46:42 No. We'll have someone pick them up after we inform the police.
46:47 There it is. We were right.
46:58 We figured if we just followed you long enough, you'd lead us to the stuff.
47:03 Raise your hands.
47:05 See if he has a gun.
47:09 No, he doesn't.
47:10 So it was you who got the message Noel left for Duff.
47:13 May we? A message like that worth a million?
47:17 Someone had to take advantage of it.
47:20 Face the wall. All of you.
47:22 Look, you're dead. You've got what you wanted. There's no reason to kill us for it.
47:30 Turn around.
47:34 But we can't possibly leave you here to identify us.
47:38 You talk too much, Perrette. Go ahead.
47:41 They're dead.
47:44 Inspector, you should have been on that plane this morning, Mr. Hudson. You could very well have been killed.
48:00 How did you know we were here?
48:03 I called him.
48:04 You? I thought you were working for the other side.
48:07 Well, I work for them. I work for you. Also, I work for police.
48:13 Now, Inspector, you owe me 900 francs. And you owe me 12, 14, 16... 22 dollars.
48:28 Fuck.
48:29 Thanks, boss. Have a fine week.
48:37 [Music]
48:45 [Music]
48:52 [Music]
49:02 [Music]
49:12 [Music]
49:22 [Music]
49:32 [Music]
49:41 [Music]
49:49 (gunshot)
